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II. Grammar and VOCabUlary

1. ( 15 分)

To Be JoyfUl , To Be YoUng

What really works to make SUSta in able Cha nges in diet and IifeStyIe ? It's PrObabIy not What you think . In the PaSt 30 years of Conducting clinical research , I (1) ________ (learn) that real keys are PIeaSUre, joy and freedom . Joy of livi ng is SUSta in able ; fear of dying is not .

Why ? BeCaUSe life is to be enjoyed. There's no Point (2) _____________ ( abandon) SOmething you enjoy Unless you get SOmething back that's even better , and quickly . When people eat more healthfully , (3) ______ (quit) smok ing , and man age StreSS bette, they find they feel so much better , so quickly . It reconStrUCtS the reason for making these Changes from fear of dying to joy of liv ing

When you exercise and eat right, your brain receives more blood flow and oxygen , so you become Smarter, have more energy , and need less sleep . Two StUdieS ShOWed just walk ing for three hours Per Week for Only three mon ths CaUSed so many neurons (神经纟田胞)

(4) ______ (grow) that it actually inCreaSed the SiZe of people's brains!

Your face receives more blood flow , so your Skin glows more and wrinkles less . You look younger and more attractive . In Contrast, an Unhealthy diet, lasting emotiOnal StreSS and smoking reduce blood flow to your face (5) ______________ you age more quickly . Smoking SPeedS UP agi ng because ni cot ine con tributes to your blood VeSSeI beco ming n arrower ,

( 6) decreases blood flow to your face and makes it Wrin kle PrematUreIy . ThiS is Why SmOkerS look years older than they really are .

One of the most i nteresti ng findings WaS that the mothers' aware ness of StreSS WaS more important than (7) ________ WaS ObjeCtiVeIy OCCUrring in their lives . (8) ______ ( give)

a questiOnnaire, the women Were asked to rate On a three - Point scale how StreSSed they felt

each day. The wome n who realized they Were Un der heavy StreSS had Sig ni fica ntly ShOrte ned and damaged telomeres (染色体端粒) COmPared With ( 9) _______ w ho felt more relaxed. Contrarily , some of the women who felt relaxed (10) _______ r aising a disabled child had more normal - appearing telomeres.

In Other words , if you feel StreSSed , you are stressed.

2. (15 分)

Windsor CaStIe is the oldest and IargeSt OCCUPied CaStIe in the world and the OffiCiaI ReSidence of the QUeen Of Britain . OVer a PeriOd of nearly 1 , OOO years it has been (1) ContinUOUSly , and altered and redecorated by monarchs (君主) One after the other. Some Were great builders , Strengthening the CaStIe against (2) ______ and rebellion ; others, Iiving in more PeaCefUI times , Created a grand Royal residence. William the ConqUeror chose the site, high above the river ThameS and on the edge of a SaXon hunting groUnd . It WaS a day's march from the Tower of London and intended to guard the WeStern (3) ________ to the CaPitaI. The outer walls of today's StrUCtUre are in the Same POSitiOn as those of the (4) CaStIe built by William the ConqUeror in the 1070s . The QUeen USeS the CaStIe both as a PriVate home, Where She usually SPends the Weekend, and as a Royal residence at WhiCh She Undertakes Certain formal duties . Windsor CaStIe is (5) ____ USed by the QUeen to host State ViSitS from OVerSeaS monarchs and PreSidents . EVery year the QUeen takes UP

OffiCiaI residence in Windsor CaStIe for a month over EaSter ( MarCh - April ).

The CaStIe is huge, so people tend to head for the most (6) ________ bits ------- the State APartments, St. George's ChaPeI, the Gallery and the delightful QUeen Mary's Dolls