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中职基础英语教案Chapter 1 Food

中职基础英语教案Chapter 1  Food
中职基础英语教案Chapter 1  Food

中职基础英语教案Chapter 1 Food




教学设计过程 Step I Leading-in and Pre-reading 1. Asking some questions: a) What is the most traditional holiday of China? Spring Festival b) What is the most traditional holiday of America? Thanksgiving Day 2. Play the footage of the original of Thanksgiving. Let the students think over and discuss the original of Thanksgiving and celebrated time. Step II Fast reading. Let the students scan the text to get some information about the text and then answer the following questions. a)When is Thanksgiving Day always celebrated ? It’s always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in Novemeber. b)What are the Thanksgiving Day main dishes? The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are turkey and pumpkin pie. Step III Intensive Reading 1.Let the students carefully read the text and accomplish Comprehension Exercises Comprehension Exercise 1) Thanksgiving Day is the most traditional holiday of _________. A. India B. America C. Canada D. Japanese 2) The first Thanksgiving Day was held in Massachusetts in ________. A. 1820 B.1683 C. 1621 D. 1863 3) They invited their Indian friends to ______ a big feast. A. take part in B. have C. cook D. celebrate 4) The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are _______ and pumpkim pie. A. fish B. chicken C. beef D. turkey 5) Thanksgiving Day was officially revived by ________ in 1863. A. Lincoln B. Marco Polo C. Diana D. Frankfurt 6) Thanksgiving Day is not only a day to give thanks to ______ but also a day for the family to get together. A. Pilgrims B. farmer C. Indian D.God Step IV Words Searching Competition in groups The purpose of this step is to revise and consolidate the knowledge they learn


基础模块Unit 9《Getting Around》 参赛教师:李婧婧(大连市轻工业学校) 一、学情分析 我所授课的班级是数控专业二年级学生。具体分析及解决 1、教学内容 使用的是外研社的中等职业学校英语教材基础模块第一 册,本书在学习内容的设置上贴近学生生活,符合职业需求, 听说读写的教学活动设计灵活多样,语言地道实用。 本课选自本书的第六单元,课题是“Getting Around”课 型是Lead-in and speaking.内容涉及的是学生们日常生活中 必须掌握的关于指路、问路的基本用语。 2、教学重点、难点 重点:用于指路和问路的基本句型和表达。 问句:Where is / can we find …? How can I get to…? Could you show me the way to…? Is there a… near / around here? We are looking for … 答句:It’s + 介词+ 参照物. It’s near / far from here. You may take + 交通工具 / get there by + 交通工具 You can’t miss it. Sorry, I don’t know. 难点:能结合具体的生活场景,准确地使用所学句型进行 真实的会话。 3、教学目标

(1)知识与能力目标: 基础层:能识别基础的地点名称,听懂问路的问题,自主提问。使用简单的指路问路的句型进行会话。 提高层:能使用多种方式进行问路和指路的语句,在学习资料的辅助下能够自主的组织问路指路的会话,提高 自己的学习能力,改善自己的学习方法 (2)过程与方法目标: ①通过开展小组讨论与探究,培养有效搜集信息、判断信息、整理信息与应用信息的方法。 ②通过开展自评、生评、师评等多元评价,形成正确认识与评价自我及他人。 (3)情感、态度价值观目标: ①培养英语学习兴趣,获取正确学习方法。 ②能够运用本课学习的知识向外籍人士对家乡大连的美丽 风景进行位置上的介绍。主动的用英语沟通,热爱生活,陶冶情操, 特别注释: 在本节课的教学设计中,对于原教材的教学材料进行了新的编辑和运用。 首先,将本节课的学习内容设定为对于指路问路用语的再学习和强化运用。将课本的听力部分和提高部分进行了组合。在听力部分中出现的生词放在课件中的free talk 部分进行解决和运用,让学生们不仅听懂,而且能说。 其次,课本听力部分的指路问路的用语,在本节课中体现在任务教学的部分,让学生们主动回忆曾经学过的用句,也在这一过程中学习新的用句。 再者,结合课本中for better performance的部分,设计本节课的听力和口语训练,使得学生们在做动态练习的同时,比较立体的感受问路指路语境中需要使用的表达方式。 最后,将课本中段落的听力和阅读,写作和技巧练习分别进行组合,设置后几节课的学习内容和方式。 三、教学方法 1. 教法设计:根据学生的VAK学习类型,使用任务驱动教学法和情境教学法。 2. 学法指导:学生合作学习、探究学习——在做中学。 3. 教学策略:短篇动画、创设情境、头脑风暴、游戏竞赛、


Unit 6 Traffic Section B – Listening &Speaking 【教材分析】 本课是浙江省编中职教材《英语》Unit 6 Traffic Section B——听说课。本课旨在让学生能就购买火车票用英语询问车次、票价、始发站、座位类型等车票信息。该单元与学生的生活实际紧密结合,容易激发学生的学习热情,调动学生的学习积极性。本课为本单元的听说环节,重在词汇和句型的应用,为阅读和写作打下基础。 【学情分析】 教师所任教班级为商业企业管理专业3+2班,学生具备了一定的词汇量,相对整个年级英语基础为中上水平。学生个性比较活泼,在英语课堂上对感兴趣的活动会积极参与。但是学生课堂上注意力容易分散,语言应用能力较弱,因此教师设置了“跟着火车吃中国”的故事情境贯穿整堂课的主线,利用“一人一本”信息化教学手段(本人所任教的学校正在打造数字化校园,建立了多个数字化教室,使得每个学生在课堂上能使用平板电脑“一人一本”上网,看数字视频,听录音等), 有效激发学生参与各项任务的热情,从而培养学生在日常生活和职业场景中的英语应用能力。 【教学目标】 ①学生能掌握与火车种类和火车票信息有关的词汇和句型:regular train, express train, first-class ticket, second-class ticket, terminal, starting station, ordinary seat, ordinary berth; How long does the train take? How much are the tickets?等。 ②通过两段乘客在购买火车票时与售票员之间的对话,培养学生在听对话时筛选出重要信息的能力,并模仿所给对话,用英语进行交流,选择购买火车票。 ③学生通过小组合作,运用重点句型单词,完成分享旅行交通信息的任务。 【教学重点】学生能够运用重点句型How long does this train take? How much are the express tickets?等,用英语对询问和购买火车票信息进行交流。 【教学难点】学生通过小组合作,运用重点句型单词,完成分享旅行车票信息的任务。


Senior English For V ocational School Student’s Book Basic Module II Unit 5Danger and Safety Teaching Aims: ● Be aware of the danger of daily life ● Learn about the safety signs ● Learn how to handle emergency ● Learn about the phonetics: Word stress ● Master the grammar: Imperative sentences ● Get prepared in an emergency ● Real life skills: What will you do at the emergency? ● How to keep yourself safe Teaching Time: Period 1 Warming up and Discussion Period 2 Listening and Speaking Part A Period 3 Listening and Speaking Part B Period 4 Reading and Writing —— Text and Exercises Period 5 Language in Use —— Phonetics and V ocabulary Period 6 Real Life Skills ——What will you do at the emergency? Period 7 Further Reading and Unit Summary Period 1 Warming up and Discussion Teaching Aims: 1.Be familiar with the topic “danger and safety”. 2.Recognize the safety signs. 3.Discuss how to handle the emergency.. Teaching Key Points: 1.Master some words and phrases about danger and safety. 2.Enable the students torecognize the safety signs. 3.Improve the students’ ability of oral English. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.Be familiar with some phrases about danger and safety. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3813465046.html,e proper words to express themselves. Teaching Methods: 1. Brain storming 2.Group discussion: What can you do in case of emergencies, such as robbery, fire earthquake, nose bleeding, broken arm and so on? Teaching Aids:


中职英语教学设计 教学课题: Unit 5 ,Food, Section 2,Text, Vitamin 课程类型: 阅读课 授课地点: 多媒体教室 教学设计理论依据: 英语教学是一种动态教学,教学过程是交际活动过程。只有从组织教学活动入手,大量的进行语言实践,使英语课堂交际化,才能有效地培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。中职英语阅读课要求提高学生英语整体的英语水平和综合素养,引导学生从语篇角度出发,了解语篇体裁,分析语篇结构,从文章的关键词、句、段中把握语篇的内容、主旨、作者的观点等。教会学生常用的阅读技巧,逐步提高阅读理解能力和阅读速度。重视文化背景知识的介绍、扩充和渗透,使语言知识和文化背景知识相结合,在提高学生语言能力的同时扩大其知识面,感受文化熏陶。还应根据学生的兴趣特长、知识水平及就业或岗位需要等增加贴近学生生活、具有时代气息和职业特点的实用文体的读物量。 教材分析: 本课是中职英语第一册第五单元的第三课时,是一篇介绍人体所需营养维生素的文章,内容包括维生素对人体健康的重要性,以及如何通过正确,适当的饮

食获取足量的维生素。我在教学中将淡化语言点和语法知识的简单传授,采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语料输入及学生的语言输出。 学情分析: 在初中英语学习的基础上,学生已有一定的英语语言基础,一定的英语词汇。对阅读技巧,如跳读、略读、识别主题句、预测上下文有一定的基础。但大部分学生的语言基础知识很为薄弱,运用语言进行交际活动的能力很差;主动学习的动力不够。也有部分学生基础较好,能主动配合老师,愿意开口。因此,只有设计是学生感兴趣的活动,把活动分步骤由简到难的有序进行,因材施教,才能让学生投入到课堂活动中来。 教学重点: 1.对课文的整体理解。 2.掌握本课的重点单词和词组。


Unit 4 favorite food (The 3rd period--reading) 教学目标: 1、掌握重要单词 because hear problem answer enough leave computer game suddenly remember hurry hour late find talk busy angry table ticket minute news homework 2、重要短语的识记与运用 get to in the morning look forward to get up in great joy hurry to talk with be busy with be delighted to say a word next to on time 教学重点: 学习并掌握文章中的重要短语及句型 教学难点: 文中精彩句子的熟练运用 教学方法: 讨论法、练习法 教学过程: 一、复习检查(听写、小组互查) 本单元重要单词。 because hear problem answer enough leave computer game suddenly remember hurry hour late find talk busy angry table ticket minute news homework 重要短语的识记与运用 get to in the morning look forward to get up in great joy hurry to talk with be busy with be delighted to say a word next to on time leave for 二、出示目标,自主学习 互相讨论,找出文章中重要短语、句型 1、重要短语 get to in the morning look forward to get up in great joy hurry to talk with be busy with be delighted to say a word next to on time leave for 2、重要句型 I was very glad to hear this because I was looking forward to seeing my grandpa .


Unit1 Our new school 一、教学目标 1.步入新的人生阶段-----职业中专,要知法,懂法,守法。 2.谈论人名及来自何处。 3.介绍自己所在班级。 4.掌握“主—系—表”结构和“there be”句型。 5.掌握代词和介词的基本用法。 6.学会如何发前元音[i:]与[i] 二、教学向导 三、课文讲解 (一)Warm-up 1.老师首先用英语向全班学生作自我介绍,并提出新学习阶段的英语学习要求。例如: Hello, everyone. My name is…. I’m your English teacher this year. Let’s do our best together to improve our Learning of English. Now at the beginning of this term, I would like to advise you to plan your time carefully. Be sure to have enough time to recite the new words and useful expression, to listen to enough English tapes, to read

many English articles, to do oral practice as much as possible and to finish your homework on time. Second, I advise you to make good use of your time in class. Listening carefully in class really means less work later. Taking notes will help to remind you what the teacher said. Another important suggestion is that you should develop a good attitude towards your English reading, listening, speaking and writing. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when you are speaking English. Just try your best to say what you want in English every time。 Besides,we should obey the rules of the school ,be polite to our teachers and be glad to help the others.We should also learn the laws,understand the laws,obey the laws ,otherwise we will be punished by the laws. I’ll do my best to help you and I hope everyone will get a great progress in the shortest possible time…. 此外,还可以设计一些常用口令、手势、规定一些纪律,以便在以后的教学中,形成良好的习惯,达成默契。 2.Warm-up 部分应在10分钟内完成。 3.Warm-up 部分的练习可以鼓励学生在课前独立完成,然后在课上检查,也可以在课上引导学生集体做。 4.除了将卡片上的信息补充完整外,教师还可根据具体情况,补充一些简单的问题。如: What’s your English name? Where are you from? Which school were you at before you came here? 5.有奖励机制。例如:赏识性语言。无论回答情况怎样均应给予鼓励,建立说英语的自信心。 6.最好能在开课前布置并引导和鼓励学生预先自学、预习并记忆本单元的生词和短语,在Warm-up中涉及一些。 (二)Listening and Speaking以及Reading and Writing--边讲边练习学会介绍自己及自己的班级。


Unit one Welcome to our school (reading) 教学目标: 1、掌握重要单词 welcome glad hard visit thank want read study after love 2、重要短语的识记与运用 Welcome to be glad to do a lot of next to thank...for 教学重点: 学习并掌握文章中的重要句型 教学难点: 文中精彩句子的熟练运用 教学方法: 讨论法、练习法 教学过程: 一、复习检查(听写、小组互查) ①本单元重要单词。 welcome meet glad class let hard visit thank want later desk read study after see love time chair . ②重要短语的识记与运用 Welcome to be glad to do look at a lot of 二、出示目标,自主学习 互相讨论,找出文章中重要短语、句型 1、重要短语 ①a lot of (lots of) ②next to ③welcome to ④be glad to do ⑤look at ⑥a lot of 2、重要句型 ①welcome to xinhua vocational school. ②I’m glad to meet you here. ③There are four reading rooms in the library. ④How large it is ! ⑤Thank you for your visit! ⑥Can you see a red building next to the library? 批注:


职高英语教案浙江 【篇一:中职基础英语教案】 中职基础英语教案chapter 1 food 科目:基础英语任课教师:授课时间:年月日 1 2 3 【篇二:中职英语教学设计】 unit 2 i can do it listening +dialogue a 一学情分析 本单元是教材的第二单元,要求学生能够应用常见动词,会使用 can来开展对自己个人和对他人能力的表述,在此基础之上,能够看懂求职表,会填写求职表等。教学内容和学生的学习密切相关.教学 句型相对简单,简单描述个人能力比较容易,比较完整地表达对自 己和他人的描述比较困难。 二教材分析、 1 教学内容 教学材料来源于高教出版社中职英语教材模块一第二单元第一课时,包括lead-in listening and speaking中的dialogue a两部分,具 体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。学习本 课时教学内容学生学会用can表述能力,进一步为整个单元的学习 活动做语言和知识的准备。同时更好地让同学之间,师生之间相互 了解自己的特长。增进友谊。 2 教学重点,难点 (1)教学重点 学会用can 表述个人和他人能力 (2)教学难点 表达个人能力的词汇,词组的记忆 三教学目标 1. 知识目标 ⑴掌握描述个人能力的词汇,

speak chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach english, read in chinese, serve customers. ⑵掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型, can you say something about yourself? can you sing english songs? well, i can teach english and i can speak a little chinese. 2. 能力目标 ⑴听 用情态动词can表述的有关个人能力的介绍 (2)说 会用can表达有关个人能力和他人能力的介绍 3. 情感目标 了解自己的能力 欣赏自我的同时,看到他人的长处 四学生分析 each coin has two sides. the students in class are all boys. they prefer learning major skills to language points,they dislike english grammar and speaking english. many of them are weak at english . on the other hand they are active and energetic .they are interested in electronic products and internet .they are good at running programs in smart cell -phones and internet .it is easy for them to accept new ideas ,which is of great help to this period 五教学过程 step 1 lead-in (1)talk about abilities play ppt for the ss (2)look and complete. activity 1 on page23 ask the students to describe each picture, using the sentence pattern “he/she/they can …” after that, the teacher may ask the students to listen to the tape and circle what ben can do. (设计意图:通过ppt快速展示名人的能力图片,引导学生学习can 的表述。为下面的教学服务。) step 2 talk about themselves ask what can we do? the teacher divides the whole class into four groups and asks each group to write down what they can do .


中职英语基础模块1 教学设计 Unit 5 第一课时 What’s your hobby (第一课时教学设计) 一、教材分析 1.教学容 本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第五单元的第一课时,本单元主要是是关于兴趣的话题,该话题与学生的生活联系密切,能引起学生的共鸣。第一课时的容包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,主要容是关于兴趣爱好的词汇和对话。这些容为整个单元的学习活动做语言的必要准备,也让学生知道表达兴趣爱好的部分短语,同时也为完成本单元的任务做语言上的准备。 2.教学重点、难点 (1)教学重点 ①通过对图片的理解,能听懂关于兴趣爱好的词汇和句型。 ②通过对话学习,学生能够口头表达关于业余爱好相关的词汇和句型。 (2)教学难点 学生能在真实的情境中运用与兴趣爱好有关的词汇和句型。 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)学生能掌握关于兴趣爱好的词汇,如hobby, music ,fishing, stamp, chess, jogging, painting etc 。 (2)学生能够掌握关于兴趣爱好的词组如:play chess, go fishing, listen to music, collect stamps, fly kites ,play computer games etc。 (3)学生能掌握讨论兴趣爱好时所使用的句型,如: What’s your hobby ? Do you like/love ….? I like/love…… I am crazy about …… 2. 能力目标 (1)学生能听懂关于个人喜好的词汇和对话。 (2)学生能用I like…, I love…等句型口头表达个人爱好。 3. 情感目标 了解并明确自己在专业学习中所需的技能极其重要性。 三、教学步骤 Step One Lead-in ( 4 min ) 1. Brainstorming Teacher : “What are in your minds when you see the word ‘ hobby’ ? (Write the word “hobby” on the blackboard) Students : Compete with each other and write the related words about


中职英语教案教学设 计u n i t1

Unit1 Hotel Service 一、教学目标 1.了解宾馆服务中的基本礼仪 2.掌握宾馆服务中常用交际英语 3.重点掌握订房和退房时一些常用表达 4.掌握元音[i]、[i:]、[?]、[?:]、[?]和[?:]的正确发音方法 5.掌握规则动词的各种词形变化 二、教学用具 录音机、磁带、图片 三、教学向导 Warm-up 教学要求与建议 1.提前布置学生预习单词并在课上指导学生根据图片牢记单词。2.分组讨论宾馆服务中应该注意的一些问题。

3.安排学生两人一组,按课文对话进行练习。 练习答案 1.Complete the dialogues. Your name, please;fill out;do you;Thank you Pronunciation Practice 带领学生练习元音[i]、[i:]、[?]、[?:]、[?]和[?:]的正确发音,同时可以多举一些常见的带有这几个音的例子,进行比较。Listening and Speaking 一、教学重点 1.掌握宾馆服务中常用交际英语。 2.注意听有关宾馆的名词术语。 二、教学建议 角色扮演(ROLE PLAY) (1)明确口语活动的任务,要求学生仔细阅读对话。必要时可做简单的对话示范。 (2)成对活动,轮流作Speaker A和Speaker B。 (3)教师巡视全班,聆听学生对话,并解答学生提出的问题。(4)选出几个学生在班上表演。 (5)总结学生的表现,并及时纠正学生在对话过程中出现的错误。 三、练习参考答案 A 2、listen and fill in the blanks.


中职英语教学设计[1500字] UNIT2I can do it Listening+Dialogue A 一学情分析 本单元是教材的第二单元,要求学生能够应用常见动词,会使用can来开展对自己个人和对他人能力的表述,在此基础之上,能够看懂求职表,会填写求职表等。教学内容和学生的学习密切相关.教学句型相对简单,简单描述个人能力比较容易,比较完整地表达对自己和他人的描述比较困难。 二教材分析、 1教学内容 教学材料来源于高教出版社中职英语教材模块一第二单元第一课时,包括Lead-in&Listening and speaking 中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。学习本课时教学内容学生学会

用can表述能力,进一步为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备。同时更好地让同学之间,师生之间相互了解自己的特长。增进友谊。 2教学重点,难点 (1)教学重点 学会用can表述个人和他人能力 (2)教学难点 表达个人能力的词汇,词组的记忆 三教学目标 1.知识目标 ⑴掌握描述个人能力的词汇, Speak Chinese,drive cars,repair computers,teach English,read in Chinese,serve customers.⑵掌握询

问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型, Can you say something about yourself? Can you sing English songs? Well,I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese. 2.能力目标 ⑴听 用情态动词can表述的有关个人能力的介绍 (2)说 会用can表达有关个人能力和他人能力的介绍 3.情感目标 了解自己的能力


Unit4 Would You Like to Go Shopping with Me? 课题:Would you like to go shopping with me? 课时:6学时 授课人:张燕凌 教学目标 1.谈论服装(颜色、尺寸、喜欢和不喜欢) 2.谈论要求服务或向别人提供服务。 3.掌握金钱数额的表达方法。 4.掌握形容词和副词的三个等级 5.掌握元音的正确发音方法 教学难点

教学重点: 学会简单的购物交际用语 教学方法:讲解法、提问法、分析法、角色扮演法 教学过程: 角色扮演(ROLE PLAY) 1.教师可根据初中学过的知识丰富谈话的内容,例如 A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. These shoes are too small A: Oh,I’m sorry. Do you have the receipt? B: No,I’m sorry. It’s at home A: I need a shirt, please B: Ok.What size? A: Small. And do you have this jacket in medium? B: Yes, I think so 2.明确口语活动的任务,要求学生仔细阅读图片。必要时可做简单的对话示范。 3.学生成对活动,轮流作SpeakerA和SpeakerB。 4.教师巡视全班,聆听学生对话,并解答学生提出的问题。 5.挑出几个学生在班上表演。 6.此外还可以通过做游戏来训练学习的口语表达能力,例如;让学

生以小组为单位或全班一起做一次连锁游戏,在这个游戏中每一个学生必须在I’m looking for 这个句子后添加内容,例如:教师说:“I’m looking for a green shirt”这个穿绿体恤的学生就来说“I’m looking for…”以此类推。或者是教师在黑板上图表中的NAME下画一个问号,描述班级内一个同学的服装。把它写在CLOTHING下面,让全班的同学猜一猜他是谁。 7.总结学生的表现,必要时纠正学生中带普遍性的错误。 语法:按照本单元中GRAMMER的内容讲解形容词和副词的三种形式的用法。此外还可以参照以下内容进行更细致的讲解。 1. very,so,quite,too,as 后只能用原级。 2. 没有比较用原级。 3. as原级as“和…一样…” The tree is as as that building John runs as as Tom 4. not so/ as 原级as“和…不一样…,…不如…” He doesn’t have as many books as I have. 5. 比较级是两者进行比较,句中常出现than(比)..., ...or (2) 选择) 6. 比较级前常用的修饰语: a little/a bit(一点),much/a lot(非常), even /far/any等词语表示程度。 例如: ①She is a little taller than I (me)


中职英语教学设计 [1500字] UNIT 2 I can do it Listening +Dialogue A 一学情分析 本单元是教材的第二单元,要求学生能够应用常见动词,会使用can来开展对自己个人和对他人能力的表述,在此基础之上,能够看懂求职表,会填写求职表等。教学内容和学生的学习密切相关.教学句型相对简单,简单描述个人能力比较容易,比较完整地表达对自己和他人的描述比较困难。 二教材分析、 1 教学内容 教学材料来源于高教出版社中职英语教材模块一第二单元第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking 中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。学习本课时教学内容学生学会

用can表述能力,进一步为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备。同时更好地让同学之间,师生之间相互了解自己的特长。增进友谊。 2 教学重点,难点 (1)教学重点 学会用can 表述个人和他人能力 (2)教学难点 表达个人能力的词汇,词组的记忆 三教学目标 1. 知识目标 ⑴掌握描述个人能力的词汇, Speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers. ⑵掌握询

问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型, Can you say something about yourself? Can you sing English songs? Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese. 2. 能力目标 ⑴听 用情态动词can表述的有关个人能力的介绍 (2)说 会用can表达有关个人能力和他人能力的介绍 3. 情感目标 了解自己的能力


英语(基础模块一上册)教案 Unit1 Ready for Your Campus Life 课题:Ready for your campus life 课时:4学时 授课人:张燕凌 教学目标 1.谈论人名。 2.谈论来自何处。 3.介绍自己所在班级。 4.掌握“主—系—表”结构和“there be”句型。 5.掌握代词和介词的基本用法。 6.学会如何发前元音[i:]与[i] 教学重、难点

教学方法:讲解法、分析法、提问法、讨论法 教学过程: (一)Warm-up 1.老师首先用英语向全班学生作自我介绍,并提出新学习阶段的英语学习要求。例如: Hello, everyone. My name is…. I’m your English teacher this year. Let’s do our best together to improve our Learning of English. Now at the beginning of this term, I would like to advise you to plan your time carefully. Be sure to have enough time to recite the new words and useful expression, to listen to enough English tapes, to read many English articles, to do oral practice as much as possible and to finish your homework on time. Second, I advise you to make good use of your time in class. Listening carefully in class really means less work later. Taking notes will help to remind you what the teacher said. Another important suggestion is that you should develop a good attitude towards your English reading, listening, speaking and writing. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when you are speaking English. Just try your best to say what you want in English every time. I’ll do my best to help you and I hope everyone will get a great





Step I Leading-in and Pre-reading 1. Asking some questions: a) What is the most traditional holiday of China? Spring Festival b) What is the most traditional holiday of America? Thanksgiving Day 2. Play the footage of the original of Thanksgiving. Let the students think over and discuss the original of Thanksgiving and celebrated time. Step II Fast reading. Let the students scan the text to get some information about the text and then answer the following questions. a)When is Thanksgiving Day always celebrated It’s always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in Novemeber. b)What are the Thanksgiving Day main dishes? The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are turkey and pumpkin pie. Step III Intensive Reading 1.Let the students carefully read the text and accomplish Comprehension Exercises Comprehension Exercise 1) Thanksgiving Day is the most traditional holiday of _________. A. India B. America C. Canada D. Japanese 2) The first Thanksgiving Day was held in Massachusetts in ________. A. 1820 B.1683 C. 1621 D. 1863 3) They invited their Indian friends to ______ a big feast. A. take part in B. have C. cook D. celebrate 4) The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are _______ and pumpkim pie. A. fish B. chicken C. beef D. turkey 5) Thanksgiving Day was officially revived by ________ in 1863. A. Lincoln B. Marco Polo C. Diana D. Frankfurt 6) Thanksgiving Day is not only a day to give thanks to ______ but also a day for the family to get together. A. Pilgrims B. farmer C. Indian D.God Step IV Words Searching Competition in groups The purpose of this step is to revise and consolidate the knowledge they learn

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