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October 8, 2021

Dear Daddy,

How's your life in America? Does everything go well? Mother and I miss you very much.

Now, I am writing to tell you my entrance examination. I did very well in the exam and got high scores. The most exciting thing is that I was admitted

to my dreaming school—Peking University. Until now, I have been studying in Peking University for a month. The campus is very beautiful and well equipped. There is a great library with abundant books. In spare time, I like going to

the library where is quiet so that I can read and learn intently. Teachers are the most valuable wealth of Peking University. They are very knowledgeable but kind to students. Attending their lectures seems an enjoyable thing. I am very satisfied with here. I will study harder to learn more.

Dear daddy, you don't have to worry about me and mother. I have grown up and I can handle well with my own matters. Hope you everything goes well in America. Look forward to hearing from you.














Dear Sir,

Last year, I bought a refrigerator from your store. I was very satisfied with its shape and color. At first, everything went well and it ran normally. But about half a year ago, some operational problems occurred. I found that

the refrigerator made loud noise when it worked. The noise was from low to

loud and sometimes it even stopped working. Besides, recently I found that it

is odorous. I don't even want to open it. We are deeply disappointed about it. It's appreciated if you could send a person to repair it as soon as possible. Please call us before coming. The telephone number is 6606 5531. Look forward to hearing form you soon.

Sincerely yours,










It's a great pity that you only stay for two days in Beijing that you cannot enjoy every tourist attractions. But you can still visit the

attractions of the most representative. Firstly, I suggest you going to the Great Wall, which is the longest wall and one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by hands only, which seems unimaginable. On the second day, you can visit to the Imperial Palace where you can learn more about Chinese history. It was built in 1406 and there were 24 emperors living in there. And then you can go to Summer Palace or Beihai Park.





Beijing is a modern city as well as a historic city where there are many places worth visiting. Given the chance, welcome to travel to Beijing in the future.



2019高考语文 作文热点话题素材 为移动支付系好“安全带”

2019高考作文热点话题素材:为移动支付系好“安全带” 移动支付带来的消费人群改变,不仅体现在性别比例上,也体现在年龄结构上。如今,越来越多的中老年人开始用手机下单、支付。与此同时,也存在一定安全隐患。此次调查显示,“60后”是最易受骗的人群。报告指出,中老年更容易受优惠信息吸引,对于不明二维码防范意识差,更易遭受网络欺诈。同时,由于往往未能采取及时的补救措施,使这一群体追回损失的比例低于其他年龄段。每一起移动支付安全事件,带给用户的不只是经济损失,往往还包括情感上的伤害。支付整体环境不安全,必然加大人际关系的交往成本。 给移动支付全方位的保护,亿万用户方有安全感。频发的移动支付安全事件,与一些用户缺乏警惕有关,比如有人习惯于扫不明来历的二维码和网络链接,随意下载不可靠的软件,以及在移动转账时未查证对方真实信息,等等。调查显示,近五成人群在二维码来源不明的情况下,因有优惠信息而去扫码。因扫描“李鬼”二维码遭到诈骗的比例,已从15%上升到30%。移动支付运营方在技术防范上缺乏更有力的制度设计,在事后补救上缺乏更有效的善后措施,也导致用户被骗而追不回损失。 统计表明,仅2017年前三季度,中国的移动支付交易额就高达149.15万亿元,雄居全球首位。移动支付规模越大,越关乎千家万户,越需剔除安全风险。一定程度上,移动支付关涉国家金融安全,如此之大的移动交易规模,“倒逼”监管部门未雨绸缪,尽可能预料可能出现的风险。央行日前就发布相关通知,对条码支付作出细致规范,设置支付限额,规定支付机构向客户提供基于条码的付款服务时,应取得网络支付业务许可……诸如此类的立柱架梁,被称为“为二维码支付系上‘安全带’”。针对移动支付的监管在加码,正是为了让支付更安全。 降低支付风险,运营商和服务商需要提高风控水平,守土有责、守土尽责,程度拆掉可能点燃风险的“引线”。除此之外,中国人民银行日前还受理了百行征信有限公司(筹)的个人征信业务申请,以期让个人的“信用画像”更全。完善征信体系,除了有利于遏制多头借贷、诈骗借贷等乱象,也与移动支付密切相关。技术赋能,建设信用社会,让信用真正成为我们的第二张身份证,相信将有助于消除涉及移动支付的骗局。 “中国已成全球移动支付”,去年的世界经济论坛发布报告如是称。中国移动支付用户越来越多,增长越来越快,使用频次越来越多,交易规模越来越大,已是不争的事实。管控风险,兼顾便利与安全,让支付更值得托付,移动支付才有更美好的未来。


高考英语作文热点话题词汇 话题一:中学生的爱好与兴趣 Spare time(业余时间), favorite(最喜欢的), Interest(兴趣), hobby(爱好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read novels(也小说), play football/basketball(打足球/篮球), surf the internet(上网), chat online(在线聊天), play games(玩游戏), collect stamps(集邮), make e-friends(交网友), climb mountains(爬山), watch TV(看电视), enjoy popular music(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对…感 兴趣), develop an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣), be fond of(喜欢…),be keen on(喜欢…), have love for(喜爱…), have a taste in(对…有兴趣) 等。 话题二:劳动与劳动观念 Work(工作), be at work(在工作), work hard(努力工作), produce(生产), worker(工人), labor force(劳 动力), labor(劳动), voluntary labor(义务劳动),serve the people(为人民服务),heart and soul(全 心全意),physical labor(体力劳动), mental labor(脑力劳动), labor viewpoint(劳动观念), labor Day(劳动节), workday(工作日), means of labor(劳动方式), honorable(光荣的), be devoted to(奉 献于..), value(价值), earn money(赚钱) , personal interests(个人利益)等。 话题三:创建和谐社会 harmonious(和谐的), friendly(友好的), civilized(文明的), honest(真诚的), credible (诚信的), be public-spirited(有公德心的), balanced(平衡的), be in order(有序的), peaceful(和平的), live in harmony(生活和谐), sustainable development(可持续发展)等,help each ether(互助), care for each other(互相关心), have deep love for (热爱), be concerned with (关心), build(创建), cherish(珍惜), take an active part in(积极参与), pay attention to social moral(讲究社会公德), protect the environment(保护环境), save energy(节省能源)等。No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。…can be achieved by hard wok. …可以通过劳动获得。It is difficult to find work in the present situation. 在当前形势下,很难找到工作。It is honorable to … …是光荣的。If everyone … for others and the society, our world will be …如果每个人为他人和社会做…,我们这个世界将会…。Every one should … and devotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country.每个人应该…, 为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的力量。 话题四:招聘与求职 employ(雇佣), look for(寻找), take in(吸纳), full-time(全职的), part-time(兼职的), well-paid(薪 水高的), be paid by the hour(按小时发工资), requirement(要求), résumé(个人履历),schooling(受 教育情况), subjects(课程), working experience(工作经历), qualification(合格证明), transcript (成绩单), health(健康状况), present address(现在通讯地址)等,apply for(申请…), graduate from(毕业于), major in(以…为专业), degree(学位), scholarship(奖学金), good grades(良好的成绩), hobby(爱好), favorite(最喜欢的), be skilled in(在…方面熟练), be good at(擅长…), experienced(有经验的), confident(自信的), English and computer ability(英语和计算机能力), healthy(健康的)等。 话题五:中学生的健康问题 Physical and mental condition(身体与精神状态), strong(强壮的), un/healthy(不健康/健康的), overweight/fat(肥胖的), thin(瘦的), near/short-sighted(近视的), mentally unhealthy(精神不健 全的), normal(正常的), abnormal(不正常的), energetic(精力旺盛的), unhealthy eating habit(不 健康的饮食习惯), eat much junk food (吃太多的垃圾食品)等,Stay/keep healthy/fit(保持健康), build up one’s body/ improve one’s' health(强身健体), enough sleep(充足的睡眠), take regular exercise(进行有规律的运动), roper diet(合理的饮食), good living habits(良好的生活习惯), lose weight(减肥), remove heavy burdens(减轻负担), be good for/do good to(对…有益处), nutrition(营养), go on diet(节食), form a … eating habit(养成一个…的饮食习惯) Breathe in as much fresh air等。


2019全国8套高考英语作文真题及范文指导 1.全国Ⅰ卷 【题目要求】 假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括: 1.写信目的:2.个人优势:3.能做的事情。 注意: 1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结束语已为你写好。 【参考范文】 Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation. I’m delighted to learn that volunteer students are wanted for a Chinese painting exhibition to be held in the local art gallery. Now I’m writing to apply for the position. The reasons for my application are as follows. First of all, having been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age, I can communicate freely with others in English. What’s more, years of being monitor makes me a brilliant organizer, which will help a lot to keep the exhibition in order. The most important factor is that my related knowledge will undoubtedly help the audience learn more about the unique Chinese art form. All in all, my sense of responsibility will make me a qualified volunteer. I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Yours, 1


2019高考作文素材热点汇总: 为中国制造点赞,2019考生必看! 近日,一篇关于“中国制造”的人民日报微博被人们疯狂转载…… 中国制造再一次震撼人心,作文君看了,心情也澎湃不已。每一次震惊国人的背后,都有一个振奋人心的故事。每一份故事背后,都是一份非常棒的作文素材! 1、“人造太阳” 据央视新闻客户端11月12日报道,中科院等离子体所今天发布消息,我国大科学装置“人造太阳”日前取得重大突破,实现加热功率超过10兆瓦,等离子体储能增加到300千焦,等离子体中心电子温度首次达到1亿度,获得的多项实验参数接近未来聚变堆稳态运行模式所需要的物理条件,朝着未来聚变堆实验运行迈出了关键一步,也为人类开发利用核聚变清洁能源奠定了重要的技术基础。 东方超环(EAST)是等离子体所自主设计、研制并拥有完全知识产权的磁约束核聚变实验装置,是世界上第一个非圆截面全超导托卡马克,也是我国第四代核聚变实验装置,它的科学目标是让海水中大量存在的氘和氚在高温条件下,像太阳一样发生核聚变,为人类提供源源不断的清洁能源,所以也被称为“人造太阳”。 人造太阳的研制是解决能源问题的一个巨大的转折点,我们国家大部分用化石能源供能,如果核能聚变可控的话,就会给世界的能源解决巨大问题。 可控核聚变技术一旦实现,能源将会取之不竭、用之不尽。 可控核聚变技术一旦掌握,人类将从地球文明跨越到恒星际文明,星际大航海时代将随之开启。 2、“推力矢量技术”取得重大突破 11月6日,第十二届中国国际航空航天博览会在珠海开幕。由我国自主研制的歼-10B推力矢量验证机在珠海上空成功进行了过失速机动飞行表演。展示的“榔头”机动,“大迎角360度滚转”“落叶飘”“眼镜蛇”“赫伯斯特”等典型过失速机动飞行动作,充分体现了歼-10B推力矢量验证机优异的飞行性能。 据歼-10B推力矢量技术验证项目现场总指挥、航空工业副总经理杨伟介绍,实现过失速机动飞行,不仅要拥有带推力矢量技术的发动机,同时,飞机必须具有优良的大迎角气动性能、良好的进发匹配特性、以及独特的飞行控制技术。近几年,在军委装备发展部、空军、科工局等上级领导的亲切关怀和大力支持下,我国推力矢量技术取得重大突破,成为世界上少数几个掌握此项关键技术的国家之一。 “歼-10B推力矢量技术验证项目,成功实现了推力矢量这一航空关键领域的创新突破,这是飞发一体综合设计与应用的典型范例,也是航空核心技术自主创新的又一次成功实践,为后续的技术创新和型号发展奠定了坚实的基础。”歼-10B推力矢量技术验证项目总设计师、航空工业成都所总设计师王海峰说王海峰说。 3、第41颗北斗卫星成功发射 2018年11月1日23时57分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭,成功发射第四十一颗北斗导航卫星,卫星顺利进入预定轨道。 这颗卫星属于地球静止轨道卫星,是我国北斗三号系统第十七颗组网卫星,也是北斗三号系统首颗地球静止轨道卫星。年底之前,长三乙运载火箭还将与“老搭档”远征一号携手发射两颗北斗三号组网卫星。 近日,随着北斗三号工程第三、四颗组网卫星成功发射,2018年北斗卫星进入密集发射期。计划到2018年年底我国将发射18颗北斗三号卫星,服务“一带一路”沿线国家,到2020年,35


2020高考英语作文热点素材:开头句子汇总 春秋冬来,新一轮的高考已经来临,在备考的时间当中,高考作文非常厉害,下面由出国留学网小编为你精心准备了“2020高考英语作文热点素材:开头句子汇总”,持续关注 本站将可以持续获取高考资讯! 1. In a world that’s growing more and more (competitive …, the ability to do … has never beenmore important. 在一个竞争越来越激烈的世界,做……的能力从来没有像现在这样重要。 2. It has often been remarked that … 常常有人论及…… 3. A lot of people seem to think that … 许多人似乎认为…… 4. It i s believed that … 人们认为…… 5. Although it is commonly held that …, it is quite unlikely that … 虽然人们一般认为……,但…… 不大可能。 6. Although it is generally agreed that …, it is unlikely to be true that … 虽然大家普遍认同……,但…… 不大可能是正确的。 7. Although the (common (belie f is that …. A recent (discovery (shows that … 虽然一般的观点认为……,但最近的发现表明……

1. Although the (common (belief is that …. A recent (discovery (shows that … 虽然一般的观点认为……,但最近的发现表明…… 2. Although people all agree that …, it should be noted that … 虽然人们都一致认为……,但应指出的是…… 3. For years (hard working has been regarded as …, but things are quite different nowadays. 多少年来,刻苦被认为是……,但近来情况却起了变化。 4. For years … had been viewed as …. But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 许多年来,…… 一直被认为是……。但人们现在正以崭新的视角重新审视。 5. Most of us have taken it for granted that …, but a recent survey reveals a surprising discovery. 我们大多数人对…… 习以为常,但最近的一项调查却揭示出一个令人吃惊的发现。 1. We are often told that …. But is this really true? 我们常被告知……。但事情真是这样吗? 2. Many people like the idea of …. But it is not beneficial to … 许多人喜欢这样的想法,认为……。但这对…… 是没有好处的。 3. It’s well understood that … always requires … but … 人们很好理解…… 总是需要……,但是……


应用文写作-申请信 1、假定你是李华,你看到某旅游公司在招聘英语导游的广告,于是你写一封求职信申请该职位,要点如下: 1.年龄:18 2.毕业学校:红星中学 3.学习情况:成绩优秀,擅长英语,尤其口语好。 4.优势:有相关的工作经验;本人精力充沛、热爱旅游。 注意: 1. 词数100左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.请将作文写在答题卡指定位置 Dear sir, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Yours truly, Li Hua 2、假如你是李华,是新华中学的一名学生,得知可向世界儿童基金会(World Childhood Foundation)申请一个经费为2000元的扶贫项目(poverty-relief program),以帮助贫困地区的儿童。你感兴趣,准备申请。请根据以下要点写一封信: 1. 个人的基本情况和申请理由; 2. 你对申请项目的具体设想和项目经费的使用计划;


2020高考英语作文热点素材:文化遗产现如今高考备考已经进行一段时间了,为了帮助考生更好的备考,下面由我为你精心准备了“2020高考英语作文热点素材:文化遗产”,持 续关注本站将可以持续获取高考资讯! 2020高考英语作文热点素材:文化遗产 Cultural heritage, the concept into tangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage. Cultural heritage,including material cultural heritage and non-material cultural heritage. Material cultural heritage of historical, artistic and scientific value; non-material cultural heritage refers to various non-physical existence and life of the masses is closely related to each other from generation to generation of traditional cultural expressions. From the year of 20xx, the second Saturday of June each year for the Chinese Cultural Heritage Day. 文化遗产,概念上分为有形文化遗产、无形文化遗产。文化遗产包括物质文化遗产和非物质文化遗产。物质文化遗产是具有历史、艺术和科学价值的文物;非物质文化遗产是指各种以非物质形态存在的与群众生活密切相关、世代相承的传统文化表现形式。从20xx年起,每年六月的第二个星期六为中国文化遗产日。 Material cultural heritage, including ancient ruins,ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples, stone carvings, frescoes, important historical sites modern and representative of modern architecture immovable heritage, history, the era for in-kind, works of art,literature, manusripts, books and materials, etc. movable heritage; and their architecture, their homogeneity or the integration with the landscape of outstanding universal value of


2019年高考英语作文满分精选高考英语作文的写作一直是一个难题,你想知道今年高考有哪些满分英语作文吗?下面是橙子给大家精心挑选的高考英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 20xx年高考英语作文篇1 假设你是上海某中学的一名学生王宇,看到《文汇报》上刊登了招聘志愿者给外宾做义务英文导游的广告,你申请成为志愿者中的一员。你的申请信必须介绍你的个人情况和你申请的理由。参考: 1.I learnt form your advertisement in today’s Wenhui Daily that you are recruiting volunteers as parttime tourist guides to show foreign visitors around Shanghai. I would like to apply for it because I believe my personality and experience fit well with your requirements. 2.I am an outgoing young man who is ready to extend a helping hand to others. 3.I am interested in the historical background of many tourist atttactions in Shanghai, and I have read many books on it. 4.I was once engaged in cultural exchange activities between my school and its sister school in Australia. Therefore, 1 / 7

2020高考作文热点素材 时事新闻热点作文素材

【一】直播乱象频出何时能休 出现的直播乱象,恐怕不能以当事人觉得“好玩”、平台方疏于管理之类的言论来掩盖。 近日,有媒体报道,尽管“网络直播月入百万元”已被证实是个例,但仍有不少人希望通过网络直播一夜成名,其中不乏未成年人。记者调查发现,总体来看,一些知名直播平台有相对严格的认证审核程序,未满18周岁的申请者无法进行直播。不过,仍有不少直播平台的认证门槛较低,没有对年龄进行特别限制,直播间里也不乏低俗内容。 【二】爱衣墙只有善心善意还不够 我们的社会并不缺乏热情与爱心,但是,用好市民爱心,让他们的善意能够真正帮助到需要帮助的人,需要良好的管理与维护制度作为支撑 近日,第一个“白云爱衣墙”在广州市白云区嘉禾望岗志愿驿站亮相,社区里的贫困人员以及流浪人员等,都可以根据实际需要,免费领取爱衣墙内干净的衣物。爱衣墙由志愿驿站提供场地,目前由广州好人尚丙辉关爱外来务工人员工作室提供清洗、消毒后的市民捐赠衣物。 “有需要,请带走;有闲物,请带来”。起源于国外的爱心衣物墙活动,是一项二手衣物捐赠的公益活动。在城市街道的墙面,钉上一些钉钩,让过路人将自己多余的衣服挂上捐出,有需要的人则可以选择合适的穿上带走。因为门槛低、人人可参与,进入中国后,在很短的时间内就在全国许多城市迅速普及开来。 【一】共享单车 共享单车停放在公交站台、地铁出入口、行人和机动车道、小区绿化带、盲道等问题日益突出。本来就是一个老大难的交通问题,应当如何管理?市容城建部门又该如何监管?如果尺度过大过死,可能会被诟病因噎废食,影响新的经济形态的发展,就如同当年的专车那样;如果放任不管,有一天某一个街道会被废铜烂铁的单车占据,有一天交通会被无序行驶的单车阻塞。 未按要求停放、未按要求骑行,除了违反行政法规外,在民法层面上,便是一种违约行为,说到底是一种不诚信的行为。尤其在约束和监督机制欠缺的共享单车模式下,一般违约和侵权行为都不会被追究责任,那么诚信原则显得更为重要。这也是骑行者最基本法律素养的表现之一。 【二】网络文学+”的创新活力 实现“网络文学+”良性发展,需要建立起更为完善的评价体系,提升整个行业的知识产权意识,同时营造更为健康向上的互联网环境、夯实自身的文化基因


考前必背写作热门话题素材 一.学校生活 1.According to the rule,every student can borrow up to 5 books each time and keep them for 10 days.The library is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday and closed on weekends. At YGCL in Beijing on April 8 2018 小地点大地点小时间大时间 活动从九点开始,十一点结束The activity starts/begins from 9 to 11. The activity begins at 9 am, which lasts two hours. 2.In order to inherit and pass on the traditional Chinese culture,our school will arrange/hold a special lesson on how to make paper-cuts in the Children’s Palace at 3 p.m. next Friday afternoon. 3.In the beginning,we will listen to a speech on the history of Beijing Opera delivered by a famous artist.After that,there will be a live performance of Beijing Opera.Besides, methods of drawing facial makeup will be taught on the spot. 4.An optional course whose name is Chinese poetry appreciation is to be held for foreign students to learn more about the traditional Chinese culture and appreciate the beauty of classical poetry. 5.Our Art Week will cover a wide range of activities,including drawing,short plays,playing musical instruments,as well as singing and dancing.The judges will be made up of experts and students.We will choose the top six as the winners. 6.As to the ways to learn Chinese culture,there is much access to it.You can either borrow the relative books from the library or search it online.You can also join the discussion on social media or even set up a forum of your own. 二、语言学习 1.Practice makes perfect.As is always the case with language learning,Mandarin learning also asks for lots of practice.To practice as much as possible is where the secret lies.Besides,you can also improve it by reading Chinese story books,watching Chinese films and listening to Chinese radio programs.After all,speaking and listening are very important in language learning. 2.It’s advisable to buy some books containing basic daily dialogue or interesting stories aimed at/intended for beginners. 3.Some online courses on spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to adapt to the Chinese


【篇一】高考英语话题作文素材 When people are not in the mood, they will become angry and when their families or friends talk to them, they will bring their bad mood, saying the bad words to the dearest person. It is not the wise choice for people let out their bad mood, because when they calm down, they will be very regretful for what they have done to their families and friends. Sometimes mean words are just like the sharp knives, stabbing into people’s hearts. So when we get angry, we should learn to control our emotion. We are easily to say out the hurting words, which makes the one we love suffering. Even if we apologize, but the pain still exists, like the broken mirror which can’t be fixed totally. So when we are angry, the best way to be silent and don’t do st upid things. 【篇二】高考英语话题作文素材 Since we go to school, my friend and I are fighting for our future college, we want to go to our dreaming college, so we work so hard. After three years’ fighting, we finally come to the graduate season, I get my college’s reception, I am so happy, my friend also gets what she wants, all of us have realized our dreams. As her best friend, I am so happy for her, so I want to show my congratulation to her. I decide to buy her a present, so I go to shopping. I have no idea what to buy, my mother suggests me to buy her a pen, I think it is a good idea. I buy a pen with the picture that she loves, I give this present to her, she is very happy and she says she likes it very much. I wish her the best in her college life. 打从我们上学起,我的朋友和我就为了我们将来的大学在奋斗,我们想要个梦想中的大学,因此我们很努力学习。经过了年的学习,我们最终来到了毕业季,我接到了大学的录取通知,很开心,我的朋友也得到了她想要的,我们都实现了自己的梦想。作为她的朋友,我为她感到高兴,所以我想要向她展示我的祝贺。我决定给她买礼物,我去购物,但是不知道买什么,我的妈妈建议我给她买一只笔,我觉得这是个好主意。我买了一只带有她喜欢的图案的笔,我把礼物给了她,她很高兴,并且说很喜欢。我祝愿她的大学生活一切顺利。 【篇三】高考英语话题作文素材 High school students are in the sensitive age. On the one hand, their bodies grow fast and on the other hand, their minds start to know more about the sexual difference. So the teenagers are eager to have someone to love, while not only the teachers but also the parents try to stop teenagers to have puppy love. In my opinion, teenagers are so young, they are na?ve and don’t know the meaning of love. What’s more, having the love relationship will distract their attention from the study. So it is


2019年高考英语作文20篇经典范文 (1) 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需要书面预约,请按下列的要求写一封信:1.本人简介 2.求助内容 3.约定时间 4.你的联系方式(Email: lihua@https://www.doczj.com/doc/3912567293.html, ; Phone:12345678) 范文: Dear Sir , I’m LiHua , a Chinese student taking summer course in your university . I’m writing to ask for help . I came here last month and found my courses interesting .But I have some difficulty with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library . I was told the learning center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesdays mornings and Friday afternoons . Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone me . Here are my email address and phone number :lihua@https://www.doczj.com/doc/3912567293.html, ; 1234567. Look forward to your reply . Yours , Li Hua (2) 假设你正在参加全省中学生演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻开孩子的日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。内容包括:1.认为同学们不必为此烦恼 2.希望能够体谅父母的苦衷 3.建议与父母进行交流沟通 范文: Good morning , ladies and gentlemen , Some of us are having problems with our parents , as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries . I fully understand why we are not comfortable about it , but there’s no need to feel too sad. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we are not getting into any trouble . They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same . Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing it all wrong . My suggestion is : Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we’d like to trust them .If you don’t think you can talk to them , write them a letter and leave it lying around ---they are bound to read it . Thank you! (3) 假定你是李华,在一位名叫TigerMom的学生家长的博客上,你看到以下内容。请你根据博客内容,写作要点和要求,给这位家长回复。


2015最新高考作文素材汇编 一、“92岁高龄的国家科技最高奖获得主吴良镛院士人民大会堂做报告,学生睡倒一片。” 反思如下: 1.学生上课睡觉,有时真与教师水平无关。 2.教育,不仅仅是教授一些知识,还有很多更重要的成分在里面,比如尊重、道德、诚信、责任、理解、宽容等一些人生必须的一些素养,如果一个人心里只有一些知识,而无这些文化素养、道德素养、人生素养,这样的人才也难以成其为人才,难以在未来的社会中挑大梁,甚至难以在自己单位和工作中挑大梁。 3.那些能考上研究生的人,总不是在中学阶段什么课都不听,什么书都不学的吧,这,难道不应该从吴良镛老师们的此时此刻的教学方式上“反思反思”的吗?估计是查良镛做报告,就没有几个学生睡觉了,尽管查良镛老师已经90岁了。 4.组织此项活动的组织者们,有没有了解“教”与“学”的需求? 睡倒研究生给院士爷爷的一封信 尊敬的、亲爱的吴良镛院士, 见信好。首先向您致以最诚挚的歉意……首先“睡”决不代表对您有意见或不尊重。 年过九旬的您依旧坚持站着完成了35分钟的演讲,着实不易。相比之下,新一辈起来的所谓专家学者们,身穿变色衣,他们深谙市场规律,玩转在体制、学术抄袭和个人升值之间,他们知道如何靠“姿态”挣钱。别提站着演讲了,就算是跪着演讲,说的内容连他们自己都不信。我们这批新入学的研究生,最小的也有23岁了,对我们来说,这些专家的“树新风”演讲,早已成了一种无趣又低劣的表演。我们知道自己要遵守的价值观是什么,知道一个公民的底线和立场应该是什么,无需他们再用各式各样的教化来给填充我们的大脑。如果是他们做演讲,即便辅导员以学分威胁要求我到场,我根本来都不来。您的品质,确实是新一代学者缺失的,这是只有老一辈院士才有的风范。 但我们还是在台下睡着了。这不是因为内心对您不尊重,更贴切的说,“睡过去”意味着我们早已对这种大规模的报告失去了兴趣,早已不报有什么心理预期。 我们对此类树新风的教育报告早已失去了太多的期待。我们需要的不是千篇一律的树新风教育,走到研究生阶段,面临巨大的就业和年龄压力,我们已经对“务虚”失去兴趣,需要的是“务实”。与集中精力去听什么“净化校园、树新风”的空泛讲话相比,能在专业领域有所精进,或许才是更大的道德。我觉得,以您的专业水准,给我们讲讲中国美术史,或者西方建筑师,配些图片,我们想谁也睡不着。我们已成年很久,我们要靠自己的双手追求更好的生活,而不需要这类空泛的、姿态大于内容的信息,就是这样。评判一个人的道德,不在于平庸年代下,他在一场枯燥的、言辞模糊的演讲上是否睡着,而在于关键时刻,他是否坚守底线,做出符合自己内心价值的选择,就是这样。 二、2015新作文素材:李娜退役 凤凰体育讯北京时间9月19日消息,两届大满贯冠军得主李娜在其个人微博宣布退役消息,“娜时代”也正式画上句号。回顾李娜的职业生涯,她是中国球员中首位捧起女双、女单冠军奖杯的一位,同时也是唯一一位获得大满贯女单冠军的亚洲球员。无论从战绩、冠军、

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