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1. The position in which the life preserver will support a person who jumps or falls into the water is most important, as is its tendency to turn the wearer in the water from a face-down position to an upright or slightly backward position, with his face clear of the water, even when the wearer is exhausted or unconscious. (1991. 阅读. Text 1)


整句话的主干是The position is most important,as is its tendency to...即由主句和as引导的非限制性定语从句组成。具体看来,主句the position后是介词+which引导的定语从句,position 在定语从句中作in的宾语,因此把in提前到which前。in which 定语从句中又有who引导的定语从句修饰a person。as引导的非限制性定语从句中,to turn the wearer from...to...是不定式短语作定语修饰its tendency,with his face clear of the water作伴随状语,


2. A suitable life preserver should also be comfortable to wear at all times, in and out of the water, not so heavy as to encourage to take it off on shipboard while the ship is in danger, nor so burdensome that it hinders a person in the water while trying to swim. (1991. 阅读. Text 1)


复合句。主句A suitable life perserver should be comfortable to wear at all times, in and out of the water作地点状语,not so heavy as to encourage...,nor so burdensome是形容词作伴随,包含句型not...,nor...;while the ship is in danger作时间状语从句,而nor后包含短语so...that...。

3. This assumption rests on the fallacy of the inherent laziness in human nature; actually, aside from abnormally lazy people, there would be very few who would not want to earn more than the minimum, and who would prefer to do nothing rather than work.

(1991. 阅读. Text 2)


句子主干是This assumption rests on;aside from,there would be very few who would,and who would。分号连接两个并列分句。在第二个分句中,介问短语aside from abnormally(特别地)lazy people作状语,主句是一个there be存在句,包含两个并列的由关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰few.Rest on在此意为依据。aside from相当于except,译为除了。


2019年6月大学英语六级阅读长难句解析(5) 英语六级阅读长难句解析(5) 1. It is not so bad being ignorant if you are totally ignorant; the hard thing is knowing in some detail the reality of ignorance, the worst spots and here and there the not-so-bad spots, but no true light at the end of the tunnel nor even any tunnels that can yet be trusted. (1991. 阅读. 12月. Text 3) 如果你彻底无知的话,那么无知也就不是那么糟糕。困难的是人们详细了解无知的实际情况最差的方面以及各处并不太差的方面,但并不了解这种困难根本没有结束的迹象,甚至还没有可以信赖的任何解决问题的途径。 句子的主干是it is not so bad being ignorant if...;the hard thing is knowing the realitybut no true lightnor even any tunnels分号连接两个并列分句。前面的分句句首it为形式主语,真正的主语为being ignorant;if引导条件状语从句。后一分句的is knowing和no true lightnor even any tunnels由but连接做系表谓语;句尾that引导的定语从句修饰tunnels. 2. The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and


雅思阅读长难句分析(十二) 雅思阅读长难句一直是雅思阅读中的一个难点,烤鸭们几乎都被折磨过。今天,雅思小编就给大家具体分析一下剑桥真题中出现过的长难句,让烤鸭们掌握分析长难句的分析技巧,攻克雅思阅读长难句,不再是个传说。 1. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification. (剑4 Test 1 Passage 1) 译文:这些误解不是孤立存在的,而是组成了一个尽管多层面却十分有条理的概念体系,这一点使得该体系本身及其所有组成的观点更加难以攻破,有些观点甚至本身就是错误的,但是也正是这样,它们反而更容易改动。 这个句子主要难在词汇和句子结构上。我们先来学习一下下面几个词汇: 1. multifaceted:多层面的;多才多艺的 2. component: 组成部分的 3. erroneous:错误的 4. robust: 粗鲁的;强健的 5. incorporated:组成的,合并的 我们该来分析一下句子结构:句子主语是These misconceptions,并列谓语do not remain ……but become,其中有not……but 句式,宾语是isolated,incorporated into…… framework。Making作结果状语,which引导限制性定语从句修饰the component ideas。


如何克服高考英语阅读理解中的长难句障碍-A 高考英语阅读理解题所选短文均选自英语原版文章,原汁原昧”,考生普遍感觉较难理解。那么,这些阅读材料到底难在哪儿呢除了生词量大、篇幅长、信息量大以外.就是短文中的句子结构较为复杂,搀杂了大量的长、难句。句法掌握不好的考生很难理清头绪,影响其对短文内容的理解。 1 When a woman's closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage,it was n’t unusual to hear a tan say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serous trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa. 2 He found out that Kit Williams had spent his childhood near Ampthill,in Bedfordshire,and thought that he must have tried the hare in a place he knew well,but he still could not see the connection with Katherine of Aragon, until one day he came across two stone crosses in Ampthill Park and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773. 一、抓住结构引导词分析其长难句结构和功能 任何一个复杂长句都不外乎由一个或多个并列结构和复合句构成。并列结构一般有连词and,but,or等连接;复合句按其在句中的作用可分为名词性从句、形容词性从句(定语从句)和副词性从句(状语从句)三大类。任何一个复合句都有一个至几个反应逻辑、意义及结构关系的引导词,找出这些引导词就能分析出复合句的完整句子结构,清理出完整意义。平时要注意积累表示各种逻辑关系的连词和短语。表示目的: 《 so that,for the purpose that,in order that等;表示结果:so…that…,such…that…,as a result,therefore,thus等;表示条件:if,on condition that,unless等;表示原因:because,since,as等。 【例l】Another good thing about the use of noise-killing systems is that it saves the need for a silencer, which not only reduces the weight of a car, but also makes the motor burn less oil and work better.(NMETl995 C篇) 析:这是一个含有that引导的表语从句的复合句。并且表语从句后接了which 引导的非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句内有not only…but also…连接的并列结构。句意:噪音消除系统应用的另一好处就是没有必要使用消声器.这不仅减轻了轿车的重量。而且使发动机耗油更少,运转更好。 【例2】We even have different words for some tools, meat in particular, depending on whether it is still out in the fields or at home ready to be cooked, which shows the fact that the Saxon peasants were doing the farming,while he upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating.(NMET2001D篇) 析:whether…or…表示判断选择的搭配结构,which 引出定语从句,指代前文中的事实,that引出同位语从句,while引出状语从旬,表示对比。句意:我们甚至用不同的词语来表示食物,特别是肉类,取决于它们是否还在田问里,还是即将就厨。这表明撒可逊农民干的是农活而上层的诺曼人干的是吃喝。 【例3】A Swedish Kennel Club official explains what this means: if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car,as the owner,you have to pay for any damage done to the car,even if your dog has been killed in the accident.(NMETl997 C篇)


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/3b7832680.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) Unit 10 Part ⅡReading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: More and more, the operations of our businesses, governments, and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories. Anyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap substantial rewards. Even worse, a number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment. It's easy for computer crimes to go undetected if no one checks up on what the computer is doing. But even if the crime is detected, the criminal may walk away not only unpunished but with a glowing recommendation from his former employers. Of course, we have no statistics on crimes that go undetected. But it's disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected by accident, not by systematic inspections or other security procedures. The computer criminals who have been caught may be the victims of uncommonly bad luck. For example, a certain keypunch (键盘打孔) operator complained of having to stay overtime to punch extra cards. Investigation revealed that the extra cards she was being asked to punch were for dishonest transactions. In another case, dissatisfied employees of the thief tipped off (向……透露) the company that was being robbed. Unlike other lawbreakers, who must leave the country, commit suicide, or go to jail, computer criminals sometimes escape punishment, demanding not only that they not be charged but that they be given good recommendations and perhaps other benefits. All too often, their demands have been met. Why? Because company executives are afraid of the bad publicity that would result if the public found out that their computer had been misused. They hesitate at the thought of a criminal boasting in open court of how he juggled (耍弄) the most confidential records right under the noses of the company's executives, accountants,


六级真题阅读长难句分析 1. For hundreds of millions of years, turtles (海龟) have struggled out of the sea to lay their eggs on sandy beaches, long before there were nature documentaries to celebrate them, or GPS satellites and marine biologists to track them, or volunteers to handcarry the hatchlings (幼龟) down to the water 's edge lest they become disoriented by headlights and crawl towards a motel parking lot instead. (2009 年6 月) 【分析】本句为复合句,主架为?turtles have struggled ?。For hundreds of millions of years 为介词短语作时间状语。before ?为时间状语从句,该从句采用的是there be 结构,主语为or 连接的三个名词(词组):natural documentaries ,GPS satellites and marine biologists 和volunteers ,主语 后的不定式均为主语的后置定语。lest “以免”引导状语从句,采用虚拟语气。【译文】数百万年以来,海龟们都挣扎着从海里爬出来,到沙滩上产卵,那时候还没有自然纪录片来记录它们的活动,没有GPS卫星和海洋生物学家跟踪它们,没有志愿者用手把小海龟放到水边以防它们被桅灯搞得迷失方向而爬向旅馆的停车场。 2. The figures prompted Oceana to petition the government to upgrade the level of protection for the North Atlantic loggerheads from “threatened ” to “endangered” —meaning they are in danger of disappearing without additional help. (2009 年6 月) 【分析】本句为复合句,主架为The figures prompted Oceana ?。to petition the government 为不定式作prompted 的状语,to upgrade the level of protection ?为不定式作petition 的状语。they are in danger ?help 作meaning 的宾语,相当于省略了引导词that 的宾语从句。 【译文】这些数字迫使Oceana向政府请求将对北大西洋大海龟的保护程度由“受到威胁”提升到“濒临灭绝”,这意味着如果没有额外的保护,它们将面临消失的危险。 3. But Nature is indifferent to human notions of fairness, and a report by the Fish and Wildlife Service showed a worrisome drop in the populations of several species of North Atlantic sea turtles, notably loggerheads, which can grow to as much as 400 pounds. (2009 年6 月) 【分析】本句为并列复合句,主架为Nature is indifferent ?and?a report ?showed?a ?drop ?。But 表转折。by the Fish and Wildlife Service 为介词 短语作report 的后置定语。which can grow to as much as 400 pounds 为非限制性定语从句,修饰loggerheads 。be indifferent to 意为“对?无动于衷”。a drop in 指“在?方面下降”。 【译文】但是大自然对人们的平等观念却漠不关心,渔业和野生动物服务组织的一项报告显示,北大西洋好几种海龟的数量都在令人担忧地下降,尤其是一种能够长到400 磅重的大海龟。 4. The narrow strips of beach on which the turtles lay their eggs are being squeezed on one side by development and on the other by the threat of rising sea levels as the oceans warm. (2009 年6 月)


1. 【雅思长难句分析】1-5 雅思阅读长难句分析: 1 And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 2 Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of techno logy or vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 3 How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and Appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 4 There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the Research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry. 雅思阅读长难句分析: 5 Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s econom directly bound up with the efficiency of its


大学英语六级阅读模拟试题及答案 第一篇 A scientific panel convened by the World Health Organization recommended guidelines on Friday for doctors conducting clinical studies of SARS patients. The panel urged doctors to apply the guidelines in analyzing the masses of potentially useful information about various therapies that were collected in this year’s epidemic. Much of that information has not been published or analyzed. “It is a matter of urgency to get better analysis and review,” said Dr. Simon Mardel, a WHO official who led the two-day meeting that ended on Friday. He said thousands of potential therapies and compounds had been tested so far as researchers try to determine treatments for SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. “We recognize that having no treatment for SARS is hindering our ability to control an epidemic in so many ways.” He said. In the epidemic earlier this year, various treatments, like drugs to fight the virus or strengthen the immune system, as well as traditional Chinese medicine, were delivered under emergency conditions, in widely different settings and countries to patients suffering from varying stages of the illness. Those conditions—generally without standardized measurements or controlled situations—have made it hard to interpret results. Standard supportive therapy like nursing, and in severe cases the use of mechanical respirators(呼吸器)to help patients breathe, is the mainstay(主要支持)of SARS care, and helped many patients survive. But doctors still do not know how best to treat SARS patients who have breathing difficulties. Dr. Mardel said. One method is invasive ventilation. A second method involves blowing oxygen into the lungs through a mask. Both carry the risk of transmitting the virus to hospital employees. Without proper analysis, the panel was unable to say definitively which treatment worked best, or which caused the most harm. “There is a lack of shared information,” Dr. Mardel said, noting that a lot of data have not been published. The panel also agreed on guidelines that would allow doctors to conduct quick and safe clinical trials, a process that generally takes years to complete. The world Health Organization, a United Nations agency did not release the guidelines. Dr. Mardel said they were flexible because no one knew where, when and in what setting SARS would return. Experts in many countries have already listed the treatments they want to test, and the health agency is leaving these decisions to individual nations. 1. Guidelines recommended by the scientific panel can be used for _____. A. gathering potentially useful information about various therapies collected B. conducting clinical studies of SARS patients C. determining treatment for SARS D. publishing all the information about SARS


高考阅读理解中对长难句的理解 高考英语阅读理解题所选短文均选自英语原版文章,原汁原昧”,考生普遍感觉较难理解。那么,这些阅读材料到底难在哪儿呢?除了生词量大、篇幅长、信息量大以外.就是短文中的句子结构较为复杂,搀杂了大量的长、难句。句法掌握不好的考生很难理清头绪,影响其对短文内容的理解。 1Whereas a woman's closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage,it wasn’t u nusual to hear a m an say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serous trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa. 一、抓住结构引导词分析其长难句结构和功能 任何一个复杂长句都不外乎由一个或多个并列结构和复合句构成。并列结构一般有连词and,but,or等连接;复合句按其在句中的作用可分为名词性从句、形容词性从句(定语从句)和副词性从句(状语从句)三大类。任何一个复合句都有一个至几个反应逻辑、意义及结构关系的引导词,找出这些引导词就能分析出复合句的完整句子结构,清理出完整意义。平时要注意积累表示各种逻辑关系的连词和短语。表示目的: so that,for the purpose that,in order that等;表示结果:so…that…,such…that…,as a result,therefore,thus等;表示条件:if,on condition that,unless等;表示原因:because,since,as等。 【例l】Another good thing about the use of noise-killing systems is that it saves the need for a silencer, which not only reduces the weight of a car, but also makes the motor burn less oil and work better. 【例2】We even have different words for some foods, meat in particular, depending on whether it is still out in the fields or at home ready to be cooked, which shows the fact that the Saxon peasants were doing the farming,while he upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating. 【例3】A Swedish Kennel Club official explains what this means: if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car,as the owner,you have to pay for any damage done to the car,even if your dog has been killed in the accident. 【例4】First, I have to find the red ones among the leaves, which means I almost have to stand on my head,and once found I have to reach down and under, pick the tomatoes and withdraw (缩回) my full fist without dropping the prize SO dearly won. 【例5】It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers,although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when an e-mail is introduced,the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. 【例6】Perhaps they will spend their days gollocking to make new spundlesor struggling with their ballalators through the circle, These words, which I have just made up, have to stand for tings and ideas that we simply can't think of. 二、抓主干、剔从句 一个句子的支架就是句中的谓语动词。根据英语中五种基本句型结构,把句子中的主语、宾语、表语等主要成分找出来,其他成分如定语、状语、补语等则一目了然易于理解。一些长句其实就是一个由主句和若干个状语从句


大学英语六级阅读理解专题训练 2016年下半年英语四六级迫在眉睫,同学们准备得如何了?下面是网提供给大家关于大学阅读理解专题训练,希望对大家的备考有所帮助。 What is it about Americans and food? We love to eat, but we feel 1 about it afterward. We say we want only the best, but we strangely enjoy junk food. We’re 2 with health and weight loss but face an unprecedented epidemic of obesity(肥胖). Perhaps the 3 to this ambivalence(矛盾情结) lies in our history. The first Europeans came to this continent searching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop(经济作物) wasn’t eaten but smoked. Then there was Prohibition, intended to prohibit drinking but actually encouraging more 4 ways of doing it. The immigrant experience, too, has been one of inharmony. Do as Romans do means eating what “real Americans” eat, but our nation’s food has come to be 5 by imports—pizza, say, or hot dogs. And some of the country’s most treasured cooking comes from people who arrived here in shackles. Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that food has been a medium for the nation’s defining struggles, whether at the Boston Tea Party or the sit ins at southern lunch counters. It is integral to our concepts of health and even morality whether one refrains from alcohol for religious reasons or evades meat for political 6 . But strong opinions have not brought 7 . Americans are ambivalent about what they put in their mouths. We have become 8 of our foods, especially as we learn more about what they contain. The 9 in food is still prosperous in the American consciousness. It’s no coincidence, then, that the first Thanksgiving holds the American imagination in such bondage(束缚). It’s w hat we eat—and how we 10 it with friends, family, and strangers—that help define America as a community today. A. answer I. creative B. result J. belief C. share K. suspicious D. guilty L. certainty E. constant M. obsessed F. defined N. identify


雅思阅读长难句分析作业(2011-12-23) 1.From a number of recent studies, it has become clear that blind people can appreciate the use of outlines and perspectives to describe the arrangement of objects and other surfaces in space. But pictures are more than literal representations. 翻译: In this paragraph the writer makes the point that blind people A.may be interested in studying art. B.can draw outlines of different objects and surface. C.can recognize conventions such as perspective. D.can draw accurately. 1.This fact was drawn to my attention dramatically when a blind woman in one of my investigations decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning .To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle. I was taken aback. 翻译:


高考英语阅读理解长难句分析详解 第一节:找谓语,定主语 一般情况下,一个谓语形式的动词对应其动作的发出者(主语),我们可以根据谓语动词的意义来确定其主语。而且,如果一个句子中出现两个或两个以上的谓语形式的动词,则该句可以是并列句或复合句(并列谓语动词的情况除外)。如Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment --- although no one had proposed to do so and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning. 【简析】此句中的谓语形式的动词及其对应的主语有:was opposed --he; ordered--he; (should) not be used ---federal--funds; had proposed --- no one; asked--he (asked前面有and, 说明asked与前面某个谓语动词并列,根据逻辑意义asked应与ordered并列)。这一句的主干为“he ordered... asked ....”, “Declaring that...”作状语。 句意:他宣布自己反对使用这种非同寻常的蓄牧繁殖技术来克隆人类,并下令不准联邦政府基金用于做此类试验——尽管还没有人建议这么做——他还请一个普林斯顿大学校长Harold Shapiro 为首的独立专家组在90天内向白宫汇报关于制定有关克隆人的国家政策的建议。 第二节:提主干,去枝叶(从句等) 一般情况下,一个句子中的主句所表达的信息为主要信息,从句所表达的信息为次要信息。若句子的主干提炼不出来,就不能完全把握句子的核心意义,从而导致思维混乱,主次不分。如: First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the 17th century,the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds,including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and

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