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The Hitchhiker

John Henderson was driving home late last night from an exhausting business trip. He had put off visiting the company’s new headquarters in order to get home before midnight, and now he was having trouble staying awake. He turned up the radio and tried to concentrate on the news — something about a robbery — but his eyes kept on closing. His wife, Marsha, was back home in Dayton, and he missed having her company on this long trip.

It was then that he noticed the hitchhiker (搭便车者) at the side of the road. Without even thinking about what he was doing, he slowed down and stopped the car. He couldn’t help feeling sorry for the young man who looked so wet and miserable in the rain. “Get in,” he said.

John remembered having to hitchhike home from the university before he had a car. He couldn’t stand sitting at the side of the road for hours, waiting for rides. The hitchhiker got in and immediately John was sorry that he had picked him up. The young man had a strange face and very sharp eyes. His clothes were old and dirty, and his long hair needed cutting. The hitchhiker lit a cigarette and said he was going to Woodsville but when John asked him other questions, the young man avoided giving him any personal information and changed the subject. John began to sweat and his thoughts turned nervously to his wallet and all the money he was carrying on the backseat. He desperately tried to remember what the newscaster had said earlier about a robbery. “Don’t be ridiculous!” He thought to himself. “Stop imagining things! This guy isn’t a criminal. What’s the use of panicking?”

At this moment, John felt like having a cigarette, even though he had quit smoking three months before. He asked his passenger for one but before lighting it, he had to wait for his hands to stop shaking.

“Stop the car!” cried the hitchhiker all of a sudden. John slammed on the brakes, hands shaking even more violently. “What’s wrong?” He nervously tu rned to the

young man.”It’s Woodsville,” the young man replied brief ly and slowly reached into his pocket. “This is it!” thought John. “He is the criminal!” So panicked was John that he felt his lips trembling. He suddenly hit on a way out, stuttering, “All... all my money is on the backseat. Take it away and spare me, ple ase!”

The young man looked puzzled, “It is I that am to pay.” Contrary to John’s wild imagination, he pulled out several wrinkled bills, instead of a gun or a knife. “Thanks for your ride and company!”he said. Dumbfounded, John was too embarrassed to utter a word. “How ridiculous I was!”He thought to himself. Waiting until his passenger disappeared from sight, he stepped on the gas and drove out of town. He just couldn’t wait to share the amusing story with Marsha!




John Henderson半夜开车赶回家,途中偶遇一个年轻人搭便车。他以为那个年轻人是一个抢劫犯……


1. ...and now he was having trouble staying awake.


2. It was then that he noticed the hitchhiker at the side of the road.


3. At this moment, John felt like having a cigarette, even though he had quit smoking three months before.


4. So panicked was John that he felt his lips trembling.


5. Dumbfounded, John was too embarrassed to utter a word.




高考英语读后续写情感描写素材 一、奋斗励志 【素材积累】 1.With a strong determination to succeed, she worked tirelessly towards her goal, even when faced with numerous setbacks. 凭借对成功的坚定决心,即使面临无数挫折,她也孜孜不倦地朝着自己的目标努力。 2.Despite the challenges that lay ahead, he refused to give up and continued to strive towards his dreams. 尽管面临挑战,他拒绝放弃,继续朝着自己的梦想努力。 3.Setting realistic goals and staying focused on her studies, she was able to achieve academic success and pursue her desired career path. 通过设定切合实际的目标并专注于学习,她能够取得学业成功并追求自己想要的职业道路。 4.Having overcome numerous obstacles in his life, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of success and never lost sight of his goals. 在克服了生活中的无数障碍后,他仍然坚定不移地追求成功,从未忘记自己的目标。 5.Through hard work and perseverance, she was able to turn her dreams into reality and achieve great success in her chosen field. 通过努力工作和毅力,她能够将梦想变为现实,并在她选择的领域取得巨大成功。 6.It was with her teacher's encouragement that Jane eventually accepted the fact that she would have to get around in a wheelchair. 在她老师的鼓励下,简最终接受了必须坐轮椅的事实。 7.No matter what happens I will insist on chasing my dream and making every effort. 不管发生什么,我会坚持追逐我的梦想,竭尽全力。 8.It's a golden rule that he who has aims and purposes will be successful.有目标和目的的人会成功,这是一条黄金法则。 9.Everyone can be a useful person only if he would never give up and do something for society. 只要永不放弃和奉献社会,每个人都能成为一个对社会有用的人。 10.The only way out of despair and negativity for me was to put one foot in front of the other. 对我来说,走出绝望和消极的唯一方法就是脚踏实地前进。 11.There are angels all around us, not just spiritual ones, but real ones that we can see. 我们周围都有天使,不仅是精神上的,而且是我们可以看到的真实的天使。 12.I never thought that my little act of kindness should light her up greatly, which, indeed, encouraged me to carry on spreading kindness under any circumstance. 我从来没有想过我的一个小小的善举会给她带来巨大的鼓舞,这确实鼓励了我在任何情况下都要继续传播善良。 13.Despite facing countless obstacles, she never lost sight of her goals, and worked tirelessly towards achieving them. 尽管面临无数障碍,但她从未忘记自己的目标,并为实现这些目标而不懈努力。 14.With a burning desire to succeed, he pushed himself to the limits and never gave up, even when the going got tough. 怀着对成功的强烈渴望,他将自己推向极限,即使情况变得艰难,他也从未放弃。 15.With an unwavering determination to succeed, she refused to let setbacks and failures hold her back, and continued to push forward.


【读后续写】语篇素材积累(一) The Swimming Test Nila sat alone on the bus. Her older sister, Lexi, was one seat ahead,acting as if this was the best day ever. But for Nila, it was the worst. It was the last day of swimming lessons. Test Day. “If I pass my test, I can sign up for Junior Lifeguarding over the summer,”Nila heard Lexi telling her friend Jess.“You’re the best swimmer in the class,”Jess said. “There’s just no way you wouldn’t pass.”Maybe she could talk to Lexi about the test, who passed Level 4 several summers ago. “I thought sisters were supposed to help each other actively,”Nila whispered to the window. An hour later,she held the edge of the pool, shaking.“For the last part of the test, you’ll all be swimming the width of the pool,”the instructor,Nate, told the class. “Can we swim in the shallow end?”Nila asked. “Nope,”Nate said cheerfully. “To pass Level 4,it has to be the deep end.” Nila was nervous.She didn’t know if she could swim all the way across without touching the bottom. “I’ll be watching from the other side,”Nate said. “Ready?”No! Nila thought.But Nate put the whistle to his lips and blew. Nila took a deep breath and pushed off. Lexi moved up and down,feeling light.She completed smoothly and passed Level 7! After a minute, Lexi spotted her sister crossing the pool. Nila was way behind the others. As Nila neared the middle of the pool, she slowed. “Keep going,”Lexi called. “You can do it!”Nila pushed one arm forward and dragged it back.Now the other arm. When she stopped to check her position, her heart sank. Only halfway across! Some kids in her class were already at the wall, playing and talking. Nate was bending over to talk to one of the kids. He didn’t see her. Better keep going, she thought. But she was tired. Lexi kept her eyes on her sister’s slow progress. Three-fourths of the way across, Lexi saw Nila stop again. As Lexi watched,


高考英语读后续写作文素材积累9——声音篇 01音乐声 1. The melody resounded through the hall, as if chasing away all the darkness. (旋律回荡在大厅里,仿佛驱散了所有的黑暗。) 2. With delicate harmonies, the music transported me to a world full of dreams and imagination. (优美的和谐声音,将我带入了一个充满梦想和想象力的世界。) 3. The crescendo of the orchestra was an eruption of emotion, sweeping the audience off their feet. (乐团的高潮渐入,情感如火山爆发般席卷观众。) 4. The solo violinist played with such precision that every note hung in the air, mesmerizing the listeners. (独奏小提琴手演奏得如此精准,每个音符都停留在空中,令人着迷。) 5. As the choir's voices intertwined harmoniously, a sense of unity and serenity filled the cathedral. (合唱团的声音和谐交织,教堂充满了一种团结和宁静的感觉。) 6. The gentle strumming of the guitar created a serene atmosphere, as if whispering secrets to the night. (吉他轻柔的弹奏创造出一种宁静的氛围,仿佛向夜晚耳语着秘密。) 7. With a touch of melancholy, the pianist evoked a wave of nostalgia that embraced the entire audience. (钢琴家带有一丝忧郁,唤起了一阵怀旧情感,涵盖了整个观众。) 8. The syncopated rhythm reverberated through the room, infecting everyone with an irresistible urge to dance. (此起彼伏的节奏在房间中回荡,使每个人感染上无法抗拒的跳舞欲望。) 9. The smooth jazz melody floated delicately on the evening breeze, soothing our weary souls. (柔和的爵士旋律在夜风中轻轻飘荡,舒缓了我们疲惫的心灵。) 10. The pounding drums and electrifying guitar riffs created a whirlwind of energy that consumed the stage. (重击的鼓声和充满电能的吉他旋律创造出一阵能量的旋风,席卷了整个舞台。) 11. With its lively tempo and infectious beat, the music set the dance floor ablaze with passion. (以活泼的节奏和具有感染力的节拍,音乐让舞池充满了激情的火焰。)12. The haunting voice of the opera singer filled the auditorium, leaving a trail of chills down everyone's spine. (歌剧歌手那悦耳悲伤的声音填满了礼堂,每个人都被吓出了一身鸡皮疙瘩。) 13. The symphony painted vivid soundscapes, taking the listeners on a sensory journey of emotions and colors. (交响乐绘出生动的声音景观,将听众带入一场感官之旅,感受情感和色彩的交织。) 02噪音 1. The noise, which seemed to echo through the entire building, made it impossible to concentrate. (噪音似乎回响在整个建筑里,使得集中注意力变得不可能。) 2. Despite wearing earplugs, the constant droning noise infiltrated her thoughts.


高考英语读后续写 情感描写素材 一、开心 Her eyestwinkled with merriment. 她高兴得双眸闪闪发亮。 Mackwent into raptures and burst into laughter. 麦克欣喜若狂,大笑起来。 A ripple of laughter went through the crowd. 人群中传来一阵笑声 Lily'slaughter lingered in the room for a long time. 丽丽的笑声萦绕在房间里久久不能散去。 Her hands weretrembling with excitement as she opened the letter. 当她打开信时,她的手激动得发抖。 After heard thissatisfactory outcome, Steve felt a sense of joy and happiness surging through him. 在听到这个令人满意的结果后,史蒂夫感到一种喜悦和幸福的感觉涌上心头。 Overwhelmed withgaiety, he jumped up and ran excitedly around the tree. 他欣喜若狂,跳起来并绕着那棵大树跑了几圈。 In his excitement he couldn't remember her name. 他兴奋得甚至把他自己的名字都给忘了。 Rosefelt blissful as if she was in possession of everything. 罗丝感到很幸福,好像她拥有了全世界一样。 She wascarried away by pleasure. 她被快乐冲昏了头脑。 I nodded, with abig smile spreading across my cheek. 我点点头,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。 Shecouldn't conceal the excitement and rushed home to tell her mother the good news. 她掩饰不住兴奋,急忙回家告诉母亲这个好消息。 She is alwaysready to help others in need and always wears shining smile on her face, so many classmates are willing to make friends with her. 她总是乐于助人并且脸上总是挂着灿烂的笑容,因此很多同学都愿意和她交朋友。 I'mover the moon. 我太开心了 It is easy toinfer that he is in rapture through his big smile. 从他那灿烂的笑容很容易推断出他是兴高采烈的。 He woke up that morning witha feeling of excitement. 他一起床就感到很兴奋。 Herexcitement grew as the day of the wedding came nearer. 随着结婚的日子越来越近,她越来越兴奋。 I amoverflowing with happiness. 我洋溢着幸福。 Every time we mentioned the funny incidents of the journey a pleasant smile wouldspread over Mom's face. 每次我们提到旅途中的趣事,妈妈的脸上就会浮现出愉快的笑容 A sudden wave of joy swept over her.


高考考前读后续写情感类表达浓缩版 一、紧张、宽慰、紧张、激动、开心、快乐 I.Gaokao is around the corner.Though looking calm, I am literally having butterflies in my stomach.Sometimes, my heart will fly into my mouth at the thought of it.Nevertheless, I can study with efficiency most of the time and I have a sound sleep at night. 高考就在眼前了。我虽然看起来很平静,但实际上我很紧张。有时,一想到高考,我的心就会提到嗓子眼儿。尽管如此,我大部分时间都能高效地学习,晚上我睡得很香。 1.around the corner/approaching即将来临 2.literally: actually实际上 3.have/ with butterflies in one’s stomach/ one’s stomach be full of butterflies 心里发慌 4.sb’s heart flies into one’s mouth 心提到嗓子眼儿 5.nevertheless: however然而 6.with efficiency=efficiently 7.have a sound sleep=sleep like a log睡得很香、睡得很沉 II.While my brother was preparing for the marathon, he came down with a rare type of disease.I tended to him carefully, accompanying him to special training with great patience.Much to my relief, he soon recovered.He participated in the race as scheduled.At the sight of all the competitors, I felt my palms sweating and my heart pounding.Ultimately, my brother got the title of the best runner of the year.When I saw my brother’s eyes shone with excitement, tears of joy streamed down my cheeks.“I take pride in you, dear brother.” I exclaimed.He grinned from ear to ear with delight. 当我哥哥准备参加马拉松比赛时,他得了一种罕见的疾病。我细心地照顾他,耐心地陪他参加特殊训练。令我宽慰的是,他很快就康复了。他如期参加了比赛。一看到所有的参赛者,我就感到手心冒汗,心跳加速。最终,我哥哥获得了年度最佳跑步者的称号。当我看到哥哥的眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒时,喜悦的泪水顺着我的脸颊流了下来。“我为你感到骄傲,亲爱的兄弟。”我惊叹。他笑得合不拢嘴。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3919239151.html,e down with 得了(病) 2.tend to 照看 3.with great patience: very patiently非常耐心地 4.much to my relief令我非常宽慰的是 5.as scheduled: as planned按计划 6.at the sight of一看到 7.I feel my palms sweating手掌心冒汗 8.sb’s heart pounds/beats/races/ thumps/ hammers wildly/ violently / loudly/ hard/心怦怦直跳得厉害 9.ultimately=eventually最终 10.sb’s eyes shone/twinkled with joy/ delight/ excitement/ thrill 双眼因开心而闪闪发光

2023届高考英语读后续写情感描写素材讲义(深厚友谊 爱心助力 旅途历险)

高考英语读后续写情感描写素材 一、深厚友谊 【精彩句子】 1.Whether we succeed or fail, we always have each other's backs, which makes our friendship even stronger. 无论我们成功或失败,我们总是互相支持,这使得我们的友谊更加牢固。 2.Friends are like an umbrella. Whether it's sunny or rainy, they will always be there for you. 朋友就像一把雨伞,无论晴天或雨天,都会永远陪伴在你身旁。 3.I nodded firmly, knowing kindness and friendship bloom in both of our hearts. 我坚定地点了点头,知道善良和友谊之花在我们的心中盛开。 4.I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight, and it's worth it if my old partner turns up. 今晚,我从千里之外赶来站在这扇门前,只要我的老朋友出现,这一切都是值得的。 5.Despite our different backgrounds, interests and personalities, we have learned to appreciate and respect each other's differences. 尽管我们来自不同的背景,有着不同的兴趣和个性,但我们已经学会欣赏和尊重彼此的不同之处。 6.Although her voice carried a so-what attitude, I sensed she was pleased by the invitation. 虽然她的声音中带着一种无所谓的态度,但我感觉到她对这个邀请很高兴。 7.She jumped up, screaming in an excited voice, and wrapped her arms around me tightly. 她跳了起来,激动地尖叫着,用胳膊紧紧地抱住了我。 8.Looking back, I realize that my classmates have not only been my friends, but also my teachers, who have taught me the importance of friendship and the value of teamwork. 回首往事,我意识到我的同学不仅是我的朋友,也是我的老师,他们教会了我友谊的重要性和团队合作的价值。 9.Watching it hang in the yard, Angela smiled with satisfaction. She called Susan, apologized for her behaviour and expressed her sincere gratitude. She said the carpet was the most precious birthday gift she had ever received in the whole world. 看着它挂在院子里,安吉拉满意地笑了。她打电话给苏珊,为她的行为道歉,并表达了她真诚的感激之情。她说地毯是她在全世界收到的最珍贵的生日礼物。 10.I could feel his icy shell gradually melting away and eventually I could discuss with him looking straight in his eyes. 我能感觉到他冰冷的外壳逐渐融化,最终我能够直视他的眼睛与他交流。 11.She said that it was my company and encouragement that not only made her happy, but also improved her confidence.For me. it was her


1. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled (骑行)along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday. Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, that’s a big dog!” he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him. Mac’s heart jumped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wol f. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac’s relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase(追赶). Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He was a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wolf’s teeth would be tearing into his flesh. At this moment, Paul and Beeky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn’t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him. __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


读后续写素材积累(1) 动作描写 1. She shot her a meaningful look.她向他意味深长地看了一眼。 2. Beli’s diamond eyes locked on to her. 《奥斯卡·瓦奥短暂而奇妙的一生》贝利钻石般的眼睛紧盯着她。 3. Mary felt her heart race. 玛丽感到她的心跳加速。 4. A great silence surrounded them. 《歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera 》周围一片寂静。 5. His name had completely slipped from my memory. 《Wuthering Heights》他的名字,我竟忘得一干二净。 6. He stormed out and slammed the door shut. 他怒气冲冲地跑了出去,把门重重地关上。 7. We were merrily driving on the highway when suddenly one tyre burst. 我们正在高速路上欢快地开着车突然一个轮胎爆胎了。 8. Jenny walked slowly to the front, with her legs trembling and her heart bumping nearly out of her chest. Jenny慢慢走到讲台,腿发抖,心都快跳出来了。 9. She choked and her eyes brimmed with tears. 她喉咙哽咽,眼里满是泪水。 10.The moment he finished his speech in a magnetic voice, a wave of applause erupted from the audience. 他用磁性的嗓音完成了演讲,观众席中暴发一阵掌声。


2024年高考英语读后续写作文素材积累6——景观篇 01水 1. With its gentle flow, the meandering river whispers secrets to the trees on its banks. (河水蜿蜒流淌,轻声向河岸的树木述说着它的秘密。) 2. The rain showered down, cleansing the earth and filling the air with a refreshing scent. (雨水倾泻而下,洗净大地,将空气充满清新的香气。) 3. Reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun, the tranquil lake resembled a mirror of fire. (湖水倒映着夕阳的金色,宛如一面火焰之镜。) 4. In the depths of the ocean, mysterious creatures dwell, hidden from human eyes. (在海洋的深处,隐藏着神秘的生物,远离人类的视线。) 5. With each crashing wave, the sea roared its defiance against the constraints of land. (每一次汹涌的浪花中,大海都在咆哮,对陆地的束缚表示抗议。) 6. The dewdrops sparkled on the delicate petals, as if nature itself had adorned the flowers with tiny diamonds. (露珠在娇嫩的花瓣上闪耀着,仿佛大自然亲手为花朵点缀了小小的钻石。) 7. The waterfall cascaded from the cliff, creating a symphony of crashing water that echoed through the surrounding valleys. (瀑布从悬崖倾泻而下,形成了一曲水声轰鸣的交响乐,在周围的山谷回荡。) 8. With a sparkling glimmer, the flowing stream danced its way through the lush green meadows. (流淌的小溪闪烁着迷人的光芒,优雅地在茂密的绿草地上起舞。) 9. The droplets kissed the thirsty soil, quenching its longing for moisture and bringing life to the barren land. (水滴亲吻着干渴的土壤,满足它渴望水分的渴望,为贫瘠的土地带来生机。) 10. The tranquil pond lay nestled amidst the dense forest, reflecting the serene beauty of its surroundings. (宁静的池塘静静地躺在茂密的森林中,倒映出周围宁谧的美景。) 11. With its gentle ripples, the water reflects the golden hues of the setting sun, creating a picturesque scene.(随着微小的涟漪,水面映射出夕阳的金色,构成一幅如画的景象。) 12. The water, seemingly devoid of life, holds a world teeming with vibrant marine organisms beneath its tranquil surface.(水面上看似寂静无声,却藏有充满生机的海洋生物世界。) 13. If only the water could speak, it would narrate the countless stories of civilizations that have flourished and fallen on its banks.(要是水会说话,它将诉说沿岸繁盛和衰落过的无数文明故事。) 14. The crystal-clear water cascades down the cascades, singing a soothing lullaby, enchanting all who hear it.(清澈透明的水流从瀑布上飞泻而下,唱着宁静的摇篮曲,迷住所有倾听的人。)


高考英语读后续写词句素材 一、改变成长 (一)学习知识促“改变” 知识就是力量!在改变的过程中,学习不同的知识,然后才能面对各种困难和挑战。比如屏幕前的你,不就是在学习读后续写的技巧吗?请看下面的例句,也是我送给正在学习的你。 It's never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenges and make moreattempts.学习永远为时不晚。每个人都应该并且有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。 【分析】individual这里表示“个人,个体”。make more attempts 做更多尝试。 (二)发挥天赋促“改变” 认识自身天赋,并且发挥天赋,这是改变我们的现状的一个重要条件。请看下面的例句。 Actually, every individual possesses talent. Be brave when you find it and also make efforts. You can create miracles in the end. 事实上,每个人都有天赋,发现它的时候要勇敢,也要付出努力,最终你会创造奇迹。 【分析】possess 拥有。create miracles表示创造奇迹。 (三)追逐梦想促“改变” 永远不要忽视了梦想的力量!“做人如果没有理想,跟咸鱼有什么区别呢”。请看下面两个例句。 It's never too late to go for your dream. As long as you grasp every opportunity and take full advantage of it, you will stand a chance to realize your dreams.追梦永远不晚。只要你抓住机会,充分利用机会,你就有机会实现梦想。 As long as we dare to dream and don't let difficulties get in our way, anything is possible.只要我们敢于梦想,不被困难所阻挡,一切皆有可能。 【分析】take full advantage of 充分利用, realize your dreams表示“实现梦想” 二、情绪描写 Never get conceited(骄傲自满的) because of victory or lose heart in case of failure. 胜不骄、败不馁 A unique sense of accomplishment arises. 产生了一种独特的成就感 The police wrote a ticket with a tricky smile(狡黠的微笑). I feel soft and gentle and caring and my heart feels really warm. I feel like there are hundreds of butterflies dancing in my heart. (感觉到爱) The actor playing the father was too wooden.饰演父亲的演员太呆板。 I’ve just been to the dentist and my face is still numb.我刚刚去看了牙医,脸上现在还没知觉呢。 Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about. 史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在说什么。 Shepassed by with only a distant nod. 她冷漠的点了一下头就过去了。 Holly smiled distantly.霍利恍惚地笑了笑。 三、表示喜悦 情传全身(envelope, sweep, run through) 笑布满脸(wide grin, light up, break into a broad smile) 心花怒放(flower bloom, leap with joy, spread, overwhelmed, sweep)


高中英语读后续写素材积累方法 在英语学习中,读后续写是一种常见的写作训练方式,也是高考英语的重要考查题型。要想在读后续写中取得好成绩,素材积累是非常关键的。那么,高中英语读后续写素材积累方法有哪些呢?下面就针对这一问题进行详细分析,希望能够帮助大家更好地进行素材积累。 一、注重词汇积累 词汇是构成语言的基本要素,要想在读后续写中取得好成绩,必须要有丰富的词汇积累。在平时的学习中,要注重词汇的积累,可以准备一个笔记本,将阅读中遇到的一些好词佳句摘抄下来,并经常翻阅记忆,这样能够增加词汇量,为读后续写打下坚实的基础。 二、关注句式积累 句式是构成文章的基本框架,句式的选择和使用对于读后续写的帮助是非常大的。在平时的学习中,要注重句式的积累,可以从以下几个方面入手: 1. 复杂句式的使用。复杂句式能够让续写的句子更加生动、丰富,可以运用一些从句或者非谓语动词等语法知识,让句子更加高级。 2. 巧用并列句。并列句能够让续写的句子更加有条理、有层次,可以根据语境的需要运用一些并列连词,如and、or、but等来连接并列句。 3. 多运用倒装句。倒装句能够使续写的句子更加有节奏感,而且使用得当还能够增加句子的亮点。

三、注重语篇积累 语篇是构成文章的基本单位,语篇的理解和把握对于读后续写至关重要。在平时的学习中,要注重语篇的积累,可以从以下几个方面入手: 1. 多阅读一些优秀的范文。优秀的范文能够为续写提供很好的范例,而且范文中一些好的衔接词、过渡句等都能够为续写提供很好的启示。 2. 注重语篇结构的分析。语篇结构是构成文章的基本框架,不同的语篇结构表达的意思和情感也是不同的。因此,在平时的学习中,要注重分析语篇结构,掌握各种语篇结构的表达方式和特点。 四、注重情感积累 情感是构成文章的重要元素,情感的理解和表达对于读后续写也是非常重要的。在平时的学习中,要注重情感的积累,可以从以下几个方面入手: 1. 多阅读一些情感丰富的文章。情感丰富的文章能够为续写提供很好的情感基础,而且通过阅读能够更好地理解作者的情感表达方式。 2. 注重情感表达的练习。情感表达是写作中的难点之一,要想在读后续写中取得好成绩,必须注重情感表达的练习,可以通过仿写、改写等方式来提高自己的情感表达能力。 总之,素材积累是读后续写的基础,要想在读后续写中取得好成绩,必须注重词汇、句式、语篇和情感的积累。只有不断地积累和练习,才能够提高自己的写作水平,取得更好的成绩。

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