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词汇趣谈-Nuclear Family


“nuclear family”

What is nuclear family?

A nuclear family is a family group consisting of a father and mother and their children, who share living quarters.

This can be contrasted with an extended family. Nuclear families can have any number of children, own or adopted.

Nuclear family

(核心家庭)指由一对夫妻及其子女组成,并且共同居住在同一屋檐下的家庭。与之相对的就是extended family(大家庭)。


The term nuclear is used in its general meaning referring to a central entity or "nucleus" around which others collect.


An extended family group is consisted of non-nuclear family members living together with nuclear family members. Often there could be many generations living under the same roof, depending on the circumstances.

Extended family


词汇趣谈-Nuclear Family

与核辐射无关的 “nuclear family” What is nuclear family? A nuclear family is a family group consisting of a father and mother and their children, who share living quarters. This can be contrasted with an extended family. Nuclear families can have any number of children, own or adopted. Nuclear family (核心家庭)指由一对夫妻及其子女组成,并且共同居住在同一屋檐下的家庭。与之相对的就是extended family(大家庭)。 核心家庭中的子女,无论是亲生的还是收养的,在数量上并无限制。

The term nuclear is used in its general meaning referring to a central entity or "nucleus" around which others collect. 这里的nuclear用的是它本意,即事务或人围绕的“核心,中心”。延伸: An extended family group is consisted of non-nuclear family members living together with nuclear family members. Often there could be many generations living under the same roof, depending on the circumstances. Extended family (大家庭)则是由核心家庭成员及该家庭之外的成员组成的家庭,通常是几代人共同生活在一起。

The advantages and disadvantages of a nuclear fam

The advantages and disadvantages of a nuclear family. Recently a controversial issue about the nuclear family and extended family has aroused wide public concern. It is undeniable that a nuclear family has its own merits and demerits. A nuclear family or elementary family is a family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children. Personally speaking, a nuclear family is much better than an extended family. It means a family who cares about me. Parents are able to pay more attention to their children’s growth in both physically and mentally. Their human bonding between each other will be strengthen. Compared with the potential competitions in an extended family, less family members means that they put more emphasis on the healthy development of this whole family. At the same time, their children have a better understanding of love and care with a sense of responsibility. From another perspective, a nuclear family does have some obvious problems.One of the deficiencies in this system is that parents have to suffer from heavier pressure from work and family. They have to take care of children by


核工程专业英语词汇(整理版) 本文档旨在整理核工程专业常用的英语词汇,以帮助读者更好地理解和运用相关领域的英语术语。 1. Nuclear engineering - 核工程 2. Nuclear power plant - 核电站 3. Reactor - 反应堆 4. Nuclear n - 核裂变 5. Nuclear n - 核聚变 6. active - 放射性的 7. e - 同位素 8. Criticality - 临界性 9. n - 辐射 10. n - 污染 11. active waste - 放射性废物 12. Shielding - 屏蔽 13. n dose - 辐射剂量 14. Nuclear safety - 核安全 15. Emergency preparedness - 应急准备

17. Nuclear fuel - 核燃料 18. Nuclear ___ - 核燃料循环 19. ___ - 核废物处理 20. Nuclear n - 核能监管 21. ___ - 核扩散 22. Nuclear accident - 核事故 23. Nuclear security - 核安全 24. Nuclear medicine - 核医学 25. logy - 放射科学 26. Nuclear physics - 核物理学 27. ___ - 核能 28. Neutron - 中子 29. Gamma ray - 伽玛射线 30. Alpha particle - 阿尔法粒子 以上为部分核工程专业英语词汇,希望能对您有所帮助。如需进一步了解相关术语和概念,请参考专业教材或相关文献。


资产asset 奢侈浪费be extravagant 预算budget 消费品consumer goods 贵重的costly 存钱deposit 经济负担economic burden 经济困难economic difficulty 经济资助finance aid 政府税收government revenue 医疗保健healthcare 无家可归homeless 失业者jobless 下岗工人laid-off worker 滥用lavish 赚钱的lucrative / profitable 豪华的luxurious 耗钱的money-consuming 拜金主义的money-oriented 贫困的needy / poverty-stricken 透支overdraft 财产property 节约紧缩开支retrench 赢利的profitable 纳税人taxpayer 福利welfare 2. 健康场景 平衡饮食balanced diet 有害健康的be physically damaging 过于肥胖的bloated 致癌的cancer-causing 慢性的chronic 方便食品convenience food 头昏眼花的dizzy 危及endanger 传染病infectious disease 根除eradicate 过量摄入excessive intake 排气尾气exhaust 疲劳fatigue 绝症incurable disease 垃圾食品junk food

预期寿命life expectancy 减肥lose weight 营养不良malnutrition 近视near-sighted 营养品nourishment 预防prevention 治疗treament 肿瘤tumor 提供营养nourish 卡路里calorie 3.文化场景 传统与现代巧妙结合 a clever blend of tradition and modernity 同一的世界文化 a homogenous world culture 归属感 a sense of belonging 土著文化aboriginal culture 吸取精华absorb the quintessence 美学价值aesthetic 祖先ancestor 人类学家anthropologists 陈旧观念antiquated idea 艺术价值artistic value 同化assimilate 传递be passed down 灿烂光辉的文化brilliant and gorgeous culture 发扬光大carry forward 特有的characteristic 文明的civilized 凝聚力cohesion 文化摇篮cradle of culture 培养cultivate 文化习惯cultural habit 文化遗产cultural heritage 文化特性cultural identity 文化古迹cultural objects and historic relics 文化、精神和学术生活cultural, spiritual, and intellectual life 狂热的崇拜cult 破坏devastate 知识的传播diffusion of knowledge 多样性diversity 民族文化特色ethnic and cultural identity 节日气氛festivity 民间艺术folk art

现代家庭结构(英文)modern family structure

modern family structure Social market economy has transformed the traditional family pattern into modern one. The social system has laid a solid foundation to create a harmonious family atmosphere. Every known society has families, but the family structure varies from culture to culture, and the family functions have changed over time. The family is like a mirror, which demonstrates the contemporary features of the culture, social beliefs, economical and political development and interrelated social problems and issues. Therefore, it’s meaningful for us to know the difference between the traditional and modern family structures. The modern family structure is nuclear family. Nuclear family is made up of a husband, a wife and their children living in a home of their own. The properties of the nuclear family are independence and equality. 1、Modern family has achieved the freedom of marriage. Marriage will not be constrained by such factors as social classes, ethnicity, religion and race relatively. Marriage is not regarded as a union between families for economic, political or social purposes any longer, but just as the outcome of love. You can get married to anyone you love with a heart full of responsibility. 2、Equality between men and women is common in today’s family. Although you can say:” my father wears the pants at home” or” my moth er wears the pants at home”, in fact there is no head in family. Both your parents will decide family issues. What’s more, father is not the one who must occupy the main family income while mother is not expected to be at home taking care of children. There is no clear division of labor between men and women. 3、The communication between children and parents is more equal. As for some important things, children will still ask their parents for advice. However, parents cannot design their life. Children can pursue their own dreams and in their spare time, they can do what they want to do, just according to their interests. Parents gradually learn how to play a role of listener and children are more willing to share their ideas even secrets with their parents. To a certain degree, children and parents build a stable friendship. However, the modern family structure presents some new problems. The rate of divorce, the number of single family and family conflicts have increased. The family relationships are more nervous than before and the generation gap becomes more and more serious. Our society is losing its original family ethics and norms. For example, the proportion of the elderly people living in empty-nest family has significantly increased. Young people don’t know how to respect the old and the society take the resistibility of supporting the old. However, society can provide material satisfaction not spiritual satisfaction. Some old people often feel quite lonely. This does not accord with the request of creating a harmonious social atmosphere.


?do, did, does 强调动作的用词, I do care, he did come. Here: did foresee的确预见到 ?medium, media ?become a force in making it so 成为实现这个预想的重要人物 ?socially prominent passengers 有社会地位的乘客 ?amateur 业余的,非专业的 ?to make contact with …与…联系 ?gain fame 出了名 ?subsidiary 子公司 ?experimental stage 实验阶段 p217 ?returns 报告书,情况反馈 ?be mounted in …安装入… ?aside from ….= in addition to … ?the profit derived from … 来自于…的利润 ?receive national and universal attention 获得国内国际关注 ?General Electric 通用电气公司 ?patents专利 ?join forces with … 与…联手 ?pool vt. 合伙,汇集,共享 ?take over 接管 ?wireless station 无线电广播电台 ?went on the air 开始广播播音 ?fully licensed commercial broadcasting station 营业执照齐全的商业广播电台? a toll station 一家收费电台 p218 ?air time 广播时段 ?chain broadcasting 联播 ?forerunner 先驱,排头兵 ?bail out 原意“跳伞”,here: bail out of …从…中脱身 ?lease sth to sb 向…出租…. ?subsidiary 子公司,下属单位 ?This launched an era of …:(这件事)引发了一个….时代/时期 ?boost the sale of …:促进、拉动….的销售 ?exclusively 独家地 ?eg. We run a cable service exclusively in this area. ?regulations 规章、制度、条例 ?keep/prevent sb fm doing sth: 避免某人做某事 ?turn to sb for help 寻求某人的帮助 ?the Radio Act was passed 广播法得以通过 ?debut 初次登台,处女秀 ?newscasts 新闻广播 ?become firmly entrenched 站稳了脚跟 ?the popular culture 流行文化,大众文化 ?popularity n. 流行,走俏 ?coupled with the decline in newspaper advertising revenue ….伴随着报纸广 告效益的下滑 ?the Great Depression 大萧条 ?not only …., but (also)….不仅…而且… ? a credible news source 一个可信度高的新闻来源 ?…..as well: (句尾)同样也…




?中文名词英文翻译?实证主义positivism /positivist 动力学the dyanamics?静力学 the statics?分工 the work-division 神学 the theology 形而上学 themetaphysics 进化论theevolution-theory?唯名论 thenominalism 唯实论 therealism 官僚制度bureaucraticsystem 结构主义 the structuralism 唯物主义the materialism?辩证法Dialectic 唯心主义 the idealism?生产关系 productionrelations?剩余价值 Increase-value?剩余劳动Overtime?失调因素maladjustive factors 社区 community?社会福利the socially-welfare 社会化 the socialization 社会控制the social-control 社会参与 thesocially-participation?社会工作 the socialwork?残疾人handicapped 社会救助the socially-welfare 问卷 thequestionnaire?独生子女the singles-children?现代化modernization/aggiornamento?基本方针the baselines?行为准则Behavioral-omen s 矛盾contravention?时代背景the time-background 工业化 industrialization 民主化 democratization 文明化civilize?同质性Homogeneity?协调过程 the coordination-process?血缘的relatedbyblood?整合的 integrated 异质性Heterogenitaet?社会阶级 social layer class 自然科学natural/physical science?抽象科学 abstract science 社会秩序 socialorder?社会有机论 socialorganism-theory?资本主义capitalism 使收入极大化 make the incomemore profitable 社会冲突理论 social conflicttheory?操作化 operationalize?实证分析 empiric alanalysis 有限理性 boundedrationality 经济人的利己主义倾向self-interest orientation ofeconomic actors?交互分类cross-classify 维度dimension?内部劳动力市场internal labor market 隐性契约 implicit contracts?社会网络social network 家族企业 household enterprise?固定成本fixed cost?合资企业 joint-stock company?中产阶级bourgeois?组织文化organizationalculture 一般规律 a ruleofthumb?社会研究social research 符号互动论symbolic interactionism?同化assimilation 行动理论Action theory 表意性活动Activityexpressive?工具性活动Activity instrumental 工作调适Adjustment work?疏离Alienation?同化Assimilation 权威Authority


2010届高考英语核心词汇复习系列第17课时 (palace --- poison) 1. 单词拼写 1) Buckingham P_____________ is the official house of the British Royal Family in London. 2) A p______________ looks like a black and white bear and lives in the mountains of China. 3) The professor told the p_______________ how to make friends with their children. 4) Fortunately, neither the driver nor the p______________ were hurt in the car crash. 5) All people entering another country will need a p___________. 6) Our car ran out of p___________ and we had to walk 10 miles to a garage to buy some. 7) I’m so tired that I’ll be asleep as soon as my head hits the p___________. 8) As with any racial p_______________ (先驱), Davis’ path was not easy. 9) Do you believe that there is life on other p_____________ in the universe besides Earth? 10) She stood on the p___________ and watched the train until it disappeared into the distance. 2. 介词填空 ●I met him _________ a party a couple of months ago. ●John is not particular ________ his food and he eats whatever his wife cooks. ●Teachers have to be very patient _________ young students. ●The soldier wanted to find a quiet place and spent the rest of his life __________ peace. ●Stop playing _______ the sharp knife! It might cut your fingers. ●Pages should not be copied _______-- the permission of the publisher. ●Pardon me _________ saying so, but you don’t look well. ●I didn’t spend a lot of time on the book and I read it just ________ pleasure. ●At college I took an active part ______ student politics. ●Don’t let yourself be persuaded ______ buying things you don’t want. 3.单项选择 1)--- What’s the secret of their success? --- They’ve certainly worked very hard, but luck has played a _________ too. A. part B. path C. pay D. point 2)In the general election, ___________ voted. A. 80% percent population B. 80% percent of the population C. 80 percent f the population D. 80 percentage of the population 3) --- How is your party preparation? --- Everything is __________. A. in particular B. in place C. in person D. in panic 4) Everyone in the class is expected to ______ these discussions. A. active in B. take an active part C. participate actively in D. play an active role 5) I could tell him, but what’s the ________? He never listens to anyo ne. A. piece B. plot C. plan D. point 6) She’s hard to __________. Everything has to be perfect A. please B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasant 7) I ________ a few words of Greek when I was there last year. A. pointed to B. picked up C. pointed out D. picked out


英语词汇集锦 Families 1. argue: Sometimes we argue but I think it is a waste of time. 2. be brought up: I was brought up in a very loving home. 3. birth control: Birth control is important to curb population growth. 4. broken family: Broken families can sometimes affect the children. 5. close-knit: My family is a very close-knit one. 6. collect a pension: In the west, it is common for the elderly to collect a pension. 7. cousin: I have a cousin that is one day older than me. 8. discipline: My mother was very strict with her discipline. 9. divorce: Divorce used to be taboo but not anymore. 10. elder: The elders always have lots of experience to pass down. 11. extended family: An extended family has its advantages and disadvantages. 12. family size: Family size is small in China nowadays.


12月英语四级高频词汇50个 2017年12月英语四级高频词汇50个 导语:英语词汇是英语学习的基础,词汇量不够也恰恰是众多学生的弱点,我们可以通过多看多读多写来增加词汇量。下面和店铺来看看2017年12月英语四级高频词汇50个。希望对大家有所帮助。 1. entertainment n. [ent'tenm()nt] 娱乐;招待,款待 例句:There are few entertainments in that town. 那个镇上几乎没有娱乐设施。 例句:This hotel is famous for its entertainment. 这家旅馆以殷勤待客著称。 2. enthusiasm n.[n'θjuzz()m; en-] 热情,热心 例句:She seemed lacking in enthusiasm when we were talking about that film. 我们谈论那部电影时,她看来好像没多大热情。 例句:His enthusiasm made everyone else interested. 他的热心激发了大家的兴致。 3. entry n. [ntre]进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物) 例句:He pretended not to observe our entry. 他装作没有看见我们进来。 例句:You can leave your umbrella in the entry. 雨伞可放在入口处。 4. environment n. [n'varnm()nt; en-] 环境 例句:She is not used to the new environment. 她对新环境不习惯。 5. episode n. ['epsd]插曲,片段 例句:The episode of this film sounds good. 这部电影的插曲很好听。 例句:That's an episode in my life I'd rather forget! 那是我一生中宁愿忘记的经历!


family的用法大全 推荐文章 高二英语优秀作文:TheInfluenceofFamily 热度: my family小学英语作文热度:高中生MyFamily英语优秀作文热度:关于my family优秀英语作文热度:关于my family英语作文范文热度:英语是一门非常重要的学科,我们在英语中常常会用到family这个单词,family有家庭、亲属和家族等意思,那么你知道family的用法吗?下面是小编给大家带来的family的用法大全_family的意思及用法,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! family是什么意思 n. 家;家庭;家族;家属;子女;亲属;氏族;语族;犯罪家族;犯罪团伙 adj.老少咸宜的 复数: families ▼family的用法大全 family的用法1:family的意思是“家庭”,指“家庭全体成员”时,为集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。作为“家庭整体”看待时,谓语动词要用单数形式。谓语动词无论是单数形式还是复数形式, family都应该用复数代词指代。 family的用法2:family有时可作“子女,孩子”解,此时不含父母,是单数名词,但可与不定冠词a或an连用。 family的用法3:family作先行词时,其关系代词可用who,也可用which。如表示家庭成员,则一般用who;如表示家庭整体,则一般用which。 family的用法4:family表示“家属”时,不包括本人。 ▼family的短语搭配 extended family (几代同堂的)大家庭 run in the family

为一家人所共有;世代相传 family name 姓氏 family planning 计划生育;人工避孕 family tree 族谱;家谱 family values 家庭准则 family man 有妻小的人;喜欢与妻小待在一起的人county family 郡里的世家 nuclear family 核心家庭;小家庭 start a family 开始怀第一个孩子 family bible 家用圣经 the family jewels 男性生殖器 in the family way 怀孕的 blended family 混合家庭 family credit 家庭补助 one's family jewels 男性生殖器 family members

family size英语演讲

extended family(big family),nuclear family, DINK family(Double Income, No Kids) or single-parent family In my mind, nuclear family is the best. When the children goes to nursery or school, you won't have to pay a lot attention on him/her. Just leading him into a good habit, it is ok. You can visit the parents on holiday, and won't have to live together with them bearing the inconvenience living together with them. You can enjoy the pleasure and the unhappiness the children bring to you. Extended family you will live together with parents, different living habit and living style, so much inconvenience. DINK family. When you are more than 35, you go outside together with your couple, and see the other parents playing with the children, you will find in your family something was lost. Single-parent family, usually not good for the growing up of the children. what's your favorite family size What is the ideal family size? According to a new Gallup poll, Americans increasingly prefer to have small families of two or fewer children. Some 58% of U.S. adults say that having no more than two children is optimal for a family, up from 53% in 2004. Only about a third of adults favor having three or more children the lowest percentage since 1996. Gallup says that persistent economic problems in recent years may be a reason why smaller families are in favor. Americans didn't always prefer small families. Gallup has been polling Americans on family size since 1936, when about two-thirds of families thought having three or more kids was best. That percentage jumped to 77% by the end of World War II and stayed at about 70% through the late 60s, Gallup says. By 1977, though, the majority of Americans said they preferred to have no more than two children. (Here's a chart showing Americans shifting views of family size over the decades.) Gallup found that men and women tend to agree on ideal family size. The poll also found no major generational gaps in opinions on family size. The survey, however, did find income differences: Families earning at least $75,000 annually were more likely to favor small families than adults in lower-income households. (Gallup also found that a greater number of Democrats than Republicans preferred smaller families.) The poll, conducted in June, was based on phone interviews of 1,020 adults throughout the country. (Here's more on the poll's methodology.)


家庭与关系 Your immediate family: Your relatives: 练一练 Your parents’ parents are your _____. Your father’s sister and brother are your _____ and _____ Your aunt and uncle’s children are your _____ Your brother’s son and daughter are your _____ and _____ Your child ren’s children are your _____ Different types of family A nuclear family An extended family A single-parent family A dink family We are married with 3 kids. Our eldest son, Simon, has just started middle school. Our daughter, Liza, is 8 and our youngest son, Tom, still in the kindergarten. We have only been married for a year. We are not planning to start a family. I’m a single mum. I bring up my son on my own. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife’s sister and her kid. Everyone h elps to look after all the children. 关于family的表达

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