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潍坊艺校2006-2007学年度第一学期期末考试 英语试题 (04小舞1、2、3)

第I 卷 选择题(共105分)


( )1. ---___ ---How about some flowers?

A. What should I get my sister?

B. What have you bought?

C. What are you going to do?

D. What shall we do?

( )2.--- Can you come and give us a talk on Thursday or Friday? ---I ’m afraid ___ day is possible.

A. either

B. neither

C. every

D. any

( )3. When they went into the park, they saw someone ___football.

A. plays

B. played

C. to play

D. playing

( )4.--Could you please help me with my homework? ---_______.

A. Sorry , I’ll do it right away .

B. No, thanks.

C. No, I don’t.

D. Sure, no problem.

( )5.I think there will be___ pollution but ___ trees.

A. less, less

B. fewer, more

C. more, less

D. less, more

( )6.---Do you mind if I use your telephone? ---_______.

A. Yes, do please.

B. Of course not.

C. Of course.

D. All right.

( )7. --- Must I stay here? ---________.

A .Y es, you may B. No, you must n’t C .No, you needn’t D .Y es, you need


)8. Jim never did anything, he ?

A. is B .was C . didn ’t D . did

( )9. There is a bookshop the left side of the street .

A . in B. on C. at D. to

( )10.---Have you finished reading Harry Potter V?

---___. I still have some pages.

A. Yes, I do.

B. No, I don’t.

C. Yes, I have .

D. No, I haven’t.

( )11. If he ___ harder, his English will be much better.

A. study

B. studies

C. will study

D. studied

( )12. ---Zhou Jielun is so cool. I ’m his fan. ---___.

A. So do I

B. So I do

C. So am I

D. So I am

( )13.---Don’t make any noise in the living room. My baby is sleeping.


A. Sorry, I won’t.

B. It doesn’t matter.

C. Excuse me, I’m wrong.

D. Certainly, I won’t. ( )14. ---- Do you often listen to __ radio? ---- No. I haven’t ___ radio.

A. a; the

B. /; a

C. the; a

D. a; a

( )15. Y ou’d better again .

A . not to be late B. not be late

C. to not be late D . be not late


Everyone keeps asking what kind of_16_ I want to do when I leave school. My mother doesn’t think I should apply for(申请) any job yet. She wants me to go to _17_in order to be a teacher. My father wants me to start working _18_his bank as a trainee(实习生). He says I could do the job to get some_19_. I don’t know if I want to work in a bank. I’ve been _20_about trying to sell some of my art.

16.______ 17. ______ 18. ______ 19. ______ 20. ______


In a New York street, a small truck hit a big tree. The truck was full of glasses and they were all _21_ now. The driver came out of the truck and looked at the broken glasses. He was very _22_. And people in the street were _23_ for him. Then an old man walked to the driver, looked at him for a few _24_ and said, “ My poor boy, I think you must_25_ a lot for it.”

“ Yes,” was the sad answer.

“ Well, well,” said the old man. “ Hold out your_26_. Here is some money for you, and I hope all the people around here will give you_27_, too.” With these words, the old man walked away. The driver held out his hat and more than 100 people came and put their money in it. At last the driver_28_ a bag and put all the _29_ in it. Then he looked at the people and said, “Well, thank you very much. I’m working for that old man and all these _30_ are made in his factory.”( )21. A. OK B. broken C. right D. nothing

( )22. A. sad B. happy C. afraid D. surprise

( )23. A. happy B. sorry C. angry D. excited

( )24. A. days B. hours C. minutes D. weeks

( )25. A. get B. cost C. take D. pay

( )26. A. hands B. bag C. glasses D. hat

( )27. A. a helping hand B. glasses C. a truck D. way

( )28. A. took back B. took out C. took away D. took off

( )29. A. bags B. glasses C. money D. hats

( )30. A. hats B. trucks C. glasses D. bags



Robert is 16 now. He’ll finish midd le school in two years. His father has a shop and a lot of money. He hopes his son can go to university and makes him study hard. But the young man likes to play at cards. He has to go out when his parents fall asleep. One night, when Robert came back, his father happened to see him. The man was very angry and told his son to live upstairs. Robert had to go up and down quietly. Of course, it troubled him. He thought and thought, but he didn’t find a way. Last evening Robert listened carefully. And he was su re his parents went to sleep; he went out to play at cards with his friends. He got some money in the card game and of course he was happy. Then he got back, took off his shoes and was going upstairs. He heard a noise in his parents’ bedroom. He stood behind the door and saw a man come out. He knew it was a thief. He stopped him at once. The man was very afraid and brought out all the things he had stolen in the room. “ T ell me how you didn’t wake my parents up,” said Robert. “ Or I’ll take you to the police station.”

( )31.R obert’s father wants Robert ___.

A.. to help his classmates

B. to be a good helper when he finishes his middle school

C. to study in a university

D. to work in his shop

( )32. Why does Robert go out at night?

A. Because his friends have no time in the daytime.

B. Because he can only play at cars when his parents fall asleep.

C. Because he can’t win in the daytime.

D. Because his parents let him do so after they fall asleep.

( )33. Why do Robert’s parents ask him to live upstairs?

A. Because they are old.

B. Because Robert doesn’t like any noise.

C. Because the rooms upstairs are better than the ones downstairs.

D. Because they can hear if Robert goes out at night.

( )34. Robert listened carefully because he wanted to know___.

A. if his parents went to sleep

B. if he woke his parents up

C. if it was raining hard outside

D. if someone came in

( )35. Robert wanted ___.

A. to stop playing at cards

B. to know how to make money

C. to learn how he could not wake his parents up

D. the thief to teach him how to steal


Krylov was born in Russia in 1763. He was a fat and short man and he looked black. But he wrote two hundred and five fables (寓言) in his life. The poor liked reading them but the rich hated. they did their best to insult him. Krylov always hit them back hard and the enemies failed at last.

One afternoon it was very hot. Krylov couldn’t stay at home and went out for a walk. Walking along the bank, he was thinking of a new fable. Suddenly he heard two young men who wore beautiful clothes laughing.

“Oh, look!” said one of them. A black cloud is coming towards us.”

The other young man looked up but he saw nothing in the sky. He felt strange and wanted to say something. His friend pointed to Kryolv, and he understood all at once and they laughed more loudly. Krylov know what it meant.

“You’re right, young men,” he said. “No wonder(难怪) I’ve heard the cry of the toads(癞蛤蟆)!”

( )36.Krylov was___________.

A. a German teacher

B. a German write

C. a Russian teacher

D. a Russian writer

( )37. The rich disliked Krylov because________.

A. the couldn’t understand his fables

B. he was born in a poor family

C. he was on the side of the poor

D. he wasn’t polite to them ( )38.The word “insult” in the story means_________.

A. 欺负

B. 侮辱



( )39.As_______,Krylov went out for a walk.

A. it was hot in the room

B. he had to think of the fable

C.he wanted to laugh at the two young men

D. he wanted to listen to cry of the toads

( )40. As________,the two young men regarded Krylov as a black cloud.

A.he didn’t find them

B. he was walking forwards

C. he was fat and black

D. he was singing on the bank


( )41. Ching wrote the letter to ___.

A. look for an English teacher

B. look for right courses

C. look for a job

D. buy a computer

( )42. Ching can’t go to college because___.

A. he is very busy

B. he can’t study very well

C. his family is poor

D. he doesn’t like studying

( )43. From the letter, we can know Ching may be a ___.

A. doctor

B. student

C. teacher

D. sales assistant ( )44. Which course is the best for Ching?

A. Social English and vocabulary.

B. English with basic computer skills.

C. Business studies with basic computer skills.

D. No courses. ( )45. What day is English with basic computer skills on?

A. Monday and Sunday

B. Monday and Tuesday

C. Monday and Wednesday

D. Monday and Thursday



Once upon a time there lived a rich man and a poor tailor(裁缝) in the same house.The rich man lived upstairs and the poor tailor lived downstairs.

The tailor liked to sing when he made clothes. He sang one song after another. But the rich man liked to sleep a lot, and the singing made him angry.

One day,the rich man said, “Tailor, I will give you a bag full of money every day if you s top singing.” “Fine”, said the tailor. And so the tailor stopped singing and became richer and richer. But the more money he got from the rich man, the more unhappy he became. Because he wanted to sing again very much.

At last he brought all his money back to the rich man. “Here,” he said, “take

your money back. I can’t be happy if I can’t sing.” And so he gave the money back to the rich man and went away singing. He sang and sang and was happier than ever before.

( )46.A rich man and a poor tailor lived in the same house.

( )47.The rich man lived downstairs.

( )48.The tailor liked to sing when he made kites.

( )49.The rich man liked to listen to the tailor’s singing.

( )50.The singing made the rich man very happy.

( )51.The rich man gave much money to the poor tailor to make him not sing.

( )52.At last the tailor stopped singing.

( )53.The tailor became a rich man at last.

( )54.The tailor didn’t make clothes any more.

( )55.The tailor liked singing better than money.



A: Hi, Lucy. How are you feeling? B: Why, Tom! 56 ?

A:I was talking with Helen yesterday and she told me you had been ill. _57_

B: I don’t know. But I felt terrible yesterday. I’m feeling much better now. A: What did the doctor say ?

B: The doctor told me to take the medicine, and stay in bed and have a good rest.

A: 58

I’m sure you’ll be fine soon. B: 59

A: I’m afraid I must be going now. 60 B. Thank you for coming to see


56._________57. _________58. _______59. ________ 60 . _________

第II 卷( 共45分) 五、词汇考查。根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,使句子通顺,


1、I need some money to p________for summer camp.

2、It ’s difficult to make p________about the future.

3、The old man makes a l________by selling newspaper.

4、When we are in the reading room, we must keep q________

5、It ’s really a big s____. Such as a small boy can lift such a heavy box .

6、When she stands in front of many people, she feels very n________.

7、Taking care for our e________ is very important.

8、If he r________ out of his money, his parents will be unhappy.

9、Everyone in our class went to Kim ’s party e________ Tom.

10、He hopes to get a c________ to be out of China.


(10分) 1、—Is Mr Lee your English teacher? —Yes, he_______(teach )us English for two years.

2、At the________ (barber),a young man is cutting hair.

3、He spent two hours ________(write )a letter.

4、It ’s not polite to have an ________ (argue)with your parent

5、.They had fun________ (visit)the Great Wall.

6、The more sports you do, the________ (health)you are.

7、There is a________ (fly)to Sanya on Sunday.

8、My father told me the sun________ (go)up in the east.

9、There________ (be)a surprise party ,won ’t there?

10、I ’m________ (true)sorry about what I have done.


(计10分) 用所给动词的适当形式完成短文。答案填在题后的横线上。 It’s easy for people to_1_ (catch) cold in winter or

spring . But we can also do a lot _2_ (stay) healthy. Here is some advice.

Wash your hands often, and it will stop germs(细菌) _3_(pass) from one person to another. _4_(not use) your hands when coughing. Use a tissue (纸巾), and then throw it away at once. Turn your head away from people near you when you _5_(cough). Get some fresh air. Germs like staying in wet and warm rooms. So you’d bette r _6_(keep) your window open at night when you are sleeping , or you _7_(not have) enough fresh air. If flu (流感) is going around your house or

school, you should _8_(try) to stay away from those who _9_(be) ill . Boil (煮沸) y our towel (毛巾) for about a minute to _10_(kill) germs.


2. ___________

3. ____________

4. ____________ 5 ._____________

6. __________

7. __________

8. _____ _______

9. ___________ 10 .____________


(计15分) 根据提示及表格信息,写一篇语法正确、意思连贯、符合逻辑的英语短文。(60---80词)



假设你是李冰,今年暑假你将参加学校组织的赴澳大利亚“绿色之旅”I’m very glad to introduce myself to you.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That’s all . Thank you for listening.




1-5 ABDDD 6-10 BCDBD 11-15 BCACB


16-20 CBEDA 21-25 BABCD 26-30 DABCC


31-35 CBDAC 36-40 DCBAB 41-45 BADBC 46-50TFFFF



56-60 EAFCD










9.except 10.chance


1.has taught








9.will be 10.truly

七、动词应用。(计10分, 每小题1分)

1. catch

2.to stay


4. Don’t use

5. are coughing.

6. keep

7. won’t have

8. try

9. are 10. kill


One possible version:

Dear friends,

I’m very glad to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Bing. I’m fourteen years old. I live in Beijing. One of my favorite subjects is biology. I’m interested

in drawing. In my spare time, I often go camping, draw some pictures of plants, and enjoy the singing of birds in nature. I want to be a biologist when I grow up.

I feel lucky to join you. I hope we can be good friends and do our best to make our earth more beautiful and much greener.

That’s all. Thank you for listening.


一级 1. 所写内容符合所提供的各种信息;

2. 句子正确通顺,或只有个别小错误;

3. 单词拼写错误不超过4个。(13—14分)

二级 1. 所写内容与所提供的各种信息基本符合;


3. 单词拼写错误不超过6个。(10--12分)

三级 1. 所写内容与所提供的信息基本符合;

2. 句子表达错误较多,但尚可读懂;

3. 单词拼写错误不超过10个。(7--9分)

四级 1. 所写内容与所提供的各种信息差别较大;

2. 只有部分句子表达正确;

3. 单词拼写错误较多。(5—6分)

五级 1. 所写内容与所提供的各种信息不相符。

2. 只有个别词语可读,但通篇不知所云。(4分以下)



Unit 1What's the matter? Language Goals Learn to talk about health problems and accidents. Give

本单元教材以“What's the matter?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“身体状况”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache./What's the matter with Ben? He has a sore back./Do you have a fever?No,I don't./What should I do? You should take your temperature./ Should I put some medicine on it? Yes,you should.等。让学生知道怎样表达身体的不适及正确地处理生活中的一些事情。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师生之间的感情。Section A 主要学习怎样表达身体的不适并给出合理性的建议。应掌握句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache.What should I do?等。短文“Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man”介绍了一位公共汽车司机及乘客救一位老人的故事,增加了学生的阅读量。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Key Points【教学重点】 The vocabulary: matter,throat,foot,stomach,toothache,headache,have a stomachache,have a cold,lie down,take one's temperature,have a fever,go to a doctor Target language: 1.What's the matter? I have a stomachache. 2.What should I do? Should I take my temperature? 3.I think you should lie down and rest. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Use the target language above to talk about health problems and give advice. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 an English book,a tape recorder and CAI Teaching Steps【教学过程】 ★Step 1Preview and perception【预习感知】 Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。 1.—What's the matter with her? —She has a very sore t______ now. 2.He ate too much,so he had a s______. 3.If you feel tired,you should l______ down and rest. 4.If you ______(咳嗽),drink some hot tea with honey. 5.He wants to see a dentist,because he has a ______(牙疼).


1. how often 多久一次 2. as for sth/doing sth 至于,关于 3. of course=certainly=sure 当然 4. look after=take care of=care for照顾 5. hardly ever 很少 6. surf the Internet 网上冲浪 7. the results of the student activity survey 学生活动调查结果 8. be good for my health 对我的健康有益9. her eating habits 她的饮食习惯10. want us to eat junk food 想让我吃垃圾食品11. exercise twice a week 一周锻炼两次12. go skateboarding 去滑板13. come home from school 放学回家14. try to eat a lot of vegetables 尽量多吃蔬菜15. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式16. keep in good health=keep healthy=be in good health 保持身体健康17. improve your English 提高你的英语水平 18. shop three or four times a month 一个月购物三次或者四次 19. have a cold 感冒20. have a stomachache 胃疼 21. have a toothache 牙疼22. have a fever 发烧 : 23. have a sore throat 喉咙疼24. have a sore back 背疼 down and rest 躺下休息 a dentist 看牙医 tea with honey 带蜂蜜的热茶stessed out 有压力的,紧张的29. at the moment 此时,现在30. not…until 直到……才 31. host family 寄宿家庭9. have a healthy lifestyle 有健康的生活方式 a balanced diet 膳食平衡 \ keep healthy 保持健康Chinese doctor传统中医 35. need some conversation practice 需要一些对话练习 二、句子 1. How often do you go to the movies 你多久看一次电影 】 2. What does she do on weekends 她周末做什么 She often watches TV. 她经常看电视。 3. Some students are very active and exercise every day. 一些学生很活跃每天锻炼。 4. The results for“watch TV” are interesting. "看电视”这一调查结果很有趣。 5. She says eating more meat is bad for our health.


2020合肥四中八年级下学期英语泛读 Sentrygun8 (一) One day the students are having their painting lessons. Everyone is busy drawing pictures. Xiao Ming is doing nothing. When the bell rings for the break, Xiao Ming gives his picture to the teacher. The teacher looks at it and gets angry. “Why d o you give me a piece of paper with nothing on it?” asks the teacher. “I am sorry, sir,’’ says Xiao Ming. “I draw a dog and some bread on the paper.” “Where is the dog and the bread?’’ asks the teacher again. I draw some bread first. When I finish drawing the dog , she eats up the bread .When I give it to you, she runs away,” says Xiao Ming . (二) Joan goes to school at seven in the morning. Now s he is waiting for the bus with her friends . “The bus is coming ,”says Joan.. The big old school bus is stopping at the bus stop. The boys and girls are getting on it .They go to school by bus. They get off the bus and go into the school. After school, Joan looks for their bus. But their bus isn’t there now. She sees a new bus but not theirs. Her friends are saying to her, “How do you like the new bus, Joan? Come on! We are waiting for you.” Joan goes to the new bus. She gets on it. All her friends are in the bus. They go home in the new bus.


Unit1 period 1 教学内容:Vocabulary 语言知识目标:学会以下词汇: raise permission disabled teenager offer suffer illness organize express pain lonely friendship difficulty joy hurt (hurt, hurt)( courage spirits pay (paid, paid) community in need voluntary work ask permission suffer from raise one‘s spirits in order to 语言技能目标:1、学会用音标记单词 2、学会单词的构词法和分析单词的规律 学习策略:1.游戏教学(大小声) 2.竞赛(首字母抢答。念中说英,念英说中) 情感态度:学会用赏识的眼光去鼓励每位学生说英语。 Step1 : 复习英标 Step2 :单词教授 raise permission… Game : high and low./Simon said→silent I said →say quickly Listen to the tape . Step3 : 复习巩固 Read together Read in group Say English/Say Chinese Step 4: 拓展 competition (首字母抢答) Step 5 : Homework for today 1 、朗读单词 2、抄写单词→预习课文(译P3)

period 2 教学内容:Reading 教学目标:语言知识:初步了解篇章的结构 语言技能:根据上下文语境猜测词义。 初步理解文章脉络了解三篇汇报 学习策略:运用略读策略,了解大致内容 情感态度:树立服务他人,保护弱者的意识。 教学重点:根据上下文语境猜测词义。 教学难点:通过初步阅读了解文章大意 教学过程:step1:导入 1.学生观察PPT展现的图片-爱心,展开议论。 老师提问:1Have you ever help others before? 2Why do you help others? 3How do you feel when you give others a hand? give sb a hand= help sb 2.Can you guess what we will learn in this unit? --voluntary work 3.What do you know about…? pictures : a helping disabled people b. c. d. (理解图片,理解短语意思进行配对) step2:新课展现 1.(看图片,作者的名字和三篇汇报的第一句话。完成阅读前)


山东省潍坊商业学校2015年春季招生考试录取方案 春季招生考试录取的目的是测试学生的综合素质以及适应职业教育能力和发展潜能,是学校根据专业培养要求选拔人才提高生源质量的有利途径,也是宣传扩大学校办学影响力的重要举措。春季招生考试坚持“公正选拔、公开程序、综合评价、择优录取”的原则,做到考试科学适用、组织严密规范,选拔职业潜质较高,适应中等职业教育的初中毕业生进入我校学习。学校高度重视此项工作,特拟定如下方案。 一、组织机构 成立春季招生考试录取领导小组和春季招生考试录取评分小组。 1.领导小组 组长:于建平 副组长:陈兆坊、孙中升 组员:王戈弋、冯乐尧、栾玉梅、刘韶丽、谭宝军、赵中泰、范守才、葛玉珍、毛艳丽、魏亚丽 2.考试评分小组 组长:王戈弋、冯乐尧、栾玉梅 成员:刘韶丽、谭宝军、赵中泰、范守才、葛玉珍、毛艳丽、魏亚丽、赵金英以及各系副主任和专业教师 主要承担笔试、面试组织和计分工作。 二、考核内容 春季招生考试录取内容分为两项:笔试和面试。 1.笔试 主要测试语文、数学两门课程。笔试采用一张试卷,考试时间60分钟,满分60分。 2.面试 面试注重考查学生的形体礼仪、语言表达等基本素质、专业兴趣和相关能力。面试时间为每人5分钟,满分40分,面试内容及各模块分值如下: (1)举止仪表(20分) 主要考核学生的仪容仪表、涵养、礼节等基本素养。 (2)口头表达(10分) 能根据面试题目要求,口头表达方式进行叙说;能做到观点正确,中心明确;内容具体,结构完整;语言通顺、连贯、得体。 (3)其他素质(10分)

用问答形式,由面试老师现场提问,学生经过思考快速作答。考察学生人际交往能力、应变能力、综合分析能力等。 三、考试时间 春季招生考试录取分两批次进行,分别为3月27日和4月17日。具体时间安排:面试:8:30-10:30 笔试:10:30-11:30 四、考核流程 1. 面试。学生凭招生处发放的报名登记表和本人身份证件(或初中学校学生证件),按学校春季招生考试考场安排到面试候考室排队签到,根据签到先后确定面试顺序。 (1)候考。学生按面试号在候考室就座。 (2)面试。按学生面试号顺序叫号,叫到号码的学生进入面试考场,面试时间为5分钟。面试方式采用谈话方式进行,即由三位教师共同面试一名学生。面试结束后,学生须立即离开面试考场,与未面试学生不能有任何接触。 2.笔试。学生凭招生处发放的报名登记表和本人身份证件(或初中学校学生证件),按学校春季招生考试考场安排到指定考场参加笔试。 五、考核结果 1.评分。笔试采取统一阅卷的方式,面试由教师现场打分。 2.计分。由评分人员收齐学生笔试面试成绩后,进行录入、核对,并按比例计分后,由春季招生考试录取领导小组确定录取名单。 3.公示。考试后第二天在我校校园网站公示录取学生名单。 山东省潍坊商业学校 2015年3月17日


八年级下册英语教案 Unit 1 What’s the matter? Teaching goals: 1.词汇.让学生熟记这些单词,能够很熟练地指出表示身体部位的某些 单词. 2.能够用所学的单词谈论身体并且能给出中肯的建议. 3.通过听力练习,争取能够提高学生的听力能力. Important points: 1.words . 2.Sentences: I have a headache. You should go to bed. He has a stomachache. He shouldn’t go to bed. She has a toothache. She should see a dentist. Difficulty points: How to talk about the health and give the advice . Period 1 Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1.sing a song and do some actions 2.Play a game and revise some words we have learned. 3.(Today we’ll learn some parts of the body .) Look at the picture and teach new words. Step 2 Pre-task 1.Read the new words by the Ss first . 2.Then check the Ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly .if there is a mistakes ,correct . 3.Practice reading the new words .Give them 6 minutes . 4.Have a competition between boys and girls .Write the words you remembered just now on the blackboard . Page7, 1a.Do this part by the Ss first. Write the correct letter after the name of each body part on the list Play a game .All the Ss close your books ,we’ll have a instructor to say :Touch your nose /head /right ear … .Let’s see which student do it correctly and quickly .First all the Ss do this game .Then have competitions between boys and girls .5 boys and 5girls to the front to do

人教版英语八年级下8BUnit 1 教案课时3

Unit1 What’s the matter? Section A 3 (Grammar focus – 4c) 教学目标 1. 通过练习,巩固所学的表示身体不适及建议的短语和句型。 2. 能够运用所学语言知识表达自己的一些情况。 教学内容 Review the expressions about health problems and advice. 重点难点 1. The grammar:how to use “should”. 2. To memorize the expressions about health problems and advice. 教学思路 本课的教学内容是人教版八年级英语下册第一单元的第三课时,Section A的(Grammar focus -4c) 部分主要是先通过观察、分析Grammar Focus句型的特点,总结规律,然后通过练习,对这些内容加以巩固。对4a-4c这部分练习,应让学生先独立完成,再核对答案,纠正他们的错误,以加深记忆和理解。 教学准备 multimedia, blackboard, tape-recorder 教学过程 Step 1Revision (Guessing game) Look at the pictures, guess what has happened and revise the important points the students have learned. Step 2Grammar focus

1. Read aloud the sentences in the Grammar Focus. And find out some common collocations such as “have a cold”, “hurt myself”, ”take/ get an X-ray”, “see a doctor”, ”put some medicine on it”. 2. How to use “should”. 情态动词should和can, may, must 一样,没有人称和数的变化,有词意,但都不能单独作谓语,必须和后面的动词原形一起构成谓语。基本意思是“应当,应该”,常用来表示建议或命令等。如: You should work harder. 你应该更努力地工作。 否定式和疑问式的构成与can,may, must一样。如: You shouldn’t play soccer in the street. 你们不应该在街上踢足球。 Who should pay the taxi driver? 谁应该付出租车钱? 注意:常用句型“You should/shouldn't do sth.”表示“建议某人(不)做某事”。其他表示“建议”的句型还有: Why not do sth.? /Why don’t you do sth.? /How about doing sth? /What about doing sth? /It’s a good idea to do sth. /You’d better do sth. should作为情态动词用,常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等,有“竟会”的意思,例如:How should I know? 我怎么知道? Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚? should有时表示应当做或发生的事,例如: We should help each other. 我们应当互相帮助。 我们在使用时要注意以下几点: (1) 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如: You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。 (2) 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如: You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服,你最好去看医生。

新版新目标八年级上英语教案Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation

《Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 》 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 —yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 三、教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 四、教学方法: Task-based and communicative teaching methods. 五、授课时间:8.24——9.3 六、课时安排:8课时 七、教学过程: Period 1 Section A (1a-2d)


Unit 1 What’s the matter? 1.……26路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一位老人躺在路边。 …bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. 2.我正要冲澡,就在这个时候电话响了起来。 I was just getting into the shower when the telephone rang. 3.他们进去的时候,看到一些孩子正在花园里高兴地玩耍。 When they went in, they saw some children playing happily in the garden. 4.我们看见他独自站在那里,不知做什么是好。 We saw him standing there alone, not knowing what to do. 5.公交司机……没有多想便停下了车。 The bus driver… stopped the bus without thinking twice. 6.在我们做出这个决定之前,必须认真思考! We must think twice before we make this decision! 7.好好想想,也许你会改变主意的。 Think twice about it. Maybe you’ll change your mind. 8.多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命。 Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors waved the man in time. 9.如今多亏有了互联网,你在家里就能买到你所要买的东西了。 Today, thanks to the Internet, you can do all your shopping from home. 10.因为你们的节目,我们方能相互认识。 Thanks to your program, we got to know each other. 11.有好多次,阿伦差点因为意外丢掉性命。 There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents.


人教版八年级下册英语教案unit1 课题:Unit One What’s the matter? Period 1 Section A (1a-2d) 一、Teaching date: 二:学情及教学内容分析: 主要讨论的话题是询问某人的健康状况以及遇到麻烦的表达方法。本单元涉及到大量的表示人体部分的单词以及关于身体某部位不舒服的短语。此外,本单元还涉及到党当人身体不适时,医生、朋友或亲人提出的意见的表达法。本单元共有阅读类文章两篇,文章的主体时态都为一般过去时。主要句型为.What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they…do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…?”“I have a headache/stomachache/toothache.”“Does she/he/ have a fever/cold/toothache…?”总的来说,本单元的相关语法知识并不难。 教学目标: 三:教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词以及短语:matter, sore, have a cold, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down, rest, cough, toothache, headache, break, hurt, enough water, take breaks away from, all weekend, take one’s temperature, in the same way, go to a doctor, see a dentist, 2) 能熟悉以下句型: What’s the matter with…?” “What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?” “I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…” 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 教会学生关心他人,培养同学间团结、友善的精神。 四:教学重难点 掌握相关的单词和词组,并能够灵活运用会使用以下句型:“What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…” 五:教学流程: Step1 Greet the whole class as usual.


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Ⅰ.Analysis of teaching materials: This unit is around "Holidays and vacation”to carry out teaching activities.Students should learn to use past tense to talk about holiday activities. The content is close to students’lives,it’s also a topic that students are willing to discuss and share with others .So in teaching process ,we can consolidate the key sentences “Where did you go on vacation? Did you …How …”through different methods such as pair work ,acting , reporting and interviews. Students can consolidate and study further about the past tense on the basis of original.Students can also use the past tense to write a diary about their vacations. Ⅱ.Teaching Aims: 1.Knowledge aims: ①Ss talk about travel activities correctly using “where” and “how”. ②Ss master questions with auxiliary “did”and the answers to the questions. ③Ss learn to express their feelings correctly. 2.Ability aims:: ①Ss can ask and answer questions about the things in the past using the past tense. ②Ss can use description words to express their feelings. ③Ss can record a vacation in a form of a diary and express their feelings about the vacations. 3Emotional aims: Ss get to know more about each other through the exchange of what they have seen, heard and felt. Ss learn to express their feelings in a better way. Ⅲ.Teaching important and difficult points 1、Ss master and use the vocabulary and expressions. 2、Ss master general questions and special questions and the answers to the questions. 3、Ss master the past tense of regular and irregular verbs . Ⅳ.Teaching arrangements 1.Section A 1a~2c 2. Section A 2d~3c 3. Section B 1a~1e 4.Section B 2a~2e 5. Review of Unit 1. 3a~Self check 2 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?


2020年山东省潍坊市部分学校高考地理模拟试卷(3月份) 一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共30.0分) 1.位于俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国东部卡马河畔的切尔内市,是俄罗斯主要工业中心之一。2019年8 月,海尔洗衣机互联工厂在切尔内市海尔俄罗斯工业园正式投产。2018年全球洗衣机市场品牌零售量数据显示,海尔洗衣机第10次蝉联全球第一。海尔直接在俄罗斯境内开设互联工厂,将更好服务俄罗斯全境1.4亿消费者。据此完成1-3题。 海尔洗衣机互联工厂投资于切尔内市,主要考虑的是切尔内市() A. 产业基础较高 B. 邻近中亚各国 C. 交通四通八达 D. 缓解就业压力 2.位于俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国东部卡马河畔的切尔内市,是俄罗斯主要工业中心之一。2019年8 月,海尔洗衣机互联工厂在切尔内市海尔俄罗斯工业园正式投产。2018年全球洗衣机市场品牌零售量数据显示,海尔洗衣机第10次蝉联全球第一。海尔直接在俄罗斯境内开设互联工厂,将更好服务俄罗斯全境1.4亿消费者。据此完成1-3题。 海尔集团在俄罗斯投资洗衣机互联工厂,凭借的是() A. 营销力度大,销路广 B. 产品质量高,信誉好 C. 研发投入多,产量大 D. 自动化生产,效益高 3.位于俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国东部卡马河畔的切尔内市,是俄罗斯主要工业中心之一。2019年8 月,海尔洗衣机互联工厂在切尔内市海尔俄罗斯工业园正式投产。2018年全球洗衣机市场品牌零售量数据显示,海尔洗衣机第10次蝉联全球第一。海尔直接在俄罗斯境内开设互联工厂,将更好服务俄罗斯全境1.4亿消费者。据此完成1-3题。 海尔洗衣机互联工厂投产对当地经济发展的有利影响有() ①合理调整工业布局②推动第三产业发展③美化绿化城市环境④促进产业结构调整升级 A. ②③ B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ①④ 4.近年我国生活垃圾产生量迅速增长,环境隐患日益突出。主动参与生活垃圾分类,共建绿色、 美好家园,是每一位公民义不容辞的责任。如图示意生活垃圾不同处理方案的工作流程。据此完成第4-5题。 各类垃圾与处理方案匹配正确的是() A. 塑料纸张--方案① B. 废旧电池--方案② C. 尘土烟蒂--方案③ D. 剩菜剩饭--方案④ 5.近年我国生活垃圾产生量迅速增长,环境隐患日益突出。主动参与生活垃圾分类,共建绿色、 美好家园,是每一位公民义不容辞的责任。如图示意生活垃圾不同处理方案的工作流程。据此完成第4-5题。


八年级期末复习资料重点句型 Unit1 Will people have robots? 1. Will people use money in 100years? 一百年后人们还会使用钱币吗? 2. There will be less leisure time. 空闲时间会更少。 3. I think there will be more pollution. 我认为将会有更多的污染产生。 4. What do you think Sally will be in five years? 你认为萨莉5年之后将会是什么样子? 5. I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 我去年去了上海,并且喜欢上了这座城市。 6. I can't have any pets because my mother hates them. 我不能养宠物,因为我妈不喜欢他们 7. I'll probably go skating and swimming every day. 我会每天都去滑冰和游泳。 8. I'll go to Hong Kong on vacation.我会去香港度假。 9. What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? 你认为明天的天气怎样? Unit 2what should I do? 1. What should I do? You could write him a letter. 2. What should he do? Maybe he should say sorry to him 3. What should they do? They shouldn't argue. 4. She has the same haircut as I do. 她和我有相同的发型。 5、Everyone else in my class was invited except me. 除了我以外,我们班其他别的人都接到了邀请6、I can’t think what I did wrong. 我真想不出我做错了什么。 7、I’m very upset and don’t know what to do.我很沮丧,不知该干什么。8、There are a lot of things you could do. 有许多你能做的事。 9、You left your homework at home.你把你的作业落在家里了。 10、You should try to be funny. 你应该试着幽默一些。 11、Their school days are busy enough. 他们的学校生活是够忙的。 Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 1. You can imagine how strange it was! 你可以想象这事有多惊奇! 2. I followed it to see where it was going 我跟随它想看看它将要去哪里。 3. She didn’t think about looking outside the station. 她根本没有考虑到站外去寻找。 4. It was difficult for me to get out of bed. 对于我来说从床爬起来很难。 5. Not all events in history are as terrible as this. 并不是所有历史事件都如此糟糕。 6. His flight around the Earth Lasted about 22 hours. 他的环绕地球的飞行持续了22个小时。 7. Do you think something good can come out of something terrible? 你认为坏事能变为好事吗? Unit 4He said I was hard-working 1. What are some soap operas you know? 你所知道的有哪些肥皂剧? 2. What are some things that happen on soap operas? 肥皂剧里发生了些什么事? 3. Lana said she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore. 拉娜说她不再生玛西娅的气了。 4.You want to know why C didn’t return it and where it is.你想知道为什么C未将它还回来并想知道它在哪里。 5.You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it. 你应该今早上在车站去见面并把它还给人家。


2015年山东省职业院校与本科高校对口贯通分段培养试点学校、专业及培养规模 招生类型 职业院校衔接本科高校开始试 点时间 培养规模 (人) 生源范围学校名称专业名称学校名称本科专业名称 “3+2”试点山东商业职业技术学院 物联网应用技术齐鲁工业大学物联网工程2015年80 夏季高考 食品检测及管理山东师范大学食品科学与工程2014年80 夏季高考 会计济南大学会计学2013年80 夏季高考山东职业学院 电气自动化技术齐鲁工业大学电气工程及其自动化2014年80 夏季高考 道路桥梁工程技术山东交通学院土木工程2014年80 夏季高考 机械制造与自动化济南大学机械设计制造及其自动化2013年80 夏季高考 电子信息工程技术山东建筑大学电子信息工程2013年80 夏季高考济南职业学院 应用电子技术山东师范大学电子信息工程2015年80 夏季高考 机电一体化技术齐鲁工业大学材料成型及控制工程2014年80 夏季高考青岛职业技术学院 旅游管理泰山学院旅游管理2015年80 夏季高考 应用化工技术青岛农业大学化学工程与工艺2014年80 夏季高考 计算机应用技术山东科技大学计算机科学与技术2013年80 夏季高考青岛港湾职业技术学院 物流管理青岛农业大学物流管理2015年80 夏季高考 机械制造与自动化青岛农业大学机械设计制造及其自动化2014年80 夏季高考 电气设备应用与维护青岛大学电气工程及其自动化2013年80 夏季高考淄博职业学院 电气自动化技术山东交通学院电气工程及其自动化2015年80 夏季高考 会计临沂大学会计学2014年80 夏季高考 应用化工技术山东理工大学化学工程与工艺2013年80 夏季高考东营职业学院 计算机网络技术曲阜师范大学网络工程2015年80 夏季高考 石油化工生产技术烟台大学化学工程与工艺2014年80 夏季高考 “3+2烟台职业学院汽车检测与维修技术鲁东大学交通运输2015年80 夏季高考 — 1 —

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