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Writing a letter of apology学案

Writing a letter of apology学案
Writing a letter of apology学案

Writing a letter of apology








Dear Mr. Singh,

I’m writing to apologize for any misunderstandings that occurred when I showed you around Beijing the other day.

I felt rather strange when you would not shake hands with me. I did not realize that there are some taboos in different countries and cultures. After reading a magazine article, I know that people from India don’t shake hands with their left hands. I should not have held out my left hand to you. And I know you do not eat beef because of your religion.

I feel very sorry for not having known these taboos earlier. I hope you can forgive me for all these misunderstandings. I hope our next meeting will be happier.

Yours sincerely,






An example of a letter of apology

(Address) 150 Renming Road

(Date) Aug. 25, 2006 (An opening)

Dear Sir/Madam/Mr. Smith /Mrs. Green,

(Body of the letter)

1.Purpose of the letter

2.An explanation

3. An ending phrase to apologize again

(I’m/We’re terribly sorry for…)

(your name & signature)

Sincerely yours,

Peter Brown


1.Purpose of the letter

1)I am/We are writing to apologize …

2)I’m writing to make an apology for…

3)I must apologize for…

4)I am writing this letter to express my regret…

5)Here is my deepest apology for…


that occurred when I showed you around Beijing the other day.


that I didn’t join in your birthday party yesterday.


2.An explanation

1)Unfortunately, we didn’t realize /understand that…because in our culture we…

2)From reading a magazine article/book, I learnt that …


I learn that Japanese people would like others to look at their business card when they give out it.

2). 我从书上了解到美国人在太拥挤的地方会感到不舒服,我知道了这是私人空间的问题。

I learn that people from USA feel uncomfortable if others are too lose to them. it is a matter of personal space.


3.An ending phrase to apologize again

1). I’m/We’re terribly sorry for…

2).Please allow me to say sorry again!

3).Please accept my apology! I do hope you will understand me and excuse me for my carelessness.

4).Please accept my sincere apologies for this unhappy experience.


Not having known these cultural habits earlier. You can forgive me for all these misunderstandings.


Not having known this earlier. And making you feel uncomfortable. 3)



Dear ______,

I am truly sorry that ______(道歉的原因).

The reason is that ______(介绍原因).

Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear ,




Yours sincerely,



Dear Mr. Takashi:

I am writing to apologize for any misunderstandings that occurred when I showed you around Beijing the other day. I notice you were a bit upset when I put the business card you gave me in my pocket without looking at it, and I did not know why you bought so many things.

From reading magazine article, I learnt that Japanese people give out their business cards when they greet others and they would like others to look at their cards carefully, so I should have read your card before I put it in my pocket. I also know why you bought so many things here. Because giving gifts is expected in Japan and on a trip, you must bring back lots of gifts.

I feel very sorry for not having known these cultural habits earlier. I hope you can forgive me for all these misunderstandings. I hope our next meeting will be happier.



Xiao Ming

高二英语各单元 学案(附答案)

Book 5 Unit 2 练习 I. Words and expressions. 一、句子完型根据语境选择最佳选项 1. I can’t tell you how _______ I was with the beautiful birthday present you gave me; it’s so attractive. A. delighted B. pleasant C. surprising D. cautious 2. Police chiefs call on the local people to ________ against the drug dealers so as to deal with drug taking problems better. A. defend B. attract C. unite D. support 3. I can’t ________ lend you so much money. I wonder if you can return it in time when it is needed. A. probably B. enjoyably C. pleasantly D. possibly 4. Taiwan is part of China, so we do not allow any one under any name or by any means to ______ it from China. A. separate B. divide C. leave D. absorb 5. Let your partner describe the picture, and then add something to his or her _______. A. word B. analysis C. instruction D. description 答案ACDAD 二、选用短语的正确形式填空 1.Listening is thus an active,not a passive behavior ______ hearing,understanding and remembering. 答案:consisting of 2.The circle ________ sections,and each section represents a fraction(小部分)of the data. 答案:is divided into 3.This word is wrongly spelt.You have ________ a letter. 答案:left out 4.Computers __________ human beings in many fields so far. 答案:have taken the place of 5.The TV ________ again,which made me very unhappy. 答案:broke down 6.Taiwan is never allowed to ______________ the mainland anyway.It is known to all that it belongs to China. 答案:break away from 7.She occupies a room of 90 square feet,which __________ a bed,a chair,a table,and a television. 答案:is furnished with 8.All the collections will be ________ from June 16 to 18 in the gym. 答案:on show 9.Many people came to the square ________ the founding of the country. 答案:in memory of 10.She ______ terror when she saw a shadow on the curtain. 答案:was thrilled with 三、根据短文填空 我的表弟和他妻子在举办了婚礼后到联合王国做全国旅游观光去了。他昨天传真了一封英文信给我,让我高兴的是,他再也不犯时态错误了,而且他的描述也粗略地向我阐明了关于英国的一些问题——它的货币啦,行政管理啦,把它分成四个行政区的制度啦,还有在南爱尔兰脱离联合王国时发生的一些历史上的冲突和争拗。 因为不愿意漏掉任何一个景点,我表弟仔细地安排了他愉快的旅程。他参观的其中一个吸引人的地方是苏格兰乡村的一个城堡。城堡靠近一座港口,曾经是共产主义联盟会的总部,但是在战争中倒塌了。人们发


9—3溶质的质量分数(2)学案 例1:配制450g 质量分数为20%的稀硫酸,需用 98%浓硫酸多少毫升?(浓硫酸的密度1.84g/cm 3) 解:设需用98%浓硫酸的体积为V V ·98%·1.84 g/cm 3=450g ╳ 20% V=49.9mL 答:需用98%浓硫酸的体积为49.9mL 例2:某学生用36.5g 盐酸与一定量的水垢(主要成分是碳酸钙)恰好反应,产生了4.4g 二氧化碳气体,该盐酸溶质质量分数是多少? 解:设参加反应的盐酸中溶质氯化氢的质量为X CaCO 3 + 2HCl === CaCl 2 + H 2O + CO 2↑ 73 44 X 4.4g X=7.3g 盐酸中溶质质量分数为: 答:该盐酸溶质质量分数为20% 73 X 4 4 4.4g = 7. 3g 36.5g ╳100%=20%

练习:下表是实验室所用盐酸试剂瓶上标签的部分内容,请仔细阅读后计算: (1) 欲配制14.6%的稀盐酸1000g ,需用这种盐 酸多少毫升?(计算结果精确到0.1) (2) 13g 锌与足量的稀盐酸充分反应,理论上可 制得氢气多少克? 9—3溶质的质量分数(2)课堂检测 1、 用10mL 质量分数为98%的浓硫酸(密度为 1.84g/cm 3),稀释成质量分数为20%的稀硫酸 (密度为1.14 g/cm 3),应加多少毫升水?最后能得到稀硫酸多少毫升? 2、配制300g 质量分数为10%的稀盐酸,需用质量分数为38%(密度为1.19g/cm 3 )的浓盐酸和水各


3、将一定质量的金属锌投入到63.7g 稀硫酸中,恰好完全反应,放出气体的质量与反应时间(t )的关系如图所示。请你据此分析计算:反应结束后所得溶液中溶质的质量分数。 . . H 2 质量 (g 反应时间(t )

高二英语学案units 3-4

高中二年级英语学案 Units 3-4 (B2) 【知识网络】 一、重点词汇与短语 1.impress (1). impress作“铭刻”讲时, 是及物动词. 常用于impress sth on/upon sb “使某人铭记某事物”. 例如: His words impressed themselves on my memory. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里. (2). impress还可以表示“给某人留下深刻印象”, 常用于被动语态. 例如: We were deeply impressed by his words. 他的话给我们留下了深刻的印象. His acting impressed me as being somewhat artificial. 他的演技给我的印象是有点做作. (3). 习语: impress sb with sth.使某人牢记某事. be impressed on one’s mind/memory被印在脑海里; 留下很深的印象. (4). 同义词: affect v t给……以印象; 影响. 2.close 与closely 的区别 close 和closely 用作副词意义上有差别。 Close 是指距离、场所、地点等的“接近,靠近”,可以说是一种实际意义上的“接近”。 Close to有“接近,几乎,大概,差不多”的意思。 例如: We live close to the church. 我们住在教堂附近。 They sat close together. 他们紧挨着坐在一起。 He came close to losing his temper. 他差一点发脾气了。 Closely 是指抽象意义上的“接近”,多用比喻意义,有“亲密地,严密地,仔细地”等意思。 例如: The secret must be closely guarded. 这个秘密要严加保守。 He is looking at the bill closely. 他正仔细地看着帐单。


【知识要点】一、溶质的质量分数 溶液的浓稀、有色溶液的颜色都可以粗略的表示一定量的溶液中含有溶质的多少,溶液中溶质的质量分数可以准确地表示一定量的溶液中含有溶质的多少。 1.定义:溶液中溶质的质量分数是溶质质量与溶液质量之比。 数学表达式: 特点:无单位、是个比值、一般不受温度的影响等。 饱和溶液溶质的质量分数的计算: (其中S为该温度下物质的溶解度) 2.配制溶质质量分数一定的溶液 以配制100g溶质质量分数为5%的氯化钠溶液为例分析: (1)计算:计算配制100g溶质质量分数为5%的氯化钠溶液所需氯化钠和水的质量。 (2)称量:用托盘天平称量所需的氯化钠。 (3)量取:用量筒量取所需的水(水的密度近似看作1g/cm3)。 (4)溶解:将量好的水倒入盛有称量好氯化钠的烧杯中,用玻璃棒搅拌,使氯化钠溶解。 (5)装瓶、贴签:把配制好的溶液装入试剂瓶中,盖好瓶塞并贴上标签,备用。 操作示意图可简单表示如下: 说明:如果用液体溶质来配制溶质质量分数一定的溶液,其步骤为:计算→量取→溶解→装瓶、贴签。想一想,这是为什么? 二、关于溶质的质量分数的计算几种类型1.根据定义式的基本计算 (只要已知其中的两个量,就可以求出第三个量) 例如:20克硝酸钾完全溶解在60克水中,所得溶液中溶质的质量分数是多少? 解:根据溶质的质量分数的定义可得 ==25% 注意:饱和溶液溶质的质量分数的计算: (其中S为该温度下物质的溶解度) 2.溶液的稀释和浓缩问题的计算 根据稀释前后溶质的质量不变进行运算,无论是用水或用稀溶液来稀释浓溶液,都可计算。 (1)用水稀释浓溶液 设稀释前浓溶液的质量为m,其溶质的质量分数为a%,稀释时加入水的质量为n,稀释后溶质的质量分数为b%。则可得m×a%=(m+n)×b% (2)用稀溶液稀释浓溶液 设浓溶液的质量为A,其溶质的质量分数为a%,稀溶液的质量为B,其溶质的质量分数为b%,两溶液混合后所得溶液溶质的质量分数为c%。则可得A×a%+B×b%=(A+B)×c% (3)蒸发水进行浓缩 设浓缩前稀溶液的质量为m,其溶质的质量分数为a%,蒸发水的质量为n,浓缩后溶质的质量分数为b%。则可得m×a%=(m-n)×b% 说明:如果采用加入溶质的方法使溶液中溶质的质量分数增大,那么可以根据:


Unit 2 Cloning (Module 8) Period 1 Reading: Cloning: Where is it leading us Class : Name : __________ Group : No :______ Learning Objectives: 1. Learn the useful new words and expressions. 2. Read the passage and learn some information about cloning. Learning Key Points: 1. Grasp the important words and expressions in the reading material. 2. Learn the text and master the major uses of cloning and the success and problem of cloning Dolly the sheep. Learning Difficult Points: 1. Improve the reading ability. 2. Learn the reading skills: scanning and skimming. Learning Procedures: I. 【Pre-class homework 】 A. Warming up There are two kinds of clones, a natural clone and a man-made clone. Do you know what is a natural clone? And what is a man-made clone? A natural clone is one that ______________________________________________________ Man-made clone is one that ____________________________________________________ B. Pre-reading Background reading: Scottish scientists at Roslyn Institute created the much-celebrated sheep "Dolly", aroused worldwide interest and concern because of its scientific and ethical implications. She was the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously, animals had only been cloned using embryo(胚胎) cells which already have the potential to become a complete embryo in its own right. The big breakthrough with Dolly was to make a clone from an ordinary, adult cell ? in this case from a female goat’s udder. Questions: 1. How does Dolly differ from other sheep? She was ______________ by humans while the others were born naturally. So, Dolly was a ______________ sheep. 2. Should we clone a human? II. 【While-class 】 Step1. Lead-in Step2. Group discussion Step3.Consolidation 1. Reading Assessment : Assessment :


一、词汇变形 Book5 Unit2 The United Kingdom 词汇导学案 1. unite (v.) 联合---united (adj.)---union (n.) 2. consist (v.) 组成,一致--- consistent (adj.) 3. divide( v.)分开 --- division n. 4. willing (adj.) 愿意的--- willingness(n.) ---unwilling (adj. )不愿的 5. educate (v.) 教育---educator 教育家 --- education —educational (adj.)教育的 6. convenient(adj.) 方便的---inconvenient --- convenience(n.)便利 7. attract(v.) 吸引---attraction (n.) ---attractive 8. enjoy (v.) 喜欢,享受---enjoyment n. --- enjoyable adj. 令人高兴的 9. furnished (adj.) 带家具的 --- furniture (n.)家具(不可数) 二、重点单词 10. d escribe (v.) 描述---description(n.) 11. possible (adj.)---possibly( adv.) ---possibility (n.) 可能性 12. arrange (v.) 安排--- arrangement(n.) 13. fold (v.) 折叠--- unfold (v.) 打开;展示 14. delight (n.& v. )高兴 ---delighted/ delightful(adj.) 15. original (adj.)起初的---originally(adv.) ---origin (n.)---originate (v.)发源于 16. c lear(adj.)清楚---clarify(v.)澄清17.accomplish (v )完成---accomplishment(n.) 18.imagine(v.) ---image(n) 影像,形象 ---imaginary (adj.)虚构的---imagination(n.) ---imaginative(adj.) 富于想像的 1) This club ___ more than 200 members.这个俱乐部由 200 多个会员组成。 2) The beauty of the plan ____________ its simplicity. 这个计划妙就妙在简。 3) Theory should __ __________ practice. 理论应与实践相一致。 2. convenience n. 便利;方便 inconvenience n.不便 convenient adj. conveniently adv. 1) 如果方便就来看看我。 _. 2) *电子词典小巧,易携带,使得我们方便搜索我们想要的东西。(产品介绍) The electronic dictionary is very small and easy to c arry, ___ . 3) *我们希望如果方便的话,您能接收我们的邀请。(邀请信) __ _. (4) *关于酒店,我强烈推荐希尔顿,它拥有现代化的便利设施。(equip )(推荐宾馆) As for the hotel, I strongly recommend Hilton Hotel,__ . 抽象名词具体化 convenience [U] 便利;方便 [C] 便利的事物;便利设施 attraction [U] 吸引;吸引力 [C] 有吸引力的事物 / 人delight [U] 快乐;高兴 [C] 令人高兴的事 (joy) comfort [U] 舒适(感);安逸(感) [C] 令人感到安慰的人或物hono(u)r [U] 荣誉 [C] 光荣的人 / 事 failure/ success [U] 失败/成功 [C] 失败的人或事/成功的人或事 it is convenient to/for sb it is convenient for sb to do sth at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候 at your earliest convenience [书信用语] 尽早;尽快 for one’s convenience(of) 为了某人的方便

(化学)课题3溶质的质量分数 教学案

课题3溶质的质量分数(第1课时) 教学案 班级:初三( )姓名: 学科:化学 课型:新授 编者: 审核:备课组 【学习目标】 1、掌握溶液中溶质的质量分数的概念.并将质量分数与溶解度进行对比,加深对这两个概念的理解. 2、掌握有关溶液中溶质的质量分数的基本计算. 【学习重点】溶质的质量分数的概念及其基本计算 【学习难点】溶质的质量分数的概念及其基本计算 【学习过程】 一、复习(检查自我,我沉着!) 右图所示是甲、乙两种固体物质的溶解度曲线,请回答下列问题: (1)t 1℃时,甲物质的溶解度 乙物质的溶解度 (填“>”、“=”或“<”). (2)甲、乙两种物质的溶解度受温度影响较小的是 物质. (3)t 2℃时,把100g 乙物质放入100g 水中,充分搅拌, 所得溶液是 溶液(填“饱和”或“不饱和”). (4)t 2℃时,有一接近饱和的甲溶液,可采用 的方法(任写一种)使它变为 饱和溶液. 二、先学(充实自我,我自强!) (一)溶液浓度的表示方法-------溶质的质量分数 1、演示实验[实验9-5],观察现象,记录在书本第42页的表格中,并进行讨论: ① 对于有色溶液,可以根据 来粗略的区分溶液是浓还是稀. ② 对于无色溶液来说,上述方法是否可行?如果不行,那么我们如何才能知道这种溶液的浓度呢? 2、知识架构: (1)定义: . (2)计算公式: 3、练习: (1 (2)从一瓶氯化钾溶液中取出20克溶液,蒸干后得到2.8克氯化钾固体.试确定这瓶溶 液中溶质的质量分数. 三、后教(完善自我,我能行!) 1、溶质的质量分数的变化判断: (1)溶液加水稀释:溶质的质量 ,溶剂的质量 ,溶液的质量 , 溶质的质量分数 . (2)溶液加溶质: 0 t 1 t 2 温度/℃ 溶

高二英语学案units 19-20

高中二年级英语学案 Units 19-20 (B2) 【知识网络】 一、重点词汇与短语 1.接双宾语的动词 (1)常见的能接双宾语的动词有:accord, advance, award, bring, deal, forward, give, grant, band, lease, leave, lend, loan, mail, offer, owe, pass, pay, play, post, read, rent, repay, sell, send, serve, show, sing, take, reach, tell, write. (2)另有一批动词, 也可跟两个宾语, 但把间接宾语放在后面时, 要改为由for引导的短语. 例如: Father bought me a camera. (跟两个宾语) Father bought a camera for me. (包含for引导的短语) 这类动词常见的有:book, bring, build, buy, cook, cut, design, fetch, find, fix, get, leave, make, mix, order, paint, pick, play, prepare, reserve, save, set, sing, spare. 2.常见的与hand连用的短语: an old hand内行, 过来人 at first hand直接 at hand在手边, 在附近 at second hand第二手的, 间接的 by hand用手, 用体力 hand in hand手拉手 on the one hand一方面 on the other hand另一方面 Hands off! 请勿动手! Hands up! 不许动, 举起手来! from hand to mouth现挣现吃地, 仅够糊口地 give sb. a big hand 给某人热烈鼓掌 Many hands make light work. 人多好办事/人多力量大 3.学会用时间“time” time一词很普通,是常挂在嘴边的词, 试试翻译下列口语中常用的句子: 1.What’s the time? 2.(How) Time flies! 3.Take your time! 4.(Only) Time will tell.


教学容:溶质的质量分数 一杯水中放入一匙糖和放入两匙糖都能形成糖水,但这两种溶液一样吗?显然后者比前者要甜,浓度要大.但这种比较方法太粗略,不能准确地表明一定量的溶液里究竟含有多少溶质,在生产生活中常常需要准确地知道溶液的组成,这就需要用到我们这节课中学到的知识. 【课前复习】 ※会做了,学习新课有保障 1.下列物质的溶解度,随温度升高而减小的是( ) A .食盐 B .熟石灰 C .二氧化碳 D .硝酸钠 2.60℃时,硝酸钾的溶解度为110 g ,该温度下硝酸钾饱和溶液中有关质量关系正确的是( ) A .溶质质量∶溶剂质量=1∶10 B .溶剂质量∶溶液质量=20∶21 C .溶质质量∶溶剂质量=11∶10 D .溶液质量∶溶质质量=21∶10 3.将50 g 食盐水恒温蒸发掉25 g 水(溶液仍未饱和),则溶液中的变化正确的是( ) A .溶解度变大 B .溶剂质量不变 C .溶质质量不变 D .溶液由稀变浓 4.将20克蔗糖放到80 g 水中,搅拌后完全溶解,此时所形成的溶液中蔗糖占溶液的百分比是多少? 答案: 1.选B 2.选C 3.选C 、D 4.蔗糖占溶液质量的百分比为100g g 20×100%=20%. ※先看书,再来做一做 1.什么是溶质的质量分数?它表示的含义是什么? 2.配制溶质质量分数一定的溶液要经过____________、____________、____________三个步骤. 3.80 g 质量分数为15%的NaNO 3溶液里含有NaNO 3__________克,在这种NaNO 3溶液中加入20 g 水后,所得溶液中溶质的质量分数是__________. 4.欲将80 g 质量分数为20%的NaOH 溶液稀释到质量分数为10%,需加水____________g . 【学习目标】 1.了解溶质质量分数的含义. 2.会利用溶质质量分数的定义式进行有关计算. 3.学会根据需要配制溶质质量分数一定的溶液. 【基础知识精讲】 ※课文全解 一、溶质质量分数 溶质质量分数是用来描述物质组成的一种方法.实质上就是溶质在溶液中所占的百分比,可用下式表示:


高二英语`Unit 1 Reading (学案) 一、根据首字母或中文完成单词 1.If you __________ (背叛) your friend ,you will lose him. 2.He pretended not to find his mistakes ;it is ___________(愚蠢) of him to ____________ (忽略)his own mistakes. 3.Finally he __________(承认) committing that crime. 4.You’d better ___________ (原谅)him ;he didn’t do it _______________________(故意地). 5.I can’t stand your ________________(行为).It made me a bit ________________(尴尬) 6.Don’t laugh at him .I t’s impolite to t___________ others. 7.He never invites his friends to dinner. He is very m________ with money. 8.His questions placed me in a d______________ ;I don’t know how to answer them. 9.You are a bit absent-minded ;You should f__________ your attention on your study. 10.If you are late for class, you should a____________ to your teacher. 11.Don’t d____________ his honesty. You can believe in him. 12.The old man is very s_____________ ;it’s not easy to persuade him to follow you. 二、课文内容填空(熟悉课文后上再做) 1.I feel _________ by my friends.We have been best friends since __________ school. Some children say we are no ___________because we are both very ____________ and like to study.We are both very ____________ and we both get good __________ at school. 2.On Monday ,we had a _________ maths test. I must have sounded very ___________ of myself after the test. I was ________ to get a good mark But I was wrong .I failed .I felt so _________.I didn’t feel like I was _____________ my studies . 3.I didn’t want others to know that .I was ___________ to be cheerful ,but Hannah _________ something was wrong .I told her the truth .I ____________ how badly I had done. I made her ________ not to tell anyone and she said she would keep my ___________. 4.To my surprise, the next day ,I noticed that my classmates were ___________ at me .I was so ________ that I felt like crying.I thought that Hannah must have _____________ told others . 5.I was so angry that I went __________ to her and blamed her because she couldn’t keep her __________.She ________ that shed hadn’t told anyone.but I don’t _________ her .I don’t think I can _________ her .because everyone ___________ me now. 6.I have a ____________. My best friend has stopped __________ to me .We have been best friends ____________ https://www.doczj.com/doc/3514929117.html,st week , we had a match _______ another school.The other team was __________ and we really had to __________. Matthew was playing really badly.He seemed ____________ and as a ____________ of his ___________ playing,we lost the game. 7.I thought he was not trying hard enough and he got very __________ with me .He said it wasn’t his __________ and I shouldn’t ___________ at him. Then we both started shouting at each other and it __________ into a horrible ______________.He kept on saying really __________ things to hurt me .I feel really __________ because I said some really ___________ things too,but I can’t _________ seeing our team lose . 8.These days he has been very __________and looks sad. He is usually _________ and outgoing .Yesterday ,I saw him talking to another boy ,and I can’t help _________ if he wants the boy to be his friend __________ of me . What should I do ? 三、词组选择(注意形式) get along (on) keep one’s word forgive …for in trouble as a result (of) blame … for in public be proud of be sure to do feel like be determined to do turn into can’t help doing sth instead of can’t stand doing 1.You can’t shout ____________.It will bother others. 2.If you work hard ,you ______________ realize your dream. 3.Yesterday it rained very heavily.__________________, our journey was delayed. 4.Liu Xiang is a great athlete and has won a lot of gold medals. The Chinese people ____________________ him 5.Now he is very busy If it is convenient ,would you like to go ______________ him ? 6.Why didn’t you come yesterday ? Once you promise others ,you should _____________________. 7.People in that area often have words with each other. Sometimes the quarrels __________________ fights. 8.Are you thirsty ? Would you _____________ a cup of tea? 9.After many years of hard work ,he _______________ well with his job. 10.Don’t __________ him _______ his mistake .After all ,he is a small boy. 11.After the quarrel ,he asked her to __________ him __________his rudeness. 12.Don’t hesitate to come to me .Once you are _________, I will help you . 13.He hasn’t arrived .I ________________(wait) for him any longer. 14.The movie was very interesting .We ___________________(laugh) during the movie. 15.He has a strong will. Once he gets down to his work, he ___________________ stick to it. 四、句型转换 1.When we were in primary school ,we were best friends ;now we are still best friends. We ________ _________ best friends __________ __________ school . 2.He is very happy .I guess he has passed the exam. He is very happy . He must _________ __________ the exam. 3.It is a shame that she cheated in the competition. She regretted that . She _________ ___________ that she cheated in the competition. 4.He was determined that he would face all difficulties with courage. He was ___________ _________ ________ all difficulties with courage. 5.He was absent from the meeting . Unexpectedly ,he was fired. He lost his job _________ _________ __________ _________ his ____________ from the meeting . 6.He pretended to be ill and didn’t attend the meeting .Later he told me the truth. He __________ ______________ to be ill and was n’t present _______ the meeting. 7. A good Diet is very important for a person .Exercise is important ,too. A good diet is very important and ________ _________ exercise. 8.I doubt his honesty. I doubt ________ he is ___________. I have some doubt _______ he is ___________. 五、句子翻译 1.自从毕业以来,他一直在那家公司里工作。(since) He has _____________________________________________________________________________. 2.昨天我们突然考了数学,我取得了很好的分数。


课题3 溶质的质量分数出题人:韩俊峰审核人:崔鹏课型:新授课出题时间:2012-12-10 知识点: 一、溶质的质量分数 [实验]教材p41“实验9-5”。 试管编号溶液颜色比较溶剂质量 /g 溶质质量 /g 溶液质量 /g 溶质的质量分数 1 2 3 [讨论与交流]在这三支试管中溶液的组成是否相同?判断溶液浓稀的根据是什么?是否精确? [小结]1.溶质的质量分数的定义:与之比。 2.计算公式: ()() 溶质的质量分数= ×100%=×100% ()()+() [实验]教材p42“实验9-6”。 氯化钠的质量/g 水的质量/g 溶液中溶质的质量分数 10 90 20 80 二、配制溶质质量分数一定的溶液 [实验]农村选种用的盐水是16%的氯化钠溶液,请用两种方法配制80g这样的溶液。 实验仪器:托盘天平、量筒、烧杯、玻璃棒、药匙;药品:氯化钠、20%的氯化钠溶液、水。 方法一: 方法二: [小结]: 1.用固体溶质配制溶液所用仪器:。 配制步骤:、、。 2.用浓溶液稀释配制稀溶液的依据:不变。 用浓溶液稀释配制稀溶液所用仪器:。 配制步骤:、、。 三、溶质的质量分数的有关计算 1.已知溶液和溶质的质量(或溶剂和溶质的质量),求溶质的质量分数。 [练习]教材p45“习题1”。 2.计算配制一定量的溶质的质量分数一定的溶液,所需溶质和溶剂的质量。 [例题]教材p43“例题1 ”。 [练习]教材p45“习题4、7”。 4. 7. 3.关于溶液稀释或浓缩问题的计算。[例题]教材p43“例题2 ”。 [小结]1.依据:不变。 2.计算公式:。 [练习] 1.教材p45“习题2”。 2.配制500ml20%的稀硫酸需要98%的浓硫酸多少ml?(已知20%的稀硫酸的ρ=1.14g/cm3,98%的浓硫酸的ρ=1.84g/cm3)。 4.关于溶液配制问题的计算。 [小结]1.依据:不变。 2.计算公式:。 [练习]教材p45“习题3”。 3. 5.溶质的质量分数与化学方程式的综合计算。 [例题]1.50g盐酸与锌完全反应,得0.2g氢气,求盐酸的溶质的质量分数? 2.某盐酸溶液100g,与13g含杂质5%的锌完全反应,这种盐酸的溶质质量分数是多少? [练习]教材p45“习题5、6”。 5. 6. 四、溶质的质量分数与溶解度的比较 [讨论与交流] 溶解度溶质的质量分数意义 条件 状态 计算式 单位 [小结] 饱和溶液的溶质质量分数和溶解度的关系: () 饱和溶液的溶质质量分数=×100% ()+()


断定,推断出 结束;终止 一、词汇变形 Book5 Unit1 Great Scientists 词汇导学案 1. paint (v. & n.)颜料 --- painter (n.) 画家 2. science(n.)科学--- scientific (adj.) 科学的 ---scientifically(adv.)---scientist (n.) 科学家 3. conclude (v.) 推断出---conclusion (n.) 结论 ---conclusive adj. 结论性的 4. analyse (v.) 分 析 --- analysis (n.) 5. physician (n.) 医生 --- physical (adj.) 身体的---physically (adv.) 6.attend(v.出席,照顾)---attendance (n )出席 人数---attendant (n.)服务员 7. announce(v.)通知 -- announcement (n.) 8. certain (adj.) --- u ncertain(adj.)不确定的 ---certainty (n.)确实 9. construct (v.) 建设 -- construction (n.) 10. contribute (v. )贡献 -- contribution (n.) 11. caution (n.) 谨慎 -- cautious (adj.) 二、重点单词 12. responsible (adj.)负责的 ---responsibly(adv.) ----respond(v.)反应---response(n.) --- responsibility(n.) 责任 13. instruct (v. )指导,命令--- instructive (adj. ) 提供知识的;有益的--- instruction (n.) 14. move(v.)---movement (n.)运动15.bright(adj.)---brightness(n.)---brighten(v) 16. private(adj.)私人的 ---privately ---privacy(n.)隐私17.enthusiastic(adj.)---enthusiasm(n.)热情 18.pollute(v.)---pollution(n.)---pollutant(n.) 19.dead (adj.) 死的--- die (v.) ---death (n.) ---deadly (adj.) 致命的 20.challenge(v.) ---- c hallenging(adj.)挑战的 1. conclude vt .& vi . 断定,推断;使结束,终止 n. conclusion conclude...by doing/with... 以……结束 conclude *He concluded his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home. conclude...from... 从…中推断 conclusion n. 结束,结尾(=end ) bring …to a conclusion 结论,推论 in conclusion(=to conclude=finally) 最后 make a conclusion 下结论 arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论 (1)Let me ___ _(用一句谚语结束我的演讲)where there is a will ,there is a way. (2)After waiting for half an hour ,I ___ (得出结论,他不会来了). (3) (最后),I would like to thank you for your coming to meeting. 2. attend vt. &vi. 出席;参加;照料,护理,上学 attend a lecture /a party /a meeting / an interview attend school Dr. Smith attended her in hospital. attend to 照料(tend, take care of) Nurses are busy attending to the wounded. 处理 (deal with/handle) *I have something important to attend to . 接待 (serve) Excuse me, sir. Are you being attended to ? 1) *欢迎对这个话题感兴趣的任何人听这一讲座。__ _

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