当前位置:文档之家› 牛津英语7A_Unit5_Going_shopping_教案9课时




沪教牛津版九年级英语上册单词表 Unit 1 金的,金色的确定的,肯定的 王冠,皇冠监狱,牢狱 奥林匹克运动会拳击(运动) 同意,应允赛马(运动) 证实摔跤运动 罐(用手或器具)击,打不能肯定,对...无把握勇敢的,无畏的 真的,正宗的标点符号 真相,实情准确无误的,正确的 好像,似乎错误 解决,处理 装满,注满(对某人或事物)满意的碗,盆用...把...装满 取代,替代溢出 较少的,更少的把...关进监狱 金属确保,设法保证

聪明人,富有才智的人宇宙 天文学家哲学家 天才服从,遵守 认为,觉得减少,缩小 理解力,判断力精确地,准确地 幽默(故事、戏剧等中的)情节 邀请 学说,论,说幽默感 (综合性)大学使...失望 乐事,快事单凭记忆,能背诵 避免,避开坐下 讲座,演讲轻而易举 在今晚,在今夜参加,加入 观众,听众丝毫不知道 信任,信赖倒霉,处于困境 座位跟某人开玩笑,捉弄某人鼓掌,喝彩转折点 苍白的一系列 成就,成绩

一顿饭过时的 把自己的想法(或经历、 (用熨斗)熨,烫平 感情)告诉(某人) 决定,抉择公开活动 个人财产,私人物品(根据所知)认为 要求,指望(用于否定词组后)也不在国外,到国外关系,联系 商务,公事邀请 个人的,私人的需付费,价钱为 安排、确定、决定类型,种类 女儿 介意帮着做 流行的,时髦的出差 流行款式,时兴式样对...没有兴趣

在线的粗心造成的 模特儿评论 规定饮食(为健康或减肥 等目的) 要求,请求 虽然,尽管有礼貌的 很坏的,极讨厌的没有一个,毫无惭愧,羞愧考试 情况,状况 (儿童)牙箍节食 厌恶,憎恶嘲笑,讥笑 优势对...感到羞愧窘迫的,尴尬的让某人受不了建议,提议搞得一塌糊涂很生气,气愤格格不入 杂乱,不整洁与某人无关 使恼怒的,使生气的收到某人的信件(或电子邮件、电话等) 不及格



G9 GRAMMAR 现在完成时 I.现在完成时的概念。 ①表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果 She has been ill for three days. (她病了三天了。) ②表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。 We've known each other since we were children. (我们从小就认识。) I have been a member of the Party for 10 years. II.构成:”助动词have, has + 过去分词” 练. 把下面变否定句、一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。 1. I have done my homework. 否定句:_______________________________________ 一般疑问句:___________________________________ 回答:_________________________________________ 2. The plane has arrived. 否定句:_______________________________________ 一般疑问句:___________________________________ 回答:_________________________________________ III.现在完成时用法归纳 1. 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作现已完成,对现在造成的影响和结果。(此种用法谓语动词用结束性动词) 如:The plane has arrived.


Unit9第3课时教案 教学内容:say and act Culture corner Learn the letters 教学目标: 1. 帮助学生学习字母Rr,Ss和Tt。 2. 通过Say and act的对话学习,巩固本单元所学句型。 3. 通过Culture corner了解英语文化中如何回应他人的赞美,并了解中西方文化在这一方面的差异。 一、Warm up 1. I show you say 老师任意拿起班级学生的文具,学生说出单词或者单词的复数形式。 2. Group work 四人一组,介绍自己的物品,然后拿起一样物品,询问小组成员,是不是对方的。 A: This is my … Is this your …? B: Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Are these your ...? C: Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 二、Say and act 1. 教师呈现本部分情境图,学生猜测发生了什么事情。 2. 教师播放录音,学生了解大意。 3. Put them in order:教师把情境图打乱,请学生根据课文内容排序。 4. 教师播放动画,学生观看,并跟读。 5. 在小组内练习对话并表演。

6. 仿照书中对话,编对话,并上台表演。 Peter: Hi, Joe. Welcome! Joe: Hi, Peter. Joe: Is this your room, Peter? Peter: Yes. Come in, please. Joe: It’s nice! Peter: Thank you. Joe: Are these your books? Peter: Yes, they are. Joe: Wow! 7. 教师出示图片,请学生注意观察,Peter是怎么应答Joe的。 在英语文化中,受到他人赞美时,要对对方表达谢意:Thank you。教师呈现Culture corner部分内容,帮助学生进一步了解本单元文化内容应用场景。 另外,再下面例子帮助学生理解Culture corner的内容。 You dance very well. Thank you. You dress is beautiful. Thank you. 三、Learn the letters Presentation 1. 教师呈现rabbit图片,引出Rr。

新版深圳牛津英语九年级 课文-Reading

Unit1Archimedes and the golden crown One day in ancient Greece,King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown.At first,he was very happy with it. “It’s a nice crown,isn’t it?”he asked his https://www.doczj.com/doc/409027599.html,ter,however,he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown.“Is it made completely of gold?”he wondered.He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth. “This problem seems difficult to solve.What should I do?”thought Archimedes. Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water.When he got into the bath,some water ran over. “That’s it!”shouted Archimedes.“I know how to solve the king’s problem!” Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king.First,he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight. Next,he put two pots into big bowls and filled both pots with water.He put the gold into one pot,and some water ran into the bowl.Then he put the crown into the other pot.This time,even more water ran into the bowl. “Look at this,”said Archimedes to King Hiero.“A crown made completely of gold displaces less water than a crown made of gold and another metal.This crown displaced more water than gold of the same weight,so I’m certain that it’s not completely made of gold. “The crown maker tricked me,didn’t he?What a bad man he is!”shouted King Hiero.He then sent the crown maker to prison. 第1页共9页




九下Unit 6 单词短语归纳 1.实施,执行v 1. 承受压力 2.争吵n 2.集中于 3.集中(注意力、精力等)于v 3.解决,处理 4.压力n 4.dealwith 5.是否5.担心 6.风险n6.防止,提防7.守卫,保卫 7.抵消,对消 8.取消,撤退,终止8. 忙于做某事 9.有希望的9.把.....抛在后面 10.强迫,迫使(某人做某事)10.使.....振奋起来 11.音乐会,演奏会11.学着做,开始做 12.私人的12.持乐观的态度13.不说话的,沉默的13. 抵消,对消 14.危害物,大敌14.讲笑话 15.鼓励,鼓舞15.去听音乐会 16.牙科医生 17.沮丧的,消沉的,无精打采的adj 知识点 1.conduct v.实施;执行n__________指挥家 Conduct a survey about a healthy lifestyle.________________________________ conduct此处用作及物动词,意为“实施,执行”。 我决定去执行一个任务_______________________________ 2.quarreln.争吵 have a quarrel withsb.___________________ have a quarrel about sth.__________________________ 1)他刚刚和他的最好的朋友吵架了____________________________________ 2)他们为钱的事情吵架了______________________________________ 3.pleasure 不可数名词,________________ adj__________ Doingsomethingfor ________________.


沪教版一下Unit 9Revision第三课时教案 沪教版一下Unit9Revision第三课时教案 教学目标: 知识与技能:复习like句型。 过程与方法:生日”主题中,通过一些简单的口语招呼的`方式,使学生在日常生活中形成良好的语言习惯,养成良好的礼貌行为。 情感态度价值观:通过“生日”参加生日聚会这一语言使用环境,能正确的用语言来表述自己的喜好,使学生体味到人与人之间的良好友情关系。 重点难点: et’srevise-----“sweet,kite,jelly,dress,shoes,fish,cake,ice- cream,apple,mooncake,peach,orange,pear,lemon,book,ruler,pen cil,rubber,bag” Let’srevise-----复习like句型。 教学准备: 单词卡片、屏幕、录音机、多媒体 教学过程: 1.ngthesong-----Happybirthday利用小布偶引出Wendy.这一卡通人物。介绍Todayishisbirthday与卡通人物相互问候。伴随着音乐的响起全班齐唱生日歌。

2.dayisWendy’sbirthday.Doyouwanttogotohisparty?屏幕引领学生进入Wendy’sparty.Oh,look,somanypresents. 3.oyouwanttoknow,what’sinthebox?让学生自由猜测,如果猜对的话,东西自然跳出,单词逐步出示,模仿高音、低音等方式朗读。 4.师引导“Canyoumakesentences” 让学生充分发挥想象,用所学过的句型来进行操练,扩大了句式量。“Ilikejelly.Touchthejelly…。” 5.媒体东西的逐一出示,教师引导somanypresents.WhatdoyoulikeWhyIlike… 6.实物东西的逐一出示,教师引导somanypresents.WhatdoyoulikeWhyIlike… 先由教师领读,全班跟读,模仿做动作。 让学生进行对子操练,然后让学生来表演,最后全班齐读。 板书设计: Unit9Revision Ilike…。 Idon’tlike…。


第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus- 3d) 主备内容Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 教学目标【知识目标】 Important words:handsome,actor,actress,person Important sentences: 1.—Do they have straight or curly hair? —They have curly hair. 2.—Is he tall or short? —He isn't tall or short.He's of medium height. 【能力目标】锻炼学生说和写的能力。 【情感目标】友好地描述他人外貌,不要以貌取人,心灵美胜过外表美。 教学重难点重点:掌握本课时描述人外貌的形容词及句型。难点:在真实情境中运用目标语言沟通交流。 教法学法情景交际法,小组合作法。 Step 1自主学习 【新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词或短语。 1.—What does your uncle do,Tina? —Oh,he is a movie actor__. 2.My brother is really handsome__.So many beautiful girls like him very much. 3.Most western people are born with __curly__hair__(卷发),but most Chinese are born with the straight. 4.The actress is not tall or short.She is __of__medium__height__(中等身高). 5.My sister is __of__medium__build__(中等身材) and good-looking. Step 2情景导入 【参考案例】 (Show the pictures and ask questions.) Teacher:What does he/she look like? Student 1:He's/She's…/He/She has… Teacher:What do they look like? Student 2:They're…/They have… 设计意图:通过师生一起谈论图片中人物的主要外貌特征,复习第一课时的词汇和语言,为新课内容作好铺垫的同时也很好地过渡到本课的重点。同时结合本单元的语法重点知识对学生进行听说训练。 Step 3畅通Grammar Focus回顾语法重点 【操作案例】 1.让学生分男、女两组朗读Grammar Focus中的内容。 2.让学生背诵Grammar Focus中的内容。 设计意图:通过语法基础知识的训练,让学生能够掌握并灵活运用描述人物外貌特征的一些常见句型,为本

人教七年级英语上册Unit 9 第三课时Section B (1a-1d)教案

人教七年级英语上册Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.第三课时Section B (1a-1d)教案 重点单词free adj.空闲的 cool adj. 妙极的;酷的Tuesday n.星期二Wednesday n. 星期三Thursday n. 星期四Sunday n.星期日A.M. 上午 P.M. 下午,午后 教学 难点 谈论一周的课程安排 根据句意及音标提示写出单词及其汉语意思。 1.Wednesday /'wenzde?/ comes after Tuesday. 星期三 2.The first day of a week is Sunday /'s?nde?/. 星期天 3.You are free /fri?/ to come as you go please. 空闲的;自由的 4.Jay Chou is very cool /ku?l/. 酷的 环节1新课导入 Schedule Thursday Friday(Today) Saturday 30th A.M.08:00 math A.M. 08:00 Chinese Soccer game 09:00 Chinese 09:00 English

Ss:We have Chinese,English,art... T:Oh,so many classes today. What classes do you have on Thursday? Ss:We have math,Chinese,history... T:S1,do you like math? S1:Yes. T:Why? S1:Because it's interesting... T:S2,do you like math? S2:No. T:Why? S2:Because... 设计意图: 利用学生熟悉的课程表导入新课使教学更贴近生活,学生在轻松自在的环境中复习学过的词汇和句型,自然进入下一阶段拓展词汇的教学。 环节2学习1a-1d 1.教师让学生朗读1a中的单词,并理解其含义。 2.让学生完成1a的任务并运用这些形容词表述对各学科的看法。 3.教师播放1b中的听力录音,让学生完成1b的练习。 4.先让学生阅读1c中的时间表。 5.教师播放第二遍听力录音,让学生完成1c的任务。 6.教师播放第三遍听力录音,全班学生核对1b和1c的答案。 7.根据1b和1c获得的信息,将1d补充完整。然后与同伴谈谈戴维最喜欢的学科,最后谈谈自己最喜欢的学科。 8.学以致用。(选词填空) Monday free finish (1)I'm not free today. I have much (很多) work to do.


I根据句意及首字母提示完成所缺的单词。 1.Linda likes art and music because they are r______ . 2.Our math teacher is very f__________ and we all like her. 3.All his _______ (class) finish at five in the afternoon. 4.Miss Zhang is our English teacher. We all like ______ (she) very much. 5.Work makes me ____________(tire). 6. Music is very ____________(interest). 7. My father is ____________(real)busy today. 8._____ he like___________? (他为什么喜欢生物课?) _____it’s______. (因为生物有趣。) II单选:1.---Let’s go to school! ---Today is ____. We don’t need to go to school. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Thursday D. Tuesday 2.I think math is difficult, but ____.A.interesting B. boring C. easy D. difficult 3.---_____? ---It’s Wednesday. A.What day is it today B. What’s the time C.What’s the date today D. Is it Wednesday 4.Do you have history ____ Tuesday afternoon?A. in B. at C. on D. for 5.He ____ biology. It’s so boring.A.like B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like 6.Ken has science ____ this afternoon.A.in B. on C. at D. / 7.---___ do you have music? ---I have music on Tuesday and Wednesday. A.What B. How C. Where D. When 8.Miss Chen teaches___math.We all like___very much.A. us;herB.our;https://www.doczj.com/doc/409027599.html,;himD. our; him 9. My ____favorite subject is P.E.A.brother B. brother’sC.of brother D.of brother’s 10.—What’s your favorite ________?—Blue.A. TV show B. food C. colorD. sport 11 We have Chinese ____8:00 ____9:00 in the morning.A.on;at B.from;to C.at;at D.from; for 12.My ____favorite subject is P.E.A.brother B. brother’sC.of brother D.of brother’s 13.We have P.E.____Friday moring.A.in B.on C.at D.around 14.Rick usually ____at home in the evening. A.does her homework B.do her homework C.does her homework D.does his homework 15. We often play _____ basketball after ___ class. A. the, / B. /, / C a,the D. the, a III阅读My name is Jim and I live in Canada. My mother is from Korea and my father is from France, so we speak three languages(语言) at home. I think languages are very interesting and I want to learn Chinese. But my favorite subject isn’t language. It’s math. I really like history, too. I like sports, especially(尤其) soccer and basketball, because they’re relaxing. But I don’t have much time to play. I go to the music club after school on Mondays. I have guitar

Modle3 unit9 In my room 第三课时教学设计

Unit 9 In my room (第三课时)教学设计 一、教学目标 1.通过Say and act 的对话学习,巩固本单元所学句型。 2.学会字母R r ,S s ,T t 以及认读相应单词。 3.了解中西文化差异。 二、教学重、难点 1.字母:R r ,S s ,T t 以及认读相应单词。 2.日常用语:Welcome! 3.文化意识:在西方文化中受到别人赞美时的回应。 三、教学方法 利用多媒体进行教学 三、教学过程 Step1: Pre- task 1.播放儿歌,活跃气氛,巩固复习。 2.快速反应:复习上两节课时的单词和句子。 Is this ...? Yes, it is.\No, it isn’t. Are these...? Yes, they are.\No, they aren’t. 3.让学生简单的介绍自己的房间,Look! This is my room. This is a/my …It’s …These are my …They’re …以导入新课。 Step2: While- task 1.播放Say and act,让学生整体感知对话内容。 2.通过简单的问题帮助理解对话内容。

3.再次播放动漫,学生分角色跟读,之后分角色朗读。 4.通过学习Culture corner,告诉学生得到赞美时要礼貌地说谢谢。 A:It’s nice. B: Thank you. 5.学习字母及对应的单词。 (1)逐个认识并模仿写,以及相对应的单词。 (2)比较table 和desk 的区别:table,多指家具中的桌子,desk,多指办公用的桌子,如书桌,办公桌和写字台等。 (3)学习儿歌,整合巩固字母及单词。 Step3:Post-task 1.字母的归类,及大小写配对。 2.小组活动,分角色表演Say and act. 3.以小组为单位,用所给情景编排对话上台表演。 四、课堂小结 说说你这节课学会了些什么?


Units 1&2 一、重点、要点归纳 动名词 1,动词ing作主语。 In many Asian cultures, avoiding eye contact shows respect. 2,动词ing作介词宾语。 Without hesitating, she went to Simon and gave him a big smile. 3,有一些固定搭配的词组后往往接动词ing。如:be used to, give up, look forward to 等。 二、重点句式 1,It is adj. of/for sb. to do sth. (1) 如果形容词用来描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,用of。这类形容词有:kind, good, nice, right, wrong, clever, careless, polite等。 (2) 如果形容词仅仅用来描述事物,用for。这类形容词有:difficult, easy, hard, important, dangerous, impossible等。 2,People always prefer Debbie to me. prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do A rather than do B 三、话题 认知和了解肢体语言在人际交往中的意义和作用。 过关检测 一、词汇 1. Simon s________ and took some paper over to the fax machine. 2. She came to r________ me that tomorrow is her birthday. 3. There are a lot of d________ in our English study. 4. Hard work is the k________ to success. 5. Bill was such a l________ boy that he soon became one of the worst students in his class. 6. Your best hairstyle d________ on the shape of your face. 7. Fish and meat are healthy foods. Coke is an u________ drink. 8. Please treat your hair well and be sure not to choose the h________ hair products. 9. Do you m________ if I smoke here? 10. Thanks to your help, I passed the English e________. 二、短语 hold up care for as a matter of fact as well as what’s up 1. The pupils learn from each other _____________________ from the teachers. 2. _____________________, Simon? You don’t look very happy? 3. Debbie _____________________ her head _____________________, looks at people’s eyes, and simile before speaking to people. 4. _____________________, a Westerner might consider a lack of eye contact to mean a lack of interest. 5. Lily spent years _____________________her sick uncle. 三、重点句式


Unit 9 I like a sunny day. Period 3 一、教学目标 1.能掌握字母Xx在单词中的发音。 2.能读由含有字母Xx的单词组成的句子; 3.能掌握字母Xx的书写。 4.能诵读课文F部分英语韵律小歌谣。 二、教学重点及难点 重点:字母Xx在单词中的发音。 难点:理解并诵读课文F部分英语小诗歌。 三、教学准备 字母卡片、教学磁带等。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.听课文F部分英语小诗歌。 游戏——Whispering(悄悄话) 分组进行游戏。老师将写有hot, ice-cream, summer, sunny, warm, rain, like等单词的纸条分别发给每组最后一排的学生,该学生将单词小声地向前传,以此前传,第一排的学生将单词写在黑板上,传得最快、最准的一组为准。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.听课文E部分,感知单词的发音。 2.听课文E部分录音,跟读单词。 3.小组活动。全班学生分成前后四人小组,互相读单词给组内其他同学听。

Step 3 Practice 游戏——W hat’s missing! (眼力大考验!) 老师板书课文E部分单词taxi, axe, wax, x-ray, box, 然后让一名学生上讲台背对黑板,把其中的一个单词擦掉之后,要求该学生转身的同时迅速说出所擦掉的单词。1.听课文E部分录音,理解句子大意。 2.帮助学生理解句子含义,并详细讲解其发音。 3.自由练习朗读句子。 4.教授书写字母Xx,区分大小写。 Step 4 Consolidation 1.课文F部分。 (1)听录音,感知英语小诗歌的节奏,小声跟读。 (2)帮助学生理解句子含义,并详细讲解其发音。 (3)带着节奏有感情地表演朗诵英语小诗歌。 2.评价。对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励,培养学生听音和辨音的能力。3.家庭作业。 (1)熟读并背诵课文A部分。 (2)配乐朗诵英语小诗歌。 (3)惧表示天气的单词。


九年级英语试题答案 (本试卷共100分 考试时间90分钟) 一.单项选择: (每小题1分,满分15分) 四.词语运用(共15小题,每题一分,满分15分) A)选用方框里的单词填空, 其中有一项是多余的. 41. coming 42. special offers 43 .is known for 44. traditional 45. fall in love with .B) 根据括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 46. forties 47. loss 48. closely 49. the most popular 50. difficulty C.)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 51. was covered 52. Tell 53. won 54. Is 55. was watching 五. 任务型阅读 ( 满分20分) A) 阅读填词(共10小题, 每题1分, 满分10 分) 每空一词 56. protect 57. twenty /20 58. years 59. strong 60. Food 61. brush 62. dentist 63. taken 64. spend 65. keep B) 阅读短文,完成下列问题(共5小题, 每题2 分,满分10 分) 66 The beggars/ Beggars. / For the beggars in the street. 67 15/ Fifteen. / The writer ordered 15 lunches from McDonald’s . 68 No , she hasn’t . 69 Her little daughter /Her daughter 70 We should do good things. / We should help others (合理即可). 六 书面表达 ( 15 分) A possible version: Recently we did a survey in our class about heroes .Here’re the results 30% of the students consider Spud Webb as their hero .because he never gave up though he was refused many times. Through hard work , he proved that size and body don’t matter .You can do anything if you never give up . 25% of the students say TanDun is their hero. because he has a real gift for music . He could make music with common objects like stones and paper when he was very young . He has successfully mixed Chinese music and Western music .He makes a new type -----music without boundaries . 35% of the student admire Jackie Chan most. We think his films are special .He joins humour and


Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section B 1 1a-2e 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, weekday, look after, invitation, reply, forward, delete, print, sad, goodbye, take a trip, glad, preparation, glue, without, surprised, look forward to 2) 能掌握以下句型: ①—What’s today?—It’s Monday. ②—Can you play tennis with me? —Sorry, I can’t. I … ③I look forward to hearing from you all. ④Bring Ms. Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised. 3) 能综合运用can来表达邀请。 4)通过阅读邀请函来掌握必要的信息。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会人际交往的基本常识,学会有礼貌地邀请别人以及回答别人的邀请的方式。理解“义务”涵义,学会承担自己应尽的义务,能够在班级以及社会生活中担当一定的责任。理解人与人之间的真情,学会珍惜朋友之间、师生之间的友情。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。 2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。 3)阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。 2. 教学难点 1. 听力训练 2. 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision 1. Daily greeting.


Unit9 My favorite subject is science. Period 3 Teaching materials:Section B: 1a-2c Teaching Aims: Key Points : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; biology When do you have math?I have math on Monday and Friday. Difficult Point s : What’s Ken’s favorite subject? Sience. Why does he like sience? Because it’s interesting. Grammar: the possessive case of nouns Moral Objects: Know the order of the days in a week Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking methods; Pairwork. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision ?Check homework ?Review the following sentence patterns. What’s your favorite…? Why do you like…? Who is your… teacher? Step 2 Warming up Chant English, English, it’s interesting.


九上单词表 Unit 1 1 eat up 吃光,吃完 6 9A1 2 *creative adj. 有创造力的;创造性的7 9A1 3 *curious adj. 好奇的7 9A1 4 *energetic adj. 精力充沛的7 9A1 5 *modest adj. 谦虚的7 9A1 6 *organized=also organised adj. 有条理的;有效率的7 9A1 7 order n. 顺序7 9A1 8 keep…in order 使…保持井然有序7 9A1 9 show off 炫耀7 9A1 10 grammar n. 语法7 9A1 11 come up with 想出(主意);追上,赶上7 9A1 12 neither det&pron. (两者)都不;也不7 9A1 13 nor adv 也不7 9A1 14 neither…nor…既不…也不…7 9A1 15 *accountant n 会计7 9A1 16 born adj. 天生的8 9A1 17 *impress vt 给…留下印象8 9A1 18 sculpture n 雕塑,雕像8 9A1 19 praise n 赞扬,表扬8 9A1 20 *sales department n 销售部8 9A1 21 general adj. 总的;普遍的8 9A1 22 race n 竞赛;赛跑8 9A1 23 either…or…不是…就是…,或者…或者8 9A1 24 lead n 领先地位,榜样8 9A1 25 take the lead 处于领先地位8 9A1 26 fall behind 落后8 9A1 27 *challenge n 挑战8 9A1 28 *chief adj. 主要的;首要的9 9A1 29 high-speed adj. 高速的9 9A1 30 connect vt 连接9 9A1 31 connect to/with 与…相连;连接9 9A1 32 miss n 错误,过失9 9A1 33 as good as 和…几乎一样,简直是9 9A1 34 attention n 注意,专心9 9A1 35 pay attention to 注意9 9A1 36 standard n 标准9 9A1 37 pioneer n 先锋,开拓者9 9A1 38 *surgeon n 外科大夫9 9A1

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