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Chile’s rebound stutters following reform and scandals

I ①Chile’s economic recovery is faltering as business confidence is undermined by President Michelle Bachelet’s reform programme and a political crisis triggered by corruption scandals.

II ①The government announced an abrupt downward revision in economic growth estimates to 2.5 per cent for 2015 on Monday, having initially predicted 3.6 per cent in this year’s budget. ②Growth of 1.9 per cent in 2014 was the lowest since the global financial crisis.

III ①“The good news is that we are reacting as a country, putting growth back at the center of the agenda,”Rodrigo Valdes, the finance minister, said.

IV ①He argued that Chile’s economy had turned the corner after implementing a significant macroeconomic adjustment to clear the way for stronger growth.

V①“Without growth it will be impossible to implement the reform program,”said Mr. Valdes, whose appointment in a cabinet reshuffle in May was seen as an attempt to restore confidence in the world’s top copper producer which has been hit by falling commodity prices.

VI①Ms. Bachelet’s reform program, which is aimed at tackling inequality by improving access to quality education, has suffered as attention has been diverted by corruption scandals.

VII①One of the principal victims has been Ms. Bachelet herself, after her son caused an uproar for allegedly abusing his position to secure a bank loan.

VIII①Mr Bachelet’s popularity has also been hit by discontent over Chile’s sluggish economy.

VIV ①Her approval ratings reached a new low of 27 per cent in June according to local pollster Adimark, after declining from 54 percent at the beginning of her second presidential term more than a year ago.

X①Mr. Valdes admitted that the scandals had taken a toll on the economy, but played down fears that Chile’s economic woes might in turn hold back Ms Bachelet’s ambitious reform agenda.

XI①“Chile has a tradition of being sensible. ②We will be capable of taking the necessary decisions to escape this vicious circle, in which politics contaminate economics, and economics contaminate politics,”he said.

XII①A key step is improving relations with the business sector, which was a vocal critic of a big rise in corporate taxes last year to fund increased spending on education.

XIII①Business have also been unnerved by plans for constitutional reform in September, as well as a labor reform bill that would give greater power to trade unions.

XIV①“We need to strengthen dialogue to understand each other better,”said Mr. Valdes, the MIT-educated economist who has worked at the International Monetary Fund.

XV①“Through dialogue it will be possible to boost confidence,”he added.




















1.contaminate [k?n't?m?ne?t] v.弄污,弄脏,毒害,传染,染污

2.discontent [d?sk?n'tent] n. 不满adj. 不满的vt. 使不满

3.divert [d??v?t] vt.使转向,使改道;转移(注意力);使娱乐

4.downward ['da?nw?d] a.向下的ad.(also downwards)向下,往下

5. *falter ['f?lt?] vi. 支吾;蹒跚地走vt. 支吾地说;结巴地讲出n. 踌躇;支吾;颤

6. *implement ['?mpl?m(?)nt] vt. 实施,执行;实现,使生效n. 工具,器具;手段

7. *macroeconomic ['m?kr??,i?k?'n?m?k] adj. 宏观经济的,总体经济的n. 整体

8. *rebound [r?'ba?nd] n. 回弹;篮板球vi. 回升;弹回vt. 使弹回

9. *reshuffle [ri?'??f(?)l] vt. 重新洗牌;改组;重作安排n. 重新洗牌;改组

10. *sluggish ['sl?g??] adj. 萧条的;迟钝的;行动迟缓的;懒惰的n. 市况呆滞;市势疲弱

11. *stutter ['st?t?] vi. 结结巴巴地说话n. 口吃,结巴vt. 结结巴巴地说出

12.take a toll v.产生负面影响;造成损失

13.unnerved ['?n'n?:vd] adj. 气馁的;烦恼不安的v. 使失去气力;使焦躁

14.vicious ['v???s] a.恶毒的,凶残的,邪恶的

15.vocal ['v??k(?)l] a.声音的;有声的;歌唱的n.元音;声乐作品

16. *woe [w??] n. 悲哀,悲痛;灾难





段III 引用财政部大臣的话,展示智利政府对经济危机的态度,指出,经济增长率已经被重新看做政府任务的中心。段IV呈现政府为了恢复经济状况所采取的措施:实施了重要的宏观经济调控,为了更强劲的经济增长扫清道路,并展示其成果:智利经济已经转危为安。


段VII是对政治丑闻案的概括:巴切莱特女士的儿子为了确保银行贷款,滥用职权。段VIII指出,此案件对巴切莱特女士的人气大受打击。段VIV 则详述她的支持率如何跌至新低:她的支持率7月份只有27%,这是从一年多前她的第二个总统任期期间的54%的支持率开始下降。






本文节选自英国《卫报》上一篇题为“Germany’s response to the refugee crisis is admirable. But I fear it cannot last”的文章,主要分析了德国当前对待叙利亚难民的做法,剖析了其中的原因,并从历史的角度,通过比较德国两次移民数量大幅上升的不同,分析了德国目前这种做法的不可持续性。文章分析入理,从历史与现实分析当前德国难民大量涌入的问题,是一篇值得我们学习的英文佳作。


Ⅰ①Sometimes German words end up having an international career. ②Kindergarten is one of them, Blitzkrieg another. ③Willkommenskultur could be next. ④With its uniquely German ring of bureaucratese and poetics, Willkommenskultur means “welcome culture”and is a word not born of custom but created to establish one.

Ⅱ①Coined by politicians a few years ago, it was originally meant to be the siren call that would attract people from other countries to come to Germany and compensate for a big shortage of skilled workers in vast, sparsely populated areas such as Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-V orpommern.

Ⅲ①These days Willkommenskultur is used to encourage help for the hundreds of thousands of refugees coming to Germany. ②And thousands of Germans have pitched in; they take food and clothes to the camps, take refugees to meetings with the authorities in their own cars, pay their fares, foot their medical bills, teach German, translate forms, share couches and bikes, act as nannies, open up soccer clubs, schools and kindergartens for refugee kids, and go on demonstrations against rightwing attacks across the country.

Ⅳ①Those with a particularly sensitive ear may detect an air of passive aggression in the manner in which Germans seek to highlight their goodness these days. ②The public mood is so empathically pro-refugee, you’d feel guilty if you didn’t at least do the bare minimum, such as offer your spare bed to a Syrian. ③It’s as if a year after the World Cup triumph in Rio, Germans desperately want to be world champions again –this time as the globe’s most welcoming country for refugees.

Ⅴ①And yet, there is something new to all this. ②The last time there was a major spike in immigration into Germany, in the 90s, refugees were largely left to their own devices. ③Only the radical left, the churches and a few engaged private individuals offered organised help. ④All the while they were coming under direct attack from neo-Nazis in Hoyerswerda or Rostock-Lichtenhagen.⑤This became a worldwide symbol of the new “ugly German”. ⑥With overseas prestige under threat, the majority reacted: even middle-sized towns got their own Rock Against Racism gig and the government organised candle-lit demonstrations. ⑦For all that, in 1993, the Bundestag de facto abolished the right of asylum. ⑧When that occurred, it was left once again to leftwing activists, the churches and immigrants to protest. ⑨The plight of the other had once again become a niche concern.







不过,所有这些又有点不同。上一次德国移民数量大幅上升是在1990年代,当时移民们多数无依无靠,自生自灭。只有极左派人士、教会以及少数受雇的个人向他们提供有组织的帮助。从始至终,他们都在霍耶斯韦达或罗斯托克-利希滕哈根的新纳粹分子的直接攻击下前来德国的。这成为了世界范围内新“丑陋德国人”的象征。随着海外声誉岌岌可危,多数派开始行动:即使是中等规模的城镇也有他们自己的“摇滚对抗种族主义”(Rock Against Racism)的演出,政府也组织烛光示威。尽管如此,1993年联邦议会实际上废除了避难权。在那之后,左翼活动家、教会以及移民再一次进行抗议。他人的困境再一次成为了少数人担心的问题。


1. *bureaucratese [,bj?r?kr?tiz] n. 官腔

2. siren ['sa?r?n] adj. 迷人的

3. *sparsely ['spɑrsli] adv. 稀疏地

4. pitch in投入; 作出贡献

5. *empathically [em'p?θik?li] adv. 移情作用地

6. *spike [spa?k] n. 突然上升,剧增

7. left to one’s own devices 自生自灭,无依无靠

8. *de facto [di:'f?kt?u] adv. 实际上

9. abolish [?'bɑl??] vt. 废除

10. *asylum [?'sa?l?m] n. 收容所

11. plight [pla?t] n. 困境



段Ⅰ从个别德语单词在全世界的流行说起,为下文的论述做前期铺垫。句①为主题句,指出一些德语单词最后会赢得国际名声。句②③④论证句①。End up (to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in,最终成为,最后处于)说明了这种情况的偶然性。句②则用Kindergarten和Blitzkrieg两个德语单词加以佐证。句③引出了文章讨论的话题:Willkommenskultur (欢迎文化)。作者谨慎地认为这个单词有可能成为下一个流行全球的德语单词。Could be体现了不确定的态度,说明了一种可能性。句④解释了Willkommenskultur这个词,分析了它的特征,指出它并非脱胎于传统,而是要开创新规。

段Ⅱ一句成段,说明当初发明该词的用意是为了吸引外国技工到德国来,照应段Ⅰ句①中的end up,说明词汇最终会处于何种境地并非我们能预料到。




段Ⅴ作者用yet进行转折,转而叙述这一现象背后的新发现。②-⑨作者介绍过去德国对待难民的做法,从中可以推知德国之后将会如何对待难民。移民先是自生自灭,得到的帮助很少,还要遭受新纳粹的直接攻击。Left to their own devices, only, direct attack说明了当时难民出境之艰难。面对海外声誉的岌岌可危,德国多数派采取行动,通过各种活动支持难民,其中既有民间活动也有官方活动。句⑦用for all that(尽管如此)转折,说明情况并非一路好转:1993年联邦议会实际上废除了避难权。句⑧⑨说明了由此导致的结果:难民得到的帮助大幅减少,他们的困境无人问津。作者通过过往历史暗示如今德国人如此善待难民的做法并不可持续,可能重蹈历史的覆辙。


本文选自《经济学人》杂志中一篇名为“An affair to remember”的文章。本文以Ashley Madison 网站(一家专门为已婚人士提供交友、约会服务的社交网站)信息泄露事件为背景,讲述了这一事件的原因及影响,揭露了网络安全问题的严重性,为网络安全敲响了警钟。


Ⅰ①The hacker’s motives are unclear. ②In their statements they denouncethe “fraud,deceit and stupidity”of both Ashley Madison’s parent company, Avid Life Media, and the site’s users. ③Their complaint against Avid Life is supposedly that the site is a scam,because the vast majority of its users are men, who have to buy credits to access its services. ④But Impact Team’s supposed sympathy for these dupes is hard to square with the hackers’decision to release all the data, and their moralising exhortation to the people thus exposed: “learn your lesson and make amends”. ⑤It seems most likely that Impact Team, like other hacker groups before it, is simply doing this for fun.

Ⅱ①Some think Ashley Madison’s users have got what they deserve. ②But this data breach could have far more public and visible consequences than previous heists, such as the theft of customer data from retailers, tax records from America’s Internal Revenue Service, or even security-clearance data from the Office of Personnel Management. ③Marriages will be destroyed, reputations shredded and hypocrisies revealed. ④People may lose their jobs. ⑤Celebrity magazines and gossip columnists will have a field day.

⑥There will be muchdiscussion of modern attitudes to marriage and fidelity.⑦But perhaps the greatest significance of this episode is that it illustrates, more vividly than ever before, the woeful state of internet security.

Ⅲ①It would be wrong to blame technology for human failings, but by removing friction from existing activities –order a cab with Uber, buy a book from Amazon, summon a song via Spotify, find a date on Tinder –it can subtly steer people’s behaviour. ②Ashley Madison’s sales pitch, emblazoned on huge billboards,was that the anonymity of the web could make having an affair easy and risk-free. ③Its website

(“Over 38,920,000 anonymous members!”) offers a three-month money-back guarantee and is festooned with logos and icons emphasising trustworthiness, security anddiscretion. ④Such promises were evidently irresistible to the site’s millions of registered users –and to the hackers who have revealed just how hollow these claims really were. ⑤No doubt some people signed up on a whim,while going through a rough patch in a relationship, or while drunk.⑥In the past, the mere contemplation of infidelity left no physical traces.⑦But now millions of people’s thoughts and deeds are open to publicscrutiny.

Ⅳ①The truth is that the internet is bad at keeping secrets. ②The theft of personal information from large companies and government agencies has become so routine that most such breaches are quickly forgotten. ③For most people, it is merely an occasional inconvenience. ④If your credit-card number is stolen, you can get another one; if your password is compromised, you can change it. ⑤Identity theft and fraud are more troublesome. ⑥But every time another data breach is greeted with no more than a collectiveshrug, companies’decisionnot to devote more attention to data security isvindicated. ⑦The Ashley Madison breach is different, because it threatens to destroy families and end careers. ⑧Avid Life’s security seems to have been no worse than that of many other companies, but its database contains information far more sensitive than mere financial details. ⑨If its theft proves to be the wake-up call that encourages companies to start taking security more seriously, then at least some good will have come from this sorry affair.


黑客的动机尚不清楚。在其声明中,他们谴责了Ashley Madison网站的母公司Avid Life Media 以及网站用户的“欺骗、谎言和愚蠢”。他们对Avid Life的不满据推测是认为这个网站是一个骗局,因为其用户的绝大部分都是男性,他们需要购买点数来获取其服务。但是Impact Team被猜测的对那些受骗用户的同情却很难符合黑客做出发布所有数据的决定以及他们对因此而被披露的人们的道德说辞:“吸取教训,弥补过错”。看起来最可能的是Impact Team像它之前其他的黑客团伙一样,这么做只是因为好玩。

一些人认为Ashley Madison的用户是罪有应得。但是这个数据泄露事件却可能有着比之前的泄露事件(之前的泄露事件如从零售商那里窃取顾客信息,从美国国内收入署窃取纳税记录,甚至是从人事管理局那里窃取忠诚度调查数据)大得多的公共和可见的影响。婚姻毁灭,名誉扫地,虚伪暴露。人们可能会失去工作,名人杂志和八卦专栏作家会大做文章,将会有很多关于对婚姻和忠诚的新式态度的讨论。但是这个事件的最大的影响也许是它比之前更生动地说明了网络安全的可悲状态。

因为人类的过失而指责科技是错误的,但是将现有活动中的摩擦力去除,如用Uber叫车,从Amazon上买书,通过Spotify点歌,在Tinder上交友,却能潜移默化地引导人们的行为。Ashley Madison 在巨大的广告牌上的宣传说辞是网站的匿名性能够让婚外恋情轻松而且无风险。它的网站(“超过38,920,000匿名用户”)提供三个月退款保障,并且装饰有标识和图标强调其可信、安全、谨慎。显然这类承诺对于网站百万注册用户来说是不可抗拒的,对于揭露了这些生命实际是多么空洞的黑客来说也是不可抗拒的。毫无疑问,一些人只是当在一段感情中经历一个困难时期或在喝醉时,一时兴起而注册了该网站。过去仅仅是不忠的意图不会留下有形的痕迹,但是现在上百万的人的想法和行为公开于公众监督之下。


至于大部分这类的泄露事件很快被遗忘。对于大部分人来说,它只是偶尔的不便罢了。如果你的信用卡号被偷了,你可以再有一个卡号;如果你的密码被盗了,你可以改密码。身份信息盗用和诈骗更麻烦。但是每次对于又一个数据泄露人们不过集体报以耸肩了之,公司不对数据安全投入更多关注的决定也被证明是无辜的。Ashley Madison的泄露事件不同,因为它威胁着要毁灭家庭、结束职业生涯。Avid Life的安全措施似乎不比很多其他公司差,但是它的数据库包含着比纯粹的财务详情敏感得多的信息。如果这些信息得窃取能成为促使公司开始更重视安全问题的警钟的话,那么至少这个可悲的风流韵事中有些好的方面。


1.denounce [d?'na?ns] v.谴责,公开指责

2.parent company总公司,母公司

3*.scam [sk?m] n.骗局

4.square with与……协调或一致

5.exhortation[,eɡz?:'tei??n] n. 讲道词,训词;劝告

6.make amends补过,赔偿,赎罪

7.breach[bri:t?] n.违反、破坏

8.hypocrisy[hi'p?krisi] n.虚伪、伪善

9.have a field day非常愉快、痛快地玩了一阵子、大显身手

10*.fidelity[fi'deliti] n.忠诚

11.episode['epis?ud] n.插曲、一段情节、一个事件

12.steer[st??] v.控制、引导

13*.billboard['bilb?:d] n.广告牌

14.anonymity[?n?'n?m?t?] n.匿名

15.trustworthy['tr?st,w?:ei] a.可靠的,可信赖的

16.discretion[dis'kre??n] n.谨慎

17.irresistible[,iri'zist?bl] a.不可抗拒的;极有诱惑力的

18.on a whim一时兴起

19.scrutiny['skru?t?n?] n.仔细调查,监视

20.collective[k?'lekt?v] a.集体的,共同的

21*.vindicate['v?nd?ke?t] v. 维护;证明…无辜;证明…正确



第一段,讲述Ashley Madison网站信息泄露的原因。①句是总括句:动机不明。②至⑤句具体解释①句,②③句是黑客在自己的声明中声称的原因:谴责AshleyMadison母公司和其用户的“欺骗、谎言和愚蠢”,表达对该网站是个骗局的不满。③句against表明了黑客是针对Avid Life的不满,that 引导的宾语从句,表明不满的内容是这个网站是个骗局,because引导原因状语从句,表明不满的原因是用户绝大多是是男性,需要购买点数来获取服务,黑客声称的原因中似乎是同情用户,谴责网站的,从而明确②中谴责的“欺骗和谎言”是针对公司的,而“愚蠢”是针对用户的,supposedly(可

能、按照推测)呼应了①句中的unclear,这两句黑客声称的原因塑造了黑客道貌岸然的形象,他们将自己置于道德的高地。④句but语峰一转,交代了黑客与其说法不相符的做法:发布用户信息,对被披露的人进行道德说教。这就推翻了②③句中黑客声称的原因,因为他们的做法并没有对被披露用户的同情,supposed与③句的supposedly同样都呼应①句中的unclear。⑤句指出了作者对黑客这么做的原因的猜测:仅仅是因为好玩。most likely既表现了作者的严谨,不做绝对化的猜测,但是又表达了一种极为肯定的猜测。

第二段,交代这一泄露事件的影响。①句退而说一些人认为这些用户是最有应得,欲扬先抑,some 泛指“一些人”,暗含这是一些人的看法,作者并不这么认为,也暗示接下来会交代作者的看法。②句转折承接①句,交代作者认为这个泄露事件有着很大的公共和可见的影响,far 来修饰比较级结构more…than,起强调作用,表明了影响之大,跟之前的信息泄露事件进行对比,such as列举标志词,用并列结构列举了几个泄露事件,even表明这几个事件的严重程度越来越深,从而表明即使是之前的很严重的泄露事件造成的影响跟这次也无法相比,更加强调了这次事件的严重。③至⑦句具体交代了这一事件的影响,连用几个简单句进行罗列,说明影响之大,呼应了②句中的far more…consequences。⑦句中but表明了下面这个影响才是作者所说的重点,the greatest significance也强调了这是最重要的影响,引出了下文所说的重点:internet security。

第三段讲的是科技(网络)给人类活动、行为带来的影响。①句是个总括去,前半句指出一种错误的做法:因为人类过失而指责科技,后半句but进而指出科技对人类活动的影响:通过举例指出科技通过去除人类活动中的不便之处来潜移默化地引导人类行为,friction“摩擦力”,引申为“妨碍、不便利之处”,破折号之间是举得科技给人类生活带来方便的例子,it回指前半句的by removing friction from existing activities,subtly表明科技对人类行为的影响是潜移默化的,前面的例子也可以证明这一点。②③句结合本文讨论的事件主体Ashley Madison来说明网络对人类产生影响的方式:通过广告宣传、退款保障、标识、图标等来凸显可信、匿名、安全、谨慎等。④句承接前两句指出网络对人类行为的影响:不可抗拒。Such promises回指上一句中的“可信、匿名、安全、谨慎”等承诺,evidently 强调这些承诺的不可抗拒,破折号后and指出这些承诺对于黑客来说也是不可抗拒的,因为他们揭露了这些承诺是非常空洞的。⑤至⑦句通过一些人的特例,对比现在和过去说明科技给人类行为带来的影响。⑤句no doubt“毫无疑问”,引出一些人的特例的确是存在,即一些人只是出于一时兴起而注册了网站,while引导的时间状语实则交代了一时兴起的原因:感情遇到了困难或者喝醉了。⑥⑦句对比说明过去和现在这种现象带来的不同后果。⑥句the mere contemplation of infidelity回指⑤句中的行为,即⑤句中的行为仅仅是不忠的意图,而这在过去(in the past)是不会留下实在痕迹的。⑦句中But转折指出现在(now)的不同后果:人类的思想和行为是受公众监督的。

第四段,批判人们对网络安全的忽视。①句反相呼应上一段的②③句,上一段②③句多次强调“匿名、可信、安全、谨慎”等都是网站宣传的诱人字眼,这里揭露事实是网络不善于保守秘密,即上述宣传都是假的。②至⑥说明现在人对信息泄露等网络安全问题的不重视:②句so routine,quickly forgotten从事件发生频率上说个人信息被窃取事件经常发生以至于人们很快遗忘;③句从态度角度说明大多数人认为这只是偶尔发生的不便;④句通过假设情景,说明人们对类似事件处之泰然;⑤⑥句通过对于严重程度更大的信息泄露事件以及人们和公司的行为进一步说明人们不重视网络安全已经到了非常荒谬的情况:collective shrug说明大家都是一副无所谓的态度,vindicate表明公司还认为自己不重视信息安全是无辜的。⑦句结合Ashley Madison信息泄露事件,说明这次泄露事件的与众不同并交代原因,threatens to表明这个事件带来的后果很严重。⑧句进一步说明Ashley Madison信息泄露

事件的不同之处:涉及更加敏感的信息,比较级结构与financial details进行对比,以及far more来修饰sensitive,强调了这次事件与众不同。⑨在⑦⑧句的基础上指出:(既然这次事件如此与众不同,涉及的信息如此敏感)如果能成为一个警钟,警示公司重视网络安全,那么它的被窃取也算产生了一些好的结果。


选段出自《经济学人》中九月一日一篇题目为How Virtual Reality Works(《虚拟现实如何运作》)的文章。文章科技性较强,旨在介绍虚拟现实这一技术的运作原理以及当前科技需要克服的困难。阅读本文时,读者可以积累相关词汇,扩充相关知识。


I ①If Facebook, Sony and HTC have their way, next year's most coveted consumer technology product will not be a smartphone or a giant, paper-thin flatscreen TV.②It will be a virtual-reality (VR) headset: computerised goggles that transport users to an immersive, three-dimensional universe. ③Here they can watch panoramic films, take virtual tours, or experience whatever other alluring distractions a growing group of VR programmers might dream up. ④How does the technology behind the vision work?

II ①Brendan Iribe, the CEO of Oculus, a VR startup that was bought for $2 billion by Facebook in 2014, describes VR as a "hack on the human sensory system". ②It makes sense, then, for VR companies to focus their hacking efforts on the sense that humans rely on most: vision. ③Humans have stereoscopic vision, which means that hey perceive depth by noting the subtle differences between the images received by each of their eyes. ④VR headsets have two tiny screens, one for each eye, which exploit that. ⑤By carefully altering the images fed to each eye, the user's brain is persuaded that it is looking at an entire three-dimensional world instead of a pair of flat images.

III ①The next trick is to make it seem as if that world surrounds the user. ②Modern VR headsets are fitted with tiny sensors similar to those used in smartphones—accelerometers, gyroscopes and the like—which let them keep track of the movements of the wearer's head. ③When the user looks around, the computer can update the view on the screens. ④But those sensors must update themselves dozens of times a second, and errors accumulate quickly. ⑤So headsets are also equipped with LEDs. ⑥That allows a camera, mounted elsewhere in the room, to keep track of the headset and to correct errors in the embedded sensors as they accumulate. ⑦It also allows the computer to keep track of the user's body. ⑧That allows hand-held controls to give users a pair of virtual arms and hands, and means that walking forward in the real world results in movement in the virtual one.

IV ①That all sounds fairly simple in theory. ②But building a usable headset stretches modern computing technology to its limits. ③For VR to work, the illusion must be extraordinarily slick. ④Humans are extremely sensitive to visual inconsistencies; even small snags can cause "VR sickness", an affliction like motion-sickness. ⑤So images must update very quickly. ⑥That requires beefy computing hardware capable of generating 90 or more frames of animation a second (standard TV, and most video games, target only 30 updates per second). ⑦And the sensors that track the user's head must be able to talk to the computer at least that fast: any delay can cause an unpleasant dragging sensation. ⑧Despite the difficulties, engineers are convinced that such problems have, at last, been banished. ⑨They will learn whether they are

right when the headsets go on sale in the next few months.

How Virtual Reality Works. September 1st, 2015. The Economist.



脸书于2014年以20亿美元收购了一家名叫Oculus的虚拟现实公司,该公司的首席执行官Brendan Iribe将虚拟现实描述为“对人类感官系统的侵入”。那么,虚拟现实公司将其入侵努力集中于人类最为依赖的感觉器官——视觉是有意义的。人类拥有有立体感的视觉,这意味着他们通过注意到由双眼接受到的图像之间的细微差别来察觉深浅。虚拟现实耳机有两个小型屏幕,分别对应双眼,一词来察觉深浅。通过小心改变双眼接收到的图像,用户的大脑被说服,认为自己正在看一个完全三维的世界,而非一副平坦的图像。




1*. coveted [?k?v?tid] adj. 令人垂涎的;垂涎的,梦寐以求的;人人向往的

2*. goggle [?g?gl] n. 护目镜;凝视v. 瞪眼;转动眼珠

3*. panoramic [?p?n?'r?m?k] adj. 全景的;全貌的

4*. alluring [??l??r??] adj. 诱惑的;迷人的;吸引人的

5*. distraction [d??str?k?n] n. 注意力分散;娱乐,消遣;心烦意乱;精神错乱

6*. hack [h?k] v.(尤指为获取机密信息)侵入,非法进入(他人的计算机系统)

7*. stereoscopic [?steri??sk?p?k] adj. 实体镜的,有立体感的

8*. accelerometer [?k?sel??r?m?t?(r)] n. 加速计

9*. gyroscope [?d?a?r?sk??p] n. 陀螺仪,回转仪

10*. slick [sl?k] n. 光滑之处;[机]平滑器;[机]修光工具;一层浮油adj. 光滑的;熟练的,灵巧


11*. snag [sn?g] n. 小困难或障碍;突出物;钩丝

12*. affliction [??fl?k?n] n. 苦恼,痛苦;灾难;哀伤,忧伤

13*. beefy [?bi:fi] adj. 牛肉似的;结实的,肌肉发达的



第一段为引子,引出全文话题:虚拟现实技术,提出本文探讨的问题:虚拟现实如何运作。①句以脸书、索尼和TCL为话题,设置悬念:怎样have their way?为何明年最受欢迎的技术类产品不会是新款智能机或平面电视?脸书、索尼和TCL的新产品会是什么?②句随后作答,解开读者疑惑——一款虚拟现实耳机。冒号之后对该耳机进行详细解说,说明其作用及非凡之处。③句继而点出虚拟现实耳机的功能,以alluring突出该功能的吸引人之处。④句承上启下,the vision指代上文的愿景,how...work开启下文对于虚拟现实技术如何运作的详细探讨。


第三段讲述虚拟现实的另一项需攻克的难题。①句为第三段的中心句,开启第三段攻克难题的解说。②句指出应对方法:内置传感器,补充指出该内置传感器与智能手机中使用的加速器、陀螺仪一样,作用为记录下用户的头部运动。③句举例说明其作用。④句转而(But)指出困难所在:传感器需要每秒钟更新几十次;此处and为转折之意,指出错误会迅速累积。⑤句So表明本句与上句间为因果关系,指出耳机配备有LED。⑥⑦⑧句为发光二级管的作用。That allows...it also allows...that allows...连接此意群。



本文选自《哈佛商业评论》一篇名为Take a Break的文章。文章就当前人们对数码产品的依赖程度进行了分析,指出过度依赖电子产品容易造成焦虑,并就如何改善此情况给予建议。文章逻辑非常清晰有序,论证详实,论据充分。在此摘出数段呈现。


Managing Yourself Conquering Digital Distraction

I ①People are constantly checking their laptops, tablets and phones because they worry about receiving new information after everyone else, responding too slowly to a text or an e-mail, or being late to comment on or like a social media post.

II ①Numerous studies support this diagnosis of the problem. ②In my lab we’ve found that many

people, regardless of age, check their smartphones every 15 minutes or less and become anxious if they aren’t allowed to do so. ③My colleague Nancy Cheever brought 163 students into a lecture hall, asked them to sit without talking, doing work, or using their phones, and then assessed their anxiety over the next hour. ④Although light smartphone users showed no change, moderate users experienced initial alarm that leveled off, and those accustomed to checking their phones all day long felt their anxiety spike immediately and continue to increase.

III ①How do we calm the anxiety and thereby avoid the distraction? ②When I speak to students, parents, teachers, and business leaders, I recommend three strategies—all of which involve turning away from technology at times to regain focus.

IV ①First, use behavioral principles to wean yourself from your digital devices. ②Allow yourself to check all modes of e-communication, but then shut everything down and silence your phone. ③Set an alarm for 15 minutes, and when it rings give yourself one minute for a tech check-in. ④Repeat this process until you are comfortable increasing your off-grid time to an hour or several hours.

V①A second strategy is inspired by the research of Nathaniel Kleitman, who established that our brains work in 90-minute rest-activity cycles not only when we sleep but also when we’re awake. ②So you should take a recharging break every hour and a half, especially if you’re multitasking with technology, which makes the brain overly active. ③Even a 10-minute walk in nature is enough to have a calming effect.

④You might also listen to music, look at art, exercise, or meditate.

VI①Finally, keep technology out of your bedroom. ②The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) and Mayo Clinic have noted that the use of blue-light-emitting LED devices is detrimental to your sleep—a critical period that cements what you learned during the day, while removing useless information and the toxic byproducts of daily neuronal activities. ③NSF recommends that you abstain from viewing digital material for one hour before bedtime, while Mayo Clinic suggests dimming screens used at night, keeping them 14 inches from your face, and removing them from you’re the room when you’re ready to sleep. ④The aim is to block the release of neurotransmitters that energize your brain and instead promote the production of melatonin, which allows you to rest.

VII①I persuaded Marco to periodically disconnect and, when using technology, take recharging breaks.

②He started going for short walks outside his office and putting his phone in a kitchen drawer at night. ③Within a month he was about to ignore his devices for half-hour intervals, and he felt happier and more energetic, as well as more attentive and productive.

VIII①Although we turn to technology to soothe our anxieties, overdosing on it just exacerbates them.

②To break the cycle, we must limit the use of our devices. ③Only then can we regain our ability to focus.



数个研究支持对这一问题的诊断。在我的实验室,我们发现,许多人,不管处于什么年龄,在每15分钟、或者更短的间隔里,如果不被允许查看手机,就会感到焦虑。我的同事Nancy Cheever将163名学生带进一个演讲厅,叫他们坐着不要交谈、干活、或者使用手机,然后对他们接下来一个小时的焦虑状态进行评估。虽然轻度智能手机用户没有体现变化,中度用户经历了最初的惊慌之后,逐




第二个策略是由克莱德门(Nathaniel Kleitman)的研究引发的,他建立了一个理论:我们的脑部有90分钟的工作—休息周期,这不仅在我们睡着的时候是这样,清醒时也是如此。所以,你们应该每半个小时休息充电,特别是当你同时进行多项高技术含量的工作时,大脑是过分活跃的。即使只花10分钟在大自然里散步,也有平静的效果。你也可以听听音乐,看看美术作品,做做锻炼,或者冥想一下。





1.*abstain [?b'ste?n] vi. 自制;放弃;避免

2.assess [?'ses] vt.(为征税)评估(财产、收入);征税;评价

3.cement [s?'ment] n.水泥;胶泥,胶接剂v.胶合;巩固,加强

4.diagnosis[,da??g'n??s?s] n.诊断(疾病);判断(问题)

5.emitting [?'m?t??] n. 发出,散发;发射vt.发出;放射;吐露;散发;发表;发行

6.*exacerbate [?ɡ'z?s?bet] vt. 使加剧;使恶化;激怒

7.level off ['levl?f] 趋平;呈平稳状态;把...弄平

8.*melatonin [,mel?'t??n?n] n. 褪黑激素;N-乙酰-5-甲氧基色胺

9.*multitask [m?lt?'tɑ?sk] vt. 使多任务化n. [计] 多任务

10.*neurotransmitter [,nj??r??tr?nz'm?t?] n. [生理] 神经递质;[生理] 神经传递素

11.off-grid adj. 离网的

12.silence ['sa?l?ns] v.使沉默,使安静

13.*wean [wi?n] vt. 使断奶;使断念;使放弃



本文选自《哈佛商业评论》一篇名为Take a Break的文章。文章就当前人们对数码产品的依赖程度进行了分析,指出过度依赖电子产品容易造成焦虑,并就如何改善此情况给予建议。文章逻辑非常清晰有序,论证详实,论据充分。在此摘出数段呈现。



段III 就如何平复这种焦虑提供策略。全段首句以疑问句开头,提问“我们如何平复焦虑,从而避免分心呢?”疑问句一方面引起读者的好奇,另一方面为下文讨论解决方法埋下伏笔。句②是对三种解决方法的概括:这些策略包括时不时避开电子设备,重新集中精神。


段IV就解决方案之一:戒掉电子设备进行论述。句①首先指出,要戒掉电子设备,必须利用行为模式(behavioral principles)。句②③④指出如何戒掉电子设备:设置闹钟,每隔15分钟才允许自己查看手机信息和电子邮件。然后逐渐拉长时间距离至数个小时,直到适应为止。

段V就解决方案之二:注意休息展开说明。句①首先指出此解决方法来源:由克莱德门(Nathaniel Kleitman)的研究引发的。这个理论内容为:我们的脑部有90分钟的工作—休息周期,这不仅在我们睡着的时候是这样,清醒时也是如此。句②和句①构成因果关系,指出因为大脑有工作—休息周期,所以人们应该每半个小时就休息充电,特别是人们同时进行多项工作的时候。especially引出这种特殊情况。句③是对句②的补充说明,表明“即使只花10分钟室外散步,也会有平复冷静的作用”。句④提供除了句③以外的解决方案:听听音乐,看看美术作品,做做锻炼,冥想一下,这些活动的共同作用是镇静。







ⅠSOMETHING STRANGE IS happening at America’s colleges and universities. A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense. In June, a professor protecting himself with a pseudonym wrote an essay for V ox describing how gingerly he now hasto teach. “I’m a Liberal Professor, and My Liberal Students Terrify Me,”the headline said.

ⅡTwo terms have risen quickly from obscurity into common campus parlance. Microaggressions are small actions or word choices that seem on their face to have no malicious intent but that are thought of as a kind of violence nonetheless. For example, by some campus guidelines, it is a microaggression to ask an Asian American or Latino American “Where were you born?,”because this implies that he or she is not a real American. Trigger warnings are alerts that professors are expected to issue if something in a course might cause a strong emotional response. For example, some students have called for warnings that F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby portrays misogyny and physical abuse, so that students who have been previously victimized by racism or domestic violence can choose to avoid this work, which they believe might “trigger”a recurrence of past trauma.

ⅢThis new climate is slowly being institutionalized, and is affecting what can be said in the classroom, even as a basis for discussion. During the2014–15 school year, for instance, the deans at the University of California were presented by administrators at faculty leader-training sessions with examples of microaggressions. The list of offensive statements included:“America is the land of opportunity”and “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”

ⅣThere’s a saying common in education circles: Don’t teach students what to think; teach them how to think. The idea goes back at least as far as Socrates. Today, what we call the Socratic method is a way of teaching that fosters critical thinking, in part by encouraging students to question their own unexamined beliefs, as well as the received wisdom of those around them. Such questioning sometimes leads to discomfort,and even to anger, on the way to understanding.

ⅤBut this vindictive protectiveness teaches students to think in a very different way. It prepares them poorly for professional life, which often demands intellectual engagement with people and ideas one might find uncongenial or wrong. The harm may be more immediate, too. A campus culture devoted to policing speech and punishing speakers is likely to engender patterns of thought that are surprisingly similar to those long identified by cognitive behavioral therapists as causes of depression and anxiety. The new protectiveness may be teaching students to think pathologically.

(TheCoddling of the American Mind)


怪事正在美国大学发生。一项未受指导且推动者主要是学生的运动正在兴起,旨在净化校园里引起不安和造成侵犯的词语、思想和科目。六月,一位教授为了保护自己用笔名写了一篇文章给V ox 网,描述他现在教学需要如何小心翼翼。该文的大标题如此写道:“我是一名文科教授,我的文科学生令我感到害怕”。






1.scrub[skr?b] vt. 用力擦洗;使净化

2.*pseudonym['sud?n?m] n. 笔名;假名

3.*gingerly['d??nd??li] adv. 小心翼翼地;慎重地

4.obscurity [?b'skj?r?ti] n. 朦胧;阴暗;晦涩;身份低微;不分明

5.*parlance['pɑrl?ns]n. 说法;用语;语调;发言

6.*misogyny[ma?'sɑd??ni] n. 厌恶女人

7.institutionalize[,?nst?'tu??n?la?z]vt. 使…制度化,成为惯例

8.*vindictive[v?n'd?kt?v] adj. 怀恨的;有报仇心的;惩罚的

9.uncongenial [?nk?n'd?i?n??l] adj. 志趣不相投的;不相宜的

10.engender[?n'd??nd?] vt. 使产生;造成vi. 产生;引起

11*.pathologically[,p?θ?'l?d?ik?li]adv. 病理地,病态地








第五段转而讨论净化运动引起的监管话语和惩罚性保护对学生的不良影响。Thisvindictive protectiveness指通过净化运动保护学生、惩罚老师的方式。In a differentway省略了fromthe Socratic method。二三句说明这种方式不利于学生踏入社会走入职场。第四、五句进一步指出净化运动的不良影响:监管话语和惩罚发言者的校园文化将滋生病态思维方式。


本文选自《经济学人》杂志中一篇名为“When workers are owners”的文章。文章讨论了员工持有公司股票的现象,就其利弊分别展开论述,并提出应该怎么看待这个问题,以及政府应该怎么做。


Ⅰ①It is popular to lament the growing gap between capitalists and workers. ②In one respect, however, the gap is shrinking: the number of workers who own shares in the business that employs them has never been higher. ③America leads the way: 32m Americans own stock in their companies through pension and profit-sharing plans, and share-ownership and share-option schemes. ④And worker-capitalists are also on the march in Europe and Asia.

Ⅱ①A number of studies have found that workers at firms where employees have a significant stake tend to be more productive and innovative, and to have less staff turnover.

Ⅲ①Employee ownership has its drawbacks, however. ②One is the risk that workers have too many eggs in one basket: if their employer goes bust they can lose their pensions as well as their jobs.

Ⅳ①A second problem is entrenchment. ②Critics argue that it can entrench bad management and undermine a company’s long-term competitiveness: underperforming bosses are much more likely to be

able to stay in place, and resist hostile takeovers, if some of the company’s shares are in friendly hands.

Ⅴ①A third risk is entitlement. ②The strongest argument in favour of employee ownership is that workers will not only toil harder if they get aslice of the profits, but will make sure that their colleagues do so too. ③A new paper by some academics argues that commitment can transmute into entitlement. ④They studied a sample of 409 employees at a commercial-property firm and found that those who invested highly in company stock expected better benefits –in the form of promotions and pay rises –than the rest, and took more discretionary leave.

Ⅵ①Arguments about employee ownership can easily become too sweeping: grand claims from supporters invite vigorous rebuttals by critics. ②A great deal depends on how schemes are structured, and the motives for introducing them. ③Another recent paper considers the sizes of schemes and of the firms that offer them. ④They found that small schemes (which control a stake of less than 5% in the company in question) are far more likely to boost productivity than larger ones,because firms that introduce large schemes are often troubled ones trying to conserve cash by substituting shares for pay, or seeking to fend off hostile takeovers by giving shares to friendly insiders.

Ⅶ①If politicians are serious about the idea, they need to think harder about how to make it work in practice. ②They should pay closer attention to how schemes are designed, and look for ways to tailor regulations and tax incentives so as to encourage well-designed schemes. ③They also need to deal with the problem of concentrating risk in a single company’s shares.










1*.lament [l?'ment]v.哀悼,为……悲痛

2.shrink[?r??k] v.使缩小

3.drawback['dr??b?k] n.缺点

4.go bust破产,失败

5.undermine[?nd?'ma?n] v.逐渐削弱,暗中破坏

6*.underperform [,?nd?p?'f?:m] v.表现不佳,工作差劲

7.entitlement[?n'ta?tlm?nt] n.应得权利

8*.transmute[tr?nz'mjut] v.使变形,使变质

9*.discretionary[dis'kre??n?ri] a.任意的,自由决定的

10*.rebuttal[r?'b?tl] n.反驳、辩驳

11.substitute['s?bst?tju?t] v.代替

12.fend off防止、阻止





第二段,员工持股的好处,独句成段,以研究证明,并用anumber of(许多),tend to(常常)修饰研究,增强研究发现的可信度。







Account 、Accounting 和Accountant Account 有很多意思,常见的主要是“说明、解释;计算、帐单;银行帐户”。例如: 1、He gave me a full account of his plan。 他把计划给我做了完整的说明。 2、Charge it to my account。 把它记在我的帐上。 3、Cashier:Good afternoon。Can I help you ? 银行出纳:下午好,能为您做什么? Man :I’d like to open a bank account . 男人:我想开一个银行存款帐户。 还有account title(帐户名称、会计科目)、income account(收益帐户)、account book(帐簿)等。在account 后面加上词缀ing 就成为accounting ,其意义也相应变为会计、会计学。例如: 1、Accounting is a process of recording, classifying,summarizing and interpreting of those business activities that can be expressed in monetary terms. 会计是一个以货币形式对经济活动进行记录、分类、汇总以及解释的过程。 2、It has been said that Accounting is the language of business. 据说会计是“商业语言” 3、Accounting is one of the fastest growing profession in the modern business world. 会计是当今经济社会中发展最快的职业之一。 4、Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting are two major specialized fields in Accounting. 财务会计和管理会计是会计的两个主要的专门领域。 其他还有accounting profession(会计职业)、accounting elements(会计要素)等。 Accountant 比Account只多ant三个字母,其意思是会计师、会计人员。例如: 1、A certified public accountant or CP A, as the term is usually abbreviated, must pass a series of examinations, after which he or she receives a certificate. 注册会计师(或,注册会计师的缩写),必须通过一系列考试方可取得证书。 2、Private accountant , also called executive or administrative accountant, handle the financial records of a business. 私人会计师,也叫做主管或行政会计师,负责处理公司的财务帐目。总之,这三个词,有很深的渊源关系。

-外刊选读AI in society详解-田静Shadow

AI in society — the unexamined mind 人工智能走向社会—无法检验的思维 AI = artificial intelligence 人工智能 from The Economist February 17, 2018 第一段: Science fiction is littered with examples of intelligent computers, from HAL 9000 in "2001: A Space Odyssey" to Eddie in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". One thing such fictional machines have in common is a tendency to go wrong, to the detriment of the characters in the story. HAL murders most of the crew of a mission to Jupiter. Eddie obsesses about trivia, and thus puts the spacecraft he is in charge of in danger of destruction. In both cases, an attempt to build something useful and helpful has created a monster. 从《2001太空漫游》中的哈儿到《银河系漫游指南》中的艾迪,科幻小说中一直不乏智能计算机的戏份。这类虚构机器的一个共同特点是容易出问题,给故事中的人物造成损害。在一次飞往木星的任务中,哈儿杀害了大部分宇航员。艾迪则执着于细枝末节,险些导致它控制的太空船解体。这两个故事中,人们试图打造得力的机器助手,不料却创造出了怪物。


旺旺英语 Lesson 15 Weekly Commodities (telex) 每周商品行情 Commodities 1商品行情(-) econews by Kate Kavanagh Oil prices seesaw to three-month low in “big bang week London”, Oct. 31 (afp)—the attention of commodities dealers was last week captured initially by events on the stock exchange, where Monday’s big bang was muffled by computer failures, but turned later to the troubled oil market. (法新社)10月31日电:在“伦敦大爆炸改革周”中,石油价格起伏不定,跌至三个月来的最低点。——上周商品交易者们的注意力先是被股票交易所发生的事情吸引,那里的计算机出了故障从而抑制了周一的“大爆炸改革”;但随后,交易者们的注意力又转向了混乱的石油市场。 The unexpected departure of sheik ahmed zaki yamani from his post as Saudi Arabian oil minister aggravated existing uncertainty concerning the future direction of oil prices in view of severe world oversupply. 在国际市场严重供大于求的情况下,沙特阿拉伯石油部长亚马尼的突然离职使本来就起伏不定的油价变得更加难以预料。 Unstable crude prices in turn prompted falls in platinum and gold, the latter to its lowest since early September, aggravated by the withdrawal of investment support as the dollar regained ground. 动荡的原油价格反过来又加速了白金和黄金的降价,而且由于美元重收失地,投资者纷纷撤回投资,黄金还降到了九月初以来的最低点。 Sterling’s decline lent some support to the base metal sector, where lead and zinc rallied on the continuing lack of a solution to the labour dispute affecting australia’s broken hill mines. 英镑的贬值使贱金属的价格有所上升。由于影响到澳大利亚Broken Hill矿山的劳工纠纷迟迟得不到解决,贱金属里的铅和锌的价格止跌回升。 Coffee fluctuated wildly on uncertainty over brazil’s role in the market but sugar and cocoa kept to a narrow range in quiet conditions. 咖啡的价格由于巴西在市场上的角色不稳定而疯狂波动,可是糖和可可的价格在平静中起伏不大。 The grain sector was dulled by the prospect of lower-than-expected soviet imports this season, despite improved british export figures. 本季度,尽管英国的出口量增加了,谷物市场还是因为苏联的进口比预想的低而显得清淡。 Commodities 2 商品行情2 Econews(London) Gold: lower. After coming in for early support on news of strike action affecting mines belonging to gold fields of south Africa, values declined in line with platinum and new york advices as miners were encouraged to return to work by management promises of negotiation. The fall in oil prices also brought pressure to bear but good resistance at around the 400 dollars per ounce level permitted a brief rally. However, values suffered a late decline to below 400 dollars per ounce in line with new york as the dollar strengthened on news of a decline in the u.s. budget trade and a cut in the bank of japan’s discount rate. 黄金:跌了。由于南非金矿受到罢工影响,黄金的价格上升,但随后资方承诺谈判,矿工复工,使得其价值又随着白金的贬值和纽约交易所的行情报告跌了下来。油价的下降同样给市场带来了压力,但在每盎司大约400美元的水平上的强力支撑使金价短时止跌。然而,美国国家预算批准的海外采购的减少和日本削减银行贴现率的消息使美元变得坚挺,金价随后下降到每盎司400美元以下,和纽约交易所标明的价格一样。 Latest figures from the south African chamber of mines showed a 4.6 per cent drop in gold production during the first nine months of 1986 to 488,854 kilos against 504,996 during the same 1985 period. 南非矿业协会的最新数字表明,1986年前9个月的黄金产量与1985年同期相比,下降了4. 6%,由504,996公斤减少到481,854公斤。


外刊阅读十一选十语篇精选 (1) Distinctly different orcas found in seas near Chile For decades, there were tales from fishermen and tourists, even lots of photos, of a mysterious killer whale that just did not look like all the others, but scientists had never seen one. Now they have. An international team of researchers says they found a couple dozen of these distinctly different orcas roaming in the oceans off southern Chile in January. Scientists are waiting for DNA tests from a tissue ___1___ but think it may be a distinct species. Officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration felt confident enough to (大肆宣扬) the discovery of the long ___2___ killer whale last week. Some outside experts were more cautious,___3___the whales are different, but saying they would wait for the test results to answer the species question. This is the most different looking killer whale I have never seen”, said Robert Pitman, a NOAA marine ecologist in San Diego. He was part of the team that ___4___ the orcas off Cape Horn at the tip of South America. How different? The whale’s signature large white eye pat ch is tiny on these new guys, ___5___ noticeable. Their heads are a bit more rounded and less sleek than normal killer whales and their dorsal fins are narrower and pointed. They probably eat mostly fish, not marine mammals such as seals, as other killer whales do, Pitman said. Fishermen have ___6___ about how good these whales are at (偷捕) off fishing lines. Pitman said they are so different they probably can not breed with other killer whales and are likely a new species. At 20 to 25 feet long, they are slightly smaller than most killer whales. In the Southern Hemisphere, killer whales are considered all one species, ___7___ in types A through C. This one is called type D or (亚南极的) killer whales. Michael McGowen, marine mammal curator at the Smithsonian Institution, said calling it a new species without genetic data may be___8___. Still, he said, “I think it’s pretty remarkable that there are still many things out there in the ocean like a huge killer whale that we don’t know about.” Scientists have heard about these distinctive whales ever since a mass stranding in New Zealand in 1955. Scientists ___9___ thought it could be one family of killer whales that had a specific mutation, but the January discovery and all the photos in between point to a different type, Pitman said. He said they are hard to find because they live far south and


第一章总论 【案例1-1】会计在经济活动中扮演什么角色 你能够用400元(人民币)或不足400元成功地创办一个企业吗?不管你相信与否,你的确能够。刘月娟是北京一所著名美术学院的学生。和其他大学生一样,她也常常为了补贴日常花销而不得不去挣一些零用。现在她正为欲购买一台具有特别设计功能的计算机而烦恼。尽管她目前手头仅有400元,可决心还是促使她决定于2002年12月开始创办一个美术培训部。她支出了120元在一家餐厅请朋友坐一坐,帮她出出主意,又根据她曾经在一家美术培训班服务兼讲课的经验,她首先向她的一个师姐借款4000元,以备租房等使用。她购置了一些讲课所必备的书籍、静物,并支出一部分钱用于装修画室。她为她的美术培训部取名为“周围”。刘月娟支出100元印制了500份广告传单,用100元购置了信封、邮票等。8天后她已经有了17名学员,规定每人每月学费1 800元,并且找到了一位较具能力的同学作合伙人。她与合伙人分别为“周围”的发展担当着不同的角色(合伙人兼作“周围”的会计和讲课教师)并获取一定的报酬。至2003年1月末,她们已经招收了50个学员,除了归还师姐的借款本金和利息计5 000元、抵销各项必须的费用外,各获得讲课、服务等净收入30 000元和22 000元。她们用这笔钱又继续租房,扩大了画室面积,为了扩大招收学员的数量,她们甚至聘请了非常有经验的教授、留学归国学者免费作了两次讲座,为下一步“周围”的发展奠定了非常好的基础。 四个月下来,她们的“周围”平均每月共招收学员39位,获取收入计24 000元。她们还以每小时200元的讲课报酬雇佣了4位同学作兼职教师。至此,她们核算了一下,除去房租等各项费用共获利67 800元。这笔钱足够她们各自购买一台非常可心的计算机并且还有一笔不小的节余。但更重要的是,她们通过四个月来的锻炼,明确了许多营销的技巧,也懂

外刊选读business terms汇总

外刊选读business terms 合资企业joint venture 企业家精神entrepreneurship 增长boom 衰退recession/ slump 中国经济迅速发展boom 崛起emerge as an important growth pole 通货紧缩deflation 亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank 猛增jump 贸易顺差trade deficit 移动电话mobile phone 个人电脑personal computer 破产的bankrupt 购买力平价purchasing power parity 跨国公司multinational 供应链supply chain 贸易环境trade environment 全球化globalization 自由浮动float freely 提高购买力boost purchasing power 货币升值revaluation 提高生产率lift productivity 增值appreciation 利润margin 电子产品electronics 消除erase 利润幅度profit margin 竞争力competitiveness 双边经济关系bilateral economic ties 部门sector 品种更多的商品 a wider range of goods 定价能力pricing power 支配地位dominance 电讯telecommunication 贸易顺差trade surplus 钉住peg with 冲击impact/buffet 企业business Lesson 2 现场on the spot 样品间showroom 创新的商品innovation good 增长的销售额boost sales 研究和开发research and development 智囊团think tank 劳动密集型的labour-intensive 品牌brand 倾销dump 猛增soar 便携式电脑laptop 出口才干export prowess 管理和经营的专门知识技能 Managerial and operational expertise 生产能力production capacity 亚洲金融危机the Asian financial crisis 规模效益economies of scales 逐步停止[生产] phase out 王牌the ace in the hole 调查survey 相当多的利润 a decent profit 放松贸易限制loosen trade restrictions 最高管理层top management 达到设计和质量的标准 to be up to current standards in industrial design and quality Lesson 3 黑洞black hole 世界工厂world’s workshop 扩大生产expand production 增加产量boost output 给与享用……的权利[机会] To be given full access to 专利patent 收购acquisition 合并consolidation 使……并入…… Merge ....into .... [大宗的]收入revenue 咨询公司consultancy 向海外转移生产shift production overseas 高端产品high-end product 加入[世贸组织]

外刊阅读 20200129

Lack of ‘black box’ could hinder Kobe Bryant crash investigation National Transportation Safety Board investigator Carol Hogan examines wreckage Monday from the California helicopter crash that killed former NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant and eight others. (James Anderson/National Transportation Safety Board/AP) By Ian Duncan and Luz Lazo Jan. 29, 2020 at 12:36 p.m. GMT+8 As investigators try to determine the cause of the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant and eight others Sunday, they could be hindered by the aircraft’s lack of “black box” recorders —key safety technology the National Transportation Safety Board has been urging federal aviation authorities to require for more than a decade.


外刊时文选读 Text 1 Weekly Address: Ensuring Hardworking Americans Retire with Dignity WASHINGTON, DC —In this week’s address, the President reiterated his commitment to middle-class economics, and to ensuring that all hard-working Americans get the secure and dignified retirement they deserve. While most financial advisers prioritize their clients’ futur es, there are some who direct their clients towards bad investments in return for backdoor payments and hidden fees. That’s why earlier this week the President announced that he is calling on the Department of Labor to update rules to protect families from conflicts of interest by requiring financial advisers to put their clients’ best interest before their own profits.The President emphasized his promise to keep fighting for this policy and for others that benefit millions of working and middle class Americans. Hi everybody. In America, we believe that a lifetime of hard work and responsibility should be rewarded with a shot at a secure, dignified retirement. It’s one of the critical components of middle-class life – and this week, I took new steps to protect it. Six years after the crisis that shook a lot of people’s faith in a secure retirement, our economy is steadily growing. Last year was the best year for job growth since the 1990s. All told, over the past five years, the private sector has added nearly 12 million new jobs. And since I took office, the stock market has more than doubled, replenishing the 401(k)s of millions of families. But while we’ve come a long way, we’ve got more work to do to make sure that our recovery reaches more Americans, not just those at the top. That’s what middle-class economics is all about—the idea that this country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, everybody does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. That last part—making sure everyone plays by the same set of rules—is why we passed historic Wall Street Reform and a Credit Card Bill of Rights. It’s why we created a new consumer watchdog agency. And it’s why we’re taking new action to protect hardworking families’ retireme nt security. If you’re working hard and putting away money, you should have the peace of mind that the financial advice you’re getting is sound and that your investments are protected. But right now, there are no rules of the road. Many financial advisers put their clients’ interest first – but some financial advisers get backdoor payments and hidden fees in exchange for steering people into bad investments. All told, bad advice that results from these conflicts of interest costs middle-class and working families about $17 billion every year. This week, I called on the Department of Labor to change that – to update the rules and require that retirement advisers put the best interests of their clients above their own financial interests. Middle-class families cannot afford to lose their hard earned savings after a lifetime of work. They deserve to be treated with fairness and respect. And that’s what this rule would do. While many financial advisers support these basic safeguards to prevent abuse, I know some special interests will fight this with everything they’ve got.But while we welcome different perspectives and ideas on how to move forward, what I won’t accept is the notion that there’s nothing we can do to make sure that hard-working, responsible Americans who scrimp and save


综合学习活动 ——《了解身边的名人》教学设计 设计者:公主岭市第二实验小学赵春梅 一、教学目标 知识与技能: 1.通过学习活动,让学生尽可能了解更多的名人。 2.通过实践活动、充分展示学生个性,提高学生表达能力和实践能力。 过程与方法: 1.通过搜集、整理资料的方式,开拓学生读书视野。 情感态度与价值观: 1.通过了解名人,帮助学生初步树立健康向上的态度。 2.培养创新意识与合作意识。 二、教学重点难点: 通过活动,让学生了解、认识名人,帮助学生树立健康向上的态度。 三、教学准备:课件 教学方法:学生自主合作探究 教学过程: 一、导入 同学们,从上周开始,我们开展了以《了解身边的名人》为主题的语文实践活动,老师布置大家收集身边名人的学习任务。要求大家以小组为单位分头收集,每个小组确立一个主题。你们是这样做的吗? 班长(在一课时里安排的总负责人),你能介绍一下,你们是怎样分工的吗? 班长:我们共分五个小组,分别是体育名人组、文艺名人组、商界名人组、科学名人组、英雄名人组。每组由一名组长负责组织汇报。下面有请各组组长按顺序到前面来汇报。

二、活动汇报。 (一)体育名人组汇报。 组长:我是体育名人组组长,现在我们为大家介绍几位吉林的体育名人。 (一边组织成员汇报,一边演示课件) 组员1: 中国乒乓球运动员王皓1983年出生于吉林长春,1992年开始从事专业训练,师从薛瑞昆;1996年进入八一队,教练荆雨德;1998年底入选国家二队,1999年初升入国家一队,逐步成长为主力队员,2004年作为主力队员参加雅典奥运会获得男单亚军。 从10岁的时候被长春体校破格录取开始,王皓开始了自己追寻世界冠军的脚步。当时的王皓是校内年龄最小的运动员。不过,一脸稚气的王皓却不服输,每次队内比赛,王皓总要挑战比他大的孩子,虽然胜少负多,但他屡败屡战,成绩在队里提高得最快。 1996年,13岁的王皓在全国少年乒乓球比赛中夺得季军,不少俱乐部开出了相当优厚的待遇邀请他加盟。不过,王皓的父亲王忠全谢绝了所有邀请,将王皓送进了拥有王涛、刘国梁等强手如云的八一队。在八一队的两年,王皓在竞争中迅速成长,很快脱颖而出,凭借自己的实力进入国家队。2002年,王皓一举夺得埃及公开赛男单冠军,排名也跻身世界10强,与波尔(德国)、庄智渊(中国台湾)并称为乒坛最具潜力的三大新星。 王皓曾多次获得男单冠军。王皓职业生涯共获得18个世界冠军,现担任国家乒乓球队教练。王皓出任“吉林省希望工程形象大使”,设立“青少年体育爱心基金”,倡导社会各界为吉林农村小学捐赠体育器材。王皓在家乡长春市参加吉林省未成年人保护委员会全体会议,并受聘出任“吉林省未成年保护大使”。 组员2 周洋今年27岁,中国短道速滑运动员,在2008年短道速滑世锦赛中,周洋就一举在女子3000米决赛中夺冠,周洋在2008-09赛季短道速滑世界杯中,先后两次摘金,在2010年冬奥会短道速滑女子1500米决赛中,孤军出战的中国选手周洋力压各路名将,以破奥运会纪录的2分16秒993的成绩夺冠,为中国代表团添得第三金。周洋出生在长春一个有些特殊的家庭里,妈妈的腿有残疾,待业在家,爸爸也没有固定的单位,妈妈那时候给别人织毛衣,爸爸天天送她,没有时间上班,也没有工作,想着父母的辛劳,开始懂事的周洋为他们觉得心疼,也暗下决心,要更加努力,用自己辛劳来改变家庭的现状。令人感动的冠军感言竟然是“让


06级英语专业《最新英美报刊选读》课程提纲 [日期:2008-02-28] 来源:作者:王法昌[字体:大中小] 一、课程目标: 根据教育部最新颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》对高等学校非英语专 业本科毕业生的阅读能力所提出的三个层次的要求,本课程目标为:经过本课程的学 习,使学生符合其中的较高要求和更能高要求,即学生在阅读理解能力上要能基本读 懂英语国家大众性报纸杂志的一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟70个词。 二、教学内容: 本课程使用的教材是由中国人民大学出版社出版的《最新英美报刊选读》。根据高职的学制,学生在第三个学期内学完本册,主要教学内容如下: 1、课堂教学内容:本教材按文章内容分为12个单元,共计48篇,文章字数大都在600-900字以内。各单元内容分别为:焦点透视、社会人生、文教医疗、财政经济、政治体制、科技军事、世界报道、观念信仰、家庭生活、艺术青春、环境保护、体育运动。每篇文章包括导读、正文、生词、难点注释、背景知识、新闻知识、阅读理解及热点思考八部分。导读部分言简意赅,易于引起读者的兴趣和共鸣;生词表列出了文中四级后的词汇(即《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》中较高要求和更高要求的词汇),同时注有词性和音标,并有双语解释,便于学生自学;难点注释内容翔实丰富,既能提高语言能力,又能拓宽阅读视野;背景知识用汉语介绍了文章相关历史事件和社会热点问题,便于理解和掌握文章的内容;新闻知识介绍了英美报刊的语言特点和新闻常识;阅读理解题和热点讨论题有利于帮助读者提高理解能力和思辨能力。 在授课过程中,教师可适当增加中国报刊、英美文学、西方风俗文化、日常交际用语等的知识,以扩大学习者知识面、开阔其视野,加深其对外部世界的了解,从而借鉴和吸收外国文化精华,提高其文化素养。 2、实践内容:定期收听英语发射台广播的英语节目,并于每学期举行一次阅读测试、两次听力测试,同时筛选、指导学生参加口语演讲竞赛、英语戏剧俱乐部、英语戏剧表演等。 3、教学重点:前期侧重听力训练、英语会话、语法、词汇等;后期重点 在修辞、翻译、写作、练习题等方面;听、说、读、写、译贯穿始终。 三、课程教材:


高二每周外刊阅读 A Disneyland Paris is on most families' bucket lists, and if you've been thinking of finally booking that dream trip then you may want to check out MagicBreaks' latest offer. The website is currently offering deposits from £29pp to Disneyland Paris, to help families spread the cost of their holiday .The £29pp deposits are valid on select travel dates between November 2020 and March 2021, and will also be dependent on your choice of hotel for your stay. The balance can be paid in instalment, and you'll need to have paid in full up to 12 weeks before you travel so it gives you plenty of time to spread the cost. You can already book the deals on the MagicBreaks website. But that's not all. To help make use of the budget a little further, MagicBreaks currently has getaways from £179pp which includes a two-night stay in a Disney hotel, three-day Disney Parks entry, a free half-board meal plan and €100 Disney Spending Money.Oh, and the offer also includes exclusive extras such as a free magical call from Mickey Mouse, a free Disney Activity Book, 15 per cent off soft drinks and dining at the Earl of Sandwich, and 20 per cent off dining at Planet Hollywood. The cheapest prices are based on two adults and two children under 12 sharing a Trapper Tribe Cabin at Disney's Davy Crockett Ranch in January 2021, but you can find more deals online here. If you can't quite make the deals work for you, that doesn't mean you can't go on a dream Disneyland holiday that won't break the bank. We've searched out the best Disneyland Paris deals whether you're after cheap day tickets or discounted packages. Thinking of incorporating it into a wider holiday? We've also searched out some of the best cheap hotels near the parks, to give you a helping hand. 1.When is available if you want to use your deposits? A. March 2020 B. September 2020 C. February 2021 D. November 2021 2.According to the passage, we can infer that______. A.We don’t have to pay in full. B.We can enjoy 20% off soft drinks in Disneyland Paris. C.We can get a free magical call from Mickey Mouse. D.We can only stay in Disney hotel. 3.What is the main purpose of the passage?

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