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短文Managing Oneself


We live in an age full of opportunities: If you are smart enough, and have got





and keep pushing forward, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession, no matter where you started out.


But with opportunity comes responsibility.

But with opportunity comes responsibility.

但是,随着机遇而来的便是责任。此句为倒装句,主语responsibility 置于谓语动词comes之后,with opportunity前置,是为了强调“机遇”,与短文第一句“We live in an age full of opportunities”相呼应。以伴随状语开头(With或Along with放在句首)时,句子可以倒装。例如:With globalization have come many problems. 全球化带来许多问题。

Companies today aren't managing their employees'careers. Professional workers must be their own chief xecutive officers (CEO). It's up to you to





or your place, to keep yourself engaged and





during a working life that may last around 50 years. To do those things well, you'll need to have a deep understanding of yourself —not only what your strengths and weaknesses are, but also how you learn, how you work with others ... you'll need to have a deep understanding of yourself —not only what your strengths and weaknesses are, but also how you learn, how you work with others ...

你需要对自己有一个深刻的了解,不仅仅是你的优缺点,还有你的学习方式,你与人共事的方式......not only ... but also ...用于连接两个表示对等、并列关系的成分,意为“不仅......而且......”,着重强调后者。例如:His speech not only broke the ice, but also aroused everyone's interest. 他的发言不仅打破了冷场, 而且引起了大家的兴趣。not only ... but also ...中的also通常可以省略, 有时甚至but also 一并省略。

what your values are, and where you can make the greatest





because only when you operate from strength can you achieve true excellence.

... only when you operate from strength can you achieve true excellence.

只有当你充分发挥自己的长处时,你才能做到真正优秀。这是一个倒装句型,only前置于句首,主句中的情态动词can 置于主语you之前,还原后的结构是:you can achieve true excellence only when you ... (只有当......的时候)。当“only+副词/介词短语/状语从句”放在句首时,主句倒装。例如:Only in this way can you learn English well. 只有这样,你才能学好英语。Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 叫了三次,他才来参加会议。Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 只有病得很重时,他才卧床休息。



开放英语3形成性考核册 (解析说明) 在开始完成考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单(1 -2页) l 学前记录卡(第3页) ? 学习资源: 学生按照实际情况进行选项,在是\否处画 “√” 本标和计划(第5页)

?学习记录卡1 (第7~8页) (Unit1~6) 第一部分:交际用语 1、D 2、A

3、C 4、B 5、B 第二部分:词汇与结构 6、D 7、B 8、A 9、A 10、 B 11、 C 12、 D 13、 B 14、 A 15、 B 16、 A 17、 A 18、 B 19、 A 20、 B 第三部分:完型填空 21、 C 22、 B 23、 C 24、 D 25、 C 26、 B 27、 C 28、 C 29、 D 30、 A 第四部分:阅读理解 31、 D 32、 C 33、 D 34、 B 35、 C 36、 A 37、 C 38、 D 39、 C 40、 D 41、 D

42、 B 43、 D 44、 D 45、 D 46、 F 47、 T 48、 F 49、 NG 50、 F 七、书面表达(15分) Dear sir, My name is Wuhua, born on July 6t h,1965 in Changchun, Jilin Province,China。 I am a journalist and have already had eleven years of working experience。I can speak Japanese and German besides English. Of course I am good at operating computer. I graduated from journalism of Beijing University in 1990 and then worked as a journalist in Shenzhen Daily till December, 1996. I studied in BBC from 1997 to 1998 and since I came back in January, 1999. I have been head of the news section. I will be very lucky if I can work for your newspaper ----the 21st Century. And I think I have abilities to do the job well. Yours Sincerely Wuhua 学习记录卡2 ( 第17页 )


自测一 题目:-How’s your mother doing? 答案:She is very well 题目:— Do you mind if I record your lecture?— _________________. Go ahead. 答案:Not at al 题目:—I was worried about my math, but Mr. White gave me an A. 答案:Congratulations! 题目:—Can you go skating with us this afternoon? 答案:have to 题目:—I’m terribly sorry that I’ve spilled some coffee on the table. 答案:It doesn’t matter 题目:—Would you like to go to the concert with us? 答案:I wish I could 题目:―Whose textbook is this? ―It _______ John’s. It has his name on it. 答案:must be 题目:He is ________ this company. 答案:in charge of 题目:He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do, ________ other people’s feelings. 答案:regardless of 题目:He was always ______ in sharing his enormous knowledge. 答案:generous 题目:His action is always ______ with his words. 答案:consistent 题目:More than 30 people ______ the position. 答案:applied for 题目:One day, our dreams will ____________ reality. 答案:turn into 题目:The enemy has strengthened their ______ position. 答案:defensive 题目:We think that Smith should be told about his ______ condition as soon as possible. 答案:physical 二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:C; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:B; 子问题 5:A 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。The houses we live in are very {A. expensive; B. important; C. huge}. They keep us from being 子问题 1:B. important; 子问题 2:C. where; 子问题 3:A. care for; 子问题 4:B. sizes; 子问题 5:C. built 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。There are more ants than any other kinds of land animals in the world. They range


2012年电大开放英语3形成性考核册参考答案 学习记录卡1 (第7~8页)(Unit1~6) 学习过程:1. A√B√C√ 2. A√B√C√ 3. A√B√C√ 4. A√B√C√ 学习内容:1、Units 1~6 中主要学习了哪些重要的语法项目? 1)动词及时态 一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、过去进行时、一般过去时被动语态、过去完成时 2)描述发展趋势的词;短语动词;used to do sth. always/forever/keep doing sth. 3)连接词 but/so; 用代词、and、but和with连接句子 4)定语从句 2、这六个单元中我感觉最难或还没有完全掌握的语言点是: (略)(依据个人学习实际在1、3中选填或学习中的疑难) 3、这六个单元中我最喜欢的话题是:(可从以下几项中选填) 1)描述自己及他人、家庭及家庭关系 2)谈论家庭与社会的变化 3)谈论成就及对未来职业的理想 4)谈论过去、将来 印象最深的Cultural Notes:(可从以下几项中选填) 1)皇家邮政 The Poyal 2)家庭模式的变化The Change of Family Patterns 3)赡养老人Care for the Elderly 阶段性学习体会:开学初期老师给我们讲了什么是开放教育,如何学习开放教育课程。我们对开放教育和开放教育课程有了基本的了解.也对开放英语课程有了比较全面的认识。特别是通过上英语课程,我们不仅仅学习了英语语法知识,也学习到了学习方法。还体会到了开放教育的“自我学习、教师辅导、网络资源、师生互动”的新的学习模式。 由于自己的英语底子薄,基础差,所以还不能够完全掌握老师讲的内容。在老师的精心辅导下,我的英语知识有了很快的进步。自己感觉到有重新拾起了英语。心中有了成就感。 目前的问题是:我还不能充分地网络资源。这是因为自己的电脑知识不够好,因此不能够和老师、和同学即使地进行网上交流。 作业1 第一部分:交际用语 一、1~5 DACBB 第二部分:英语知识运用 二、选择填空 6~10 DBDAB 11~15 CDBAB 三、完型填空 16~20 CBADB 21~25 CDDAB


开放英语3的期末复习指导1 1. –Well, Mary, how are you?C.I’m fine 2.Let’s take a walk.(A)A. Yes, let’s 3. —I think the Internet is very helpful.(A) A. Yes, so do I 4.– Hello, could I speak to Don please?(C) C. Who's speaking 5 —What kind of TV program do you like best?(B) B. It’s hard to say, actually 6. He is very keen C football.C.on 7.Let's go to the cinema, ?C.shall we 8.He asked me where (B) from. B. I came 9.The teacher told C for being late for class. C.me off 10.he was___ Aabout his new job.A.over the moon 11. are you still here?you were here half an hour ago.who Bfor? B. are you waiting 12. B i enjoy most isi can have a holiday from work.B. what...that 13. You__A__to exercise more. A.ought 14.They_A_for hours.A.habe been driving 15. __A _all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy.A.Spending Traffic in India means a mixture of all kinds of vehicles on the road. About 700,000 new cars __(16)__in India in the last twelve months, and about twice that many used cars have been traded. 16. A. have been sold 17. C. in 18. B. vehicles 19. C. with 20. B. on 21. A.pulled 22. C. watch out 23. A.are recommended 24. B. by 25. C. that 开头Mas Sharp,a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties, 26.Why did Mrs. Sharp have to move to Greenleas? C. Because her house in the downtown area was knocked down. 27.When she got married,she lived_ _B. together with her parents for some time 28.What did she know so many people? B. Because they were either her relatives or schoolmates 29.The sentence “I had one neighbour who was always poking hernose into our business.” In the last Para. Means __ C. I had one neighbour who always showed her interests in our private affairs 30.What does this passage mainly deal with? A.What the extended family is like. 2There have been changes in all sorts of d ifferent areas of British society. In rece nt years in the UK we have had a very large increas e in the number of couples who get divorce d. After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform Act we had a very rapid increase in the 31.The highest divorce rate was around 196 9 F 32. The marriage rate has gone down in rec ent years. T 33. The marriage rate is currently 70 perc ent. F 34. Forty percent of babies born today hav e parents who are not married. F 35. The birth rate is increasing at the mo ment. F Living in a big city. Thousands of people stream into cities, especially big cities. Big cities have special attractions for many people. First, in big cities, people can easily get a job to make a living . Then, there are many facilities which make people feel very convenient in life. Third, people have more into big cities by all means. I like living in a big city because it can provide me with move convenient living conditions and a good job. Besides , living in a big city, I can get the latest information coming from every field which will make you wiser. However, Big cities are facing problems and the biggest one is traffic . There are too many people and cars. The traffic is heavy, especially during the rush hours. Every street is crowded. Cars are running fast, they may cause traffic accidents easily. What is more , as a daily commuter , Everyone wastes a lot of time on commuting. Time is valuable. So traffic is a big problem which has irritated everyone much. 开放英语3的期末复习指导2 1.– What subjects are you studying?(C ) C. I'm studying philosophy 2. — Which language do you speak at home?(B) B. English, most of the time 3.— Must we hand in our homework now? (C) C. No, you needn’t 4. — Do you think the exam will be put off?(A) A. Not likely 5. — In my opinion, you’d better take a couple of days off.(C)C. I’ll take your advice 6.He is looking forward__B__his thesis.B.to writing 7.I______her to marry me and she agreed B.adked 8.Youlikeplayingfootball,___A____you?A. don't 9.________every day for 20 minutes.A.Exercise 10. If he was fitter, he ___________ live longer.C.would 11. I regret ______ that I’m unable to help you. B.to say 12. I have given _______ eating meat.C.up 13. She comes from _________ People’s Republic of China.C.the 14. 7.The boy ________ to school already. C.has been taken 15. ____________these children know the answer.A.Most of 开头The ancient Olympic Games 16. B.were 17. C. of 18. C. were held 19. A. meaning 20. B. for 21. A. introduced 22. B. name after 23. C. where 24. A. were defeated 25. C. therefore When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use t 26). This passage mainly tells us _____. C. the author and her brother had an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps 27). According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office ______. B. on Saturdays 28). Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell them why. Why do you think she did that? A. She wanted to give them a surprise. 29). What does the sentence "We were over the moon." mean? B. We were extremely happy about it. 30). What is the best title for this passage? A.My Childhood 开头The police in England are not normally armed, and if they think or know that someone nhas a firearm and may be going to commit an offence, then they have a team of specially trained officers, who carry firearms.……… My dog barks an awful lot when I’m wearing my uniform because he’s very excited. 31.The police in England are not armed.F 32.The police officers have to pay for the dogs.F 33.The dogs are kept in the garden because they are aggressive.F 34.The writer’s dog becomes excited when it’ s time to go to work.T 35.The writer’s dog barks when it sees a criminal is coming.T My hobbies I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary. I like sports very much. I go running at five o'clock in the morning. After classes in the afternoon, I play table-tennis with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy. At home, I like to sing and play the violin. I practice singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am, I am quite happy. Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. All these books have enriched my knowledge


题目: In a car accident, you should ________ the other car's number in order to report to the 答案:keep in mind 题目:Keep an eye for your belongings in the bus station _______ they might be stolen by 答案:in case 题目:We should provide useful information for the police no matter there is a ______ or not. 答案:reward 题目:— How can I get legal advice for free? 答案:You can go to a law firm and ask about that. 题目:— I think riding a bike anywhere is healthy and convenient, but I'm afraid the bike would 答案:Why don't you take a lock with you? 题目:—Our trademark has been infringed by our competitor. What can we do? 答案:You can file an action in the district court. 题目:—There are so many strange phone calls nowadays. I'm fed up with those calls. 答案:you'd better be careful of the telecommunication frauds. 题目:— This is Huangdu police station. What can I do for you? 答案:My daughter is missing. 题目:A car accident may happen when you ________ a parking space. 答案:are looking for 题目:In a civil case, one party may file an action, the other party may or may not ____ the claim. 答案:admit 题目:Mary's talking to the lawyer about her competitor who ________ on her trademark. 答案:is infringing 题目:The mother ________ her daughter for 2 hours.


unit6形考测试 词汇(每题2分,共20分) 阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中勾选一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1、The girl is keen __ music. 选择一项: A. for B. on C. to 2、The photograph seems quite __. 选择一项: A. current B. present C. recent C. in honour of 3、They had a good time at the __. 选择一项: A. fun fair B. funfair C. funny fair 4、__ you involved in the matter?

选择一项: A. Have B. Are C. Do 5、We are all__ being a Chinese. 选择一项: A. proud to B. proud for C. proud of 6、We __ each other for almost three years. 选择一项: A. was in love for B. have been in love with C. fell in love with 7、My dog will __ by my friend when I am on holiday. 选择一项: A. is cared for B. be looked after C. be taken care 8、The teacher __ for breaking the window. 选择一项:

A. told off him B. told him out C. told him off 9、You can ask the driver to __ at the station. 选择一项: A. drop you off B. drop you down C. drop off you 10、He__ about the time of the train. 选择一项: A. required B. requested C. enquired 语法和结构(每题2分,共20分) 阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中勾选一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 11、I know it isn’t important but I can’t help ______ about it. 选择一项: A. but to think B. thinking C. to think 12、I have given ______________ eating meat.


语II (1) 动词时态综合笈习练习一、动词的时态在英语中,不同时间发生的动作或情况要用不同的动词形式表示,这种形式叫做〃时态〃。英语动词的时■态可分为十六种,但真正经常应用的,实为其中的十一种,它们是:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、过去进行时、一般将来时、将来进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、将来完成时、现在完成进行时、过去完成进行时。电大开放英语3要求掌握的时态为九种,它们是:时态结构举例(write)一般现在时V (动词原形)write/writes 一般过去时V-ed (动词过去式)wrote 一般将来时shall/will + V (动词原形)shall/will write 现在进行时am/is/are + V-ing (现在分词)am/is/are writing过去进行时was/were + V-ing (现在分词)was/were writing现在完成进行时have/has + been + V-ing (现在分词)have/has been writing 现在完成时have/has + V-ed (过去分词)have/has written过去完成时had + V-ed (过去分词)had written将来完成时shall/will + have + V-ed (过去分词)shall/will have written二、学习重难点1. 一般现在时,当主语是单数第三人称时■,作谓语用的动词原形要加词尾-s或-es。例如:Mary comes from England. When does the film begin? 2,英语中不规则动词虽然不多,但它们的使用率却相当高,务必记住。例如:do - did - done, go - went - gone, make - made - made, see - saw - seen 3. ——般现在时与现在进行时的比较:一般现在时表示一般、重复的动作或事情;现在进行时表示说话时或说话前后的动作或事情。例如:Excuse me z do you speak English?(—般现在时)Listen to those people, what language are they speaking?(现在进行时)What do you do?(表示重复的动作)What are you doing here?(表示说话时正在进行的动作)4. 一般过去时与现在完成时的比较:(1)一般过去时指发生在过去的动作或状态,着眼点在过去;现在完成时则强调过去的动作或事情对现在和将来的影响,着眼点在现在。例如:I lost my pen.(仅表示过去的动作)I've lost my pen. I have to write with a pencil.(对现在产生影响)(2)—般过去时通常与表示过去的特定时间状语连用(此时■不能用现在完成时例如:Tom lost his key yesterday. When he was 65, he decided that he didn't want to stop working.询问某事发生的具体时间或地点时(when, what time, where),必须用一般过去时。例如:What time did they arrive? When and where were you born? (3)现在完成时经常与表示一段时间的时间状语连用(since, for);与表示不确定的时间副词及短语连用(already, before, yet, recently, lately, ever, never 等);与包括现在在内的时间状语连用(now, just, today, this month, always, in the past few days 等)。例如:She has taught English for ten years. I haven't told you this before. He's finished his homework today. 5.现在完成时与过去完成时的比较:现在完成时用于表示过去的经历或过去的动作或事情对现在和将来的影响或产生的结果,着眼点在现在。过去完成时常用来描述在过去某一时间或过去某一动作以前完成的动作或事件,着眼点在过去,动作是过去的过去。例如:I've seen the film.(对现在而言)I had seen the film before I came to Shenzhen.(对过去动作came而言)6.现在完成时与现在完成进行时的比较现在完成时强调动作的结果,并表示动作己经结束;现在完成进行时强调动作从过去某个时间一直持续到现在,而且还要持续下去。例如:John has painted the door.(已漆完,动作已结束)John has been painting the door.(还在漆,动作还要持续下去)We've cleaned the house. You may come in now.(强调动作的结果)We're very tired. We've been cleaning the house.(强调动作持续进行)三、解题指导Find the choice that best completes each of the following sentences. 1. Great changes in Beijing in the past three years. A. took place B. have taken place C. has taken place D. have been taken place答案是B。这个句子的意思是“在过去三年中,北京发生了巨大变化。〃在过去三年中包括现在,因此应该用现在完成时,表示动作从三年前直至现在。此句的主语是“changes,”故应选用have .../'take place (发生)〃这一词组不能用被动形式,故此题答案只能选B o 2. Where the students of Class Three? They morning exercises on the playground now. A. are, are doing B. are, do C. were, are doing D. were, did 答案是A。这是一道选择正确时态搭配的题。一般现在时和现在进行时经常同在一个句子里使用。一般现在时?表示习惯性的反复发生的动作或表示


一.listening(一)Listen and choose the correct answer. 听录音,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 题目1Peter (). 请听录音:选择一项: A. finished work a short time ago B. is still working C. finished work a long time ago 正确答案是:finished work a short time ago 题目2You (). 请听录音:选择一项: A. can’t smoke in your office, but can smoke in the canteen B. can’t smoke in the canteen, but can smoke in your office C. can’t smoke anywhere 正确答案是:can’t smoke in the canteen, but can smoke in your office 题目3The dog (). 请听录音:选择一项: A. bit both Mary and Peter B. only bit Mary C. only bit Peter 正确答案是:only bit Mary 题目4The chef ()when the speaker saw him. 请听录音:选择一项: A. finished making the pizza B. was making the pizza C. was going to make the pizza 正确答案是:was making the pizza 题目5The speaker (). 请听录音:选择一项: A. is asking a question B. is giving information C. is offering to do something 正确答案是:is asking a question


2017-2018年电大本科开放英语3形成性考核册答 案小抄(最全最准) (Unit1~6) 作业1 1~5 D A C B B 6~10 D B D A B 11~15 C D B A B 16~20 C B A D B 21~25 C D D A B 26~30 B D C C A 31~35 A C D C A 36~40 T T T F NG 写作:范文一:Changes in life Over the recent years, I′ve seen great changes in my life. Many aspects are to be concerned, but by simply specifying how my family are better off now than ever before suffices it all. We used to live in a cramped and gloomy room, and things were not so good as we had to strive for light and even more fresh air. Now, in this spacious and luminous room that I¨m talking about, I′m leading a life that′s more than satisfactory and getting around here and there is no longer a big problem. 范文二:Changes in Life Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example.


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第一部分: 交际用语 (每题2分, 共10分) 一、阅读下面的小对话,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. May I help you, madam? _________D____________. A.Sorry, I have no idea B.Yes, I know what to buy C.You‘d better give me a hand D.Yes, I ?d lik e 2 kilos of oranges 2. May I know your address? ________A______________. A.Sure. Here you are. B.I have no idea C.It‘s far from here D.Sorry, I‘ve forgotten 3. Well, Mary, how are you? _________C______________. A.I‘m good B.I‘m pleased C.I‘m fine D.I‘m nice 4. I don‘t like the sports programs on Sundays.__B______ A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So am I D. Neither am I 5. Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? _________B___________________. A.Yes, but I‘ll have English classes.


第一部分交际用语 Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport? Ami,I wantthis report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir. Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Y es, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you. Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming. Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was th at loud Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?---about eighty-five dollars. Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?---B. At the office Could I borrow your Cdof english songs?----I’m sorry, it’s not at hand now. Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?---- B. At the office David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. ----I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that. Do you know if the Andersons are still living there?----Y es, they are. Do you know where I can repair my motorcar?---Around the street corner. Do you know who telephoned me?----I hared it was Sally. Do you like watching football matches? ----Football? No. It's a waste of time. Do you think the exam will be put off?----C. Not likely. Don’t takee too long at the coffee shop. It’s 14:15.----I see. We have 30 minutes left. Ed said that this boy fell of a tree.----Oh, dear. I hope he wasn’t hurt. Everyone knows where the shop is, but who’s the owner?----Steve. Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore?----No, you’d better chang e at the next stop. Excuse me , how can I get to she nearest supermarket?----Sorry,sir.I’m a stranger here myself. Excuse me , how far is the airport from here?----It’s about thirty miles. Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you.----That's quite all right. Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive?----In half an hour. Excuse me, which is the express tranto Tokyo?----On your right. It’ll leave in 5 minutes. Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?---A. Certainly. Here you are Excuse me, is this table taken?----Y eah, I’m savingthesesaets for friends.

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