当前位置:文档之家› 英文住院病例模板



Division: __________ Ward: __________ Bed: _________ Case No. ___________ Name: ______________ Sex: __________ Age: ___________ Nation: ___________ Birth Place: ________________________________ Marital Status:____________ Work-organization & Occupation: _______________________________________ Living Address & Tel: _________________________________________________ Date of admission: _______Date of history taken:_______ Informant:__________

Chief Complaint: ___________________________________________________ History of Present Illness:

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Past History:

General Health Status: 1.good 2.moderate 3.poor

Disease history: (if any, please write down the date of onset, brief diagnostic

and therapeutic course, and the results.)

Respiratory system:

1. None

2.Repeated pharyngeal pain

3.chronic cough


5. Hemoptysis



8.chest pain

_______________________________________________________________ Circulatory system:



3.exertional dyspnea



6.Edema of lower extremities

7.chest pain


9.hypertension _______________________________________________________________ Digestive system:




4.sour regurgitation





9.abdominal pain 10.diarrhea

11.hematemesis 12.Hematochezia 13.jaundice

_______________________________________________________________ Urinary system:


2.Lumbar pain

3.urinary frequency

4.urinary urgency




8.retention of urine

9.incontinence of urine

10.hematuria 11.Pyuria 12.nocturia 13.puffy face

_______________________________________________________________ Hematopoietic system:




4.gingival hemorrhage


6.subcutaneous hemorrhage

_______________________________________________________________ Metabolic and endocrine system:




4.hot intolerance

5.cold intolerance




9.tremor of hands 10.character change 11.Marked obesity

12.marked emaciation 13.hirsutism 14.alopecia

15.Hyperpigmentation 16.sexual function change

_______________________________________________________________ Neurological system:






6. Visual disturbance



9.syncope 10.convulsion 11.Disturbance of consciousness

12.paralysis 13. vertigo

_______________________________________________________________ Reproductive system:



_______________________________________________________________ Musculoskeletal system:


2.Migrating arthralgia






8.muscular atrophy

_______________________________________________________________ Infectious Disease:


2.Typhoid fever


4.Malaria 4.Schistosomiasis

4.Leptospirosis 7.Tuberculosis 8.Epidemic hemorrhagic fever


_______________________________________________________________ Vaccine inoculation:



3.Not clear

Vaccine detail __________________________________________ Trauma and/or operation history:




Operation details:_______________________________________ Traumas:



Trauma details:_________________________________________ Blood transfusion history:


2.Yes ( 1.Whole blood 2.Plasma

3.Ingredient transfusion)

Blood type:____________ Transfusion time:___________

Transfusion reaction



Clinic manifestation:_____________________________ Allergic history:



3.Not clear


clinical manifestation:_____________________________________

Personal history:

Custom living address:____________________________________________ Resident history in endemic disease area:_____________________________ Smoking: 1.No 2.Yes

Average ___pieces per day; about___years

Giving-up 1.No 2.Yes (Time:_______________________) Drinking: 1.No 2.Yes

Average ___grams per day; about ___years

Giving-up 1.No 2.Yes(Time:________________________) Drug abuse:1.No 2.Yes

Drug names:_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Marital and obstetrical history:

Married age: __________years old Pregnancy ___________times

Labor _______________times

(1.Natural labor: _______times 2.Operative labor: ________times

3.Natural abortion: ______times

4.Artificial abortion: _______times

5.Premature labor:__________times


Health status of the Mate:


2.Not fine

Details: _______________________________________________ Menstrual history:

Menarchal age: _______ Duration ______day Interval ____days

Last menstrual period: ____________ Menopausal age: ____years old

Amount of flow: 1.small 2. moderate 3. large

Dysmenorrheal: 1. presence 2.absence Menstrual irregularity 1. No 2.Yes Family history: (especially pay attention to the infectious and hereditary disease

related to the present illness)

Father: 1.healthy 2.ill:________ 3.deceased cause: ___________________ Mother:1.healthy 2.ill:________ 3.deceased cause: ___________________ Others: ________________________________________________________ The anterior statement was agreed by the informant.

Signature of informant: Datetime:

Physical Examination

Vital signs:

Temperature:______0C Blood pressure:_______/_______mmHg Pulse: _____ bpm (1.regular 2.irregular_____________________________) Respiration: ___bpm (1.regular 2.irregular____________________________) General conditions:

Development: 1.Normal 2.Hypoplasia 3.Hyperplasia

Nutrition: 1.good 2.moderate 3.poor 4.cachexia

Facial expression: 1.normal 2.acute 3.chronic other_____________________ Habitus: 1.asthenic type 2.sthenic type 3.ortho-thenic type

Position: 1.active 2.positive https://www.doczj.com/doc/3717575480.html,pulsive 4.other_______________________ Consciousness: 1.clear 2.somnolence 3.confusion 4.stupor 5.slight coma

6.mediate coma

7.deep coma


Cooperation: 1Yes 2.No Gait: 1.normal 2.abnormal______

Skin and mucosa:

Color: 1.normal 2.pale 3.redness 4.cyanosis 5.jaundice 6.pigmentation

Skin eruption:1.No 2.Yes( type: __________distribution:__________________) Subcutaneous bleeding: 1.no 2.yes (type:_______distribution:______________) Edema:1. no 2.yes ( location and degree________________________________) Hair: 1.normal 2.abnormal(details_____________________________________) Temperature and moisture: normal cold warm dry moist dehydration Liver palmar : 1.no 2.yes Spider angioma (location:________________) Others: __________________________________________________________ Lymph nodes: enlargement of superficial lymph node:



Description: ________________________________________________ Head:

Skull size:1.normal 2.abnormal (description:____________________________) Skull shape:1.normal 2.abnormal(description:___________________________) Hair distribution :1.normal 2.abnormal(description:______________________) Others:___________________________________________________________ Eye: exophthalmos:___________eyelid:____________conjunctiva:__________ sclera:________________Cornea:_______________________

Pupil: 1.equally round and in size 2.unequal (R______mm L_______mm)

Pupil reflex: 1.normal 2.delayed (R___s L___s ) 3.absent (R___L___)

others:______________________________________________________ Ear: Auricle 1.normal 2.desformation (description:_______________________) Discharge of external auditory canal:1.no 2.yes (1.left 2.right quality:_____)

Mastoid tenderness 1.no 2.yes (1.left 2.right quality:__________________)

Disturbance of auditory acuity:1.no 2.yes(1.left 2.right description:_______) Nose: Flaring of alae nasi :1.no 2.yes Stuffy discharge 1.no 2.yes(quality______) Tenderness over paranasal sinuses:1.no 2.yes (location:_______________) Mouth: Lip______________Mucosa_____________Tongue________________ Teeth:1.normal 2. Agomphiasis 3. Eurodontia 4.others:____________________

Gum :1.normal 2.abnormal (Description____________________________)


Sound: 1.normal 2.hoarseness 3.others:_____________________________ Neck:

Neck rigidity 1.no 2.yes (______________transvers fingers)

Carotid artery: 1.normal pulsation 2.increased pulsation 3.marked distention Trachea location: 1.middle 2.deviation (1.leftward_______2.rightward______) Hepatojugular vein reflux: 1. negative 2.positive

Thyroid: 1.normal 2.enlarged _______ 3.bruit (1.no 2.yes ________________) Chest:

Chest wall: 1.normal 2.barrel chest 3.prominence or retraction:

( left________right_________Precordial prominence__________) Percussion pain over sternum 1.No 2.Yes

Breast: 1.Normal 2.abnormal _______________________________________ Lung:Inspection: respiratory movement 1.normal 2.abnormal_____________ Palpation: vocal tactile fremitus:1.normal 2.abnormal _______________ pleural rubbing sensation:1.no 2.yes______________________

Subcutaneous crepitus sensation:1.no 2.yes________________ Percussion:1. resonance 2. Hyperresonance &location_____________

3 Flatness&location_________________________________

4. dullness & location:_______________________________

5.tympany &location:_______________________________

lower border of lung: (detailed percussion in respiratory disease) midclavicular line : R:_____intercostae L:_____intercostae

midaxillary line: R:______intercostae L:_____intercostae

scapular line: R:______intercostae L:_____intercostae

movement of lower borders:R:_______cmL:__________cm Auscultation: Breathing sound : 1.normal 2.abnormal _______________

Rales:1.no 2.yes__________________________________ Heart: Inspection:Apical pulsation: 1.normal 2.unseen 3.increase 4.diffuse

Subxiphoid pulsation: 1.no 2.yes

Location of apex beat: 1.normal 2.shift (______ intercosta,

distance away from left MCL______cm) Palpation:

Apical pulsation:1. normal 2.lifting apex impulse 3.negative pulsation

Thrill:1.no 2.yes(location:___________ phase:_________________)

Percussion: relative dullness border: 1.normal 2.abnormal

Auscultation: Heart rate:___bpm Rhythm:1.regular 2.irregular_______ Heart sound: 1.normal 2.abnormal________________________

Extra sound: 1.no 2.S3 3.S4 4. opening snap

P2_________ A2_________Pericardial friction sound:1.no 2.yes

Murmur: 1.no 2.yes (location____________phase_____________

quality______intensity________ transmission___________

effects of position_________________________________

effects of respiration______________________________ Peripheral vascular signs:


2.paradoxical pulse

3.pulsus alternans

4. Water hammer pulse

5.capillary pulsation

6.pulse deficit

7.Pistol shot sound

8.Duroziez sign


Inspection: Shape: 1.normal 2.protuberance 3.scaphoid 4.frog-belly

Gastric pattern 1.no 2.yes Intestinal pattern 1.no 2.yes

Abdominal vein varicosis 1.no 2.yes(direction:______________ )

Operation scar1.no 2.yes ________________________________ Palpation: 1.soft 2. tensive (location:____________________________)

Tenderness: 1.no 2.yes(location:_______________________)

Rebound tenderness:1.no 2.yes(location:________________)

Fluctuation: 1.present 2.abscent

Succussion splash: 1.negative 2.positive


Gallbladder: __________________Murphy sign:____________



Abdominal mass:______________________________________

Others:______________________________________________ Percussion: Liver dullness border: 1.normal 2.decreased 3.absent

Upper hepatic border:Right Midclavicular Line ________Intercosta

Shift dullness:1.negative 2.positive Ascites:_____________degree

Pain on percussion in costovertebral area: 1.negative 2.positve ____ Auscultation: Bowel sounds : 1.normal 2.hyperperistalsis 3.hypoperistalsis

4.absence Gurgling sound:1.no 2.yes

Vascular bruit 1.no 2.yes (location_____________________) Genital organ: 1.unexamined 2.normal 3.abnormal

Anus and rectum: 1.unexamined 2.normal 3.abnormal

Spine and extremities:

Spine: 1.normal 2.deformity (1.kyphosis 2.lordosis 3.scoliosis)


Extremities:1.normal 2.arthremia & arthrocele (location_________________)

3.Ankylosis (location__________)

4.Aropachy: 1.no 2.yes

5.Muscular atrophy (location_______________________) Neurological system:1.normal 2.abnormal_______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Important examination results before hospitalized

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Summary of the history:______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Initial diagnosis:_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________




Writing Skills of Case Report in English 在医学刊物上发表的病例报告实际上是开始从事医学写作的最好的方法之一。病例报告的撰写,首先要做好题目的选择,肯定要选择与自己专业有关的临床工作,并能提出你认为是很感兴趣的,在概念上、临床上以及理论上存在的棘手问题。通常文字不超过3000字(包括参考文献和附录在内)。绝大多数的病例报告所采用的书写格式,类似于临床研究报告,应该包括:引言、病例叙述、讨论和结论。本文所采用的文章是从2004年英国LANCET杂志中摘录。 1、引言 引言部分要简短明了,应介绍与报告相关的主要临床和概念上的难题,说明病例的重要性,报道的原因,若可能的话,应引证一些最新的综述资料,并能简明地概括出所涉及到的资料内容。在时态上,由于陈述的是客观事实,故运用一般现在时。如: 2、病例叙述 病例叙述的宗旨就是让读者了解病例,明确全部相关结果。病例的叙述通常要


3、讨论 讨论部分就是要解释病例叙述中不明确的一些情况,并提供对结果的解释。例如,报道肝酶升高,但未发现显著的肝功能异常,给读者讲明为何肝酶升高。在讨论部分的时态运用上,由于提供的是自己现在的推断和观点,故采用一般现在时。如:


HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TONGJI MEDICAL COLLEGE ACCESSORY TONGJI HOSPITAL Hospitalization Records for None-operation Division Division: __________ Ward: __________ Bed: _________ Case No. ___________ Name: ______________ Sex: __________ Age: ___________ Nation: ___________ Birth Place: ________________________________ Marital Status:____________ Work-organization & Occupation: _______________________________________ Living Address & Tel: _________________________________________________ Date of admission: _______Date of history taken:_______ Informant:__________ Chief Complaint: ___________________________________________________ History of Present Illness: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


附件1 医疗机构(组织机构代码:)医疗付费方式:□住院病案首页 健康卡号:第次住院病案号: 姓名性别□ 1.男 2.女出生日期年月日年龄国籍 (年龄不足1周岁的)年龄月新生儿出生体重克新生儿入院体重克出生地省(区、市)市县籍贯省(区、市)市民族 身份证号职业婚姻□ 1.未婚 2.已婚 3.丧偶4.离婚 9.其他现住址省(区、市)市县电话邮编 户口地址省(区、市)市县邮编 工作单位及地址单位电话邮编 联系人姓名关系地址电话 入院途径□ 1.急诊 2.门诊 3.其他医疗机构转入 9.其他 入院时间年月日时入院科别病房转科科别 出院时间年月日时出院科别病房实际住院天 门(急)诊诊断疾病编码 出院诊断疾病编码入院 病情 出院诊断疾病编码 入院 病情 主要诊断:其他诊断: 其他诊断: 入院病情:1.有,2.临床未确定,3.情况不明,4.无 损伤、中毒的外部原因疾病编码 病理诊断:疾病编码 病理号 药物过敏□1.无 2.有,过敏药物:死亡患者尸检□ 1.是 2.否血型□ 1.A 2.B 3.O 4.AB 5.不详 6.未查Rh □ 1.阴 2.阳 3.不详 4.未查 科主任主任(副主任)医师主治医师住院医师 责任护士进修医师实习医师编码员 病案质量□ 1.甲 2.乙 3.丙质控医师质控护士质控日期年月日

手术及操作编码 手术及 操作日期 手术 级别 手术及操作名称 手术及操作医师切口愈 合等级 麻醉方式麻醉医师 术者Ⅰ助Ⅱ助 / / / / / / / / 离院方式□ 1.医嘱离院 2.医嘱转院,拟接收医疗机构名称: 3.医嘱转社区卫生服务机构/乡镇卫生院,拟接收医疗机构名称: 4.非医嘱离院 5.死亡9.其他是否有出院31天内再住院计划□ 1.无 2.有,目的: 颅脑损伤患者昏迷时间:入院前天小时分钟入院后天小时分钟 住院费用(元):总费用_ _(自付金额:) 1.综合医疗服务类:(1)一般医疗服务费:(2)一般治疗操作费:(3)护理费: (4)其他费用: 2.诊断类:(5)病理诊断费:(6)实验室诊断费:(7)影像学诊断费: (8)临床诊断项目费: 3.治疗类:(9)非手术治疗项目费:(临床物理治疗费:) (10)手术治疗费:(麻醉费:手术费:) 4.康复类:(11)康复费: 5.中医类:(12)中医治疗费: 6.西药类:(13)西药费:(抗菌药物费用:) 7.中药类:(14)中成药费:(15)中草药费: 8.血液和血液制品类:(16)血费:(17)白蛋白类制品费:(18)球蛋白类制品费: (19)凝血因子类制品费:(20)细胞因子类制品费: 9.耗材类:(21)检查用一次性医用材料费:(22)治疗用一次性医用材料费: (23)手术用一次性医用材料费: 10.其他类:(24)其他费: 说明:(一)医疗付费方式 1.城镇职工基本医疗保险 2.城镇居民基本医疗保险 3.新型农村合作医疗 4.贫困救助 5.商业医疗保险 6.全公费 7.全自费 8.其他社会保险 9.其他 (二)凡可由医院信息系统提供住院费用清单的,住院病案首页中可不填写“住院费用”。


CASE REPORT FORM TEMPLATE Version: 6.0 (8 November 2012) PROTOCOL: [INSERT PROTOCOL NUMBER] [INSERT PROTOCOL TITLE] Participant Study Number: Study group:

BASELINE DATA General Instructions for Completion of the Case Report Forms (CRF) Completion of CRFs ? A CRF must be completed for each study participant who is successfully enrolled (received at least one dose of study drug) ?For reasons of confidentiality, the name and initials of the study participant should not appear on the CRF. General ?Please print all entries in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS using a black ballpoint pen. ?All text and explanatory comments should be brief. ?Answer every question explicitly; do not use ditto marks. ?Do not leave any question unanswered. If the answer t o a question is unknown, write “NK” (Not Known). If a requested test has not been done, write “ND” (Not Done). If a question is not applicable, write “NA” (Not Applicable). ?Where a choice is requested, cross (X) the appropriate response. Dates and Times ?All date entries must appear in the format DD-MMM-YYYY e.g. 05-May-2009. The month abbreviations are as follows: January = Jan May = May September = Sep February = Feb June = Jun October = Oct March = Mar July = Jul November = Nov April = Apr August = Aug December = Dec In the absence of a precise date for an event or therapy that precedes the participant’s inclusion into the study, a partial date may be recorded by recording “NK” in the fields that are unknown e.g. where the day and month are not clear, the following may be entered into the CRF: N K N K 2 0 0 9 DD MMM YYYY ?All time entries must appear in 24-hour format e.g. 13:00. Entries representing midnight should be recorded as 00:00 with the date of the new day that is starting at that time. Correction of Errors ?Do not overwrite erroneous entries, or use correction fluid or erasers. ?Draw a straight line through the entire erroneous entry without obliterating it. ?Clearly enter the correct value next to the original (erroneous) entry. ?Date and initial the correction. Protocol Number: Page 1 of 15


医院(机构代码:) 住院病案首页 (病人存档及卫生统计用) 病案号:第次住院

医院(机构代码:) 住院病案附页 (医疗质量管理用) 病案号:第次住院 患者诊断情况: 本次住院患者手术操作情况:

患者入住重症监护室(ICU)情况: 患者入住重症监护室期间器械使用情况: 医院感染情况:1.有□ 2.无□ 患者护理相关情况:

《住院病案首页》部分项目说明 一、住院费用 住院总费用:指患者住院期间发生的与诊疗有关的所有费用之和。共分为以下10个费用类型: (一)医疗类:指发生在临床及医技科室的检查及治疗项目。 1.一般治疗费:包括换药、穿刺、切开引流等项目费用。 2.特殊治疗费:包括放射治疗、介入治疗、射频治疗、血液透析治疗等项目费用。 3.诊疗费:住院期间发生的诊疗费、会诊费、抢救费等项目费用。 4.手术费:患者住院期间进行手术,按照手术项目的收费。 5.麻醉费:患者住院期间进行手术等有创操作,进行麻醉等收费。 6.接生费:患者住院期间进行剖宫产或者自然分娩,按照手术项目的收费。 7.婴儿费:为娩出婴儿进行相应处理,按照物价部门的单独收费项目。 (二)辅助医疗类:发生在辅助科室的诊疗项目。 1.辅助医疗费:包括理疗、康复、营养、心理治疗、高压氧治疗、激光治疗费等。

2.输氧费:患者在住院期间进行吸氧治疗所产生的费用。 3.呼吸机费:患者在住院期间使用呼吸机支持治疗的费用。 4.监护仪费:患者在住院期间使用监护仪产生的费用。 5.调温费:包括取暖费、空调费等。 (三)检查检验类:发生在临床检验、影像科和病理科等科室的检查项目。 1.化验费:患者住院期间进行各项化验检查费用。 2.放射费:患者住院期间进行透视、造影、CT、磁共振检查等影像学检查费用。 3.核素费:患者住院期间进行核医学检查项目费用。 4.超声费:患者住院期间进行超声波检查项目费用(包括B型超声检查、彩色多普勒超声、超声心动图及其它超声波检查)。 5.病理费:患者住院期间进行病理学有关检查项目费用。 6.内镜检查费:患者住院期间进行内镜有关检查(包括气管镜、胃镜、肠镜、宫腔镜等)项目费用 7.其他检查费:未能归入以上项目的检查费用。 (四)护理类:发生在临床科室的护理及护理治疗项目。 1.护理费:患者住院期间等级护理费用。


第二节心内科常用英文病历模板 熟练地阅读和书写英文病历是一名临床医师需要具备的基本外语技能。对英文病历的熟练掌握对于阅读英文文献和撰写英文论文都有很大的帮助。本章主要介绍心内科常见疾病英文病历的格式和基本模板。英文病历的书写格式大致与中文病历相似,主要包括以下部分: 1.General information(一般情况) 2.Chief complaint(主诉) 3.Present illness(现病史) 4.Past history(既往史) 5.Personal history(个人史) 6.Family history(家族史) 7.Physical examination(体格检查) 8.Investigation(辅助检查) 9.History summary(病史特点) 10.Impression(印象、初步诊断) 11.Signature(签名) 鉴于不同疾病的病历之间存在共性,本章按照病历的通用部分和心血管内科部分逐一进行介绍。 第一部分通用部分 1. General information(一般情况) 这一部分包括name(姓名),age(年龄),sex(性别),race(民族),nationality(国籍),address(地址和电话),occupation(职业),marital status(婚姻状况),date of admission(入院日期),date of record(记录日期),complainer of history(供史者)和reliability(可信度)等12项内容。基本格式如下:

Name:Liu Side Age: Eighty Sex: Male Race:Han Nationality:China Address: NO.35, Dandong Road, Jiefang Rvenue, Hankou, Hubei. Tel: 857307523 Occupation: Retired Marital status: Married Date of admission:Aug 6th, 2001 Date of record: 11Am, Aug 6th, 2001 Complainer of history: patient’s son and wife Reliability: Reliable 2. Past history(既往史) 这一部分应首先总结既往一般健康状况、Operative history(手术史)、Infectious history(传染病史)、Allergic history(过敏史)等,然后对各系统健康状况进行回顾,包括Respiratory system(呼吸系统)、Circulatory system (循环系统)、Alimentary system(消化系统)、Genitourinary system(泌尿生殖系统)、Hematopoietic system(血液系统)、Endocrine system(内分泌系统)、Kinetic system(运动系统)和Neural system(神经系统)。基本格式示例如下: Past history The patient is healthy before. No history of infective diseases. No allergy history of food and drugs. Past history Operative history: Never undergoing any operation. Infectious history: No history of severe infectious disease. Allergic history: He was not allergic to penicillin or


马尔康县人民医院(县中藏医院)(450-) 住院病案首页 医疗付款方式:□ 健康卡号:第次住院病案号: 姓名性别□ 1.男 2.女出生日期年月日年龄国籍 (年龄不足1周岁的)年龄月新生儿出生体重克新生儿入院体重克出生地省(区、市)市县籍贯省(区、市)市民族 身份证号职业婚姻□ 1.未婚 2.已婚 3.丧偶4.离婚 9.其他现住址省(区、市)市县电话邮编 户口地址省(区、市)市县邮编 工作单位及地址单位电话邮编 联系人姓名关系地址电话 入院途径□ 1.急诊 2.门诊 3.其他医疗机构转入 9.其他 入院时间年月日时入院科别病房转科科别 出院时间年月日时出院科别病房实际住院天 门(急)诊诊断疾病编码 出院诊断疾病编码入院 病情 出院诊断疾病编码 入院 病情 主要诊断:其他诊断: 其他诊断: 入院病情:1.有,2.临床未确定,3.情况不明,4.无 损伤、中毒的外部原因疾病编码 病理诊断:疾病编码 病理号 药物过敏□1.无 2.有,过敏药物:死亡患者尸检□ 1.是 2.否血型□ 1.A 2.B 3.O 4.AB 5.不详 6.未查Rh □ 1.阴 2.阳 3.不详 4.未查 科主任主任(副主任)医师主治医师住院医师 责任护士进修医师实习医师编码员 病案质量□ 1.甲 2.乙 3.丙质控医师质控护士 期年月日

手术及操作编码 手术及 操作日期 手术 级别 手术及操作名称 手术及操作医师切口愈 合等级 麻醉方式麻醉医师 术者Ⅰ助Ⅱ助 / / / / / / / / 离院方式□ 1.医嘱离院 2.医嘱转院,拟接收医疗机构名称: 3.医嘱转社区卫生服务机构/乡镇卫生院,拟接收医疗机构名称: 4.非医嘱离院 5.死亡9.其他是否有出院31天内再住院计划□ 1.无 2.有,目的: 颅脑损伤患者昏迷时间:入院前天小时分钟入院后天小时分钟 住院费用(元):总费用_ _(自付金额:) 1.综合医疗服务类:(1)一般医疗服务费:(2)一般治疗操作费:(3)护理费: (4)其他费用: 2.诊断类:(5)病理诊断费:(6)实验室诊断费:(7)影像学诊断费: (8)临床诊断项目费: 3.治疗类:(9)非手术治疗项目费:(临床物理治疗费:) (10)手术治疗费:(麻醉费:手术费:) 4.康复类:(11)康复费: 5.中医类:(12)中医治疗费: 6.西药类:(13)西药费:(抗菌药物费用:) 7.中药类:(14)中成药费:(15)中草药费: 8.血液和血液制品类:(16)血费:(17)白蛋白类制品费:(18)球蛋白类制品费: (19)凝血因子类制品费:(20)细胞因子类制品费: 9.耗材类:(21)检查用一次性医用材料费:(22)治疗用一次性医用材料费: (23)手术用一次性医用材料费: 10.其他类:(24)其他费: 主要诊断治愈好转情况:1.治愈□ 2.好转□ 3.未愈□ 诊断符合情况:1.门诊与出院□ 2.入院与出院 3.术前与术后□ 4.临床与病理□ 5.放射与病理□(0.未做 1.符合 2.不符合 3.不确定) 抢救情况:抢救次成功次 临床路径管理:1.完成□ 2.变异□ 3.退出□ 4.未入□ 说明:(一)医疗付费方式 1.城镇职工基本医疗保险 2.城镇居民基本医疗保险 3.新型农村合作医疗 4.贫困救助 5.商业医疗保险 6.全公费 7.全自费 8.其他社会保险 9.其他 (二)凡可由医院信息系统提供住院费用清单的,住院病案首页中可不填写“住院费用”。


英文大病例写作示例 时间:2007-06-04 17:19来源:中国医师协会作者: 点击: 355 次 撰写大病例是实习医师与住院医师的日常工作,也是上级医师作进一步诊断治疗的原始依据,国外的英文大病例并无统一格式,但是基本内容大致相仿,本节介绍的许多医疗记录的词汇值得借鉴。 Details个人资料 Name: Joe Bloggs (姓名:乔。伯劳格斯) Date: 1st January 2000(日期:2000年1月1日) Time: 0720(时间:7时20分) Place: A&E(地点:事故与急诊登记处) Age: 47 years(年龄:47岁) Sex: male(性别:男) Occupation: HGV(heavy goods vehicle ) driver(职业:大型货运卡车司机) PC(presenting complaint)(主诉) 4-hour crushing retrosternal chest pain(胸骨后压榨性疼痛4小时) HPC(history of presenting complaint)(现病史) Onset: 4 hours of “crushing tight” retrosternal chest pain, radiating to neck and both arms, gradual onset over 5-10 minutes.(起病特征:胸骨后压榨性疼痛4小时,向颈与双臂放 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3717575480.html,,5-10分钟内渐起病) Duration: persistent since onset(间期:发病起持续至今) Severe: “worst pain ever had”(严重性:“从未痛得如此厉害过)


附件1 医疗机构(组织机构代码:) 医疗付费方式:口住院病案首页 健康卡号:第次住院病案号:

救助5.商业医疗保险 6.全公费7.全自费8.其他社会保险9.其他 (二)凡可由医院信息系统提供住院费用清单的,住院病案首页中可不填写“住院费用”。

附件2 住院病案首页部分项目填写说明 一、基本要求 (一)凡本次修订的病案首页与前一版病案首页相同的 项目,未就项目填写内容进行说明的,仍按照《卫生部关于修订下发住院病案首页的通知》(卫医发〔2001〕286号) 执行。 (二)签名部分可由相应医师、护士、编码员手写签名或使用可靠的电子签名。 (三)凡栏目中有“□”的,应当在“□”内填写适当阿 拉伯数字。栏目中没有可填写内容的,填写“-”。如:联系 人没有电话,在电话处填写“-”。 (四)疾病编码:指患者所罹患疾病的标准编码。目前按照全国统一的ICD-10编码执行。 (五)病案首页背面中空白部分留给各省级卫生行政部门结合医院级别类别增加具体项目。 二、部分项目填写说明

(一)“医疗机构”指患者住院诊疗所在的医疗机构名 称,按照《医疗机构执业许可证》登记的机构名称填写。组织机构代码目前按照WS218-2002 卫生机构(组织)分类与代码标准填写,代码由8位本体代码、连字符和1位检验码组成。 (二)医疗付费方式分为:1.城镇职工基 本医疗保险; 2.城镇居民基本医疗保险; 3.新型农村合作医疗; 4.贫困救助; 5.商业医疗保险; 6.全公费; 7.全自费; 8.其他社会保险; 9.其他。应当根据患者付费方式在“□”内填写相应阿拉伯数字。其他社会保险指生育保险、工伤保险、农民工保险等。 (三)健康卡号:在已统一发放“中华人民共和国居民健康卡”的地区填写健康卡号码,尚未发放“健康卡”的地区填写“就医卡号”等患者识别码或暂不填写。 (四)“第N次住院”指患者在本医疗机构住院诊治的次数。 (五)病案号:指本医疗机构为患者住院病案设置的唯 一性编码。原则上,同一患者在同一医疗机构多次住院应当使用同一病案号。 (六)年龄:指患者的实足年龄,为患者出生后按照日


医疗机构(组织机构代码:) 住院病案首页 医疗付费方式:□健康卡号: 第次住院病案号:

说明:(一)医疗付费方式1.城镇职工基本医疗保险 2.城镇居民基本医疗保险 3.新型农村合作医疗4.贫困救助 5.商业医疗保险 6.全公费 7.全自费 8.其他社会保险9.其他 (二)凡可由医院信息系统提供住院费用清单的,住院病案首页中可不填写“住院费用”。 附件2 住院病案首页部分项目填写说明 一、基本要求 (一)凡本次修订的病案首页与前一版病案首页相同的项目,未就项目填写内容进行说明的,仍按照《卫生部关于修订下发住院病案首页的通知》(卫医发〔2001〕286号)执行。 (二)签名部分可由相应医师、护士、编码员手写签名或使用可靠的电子签名。 (三)凡栏目中有“□”的,应当在“□”内填写适当阿拉伯数字。栏目中没有可填写内容的,填写“-”。如:联系人没有电话,在电话处填写“-”。 (四)疾病编码:指患者所罹患疾病的标准编码。目前按照全国统一的ICD-10编码执行。 (五)病案首页背面中空白部分留给各省级卫生行政部门结合医院级别类别增加具体项目。 二、部分项目填写说明 (一)“医疗机构”指患者住院诊疗所在的医疗机构名称,按照《医疗机构执业许可证》 登记的机构名称填写。组织机构代码目前按照WS218-2002卫生机构(组织)分类与代码标准填写,代码由8位本体代码、连字符和1位检验码组成。 (二)医疗付费方式分为:1.城镇职工基本医疗保险;2.城镇居民基本医疗保险;3.新型农村合作医疗;4.贫困救助;5.商业医疗保险;6.全公费;7.全自费;8.其他社会保险;9.其他。应当根据患者付费方式在“□”内填写相应阿拉伯数字。其他社会保险指生育保险、工伤

英语 病例 模板

CASE Medical Number: 682786 General information Name:Wang Runzhen Age: Forty three Sex: Female Race:Han Occupation: Teacher Nationality:China Marital status: Married Address: NO.38, Hangkong Road, Jiefang Rvenue, Hankou, Hubei. Tel: 82422500 Date of admission:Jan 11st, 2001 Date of record: 11Am, Jan 11st, 2001 Complainer of history: the patient herself Reliability: Reliable Chief complaint: Right breast mass found for more than half a month. Present illness: Half a month ago, the patient suddenly felt pain in her right chest when she put up her hand. After touching it, she found a mass in her right breast, but no tendness, and the patient didn’t pay attention it. Then the pain became more and more serious, so the patient went to tumour hospital and received a pathology centesis. Her diagnosis was breast cancer. Then she came to our hospital and asked for an operation. Since onset, her appetite was good, and both her spiritedness and physical energy are normal. Defecation and urination are normal, too. Past history Operative history: Never undergoing any operation. Infectious history:No history of severe infectious disease.


住院病案首页 医疗付款方式:□ 健康卡号:第1 次住院病案号: 姓名性别□ 1.男 2.女出生日期年月日年龄国籍 (年龄不足1周岁的)年龄月新生儿出生体重克新生儿入院体重克出生地省(区、市)市县籍贯省(区、市)十堰市民族 身份证号不详职业无婚姻□ 1.未婚 2.已婚 3.丧偶4.离婚 9.其他 现住址电话邮编 户口地址邮编 工作单位及地址无单位电话无邮编无 联系人姓名关系地址电话 入院途径□ 1.急诊 2.门诊 3.其他医疗机构转入 9.其他 入院时间年月日时入院科别病房转科科别 出院时间年月日时出院科别病房实际住院天 门(急)诊诊断疾病编码无 出院诊断疾病编码入院 病情 出院诊断疾病编码 入院 病情 主要诊断:无其他诊断:无 其他诊断:无 入院病情:1.有,2.临床未确定,3.情况不明,4.无 损伤、中毒的外部原因无疾病编码无 病理诊断:无疾病编码无 病理号无 药物过敏□1.无 2.有,过敏药物:死亡患者尸检□ 1.是 2.否血型□ 1.A 2.B 3.O 4.AB 5.不详 6.未查Rh □ 1.阴 2.阳 3.不详 4.未查 科主任主任(副主任)医师主治医师刘喜平住院医师 责任护士进修医师实习医师编码员 病案质量□ 1.甲 2.乙 3.丙质控医师李习祥质控护士 期年月日

手术及操作编码 手术及 操作日期 手术 级别 手术及操作名称 手术及操作医师切口愈 合等级 麻醉方式麻醉医师 术者Ⅰ助Ⅱ助 无/ / / / / / / / 离院方式□ 1.医嘱离院 2.医嘱转院,拟接收医疗机构名称: 3.医嘱转社区卫生服务机构/乡镇卫生院,拟接收医疗机构名称: 4.非医嘱离院 5.死亡9.其他是否有出院31天内再住院计划□ 1.无 2.有,目的: 颅脑损伤患者昏迷时间:入院前天小时分钟入院后天小时分钟 说明:(一)医疗付费方式 1.城镇职工基本医疗保险 2.城镇居民基本医疗保险 3.新型农村合作医疗 4.贫困救助 5.商业医疗保险 6.全公费 7.全自费 8.其他社会保险 9.其他 (二)凡可由医院信息系统提供住院费用清单的,住院病案首页中可不填写“住院费用”。


Nanjing children’s hospital Medical Records for Admisson Ward:321 Bed Number:32178 Medical Number: 696235 General information Name:Son of *** Sex: Male Age: 3 h Birthplace: *** county,Anhui province Race:Han Address:***town,***county,Anhu i province Date of admission:3:31pm Oct 16th,2015 Date of record: 3:31pm Oct 16th,2015 Parents Name: father *** Mother *** Complainer of history: patient’s father Reliability: Reliable Chief complaint: Shortness of breath and moaning for 3h Present illness: The afflicted baby was delivered 3h ago and had instaneous shortness of breath along with obtuse response and moaning.No aspnea or seizure or scream were observed. In local Hospital he received treatment of “naloxone、mezlocillin and Vit K1”, but his symptoms didn’t abate. So the parents took him to our hospital, he was admitted with a diagnosis of “acute respiratory dyspnea syndrome” .Breast feed has not been initiated.He has not vomitted,defecated or urinated since he was born,.


Medical Records for Admission Medical Number: 701721 General information Name:Liu Side Age: Eighty Sex: Male Race:Han Nationality:China Address: NO.**, Dandong Road, Jiefang Rvenue, Hankou, Hubei. Tel: ****** Occupation: Retired Marital status: Married Date of admission: Aug 6th, 2001 Date of record: 11Am, Aug 6th, 2001 Complainer of history: patient’s son and wife Reliability: Reliable Chief complaint: Upper abdominal pain for ten days, hematemesis, hematochezia and unconsciousness for four hours. Present illness: The patient felt upper abdominal pain for about ten days ago. He didn’t pay attention to it and thought he had ate something wrong. At 6 o’clock this morning he fainted and rejected lots of blood and gore. Then hemafecia began. His family sent him to our hospital and received emergent treatment. So the patient was accepted as “upper gastrointestine hemorrhage and hemorrhagic shock”. Since the disease coming on, the patient didn’t urinate. Past history The patient is healthy before. No history of infective diseases. No allergy history of food and drugs. Personal history He was born in Wuhan on Nov 19th, 1921 and almost always lived in Wuhan. His living conditions were good. No bad personal habits and customs. Family history: His parents have both deads. Physical examination


?Case History ?Definition A case history is a medical record of a patient’s illness. It records the whole medical case and functions as the basis for medical practitioners to make an accurate diagnosis and proposes effective treatment or preventive measures. Case histories fall into two kinds: in-patient case histories and out-patient case histories. ?Language Features History and Physical usually involves past tense ( for history of present illness, past medical history, family history and review of systems concerning past information), and present tense ( review of system, physical examination, laboratory data, and plans ). Structurally, noun phrases are frequently used in physical examination, and ellipsis of subject is very common in review of system. ?In-patient Case Histories An in-patient case history is also termed as History and Physical. It is an account of a patient’s present complaints with descriptions of his past medical history,and the description of the present conditions as well as physical examinations and impression about the conditions.Format It usually consists of chief complaint, history of present illness, past medical history, review of systems, physical examination, impression, family history, social history, medications, allergies, laboratory on admission, and plan. However, what parts are included depends on the needs. 住院病人病历完整模式 病历(Case History) 姓名(Name) 职业(Occupation) 性别(Sex) 住址(Address) 年龄(Age or DOB) 供史者(Supplier of history) 婚姻(Marital status) 入院日期(Date of admission) 籍贯(Place of birth) 记录日期(Date of record) 民族(Race) 主述(C.C.) 现病史(HPI or P.I.) 过去史(PMH or P.H.) 社会活动史/个人史(SHx or Per.H.) 家族史(FHx or F.H.) 曾用药物(Meds) 过敏史(All) To be continued 系统回顾(ROS) 体格检查(PE or P.E.) 体温(T) 呼吸(R) 血压(BP) 脉搏(P) 一般状况(General status) 皮肤黏膜(Skin & mucosa) 头眼耳鼻喉(HEENT) 颈部(Neck) 胸部与心肺(Chest, Heart and Lungs) 腹部(Abdomen) 肛门直肠(Anus & rectum) 外生殖器(External genitalia) 四肢脊柱(Extremities & spine)

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