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摘要: (4)

第一章综述 (6)

第二章冲压模具设计 (11)

一.冲压件工艺分析 (11)

(一)材料: (11)

(二)零件结构: (12)

(三)尺寸精度: (12)

二.工艺方案及模具结构类型 (12)

三.排样设计 (12)

(一)少废料排样 (12)

(二)无废料排样 (12)

四.冲压力与压力中心计算 (13)

(一)计算冲压力的目的是为了合理地选择冲压设备和设计模具。 (13)

(二)压力中心 (15)

五.压力机的选择 (15)

(一)压力机的选择原则 (15)

(二)冲压设备规格的选择 (15)

(三)压力机的其它参数 (16)

六.工作零件刃口尺寸计算 (16)

七.工作零件结构尺寸 (18)

(一)落料凹模板尺寸: (18)

(二)落料凹模板的固定方式: (19)

(三)凸凹模尺寸计算: (20)

(四)凸凹模内外刃口间壁厚校核: (20)

(五)冲孔凹模洞口的类型 (20)

(六)凸凹模的固定方法和主要技术要求 (21)

(七)冲孔凸模尺寸计算: (21)

(八)凸模的固定方式 (22)

(九)标准模架和导向零件 (22)

八.有关模具设计计算: (24)

(一)卸料弹簧选择: (24)

(二)设计和选用卸料与出件零件 (24)

(三)选择上、下模板及模柄 (25)

(四)垫板的结构设计: (25)

(五)闭合高度: (26)

第三章塑料模具设计 (27)

一.塑件工艺性分析: (28)

(一)塑料 (29)

(二)塑件的尺寸精度分析 (30)

(三)塑件表面质量分析 (30)

(四)塑件收缩率 (30)

(五)塑件结构工艺性分析 (31)

二.成型设备的选择与模塑工艺参数的编制 (31)

(一)注射量的计算 (31)

(二)塑件和流道凝料在分型面上的投影面积及锁模力的计算 (31)

(三)塑料件注塑成型工艺参数 (33)

(四)仪表外壳注射成型工艺卡 (34)

三.模具结构方案的确定 (35)

(一)分型面的选择 (35)

(二)型腔数量的确定及型腔的排列 (36)

(三)浇注系统的设计 (36)

(四)型芯和型腔结构的确定 (38)

(五)推件方式的选择 (39)

四.成型零件工作尺寸的计算及其强度计算 (40)

(一)型芯径向尺寸计算: (40)

(二)型腔径向尺寸计算: (40)

(三)成型零件强度计算 (42)

五.导向机构的设计 (43)

(一)导柱的设计要求 (43)

(二)导套的设计要求 (43)

六.模板厚度的确定 (43)

七.确定排气方式 (44)

(一)利用配合间隙排气 (45)

(二)在分型面上开设排气槽 (45)

(三)利用排气塞排气 (45)

八.固定板、垫板及垫块的确定 (45)

九.注射机有关参数的校核 (46)

十.排气系统的设计 (47)

参考文献: (48)

致谢 (49)









Double gasket design and manufacture of stamping dies, stamping parts of the analysis, and digestion, the set of relatively simple mold structure. Gasket with two holes through the stamping die design, stamping process of the parts analysis and calculation of the process, the stamping process to determine a reasonable program to design three sets of die stamping process, the correct choice of standard mold base, the use of pro / e three-dimensional graphics three-dimensional graph drawing software tool, the structure of the stamping process analysis. A clear idea of the design to determine the shape of the stamping process and the specific part of a detailed calculation and checking. The structure of such a design work to ensure that the use of a reliable tool to ensure the co-ordination with other parts. ; Based on mapping three-dimensional mold assembly drawings and parts of two-dimensional map.

Gasket with two holes through the stamping die design, consolidate and deepen the knowledge, and achieved satisfactory results, to achieve the desired design intent. The mold for molding plastic table cover mold shell, taking into account the volu- me of plastic parts, such as size and accuracy requirements, the use of a mold of a mold cavity surface in accordance with its design principles, should be the largest in the plastic parts profile, the working principle of the relatively simple tooling, molding process is very simple.

Cover plastic parts of the structure and molding characteristics, the choice of molding, mold core pulling a lateral agencies and institutions to launch putter Launch molding plastic parts, and plastic molding of the gating system, layout, pouring I choose locations, in order to increase production efficiency and ensure the balance of mold choose a mode of a cavity layout, in accordance with the relevant information and experiences are relatively reasonable solution. Ultimately, integrated all of the above factors in the completion of this process of molding plastic parts and mold design.

Keywords: surface; a mode of a cavity; stamping die; die design.