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【第一篇】Heights 高度By Longfellow 翻译/秋子树The heights by great men reached and kept伟人所至高度,Were not attained by sudden flight,并非一蹴而就;But they, while their companions slept,同伴半夜酣睡时,Were toiling upward in the night.辛勤攀登仍不辍。【第二篇】the panther 豹his vision, from the constantly passing bars,has grown so weary that it cannot holdanything else. it seems to him there area thousand bars; and behind the bars, no world.隔着不时掠过的铁栏,他的目光已变得如此疲倦,再无法承受哪怕一眼。似乎面前有千条栏杆;而栏杆之后别无他物。【第三篇】if by life you were deceived假如生活欺骗了你——alexander puskin if by life you were deceived,don't be dismal, don't be wild!in the day of grief, be mildmerry days will come, believe.假如生活欺骗了你不要悲伤,不要心急忧郁的日子里需要镇静相信吧快乐的日子即将来临

heart is living in tomorrow;present is dejected here;in a moment, passes sorrow;that which passes will be dear.心儿永远向往着未来现在却常是忧郁一切都是瞬息一切都将过去而那过去了的就会成为亲切的回忆


小学生英文朗诵稿范文篇一 Morning 清晨 I love to wake to each new day, 我喜欢醒来迎接每一个清晨, And brush my dreams Of night away, 轻松抖落一夜的梦尘, And look out through my window wide 从窗口向外眺望远处, To see what weather is outside, 广茅的天地是否晴空无云, And wonder what exciting thing 想象何等激动人心的事 This shining, un-used day Will bring. 这灿烂崭新的一天将献呈。 小学生英文朗诵稿范文篇二 Hold fast to dreams 把握梦想 For if dreams die 如果梦想消失

Life is a broken-winged bird 生命将是折翼之鸟 That cannot fly 无法飞行 Hold fast to dreams 把握梦想 For when dreams go 如果梦想逝去 Life is a barren field 生命将是一片荒原 Frozen with snow 大雪冰封 小学生英文朗诵稿范文篇三 菊叶斯.基尔默 i think that i shall never see a poem lovely as a tree. a tree whose hungry mouth is prest againsr the earth's sweet flowing breast; a tree that looks at god all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pry; a tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair;


十首英文励志诗歌 1. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FAILURE –Robert H. Schuler Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure. It does mean you haven’t succeeded yet. Failure doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing. It does mean you have learned something. Failure doesn’t mean you have been a fool. It does mean you had a lot of faith. Failure doesn’t mean you’ve been disgraced. It does mean you were willing to try. Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it. It does mean you have to do something in a different way. Failure doesn’t mean you are inferior. It does mean you are not perfect. Failure doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your life. It does mean you have a reason to start afresh. Failure doesn’t mean you should give up. It does mean you must try harder. Failure doesn’t mean you’ll never make it. It does mean it will take a little longer. Failure doesn’t mean God has abandoned you. It does mean God has a better idea. 失败的意义 罗伯特?H?舒勒陈采霞译 失败并不代表你是个失败者,它只表明你尚未成功。 失败并不代表你一无所获,它只表明你吸取了一次教训。 失败并不代表你很愚蠢,它只表明你信心百倍。 失败并不代表你无脸见人,它只表明你百折不回。 失败并不代表你工夫白费,它只表明你的做事方法尚待改进。 失败并不代表你低人一等。它只表明你并非完人。 失败并不代表你浪费生命,它只表明你有理由重新开始。 失败并不代表你应该放弃,它只表明你要加倍努力。 失败并不代表成功永不属于你,它只表明你要付出更多的时间。 失败并不代表上帝已经抛弃你,它只表明上帝还有更好的主意。 2. FOLLOW YOUR OWN COURSE– Neil Simon Don’t listen to those who say “It’s not done that way.”Maybe it’s not, but maybe you will. Don’t listen to those who say “You’re taking too big a chance.”Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor,and it would surely be rubbed out by today. Most importantly, don’t listen When the little voice of fear inside of your ear its ugly head and says,”They’re all smarter than you out there. They’re more talented,They’re taller,blonder,prettier,luckier and have connections……”I firmly believe that if you follow a path that interests you,Not to the exclusion of love,sensitivity,and cooperation with others,But with the strength of conviction That you can move others by your own efforts,And do not make success or failure the criteria by which you live,The c hances are you’ll be a person worthy of your own respect. 走自己的路尼尔?西蒙陈采霞译 别听那些人的话,”这事不能那么做。”也许是不能那么做,可是也许你就会那么做。别听那些人的话,”你这个险冒得太大了。”米开朗琪罗可能在西斯廷教堂的地板上作过画,到今天肯定已经被抹掉了。最重要的是,当你心中恐惧的声音,抬起它丑陋的头说,”那边那些人都比你聪明,他们更有才华,他们更高大、皮肤更白、更漂亮、更幸运,并且认识各种各样的人…”你可千万别理会。我坚信只要选择一条你感兴趣的路,不排除爱情、敏锐以及与别人的合作,而是坚定地认为,通过你自身的努力能够感动他人,不把成功或者失败作为你生活的标准,那么你就可能成为值得自己敬佩的人。 3. FAITH Napoleon Hill Faith is the “eternal elixir [i’liks?] ” Which gives life,power, and action to the impulse of


Never give up, Never lose hope. Always have faith, I t allows you to cope. Trying times will pass, As they always do. J ust have patience, Your dreams will come true. So put on a smile, You’ll live through your pain. Know it will pass, And strength you will gain. 永不放弃, 永不心灰意冷。 永存信念, 它会使你应付自如。 难捱的时光终将过去, 一如既往。 只要有耐心, 梦想就会成真。 露出微笑, 你会走出痛苦。 相信苦难定会过去, 你将重获力量。 Thoughts in the Silent Night --- Li Bai Beside my bed a pool of light--- Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my eyes and see the moon, I bend my head and think of home. 静夜思- 李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 In the Rainy Season of Spring --- Du Mu It drizeles endlessly during the rainy season in spring, Travellers along the road look gloomy and miserable. When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern, He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms.


100字左右的优美散文诗 散文诗是一种现代文体﹐兼有诗与散文特点的一种现代抒情文学体裁。今天本人在这分享一些100字左右的优美散文诗给大家,欢迎大家阅读! 水神颂 月光之下 水中有一抹白色遗世而立 如雪的长裙 宛若盛世白莲 黑发如绸 青丝三千 垂至水面 散开 红唇若樱 微扬 蓝眸如星辰闪烁 深邃而美丽 像那一望无际的深海 又似那沙滩上的皓贝 修长如玉的纤指 缠绕着雪绸 以玉为骨雪为肤 以诗为心月为神 美人如斯 回眸一笑 刹那间

风华万千 犹如月色精灵 与那月那水融为一体 不禁为那抹风华所惊艳 美人如水 青春 青春是一个美梦 却终有梦醒的一天 青春是一条小河 却终有干涸的一天 青春是一道彩虹 却终有消失的一天 青春是一朵盛开的鲜花 却终有凋落的一天 青春是握在手里的细沙 不知不觉已然漏去 青春是天上的一颗流星 虽然美丽却瞬间逝去 青春是幸福留下的阵阵香气 想要珍惜它已离 那一年,三十八岁 三十八岁,光阴慢慢,韶华以逝,心似乎淡定了可是深夜,你依然是我不眠的梦。 那一年,光阴慢慢, 你的容颜有些模糊, 我也不在读, 纳兰的人生若如初见,

我青春的伤似乎已经浅淡, 我想完整的读一遍你送我的那本书, 一本二十年前没有读完的书, 一本徐志摩的诗集。 夜, 不念你的时候总是很长, 有你的梦又太短, 于是, 打开那本书, 想在泛黄的字香里, 再一次的寻找你曾经的影子, 那天,月很明,风很清, 一如20年前那晚, 我朦胧的似乎又回到了从前, 那个让我流泪,不知所措的夜, 20年前我读过一半的痕迹还在, 那夜真的无眠, 总有一种力量推我读完, 迷蒙中读到了编页, 两行娟秀的小字映入眼帘, ‘读完这本书的人,就是我的王子。你懂的’。我惊愕的看完, 原来我一直是你的答案。 泪以长流,顿成江河, 20年来所有的不解 都被今夜明亮的月光刺痛。 原来,这苦。不是我一个人在守。

小学英语 英文诗歌素材少儿英文诗歌朗诵材料

【1】Rain雨 Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上, And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。 by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894 【2】What Does The Bee Do? What does the bee do? 蜜蜂做些什么? Bring home honey. 把蜂蜜带回家。 And what does Father do? 父亲做些什么? Bring home money. 把钱带回家。 And what does Mother do? 母亲做些什么? Lay out the money. 把钱用光。 And what does baby do?婴儿做些什么? Eat up the honey. 把蜜吃光。 by C. G. Rossetti, 1830-1894 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore啊!水手,上岸吧 (Part I) O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧 What have you brought for me? 你给我带来什么? Red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚, Coral from the sea. 红的,白的。 (Part II) I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我从地下挖的,Nor pluck it from a tree; 也不是从树上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴风雨的海裹 In the stormy sea. 弱小昆虫做成的。 by C. G. Rossetti 【4】THE WIND风 (Part I) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌? Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际,


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 优美的英文散文 篇一:15篇英语精美美文 (1)ourenvironmentisveryimportantforourlives.weneedt hefreshair,cleanwaterandsoon. Inthepast,thereweremanytreesaround us,theairwasfreshandtheriverswereclean.butnow,peopl ecutdownmany trees.Airpollutionandwaterpolloutionare veryserious.Theenvironmentaroundusbecomesveryterrib le.weshouldprotectourenvironment.First,weshouldplan tmanytreestokeepwater.second,wecanrideabikeorwalkto schoolorwork.Third,weshouldn’ tthrowwasteintotheriver.Fourth,weshouldusefewerplas

ticbags.Finally,wecanaskmorepeopletojoinus. Let’sprotectourenvironment! (2) Asagoodlearner,weshouldhavegoodhabitsanddifferentwa ysoflearning. First,weneedto getreadyforourlessonsbeofreclass.weshouldalwayslist entotheteachers carefullyandtakenotesintime.Ifwedoso,wecanfollowour teacherbetter.Afterclass,wemustgooverthelessonsandf inishourhomeworkintime.sometimes,itsgoodtostudyingr oupsandhelpeachotherwhenyoumeetwithdifficulties.Asa student,workinghardis important,butdontforgettodosportsandkeephealthy. Ithinkitsalsoimportantforustoarrangeourtimewell.wes houldlearntokeepabalancebetweenstudyandplay. Ihopethesewillhelpusbecomegoodlearners. (3)Dearfriends,


When you have a kid who you care so much that anything he wants comes before your own desires When you have a kid who is so much in need for your affection and understanding that no matter what is bothering him you're willing to do anything to make him smile When you have a kid who is so dependent on you that no matter what obstacles you face you have to be forever confident in front of him giving him the sense of security When you have a kid whatever your goals are for your life you're so willing to put him ahead before all your goals sometimes even give up your dreams for his needs but you'd consider yourself lucky indeed being in love with someone in this wide world so deep you try to make everything easy for him to grow up into a loving,strong adultThank god for giving me this chance let me experience what love,giving,and voluntary sacrifice are all about


优美英语散文诗带翻译 【篇一】优美英语散文诗带翻译 醉花阴 To the Tune of Intoxicated Under the Shadow of Flowers The Double Ninth Festival Light mists and heavy clouds, melancholy the long dreary day. In the golden censer the burning incense is dying away. It is again time for the lovely Double-Ninth Festival; The coolness of midnight penetrates my screen of sheer silk and chills my pillow of jade. After drinking wine at twilight under the chrysanthemum hedge, My sleeves are perfumed by the fragrance of the plants. Oh, I cannot say it is not endearing, Only, when the west wind stir the curtain,

I see that I am more gracile than the yellow flowers. 醉花阴 薄雾浓云愁永昼, 瑞脑销金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱橱, 半夜凉初透。 东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦! 【篇二】优美英语散文诗带翻译 初相遇 The Frst Encounter The Frst Encounter The lyric lad intones under the moon Can I have a chance to meet you, I croon If it were a love from the love divine I would cherish you, and cherish you fine I read your solitude in your heart sole


If wind had colors ,the world would be a riot of colors.下面是本站为大家带来的,希望能帮助到大家! 小学英语诗歌经典短诗1 When you have a kid who you care so much that anything he wants comes before your own desires When you have a kid who is so much in need for your affection and understanding that no matter what is bothering him you're willing to do anything to make him smile When you have a kid who is so dependent on you that no matter what obstacles you face you have to be forever confident in front of him giving him the sense of security When you have a kid whatever your goals are for your life you're so willing to put him ahead before all your goals sometimes even give up your dreams for his needs but you'd consider yourself lucky indeed being in love with someone in this wide world so deep


关于茶的优美散文诗精选 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《关于茶的优美散文诗精选》的内容,具体内容:在茶的世界里,没有这么多眼前身后的纷扰,也没有那么多炎凉冷暖的无常。下面是我给大家带来的,供大家欣赏。篇一:以茶会友一烫,二洗,三斟上先闻,再品,后酌入... 在茶的世界里,没有这么多眼前身后的纷扰,也没有那么多炎凉冷暖的无常。下面是我给大家带来的,供大家欣赏。 篇一:以茶会友 一烫,二洗,三斟上 先闻,再品,后酌入 千年历史今文化 修身养性齐天下 道不同不相为谋 小人饮茶淡如水 宫阙之上又如何 千金易得知己难求 与友吃茶犹饮琼浆 同君席地谈古论今 古有二枭雄煮酒论英雄 今时与友茶道谈天说地 不觉夕阳已西下

幸甚!快哉 篇二:茶香 作者:贾天成 甘露琼汁纳釜中 烈火焚烧生雾烟 投杯茶叶一小撮 沸水冲腾杯内壁 上下翻转茶叶舒 清香飘逸沁心扉 天然山川秀其身 摘采焙制留其香 旷野灵气吸腹中 柔香慢散增气神 昔日 达官显贵品茶道 庸俗凡子献茶艺 如今 品茶莫论贵与贱 茶香飘飘皆嗜好 篇三:茶的联想 作者:娄志异 有时,一个人独自思忖

茶是什么? 多数是一种饭后的消遣让人感觉情趣于其中茶是一种文化积淀 千百年来 多少文人墨客留下了丽诗佳句 一代又一代的传承 采摘、制作、饮用 成为一种习惯 代代流传 小时候 生活在乡下 红茶 是农民田头的一道风景在一棵大树荫下稍坐渴一会儿红茶 或者戴着草帽 在田横头略坐片刻 喝一杯茶解渴 蓄一点力气 几个人聊聊天,吹吹牛

又深入田间劳作 茶 又是一种锤炼的结果 成为一件 艺术珍品 茶,是一种蕴含 让普通者解渴 让思想者更清澈 让文学者 在茶的助力下 思如泉涌 笔尖书写出 千言万语 是打开一个人神秘思想的 神药 专写茶人三部曲的 王旭峰 以一种崭新的叙述手段 谱写了茶人三代人的悲欢故事小时候 在我们江南的各个小镇 拥有大大小小茶馆


[有关感恩英语小诗歌朗诵]小学生英语诗歌朗诵 我们要懂得感恩,不能得鱼忘筌,过河拆桥。了有关感恩英语小诗歌,欢迎阅读! Thanksgiving is here, so our minds have turned To what time has taught us, to what we’ve learned: We often focus all our thought On shiny things we’ve shopped and bought; We take our pleasure in material things Forgetting the pleasure that friendship brings. If a lot of our stuff just vanished today, We’d see the foundation of each happy day Is special relationships, constant and true,

And that’s when our thoughts go directly to you. We wish you a Thanksgiving you’ll never forget, Full of love and joy—your best one yet! Never Cry? In a fatal aident So much pain in the body, Really wanted to die, But never wanted to cry In the dealing with things in life So much agony to bear Sometimes wanted to suicide


小学英语诗歌精选【三篇】 导读:本文小学英语诗歌精选【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 Rain 雨Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落,It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢,It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上,And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894THE WIND 风(Part I)Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌?Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我;But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际,The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过。(Part II)Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔?Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过,不论你或我;But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际,The wind is passing by. 风正从那里经过。~by C. G. Rossetti 【篇二】 he Star 星星(1)Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星!How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形,Up above the world so high, 高高挂在天空中,Like a diamond in the sky. 就像天上的钻石。(2)When the blazing sun is gone, 灿烂太阳已西沉,When he nothing shines upon, 它已不再照万物,Then you show your little light, 你就显露些微光,Twinkle, twinkle all the night.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 大气的散文诗 篇一:适合朗诵的优美散文15篇 小学生必读现代散文15篇 一.白色山茶花 席慕蓉(台湾) 山茶花又开了,那样洁白而又美丽的花朵,开了满树。 每次,我都不能无视地走过一棵开花的树。那样洁白温润的花朵,从青绿的小芽儿开始,到越来越饱满,到慢慢地绽放;从半圆,到将圆,到满圆。花开的时候,你如果肯仔细地去端祥,你就能明白它所说的每一句话。就因为每一朵花只能开一次,所以,它就极为小心地绝不错一步,满树的花,就没有一朵开错了的,它们是那样慎重和认真地迎接着唯一的一次春天。 所以我走过一棵开花的树,都不得不惊讶与屏息于生命的美丽。 三.春天吹着口哨刘湛秋 沿着开花的土地,春天吹着口哨;

从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于是欢快的旋律就流荡起来了。哨音在青色的树枝上旋转,它鼓动着小叶子快快地成长。 风筝在天上飘,哨音顺着孩子的手,顺着风筝线,升到云层中去了。呵,那里面可有蜜蜂的嗡嗡?可有百灵鸟的啼啭?可有牛的呼叫?沿着开花的土地,春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于是欢快的旋律就流荡起来了。它悄悄地掀开姑娘的头巾,从她们红润润的唇边溜过去。 它追赶上了马车,围着红樱的鞭子盘旋。 它吻着拖拉机的轮带,它爬上了司机小伙子的肩膀。 呵,春天吹着口哨,漫山遍野地跑;在每个人的耳朵里,灌满了一个甜蜜的 声音——早! 四金色花 [印度]泰戈尔 假如我变了一朵“金色花”,只为了好玩,长在那树的高枝上,笑哈哈的在风中摇摆,又在新生的树叶上跳舞,母

亲,你会认识我么? 你要是叫道:“孩子,你在哪里呀?”我暗暗的在那里匿笑,却一声儿不响。我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。 当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过“金色花”的林荫,走到你做祷告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花的香气,却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。 当你吃过中饭,坐在窗前读《罗摩衍那》,那棵树的荫影落在你的头发与膝上时,我便要投我的小小的影子在你的书页上,正投在你所读的地方。但是你会猜得出这就是你孩子的小影子么? 当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,我便要突然的再落到地上来,又成了你的孩子,求你讲故事给我听。 “你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?” “我不告诉你,妈妈。”这就是你同我那时所要说的话了。 五.橡树(生与死相互交替的规律) [意]费拉里斯 初春,大地从沉睡中苏醒。田野里飘来一阵阵泥土的清香,草儿吐露出娇嫩的幼芽,好奇地窥视着人间;姑娘们穿着艳丽的衣裳,在碧绿色的草地上欢快地歌唱。 万木争春,小溪哗哗作响,两岸铺上翡翠般的地毯。举目眺望,大自然一片生机,


Idon’t know what I’mbest at; I just can’t live without books. Harry Potter is my favorite one. In Chinese version, the names of the characters from Harry Potter are just sound and mean nothing. But in English version, the names alone will give you an idea of the personality or what they looked like. That is the things lost in translation. For example, Albus Dumbledore.His first name ‘Albus’ is from the Latin word Alba, which means ‘white’. In color symbolism, ‘white’ stands for purity. His last name Dumbledore is old English for “bumblebee”. So his name suggests honor and a hard working nature. So does the scary ‘you-know-who’, Voldemort. Voldemort is French for ‘flight of death’. His original name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom is a random name but Riddle suggests he has secrets and tries to hide from people. Moreover, Tom Marvolo Riddle was made into the anagram ‘I am Lord Voldemort’. That’s really amazing. Do you think so? I still have many names are waiting for your request. And, you know how,always! Thank you!


最美的英语散文诗精选最美的英语励志诗歌:青春的渴望 aspirations of youth 青春的渴望 ------james montgomery 詹姆斯·蒙哥马利 higher,higher,will we climb, 更高,更高,愿我们 up the mount of glory, 攀登上光荣的阶梯, that our names may live through time 我们的名字就能永存

in our countrys story; 在我们祖国的史册; happy,when her welfare calls, 幸福啊,当她一声召唤, he who conquers,he who falls! 他就去拼搏,就去攻坚! deeper,deeper,let us toil 更深,更深,让我们 in the mines of knowledge; 在知识矿藏中开发; natures wealth and learnings spoil

自然财富和学术精品 win from school and college; delve we there for richer gems 星更加光耀。 through the path of duty; 从研究院吸纳;愿我们在此发掘的珍宝, than the stars of diadems. 向前,向前,愿我们推进这职责的常规;比王冠的星onward,onward,will we press virtue is true happiness, 做好事是真正的福分, excellence true beauty. 美德却是真正的美。 minds are of supernal birth: 头脑会超尘脱俗地成长:


关于小学英语诗歌大全 带来的关于小学英语诗歌,欢迎阅读! 【篇一】关于小学英语诗歌 The Star 星星 (1) Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星! How I wonder what you are, 我想知道你身形, Up above the world so high, 高高挂在天空中, Like a diamond in the sky. 就像天上的钻石。 (2) When the blazing sun is gone, 灿烂太阳已西沉, When he nothing shines upon, 它已不再照万物, Then you show your little light, 你就显露些微光, Twinkle, twinkle all the night. 整个晚上眨眼睛。 (3) The dark blue sky you keep 留恋漆黑的天空 And often thro’ my curtains peep, 穿过窗帘向我望, For you never shut your eye 永不闭上你眼睛 Till the sun is in the sky. 直到太阳又现形。 (4) ‘Tis your bright and tiny spark 你这微亮的火星, Lights the traveler in the dark; 黑夜照耀着游人, Though I know not what you are 虽我不知你身形, Twinkle, twinkle, little star! 闪耀,闪耀,小星星! by Jane Taylor, 1783-1824 【篇二】关于小学英语诗歌 What Does Little Birdie Say? (1)


小学生必读现代散文15篇 一.白色山茶花 席慕蓉(台湾) 山茶花又开了,那样洁白而又美丽的花朵,开了满树。 每次,我都不能无视地走过一棵开花的树。那样洁白温润的花朵,从青绿的小芽儿开始,到越来越饱满,到慢慢地绽放;从半圆,到将圆,到满圆。花开的时候,你如果肯仔细地去端祥,你就能明白它所说的每一句话。就因为每一朵花只能开一次,所以,它就极为小心地绝不错一步,满树的花,就没有一朵开错了的,它们是那样慎重和认真地迎接着唯一的一次春天。 所以我走过一棵开花的树,都不得不惊讶与屏息于生命的美丽。 三.春天吹着口哨刘湛秋 沿着开花的土地,春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花,

在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于是欢快的旋律就流荡起来了。哨音在青色的树枝上旋转,它鼓动着小叶子快快地成长。 风筝在天上飘,哨音顺着孩子的手,顺着风筝线,升到云层中去了。呵,那里面可有蜜蜂的嗡嗡?可有百灵鸟的啼啭?可有牛的呼叫?沿着开花的土地,春天吹着口哨; 从柳树上摘一片嫩叶; 从杏树上掐一朵小花, 在河里浸一浸,在风中摇一摇;于是欢快的旋律就流荡起来了。它悄悄地掀开姑娘的头巾,从她们红润润的唇边溜过去。 它追赶上了马车,围着红樱的鞭子盘旋。 它吻着拖拉机的轮带,它爬上了司机小伙子的肩膀。 呵,春天吹着口哨,漫山遍野地跑;在每个人的耳朵里,灌满了一个甜蜜的

声音——早! 四金色花 [印度]泰戈尔 假如我变了一朵“金色花”,只为了好玩,长在那树的高枝上,笑哈哈的在风中摇摆,又在新生的树叶上跳舞,母亲,你会认识我么? 你要是叫道:“孩子,你在哪里呀?”我暗暗的在那里匿笑,却一声儿不响。我要悄悄地开放花瓣儿,看着你工作。 当你沐浴后,湿发披在两肩,穿过“金色花”的林荫,走到你做祷告的小庭院时,你会嗅到这花的香气,却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。 当你吃过中饭,坐在窗前读《罗摩衍那》,那棵树的荫影落在你的头发与膝上时,我便要投我的小小的影子在你的书页上,正投在你所读的地方。但是你会猜得出这就是你孩子的小影子么? 当你黄昏时拿了灯到牛棚里去,我便要突然的再落到地上来,又成了你的孩子,求你讲故事给我听。 “你到哪里去了,你这坏孩子?”


小学英语诗歌朗诵材料 【1】Rain雨 Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上, And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。 by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894 【2】What Does The Bee Do What does the bee do 蜜蜂做些什么Bring home honey. 把蜂蜜带回家。 And what does Father do 父亲做些什么Bring home money. 把钱带回家。 And what does Mother do 母亲做些什么Lay out the money. 把钱用光。 And what does baby do婴儿做些什么 Eat up the honey. 把蜜吃光。 by C. G. Rossetti, 1830-1894 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore啊!水手,上岸吧 (Part I) O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧What have you brought for me 你给我带来什么 Red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚,Coral from the sea. 红的,白的。(Part II) I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我从地下挖的, Nor pluck it from a tree; 也不是从树上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴风雨的海裹 In the stormy sea. 弱小昆虫做成的。by C. G. Rossetti 【4】THE WIND风(Part I) Who has seen the wind 谁曾见过风的面貌Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际, The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过。 (Part II) Who has seen the wind 谁曾见过风的面孔Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际, The wind is passing by. 风正从那里经过。~by C. G. Rossetti 另一首诗人的风之歌 O wind , why do you never rest, 风啊!为何你永不休止 Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸 Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨 From the dim north bringing snow 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪。 【5】THE CUCKOO布谷鸟 In April, 四月里, Come he will, 它就来了, In May, 五月里, Sing all day, 整天吟唱多逍遥, In June, 六月里, Change his tune, 它在改变曲调, In July, 七月里, Prepare to fly, 准备飞翔, In August, 八月里, Go he must! 它就得离去了! ~by Mother Goose's Nursery Rhyme 【6】COLORS颜色 What is pink A rose is pink 什么是粉红色

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