当前位置:文档之家› 小学英语-童话故事10篇




第一篇Clifford's spring clean-up


故事简介:Hi, I'm Emily. 我们家的春季大扫除开始了!爸爸妈妈忙着搬家具,我忙着晒地毯。Clifford 也来帮忙,不过他好像越帮越忙呢。后来,Clifford 决定为自己的房子来个大扫除。他能打扫干净吗?快看故事吧!

1. At our house, it's time for spring cleaning again. My first job is to hang some rugs outside in the air.

2. Clifford wants to help. He takes a rug outside and shakes it. He shakes it a little too hard.

3. Mummy and Daddy are moving the furniture outside. When Clifford sees the couch, his eyes open wide.

4. When he was a little puppy, he always slept on it. Crunch! He doesn't fit on it anymore.

5. Clifford cleans the windows all by himself. First he washes them. Then he dries them. But the windows are still dirty. So we wash the windows again.

6. Daddy has to clean the yard. Clifford is glad to help him!

7. Clifford's house needs some spring cleaning too. He sweeps out his old bones and rubber toys.

8. Now both our houses are neat and clean. Clifford and I are both very happy.


下面哪些事情是Clifford 做的呢?

A. Hang the rugs.

B. Shake the rugs.

C. Take the couch outside.

D. Buy a new couch.

E. Blow the leaves.

F. Sweep out rubber toys.

G. Make the windows very clean.


rug 小地毯shake 摇动furniture 家具couch 长沙发fit 适合dry 弄干sweep 打扫neat 整洁

第二篇Cave boy



这不,他的邻居Chief Grump的生日到了,他准备送一件别出心裁的礼物。Chief Grump



Chief Grump开心无比的宝贝!Harry到底施了什么“魔法”呢?快看故事吧。

1. Hi! My name is Harry. I live with my family in this cave. I like to make new things.

2. This is Chief Grump. He is always mad about something. Tomorrow is his birthday.

Maybe my present can make him happy. Wow! I have never seen anything like it!

3. It's time for Chief Grump's party. He gets lots of presents. A rock, some wood, a fish and

a bone. Chief Grump says, "I do not want these!" He throws them down the hill.

4. Now Chief Grump opens my present. "What does it do?" Everyone looks at my new

thing. But no one can guess what it does. Not even me.

5. Chief Grump says, "It does not do anything!" He kicks it down the hill. Hey! Now I

know what this new thing does. It rolls!

6. I take it back. I put something here. I add something there. Maybe Chief Grump will like

it now. I tell him, "Sit here. Put your feet there." I give him a push.

7. Look! I make something really new. And I make Chief Grump smile!



something good anything bad something funny anything new



cave 洞穴throw 扔guess 猜出kick 踢roll 滚动push 推


Clifford goes to dog school


故事简介:大家好,我是Emily。我的训犬师阿姨决定把Clifford训练成一只完美的狗。她教Clifford 静坐和服从命令。Clifford做得很好,哪怕是他最喜欢的飞盘也没能让他动一点点。可是后来Clifford 仍然没有坚持下来。他真的不能成为一只完美的狗吗?快看故事吧。

1. I think Clifford is a perfect dog, but my aunt doesn't agree. She is a dog trainer. And she trains Clifford herself.

2. First, she teaches Clifford how to sit.

3. Clifford sits, but he doesn't see the man. Luckily, Clifford doesn't sit down very hard. The man isn't hurt. He is just surprised.

4. Next, my aunt teaches Clifford how to stay. She says, "Clifford, you can't move until I tell you to move." My aunt asks Clifford to sit and stay in one place. Then we go back home to read some books.

5. Clifford does very well. He doesn't move.

6. Even when a Frisbee flies by his nose, he sits. But it is hard. Clifford loves to chase Frisbees.

7. Suddenly, I think of Clifford. I run back to him as fast as I can. But I forget to look both ways when I cross the street.

8. Clifford saves me! I guess Clifford will never be the best-trained dog. But to me, he is the best dog in the world.


A. My Aunt teaches Clifford how to sit.

B. Clifford saves me.

C. My Aunt and I go back home to read some books.

D. I cross the road.

E. Some boys are flying a Frisbee.

F. My Aunt teaches Clifford how to stay.


agree 赞成trainer 训练师train 训练surprised 吃惊的move 移动chase 追赶cross 横过


让多媒体技术为小学英语教学插上翅膀 摘要:随着科学技术的发展,多媒体技术应用的领域越来越广,在小学英语课堂中的应用给课堂带来了新的面貌,它以生动形象的画面、鲜明多姿的色彩、直观清楚的演示在教育领域逐渐取代传统教学方式,与传统教学方式相比较,多媒体教学有着无法比拟的优势。 关键词:多媒体技术小学英语课堂 正文: 科技日新月异,伴随着科技的进步,多媒体技术也日趋成熟,逐渐地应用到了教育领域,多媒体技术的使用,使得教育领域发生了巨大的变化。多媒体技术贯穿了现代教育中的各个方面,各个学科,新教学手段(媒介)取代旧的就学手段这是教育发展的必然要求,多媒体运用到课堂,使得教育更具时代色彩,这也是事物发展的客观规律。 多媒体技术运用到小学英语教学中,对此我有切身感受,它颠覆了我们传统的教学方式,使得过去单一的教学模式因注入科技成果的运用而发生质的飞跃,如今的英语课堂用“高效优质”、“多姿多彩”、“有声有色”、“精彩纷呈”等这样的词语来形容并不为过。 一、利用多媒体充分调动学生学习积极性 多媒体技术就是利用电脑把文字、图形、影象、动画、声音及视频等媒体信息都数位化,并将其整合在一定的交互式界面上,使电脑具有交互展示不同媒体形态的能力,多媒体技术具有声形俱全与图文并茂的特点,能使一些枯燥抽象的概念、复杂的变化过程、现象各异的运动形式直观而形象地显现在学生面前。。传统的教学手段只有简单的板书和口述,新课标要求教师的角色转换,传统教学中教师是主导,而新课标要求学生的主体地位,教师应该是课堂的组织者。而多媒体技术在英语课堂中的应用就是组织者教师与主体学生联系的一个纽带。而这个纽带不像传统教学的填鸭式教育手段,而是多姿多彩,有声有色的多媒体教学,这样的教学方式,能引起了学生们极大的学习兴趣,而兴趣是最好的老师,有了兴趣他们就愿意用心学,花时间去学,甚至自觉地学,这样久儿久之,就能将


小学英语自我介绍简单七篇 小学的时候我们就开始学习英语了,用英语进行自我介绍是我们值得骄傲的哦,以下是小编为大家带来的小学英语自我介绍简单,欢迎大家参考。 小学英语自我介绍1 Goodafternoon, teachers! Today, I`m very happy to make a speech here. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is ZhuRuijie. My English name is Molly. I`m 12. I come from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. I`m an active girl. I like playing basketball. Because I think it`s very interesting. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty. My favourite colour is green. And I like math best. It`s fun. On weekend, I like reading books in my room. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong.My mother is hard-working and tall, too. My brother is smart. And I`m a good student. My dream is

to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future. Thank you for listening! Please remember me! 小学英语自我介绍2 Hello,everyone,Iamagirl,mynameisAliceGreenIaminClasstwoGrad efive,Iamveryoutgoing,Icandomanyhousework,suchascooking,swe epingthefloor,andIlikesinginganddancing,IamgoodatpiayingSoc cer,IhopeIcanmakegoodfriendswithyou.Thankyou! 小学英语自我介绍3 Hi, boys and girls, good morning, it is my plearsure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is ---, i am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time! I am a very outgoing girl(boy), I like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the


英语童话故事精选 篇一:英语童话故事 Hen and the Little Girl 母鸡和小女孩 In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily. A little girl came to visit the country home, but was very bored. One night, the girl went into the chicken house. As soon as she went in, there was disorder. Here and there cries of the chickens could be heard. The father, who was inside, woke up. ”What’s going on? Why are you bothering the chickens?”“Because I’m bored.”“You have to sleep now, go inside.” The girl went into the chicken house, again, the next day. There was a racket again, as the chickens were frightened. The moon in the night sky was worried. This time, the little girl’s father will not be , the sleeping father woke up. “Why are the chickens crying? By chance”The father was angry and came out to the yard. ”What’s wrong with you? Is it okay to bother animals that can’t talk? You need to be punished.” When the little girl saw her father’s angry face, she began to cry. ”It is true that I bothered the chickens, but I was bored


我的童话王国作文三年级 【傲慢的国王】 三(6班)方培谦 在一个阳光明媚的星期天,国王想要举办一场运动会,可是不知道该给第一名什么奖品。于是,一位大臣提议说:“国王,您自己不是有很多珍宝吗,好东西为什么不拿去分享呢?”国王一听,愤怒地吼道:“我自己的珍宝,不用你管。你赶紧给我去找一家好的超市,运动会就要开始了!” 国王带着士兵和大臣找啊找,找到了一个森林超市。可是他们一看,森林超市门口人山人海,队伍排得像龙一样长。国王想:“我是国王,所有人都要听我的。”于是,国王气势汹汹地让士兵和大臣赶走了所有的人,又一把推开售货员,抢了东西就走。大家看见这个傲慢的国王,心里愤恨不已,于是决定在运动会上共同推翻他的统治。 运动会开始了,裁判一声令下,运动员们一起冲了出去。不过他们不是向终点冲去,而是冲向国王。当国王预感到大事不妙时已经晚了,最后,他乖乖地投降了。 【愚蠢的国王】 李悦来 从前,有一个国王,他非常蠢笨,你可能要问,为什么他这么蠢还能当上国王,因为他爸爸把王位传给了他。不过,王位继承是一回事,能不能把王位坐稳又是另一回事了!

有一次,国王爱上了鸡腿。于是,他下令:“全国人民一天要吃一个鸡腿,不然要砍头。”结果,挑食的人被杀了很多,特别是小孩子。 有一天,国王在照镜子,他突然想:“如果男人有辫子,那一定也会很好看。”于是,他又下了一道命令“无辫就无头。”这样一来,这个国家的人从后面看都分不清是男人还是女人了。 还有一次,一只猫冒犯了国王。于是,国王命令抓猫,结果老鼠泛滥成灾了。皇宫里的老鼠像疯子一样乱跑,冲到了他富丽堂皇的大殿上,钻进了他温柔舒适的大床里。至于民间,那更是惨不忍睹。老板姓年年饥荒,很多人都快要饿死了。 最终,大家忍无可忍。国王的弟弟召集了一帮大臣、官员和老百姓,一起推翻了国王的统治,建立了一个新的王朝。 【寻宝记】 黄逸杭 一个贪婪的国王老了,他梦见一个隐居者对他说:“您好,如果你的手下找到我的宝石,你就可以活一百万年。那颗宝石的特点是五彩缤纷,发射着金色的光彩。”第二天,国王一醒来就下令,全国人都找寻这颗隐居者的宝石。如果在规定时间内没到这颗宝石,就处死所有的婴儿,如果有谁找到这颗宝石,就可以继承王位。 一个农民和一个财主都想去找这颗隐居者的宝石。在寻找宝石的路上,他们来到了雪山,遇到一只小兔子,小兔子对他们说:“快救救我,我快冻死了。”农民给了小兔子一双手套,这时,财主却逃走


小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿五篇 小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿(1) Good afternoon, teachers! My name is YangXiaodan. I`m 11 now. I`m from Class2 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. My English teacher is Miss Sun. She`s quiet and kind. She`s short and young. My good friend is ZhangBingbing. She`s 12. She`s tall and pretty. We`re in the same class. We both like English very much. I like painting , listening to music, playing computer games and reading books. My favourite food is chicken. It`s tasty and yummy. I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. This is me. Please remember YangXiaodan. Thank you very much! 小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿(2) Hi everybody, my name is XX ,what’s your name? I’m 11 years old, how old are you? My favourite sport is swimming, what’s your favourite sport? My favourite food is hamburgers,what food do you like?


小学生英语童话故事篇一 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid." 小学生英语童话故事篇二 Apelles meeting with the little ass1 invited him to tea that very right. The little ass was trembling with delight. He prances2 through the wood; he pesters3 all who pass: 'Apelles bores me so. He will not let me be, you know! Whenever him I see, he asks me in to tea. I'm sure he wants to paint a Pegasus from me.' 'Oh no!' Apelles said as he happened to be near, 'I am painting the judgment4 of King Midas. I'm acquainting with you because you seem to boast the proper length of ear. So if you'll come to tea, most happy I shall be. For long-eared asses5 are not rare, but with the ears that you can show, no little or big ass either ever could compare!' Consumed with vanity, the fool admires himself for that which others ridicule6, and often makes a boast of that which ought to shame him most. 小学生英语童话故事篇三 A little panda picks up a pumpkin1 and wants to take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda can't take it home.


让多媒体走进小学英语课堂 多媒体技术整合于英语学科教学,主动适应课程的发展,并与其和谐自然融为一体。作为课程改革不可或缺的条件,多媒体技术在教学中的飞速发展,必将使教师更新教学观念,营造学习环境,完善教学模式,变革评价方法,促进科学与人文统一,让课堂更精彩。那么,多媒体技术在小学英语教学过程中到底有什么作用呢?笔者认为主要表现在以下几个方面: 一、运用多媒体,激发学习兴趣 托尔斯泰说:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制而是激发学生兴趣。”培养学生学习英语的兴趣无疑是小学英语教学的关键所在。学生只有对自己感兴趣的东西才会开动脑筋、积极思考,外国学者在研究可靠学习发生的条件时指出:学生只能学到那些他们有兴趣的东西,在缺乏适当的环境﹑背景和铺垫的时候,学习不能发生。因此,在教学中要重视培养和引导学生学习英语的兴趣爱好。现代信息技术具有形象性﹑直观性﹑色彩鲜艳﹑图像逼真等特点,能将抽象的教学内容变成具体的视听形象,激发情趣,调动学生多种感官同时参与,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生从多角度轻松舒畅地接受知识,并使其记忆长久。 二、运用多媒体,突破教学难点 小学生的思维正处在由具体形象向抽象思维过渡的时期,而有些教学内容之所以成为学生学习的难点就是因为缺乏语境而显得不具体。如果仅凭教师的描述和讲解,往往是教师花了很大精力,教学效果却事倍功半。而运用多媒体演示就能够突破时空限制,化静为动,使抽象的概念具体化、形象化,不仅突破了教材的难点,还可以加深学生对教学内容的理解和掌握,从而提高教学效率,达到事半功倍的效果。 例如:在教学“in、on、behind、under、near”这几个表示空间关系的方位介词时,我利用多媒体设计了这样的动画:通过点按鼠标,一只小猫一会儿跳到书桌上,一会儿藏在桌子里,一会儿蹦到书桌下,一会儿躲到桌子后,一会儿又窜到桌子旁。随着小猫的位置移动,电脑会问:Where is the cat?这样连续演示几次,学生通过观察、思考,就能快速地回答:It’s on the desk\in the desk\under the desk……,动画刺激了学生的感官,诱发了思维,难点不仅易于突出,更易于突破。 三、运用多媒体,提高创新能力 创新能力是未来人才的重要素质,是一个民族兴旺发达的灵魂。因此发挥每个学生潜在的创造因素,培养学生的创新能力,是当前教育工作者研究的重要课题。要想培养创新能力,就要力求使学生处于动眼、动手、动口的主体激活状态。多媒体技术对文本、图形、声音、动画和视频等信息具有集成处理的能力,使教学手段趋于全方位、多层次,它能加速学生感知过程,促进认识深化、加深理解、


小学生英文自我介绍及故事(精选多篇) 第一篇:小学生英文自我介绍 good afternoon everyone! my name is max. my chinese name is dong li zhen. i am six years old. i am in the primary school of jinling high school hexi branch.my family have four people. one,myfather, his name is dongning, he is a worker; two,my mother, her name is liqing,she is a housewife; three,my pet yoyo ,he is a dog; there is one more. now let me see….oh,yes,that is me! i love my family. i have many toys,a car ,a helicopter, two balls, three jumpropes. i like jumpropes best of all,because i jumprope very good. i have a pencilcase ,it’s bule. i have an brown eraser. i have five pencils,they are many colors, and one ruler,it’s white. i like english,i like speak english thank you! 第二篇:小学生英文自我介绍 自我介绍 各位老师好,我叫邵子豪,今年15岁,现在是红星海学校初中二年级学生。 我是一个善良、自信、幽默、乐于助人的阳光男孩,平时我喜欢和同学一起打篮球,还喜欢和爸爸谈古论今,我自引以为豪的是我有一个善解人意的妈妈和博学多才的爸爸,我为我生活在这样一个充满爱和民主的家庭中感到幸福! hello , teachers: mynameisshaoziha o. i’mfifteenyearsold. istudy in hongxinghaimiddeleschool..iamingradetwonow. iamakind,confident,humourousandhelpfulboy..ilikeplaying basketballwithmyfriends. andialsoliketotalkaboutthehsitoryandthecurrent newswithmyfather. i amveryproudofmyfatherandmymotherbecauseoftheirknowledge.

小学英语 英语故事(童话故事)The Puppet Showman 演木偶戏的人

The Puppet Showman 演木偶戏的人 On board the steamer was an elderly man with such a joyful face that if it didn't belie him he must have been the happiest person on earth. In fact, he said he was the happiest; I heard it from his own mouth. He was a Dane, a countryman of mine, and a traveling theatrical producer. His whole company was with him and lay in a large box, for he was the proprietor of a puppet show. He said that his natural cheerfulness had been enlightened by a Polytechnic student, and the experiment had left him completely happy. At first I didn't understand what he meant, but later he explained the whole thing to me, and here is the story. "In the town of Slagelse," he said, "I gave a performance in the post-office courtyard before a brilliant audience, all juvenile except for two old matrons. Suddenly a person in black, looking like a student, entered the hall and sat down; he laughed at the right places and applauded appropriately. He was an unusual spectator. I was anxious to know who he was, and I learned that he was a student from the Polytechnic Institute of Copenhagen who had been sent out to teach the people in the provinces. My performance ended promptly at eight o'clock, for children must go to bed early, and a manager must consider the convenience of his public. At nine o'clock the student began his lecture and experiments, and now I was one of his spectators. It was all extraordinary to hear and see. Most of it went over my head and into the parson's, as one says, but it made me think that if we mortals can learn so much we must surely be intended to last longer than the little span we're here on earth. What he performed were miracles, and though only small ones, everything was done as easily as a foot fits into a stocking, as naturally as nature functions. In the days of Moses and the prophets such a man would have been counted among the wise men of the land; in the Middle Ages he would have been burned at the stake. I didn't sleep that whole night. And the next evening, when I gave another performance, and the student was again present, I was in an exuberantly good humor. I once heard from an actor that when he played the part of a lover he always thought of one particular lady in the audience; he played only to her and forgot the rest of the house. Now the Polytechnic student was my 'she,' my only spectator, for whom alone I performed. "After the performance, when the puppets had taken their curtain calls, the Polytechnic student invited me into his room to have a glass of wine; he spoke of my plays, and I spoke of his science, and I think we were equally pleased. But I had the better of it, for there was much of what he did that he couldn't explain to me. For instance, a piece of iron that falls through a spiral becomes magnetic. Now why does that happen? The spirit enters it, but where does it come from? It is just as it is with the humans in our world, I think; our Lord lets them fall through the spiral line of time; the spirit enters them, and there then stands a Napoleon, a Luther, or some such person. 'The whole world is a series of miracles,' said the student, 'but we're so used to them that we call them everyday things.' And he continued talking and explaining until finally my skull seemed lifted from my brain, and I honestly confessed that if I weren't already an old fellow I would at once


一、多媒体的设计要符合学生认知规律多媒体的设计应依据学生学习的需求来分析,并采用解决问题的最佳方案,使教学效果达到最优化。 多媒体教学的手段能化被动为主动,化生硬为生动,化抽象为直观,化理论为实践。 根据小学生的认知规律,他们缺乏坚实的理论基础,但直观的操作演示可以弥补这项弱点,可以帮助他们更好地理解和掌握。 对此,学者们已渐有共识这种直观生动的教学形式极大地激发了学生的学习兴趣,也引发了学生丰富的想象力和创造力。 在教学设计过程中,一方面,要运用多媒体的功能优势,将课本中抽象原理形象化,从而激发学生学习的兴趣,提高学习效果;另一方面必须让教学过程符合学生的认知规律,要多为学生创设动手操作的机会。 例如,在教学?一课时,我利用多媒体设计了一次动物聚会,森林里有很多小动物,有些通过图片来呈现,有些通过动画来呈现。 我带领学生边欣赏多媒体演示边复习了小动物的单词,然后引导学生猜每种小动物都来了几个,通过猜测的方式,强调复数的用法。 这里我使用了链接的方式,让学生像在欣赏魔术表演一样,使其出于好奇而变得主动。 通过设计符合学生知识基础和认知能力的多媒体教学内容,不仅能够激发学生学习的积极性和主动性,而且能够促进学生对知识的自我建构和内化。 此外,考虑到学生的年龄特点,在每节课的教学过程中我还格外重视评价的作用,而多媒体技术在这方面也表现出独特的优势。

不论是学习单词、句型,还是与电脑进行互动交流,每个知识点 都有图案背景,并提供过程性评价,随之出现的评价语言和动画无不让学生兴奋异常。 这种符合学生认知规律和个性化特征的内容设计与反馈,不仅使学生们感受到获得成功的喜悦,更达到了快乐交互学习的目的。 二、多媒体的应用要适时、适度和适量信息技术整合于课程不是 简单地将信息技术应用于教学,而是高层次地融合与主动适应。 必须改变传统的单一辅助教学的观点,创造数字化的学习环境,创设主动学习情景,创设条件让学生最大限度地接触信息技术,让信息技术成为学生强大的认知工具,最终达到改善学习的目的。 为保证多媒体与英语教学有效的融合,充分发挥多媒体技术应用的效果,在利用多媒体进行教学设计过程中,要遵循适时、适度和适量的原则,即在恰当的时间选择合适的媒体,适量地呈现教学内容。 在设计多媒体的过程中,要把握教学时机,不同的教学内容和教学环节,决定了多媒体运用的最佳时机也不同,精心策划才能妙笔生花,不能为使用多媒体而使用,不要一味追求手段的先进性、豪华性,而造成课堂教学过程中的画蛇添足。 这就要求教师熟悉多媒体的功能和常用多媒体的种类、特点,以便在教学设计和应用过程中将多媒体与课程学习进行有效地融合,最终提高课堂教学效果。 例如,在学习?这一知识点时,传统的英语课常常是借助钟表或模型来解释某一时刻,讲解整点、几点几分、差几分几点。


小学英语童话故事 本文是关于小学英语童话故事,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 童话深受小学生喜爱,将童话故事教学应用于语文教学之中,有利于提高小学生的学习兴趣,是一种有效的教学方法,下面这些是为大家推荐的几篇小学英语童话故事。 小学英语童话故事1:三个好朋友 There are three butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, one is white. Three good friends play together every day. One day, they are playing, suddenly began to rain. The three butterflies wings are wet with the rain, whole body shivered from the cold. Three little butterfly fly to the red and the red flower said: "safflower sister, let's fly to hide under your leaves shelter from the rain!" Red flower said: "red butterfly come in and other fast flies away!" Three good friends together shook his head: "we are good friends, come and go." They flew to the chrysanthemum and the yellow flower said: "the chrysanthemum sister, let's fly to hide under your leaves shelter from the rain!" Yellow flower said: "the yellow butterfly come in and other fast flies away!" Three good friends together shook his head: "we are good friends, come and go." Then they flew to the white and the white flower said: "the white lotus elder sister, let's fly to hide under your leaves shelter from the rain." But white also said: "the white butterfly come on in and other fast flies away!" The three good friends or together shook his head, the white flower

新译林牛津小学英语六年级上册江苏省省优质公开课赛课 Unit 7 Protect the Earth

Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Story time) (江苏省优质课评比教案) Step1: Pre-reading 1.Lead-in T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zheng. T: I’m very happy to be your teacher today. I hope we can enjoy this lesson. OK? Ss: OK. T: Thank you. As you kno w I’m from… Ss: Yancheng. T: Yes. It is a very beautiful city. There are some rare wild animals in Yancheng. Can you guess what are they? Ss: They are… (展示丹顶鹤和麋鹿的图片问学生) T: Look, They are red-crowned cranes and milu deers. They live happily in Yancheng. Today I bring you a short story about an animal. Look, what’s this? S: It’s a bird. T: Yes. Let’s watch the cartoon. After watching it, please tell me: What can you see in the cartoon? T: What can you see in the cartoon? S: I can see a river? T: Is the river clean? S: No, it’s dirty. …… T: What can you feel about the cartoon? S: … T: Yes. There are so many bad things. Who did these bad things? Ss: People. T: What do you want to say to these people? Ss: … T: Yes. We should protect the Earth, right? Ss: Yes. T: So t oday we’re going to learn Unit 7 Protect the Earth. (揭题,带领学生读课题)


小学简单英语自我介绍范文(精选3篇) 小学简单英语自我介绍范文 当换了一个新环境后,我们难以避免地要作出自我介绍,自我介绍可以满足我们渴望得到尊重的心理。但是自我介绍有什么要求呢?下面是收集整理的小学简单英语自我介绍范文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 小学简单英语自我介绍1 Good afternoon, teachers! I`m very happy to introduce myself here. I`m Scott. My Chinese name is SunZijing. I`m 13. I`m from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. I have many hobbies, such as playing ping-pong, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on. My favourite food is chicken. It`s tasty and yummy. So I`m very strong. I`m a naughty boy. I always play tricks. And I just like staying in my room and reading books. But I have a dream, I want to be a car-designer. Because I`m a car fan.This is me. Please remember SunZijing! Thank you very much! 小学简单英语自我介绍2 Goodafternoon, teachers! Today, I`m very happy to make a speech here. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is ZhuRuijie.


小学生英语童话故事5篇 学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些英语故事*也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面就和大家分享英语故事,来欣赏一下吧。 英语故事篇一 The grasshopper and the owl 蚂蚱和猫头鹰 An owl1, who lived in a hollow tree, was in the habit of feeding by night and sleeping by day, but her slumbers2 were greatly disturbed by the chirping3 of a grasshopper4, who had taken up his abode5 in the branches. She begged him repeatedly to have some consideration for her comfort, but the grasshopper, if anything, only chirped6 the louder. At last the owl could stand it no longer, but determined7 to rid herself of the pest by means of a trick. Addressing herself to the grasshopper, she said in her pleasantest manner, "As I cannot sleep for your song, which, believe me, is as sweet as the notes of Apollos lyr., I have a mind to taste some nectar, which Minerva gave me the other day. Wont you come in and join me?" The grasshopper was flattered by the praise of his song, and his mouth, too, watered at the mention of the delicious

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