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Best motivation and reward

Before you hit the roads to achieve a goal, have you ever given any thought to your motivation or what are you expecting to get as a reward? Attitudes towards this question vary from person to person. Some people claim that wealth and fame is the best motivation and reward, others believe that the fulfillment of a job well done is its own reward. In my opinion, the later point holds more water. In the end, it is the joy in the journey that truly matters.

Doing the work with the attempt to be rich or famous will bring an unfortunate outcome and even will lead us to a dangerous situation. Gradually, we will consider wealth and fame as the most important things in our lives instead of the care of our parents, or our ‘Frie nds-time’. Besides, this

kind of thought might have bad effects on our work, since we only

care about how much money we earn or how to get as many glories as we can, we may tend to forget the original significance of doing the job

and can’t concentrate ou r

minds on doing the job well. Thus our work efficiency will


be reduced and it is unlikely that we can make a great development

in our own career. What’s worse, once we fail

to get or lose all those glories or wealth, we may feel rather depressed, empty and even sink into a desperate situation.

However, if we change our train of thought and attach more

importance to the sense of happiness and fulfillment by accomplishing some simple things, our life will become more wonderful. We won’t get tired of our work and we will be courageous enough to overcome all the obstacle on our road and enjoy the abundant happiness that the job brings to us. Every workday is like a journey full of surprise and delight. Besides, without the burden of wealth or fame, we can immerge ourselves into the job and there is a good chance that we can achieve a lot. In this case, although we don’t aim for wealth and fame, wealth


fame will follow naturally. If not, we will not feel discouraged, as we firmly believe that the happiness and fulfillment during the journey is the best reward for our work.

Van Gogh sold only one painting during his life, but this didn’t

stop him from completing over 800 paintings because he never aims to make money or get fame when he creates


new works. As for van Gogh, he values the process of pursuing

instead of the results. It’s the pleasure and

fulfillment in the process of creating gives him abundant motivation. If Van Gogh had always been fascinated in fame and wealth, he would not

have had such wonderful works and the world would never have had such a genius of art.

As a senior high student who are preparing for the college entrance examination, we can’t say that the scores is not

important. But I still strongly recommend that we should cherish the process of our learning and enjoy the perpetual and interior happiness it brings to us. No matter whether we succeed in the end or not, we have got the best reward for our work.




Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness.In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only


touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention. Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the

world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.

Come and join us in volunteer work right now!



Dear grandfather:

How are you?

I am writing to invite you to join us, in the next year, to be a voluntear in the great event, which is to hold in Shanghai. We, a generation born in the 90s in our city, have made a team to do the volunteer work. And you are welcomed by all our team members awing to your great amount of

knowledge about Chinese traditions and culture. Please dont tell me you are too old to do this job. I believe you are sure to


accept my invitation after reading my following

explannation of the importance of the volunteer work.

Nowadays, volunteer work, which has raised public interest and concern, is becomming more and more popular throughout the world. As is known to all, volunteer work is not only meaningful but also necessary. One my personal wete, whats more, its interesting and pleasant! It help us develop oursel .

Firstly, for individuals, especially those young, to do volunteer work is an awailuabe wany to goin social experience. By doing volunteer

work, they can meet vorrious people and they may run across all kinds of troubles. They however, can become mature and determined by solving

these problems. You know, no pains, no gains. Also, individuals will realize that they do (转载

于:https://www.doczj.com/doc/4413076035.html, 在点网:创新英语作文大赛高

一)make a difference in someone elses life, even the whole event,

the world! Their confidence can be rovised and confidence is what it takes to do any job well.

For families, if youre the side that received the help of the volunteers, of couse your issue will be more easily dealt with. If youre the side who give others your hand, you will realize


there exists no better way to educate you r children that ―a virtwre deserues amother‖ because youll get the best present - smile deeply

from ones heart, in the whole world.

It is a great chance for all members getting closer to each other in communities by taking

part in volunteer work. Their team spirits, their co-operation will

be great improued. So, why not?

The most importantly, for the whole world, for the entire human race, volunteer work will make earth a better place to live in, it is through volunteer work that we know there are so many people are willing to help others although they cant get money from it. It is through volunteer

work that we know we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all families.

My dear grandfather, cae on! Join us and help introduce owr great Chinese culture to the world. 21 centuring is on open cewtury. You can trust yourself and please trust us, too! Well help you and we need you help! Lets make the world a better place by being a volunteer! Its a small step for us but it is a leurge one for the whole world!

Love you.

Your granddaught.









To be a volunteer ,Bring a ray of sunshine



Dear Tom:

It is a great pleasure for me to have the wondeful chance to put pen to paper and send my greetings to you. You said that you wanted to be a

volunteer and didnt know whether you should or not. I want to help you analyse it.

In my opinion. I think it is not noly a good chance to help others but also a good opportunity to make

selp-improvement. Youd better participate in the volunteer work. If we compane youth to flouers, as is often the case, then the young volunteers are the most beautiful flowers. By joining in the vounteer work, you will leam how to help others and how to love others. Whats more you can also find it out that there are many people suffering from disaster and


then you will value your comfortable life. Although you may feel

very tired as a volunteer and it may cost you much time to help others, I still insist that you should be a volunteer because the advantages bright about by volunteer work overweigh the disadvantages.

It all the people refused to be volunteers, the people suffered from the may 12 earthquake could lose heart and most of them wouldnt have the chance to survive from that disaster. If none of the people wanted to be a volunteer, the Beijing olympic Games would be a failure. If every people didnt feel like being a volunteer, there would be no people cleaning the environment and protecting the beautiful scenery automatically. It was terrible! From all mentioned above, volunteers play a very important part in our daily life. To be a volunteer will gain glory for China. As is brow to all, Chinese children

are always laughed at for lack of practice. So to be a volunteer is a good chance to canpensate for it.

From my point of view, its high time that you became a volunteer and learned to help others. If everyone makes a contribution to helping others, the world will be much more beautiful!


At last, wish you all the best!

Yours sincerely.













用:help others就显得过于单一了~

The importance of volunteer work



In my opinion, volunteer work is quite an important part

of the modern society. The reasons are as follows.

In the modern time, thanks to the deselopment of economy and technolodge, material enjoyment 13 earned


both in higher quality and larger quantiy. At a price of this, individunls are taking the risk of losing their own values and even sparing no effert to make their fartane even at the price of the

interest of the society. So the volunteer work has been playing an important part as a spiritual comfort not only to the receivers but also to the volunteers, promoting the well-being of the love-givers, making ertra value for others and keeping a perfect balance of the whole society.

In families, volunteer work will help to emphasize the importance of morality, meet emotional needs and even become a vivid educational lesson. Parents, who are widely regarded as the first and most important teachers of their children, are teaching their children through the activities which must truely toach the deepest part of the young souls, instead of serious, traditional crivical words. Also, during the process, in which every member showstus true love, other members are able to recognize him from a difference point of view. This kind of awarness is promised to promote the communication of the family in the future. In

the whole world, the volunteer work can be considered to be an appropriate part of the globalization, during which the

world is becoming a Global village. And the natural and


economic chisasters are driving people from different cultaral back grounds to stand together on the same side, emphasizing the interest of the whole world, which must not be deffended without any countrys participation. And it is the volunteer work that can be granted the role of offering help in its hour of marimum need.All in all, volunteer work is truely an ieplacable part of the society and it is our responsibility to give our hands to make the world a better place.













Volunteer Life




As we know, ―volunteer‖ is a kind of ―work‖ that you offer to do it, and also, it is for free.From schools to shops, from Olympics to world wars, volunteers are everywhere. And to Chinese people, last year is an impresive(impressive)

year because of volunteers. In May 12 earthquake and the 2008

Beijing Olympic Gams, volunteers played a really important role. They touched every Chineses heart, including me.

I dont usually have chances to do volunteers work, but I have some creative ideas about it. In my opinion, helping others is a kind of volunteer and it is important to our lives. We cant become a volunteer in poor rural area, but we can help classmates sowe(solve) a math problem; we cant join

the Olympics, but we can take part in a sports meeting in school and develope the spirit of ―higher, faster, stronger‖ in other ways; we cant go to Wench uan, but we can send our ―gifts‖ there. In fact, we are volunteering everyday and everywhere, but we ignore it

sometimes.Volunteer is not a simple matter about yourself, it also has great influence to your life, your family, even the world. If there are not


volunteers any more, everyone is selfish and vain, the world will be a lonely place. Volunteer can bring people warm and kind feelings and help improve your personality. When you are volunteering, youll find the

beauty of the world and life and you really feel and touch some hard experience, it is able to lead you to treat your family, your life, your fridends(friends) more previously. My dad once told me a story: at the time of Beijing Olympic Games one years flashback, some volunteers said that time was really a hard but valuable memory. Sometimes, they had to stand, it was not permitted to argue with tourists;

sometimes, they even wanted to cry, but smiles had to be on theirs faces all the time. Volunteer was not an easy job, but they said that they didnt regret at all —— they

responded to China, they won reputation for our nation!

So, volunteer is worth joining and valuing, though it is hard, you have gained the best award —— a kind heart.

Start your volunteer life now!









样避免重复。在句式变换方便也要多下些功夫。 Volunteer

work: an unique lesson



With the rapid development of techndogy(technology)

and communication in our society, the sense of

competitiveness and cooperation filled our mind steadily. At the same time, the owarness(awareness) of helping others in peoples mind also became stronger and stronger. This situation led to the start of a new ―job‖—volunteer.

We just found from the passage that the increasing number of the vdunteer(volunteer) touched all the people home and abroad. And I argue the point that volunteer work plays an integral part in our daily life especially for the youth in China.

First and foremest(foremost), nowadays, parents can only have one child and he or she may be given the best care of the other members in the family. As a consequence, the only clild(child) may become selfish and self-centered



The volunteer work, as a special lessons can help the youngster put the other peoples feeling before theirs and ask for their opinion before taking actions. Second

volueer(volunteer) work is not only a training of do others a favour but a process of improving your cooperation ability as well.

Last but not least, volunteer work is an unique lesson that we

cant(cannot) get in our school. Former leader

Jiangzemin said: the main goal in education is making students more creative and helping them reach their full potential. And in my

poirt(point) view, it is volunteer work which can help them reach their full potential but not our school lessons. This kind of pratical

practise can make us know more about what is going on in our society and in the world, for instance, the May 12 earthquake in wenchuan and the wonderful 2008 Beijing Olympic Game and so on.

All the evidence discussed in the above awalysis the points to my conclusion that volunteer work is an unique lesson for our teenagers as it make us know more. do more and think more.





Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness. In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention. Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.

Come and join us in volunteer work right now!

On Volunteer


The definition of the word volunteer in Lougnan


(Longman) Dictionary is someone who helps others

sponstaneously(spontaneously) and willingly. Thats true!

Life is a style of enjoying yourself, not only by entertaing and eiding yourself, but also by the process of helping others.

Undoubtfully, those volunteers reveal their great love and passion

for their country. Love is the eternal theme of the world, Without

hove(love), its like birds without wings, failing to show its talents of flying, Its like spring without flowers, burying is charming fragrants

in the deep soil. Their volunty work unites China, shouing the world how united Chinese people are shocking the world of its cooperation.

People around the country are making their efforts to helping others, which leaves the world an impression that China is a veal country, and

all the people here are like brothers and sisters, who cares a lot for others. You can never imagine how touched I was when I watched the TV program called ―Moving China‖. 13 peasants from

tangshang volunteered to help those victims of Sichuang on hearing

the tremendous earthquake happened there, leaving all their farm work done in the field they sacrifiled anything and helped others at any cost, for they knew the glant pains


the earthquake brings to people. They can never forget how much

pains they havendertaken in the earthquake and how much help they have received from the world. They compared their own feelings to the victims and passed the splrit on. In this sense, people will pass the spirit

from generation to queneration, from China to all over the world. Then, how sweet will the World be!

I have a dream that one day, I will be a member of the volunteer team. I have a dream that oneday, Ill make contributions to China however slightest it may be. I have a dream that one day Ill be a

founder of a world Charity, helping people all over the world. Im firmly convinced that it will not only be a drean for me, but also a drean for people all over China, all over the world, and for the great Global Village.











Dear grandfather:

How are you?

I am writing to invite you to join us, in the next year, to be a voluntear in the great event, which is to hold in Shanghai. We, a generation born in the 90s in our city, have made a team to do the volunteer work. And you are welcomed by all our team members awing to your great amount of

knowledge about Chinese traditions and culture. Please dont tell me you are too old to do this job. I believe you are sure to accept my invitation after reading my following explannation of the importance of the volunteer work.

Nowadays, volunteer work, which has raised public interest and concern, is becomming more and more popular throughout the world. As is known to all, volunteer work is not only meaningful but also necessary. One my personal wete, whats more, its interesting and pleasant! It help us develop oursel .

Firstly, for individuals, especially those young, to do volunteer work is an awailuabe wany to goin social experience. By doing volunteer work, they can meet vorrious


people and they may run across all kinds of troubles. They however, can become mature and determined by solving these problems. You know, no pains, no gains. Also, individuals will realize that they do make a difference in someone elses life, even the whole event, the world! Their confidence can be rovised and confidence is what it takes to do any job well.

For families, if youre the side that received the help of the volunteers, of couse your issue will be more easily dealt with. If youre the side who give others your hand, you will realize there exists no better way to educate you r children that ―a virtwre deserues amother‖ because youll get the best present - smile deeply from ones heart, in

the whole world.

It is a great chance for all members getting closer to each other in communities by taking part in volunteer work. Their team spirits, their co-operation will be great improued. So, why not?

The most importantly, for the whole world, for the entire human race, volunteer work will make earth a better place to live in, it is through volunteer work that we know there are so many people are willing to help others although they cant get money from it. It is through volunteer

work that we


know we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all families.

My dear grandfather, cae on! Join us and help introduce owr great Chinese culture to the world. 21 centuring is on open cewtury. You can

trust yourself and please trust us, too! Well help you and we need you help! Lets make the world a better place by being a volunteer! Its a small step for us but it is a leurge one for the whole world!

Love you.

Your granddaught.








To be a volunteer ,Bring a ray of sunshine


Dear Tom:

It is a great pleasure for me to have the wondeful chance to put pen to paper and send my greetings to you. You said that you wanted to be a volunteer and didnt know whether


you should or not. I want to help you analyse it.

In my opinion. I think it is not noly a good chance to help others but also a good opportunity to make

selp-improvement. Youd better participate in the volunteer work. If we compane youth to flouers, as is often the case, then the young

volunteers are the most beautiful flowers. By joining in the vounteer work, you will leam how to help others and how to love others. Whats more you can also find it out that there are many people suffering from disaster and then you will value your comfortable life. Although you may feel very tired as a volunteer and it may cost you much time to help others, I still insist that you should be a volunteer because the advantages bright about by volunteer work overweigh the


It all the people refused to be volunteers, the people suffered from the may 12 earthquake could lose heart and most of them wouldnt have the chance to survive from that disaster. If none of the people wanted to be a volunteer, the Beijing olympic Games would be a failure. If every people didnt feel like being a volunteer, there would be no people cleaning the environment and protecting the beautiful


scenery automatically. It was terrible! From all mentioned above, volunteers play a very important part in our daily life. To be a volunteer will gain glory for China. As is brow to all, Chinese children are always laughed at for lack of practice. So to be a volunteer is a good chance to canpensate for it.

From my point of view, its high time that you became a volunteer and learned to help others. If everyone makes a contribution to helping others, the world will be much more beautiful!

At last, wish you all the best!


创新英语作文竞赛范文 【篇一:创新英语大赛获奖作文】 best motivation and reward before you hit the roads to achieve a goal, have you ever given any thought to your motivation or what are you expecting to get as a reward? attitudes towards this question vary from person to person. some people claim that wealth and fame is the best motivation and reward, others believe that the fulfillment of a job well done is its own reward. in my opinion, the later point holds more water. in the end, it is the joy in the journey that truly matters. doing the work with the attempt to be rich or famous will bring an unfortunate outcome and even will lead us to a dangerous situation. gradually, we will consider wealth and fame as the most important things in our lives instead of the care of our parents, or our ‘friends-time’. besides, this kind of thoug ht might have bad effects on our work, since we only care about how much money we earn or how to get as many glories as we can, we may tend to forget the original significance of doing the job and can’t concentrate our minds on doing the job well. thus our work efficiency will be reduced and it is unlikely that we can make a great development in our own career. what’s worse, once we fail to get or lose all those glories or wealth, we may feel rather depressed, empty and even sink into a desperate situation. however, if we change our train of thought and attach more importance to the sense of happiness and fulfillment by accomplishing some simple things, our life will become more wonderful. we won’t get tired of our work and we will be courageous enough to overcome all the obstacle on our road and enjoy the abundant happiness that the job brings to us. every workday is like a journey full of surprise and delight. besides, without the burden of wealth or fame, we can immerge ourselves into the job and there is a good chance that we can achieve a lot. in this case, although we don’t aim for wealth and fame, wealth and fame will follow naturally. if not, we will not feel discouraged, as we firmly


创新英语作文大赛初赛题目 Recently, Amy Chua, or the “Tiger Mother”, aroused heated discussions both in US and in China with her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. The following are the ten things she lists in her book that she strictly forbids her two daughters to do: a. Attend a sleepover (a party for children in which they stay the night at someone’s house); b. Have a play date (in which children hang out with their friends); c. Be in a school play; d. Complain about not being in a school play; e. Watch TV or play computer games; f. Choose their own extracurricular activities; g. Get any grade less than an A; h. Not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama; i. Play any instrument other than the piano or violin; j. Not play the piano or violin. You are invited to write under either of the following two topics. The length of your writing should not exceed 300 words. (1) Suppose you are a “tiger parent”. Write a letter to your child and explain to her/him your ideas about tiger parenting. (2) Suppose you are a child who has tiger parents. Write a letter to your parents and explain to them your ideas about tiger parenting.推荐阅读:创新英语大赛获奖作文全国创新英语大赛优秀作文参考第十届全国创新英语大赛初赛考试作文 A letter for you , mum and dad记一次英语大赛英语大赛英语大赛


全国创新英语大赛作文评分标准细则 文章来源:创新英语大赛组委会 作者:佚名 点击数: 1686 更新日期:2012-12-26 全国创新英语大赛作文评分标准细则 参加自主招生 抓住五大要领 文章来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 点击数: 2992 更新日期:2012-10-18 “自主招生”这个备受社会关注的考事儿,每年都被媒体炒得热热闹闹的。新一届高三考生和家长在高二或许更早就听说过这件事儿,现在真的要轮到自己了,非要弄个一清二楚才罢休。高老师博客今天就和大家一同探讨这个话题。 一、抓准自主招生的特点 自主招生也叫高校自主选拔录取,是扩大高校自主权、深化高校招生录取制度改革的重要举措,是高考制度的重要补充,也是对选拔优秀创新人才的新探索。通俗地说,自主招生给了高校更多的招生自主权,可以不拘一格选人才。 那么,自主招生有哪些特点呢?这是考生家长首先应该了解的。归纳起来有以下几方面:参加自主招生的考生不但要参加高考,而且要参加自主招生高校的测试(一般包括笔试和面

试);测试合格在录取时可享受降分优惠,高校将向社会公示获得自主选拔录取资格的考生名单;预选上的考生,按照当地招办要求填报自主招生志愿,且高考成绩须达到该校规定的水平;自主选拔录取人数一般不超过试点高校当年本科招生计划总数的5%,且不占用试点高校当年在当地投放的招生计划;生源质量好的部分高校自主招生比例不设定5%的上限。 二、选择适合自己的高校 到现在为止,共有76所试点高校面向全国进行自主招生。如果你想参加自主招生,一定要在这些学校中选择最适合自己的。怎么选呢,考生首先要对自己有个正确的定位和评价,自身的实力和水平是否适合参加,一味盲目的报考只会增加考生的负担。 这里说的正确定位和评价的意思是根据自己的实力,挑选和自己成绩相匹配的高校,不要冲太高,也不要就低。如果憧憬太高,就算拿到降分优惠,高考成绩若达不到要求一样不能被录取;如果选择的学校比自己平时成绩还低很多,也浪费了自主招生的降分的优势。 可以选择那些冲一冲就能够到学校,例如正常发挥条件下裸分成绩排名达不到,算上自主招生加分可以考入;或者凭裸分成绩排名刚好能考入的学校,选择更好的专业,自主招生优惠算是一种保障。 在数量上可以有目标的多选几所院校,也有人建议选两三所,至于选几所都无妨,重要的是要拉开档次,这样至少能保证通过一所或两所高校的初审。另外,可以了解一下所在中学在自己目标院校的录取率,如果某校通过率不高的话,应理性地选择。无论如何做,最好先确定自己的目标院校。 三、细读高校自主招生简章 每年在10月底~11月,各自主招生试点高校都会针对自主招生发布新一年的简章或者章程。所以,确定好目标院校的考生家长,一定要仔细阅读该校的章程或简章。 自主招生简章主要包括关键几项:报名条件;报名方式;选拔程序;录取规则等。因为各高校自主招生选拔的条件不同,如重要的截止时间;笔试、面试时间地点;考试科目;申报材料的要求;自荐信规格(打印签名还是手写)等重要的信息细节,每一个细节都不要忽视,这里要提醒考生家长特别注意!例如,2012年人大的自主招生简章中就要求《个人申请》由考生本人手书。 往年常会有因错过报名截止时间、缴费时间、未按照要求提交申报材料等原因和心仪高校失之交臂的情况出现。 四、精心准备申请材料 向学校递交申请材料是自主招生过程中一个很重要的环节。申请材料通常包括报名表、自荐信、推荐资料、获奖证书复印件、高中成绩以及其他附属材料等。获奖证书可以是考生在高中阶段获得的各种奖励证书。个人陈述主要是让高校更加了解你,内容可以是你参与的一次重要活动、取得的成绩,还可以介绍自己在大学期间的计划等。组织申请材料时需注意一定按高校要求填写。 另外,这里要说一下,学生最好能拿到所在中学的校荐,“校荐名额”比个人自荐的机会大得多。一般“自荐”比例只占初选通过的不到20%,而“校荐”通过初选获得资格的占95%,获得校荐名额基本等同于初选成功。但并不是学校在推荐信上盖了章就算“校荐”,因为所有


The Significance of Having A Purpose in Life 赵浚洲四川省平昌中学高一十七班指导教师吴昌荣with regard to life’s purpose, it is indisputable that having a purpose in your life has long been recognized as an important element in enabling humans to dispose of adversity and live with greater satisfaction. As John F. Kennedy puts it,”Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” As far as I am concerned, a purpose in life plays an irreplaceable and vital role in your road to success. In the following context, I am going to justify my perspective from several aspects. To start with, there is no denying that having life's purpose can change the quality of your life. People often find that when they have discovered their life's purpose and begun to live by it, their lives take on greater meaning and authenticity. They report feeling less fragmented. They feel less overwhelmed by the complexities of modern living. Their course is clearer, their decision-making easier. Furthermore, having life's purpose provides you with unique motivation to live your life in a certain way. Your life purpose should be powerful and compelling enough to drive you forward--to lead you into activities that reflect this passion. Regarding senior high school students, all of you should set a great and ambitious life’s purpose and strive to pursue it with fervent passion. Otherwise, you would become degenerate and mediocre, at the same time, and couldn’t discover the meaning of your life. Eventually, having your life's purpose can give direction to your life, and help you figure out where to focus your energy, time and money. Provided that you often find yourself fluttering about your life from one fad to the next, you lack a directional focus. As Seneca says,“When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind”. Accordingly, a purpose serves as a lighthouse that guides you direction to navigate through the stormy waters. Even though you confront various setbacks and difficulties, you will spare no efforts to pursue your ideal and you will not be at a loss. In a nutshell, I can naturally draw a reasonable conclusion that success comes about as a corollary to embracing your purpose. Therefore, it is high time that you were aware of the significance of purpose in your life.


11 Directions:Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within less than 300 words. You can add a title by yourself. “Thank you”—a powerful gift Recently, some individuals would not give their seats to the old or the pregnant as the result of no reaction given back. Naturally, problems arouses: Must we demand a “thank you”when we give a seat to others? As my opinion, a “thank you” is both beneficial to the seat sharers and the ones who take the seat. A smile and a “thank you”paid back can promote the phenomenon of giving seats and enhance the moral value of the society. The first time I gave my seats to a pregnant and she smiled to me saying “thank you”. That time I felt the flower of my heart come out and bloomed .So I kept on doing that until an old lady once stared at me without saying a word when I gave my seat to her. I felt as if I would never do that again and got off of the bus. Apparently, the simple smile and words motivate people to do more moral things for the ones needing help while everyone is longing for a “thanks”when they do things for you. Your reactions are really important to others. If we are ignored by the ones who take your seat, do not be sad and keep on doing the things we think are right. We might be disappointed ,or even sad, when we are ignored as our own view. But have you ever thought that the impolite actions might be reasonable? Maybe those individuals were in a bad mood and did not tend to talk to anyone else. Or maybe they just got some bad news of their body and were extremely week so that they could not make an reaction. Standing in others view can always alleviate our disappointment on them and encourage us to keep on the good things. We should always believe that the world ,with our positive outlook and action, will be increasingly beautiful and warm and advance morally. In conclusion, we should continue to give seats to others and give others a thank you and a smile when they do the same to us. Like the saying : “Giving others roses and the scent will remain.”Let’s make our slightest action as a gift to others and contribute to a happier world positively. 10 Directions: Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others; regardless of a friend or a stranger. However, in recent years, people find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places. One of the most common examples is that, a passer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be very likely to be recognized as the accident-maker. This kind of events is being rerun again and again. When trapped in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would be your choice?


第七届全国创新英语作文大赛优胜作文选登复赛试题: Directions: With the development of computers, more and more people are working with computers. But, we know that computers are harmful as well as useful and helpful .Here, you are asked to write an essay on the topic “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers”. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your essay should be written in English with no less than 300 words within 60 minutes. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers 李彦妮 辽宁市鞍山市第一中学10届14班 Nowadays, the idea of progress loorns so large in the modern world, and the progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us. In this circumstances, computers which have a great help come out with the wisdom and hard-working of human beings. It do have given human a tremendous help, it, however, has brought to us its harmness at the some time. The computers can make a great help for us in this high speed society. In the light of this statement, it is computers that can store documents for us which is essential for us, it is computers that can shorten the time in seeking useful information instead of looking for knowledge from a large sums of books and it is computers that can make it possible to comunicate with different people who are far away from you. In a word, we can't live nomally without computers in such a high-tech society. On the contary, having helped us a lot, computers are harmful to people at the same time, especially the adolescents. First of all, sitting in front of the computer may do harm to our eyes. On the other hand, computers not only bring us useful information but also entertainments. Being weak in controlling themselves, those poor adolescents are more easier to get crazy about the fantasy world. Seeing a vivid picture which is about a son who gets stuck in computers and phones to his parents downstairs to bring dinner for him. I realized deeply that the computers really have their disadvantages. According to the statements above, it can not be superficial to simply say that computers are good or bad for us as every coin has both sides. Personally, I still consider that a computer can bring us convinience and high speed which is extolled to all the people even though it is a two-edged weapon. We can learn well punctuated by those purchasable wells of wisdom - computers. 专家建议:


注意事项: 1、答题前请参赛选手仔细阅读考试注意事项。 2、建议参赛选手先在word文档中编辑作文,并且留好备份,然后拷贝到答题区,进行提交。 3、参赛选手可以先阅读作文题目及要求,在考试结束之前在线提交作文即可(请注意考试结束时间)。 4、作文在"预览提交"后系统会提醒考生进行提交确认,从而进入下一页对文章进行预览,只有当进入下一页点击"确认提交"按钮之后才完成考试。 5、作文中不可出现个人信息,否则视为作弊。 6、初赛第二阶段考试时间:2014年2月6日09:00——2月25日18:00。 7、初赛第二阶段成绩公布时间:2014年3月1日。 8、初赛第二阶段入围选手复赛报名时间:2014年3月1日-2014年3月10日。 9、完成考试后,作文将只能查看,不可修改。 Topic: 第二部分题目 Directions: Addison said,“Every man should have a purpose in life. A man without a purpose lives on, like a cabbage in a field, but he knows no life.” Accord ing to him, having a purpose in life is very important for us. With Addison’s words as your point, write an essay with no less than 300 words. You can add a title by yourself. 用法:艾迪生说,“每个人在生活中应该有一个目的。一个人要有目标,否则根本就不懂生活”据他介绍,而有个生活目标对于我们来说是非常重要的。艾迪生的话,你的观点,不少于3 00个词写一篇文章。你可以自己添加标题。


2020创新作文大赛范文:高考之外 【篇一】 冬天清晨六点半,我又照常背上书包,凛冽的寒风从楼道下涌入,刺骨的寒冷让我清醒了许些。我又一次看到了他,冲着他微笑了一下,便转身踏上上学的路。 起初,我对他的印象不太好。 他是我楼上的邻居。他的父亲大概是在教育部门工作的吧。那是位和蔼的叔叔,在楼梯口碰到时还会寻问我的学习情况。在近十年里的学习、考试、升学的影响下,我的心里总有一个标准:凭借学习才是取得成功的正常途径。因此,我对于给人以有修养有文化感觉的人都有种亲切感,而对于那些不专于学业的青少年们有些不屑。而他在我心中就属于后者。 有一天下午出门时,我恰巧听到了楼上的叔叔呵斥的声音。那种声音饱含着愤怒与无奈,我听出了一些恨铁不成钢的意味,显得那样压抑与沧桑。我也并不是太在意,向楼下走去,只是对他印象更差了点。 除此之外,我还有一件对楼上的邻居很不满的事。每天中午,都会有准时的咚咚的声音把我吵醒,虽然已经习惯了许多,但心中还是偶尔有点小抱怨:真是的,你不要学习但我还得高考呢! 总之,每当我看见他时,不带任何表情地瞥一眼就

走了,不过,他手上的创口贴倒是很引人注意,很好奇为什么总是贴着。我看向他的眼睛,给人一种很干净清爽的感觉,所以应该也不是因为打架这类事情造成的。那,他到底是做什么的呢? 直到某天中午,我走到家门口,翻遍了书包也未找到钥匙。在经历一番心里斗争后,我向楼上迈去,希望借手机打电话。就在我不断在懊丧纠结之中,门开了。并不是叔叔,而是比我稍大一点的他。我有些紧张地叙述了一下事情原由,他只是冲着笑了一下,客气地说了句:请进。 他给我倒了杯茶,并把手机给我,就去干其他的事了。打过电话后,我就坐在椅子上,突然听到了砰砰的声音。心中一阵好奇,在犹豫不决之中还是走进去,敲了敲房门。 他拿着雕刻工具给我开了门。 我一眼就看到了他洁净的桌面上的雕刻作品。我突然间了解为什么中午总是那样吵,为什么他的手上经常有创口贴。我吱唔着寻问是否可以看一看他的作品。他平静的眸子似乎闪亮了一下。 这儿有一只灰白的小巷放在桌子上。青石板的小路虽短却似乎能够延伸至很遥远的地方。两侧的矮墙上带着淡淡的裂纹,墙上的小窗透着木头独有的气息。那是一个缩小的江南水乡风景,但是有些缺憾,因为小巷里撑伞的少女显得有些突兀。


高中组初赛题目 一、阅读能力测试(100分) 请阅读下面的材料,按要求进行阅读能力测试。 不到5岁便夭折的儿童每年有900万。在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区,产 妇死亡概率为33%,这一比率在发达国家仅为0.018%。全球至少有25个国家,大多数为撒哈拉以南的非洲国家,其人口的平均寿命不超过55岁。仅在 印度一国,就有超过5000万的学龄儿童连简单的课文也看不懂。 看了上面这段文字,或许你只想把书扔到一边,不去想世界贫穷这件大事。因为这个问题看上去太宽泛、太棘手。然而,我们写这本书的目的就在于,劝 你不要那样做。 宾夕法尼亚大学近期的一项实验表明,这一问题的重要性会令我们无比震惊。研究人员发给每个学生5美元,让他们填写一份简短的调查表,然后再给 他们看一份传单,请他们为“拯救儿童”(全球慈善机构之一)捐款。传单有 两种不同的类型,有些学生所看到的传单是这样的: 马拉维的食品短缺影响着超过300万儿童;在赞比亚,自2000年以来的 严重干旱已导致粮食产量下降42%。因此,300万赞比亚人将面临饥饿;400

万安哥拉人(占安哥拉人口总数的三分之一)已被迫离开自己的家乡;超过1 100万埃塞俄比亚人急需食品援助。 另外一些学生所看到的传单上画着一个小女孩,还有这样一些文字: 罗西娅是一个来自非洲马里的7岁女孩,她过着极度贫穷的生活,甚至面 临着挨饿的危险。然而,您的经济援助将会改善她的生活。有了您以及其他好 心人的支持,“拯救儿童”将与罗西娅的家人以及社区里的其他人一起帮助她,让她能吃饱饭,接受教育,具备基本的医疗及卫生常识。 看了第一份传单的学生平均每人捐了1.16美元。和第一份传单不同,第二份传单展现了一个而不是数百万人的困境,看了这份传单的学生平均每人捐了2.83美元。这样看来,学生们愿意为了罗西娅而承担一点儿责任,但在面对广泛的全球性问题时,他们就不免有些泄气了。 接下来,研究人员又随机选定了一些学生,先告诉他们这样一个现象,即 人们不愿关注那种泛泛的信息,他们更有可能会捐钱给某一特定受害者,然后 再给这些学生看那两份传单。结果显示,看了第一份传单的学生平均每人捐款1.26美元,与事先不知道该现象的学生所捐的钱差不多。然而,看了第二份传单的学生在得知这种现象之后,平均每人仅捐了1.36美元,远远低于不知道该现象的学生所捐的钱。鼓励学生们再想想反而使他们对罗西娅不那么慷慨了, 但马里人民也没有因此得到更多的援助。


第十四届全国创新英语大赛复赛作文题目 Friends and relatives often drift apart, sometimes for no justifiable reason. But friend- ship and close family ties are beneficial in so many ways that make the efforts to preserve those ties worthwhile. Write a composition in no less than 300 words about your relationship with one of your family members or a frien d of yours. 第十三届全国创新英语大赛复赛作文题目 When we find that someone we admire has done something terribly wrong or behave unexpectedly,we feel greatly disappointed .But constant discovery leads to our realize -tion that great ideas and great deeds come from imperfect people like ourselves. Write an essay on the following question with no less than 300 words, in which you develop your point of view on this issue, support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your readings, studies experience,or observations ,you can add a title by yourself.


第九届复赛作文Topic: Should We Follow Fashions? Directions: Some people say that fashion is just for selling clothes, so we should not follow it and we should dress what we like and feel comfortable in it. How far do you agree with them? Write an essay on the following topic: should we follow fashions? Requirements: Illustrate your view on the topic with no less than 250 words and write down your opinions and reasons so long as they are reasonable. 第九届初赛Topic: Natural Disasters Directions: Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated in about 300 words. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness. A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (e.g. flood, drought, tornado, volcano eruption, earthquake, typhoon, tsunami, or landslide) that affects the environment, and leads to financial, environmental and/or human losses. Recently, we can see many natural disasters occured home and abroad and huge damage have been made either to the environment or to our human lives. Those natural disasters urge us to reconsider our beliefs and actions toward our mother nature when we seek for clothes, food, and sheltering etc. Therefore, what is your attitude toward the natural disasters? What shall we do to prevent us from being simply destroyed? What kind of role did we play in the causes of those dreadful disasters? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion. 第八届复赛作文:Directions: Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness. In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention. Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth. How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion. 第八届初赛作文Directions: Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes.

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