当前位置:文档之家› 中国人最容易用错的25个英文单词



1. Irony

What you think it means: Something that is funny. 你认为单词的含义是:滑稽的事。

What it really means: Contrary to what you are expecting.

单词的真正含义是:事与愿违的。This is a famous one because so many people get this wrong so often. It’s also kind of hard to explain, so we’ll use an example. The Titanic was boasted about as being 100% unsinkable and then in 1912 it was sunk anyway. That is what is called cosmic irony. When a starving vegetarian eats a pepperoni pizza, that is what is called situational irony.

这是一个典型的单词,因为经常有人用错。解释起来可能有点困难,所以我们还是举例说明吧。泰坦尼克号号称100%不会沉没,但1912年它还是意外沉没了,这就叫“宇宙反讽”。要是某个饿得不行的素食者忍不住吃了块香肠披萨,那就叫“情境反讽”。There are other kinds too, such as dramatic irony and Socratic irony. Believe it or not, sarcasm is actually irony. When you say something sarcastically, your tone and your words mean two opposite things. That is ironic. Irony can be funny but not everything funny is irony.

当然还有其他分类,比如“喜剧式反讽”和“苏格拉底式反讽”。不管你信不信,irony 其实和sarcasm(讽刺)是一个意思。当说到某件事很讽刺时,你的语调和用词意在表达完全相反的两种情况。这就是ironic(反讽)。反讽可以是滑稽的,但并不是所有滑稽的事都可以称得上“反讽”。

2. Travesty

What you think it means: A tragedy or something unfortunate. 你认为单词的含义是:悲剧或不幸的事。

What it really means: A mockery or parody. 单词的真正含义是:拙劣的模仿或恶搞。This is another one that people have wrong fairly frequently. You’ve heard people call 9/11 a travesty. Truth be told 9/11 was a tragedy. A travesty is actually a mockery or a parody. One might say that a Weird Al Yankovic album is a travesty. With how often this word is associated with tragedy, we wouldn’t be shocked if that definition were eventually added as an acceptable meaning. Until then, it doesn’t mean anything bad happened.


3. Ultimate

What you think it means: The one, the only. The best. 你认为单词的含义是:某个,唯一的,最好的。

What it really means: The last item of a list. 单词的真正含义是:列表中的最后一项。Some people do actually use this one properly. You may see someone list off a bunch of things and hear them say, “Okay, at the store we need eggs, milk, juice, and ultimately, butter.” That is actually the prop er use of ultimate. There is no other context or added context. It simply means the last one.



4. Conversate

What you think it means: To have a conversation. 你认为单词的含义是:进行交谈。

What it really means: Nothing. 单词的真正含义是:压根没有这个词。Conversate actually doesn’t exist and I’ll prove it to you. Go into a program that underlines words with red if they’re spelled wrong. Now t ype out conversate. Did you see the red line? Conversate was meant to be a mixture of conversation and converse and be used as a verb. However, converse is a verb and there really isn’t a need for a second verb to describe the same action.


5. Peruse

What you think it means: To skim or browse. 你认为单词的含义是:略读或浏览。

What it really means: To observe in depth. 单词的真正含义是:深入观察。When you peruse something, you are actually taking a very close look at it.

When you’re at a record store and you’re just running through a stack of records, you are just browsing. If you pick up a record and look at the artist, track list, and additional information on the back, then your are perusing.


6. Bemused

What you think it means: Amused. 你认为单词的含义是:愉快的。

What it really means: Confused. 单词的真正含义是:困惑的。This is one of the many words on this list that will make you strongly dislike the English language. Despite looking all but identical to the word amused, bemused doesn’t even come close to meaning the same thing. If you are bemused then you are actually confused.


7. Compelled

What you think it means: To do something voluntarily by choice. 你认为单词的含义是:志愿选择做某事。

What it really means: To be forced or obligated to doing something. 单词的真正含义是:被迫或有义务做某事。This is one that people get wrong and it’s rather understandable. The real definition is very close to the definition people generally use. The difference is the motivation. When people say compelled, they think the person wants to perform the action. In fact, they are forced to do it regardless of their personal feelings. Here’s an example. When you’re in court, you are compelled to give honest testimony. You may not want to, but it doesn’t matter because you have to.


8. Nauseous

What you think it means: To feel ill. 你认为单词的含义是:感觉不舒服。

What it really means: To cause feelings of illness. 单词的真正含义是:令人不舒服的。This is another understandable mishap that a lot of people make. If you actually feel sick then you are nauseated. The object that made you feel ill is nauseous. H ere’s how this works. If you’re at an amusement park and you’re sitting next to a full trash can, the fumes from the trash may make you feel ill. That means the fumes from the trash can are nauseous because they are making you feel nauseated.



9. Redundant

What you think it means: Repetitive. 你认为单词的含义是:重复的。

What it really means: Unnecessarily excessive. 单词的真正含义是:过剩的。This one is tough because you can use it wrong but unintentionally use it right. When you repeat something a bunch of times, it can become redundant, but redundant expands far beyond just repeating things over and over. A popular thing companies are doing now is firing people but instead of calling it “getting fired,” they call it “eliminating redundancies.” The premise being that the employee they’re firing is unnecessary and excessive and they are thus eliminating them. In pretty much any scenario where there is simply too much of something, it is redundant.

这个单词有点复杂,因为你可能总会用错,却也不一定什么时候就用对了。当你不断重复某事很多次后,事情可能就会变得redundant(多余的),但是redundant 这个词所包含的意思远不止“不断重复”。当下公司都很流行解聘雇员,但他们不会说“炒你鱿鱼”,而是称之为“裁员”;但前提是,被裁的员工是可有可无的、多余的,这样就可以裁掉了。在很多情况下,如果某事太多太剩,那就是redundant (多余的)了。

10. Enormity

What you think it means: Huge, enormous. 你认为单词的含义是:巨大的,庞大的。

What it really means: Profoundly immoral or evil. 单词的真正含义是:极其不道德的或邪恶的。Don’t beat yourself up over this one because no one knows this one off the top of their head. Enormity sounds like enormous and as with many of our other examples, here we expect words that sound alike to have similar meanings. Enormity simply means really evil. An example of how to use it is the following: “The enormity of the crimes committed by the Nazis in World War II.” It doesn’t mean the enormous crimes, it means the heinous crimes.


11. Terrific

What you think it means: Fantastic, good. 你认为单词的含义是:妙极了,极好的。

What it really means: Horrific, to inspire fear. 单词的真正含义是:可怖的,令人害怕的。This is another one that we expect will be changed in the dictionary eventually because barely anyone uses the real meaning anymore. When people say they feel terrific, they mean to say they feel fantastic. An example of something terrific is King Kong. You see a giant monster and it inspires fear. We’re going to loop awesome in with this one too. Awesome simply means to inspire awe and people often use it to describe something really good.

我们认为这个单词的含义以后也会在词典里重新修订,因为现在几乎没有人会去使用它的真正含义。当人们说感觉terrific(恐怖的)时,他们是指感觉fantastic (好极了)。《金刚》就是典型的terrific(可怖的)例子,因为它是巨怪,让人


12. Effect

What you may think it means: To cause something to change. 你以为单词的含义是:引起某事发生变化。

What it really means: An event that causes a change. 单词的真正含义是:引起变化事件。A lot of people staunchly defend the wrong definition of this and it’s understandable. When action A causes a change in object B, action A affected object B and object B has been affected. Effect is an event that causes a change. In our prior example, action A is, in and of itself, an effect because it affects things. It’s admittedly confusing to explain but easy to remember. If it’s a noun, it’s an effect. If it’s a verb, it’s an affect.


13. Disinterested

What you think it means: Bored. 你以为单词的含义是:无趣的。

What it really means: Neutral. 单词的真正含义是:中立的。A good way to remember this one is that there is a word that means bored and it’s

uninterested. If you’re uninterested, you’re bored. Being disinterested is the long-form equivalent of stating that you don’t car e about something.


14. Irregardless

What you think it means: Without regard. 你以为单词的含义是:不管怎样。

What it really means: Nothing. 单词的真正含义是:它也是不存在的。Like conversate above, irregardless isn’t actually a word. When people say irregardless, they actually mean to say regardless. Regardless means without regard.Irregardless has been used so often that it actually is in the dictionary now and that’s k ind of sad. Even though it is technically there, there are a large number of people who don’t consider it a word. You can save yourself a couple of keystrokes and a tongue lashing by just using regardless.

跟前面的conversate一样,irregardless这个单词其实也不存在。当人们说irregardless时,其实是想说regardless。Regardless是指“不管怎样”。Irregardless一直被频繁使用,所以现在确实也纳入了词典,这可真无奈啊!不过,尽管它在字典里占有一席,但很多人并不觉得它是个单词。既然用regardless 就行了,何必还要多敲几下键盘、多发一个音符来费事呢?

15. Chronic

What you think it means: Severe. 你以为单词的含义是:剧烈的。

What it really means: Over the course of a long time. 单词的真正含义是:历时长久的。This is definitely one that people ought to know better. When you have severe pain, it is just severe pain. If you have chronic pain, you have been in pain for a long, long time. Chronic conditions and diseases are called ch ronic because they won’t go away and not because they’re overly severe.


16. i.e.

What you think it means: For example. 你以为单词的含义是:比如。

What it really means: In other words. 单词的真正含义是:换句话说。This is one among a number of shortened words that confuse people. Here’s a quick guide on how to use them. Et cetera is etc., example is ex. or e.g., and in other words is i.e. When you use i.e. you’re essentially putting it there to let people know that you’re going to be stating the same information in different words. Here’s how it really works. It’s June and I moved into my new apartment in April, i.e., two months ago.

这是一个容易给人造成困惑的缩略词,下面就简洁地告诉大家如何使用它。Et cetera(以此类推)的缩略词是etc.,example(比如)的缩略词是ex.或e.g.,而in other words(换句话说)的缩略词是i.e.。如果你使用i.e.,就表示你在换用不同的词来表述同一个信息。下面就是具体用法:现在是六月,我是四月份搬进新公寓的,i.e.(换句话说),两个月前。

17. Decimate

What you think it means: To destroy or annihilate 你以为单词的含义是:毁坏或击败。

What it really means: To destroy ten percent. 单词的真正含义是:10%毁坏。This one is really goofy and one day this won’t be true. For the time being, decimate actually means removing only ten percent of something. If you know a little bit about words it’s not difficult to figure out. The prefix “dec” means ten. However, the traditional definition of this word is antiquated and it’ll probably be changed eventually. Until then, it’s technically correct to use a word like exterminate or annihilate instead.


18. Panacea

What you think it means: A cure. 你以为单词的含义是:治愈。

What it really means: A cure for a lot of things. 单词的真正含义是:万灵药。This one is easy to confuse because the explanation is virtually the same even if the definitions are vastly different. A panacea is something that cures a lot of things all at once. For instance, penicillin is a panacea. It cures a bunch of

diseases. The flu vaccine is not a panacea because it only protects against the flu.

这个单词很容易混淆,因为即便定义迥异,解释起来实质还是一样的。Panacea (万灵药)能立刻治愈各种疾病。比如说,盘尼西林就是panacea(万灵药),它能治疗很多疾病;而流感疫苗就不是panacea(万灵药),因为它只预防流感。

19. Fortuitous

What you think it means: Lucky. 你以为单词的含义是:幸运的。

What it really means: By chance. 单词的真正含义是:偶然碰巧。There is a difference between luck and chance. Unfortunately, people use the two interchangeably, so much so that it’s difficult to explain the differences anymore. Lucky is an event that happens by chance that can be described as fortunate. Winning the lottery is lucky. Fortuitous means simply by chance. For instance if you drop your basketball and it bounces into the road and gets hit by a car, that’s a fortuitous instance. It’s neutral, so it can be good or bad things that happen by chance.


20. Plethora

What you think it means: A lot of something. 你以为单词的含义是:很多事物。

What it really means: More than is needed. 单词的真正含义是:多余。This is one I use incorrectly all the time. In fact, I almost used it a couple of times in this very article. Plethora simply means that there is more of something than is needed. For instance, you may think that 5,000 people is a plethora of people. However, when you put them into a hockey arena that seats 13,000 people, it’s actually less than half capacity and therefore not a plethora. If you had

13,500 people in that same arena, that would be a plethora of people.

这个单词是我总用错的。其实,这篇文章里可能也有几次相关的错误。Plethora 是指“再也不需要什么了”。比如,你可能觉得5000人是很多人,但是,如果你


不能算plethora(多余);如果你把13500人放到那个冰球场,那就是plethora (多余)的了。

21. Total

Total means exactly what you think it means, but total is used unnecessarily

on a frequent basis. When there is a total of 50 people who do something, the total is 50 whether or not you use the word “total.” Or you might hear someone say that they were totally surprised. Surprise is not a conditional emotion. You were either surpri sed or not. The use of total didn’t add anything of value to the sentence. In most cases, the definition is correct but using the word is repetitive when put in context with the rest of the sentence.



22. Literally

What you think it means: Figuratively. 你以为单词的含义是:象征地。

What it really means: Actually. 单词的真正含义是:确切地。This is something that has come about relatively recently and my generation may have helped propagate this one. Literally means actually. When something is literally true, it is actually true. If I haven’t seen my friend in literally five years then I actually haven’t seen them in five years. People use literally along with hyperbole to show an emotion: “I haven’t had Chinese food in literally a million years.” This is meant to denote that the person hasn’t had Chinese food in a while. The word those people actually want is figuratively. They figuratively haven’t had Chinese food in a million years. They probably literally hadn’t had it in a few days or weeks.


23. Can

What you think it means: What is permissible. 你以为单词的含义是:可行的。

What it really means: What is possible. 单词的真正含义是:可能的。This is one you have to nip in the bud in childhood because it’s much harder to correct in adulthood. When you can do something, you have capacity within you to perform that action regardless of whether or not you actually do it. I can bang my head into my desk but I absolutely will not do it. When people use can incorrectly it is because they mean to use the word “may.” When you ask someone if they can open the door, you did not ask them to open the door. You asked them if they were capable of opening the door. If you wish for them to perform the task, you should ask if they will open the door. When you ask if you can have something, you’re not asking someone to give it to you. You’re asking if you have the capacity to own it. If you need something, ask if you may have it.

这个单词的使用必须在儿童时就开始注意,一旦用错,成年以后就很难纠正了。当你can(可以)做某事时,即意味着不管实际行动与否,你自身都有能力去采取那个行动。我can(可以)把头撞到桌上,但我绝对不会这么去做。有时人们错用can这个单词,是因为他们本想表达may(可能)。当你问别人是否can (可能)开门时,你其实并没有要求对方一定得开门,只是在询问对方能不能开门;要是你希望对方开门,你就会直接问“是否开门”了。当你问对方是否can(可能)有某事物,你其实并没有要求对方把它给你,你只是在问对方有没有拥有那个东西的可能性。如果你需要某物,你会直接问“是否可以拥有它”。

24. Defective

What you think it means: That something is broken or missing pieces. 你以为单词的含义是:某物碎了或缺了部分。

What it really means: Simply t hat it’s broken. 单词的真正含义是:某物坏了。You’ll see this one a lot in Amazon reviews. People will say that their unit came defective because it was missing a screw or pieces in the box. That’s actually

incorrect. What they mean to say is that their product is defic ient. It’s missing pieces, it is not actually broken. The machine may work perfectly fine once the missing pieces have been re-added, which means that it actually isn’t defective at all.

你会在亚马逊网评上看到很多人用这个单词。人们会说网购的产品是defective (坏的),因为盒子里缺少某个螺丝钉或部件。其实这种用法是不对的。人们本想说产品是deficient(缺陷的),产品只是缺少部件,而不是坏了,如果装上缺少的部件,或许机器就能正常运转了,所以,产品根本就不是defective(坏的)。

25. Obsolete

What you think it means: Old, out of date. 你以为单词的含义是:旧的,过时的。

What it really means: Not produced, used, or needed. 单词的真正含义是:未生产的,未使用的,不需要的。You’ll see this one in the tech industry a lot. People in tech article comments will comment that a phone is obsolete when they really mean that it’s out of date. The literal definition of obsolete is an item that it isn’t produced, needed, or used anymore. An exampl e of this is is the steam engine. It’s largely inefficient compared to today’s combustion engine and even more inefficient than the emerging electric engines. Thus, steam engines are not used, produced, or needed anymore. Yes, they are also old and out of date, but obsolete is kind of the next step after old and out of date.

这个单词在科技行业经常出现。在科技文章评论中,人们会说某个电话机obsolete(未使用的),其实他们是想说电话机过时了。Obsolete的字面定义是指某物未被生产、不被需要或不再使用。一个例子就是蒸汽机。跟如今的内燃机相比,蒸汽机相当不给力,甚至都比不上新兴的电发动机;因此,蒸汽机是不被使用的、不被生产的或不再被需要的。没错,蒸汽机也是旧的、过时的,但obsolete 是“旧”与“过时”更后一步的阶段了。

Wrap up 总结

The English language is a finicky one but it’s also ever changing. Words are updated and definitions change. New words are added every year and some are retired. Very few people will ever master the entire language and the rest of us will just have to do the best we can! 英语是一门讲究的语言,并且一直在演变。单词在更新,定义在修改。每年都有旧词废除新词增补。很少有人能把整个英语语言吃透弄懂,那我们这些芸芸大众只要尽力掌握就可以啦!


With nine letter and four syllables, the tongue-twisting "phenomenon" has been named as the most mispronounced word in the English language. 由九个字母和四个音节组成的,发音饶舌的“现象”一词成为英语里面最难念的单词。 The word came first in a study of terms that are tricky to get your tongue around, with most people mixing up the letters M and N on a regular basis.

这个词在调查中之所以名列榜首,是因为phenomenon中的"m"和"n"一个连一个,让你的嘴皮子倒腾不过来。 "Anaesthetist" came second because of quickly moving between the TH to the letters T at the end. “麻醉师”一词的发音排名第二,难就难在"th"和"t"的音连接得太紧。 In third place was "remuneration", which is often mispronounced as "renumeration". “报酬”位居第三。这个词难在它经常被误读为"renumeration"。 Almost half of the 3,000 people surveyed admitted they often correct someone if they say something in the wrong way and a quarter of people said they thought mispronunciation showed a lack of intelligence. 参与调查的3000人中,几乎一半的受访者表示他们经常会纠正别人错误的发音,四分之一的受访者说,发音错误容易给人知识水平不高的印象。 But suprisingly in the list of admissions, Britons admitted that February was the 12th hardest word to spit out. 令人惊奇的是,英国人把“二月”一词推上榜单,位列最难发音的第十二位。 A spokesman for Spinvox, a voicemail to text message service, which carried out the research, said: "Phenomenon is very hard to say because of the structure of the word." 语音通信公司Spinvox进行了这项调查。该公司的发言人说:“Phenomenon这个字很难念是因为这个词本身的结构。”


初中生背诵单词的20个窍门 人们通常认为掌握一门外语要过三关(语音关、词汇关、语法关),斩五将(听、说、读、写、译),相对来说,掌握英语单词是最难过的一关。英语的词汇量大,总词汇量至少在60万以上,实用词汇量为8千至1万,基本词汇量为4千。一般的说,掌握英语单词没有什么捷径可走,但我们可以选择一些不同方法来记忆英语单词,下面介绍20种记忆英语单词的方法。 1、逻辑记忆:通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系、词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。 (1)把几个字母看作一个来记如:“ight”light right fight night might sight tight。 (2)外旧内新,如:bridge“桥”看成bridgeridge“山脊”sharp看成sharpharp“竖琴”。 (3)外新内旧,如:cleave“劈开”看成cleave tact“机智”看成tact。 2、联想记忆: (1)音与形的联想,即根据读音规则记忆单词。 (2)形与义的联想,如:eye把两个e看成两个眼。banana把a看成一个个的香蕉。bird把b和d看成两个翅膀。 (3)象声词,联想实际的声音,如:gong锣coo咕咕声。 3、分类记忆:把单词进行分门别类如:动物、植物等进行分类记忆。你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。 4、卡片记忆:自己制作单词卡片随时随身进行单词记忆,卡片写上

单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。 5、感官记忆:记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。 6、软件记忆:有电脑的可利用电脑软件进行记单词,如:《开心背单词》、《开天辟地背单词》、《我爱背单词》等。 7、构词记忆:利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词。 8、图表记忆:利用形象的图表进行记忆,它的优点是意、形、物直观的结合到一起。你可以找一本英语图解字典作为参考。 9、游戏记忆:通过自己和集体做游戏,在轻松愉快的气氛中进行单词记忆。 10、歌曲记忆:通过唱英语歌曲记忆单词,“听霸”“听力超人”等软件中有许多英文歌曲,并配有歌词和译文。 11、阅读记忆:通过阅读英语文章,小说等记忆单词,注意选择难度要适宜。 12、同义记忆:通过同义词一起进行单词记忆,可确切理解词义,这时不必注意它们的意义的区别。 13、反义记忆:通过反义词一起进行单词记忆,扩大了词义。 14、词典记忆:即背字典,这种方法是一种强行记忆的方法。它的缺点是容易忘记,只是孤立记住单词的意义。可以作为一种短时间的强化手段。 15、复习记忆:单词记住了,很快会忘掉,每隔一段时间要进行复习,


易读错字汇总 【A】 谙(ān)谙习、黯(àn)黯然、盎(àng)盎然、皑(ái)白雪皑皑、隘(ài)狭隘、凹(āo)凹陷 【B】 雹(báo)冰雹、稗(bài)稗草、迸(bèng)迸发、蹩(bié)蹩脚、濒(bīn)濒临、摈(bìn)摈弃、秘(bì)秘鲁、婢(bì)奴婢、裨(bì) 益、愎(bì)刚愎、庇(bì)荫庇、砭(biān)针砭、屏(b ǐng)屏气、钵(bō)衣钵、擘(bò)巨擘、曝(pù)一曝十寒、哺(bǔ)哺育 【C】 糙(cāo)粗糙、刹(chà)刹那、侪(chái)侪辈、蝉(chán)蝉联、婵(chán)婵娟、谄(chǎn)谄媚、谄笑、伥(chāng)为虎作伥、偿(cháng)赔偿、偿还、惝(chǎng)惝怳(huǎng)、坼(chè)干坼、掣(chè)电掣嗔(chēn)嗔怪、瞋(chēn)瞋目、撑(chēng)支撑、撑腰、瞠(chēng)瞠目、骋(chéng)驰骋、骋怀、笞(chī)鞭笞、侈(chǐ)奢侈、褫(chǐ)褫夺、饬(chì)整饬、啻(chì)不啻、炽(chì)炽热、炽情、伺(cì)伺候、憧(chōng)憧憬、忡(chōng)忧心忡忡、淙(cóng)流水淙淙、瞅(chǒu)瞅见、搐(chù)抽搐、黜(chù)废黜、绌(chù)相形见绌、攒(cuán)攒射、攒动、惆(chóu)惆怅(chàng)、踌(chóu)踌躇(chú)、椎(chuí)椎心痛恨、喘(chuǎn)喘气、揣(chuāi)揣着书、踹(chuài)踹开、辍

(chuò)辍学、啜(chuò)啜泣、绰(chuò)阔绰、怆(chuàng)悲怆、簇(cù)簇拥、蹴(cù)一蹴而就、崔(cuī)崔嵬(wéi)、忖(cǔn)忖度 【D】 殚(dān)殚精竭虑、悼(dào)悼念、追悼、傣(dǎi)傣族、逮(dài)逮捕殆(dài)危殆、缔(dì)缔造、谛(dì)真谛、滇(diān)滇池、掂(diān)掂量、玷(diàn)玷污、笃(dǔ)笃信、盹(dǔn)打盹、咄(duō)咄咄怪事、掇(duō)拾掇、踱(duó)踱步 【E】 婀(ē)婀娜(nuó)、讹(é)讹诈、遏(è)遏制 【F】 藩(fān)藩篱、肪(fáng)脂肪、汾(fén)汾水、斐(fěi)成绩斐然、甫(fǔ)惊魂甫定、缚(fù)缚住、束缚、讣(fù)讣告 【G】 赅(gāi)言简意赅、扛(gāng)力能扛鼎、葛(gé)瓜葛、纠葛、杯葛 葛(gě)诸葛(姓)、舸(gě)百舸争流、亘(gèn)横亘、颈(gěng)脖颈、肱(gōng)股肱、觥(gōng)觥筹、佝(gōu)佝偻、垢(gòu)污垢、诟(gòu)诟骂、勾(gòu)勾当、梏(gù)桎(zhì)梏、盥(gu àn)盥洗室、犷(guǎng)粗犷、皈(guī)皈依、晷(gǔi)日晷、刽(guì)刽子手、聒(guō)聒噪、贾(gǔ)余勇可贾 【H】 哈(hǎ)哈达、骸(hái)骸骨、悍(hàn)精悍、悍然、吭(háng)引


美联英语提供:美联英语:90%中国人都会读错的单词 我们来谈谈90%以上的中国人都会发错的音。 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:https://www.doczj.com/doc/3b3941100.html,/?tid=16-73374-0为什么叫门面音? 我们和老外打招呼,一定是经典的教科书式的对白: Hello!How are you? Fine,thank you.And you? I m Fine too.Thank you。 SEE?一个THANK YOU就让你的英语实力初露端倪。 90%以上的中国人会按照QQ聊天时的经典缩写3Q 来发音,一上来就把自己的语音面貌定位在CHINGLISH水平。 我们把TH 叫做咬舌音,顾名思义,发音的时候要咬着舌头。由于中文里没有对应的发音,很多人发TH的时候都会忽略这个细节。所以,我思考变成了我沉下去。 怎么来练习? 很简单,首先要克服对咬舌音的恐惧心理,不要怕发音的时候咬痛舌头,也不要怕把舌头越咬越肿变成大舌头影响说话,都不会的。这么多老外都发的好好的,还健在呢。大家练得时候慢慢来,先试着从最简单的THIS、THAT、THESE、THOSE、THINK、THANK开始。 这样的练习是让大家找到咬住舌头的感觉,等待这种发音习惯成自然后,大家才开始通过句子来练习。以下3句从易到难,供大家练习: Something is better than nothing。

Father and mother went through thick and thin. There are 33,333 feathers on that birds throat. 美联英语:https://www.doczj.com/doc/3b3941100.html, 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:https://www.doczj.com/doc/3b3941100.html,/?tid=16-73374-0


最难读的七大英语单词 (1)语音转文字短信服务公司Spinvox发起了此项研究,该公司发言人说:“许多单词都很难发音,当我们努力发出单词的正确读音时会自我意识到自己发音的方式。 A spokesman for Spinvox, a voicemail to text message service,which carried out the research, said: "Many words are difficult to say andwhen we struggle to pronounce a word correctly it makes us self-conscious aboutthe way we speak. (2)“anaesthetist”(麻醉师)一词在最容易发错音的单词榜单中名列第二,其发音难度在于Th和词末T音素之间的快速转换。第三难读的是“remuneration”(报酬)一词,经常被人们错读为“renumeration”。 'Anaesthetist' came second because of quickly moving between theTH to the letters T at the end. In third place was 'remuneration', which isoften mispronounced as 'renumeration'. (3)由于拼写中包含众多的T和S,“statistics”和“ethnicity”分别是第四和第五难读的单词。 With the numbers of Ts and Ss in the word, the fourth mostdifficult to pronounce was 'statistics' and 'ethnicity' was in fifth place. (4)“phenomenon” 这一单词有9个字母4个音节,发音十分拗口,也被名副其实地评为英语中最容易发错音的单词。 With nine letter and foursyllables, the tongue-twisting 'phenomenon' has been named as the mostmispronounced word in the English language. (5)这个单词来自于一个关于术语的研究。“phenomenon” 比较拗口,大部分人在读的时候经常混淆M和N的音。 The word came first in astudy of terms that are tricky to get your tongue around, with most peoplemixing up the letters M and N on a regular basis. (6)“某一个人感觉易读的单词,可能对另一个人来说就很难发音。然而人们觉得像February这样最基础的单词难读,这一点十分堪忧。” "A word one person finds easy to say, maybe difficult forthe next person. Although it's worrying that some people find basic words suchas February difficult to say."

史上最恐怖的12个英文单词 (老外也受不了)

史上最恐怖的12个英文单词(老外也受不了) 1,honorificabilitudinitatibus 这个字是由27个字母组成的。出现在大文豪莎士比亚的剧本「空爱一场」love's labour's lost 里,意思是「不胜光荣」。 2. antidisestablishmentarianism 这个字是由28个字母组成的。根据范克和华格若尔斯编的「英语新标准辞」里面的解释,这个字的意思是「反对教会与国家分开学说」。它曾被英国首相格来斯顿william ewart gladstone,1809-1898引述过一次。 3. floccinaucinihilipipification 这个字是由29个字母组成的。「牛津英文辞典」里就有这个字,意思是「把某事的价值加以抹杀的行为或习惯」。 4. supercalifragilisticexpiadocious 这个字是由34个字母组成的。出现在一部名叫mary poppins的电影里,意思是「好」。 5. hepaticocholecystostcholecystntenterostomy 这个字是由40个字母组成的。出现在高德编的「医学辞典」里,为一个外科术语,亦即在胆囊与胆管之间或肠子与胆囊之间接人工管子的手术。 6. pneumonoultramicyoscpicailicovolcanoconiosis 这个字是由45个字母组成的。出现在韦氏辞典第八版的版本中意思是「吸入硅酸盐细末或石英岩灰而形成的肺尘埃沉着病」。矿工特别容易得这种病。 7. antipericatametaanaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops of the coprofied 这个字是由50个字母组成的。有个图书馆的书架上,陈列着法国作家拉伯雷着的「葛甘塔和潘特古」故事系列。其中有一本,书名就是这个长长的英文字。 8. osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary 这个字是由51个字母组成的。它是人体构造一术语,曾出现在英国作家皮考克thomas lovepeacock,1785-1866那本名叫headlong hall的小说中。 9. aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolie 这个字是由52个字母组成的。它是英国医学作者爱德华.史特罗哲dr edward strother,1675-1737创造的字,专用来形容英格兰格洛斯特夏布瑞斯陀这个地方的矿泉水成分。


《中国人最易读错的字》- 就是神仙也会读错字-考考你能读对多少字?-大家多学普通话,都说普通话 **(普通人值得学习,归工运踢桃,闲来无事。XZ我来把注音标上去,这次大家有福了,俺可是花费 很多心血才整理出来的,将近1个月啊。不过你1人读对,读正确,小心别人可能当你是异类哦!) ***【所有注音均从金山词霸2006里面复制粘贴的,另:部分采用搜狗拼音输入法输入查询字音】 ***【经过前面标注序号,一共有180个易读错的字音标,分6段发文,每段30个】 (一) 【1】亲家虽亲不读亲 ==亲家qìngjia(读庆加不读侵加) 亲戚qīnqi亲友qīnyǒu 亲家-(98%的人会这样读-qīn jia,却没想到这是错误的!有老婆孩子的一定要改正过来。) 亲家(庆)qìng jia两家儿女相婚配的亲戚关系 亲家公qìng jia gōng儿子的丈人和女儿的公公 亲家母qìng jia mǔ儿子的丈母和女儿的婆婆 【2】“女红”本是女工做,当知“女红”读“女工” ==gōng 【ㄍㄨㄥˉ】 古同“工”,指妇女的生产作业,纺织、缝纫、刺绣等。 【3】值得一提的“稗官野史” ==bài(4声,念败) 【4】“艾”你在心,口不难开 ==yi (读易此处不念AI) 【5】刚愎自用读错“复” ==bì (毕4声) 【6】非同一般的“般若” ==bō rě (波惹)不读BAN 【7】“吐蕃”应该怎么读 ==吐蕃 Tǔbō(吐波) 不读FAN 【8】“剥削”与“剥皮” ==bō xuē 、bāo pí 【bāo ké剝壳 念包】 【9】难继承的“衣钵” ==yībō(波) 【10】曲终收拨当心画,收成“拔”字画什么? ==bō 读BO(波)不读BA bōhuǒgùn bōlanggǔ 【11】“厚此薄彼” ==读Bo不读bao 【12】“不”的读音大不同 == 1.bù’ān不安,念4声、 2.注意:“不”字在第4声(去声)字前念第2声(阳平),如“不必”(bú bì);“不是”(bú shì);不用等。 3.同“否”fǒu 4.通“丕”pī-批 【13】粗糙不是粗制滥造 ==cū cāo(念超) 【14】“差”之毫厘,谬以千里 == 1.chā 之毫厘,谬以千里、差别 (CHA 1声-叉) 2.差不多chà buduō (CHA 4声)、差劲 3.差遣chāi qiǎn、兼差、出差 (CHAI 1声-拆) 4.大病差后chài (CHAI 4声) 5.参差不齐 cī (CI 1声) 【15】看你能不能参透 ==cān 餐 、参差cēn cī 、人参shēn 【16】千年“古刹”读不怕,(念chà)“刹CHA那(念chà)”“霎SHA那”愁煞人 【17】“谄媚”非陷媚(念chǎn产 3声 mèi),“献媚”自有音 【18】不同场合“场”不同 ==chǎng 3声 场所 、场院cháng 2声 、排场páichang 轻声 【19】“乘客”也是上帝,读错罪当何如? ==chéng 、shèng[量] 【20】“踟蹰”与“踯躅” ==chíchú也作“踟躇” 、踯躅zhízhú 【21】“豆豉”罐头形似鼓,读作“豆鼓”岂能食? ==dòu chǐ(念齿 3声,不念GU) 【22】“炽热”“炙热”的音义混乱 ==chìrè(赤) 、zhìrè(置) 【23】与古人“撞车”的“憧憬” ==zhuàng chē 、chōng jǐng 【24】并不难处理的“处” ==chǔlǐ 3声 、住处chù 4声 、处妇chú 2声(居家的妇女) 【25】容易串音的“舛”字 ==chuǎn(念喘 3声) 【26】并非“创造”的“创伤” ==chuàng 4声造 、chuāng 1声 shāng 【27】亲爱的“打”“令” =dá 2声 ling 轻声 、令爱 4声lìng’ài 、 líng 2声 令狐(不读4声) 、lǐng 3声 量词,印刷用的原张平版纸五百张为一令 【28】“逮”与“逮(dài 4声)捕”的不同 逮(dǎi 3声)特务 【29】都是“当日”,音却有别 1.dàng (4声)rì [on the same day] 就在本日、同一天 2.dāng (1声)rì [at that time] 当时(指过去) 【30】“档案”与“档次” ==dàng'àn 、dàngcì (都是4声不是3声) 《中国人最易读错的字》- 就是神仙也会读错字-考考你能读对多少字?-大家多学普通话,都说普通话 **(普通人值得学习,归工运踢桃,闲来无事。XZ我来把注音标上去,这次大家有福了,俺可是花费 很多心血才整理出来的,将近1个月啊。不过你1人读对,读正确,小心别人可能当你是异类哦!) ***【所有注音均从金山词霸2006里面复制粘贴的,另:部分采用搜狗拼音输入法输入查询字音】 ***【经过前面标注序号,一共有180个易读错的字音标,分6段发文,每段30个】 (二) 【31】唠唠叨叨说“叨”字 ==láolao-dāodāo (2声) 唠(lào 4声)嗑 【32】提防“提防” ==(dī 1声 fang 轻声) 不读提(2声)水 防(2声)患 【33】莫“沾污”了“玷污” ==zhānwū 、diànwū (水粘王店) 【34】“调头”即“掉头”,调整是作“条” 【35】“忖度”要把握好“度” == cǔn duó (夺) (不读度量) 【36】平淡的“氛围”,平和的“气氛” ==fēnwéi qìfēn 【37】读“分 (4声)外妖娆”,须分 (1声)外小心 【38】可怕的“讣告” ==fù (付4声)gào 【39】一“幅(fú 2声)”画 和 一“副(fù 4声)”对联 【40】咖喱VS咖啡 ==gā嘎 lí离 、kā fēi 【41】“力能扛(kong空)鼎”已惊人,仍输霸王三分雄 【42】未“注册”的“辣炒花蛤” ==gé格 、蛤há ma蟆 【43】保障“供给” ==gōng jǐ(挤) 【44】呱呱叫·拉呱·呱呱坠地 == 1.呱呱叫guā guā jiào 2.“拉呱儿”(lā guǎ r):方言。谈闲话,聊天


容易读错的英文单词对比 1) quite 相当 quiet 安静地 2) affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响 3) adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行 4) angel 天使 angle 角度 5) dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记 6) contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛 7) principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则 8) implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的 9) dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文 10) pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打 11) decent 正经的 descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下 12) sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水 13) later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近 14) costume 服装 custom 习惯 15) extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的 16) aural 耳的 oral 口头的 17) abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机) 18) altar 祭坛 alter 改变 19) assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音 20) champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役 21) baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓


容易读错的字归纳整理A 1.挨紧āi 2.挨饿受冻ái 3.白皑皑ái 4.狭隘ài 5.不谙水性ān 6.熬菜āo 7.煎熬áo 8.鏖战áo 9.拗口令ào B 1.纵横捭阖bǎi hé 2.稗官野史bài 3.扳平bān 4.同胞bāo 5.炮羊肉bāo 6.剥皮bāo 7.薄纸báo 8.并行不悖bèi 9.蓓蕾bèi lěi 10.奔波bō 11.投奔bèn 12.迸发bèng 13.包庇bì 14.麻痹bì 15.奴颜婢膝bì xī 16.刚愎自用bì 17.复辟bì 18.濒临bīn 19.针砭biān 20.屏气bǐng 21.摒弃bìng 22.剥削bō xuē 23.波涛bō 24.菠菜bō 25.停泊bó 26.淡薄bó 27.哺育bǔ

C 1.粗糙cāo 2.嘈杂cáo 3.参差cēn cī 4.差错chā 5.偏差chā 6.差距chā 7.搽粉chá 8.猹chá 9.刹那chà 10.差遣chāi 11.谄媚chǎn 12.忏悔chàn 13.羼水chàn 14.场院cháng 15.一场雨cháng 16.赔偿cháng 17.徜佯cháng 18.绰起chāo 19.风驰电掣chè 20.瞠目结舌chēng 21.乘机chéng 22.惩前毖后chéng 23.惩创chéng chuāng 24.驰骋chěng 25.鞭笞chī 26.痴呆chī 27.痴心妄想chī 28.白痴chī 29.踟蹰chí chú 30.奢侈chǐ 31.整饬chì 32.炽热chì 33.不啻chì 34.叱咤风云chì zhà 35.忧心忡忡chōng 36.憧憬chōng 37.崇拜chóng 38.惆怅chóu chàng 39.踌躇chóu chú 40.相形见绌chù 41.黜免chù 42.揣摩chuǎi 43.椽子chuán


容易拼写错的单词 1)quite 相当quiet 安静地affect v 影响, 假装effect n 结果, 影响 adapt 适应adopt 采用adept 内行angel 天使angle 角度dairy 牛奶厂diary 日记 2)contend 奋斗, 斗争content 内容, 满足的context 上下文contest 竞争, 比赛 3)principal 校长, 主要的principle 原则implicit 含蓄的explicit 明白的 4)dessert 甜食desert 沙漠v 放弃dissert 写论文pat 轻拍tap 轻打slap 掌击rap 敲,打 5)decent 正经的descent n 向下, 血统descend v 向下sweet 甜的sweat 汗水 6)later 后来latter 后者latest 最近的lately adv 最近 7)costume 服装custom 习惯extensive 广泛的intensive 深刻的 8)aural 耳的oral 口头的abroad 国外aboard 上(船,飞机) 9)altar 祭坛alter 改变assent 同意ascent 上升accent 口音 10)champion 冠军champagne 香槟酒campaign 战役 11)baron 男爵barren 不毛之地的barn 古仓beam 梁,光束bean 豆been have 过去式 12)precede 领先proceed 进行,继续pray 祈祷prey 猎物 13)chore 家务活chord 和弦cord 细绳cite 引用site 场所sight 视觉 14)clash (金属)幢击声crash 碰幢,坠落crush 压坏 15)compliment 赞美complement 附加物confirm 确认conform 使顺从 16)contact 接触contract 合同contrast 对照council 议会counsel 忠告consul 领事 17)crow 乌鸦crown 王冠clown 小丑cow 牛dose 一剂药doze 打盹 18)drawn draw 过去分词drown 溺水emigrant 移民到国外immigrant 从某国来的移民 19)excess n 超过exceed v超过excel 擅长hotel 青年旅社hostel 旅店 20)latitude 纬度altitude 高度gratitude 感激immoral 不道德的immortal 不朽的 21)lone 孤独的alone 单独的lonely 寂寞的 22)mortal 不死的metal 金属mental 神经的medal 勋章model 模特meddle 玩弄 23)scare 惊吓scarce 缺乏的drought 天旱draught 通风, 拖拉draughts (英)国际跳棋 24)assure 保证ensure 使确定insure 保险 25)except 除外expect 期望accept 接受excerpt 选录exempt 免除 26)floor 地板flour 面粉incident 事件accident 意外 27)inspiration 灵感aspiration 渴望march 三月, 前进match 比赛 28)patent 专利potent 有力的potential 潜在的police 警察policy 政策politics 政治 29)protest 抗议protect 保护require 需要inquire 询问enquire 询问acquire 获得 30)revenge 报仇avenge 为...报仇story 故事storey 楼层store 商店 31)strike 打stick 坚持strict 严格的expand 扩张expend 花费extend 延长 32)commerce 商业commence 开始 33)through 通过thorough 彻底的(al)though 尽管thought think 过去分词 34)purpose 目的suppose 假设propose 建议 35)expect 期望respect 尊敬aspect 方面inspect 视察suspect 怀疑 36)glide 滑翔slide 使滑行slip 跌落steal 偷steel 钢 37)strive 努力stride 大步走allusion 暗示illusion 幻觉delusion 错觉elusion 逃避 38)prospect 前景perspective 透视法stationery 文具stationary 固定的 39)loose 松的lose 丢失loss n 损失lost lose过去式amend 改正, 修正emend 校正 40)amoral unmoral immoral 同义不道德的capitol 大厦capital 首都 41)casual 随便的causal 表原因的extend 延伸extent 长度extant 现存的 42)inability 没能力disability 残疾personnel 人事personal 个人的 43)statue 塑像statute 法令stature 身长status 地位widow 寡妇window 窗户 44)socks 短袜stockings 长筒袜tax 税taxi 出租


快速记忆英语单词的二十个好方法 在记单词时,对大脑皮层的刺激有助于使脑细胞的突触连结数目的增加,所以,我们的记忆力就是以大批脑细胞突触连结的产生而形成的。重要的是,保持我们的大脑处于受刺激兴奋状态。只要有可能,就应尽一切努力为单词的记忆保持和回忆创造必要的条件,从而提高单词的记忆效率。 为达此目的,可采取以下途径和方法: (1)制定一个记忆单词的学习计划,有计划有目的地增加大脑对外语信息的记忆容量; (2)尽一切可能参加能增强记忆力的各项活动,随时随地地说外语,用外语,利用一切机会人为地创造语言环境; (3)做到在单词的记忆保持效果趋于下降之前及时进行复习; (4)要更多地使用你的右脑,即通过实物、画图、模型和颜色充分发挥能增强你记忆的那个大脑半球的作用。 此外,值得注意的另一个问题是,单词记忆效率的提高不仅取决于科学而有效记忆单词的方法,还取决于一天中记忆单词的最佳时间。大量实验结果表明:上午8~10点钟和晚上8~10点钟是记忆单词的最佳时间,因为在这个时间里,大脑中担负记忆任务的脑细胞已基本上得到较好的休息,所以记忆效果最佳。

再者,人所处的环境因素也能对记忆单词的效果产生一定影响,如果在一个室内狭窄而又十分嘈杂的环境中记单词,那些来自外界的噪声干扰会给大脑的正常记忆活动造成紊乱,从而影响记忆单词的效果。相反,如果在景色宜人、空气清新的自然环境中记忆单词,人的大脑当然是处于一种清醒冷静的状态中,注意力比较集中,记忆单词的效果自然好于前一种情况。 在记单词时,首先必须掌握外语单词的构成规律、构词模式和大量的词素意义,再根据单词的不同类型适宜地选择科学而有效的方法来记忆单词,方能收到理想的学习效果。由于不同语种有其各自不同的构词规律和构词模式,学习者只能根据自己所学的语种来掌握其规律性,所以因受语种和篇幅所限,这里不能对所有语种一一介绍构词规律,只能以学习者居多的英语为例介绍记忆单词的妙法。 1.拼读法 掌握正确的拼法与读音之间的关系,可以根据单词的读音,正确地拼写单词。例如,我们知道元音字母O在重读开音节时读作[+(]根据这条规则,go,hope,home,note 等词,不用费什么劲就记住了。另外还有一条发音规则:在o之后,如果是m,n,v,th时,o可以读作[Λ]。根据这条规则,我们不会把mother,some,come,dove,done等单词中的o写成u。再举一个元音字母组合的例子。ay读[ei]。中学教材中所有带有ay字母组合的词,如say,day,way,pay,ray,may,lay,play,spray,不仅发音容易,而且拼写也没有任何困难。当然,英语发音规则很多,又有许多例外情况,要记住它们并不容易。但是为了帮助记单词,花些时间,记住一些常用发音规则还是很有用的。


英语单词记忆方法20种 人们通常认为掌握一门外语要过三关(语音关、词汇关、语法关),斩五将(听、说、读、写、译),相对来说,掌握英语单词是最难过的一关。英语的词汇量大,总词汇量至少在60万以上,实用词汇量为8千至1万,基本词汇量为 4千。一般的说,掌握英语单词没有什么捷径可走,但我们可以选择一些不同方法来记忆英语单词,下面介绍20种记忆英语单词的方法。 1.逻辑记忆: 通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系、词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。 (1)把几个字母看作一个来记如:“ight”light right fight night might sight tight。 (2)外旧内新,如:bridge“桥”看成bridgeridge“山脊”sharp看成sharpharp“竖琴”。 (3)外新内旧,如:cleave“劈开”看成cleave tact“机智”看成tact 2.联想记忆:

(1)音与形的联想,即根据读音规则记忆单词。 (2)形与义的联想,如:eye把两个e看成两个眼。banana把a看成一个个的香蕉。bird把b和d看成两个翅膀。 (3)象声词,联想实际的声音,如:gong锣coo咕咕声。 3.分类记忆: 把单词进行分门别类如:动物、植物等进行分类记忆。你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。 4.卡片记忆: 自己制作单词卡片随时随身进行单词记忆,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。 5.感官记忆: 记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。 6.软件记忆: 软件进行记单词,如:《开心背单词》、《开天辟地背单词》、《我爱背单词》


2008高考备考:易读错的字大总结(500个) 说明: ①本材料是容易读错的字汇编,从2500个常用字和1000个次常用字中精选而来,参考了北京四中等名校的语音训练资料,以“高考常考,日常常错”为入选标准,太偏的,太不常用的不选。实用性强。 ②入选了少数多音字,并用“*”号标明。其它多音字见《常见多音字》。 ③为节约篇幅起见,原则上每字只举1例,请同学们自行在空白处补充读音相同的词语,以便强化复习效果。④语音复习必须“联系词语,分散记忆,经常复习”,如果分成60天,则每天只需3——5分钟,既复习了语音,又巩固了字形,还积累了词语,一举数得。 【A】 谙ān谙习、黯 àn 黯然、盎 àng 盎然、皑 ái 白雪皑皑、隘 ài 狭隘、凹āo凹陷 【B】 雹 báo 冰雹、稗 bài 稗草、迸 bèng 迸发、蹩 bié 蹩脚、濒bīn濒临、摈 bìn 摈弃、秘 bì秘鲁、婢 bì奴婢、裨 bì益、愎 bì刚愎、庇 bì荫庇、砭biān针砭、屏 bǐng 屏气、钵bō衣钵、擘 bò 巨擘、曝 pù 一曝十寒、哺 bǔ哺育 【C】 糙cāo粗糙、刹 chà 刹*那、侪 chái 侪辈、蝉 chán 蝉联、婵 chán 婵娟、谄 chǎn 谄媚、谄笑、伥chāng为虎作伥、偿 cháng 赔偿、偿还、惝 chǎng 惝怳、 huǎng、、坼 chè 干坼、、掣 chè 电掣嗔chēn嗔怪瞋chēn瞋目撑chēng支撑撑腰瞠chēng瞠目骋 chéng 驰骋骋 怀笞chī鞭笞侈 chǐ奢侈褫 chǐ褫夺饬 chì整饬啻 chì不啻炽 chì炽热炽情伺 cì伺 候憧chōng憧憬忡chōng忧心忡忡淙 cóng 流水淙淙瞅 chǒu 瞅见搐 chù 抽搐黜 chù 废 黜绌 chù 相形见绌攒 cuán 攒射攒动惆 chóu 惆怅chàng 踌 chóu 踌躇chú 椎 chuí椎心痛恨喘 chuǎn 喘气揣chuāi揣着书踹 chuài 踹开辍 chuò 辍学啜 chuò 啜泣绰 chuò 阔


挑战智商:最难读的20个英文单词 最难读的20个英文单词 With nine letter and four syllables, the tongue-twisting "phenomenon" has been named as the most mispronounced word in the English language。 由九个字母和四个音节组成的,发音饶舌的“现象”一词成为英语里面最难念的单词。 The word came first in a study of terms that are tricky to get your tongue around, with most people mixing up the letters M and N on a regular basis。 这个词在调查中之所以名列榜首,是因为phenomenon中的"m"和"n"一个连一个,让你的嘴皮子倒腾不过来。 "Anaesthetist" came second because of quickly moving between the TH to the letters T at the end。 “麻醉师”一词的发音排名第二,难就难在"th"和"t"的音连接得太紧。 In third place was "remuneration", which is often mispronounced as "renumeration"。 “报酬”位居第三。这个词难在它经常被误读为"renumeration"。 Almost half of the 3,000 people surveyed admitted they often correct someone if they say something in the wrong way and a quarter of people said they thought mispronunciation showed a lack of intelligence。 参与调查的3000人中,几乎一半的受访者表示他们经常会纠正别人错误的发音,四分之一的受访者说,发音错误容易给人知识水平不高的印象。 But suprisingly in the list of admissions, Britons admitted that February was the 12th hardest word to spit out。


容易读错的字(检测版) 给下列加点字注音: 1...妖娆. 2...重荷. 3.苦心孤诣.(费尽心思钻研或经营,达到别人达不到的境地。孤诣:独自达的地步。) 4.绯.红(鲜红) 5...阔绰. 6.惟妙惟肖.(形容描写或模仿得非常好,非常逼真。) 7.丰硕. 8.馈.赠(赠送) 9.根深蒂.固(比喻基础稳固,不容易动摇。) 10. ...芳馨. 11. ...鞭挞. 12.叱咤 ..风云(形容声势威力很大。) 13. ...笨拙.

15.冠.军 16.弱不禁.风 17. ...情不自禁. 18.晃.眼 19.晃.动 20. ...迁徙. 21.给.予 22.阿谀 ..奉承 23. ...尖喙. 24.屏.息 25.屏.气凝神 26.岿.然不动(岿然:高大独的样子。) 27.迄.今(到现在为止。)

29.蜷.伏 30.铮.铮铁骨 31.提挈.(带领;照顾,提拔) 32.提纲挈.领(抓住网的总绳,提住衣服的领子。比喻把问题简明扼要地提示出来) 33.筛.选 34. ...局促. 35.扭.转 36.擅.自 37.吝.惜 38. ...甘冽. 39. ...尖锐. 40.源.泉

42. .....磅礴43.气概. 44.哺.育 45.挽.回 46....荡涤. 47....依恋. 48.践.踏 49....信笺. 50.把盏.言欢 51.临行饯.别 52.锋镝. 53.贬谪.

54.嫡.传弟子 55. ...滴水不漏. 56. ...弹劾. 57. ...遗骸. 58.骇.人听闻(骇:惊吓,震惊。使人听了某事后感到很惊讶,恐惧。多指社会上发生的坏事.) 59.言简意赅.(赅:完备。话不多,但意思都有了。形容说话写文章简明扼要。) 60.稍.息 61. ...口哨. 62. ...刀剑出鞘. 63.不屑.一顾 64.骁.勇 65.剽.悍


100个最容易拼错的单词 来源:中国英语学习网日期:2009-03-26 100 MOST OFTEN MISPELLED MISSPELLED WORDS IN ENGLISH Dr. Language has provided a one-stop cure for all your spelling ills. Here are the 100 words most often misspelled ("misspell" is one of them). Each word has a mnemonic pill with it and, if you swallow it, it will help you to remember how to spell the word. Master the orthography of the words on this page and reduce the time you spend searching dictionaries by 50%. A Acceptable:Several words made the list because of the suffix pronounced -阞l but sometimes spelled -ible, sometimes -able. Just remember to accept any table offered to you and you will spell this word OK. Accidentally:It is no accident that the test for adverbs on -ly is whether they come from an adjective on -al ("accidental" in this case). If so, the -al has to be in the spelling. No publical, then publicly. Accommodate:Remember, this word is large enough to accommodate both a double "c" AND a double "m". Acquire:Try to acquire the knowledge that this word and the next began with the prefix ad- but the [d] converts to [c] before [q]. Acquit:See the previous discussion. a lot Two words! Hopefully, you won’t have to allot a lot of time to this problem. Amateu r:Amateurs need not be mature: this word ends on the French suffix -eur (the equivalent of English -er). Apparent: A parent need not be apparent but "apparent" must pay the rent, so remember this word always has the rent. Argument:Let’s not argue about the loss of this v erb’s silent [e] before the suffix -ment. Atheist:Lord help you remember that this word comprises the prefix a- "not" + the "god" (also in the-ology) + -ist "one who believes." B Believe:You must believe that [i] usually comes before [e] except after [c] or when it is pronounced like "a" as "neighbor" and "weigh" or "e" as in "their" and "heir." Also take a look at "foreign" below. (The "i-before-e" rule has more exceptions than words it applies to.) Bellwether:Often misspelled "bellweather." A wether is a gelded ram, chosen to lead the herd (thus his bell) due to the greater likelihood that he will remain at all times ahead of the ewes. C Calendar:This word has an [e] between two [a]s. The last vowel is [a].

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