当前位置:文档之家› 论《喜福会》中的母女关系




1 Lexical Differences between British English and American English

2 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响和应对策略

3 《警察与赞美诗》和《重新做人》中主人公的不同命运

4 论罗伯特?佩恩?沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求

5 从美国影视剧中浅析委婉语的语用功能

6 由女性“奴性”潜意识解析玛利娅姆多舛命运

7 张谷若《德伯家的苔丝》译本中的归化与异化

8 英语专业本科毕业论文摘要的体裁分析

9 奥斯卡.王尔德的美学观点及其在《道连格雷的画像》中的体现

10 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38

11 《厄舍屋之倒塌》中的哥特元素分析

12 《野性的呼唤》中的生态观

13 一个陌生女人来信的人物性格分析

14 浅析D.H.劳伦斯小说中的平衡原则

15 男权社会中女性的地位—《远大前程》中人物郝维仙之研究

16 Who Was to Blame:The Influence of Community on Pecola

17 解析《麦田里的守望者》中帽子和鸭子的象征意义

18 从功能对等的角度分析《红楼梦》中的习语翻译

19 浅析《黛西米勒》中男女主人公矛盾情感背后的文化冲突

20 浅析英文商务信函的写作格式与文体风格

21 从空间语言的角度分析中美隐私观念的差异

22 The Application of Free Association in Literature Creation—Artistic Styles Presented in Mrs. Dalloway

23 从文化翻译观看异化与归化的相对性

24 论AIDA模式在大众汽车英文广告中的语言体现

25 海明威的死亡哲学——海明威作品解读

26 小王子旅途的象征意义

27 《西游记》和《哈利波特》的对比

28 分析年龄因素对英语学习的影响

29 Cultural Approaches to the C-E Translation of Chinese Brand Names

30 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

31 从目的论角度比较研究《彼得?潘》两个中文译本

32 A Comparative Study of Jane Austen and Emily Dickinson

33 对《愤怒的葡萄》中圣经原型的分析

34 Feminist Thoughts of Theodore Dreiser——A Case Study of Sister Carrie

35 《政府工作报告》中的概念隐喻及其英译方法

36 对《远离尘嚣》中三个男主人公命运的分析

37 涉外商函的特点及其翻译

38 英汉天气词汇的隐喻用法

39 Different Applications of Iceberg Principle in A Farewell to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea

40 浅谈古希腊罗马神话对《哈利波特》系列小说(前四部)的影响

41 浅谈商务英语广告的翻译

42 论《隐形人》中的象征主义

43 The Revival of Benevolence Through Pip's Eyes in Great Expectations

44 On C-E Translation of Company Profiles from the Perspective of Functional Translation Theory

45 On the Translating Strategies of Children’s Literature Seen from the Translation of

E.B.White’s Charlotte’s Web

46 从动态对等角度分析中国旅游景点名称英译——以中国庐山网为例

47 电影《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》中女主人公性格浅析

48 从金融危机看美国自由企业制度下的政府调节——浅析“美国政府接管两房”

49 [税务管理]我国开征遗产税国际借鉴和政策选择研究


51 从文化视角浅析英汉数字的翻译

52 英语教学中合作学习策略的初步研究

53 TPR教学法在幼儿英语教学中的应用

54 中学英语老师提问存在的问题及解决策略

55 以女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象

56 李尔王和格勒旺布王比较研究

57 家庭教育对保罗的影响:品读《儿子与情人》

58 论《哈姆雷特》中的双关语

59 英汉“悲伤”情感隐喻认知对比分析

60 《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的灵魂救赎

61 高中英语课堂导入语艺术研究

62 英汉颜色词的文化象征意义及翻译

63 合作原则在《傲慢与偏见》中的运用

64 The ―Monstrosity‖ of Science: an analysis of Frankenstein

65 托马斯?哈代《德伯家的苔丝》中注定的女性悲剧命运

66 美国个人主义与中国集体主义的比较


68 中西方价值观对比研究

69 英语双关语语境分析及其翻译

70 从女性主义视角分析《贵妇画像》中女主人公伊莎贝尔的选择

71 解读《喜福会》中吴夙愿与吴精美母女之间被误解的爱

72 《爱玛》中身份和同辈的压力

73 原罪与拯救:《小伙子布朗》与《好人难寻》比较

74 公示语汉英翻译研究

75 The Horror Elements in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

76 解析《红字》中清教主义对人物性格的塑造

77 商务英语信函中礼貌策略初探

78 《了不起的盖茨比》的叙事技巧分析

79 汉英谚语中关于文化价值观的比较

80 探讨星巴克多样化顾客关怀及其推广性

81 从功能目的论看化妆品广告的英汉翻译

82 论环境和社会制度对人的行为和品格的影响——以《雾都孤儿》中南希的形象分析为例

83 论《米德尔马契》中的人性主题

84 解析《飘》中斯嘉丽的女性主义思想在其婚姻中的体现

85 从叔本华的悲剧理论分析《红字》的悲剧性

86 An Analysis of Verbal Humor in American Sitcom Friends from the Perspective of Cooperative Principal

87 生态哲人约翰斯坦贝克

88 《红字》中善与恶的不同结局

89 An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson Crusoe

90 浅析电影《阿甘正传》的语言特色

91 浅析爱伦坡短篇小说《黑猫》中的象征手法和心理描写

92 英国文化中的非语言交际的研究

93 英文电影名称汉译原则和方法的研究

94 Comparisons between Chinese Educationists and Western Educationists

95 A Feminist Perspective to Pygmalion

96 浅析《紫色》中西丽的成长历程

97 从《喜福会》中西文化的冲突与融合中看身份的寻求

98 论“迷惘的一代”--以海明威为个案

99 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

100 论爱伦坡的恐怖小说创作及其特点

101 《老人与海》和《热爱生命》的生态比较

102 论汉英外贸合同翻译的得体性

103 英汉情感隐喻认知对比分析

104 从目的论的角度论英文电影片名的翻译策略

105 从功能对等理论的角度看英语新闻标题中修辞的翻译

106 试谈母语对外语学习的影响

107 少儿英语游戏教学策略研究

108 丘吉尔《就希特勒入侵苏联发表的讲话》的修辞赏析

109 中国跨文化交际学研究存在的不足与建议

110 浅谈跨文化交际中的禁忌

111 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中主流审美观对美国黑人的影响

112 评析杰克伦敦小说《荒野的呼唤》中巴克的象征意象

113 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

114 A Research on Frances Burnett’s ―Fauntleroy‖ Writing Style

115 王尔德戏剧作品中的道德观

116 公众演说中修辞人格的研究——以丘吉尔《关于希特勒入侵苏联演讲》为例

117 《查特莱夫人的情人》中肉体与灵魂的平衡

118 《简爱》与《谢利》中女主人公的对比分析研究

119 论礼貌原则在国际商务信函的应用

120 Influences of Encouraging Words on Students In High School Classes

121 荒岛主义在《蝇王》中的映射

122 《麦田守望者》成长主题解析

123 英汉礼貌用语及交际策略的对比分析

124 解读海明威小说《老人与海》中的生态意识

125 生态翻译学视野下《背影》两英译本的对比研究

126 浅论广告英语的修辞特色

127 华尔华兹《我似一朵流云独自漂浮》中的自然观

128 《女勇士》中的文化冲突与文化融合

129 从语用学角度对英语课堂中委婉语的使用探究

130 西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神的比较研究—以《亚瑟王之死》和《水浒传》为例

131 从原型批评理论角度分析威利?洛曼的悲剧

132 一个自我矛盾的精神世界—《达洛卫夫人》中的对照与一致

133 哥特文化--十字架背后的光

134 解析《宠儿》的象征意义

135 毛姆眼中的简奥斯丁

136 A Feministic Study of the Theme of “The Chrysanthemums”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)137 从《看得见风景的房间》看女性身份的遗失和找寻

138 美国电影与文化霸权—以好莱坞大片《阿凡达》为例

139 从关联理论看《茶馆》两个英译本中修辞格的处理

140 《天黑前的夏天》中女主人公凯特的自我救赎之路

141 新课标下初中英语教师角色转变的研究

142 不温不火,绵里藏针——分析《格列夫游记》的讽刺意义


144 初中生英语自主学习现状调查与分析

145 浅谈儿童文学在儿童成长中的作用-弗朗西斯霍奇森伯内特《小公主》和《秘密花园》之比较

146 探究瓦尔登湖的积极现实意义——倡导和谐生存发展模式

147 基于中西文化差异的翻译策略研究

148 论托马斯?哈代诗歌中的死亡意识

149 双关语在广告英语中的语用分析及其运用

150 中西方饮食文化对比

151 The Application of TBLT Approach in Reading Instruction

152 从《西游记》中的童话语言特色看其宗教色彩

153 跨文化交际中社交语用失误及应对策略

154 “三美论”观照下的《再别康桥》英译本比较研究

155 Some Writing Skills for Senior High School Students in NMET

156 A Study on Cultural Shock in Intercultural Communication

157 纳博科夫小说《洛丽塔》的爱情讽刺

158 作者菲茨杰拉德在《了不起的盖茨比》中所表现的双重人格

159 从文化差异角度谈国际商务谈判中的语言技巧

160 英语歌曲在英语教学中的应用

161 An Analysis of Fagin in Oliver Twist

162 针对基础与学习自觉性较低班级的课堂管理

163 澳大利亚传记文学中的土著文化:以《我的位置》为例

164 从电影《饮食男女》看中西方饮食文化差异(开题报告+论文+文献综述)

165 课本剧在高中英语教学中的应用与研究

166 Yellow Peril–the Image of Fu Manchu in the West

167 命运与社会的牺牲品—苔丝的悲剧根源探析

168 《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克性格分析

169 浅议英汉习语翻译中文化语境的制约作用

170 论圣地亚哥性格的多重性及《老人与海》中的悲剧色彩

171 英汉幽默语的对比研究及其翻译

172 高中学生英语词汇学习现状研究综述

173 A New Woman’s Journey in To the Lighthouse

174 从中西传统节日分析中西方文化的差异性

175 《灿烂千阳》中女性人物的忍耐,斗争和重生

176 A Comparative Study of Politeness Expressions in English and Chinese

177 劳伦斯小说中的女性形象

178 研究交替传译中的笔记特征以及它对翻译准确度的影响

179 经典英文电影台词的文体分析

180 《哈利波特》系列小说的浪漫主义情节分析

181 从《卡斯特桥市长》看哈代作品中的宿命论色彩

182 试析中文歌曲汉英语码转换的形式与功能

183 《无名的裘德》中哈代的宗教思想探讨

184 公示语汉英翻译的问题与对策

185 花园小径句在英语阅读中的分析

186 论《宠儿》中的母爱

187 东西方恐怖电影的文化差异

188 从中英婚俗看两国文化差异

189 《简爱》的女性主义视角解读

190 Enhance Listening Aptitude through Music

191 中学英语课堂中的情感教育

192 《呼唤》中倒装句汉译策略研究

193 英语旅游广告的文体分析

194 V ocabulary Teaching Based on Pragmatic Approach

195 《红与黑》中司汤达的爱情观

196 xx大学商务英语专业学生社会岗位适应能力调查

197 英语报刊标题的词汇特点和修辞特点

198 从《推手》看中美文化差异对家庭关系的影响

199 影视作品中的中英电话礼貌用语对比研究

200 On the Translation of Children’s Literature in the Light of the Skopostheory:A Case Study of The dventures of Tom Sawyer


Cultural Gaps and Conflicts Between China and America from a Study of The Joy Luck Club 由《喜福会》看中美文化差异和冲突By Feng Die (冯蝶)Supervised by Associate Prof. Guo Xihua (郭锡华)Jiangnan University Wuxi Jiangsu China June 2007 ContentsAcknowledgements…………………………………………………………………………………iAbstractampKey Word………………………………………………………..………………………ii1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………12. Analyzing the Cultural Gaps and Conflicts between China and America in Detail from a Studyof The Joy Luck Club……………………………………………………………………………….4 2.1. Different values…………………………………………………………………………….5 2.2 Different concepts of family………………………………………………………………..8 2.3 Different ways of speaking and behavior………………………………………………….123. Looking forward to the future of cultural differences between China and


The Joy Luck Club (1989) is a best-selling novel written by Amy Tan. It focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families in San Francisco, California who start a club known as "the Joy Luck Club," playing the Chinese game of mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods. The book is structured somewhat like a mahjong game, with four parts divided into four sections to create sixteen chapters. The three mothers and four daughters (one mother, Suyuan Woo, dies before the novel opens) share stories about their lives in the form of vignettes. Each part is preceded by a parable relating to the game. In 1993, the novel was adapted into a feature film directed by Wayne Wang and starring Ming-Na, Lauren Tom, Tamlyn Tomita, France Nguyen, Rosalind Chao, Kieu Chinh, Tsai Chin, Lisa Lu, and Vivian Wu. The screenplay was written by the author Amy Tan along with Ronald Bass. The novel was also adapted into a play, by Susan Kim, which premiered at Pan Asian Repertory Theatre in New York. Characters Mothers Suyuan Woo During the Second World War, Suyuan lives in China while her husband at the time served as an officer in Chungking (Chongqing). She starts the original Joy Luck Club with her three friends to cope with the war. There is little to eat, but they pretend it is a feast, and talk about their hopes for the future. On the day of the Japanese invasion, Suyuan leaves her house with nothing but a bag of clothes, a bag of food, and her twin baby daughters. During the long journey, Suyuan contracts such severe dysentery that she feels certain she will die. Fearing that a dead mother would doom her babies' chances of rescue, she reluctantly and emotionally leaves her daughters under a barren tree, together with all her belongings, along with a note asking anyone who might find the babies to care for them and contact the father. Suyuan then departs, expecting to die. However, she is rescued by a truck and finds out her husband has died. She later remarries, comes to America, forms a new Joy Luck Club with three other Chinese female immigrants she met at church, and gives birth to another daughter. But her abandonment of the twin girls haunts her for the rest of her life. After many years, Suyuan learns that the twins were adopted, but dies of a brain aneurysm before she can meet them. It is her American-born daughter Jing-mei who fulfills her long-cherished wish of reuniting with her elder twin half-sisters. As Suyuan dies before the novel begins, her history is told by Jing-mei, based on her knowledge of her mother's stories, anecdotes from her father, and what the other members of the Joy Luck Club tell her. An-Mei Hsu An-Mei is raised by her grandparents and other relatives during her early years in Ningbo after her widowed mother shocks the family by becoming a concubine to a middle-aged wealthy man after her first husband's death. This becomes a source of conflict for the young An-Mei, as her aunts and uncles deeply resent her mother for such a dishonorable act. They try to convince An-Mei that it is not fitting for her to live with her disgraced mother, who is now forbidden to enter the family home. An-Mei's mother, however, still wishes to be part of her daughter's life. After An-Mei's grandmother dies, An-mei moves out to live with her mother in the home of her mother's new husband, Wu-Tsing. An-Mei learns that her mother was coerced into being Wu-Tsing's concubine through the manipulations of his Second Wife, the favorite. This woman arranged for An-Mei's mother, still in mourning for her original husband, to be raped by Wu-Tsing. The stigma left An-Mei's mother with


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 性格、学习策略和英语学习成绩的关系研究 2 美国梦和中国梦的内涵对比研究 3 多丽丝·莱辛的《金色笔记》中的怀旧情绪 4 从异化与归化的角度谈中国菜名的翻译 5 英语委婉语教学模式探究 6 西奥多?德莱塞《嘉莉妹妹》中的消费主义思想探索 7 海明威文学创作中主题的转折点——《乞力马扎罗的雪》 8 从功能翻译理论谈美剧字幕翻译 9 论《杀死一只知更鸟》的成长主题 10 《珍妮姑娘》主人公悲剧结局的必然性 11 玛丽?巴顿的女性意识 12 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38 13 浅析中国企业的国际化模式和策略 14 The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors 15 以女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 16 国际商务函电的礼貌原则研究 17 英语环境的营造对中学生英语学习的影响 18 美剧《欲望都市》中女性语言的语用分析 19 从语用学角度看现代汉语对英语外来词的吸收和使用 20 从功能翻译理论浅谈公示语翻译 21 模糊语用交际策略在政治语言中的运用分析 22 浅析大学英语课堂沉默现象 23 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 24 浅析我国中小企业电子商务现状与对策 25 从谈判风格看中美文化差异 26 英文导游词的特点分析 27 The Influence of Greek Mythology upon British and American Literature 28 从目的论看广告翻译中的译者主体性发挥 29 An Analysis of Vanity Fair from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function 30 从凯特肖邦的“觉醒”中映射出的女性自由 31 The Application of TBLT to Reading-teaching in Junior Middle School 32 美国广告语中的会话含义研究 33 英汉死亡委婉语对比研究 34 浅析英语粘着词素及其在词汇教学中的实用价值 35 从礼貌原则角度分析电影《暮光之城》中的对白 36 Application of Politeness Principle in Top Talk 37 初中英语听力教学策略初探 38 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 39 To Obey or Rebel –A Study of Female Characters in Moment in Peking 40 跨文化交际下中西饮食文化的比较研究 41 《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的破灭 42 思维导图在高中英语阅读教学中的应用


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c11938539.html, 《喜福会》中女儿们的伦理身份选择 作者:杨潇慧 来源:《现代交际》2017年第14期 摘要:《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club)是华裔美国作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的处女作,讲述了四位华裔母亲与她们女儿之间的故事。“华裔后代”这一身份的特殊性常常使已经是美国公民的女儿们在生活中陷入一种伦理身份选择的困境,认可母亲们的教育方式意味着选择其中国人身份,而渴望融入美国社会的女儿们更加青睐美国人身份,让她们在问题面前通常与母亲的意见背道而驰,双方由此引发了各种矛盾。随着故事的推进,女儿们愈发感觉西式文化并不是自己想象中那么完美,从而重新作出伦理选择,认可母亲的华裔身份并与母亲达成和解。 关键词:伦理身份伦理困境伦理选择矛盾和解 中图分类号:I712074 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5349(2017)14-0122-02 《喜福会》是谭恩美的第一部长篇小说,一经问世便受到了广泛好评。作品从华人母亲和美国出生的女儿之间从冲突到和解这一全新视角,为读者剖析华人移民及他们的后代在美国的“他者”生活。《喜福会》描写了四对母女之间的关系:吴素云和吴精美、许安梅和许露丝、龚琳达和薇弗莱·龚、映映·圣克莱尔和丽娜·圣克莱尔,文章居于女儿们代表的二代华裔的角度以文学伦理学批评重新诠释母女产生矛盾及最终和解的原因。作品中的母女从矛盾到和解本质上是女儿们作出的两次伦理身份的选择,第一次是因对美式文化的盲目追求选择美国人身份,第二次是日渐成熟之后发现中式文化更加适合自己而选择华人身份。 文学伦理学批评分析文学作品强调站在当时的伦理立场上解读和阐释文学作品,寻找文学产生的客观伦理原因并解释其何以成立,分析作品中导致社会事件和影响人物命运的伦理因素,用伦理的观点对事件人物、文学问题等给予解释,并从历史角度作出道德评价。因此对作品中母女矛盾及和解的阐释必须回到19世纪50年代的华人大量移民美国这个特定的历史背景与伦理语境中,才能真正理解四位母亲和女儿们发生矛盾冲突的原因以及和解背后的动机。 一、双重身份导致的伦理困境 在19世纪50年代出现的华人移民潮的背景下,这些母亲都是在美国重组家庭,孕育后代。女儿们出生于美国,不知不觉中接受着西方文化理念,“那阵我开始上学了,我们的贝蕾夫人厉害极了,如果你不听她的话,她那把戒尺就足以令你附身听话。(许露丝)”在这里“贝蕾夫人”是美国文化的象征,不管主动吸收还是被迫接受,在西方思想占主流地位的整体文化背景下女儿们已经在潜意识里形成了美式文化理念。

The Joy Luck Club(喜福会影评—东西方文化差异)

The Joy Luck Club In the movie, there are many conflicts between Chinese culture and American culture, such as teaching methods, relationships, traditions and customs. First of all, there is a tremendous difference between Chinese and American teaching methods. In China, parents decide what their children should study, which can benefit for children. For example, in June’s memory of child, she should spend two hours playing the piano and be supervised by her music teacher. In China, it is very efficient to prove child who is absorbing some skills in music, art or study. Chinese children often claim that they are forced by their parents. In other words, Chinese parents have no perception of considering children’s hobbies. But in American, children can choose anyone which they are interested in. And American children are more freedom. They can plan to how to practice it. Second, in the movie, Chinese have more complex relationships between each other. June’s aunts found her sisters who had been dropped by their mother twenty years ago. They tended June to China in order to tell them about her mother. Because aunts thought the daughter is the parents’best friends that can know about her parents. In America, the different person has different feelings and thoughts. Though you are the closest, you cannot know all about each other. Third, traditions are very clearly different in this movie. With our impression, Chinese is modest and kind, which contributes to they are not willing to show off what is they are good at. For example, Lin Duo was very good at cooking, but she always said “I am not good at cooking” or “This cake is not very tasty”. When her son-in-low heard this, he put a lot of salt in dishes directly, which made Lin Duo feel embarrassed. Actually, in Lin Duo’s heart, she was long for her relations’ compliment. In the end of this text, in Chinese customs, the king of the home is husband, which means the man decides everything, including woman’s happiness and life. And one man can have many wives; however, one woman pertains to only one husband, including her body and soul. But in America, husband and wife is independent, husband would like to listen to what his lover is thinking.


喜福会折射的中美文化的冲突与融合开题报告 本科毕业论文开题报告书 中文题目:《喜福会》折射的中美文化的冲突与融合 英文题目:“The Joy Luck Club” Reflects the Sino—US Culture Clash and Fusion 学生姓名:XX 学号:XXXX 班级:外国语学院XX级XX班 指导教师:XX 论文(设计)题目《喜福会》折射的中美文化的冲突与融合 选题目的和意义 美籍华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)是美籍华裔文坛上的一颗新星。1989年,她发表处女作《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club),此书一问世便成为热卖世界的畅销书,在美国掀起了一股华裔文学热,为华裔作品进入美国主流文学做出贡献。此书不仅向美国人展示了来自神秘东方的传统的中国文化,而且其用四对母女之间的感情冲突淋漓尽致地演绎出了中美文化的巨大冲突。近年来,国内外的专家学者都对《喜福会》这一华裔文学小说做过深入的研究,但大多数的研究都仅仅侧重于母女关系和单纯的文化冲突的研究。鉴于此,本文作者对《喜福会》中文化的碰撞与交融做出深刻而全面的分析,其中包括家庭教育、人生观、价值观以及东西方人受各自传统文化熏陶等。其次的一点是,本课题并没有单单来揭露东西方文化的碰撞这一方面,在中国

经济实力、综合国力不断强大,全球化的趋势不断加强的情况下,东西方的文化渐渐地融合在一起,本文又将东西方文化融合的一面展现出来,体现了现实意义和强大的社会价值。 本课题在国内外的研究状况和及发展趋势: 从20 世纪起, 特别是自20世纪70年代以来, 一批知识界、文学界的华裔精英人物不仅跻身于美国的“主流文化” 圈, 而且以他们 的才智和作品使生活在美国的华人群体及他们身后的悠久的中国文 化传统逐步凸现出来。因此, 今天, 中美文化之间的关系问题己越来越成为中美文学界、批评界所关注的热点问题之一。小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club ) 便是近些年来美国华裔作家对中美文化之间的关系进行探索的一个范本。美国人类学家、空间关系学的创始人爱德华·霍尔认为,“虽然世界各国的文化具有千差万别,但大多数文化还是具有明显的倾向性的”,因此他把文化大致分为“高背景文化与低背景文化”,朱漱真(2008年)出版的“中美文化的冲突与融合对《喜福会》文化的解读”就是利用霍尔的观点来分析研究的。E.D.Huntley(1998),在“A Critical Comparison”一文中对此片文章做了建设性的比较。 小说从东方∕西方、自我∕他者两个方面构建了一个东西方文化从二元对立到二元消解的文化发展景观。自新中国成立以来,我们可以意识到中国本身也包含了部分美国文化,而美国文化也包含了部分中国文化。同时,我们也可以看到中西文化由冲突碰撞到融合的发展前景。 主要研究内容:


从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合(1) AbstractThe Joy Luck Club is the first novel of Amy Tan,a famous Chinese-American writer. In the novel she mainly describes the relationship between the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters and cultural conflicts. The novel is set in the age of globalization and in the multicultural American society; it represents the process of misunderstanding, conflicts, understanding and blending between the mothers and the daughters. Globalization not only brings many chances to china but also brings cultural challenges to China. As the degree of globalization is getting deeper, Chinese culture faces the danger of being integrated and changed by other cultures. Through contextual analysis of the Joy Luck Club and the cultural conflicts and blending embodied in it, this paper demonstrates that in the age of globalization a balance should be kept among different cultures, and a right attitude towards cultural conflicts should be taken, and it suggests that the native culture should not be thrown away when learning from others, and instead, it should be transmitted to others.Key WordsThe Joy Luck Club; conflict; understanding; cultural blending摘要《喜福会》是著名美国籍华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,作者在小说中主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于文化的差异而引起的冲突,小说以全球化时代和美国多元文化社会为背景,呈现了4对母女由误会,冲突到理解的过程。在全球化环境下中国面临很多发展的机遇,但更多的是文化的挑战。随着全球化的加剧,中国文化面临一种被融化,被改变的危险。本文通过对《喜福会》文本及其所透视出的文化冲突与融合的分析,说明在全球化环境中,应该在不同文化中找到一个平衡点,并以正确的态度来对待文化冲突,同时不要轻易否定母文化,在向全世界学习其他优秀文化的时候,也要向他们传播中国传统文化。关键词《喜福会》;冲突;理解;文化融 合IntroductionIn the novel The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan explores the relationship between mothers and daughters. There are 4 mother-daughter pairs in the novel, mothers are the first generation immigrants, and the daughters are born in America. The Joy Luck Club mothers come from the Chinese traditional families when the dictatorial Chinese power is destroyed by the Japanese insurgents in the 1940s. They escape from the political upheaval of China, but they don't forget their Chinese traditional culture, while their daughters are born in America, they are the second generation immigrants, and they don't understand their mothers' Chinese culture, and their way of thinking, so there are often misunderstandings between the mothers and the daughters. In order to make their daughters know them and the Chinese culture, the Joy Luck Club mothers have made pain- taking efforts to remove their differences. They seize every opportunity to tell their daughters their past experiences, demonstrate their courage to challenge the feudal society and never stop extending


《刮痧》和《喜福会》中表现出的中西文化特征和中西文化冲突 《喜福会》这部小说讲述了 4 位中国移民母亲和从小在美国成长的女儿们之间由于文化差异和对民族身份的不同认识等原因由冲突到相互接受又到彼此融合的故事。谭恩美采用中国传统的叙述手法,从个人的记忆出发,以特定的历史和文化视角,将自我经历放大,将家庭矛盾、母女冲突提升到文化冲突的层面,在中美文化传统的大背景下使之象征化、寓言化,使得小说更具文化内涵和艺术张力,树立了近年来美国华裔作家对中美文化关系探索的范本。 作者形象地把全书构筑在一张麻将桌上, “四户人家是四个主要部分,每个部分的中心都是从一个家庭转向另一个家庭”。[1]母亲和女儿们像打麻将一样轮流坐庄,依次用第一人称讲述自己的人生故事。[2 ]《喜福会》中的母亲们都经历过旧中国的贫穷战乱以及封建父权制带来的灾难和痛苦。吴精美的母亲吴素媛在战乱中不仅失去了丈夫,还不得不忍痛放弃了襁褓中的一对双胞胎女儿。许安梅跟随被迫改嫁做妾的母亲从宁波搬到天津,寄人篱下受尽羞辱,最后终以母亲的生命为代价脱离了那个明争暗斗的大宅院。龚琳达家处中国的北方,连年灾害迫使她从小就嫁给了一个无用的富家子弟,名为少奶奶,实则童养媳,受尽各种侮辱,最终凭借自己的智慧挣脱了那个“父母之命,媒约之言”的不幸婚姻。顾映映位富家千金由于丈夫寻花问柳身心受到了极大伤害,在对丈夫的憎恶下亲手杀死了腹中胎儿,从此一直生活在绝望与郁愤中直到丈大死去她才走出绝境,嫁给一位美国士兵来到美国开始了新的生活。 这 4 位走出各自命运阴影的母亲们来到异域他乡之后,为了适应新的环境要求,不得不隐藏在原有文化基础上形成的人格,但她们骨子里仍渗透着几千年来的传统教育和封建家长制思想;同样也是受害者的她们有着共同的理想就是要严格教育、管束自己的女儿们,使其能逃脱自己这辈女人的命运,成为她们眼中的幸福女人。然而,对于母亲的管束,女儿们则以各自不同的方式反抗着,在这个种族、阶级、性别不平等的大熔炉里,两代女性上演了一出出由相互争斗到殊途同归、相互认同的悲喜剧。 《喜福会》中的女儿们生于美国、长于美国,真如当初“逃离”旧中国,投奔“自由世界”的母亲们所期望的那样, “讲一口流利漂亮的美式英语”, “勿需仰仗丈夫鼻息度日”。[ 1 ]1但也如母亲们说的“除了头发和皮肤是中国式的外,她们的内部都是美国制造的”。女儿们说美式英语,吃美国食品,穿美国衣服, 比起中国男孩,美国男孩更让她们倾心,她们已经全盘美化了。即使她们“回到中国穿了中国人的服装,不化装,不戴首饰,仅从她走路的样子,就能看出她是外面来的”。[1 ]247在同一个屋檐下,不同观念,不同文化背景的两代人生活在一起,母女的矛盾冲突就充分地暴露出来了。 在传统的中国文化中,父母们都望子成龙,望女成凤,儿女的成功就是自己的成功,自己的骄傲。父母有权为儿女安排生活、婚姻以及未来,而儿女们必须以听从作为对父母孝敬的表现。吴素媛来到美国,把自己的一切都寄托在女儿身上。


喜福会开题报告 本科毕业论文开题报告书 中文题目:《喜福会》折射的中美文化的冲突与融合 英文题目:“The Joy Luck Club” Reflects the Sino—US Culture Clash and Fusion 学生姓名:XX 学号:XXXX 班级:外国语学院XX级XX班 指导教师:XX 论文(设计)题目《喜福会》折射的中美文化的冲突与融合 选题目的和意义 美籍华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)是美籍华裔文坛上的一颗新星。1989年,她发表处女作《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club),此书一问世便成为热卖世界的畅销书,在美国掀起了一股华裔文学热,为华裔作品进入美国主流文学做出贡献。此书不但向美国人展示了来自神秘东方的传统的中国文化,而且其用四对母女之间的感情冲突淋漓尽致地演绎出了中美文化的巨大冲突。近年来,国内外的专家学者都对《喜福会》这个华裔文学小说做过深入的研究,但绝大部分的研究都仅仅侧重于母女关系和单纯的文化冲突的研究。鉴于此,本文作者对《喜福会》中文化的碰撞与交融做出深刻而全面的分析,其中包括家庭教育、人生观、价值观以及东西方人受各自传统文化熏陶等。其次的一点是,本课题并没有单单来揭露东西方文化的碰撞这个方面,在中国经济实力、综合国力持续强大,世界化的趋势持续增强的情况下,东西方的文化逐步地融合在一起,本文又将东西方文化融合的一面体现出来,体现了现实意义和强大的社会价值。

本课题在国内外的研究状况和及发展趋势: 从20 世纪起, 特别是自20世纪70年代以来, 一批知识界、文学界的华裔精英人物不但跻身于美国的“主流文化” 圈, 而且以他们的才智和作品使生活在美国的华人群体及他们身后的悠久的中国文化传统逐步凸现出来。所以, 今天, 中美文化之间的关系问题己越来越成为中美文学界、批评界所注重的热点问题之一。小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club ) 便是近些年来美国华裔作家对中美文化之间的关系实行探索的一个范本。美国人类学家、空间关系学的创始人爱德华·霍尔认为,“虽然世界各国的文化具有千差万别,但绝大部分文化还是具有明显的倾向性的”,所以他把文化大致分为“高背景文化与低背景文化”,朱漱真(2008年)出版的“中美文化的冲突与融合对《喜福会》文化的解读”就是利用霍尔的观点来分析研究的。 E.D.Huntley(1998),在“A Critical Comparison”一文中对此片文章做了建设性的比较。 小说从东方∕西方、自我∕他者两个方面构建了一个东西方文化从二元对立到二元消解的文化发展景观。自新中国成立以来,我们能够意识到中国本身也包含了部分美国文化,而美国文化也包含了部分中国文化。同时,我们也能够看到中西文化由冲突碰撞到融合的发展前景。 主要研究内容: 一引言 二文献综述:国外研究现状和国内研究现状 三文化的冲突与融合:定义、产生的背景、特征的对比 四中美文化冲突与融合在《喜福会》中的体现 五结语 完成论文的条件、方法及措施:


浅析《喜福会》中母女关系折射出的中美文化差异 摘要:本文通过对谭恩美《喜福会》中母女关系的分析,分别从语言差异、主客礼仪差异、思维差异和孝道文化差异四个方面来阐述母女间冲突产生的原因。小说中母女间的矛盾、冲突一直存在,直到女儿们到了为人母的年纪,母女间的关系才慢慢走向缓和融洽。所谓文化有国界但爱无国界。理解、真诚和爱是化解文化差异最好的良方。关键词:母女关系文化差异冲突融洽 Analysis of The Joy Luck Club in the mother-daughter relationships reflects the Sino-US cultural differences TANG Xian (School of foreign languages,Kunming University,YunnanKunming650214 ,China ) Abstract: Based on Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club the essay analyses the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter. Respectively, in four aspects from the differences of language, differences of hosts and guests etiquette, differences of way of thinking and differences of filial piety. The conflicts between mother and daughter has always existed, until the daughters have grown up to the age of be mothers , the relationship between them is slowly becoming in harmony. As the proverb goes cultures have borders but love without borders. Understanding, sincerity and love are the best remedy to resolve the cultural differences.


Amy Tan was a famous American-Chinese writer. The Joy Luck Club, as her first wor k,become successful as soon as it was released. However, their daughters were born in and grew up in America. They were affected b y the American culture and education. Different backgrounds and languages had made them misunderstand each other even hurt each other. Because of the differences in ed ucation and valuation towards equality and family, the mothers and daughters became estranged while they should have been the closest persons. In the end, when the dau ghters finally understood the “Chinese-style Maternal Love” that their mothers have given to them, the collision of two obviously different cultures are easing. The paper a nalyzes the cultural differences from the aspects such as Chinese traditional thoughts, cultural clash and cultural fusion shown in the movie. This paper is the discussion about the the mother-daughter collision between Chinese and American cultures, it is divided into three parts: I. The conflicts between Chinese and western culture From a cultural perspective, the first part of the film through the relationship between the four pairs of mothers and daughters, present the two kinds of collisions between Chinese western culture and conflict, the second part describes the relationship between the mother and daughter from the conflict to the final combination. The differences between Chinese traditional ideas and American values are one of the main causes of the conflict between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American daughters. This paper is mainly discussed from the conflict and combination of the Joy Luck Club ", so as to deepen the readers' understanding and acceptance of the work. 1. The word "family" is endowed with different meanings. In China's traditional ideas, the family represents the absolute power of parents to their children. The child is a parent's subsidiary, and the parents must be absolutely obedient with children living in the control of their parents. At the same time, the family also means that the relationship between the parents and children and the child is the continuation of family life, bearing the honor of the family.And the independent and individualistic values of American traditional culture encourages individuals to struggle, emphasize self realization and independent consciousness. 2.Chinese people attach great importance to the family's collective strength, the American people believe in individualism; family is the whole world of mother . She find their own life through her daughter’s life and expected through her daughter's achievements to compensate for their own frustrated life, and her daughter is convinced that "I am what i am" and refused to intervene. The relationship between Chinese mother and American daughter, which reflects the conflict and contradiction of the different values of the Chinese family's "mutual dependence" and "individual struggle" of American culture. Home for the two generations of mother and daughter is a completely different concept II.The fusion of Chinese and western culture In fact, the conflict between mother and daughter is only a representation, the implication is sincere expectations from mother to daughter , mutual love and

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