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Colorful expressions and concepts

1. (have) Ducks in a row--- good Planning, Readiness

2. (be) On the same page--- Communication, aware of what each other are doing

3. (to) Bite the bullet--- Endurance, determination

4. (to) Pop the question--- Marriage

5. When the fat lady sings--- Finality, game over

6. (to) Bite the dust--- Death

7. (to) Throw one's hat into the ring--- enter/Join a competition

8. (to) Chew the fat--- Talk

9. (to) Walk the walk--- follow-through, take personal responsibility

10. (take) Bull by the horns--- Initiative

11. (take with) Grain of salt--- Skepticism

12. (have) Cold feet--- Fear

13. (Be) in Hot Water-- Trouble

14. (to) Kick the bucket--- Death

15. (to) have the Hots for--- Sexual Desire

16. (Be) Down with something--- Agreement

17. (Be) in the Zone--- Flawless performance

18. (to) Do the Nasty--- Sex

19. (To) be History--- Over and done with

20. (take) the High road--- Do the Right (ethical) thing

21. Smell the Roses/ Coffee--- Face reality

22. (to be) not Rocket Science--- Simplicity, not complicated or difficult

23. Talk turkey--- get down to business

24. Call a spade a spade--- (be unafraid to) tell the truth

American Slang

1. cheesy--- too cute

2. fox--- attractive woman

3. hunk--- attractive man

4. plastic--- credit card

5. shag--- have sex with

6. chill--- relax

7. dude--- man/guy

8. slam-dunk--- sure thing

9. cake--- money

10. sketchy--- not believable

11. wasted--- very drunk, high,

or tired

12. fat cat--- rich person

13, honcho--- boss, important person

14. buzz--- rumor, advance word

15. bimbo--- pretty but very dumb


16. bonehead--- very dumb man

17. shorty--- girl

18. slacker--- lazy person

19. psycho--- crazy person

20. flashback--- powerful memory

21. slick--- smooth, well-accomplished

22. geek--- too pre-occupied by tech-

nical matters

23. bro--- comrade, friend (male)

24. dis--- disrespect


1--- Two heads are better then one.

1--- The benefits of working together.

2--- Strike while the iron is hot.

2--- Seize a good opportunity or it will disappear

3--- Time heals all wounds.

3--- Forgetting can be a necessary blessing

4--- If you can't bite, don't show your teeth.

4--- Be careful that you can back up what you project to others

5--- The deepest waters often make the least noise.

5--- Sometimes the most important things are the least obvious

6--- Who gossips to you will gossip of you.

6--- If you participate in loose talk about others, it will eventually turn against you too

7--- Beauty is only skin deep.

7--- You must look beyond the surface of things to find true beauty 8--- To err is human, to forgive divine.

8--- It is our ordinary self that makes mistakes, but our best self that does not hold the mistakes of others against them.

9--- If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

9--- Thinking ahead is crucial to success in life

10--- Calm seas do not make skillful sailors.

10--- Comfort is not the best teacher; often, it takes overcoming difficulties for us to learn to do our best

11--- Many are called but few are chosen.

11--- Fate is mysterious and very selective

12--- Even monkeys fall out of trees.

12--- On some days, even the best of us are not quite up to the task 13--- The best time to find a girlfriend/boyfriend is when you're not looking for one.

13--- When you're trying too hard, you often don't present your best and most attractive self

14--- You will never have a friend if you must have one without faults.

14--- Accepting others for who they are is an important part of friendship

15--- Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

15--- A wise person thinks twice before rushing into something questionable.

16--- The butterfly often forgets it was a catapiller.

16--- People often leave their humility behind if they become successful

17--- Too bad that all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving taxis and cutting hair.

17--- Talk is cheap, especially from people who don't have to deal with the difficulties of actually getting things done in politics

18--- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

18--- Pride, self-respect

19--- Money is the root of all evil.

19--- Greed is very deep-seated within us and our society.

20--- The person who makes no mistakes usually does not make anything.

20--- If you are always afraid of doing things wrong, then it will be difficult to learn to do things right.

21--- The fish does not go after the hook, but after the bait.

21--- We are often lured by the promise of rewards and don't think about the possibly negative consequences

22---Laughter is the best medicine.

22--- Often we take things too seriously

23--- Let your ears hear what your mouth says.

23--- Think carefully about what you say and how it might apply to you

24--- Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.

24--- Hard work is the most important part of being successful

英语谚语500句,俚语 俗语与谚语专题精编版

英语谚语500句,俚语俗语与谚语专题 a heart of gold道德高尚的人 a heart of oak果断的人 a stitch in time saves nine一劳永逸 a bad workman quarrels with his tools不会睡觉怪床歪 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush十鸟在树,不如一鸟在手a bit trying有些苦恼 a burnt child dreads the fire一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 a cat may look at a king一视何伤 a constant guest is never welcome久住令人贱 a contented mind is a perpetual feast知足常乐 a crooked stick will have a crooked shadow上梁不正下梁歪 a friend is easier lost than found朋友易失不易得 a good beginning is half done能善其始,事已半成 a good beginning makes a good ending善始善终 a good gain takes long pain好事多磨 a good lather is half a shave良好的开端等于成功的一半 a good name is better than riches名声好,胜金宝 a good tale is none the worse for being told twice好戏不厌百回看 a jack of all trades is master of none样样精通样样稀松 a little learning is a dangerous thing一知半解是危险的事。 a man cannot whistle and drink at the same time一心不能两用 a man without a smiling face must not open a shop人无笑脸不开店a miss is as good as a mile失之毫厘,差之千里 a near neighbor is better than a distant cousin远亲不如近邻 a necessary lie is harmless必要的谎言无妨 a pin a day is a groat a year聚沙成塔 a reformed rake makes the best husband浪子回头金不换 a rolling stone gathers no moss转石不成苔,转业不聚财


容易犯错的英语口语1. The house is really A-1. (误译)那间房子的门牌确实是A-1号。 (正译)那间房子确实是一流的。 2. He bought a baker's dozen of biscuits. (误译)他买了面包师做的12块饼干。 (正译)他买了13块饼干。 3. A bull of Bashan woke the sleeping child with his noise. (误译)贝兴的一头公牛弄醒了那个酣睡的孩子。 (正译)一个大嗓门的人把那个酣睡的孩子吵醒了。 4. He was a cat in the pan. (误译)他是盘子中的一只猫。 (正译)他是个叛徒。 5. A cat may look at a king. (误译)一只猫都可以看到国王。 (正译)小人物也该有同等权利。 6. Even a hair of dog didn't make him feel better. (误译)即使一根狗毛也不会使他觉得好些。

(正译)即使是再喝解宿醉的一杯酒,也不会使他觉得好些。 7. Is he a Jonah? (误译)他就是叫约拿吗? (正译)他是带来厄运的人吗? 8. Jim is fond of a leap in the dark. (误译)吉姆喜欢在黑暗处跳跃。 (正译)吉姆喜欢冒险行事。 9. A little bird told me the news. (误译)一只小鸟将此消息告诉我。 (正译)消息灵通的人士将此消息告诉我。 10. Angela is a man of a woman. (误译)安吉拉是个有妇之夫。 (正译)安吉拉是个像男人的女人。 11. Nellie is a man of his word. (误译)内莉是他所说的那个人。 (正译)内莉是个守信用的人。 12. He paid a matter of 1000 yuan. (误译)他付了1000元的货物账。


1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. 3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst. 4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start. 5.不眠之夜 white night 6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best 8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord. 9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new 11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all 12.大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener 13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace 14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little 15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits. 16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more 17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide. 18.和气生财 Harmony brings wealth. 19.活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn. 20.既往不咎 let bygones be bygones


初中英语必须要掌握的100条重要词组 1.agree with 同意……的意见(想法);符合 I can’t agree with you about that.就那件事,我无法同意你的看法。2.1isten to倾听…… When she arrived,1 was listening to English. 她来的时候,我正在听英语。 3.get to 到达 I get to school at about 7:30 every day,and I get home at 5:00 in the afternoon.我每天7:30到校,下午5:00到家。 4.fall off (从……) 掉下 The girl fell off the bike.女孩从自行车上摔了下来。 5.knock at/on 敲(门、窗) There was a heavy knock at the door.有人在猛烈地敲门。 6.laugh at 嘲笑 It’s not good to 1augh at a person who is in trouble. 讥笑一个陷于困境的人是不对的。 7.1earn…from…向……学习 Bob ,you should learn from your brother.He does well in his homework.鲍勃,你应该向你哥哥学一学。他的作业完成得很好。 8.1ive on 继续存在;靠……生活 People in my hometown live on rice.我家乡的人们靠大米为生。9.1ook after 照顾,照看 I must look after my old grandma when my parents are not at home. 父母不在家时,我必须照顾我的老奶奶. 10.help…with 帮助……做…… My friend helps me with my English study.我的朋友帮助我学习英语。11.at the end of 在……的结束时,在……末尾 We are given an examination at the end of each month. 我们每个月底都有一场考试。 12.be keen on 喜欢,热爱,醉心于…… I am keen on studying English.我热心于学习英语。 13.next to 旁边的 Who’s the boy sitting next to you? 坐在你边上的那个男孩是谁? 14.in the middle of 在……中间 Don't put the sand in the middle of the path! 别把沙子倒在路中央。15.work as 担任,从事 I will study science well and work as a scientist. 我要学好科学,将来做个科学家。


英语谚语大全【简单的】 本文是关于英语谚语大全【简单的】,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 失败是成攻之母 practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 all roads lead to roma. 条条大道通罗马 don′t judge a person by the clothes he wears. 不能以貌取人 don′t count your chickens before they are hatched. 切莫过于乐观 learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进 it′s easy to be wise after the event. he sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒。 he that respects not is not respected. 欲受人敬,要先敬人。 so said, so done. 说到做到。言出必行。 haste makes waste. 忙乱易错。欲速则不达。 better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不受人怜。 although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪。

so the world wags. 这就是人生。 one can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用。 no weal without woe. 福兮祸所伏, 祸兮福所倚。 little chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原。 like knows like. 惺惺相惜。 it is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。 dreams are lies. 梦不足信。 do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。 a light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。不恼不愁,活到白头。 an apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。 poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。 deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速. one sin opens the door for another. ---german 犯了一次罪恶就会犯另一次罪。 one man‘s meat is another man‘s poison. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。


400句常用英语谚语大全_英语格言 A light heart lives long 静以修身。 All rivers run into sea 海纳百川。 All roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马。 A bully is always a coward 色厉内荏。 A cat has 9 lives 猫有九条命。 A cat may look at a king 人人平等。 A bad thing never dies 遗臭万年。 Knowledge is power 知识就是力量。 Life is but a span 人生苦短。 Money isn't everything 钱不是万能的。 Never say die 永不言败。 No cross, no crown 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。 A close mouth catches no flies 病从口入。 A constant guest is never welcome 常客令人厌。 Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩。 Failure is the mother of success 失败是成功之母。

Adversity leads to prosperity 穷则思变。 Promise is debt 一诺千金。 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。 Every minute counts 分秒必争。 Health is happiness 健康就是幸福。 Hear all parties 兼听则明。 Strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁 It's never too late to mend 亡羊补牢 There is no smoke without fire 无风不起浪 East or west,home is best 走东串西,还是家里好 Equal pay for equal work 同工同酬 Pride goes before a fall 骄兵必败 Reading makes a full man 读书使人完善 All roads lead to Roma 条条大道通罗马 Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水。 Blood will have blood 血债血偿。 Business is business 公事公办。


容易犯错得英语口语 1、The house is reallyA—1、 (误译)那间房子得门牌确实就是A-1号。 (正译)那间房子确实就是一流得。 2、Hebought a baker's dozen of biscuits、 (误译)她买了面包师做得12块饼干。 (正译)她买了13块饼干。 3、 A bullofBashanwoke the sleeping child withhis noise、(误译)贝兴得一头公牛弄醒了那个酣睡得孩子. (正译)一个大嗓门得人把那个酣睡得孩子吵醒了。 4、He was acat in the pan、 (误译)她就是盘子中得一只猫。 (正译)她就是个叛徒。 5、Acat may lookat aking、 (误译)一只猫都可以瞧到国王. (正译)小人物也该有同等权利。 6、Even a hairof dog didn't make himfeel better、(误译)即使一根狗毛也不会使她觉得好些. (正译)即使就是再喝解宿醉得一杯酒,也不会使她觉得好些. 7、Ishe a Jonah? (误译)她就就是叫约拿吗? (正译)她就是带来厄运得人吗? 8、Jim isfond of a leap inthe dark、 (误译)吉姆喜欢在黑暗处跳跃。 (正译)吉姆喜欢冒险行事. 9、A little bird toldmethe news、 (误译)一只小鸟将此消息告诉我. (正译)消息灵通得人士将此消息告诉我。 10、Angela is a man of a woman、 (误译)安吉拉就是个有妇之夫.

(正译)安吉拉就是个像男人得女人。 11、Nellie is aman of hisword、 (误译)内莉就是她所说得那个人。 (正译)内莉就是个守信用得人。 12、Hepaid a matter of 1000yuan、 (误译)她付了1000元得货物账. (正译)她大约付了1000元。 13、It is a nicekettle offish!I have astomachache、 (误译)这就是一锅好鱼,(可惜)我胃痛. (正译)真糟糕,我胃痛了。 14、Sheis a noseofwax、 (误译)她得鼻子就是腊制得义鼻. (正译)她没有主见。 15、Glen spent a small fortune on a tourround the world、 (误译)格伦花了一笔小钱周游世界。 (正译)格伦花了巨资周游世界。 16、He isvery gladthat hiswife'sgoing to get a visit fromthe stork、(误译)她为她得妻子将获得参观鹳鸟得机会感到非常高兴. (正译)她为妻子即将生孩子感到非常高兴. 17、Archibaid was a whale at fishing inhis young days、 (误译)阿奇比德年轻时捕鱼捕到了一条鲸鱼。 (正译)阿奇比德年轻时擅长捕鱼. 18、Is thereaworldof difference between Kenneth and Louie? (误译)肯尼斯与路易就是生活在不同得世界吗? (正译)肯尼斯与路易之间有极大得不同吗? 19、The ABChopes to settle in China、 (误译)那个美国广播公司希望在中国设立公司。 (误译)那个在美国土生土长得华裔希望在中国定居。 20、Bruce was takenup above the salt、 (误译)布鲁斯坐在盐上。



初中英语短语例句 初中英语短语常用的例句,考试必看。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! 1 1 all the year round 一年到头 例:Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round. She is happy all the year round. 2 work as 从事...工作 例:In the morning he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop. I have work as a student for nine years. 3 have a day/night off 腾出......时间放松 例:He has not had a night off for two months, but he still feels

happy. She never has had a day off since I met her. 4 pour...into... 向...某处倾倒...某物 例:The factory was pouring waste water into the river. I poured the coke into the big bottle an hour ago. 5 write...about… 写......关于....某事 例:I wrote a essay about English yesterday. She is writing sth. about her hobby. 2 1 whenever..., you... 不管什么时候,你..... 例:Whenever she begin speaking, you must listen to her carefully. Whenever I need help, you don't help me. 2 as soon as 一...就....


英语谚语大全第一版 C 第13 页共83 页 C 共63 条 Call a spade a spade. 据实而言。 Call me not olive till thou see me gathered. 盖棺论定。Call no man happy until he dies. 盖棺才能定论。 Can the leopard change his spots? 江山易改,本性难移。Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋,带来好运气。 Care brings grey hair. 忧虑催人老。 Care killed the cat. 忧虑伤身。 Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean. 清水未来,莫泼赃水。 Cast not your pearls before swine. 明珠莫投暗。 Catch the bear before you sell his skin. 大事未成时,莫开庆功宴。 Cats hide their paws. 大智若愚,大巧若拙。 Caution is the parent of safety. 谨慎小心是安全之源。Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron. 金链锁人比铁炼更牢靠。 Change lays not her hand upon truth. 真理不变。Charity begins at home, but should not end there. 仁爱须由近及远。 Cheat's never proper. 欺骗决非正当事。 Cheek brings success. 和气生财。 Cheerful company shortens the miles. 旅有好旅伴,不觉行程远。 Cheerfulness and goodwill make labour light. 欢快与好意,劳动不觉累。


l.about:prep. 关于;大约 adj. 在附近的;四处走动的;在起作用的 adv. 大约;周围;到处 n. 大致;粗枝大叶;不拘小节的人 ①what about怎么样;(对于)…怎么样 Hey, what about breakfast? 嗨,早饭怎么样? ②how about 怎么样、如何、怎麽样 How about we do that here?我们现在也这么做如何? ③speak/talk about议论、谈到、讨论、谈论某事 He has nothing to speak about that thing 关于那件事他没有什么可说的 What are you talking about?你们在谈论什么? ④think about思考、考虑 Think about what you like to do想想有什么是你喜欢做的 ⑤care about关心,对…有兴趣、担心、在乎 That's all we care about那是所有我们关心的 She always cares about losing her job她总担心丢掉她的工作 ⑥bring about引起,使发生 Its main mission is to bring about "peace and security" 它的主要目的就是带来“和平和安宁” ⑦set about着手,开始 She set about planning her holiday开始为假期作准备了 ⑧come about 发生; 产生; 出现; 造成 How did it come about? 这一切都是怎么发生的? ⑨hear about听说、得知、耳闻 Did you hear the news about edward? 你听说了关于爱德华的消息了吗? ⑩worry about为…担心、焦虑、烦恼、惦念、挂虑 Do you worry about your weight? 你担心自己的体重吗? ⑾argue about争论、争辩、议论某事、辩论 I don't want to argue about it any more我不想再争辨什么 Do we have to argue about this? 我们非要为这个吵吗? Argue about sth. with sb就某事与某人辩论 ⑿know about了解、知道…的情况、知道有关于、知道What do they know about your topic? 关于你的主题他们了解多少? I happened to know about him。我碰巧了解他的情况。 ⒀carry about随身携带、携带、带着、随身照顾 Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. 记忆就好像是我的所有人随身携带的记事本 This dictionary is too heavy to carry about. 这本字典大重,不能随身携带 ⒁learn about了解、听到、得知、学习 How did you learn about our product? 你是怎么得知我们产品的? ⒂all about到处,各处;关于…的一切 Tell me all about yourself 请告诉我有关你的一切 ⒃up and about起床走动 She was up and about very early 她很早就起来活动了 He's too weak to be up and about他太虚弱了,不能起来走动。2.away:adv. 离去,离开;在远处 ①right away 立刻、马上、立即、即时 Will you take me to him right away? 你现在就带我去找他好吗? ②throw away 扔掉、错过、浪费、丢弃 I never throw anything away我从来不扔任何东西 Don't throw away those boxes不要把那些箱子扔掉 ③blow away吹走、吹掉、吹去 The smoke blew away烟被风吹掉了 Beware your hat, lest it should be blown away. 当心你的帽子别被吹走 ④carry away拿走、带走、冲走、搬走、冲昏... 的头脑Water can carry away the soil only if it is flowing fast 雨水只有在流得很快的时候才能带走泥土 ⑤clear away散去、驱除、消除、收拾餐桌 Shall I clear away the teacups?我可以收拾茶杯了吗? ⑥die away 逐渐消失,减弱 The noise of the car die away in the distance汽车声音消失在远方The breeze has died away. 微风渐渐减弱了 ⑦pass away(时间等)消磨掉、去世、终止、停止 His ill humour will soon pass away. 他的坏心情很快就会消失。He unfortunately passed away last year他不幸于去年去世了 ⑧wash away冲走、清洗、消除、涤荡、涤除 Our house was washed away in the flood. 我们的房屋在洪水中被冲走了 To wash away the feeling of pain.用雨水来冲刷掉痛苦的感觉⑨take away带走、拿走、取走、剥夺、减去、使停止 He wants to know who have take away his dictionary 他想知道谁拿走了他的词典 If you take four away from ten, that leaves six.十减去四得六 ⑩put away收起来、放好、储存、打消、放弃 Please put away your toys请把你的玩具放好。 I have a year's worth of salary put awa我有一年的工资的储备⑾give away背弃、泄漏、赠送 I wish he wouldn't give the show away但愿他不会泄露内幕 He was giving his collection away for free 他正在无偿捐赠他的收藏 When you give away your love当你付出你的爱 ⑿wear away磨损、磨掉、消逝、衰退流逝 My patience is almost worn away by her endless complaints 她抱怨个不停,几乎使我的耐性消耗殆尽 Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away 除了眼泪外,只有时间可以冲淡一切! ⒀break away突然离开、逃跑、脱离、逃脱、摆脱 He decided to break away from the Party. 他决定脱党 Can't you break away from old habits?你不能戒除旧习惯吗? ⒁send away撵走、开除、解雇、让走开 to send away somebody赶走(或开除)某人 ⒂turn away避开、解雇、不准…入内、走开、转过脸 It does not care if you turn away它不在意你是否走开。 ⒃far away遥远的 I live far away from my school 我住的地方离学校很远


英文经典谚语(俗语)30例详解 老外平时除使用许多俚语(slang)外,也常夹些格言(adage)、俗语(proverb)、引语(quotation)、警句(saying)或是众所周知的道理(truism)。这些玩儿,也与中文里不少的格言或俗语等意义相近。使用起来,颇有「异曲同工」之妙。 1.Like attracts(或draws)like. 意思是:相同的人吸引相同的人。(like 指similar people)这与另一句谬语「Birds of a feather flock together.」(相同羽毛的鸟在一起)意义相似。(a=same)也就是咱们常说的「物以类聚」或「同声相应,同气相求」。 2.(Too much) familiarity breeds contempt. 意思是说:相处过於亲密,就会产生侮慢之心(不尊重)(即low opinion)(breed = create)这句话又与另一句俗语「Too thick does not stick.」(太稠或太浓反而黏不住)意思相近。也就是说:「closeness brings disagreement.」(亲不敬,熟生蔑); 就是劝人:「君子之交淡如水」或「保持距离,以策安全」。 3.Once bitten(或bit),twice shy. 就是说:一次被咬,下次胆小。或是一次上当,下次小心。(shy = avoid)动词时态:bite, bit, bitten(或bit)这又与另一句俗语「A burnt child fears(或dreads)the fire.」(被灼伤的小孩怕火)相似。说白些,就是:When you have bad experience, you don't want to have the same experience again. 这不就是「一朝被蛇咬,见绳也心惊」或「一日被蛇咬,十年怕草绳」吗? 4.A stitch in time save nine. 意思是:「一针及时省九针」。也是「一针不补,十针难缝」或「小洞不补,大洞叫苦」的味道。这句警语与「An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.」(一分的预防,胜於十分的治疗)意义相近。此外,还有:「Don't wait for a rainy day to fix the roof.(不要等到下雨时才去修补屋顶); 或「Always prepare for a rainy day.」或「Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.」(做最坏的打算和最好的希望)这些警语,说的都是「未雨绸缪」。 5.Old habits die hard. 意思是说:改掉老习惯很不容易。「It is difficult to break an old habit.」这与另一句谚语:「You can not teach an old dog new tricks.」(你不能教老狗新把戏)。这就是所谓「江山易改,本性难移」。 6.Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 意思是:一个人不在时,使人内心更想念。 「When a person is absent, we may think of him/her more often.」与「久别情深」、「眼不见,心更念」、「人去情渐深」,或是「一日不见如隔三秋」的意味相近。 7.A penny saved is a penny earned. 据说这是Ben Franklin 的引语。照字面意义是:能存一分钱,就是赚了一分钱。後来有人改口说:Take care of your pennies(=pence)and the pounds (=dollars)will take care of themselves. 说白些,就是:If you save small amount of money, you will eventually have a large sum of money. 就是中国人所谓「积少成多,集腋成裘」。(这句话也可指小事谨慎,大事自成。) 8.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.意思是说:当在罗马时,就照罗马人的(生活)方式去


英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。下面是一些常用的俚语。 a bird in the hand is worth two the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林 a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始) a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满) a cat nap 打个盹儿 a chip off the old block 大木头上砍下来的小木片(子肖其父) a chip on one's shoulder 肩头的木片(自卑感,因为自卑而爱找别人麻烦;喜欢向人挑衅) an ouch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼) a cake walk 走去吃糕(易事) a headache 头痛(麻烦事) a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒) a load off my mind 心头大石落地 a nut 傻子,疯子 a pain in the neck 脖子疼(苦事) a piece of cake 一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件) a pig 猪猡 a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜) a short fuse 引线短(脾气火爆) a sinking ship 正在下沉的船 a slam dunk 灌篮(轻而易举的事) a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱) a smoke screen 烟幕 a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人)

a stick in the mud 烂泥中的树枝 a thick skin 厚脸皮 a thorn in someone's side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背) a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒) an uphill battle 上坡作战(在逆境中求胜) a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担 ace 得满分(得到完美的结果) all ears 全是耳朵(洗耳恭听) all thumbs 满手都是大拇指(笨手笨脚) an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌 an open and shut case明显的事件 ants in one's pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安) back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓) back on track重上轨道(改过自新) backfire逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反) ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆) beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳) beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看) beggar can't be choosers 讨饭的谈不上挑三拣四 bet on it 下这一注稳赢(有把握,无疑) bet your life 把命赌上(绝对错了) better half 我的另一半 between a rack and a hard place 进退维谷(前有狼后有虎)big headed 大脑袋(傲慢,自大)


有关帮助的英语谚语俚语 帮助别人的人,能得到别人的帮助。大家学习过哪些呢?下面是我为大家收集的,欢迎大家一起来阅读! 1、千里送鹅毛,物轻礼重。 Goose feathers are given from thousands of miles. 2、我帮别人的人,能得别人的帮助。 If I help others, I can get help from others. 3、施比受更有福。 It is better to give than to receive. 4、我越多地帮助他人成功,我就越成功。 The more I help others succeed, the more I succeed. 5、不怕巨浪高,只怕桨不齐。 Not afraid of high waves, but afraid of uneven paddles. 6、熬不过艰辛,就难得安乐;离开了和睦,就别想幸福。 If you cant endure hardships, you can hardly be happy; if you leave harmony, you cant think of happiness. 7、众人一条心,黄土变成金。 With one heart, loess becomes gold. 8、金银财宝不算真富,团结友爱才是幸福。

Gold and silver are not really rich. Unity and friendship are happiness. 9、帮人帮到底,送佛送到西。 Help others to the end and send Buddha to the west. 10、鱼不能离水,雁不能离群。 Fish cant leave the water, geese cant leave the herd. 11、朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存。 Keep a certain distance between friends, so that friendship will last forever. 12、谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就没有朋友! Who asks for friends without shortcomings, who has no friends! 13、得到他人的关爱是一种幸福,关爱他人更是一种幸福。 It is a kind of happiness to be loved by others, and it is also a kind of happiness to care for others. 14、财富不是真正的朋友,而朋友却是真正的财富。 Wealth is not a true friend, but a friend is a real wealth. 15、众人拾柴火焰高。 People gather firewood with high flame. 16、柴多火焰高,人多办法好。 More wood, more fire, more people, better ways. 17、我们靠所得来谋生,但靠给予来创造生活。 We make a living by what we earn, but we make a life by giving.


16个英语短语及例句 1、for/from want of 因为缺少…… The flowers died from want of water. 这些花因为缺少水而枯死了。 Some of the wounded soldiers died for want of medicine. 有些士兵因为缺乏药物而死去。 2、for the use of 供……使用的 This parking lot is for the use of employees only. 这个停车场只供员工使用。 This dining hall is for the use of teachers. 这个饭堂是供教师使用的。 3、in support of 为了支持……,为了拥护…… He spoke at the meeting in support of my idea. 他在会上讲话支持我的想法。 They decided to stay in support of the new leadership. 为了支持新的领导班子,他们决定留下来。 4、so as to 为了(做)……,以便(做)…… They made a lot of lively programs so sas to attract more children. 为了吸引更多的孩子,他们制作了很多生动活泼的节目。

I left home at 5:00 in the morning so as to be there on time. 我早上5点钟就出门,以便准时到达那里。 5、in search of 为了寻找……,为了寻求…… He went to the south in search of better prospects. 他为了寻找更好的前途到南方去。 She immigrated to New Zealand in search of a quiet life. 她为了过上平静的生活移民到新西兰去。 6、for the sake of/for ones sake 为……起见,为了…… His family moved to the countryside for the sake of his sons health. 他一家为了他儿子的健康搬到乡下去。 He betrayed his friend for moneys sake. 他为了钱而出卖自己的朋友。

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