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为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO44综合写作阅读原文+听力原文+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO44综合写作阅读原文文本: In 1957 a European silver coin dating to the eleventh century was discovered at a Native American archaeological site in the state of Maine in the United States. Many people believed the coin had been originally brought to North America by European explorers known as the Norse, who traveled across the Atlantic Ocean and came into contact with Native Americans almost a thousand years ago. However, some archaeologists believe that the coin is not a genuine piece of historical evidence but a historical fake; they think that the coin was placed at the site recently by someone who wanted to mislead the public. There are three main reasons why some archaeologists believe that the coin is not genuine historical evidence. Great Distance from Norse Settlements First, the Native American site in Maine where the coin was discovered is located very far from other sites documenting a Norse presence in North America. Remains of Norse settlements have been discovered in far eastern Canada. The distance between the Maine site and the Norse settlements in Canada is more than a thousand kilometers, suggesting the coin has no real connection with the settlements. No Other Coins Found A second problem is that no other coins have been found at the Canadian sites that were inhabited by the Norse. This suggests that the Norse did not bring any silver coins with them to their North American settlements. Third, the Norse who traveled to North America would have understood that silver coins would most likely be useless to them. Silver coins may have been in wide use in Europe at the time, but the Norse, as experienced explorers, would have known that native North Americans did not recognize silver coins as money. 托福TPO44综合写作听力原文文本: Professor: Actually many archaeologists believe that the coin discussed in the reading is not a fake. They believe it represents genuine evidence that the Norse came into contact with Native Americans a thousand years ago. First, the great distance of the Maine site from the Norse settlements in Canada. Well, many other objects found at that same Native American site had come from faraway places. Not just the coin. There's a perfectly reasonable historical explanation for these objects. The Native Americans who lived at the Maine site traveled great distances within North America. They were interested in obtaining objects from faraway places. The Native Americans could have reached the Norse settlements during their travels and brought the silver coin back to Maine. Second, does the fact that we found no other coins at Norse settlements mean that the Norse didn't bring any coins with them? Not necessarily. The Norse didn't create permanent settlements in North America. At some point, they went back to Europe. When


托福听力功能题及态度题 功能题 在新托福听力中, function功能题占大约15%的比重。那么考生要学会识别function 功能题并把握其解题技巧。 首先我们看看功能题的典型提问方式: What is the purpose of the lecture? What does the professor imply when she says this? Why does the professor say this? What can be inferred from the student’s response? 其次我们学习下功能题的解题技巧 解答这类题目,考生需要注意重听的某句话在重听的小层次中所起到的作用。单独看这句话,可能考生无法判定它的功能。那么放在语境中,考生才能更好地把握其功能。 而在托福听力中常见的功能的分类有解释,总结,建议,鼓励,强调,纠正错误等。此外考生可以根据这些常见的功能分类,分析可能出现的考点,利用听力过程中的笔记把握重点内容。在记笔记的过程中注意把握语气、语调的升降。这些都是功能题常出现的考点。有重点地把握这些能够更好地把握功能题,并提升功能题的正确率。 态度题 在P类问题(Pragmatic Understanding Questions)中,态度题所占的比重相对较少。但是不可忽视其重要性。下面我们来看看托福听力中态度题的一些情况。 态度题的典型提问方式: What is the professor’s opinion of …? What can be inferred about the student when he says this?


托福听力备考五大要素缺一不可 托福听力备考五大要素是什么?其实听力备考五大要素涵盖了听力备考的各个方面,这五个要素分别是词汇、精听、题型、背景知识和语感。下面就和大家分享托福听力备考五大要素缺一不可,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力备考五大要素缺一不可托福听力备考五大要素之词汇任何语言的学习都是以单词为基础的,托福考试当然跳不过这一关。但是由于托福听力考试本身不涉及单词拼写,考生可以把重点放在单词读音和意思的辨认上,尽量扩大自己的词汇量,只记基础词汇拼写。托福听力备考五大要素之精听无论何种形式的听力考试,精听都是最能从根本上提高听力能力的练习方式。朗阁海外考试研究中心分析发现,考生在做听力时容易出现这么几个问题:(1)无法整句理解。由于词汇和语法知识的欠缺,很多考生在听文章时往往只能抓住个别单词词组,再加上自己的猜测来进行理解,这么做会造成理解不到位或者错误的发生,有时多想一秒钟也会影响到下文。(2)记忆容量不够。听后忘前是最容易发生的情况。(3)笔头不快。考生记笔记时手忙脚乱,想记这个又舍不得那个,最终写下的内容都是鸡肋。精听练习要求考生听一句记一句,单句太长也可根据意群来做停顿。长期这样的练习可以有效解决以上三个问题,巩固了单词,全面提高听力能力。托福听力备考五大要素之题型托福听力考试题型上的特点就是通篇选择,没有任何单词拼写的风险,因此初次接触考试的同学可能会抱着大不了一猜的心态,认为题型上难度不大。但是别忘了托福听力机考的特点是先听文章再做题目,并没有提前预览的机会,


TPO17 综合写作 听力文本

Listening The passage clams that there will be fewer and fewer birds, but the arguments used to support this claim are unconvincing. First, it’s true that urban growth has been bad for some types of birds, but urban development actually provides better and larger habitats for other types, so much so that city and suburban dwellers often complain about increased birds populations—seagulls at landfills, pigeons on the streets and so on. Even birds like hawks and falcons can now be found in cities, where they prey on the increasing populations of pigeons and rodents. So it’s not going to be a story of uniform decline of bird populations in the future. Some populations may shrink, but others will grow. As for agriculture, it’s true that it too will increase in the future, but not in the way assumed by the reading passage. The truth is, in the United States, less and less land is being used for agriculture every year. Increasing in agricultural production have resulted from and will continue to result from the introduction of new, more productive varieties of crops. These new crops produce more food per unit of land, and as a result, there’s no need to destroy wilderness areas. And third, while it’s certainly true that traditional pesticides have been destruct ive to birds, it’s incorrect to project this history into the future. Now that people are aware of the possible consequences of traditional pesticides, two changes have occurred. First, new and much less toxic pesticides have been developed, and that’s imp ortant. Second, and perhaps more importantly there is a growing trend to develop more pest resistant crops, crops that are genetically designed to be unattractive to pests. Pest resistant crops greatly reduce the need for chemical pesticides. And best of all, pest resistant crops don’t harm birds at all.


英语听力技巧:怎样做好英语听力笔记 关于听力应试方面,我们主张培养学生“抢读预测” +“五边处理 法”这种眼、耳、手、口、脑并用的积极主动的应试技能。“抢读预测”即利用导言及题与题之间的间隙,提前扫视选项,预测出题方向,以便等录音内容开始时能够有目的地捕捉所需信息。“五边处理法” 即边听,边理解,边复述(适用于单句、短对话和数据方面的内容),边做笔记,边猜测(推断)。这里我们重点谈谈“立即复述”、“做笔记”与听的关系以及这“二边”的具体操作方法。 很多同学讲,“考听力时我都听懂了,可等到作选择的时候,却好像有一半都记不清了。”这是极正常的,原因是我们在听的时候,绝大部分注意力在理解方面,加上没有即时对所提细节做笔记,自然便会听了后面忘了前面,而听力测试的重点往往就在细节的辨识上。所以,考生不但要听懂录音中的语言信息,还应通过一些有效途径在短时内强记重要信息,如年代、人物、事件、地点、单价、折扣价(幅度)、门牌号等。一个人即使记忆力再好,要记清如此多的细节也不容 易,那么只有靠笔记帮忙。 (1)养成立即复述的习惯 记笔记是有诀窍的。在听单句(statement)时,因为句子完全孤立,没有任何语境,又只念一遍,听者只能靠一遍的理解和记忆,在选择项中找出意思与原文相同或相近者。所以,准确捕捉所给信息是问题的关键。这时必须借助“立即复述”这个有效手段,即:在听录音时以仅落后1—2 秒的时间立即重复原试句,以协助强化记忆,作出准确选择。有人曾作过实验,结果表明:“一个语言信号只经过外耳道,在大脑中理解记忆的可能性假设为一,那么经过口头复述,在大脑中理解记忆的可能性则为三。因为同一信号经过外耳道传入大脑,而另一部分声音则直接从口腔经过内耳道传入大脑,所以,复述一次的效果是不复述的三倍。”因而,考生在平时训练中很有必要增强复述练习,它一方面能够协助你加深对听懂部分的印象,另一方面也有助于


托福听力中lecture记笔记的方法及要点 自从走上托福听力的讲坛,我经常遇到各种因听力拖后腿而愁眉不展的考生,在听完学子们集体声讨听力段子难度无底限的同时,耳边总是回荡着考生们关于自己无法记下笔记的无奈。这年头,作为一位托福听力老师,手里没几个货真价实的笔记方法,你都不好意思跟学生打招呼;作为托福备考的学子们,要是没几个拿得出手的惯用笔记符号,你都没脸跟人家说自己曾经考过托福。 笔记到底应该怎么记,才会更有效率,笔者认为应该从以下几个方面来练习。众所周知,托福听力讲座呈现的美国大学课堂上的真实场景,教授的演讲总是遵循一定的逻辑和脉络的,常见的结构如总分式,先提出本课的重点,再从多个侧面展开论述,最后总结强调;或者常见于历史类讲座中的线型结构,按照时间的先后顺序进行讲解,这就要求我们在练习的时候,注意从整体上把握文章的结构,边听边划分文章的层次。 把握了文章结构之后,笔记的重点就应该瞄准文章的考点,比如举例论证是听力中出现的最为频繁的考点,出题的角度也是多种多样,在听到举例的时候应该在笔记上标出“eg.”的符号,并用箭头标注此事例的支撑点是什么;抑或是在师生互动的文章中,师生间的问答也是考点,一方面给出相应的背景知识,另一方面老师会对学生的观点进行评价。在平日的练习中,大家就要有的放矢的捕捉考点,逐一击破。 当然,在记笔记的过程中,也要讲究方式方法,平日练习的时候,应该多使用自己习惯的符号,如用星号或三角来表示强调重点;用Q & A 表示问答;用上下箭头表示增减;用单词的首尾字母代替完整的单词拼写,或者几个单词的首字母代替常用的短语。 总之:要想记好笔记,实力一定是第一位的。好的实力才能保证你在听的时候分出精力去辨别此处是否值


托福听力备考4个基本要素 托福听力中考生常会因为听不懂长难句而无法顺利解答题目,而长难句本身的高难度也会让许多同学头疼不已。下面就和大家分享托福听力备考4个基本要素,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力备考4个基本要素 托福听力备考以“词”为首 “词”为四要素之首为,托福考试涉及艺术、生命科学、自然科学、社会科学四大学科,44个话题,考察学术环境下的听力能力,要求考生掌握8000左右词汇量,其中包括学科专有词汇。良好的词汇基础就是听力高分的必要因素。 那么不同年级的同学如何准备词汇呢?小学和初中阶段备考同学可以按照初中词汇、高中词汇、四级词汇、托福词汇的顺序进行准备,高中阶段的同学可以按照高中词汇、四级词汇、托福词汇的顺序备考,大学阶段的同学可以考虑从四级词汇或托福词汇开始备考。确定词汇记忆的范围后,我们还需要注意托福听力的词汇记忆不同于阅读的词汇记忆,虽然两者的范围相当,但记忆方法却截然不同。阅读讲究用“看”的方式来识词,而听力则要用听的方式。因此记单词的时候可以采取“看-听”同步的形式熟练生词发音,即时反应,尽量达到2秒内精准输出生词意思。

托福听力备考先“听”再“记” “听”,托福听力学习过程中,“听”先于“记”,同学们需要确保听懂听力的基础上,加强笔记。如何提升听的能力呢?我们可以采用泛听与精听结合的方式。泛听即广泛的听,用于培养英语语感,目的在于在听力练习中以掌握*的整体意思。因此,泛听并不要要求百分之百听懂听力材料中的所有细节,只求听懂大意。备考的同学可以选择自己喜欢的方式练习泛听,如看美剧、听英文歌、模仿英语演讲、听英文广播等。精听材料尽量选择官方真题Official或与考试学科、难度相近的资料。学习过程中需要进行精读、精听、模仿跟读、影子跟读、口述输出。 托福听力备考要合“理” “理”,这里指的是听力的逻辑规律。托福听力需要掌握一些基础的逻辑论证框架和出题规律,如问题-解决方案、举例论证、对比论证、因果论证、分类论证、反对-赞同等。 如官方真题Official27-L1体现论证体现事物的因果关系 Mangrove root systems have the ability to absorb and, well, trap sediments and pollutants in water that flow through them before they enter the ocean.This of course has beneficial results for the nearby coral reefs.


【托福写作备考】TPO23综合写作文本及解析 TPO 23 综合写作的阅读材料: Populations of the yellow cedar, a species of tree that is common in northwestern North America, have been steadily declining for more than a century now, since about 1880. Scientists have advanced several hypotheses to explain this decline. 译文:黄杉是北美西北部常见的树木。但是从1880年开始的一个多世纪以来,黄杉的数量在逐渐减少。目前,科学家提出了几个假说来解释黄杉数量的下降。 One hypothesis is that the yellow cedar decline may be caused by insect parasites, specifically the cedar bark beetle. This beetle is known to attack cedar trees; the beetle larvae eat the wood. There have been recorded instances of sustained beetle attacks overwhelming and killing yellow cedars, so this insect is a good candidate for the cause of the tree’s decline. 译文:其中一个假说认为黄杉数量下降是由以衫皮甲虫为代表的寄生害虫导致。这种甲虫据了解是以杉树皮为食,而其幼虫则以木质部分为食。史上不乏对于甲虫侵蚀和导致黄杉大量死亡的记录。因为,这种甲虫很可能是黄杉数量减少的原因。 A second hypothesis attributes the decline to brown bears. Bears sometimes claw at the cedars in order to eat the tree bark, which has a high sugar content. In fact, the cedar bark can contain as much sugar as the wild berries that are a staple of the bears’ diet. Although the bears’ clawing is unlikely to destroy trees by itself, their aggressive feeding habits may critically weaken enough trees to be responsible for the decline.


Glass is a favored building material for modern architecture, yet it is also very dangerous for wild birds. Because they often cannot distinguish between glass and open air, millions of birds are harmed every year when they try to fly through glass windows. There are, however, several solutions that responsible businesses can use to prevent injuries to birds. One-Way Glass One solution is to replace the regular, clear glass with one-way glass that is transparent in only one direction. The occupants of the building can see out, but birds and others cannot see in. If birds cannot see through a window, they will understand that the glass forms a solid barrier and will not try to fly through it. Colorful Designs A second solution is to paint colorful lines or other designs on regular window glass. For example, a window could have a design of thin stripes painted over the glass. People would still be able to see through the openings in the design where there is no paint, while birds would see the stripes and thus avoid trying to fly through the glass. Architects can be encouraged to include colorful painted patterns on glass as part of the general design of buildings. Magnetic Field The third solution is to create an artificial magnetic field to guide birds away from buildings. Humans use an instrument called a magnetic compass to determine directions—either north, south, east, or west. Bird research has shown that birds have a natural ability to sense Earth’s magnetic fields; this ability works just like a compass, and it helps birds navigate in the right direction when they fly. A building in a bird flight path can be equipped with powerful electromagnets that emit magnetic signals that steer birds in a direction away from the building. Now liste n to part of a lecture on the topic you’ve just read about. None of the solutions you’ve read about will effectively stop birds from getting injured. First, replacing regular glass with one-way glass. Well, the problem with one-way glass is that to the bird on the outside, a one-way glass surface reflects just like a mirror. And a surface that reflects like a mirror is just as bad as regular glass for birds because birds don’t understand mirrors. If they see a reflection of the sky in a mirror or of a tree in the mirror, they think the reflection is the sky or is the tree and they’ll fly right into them. The second solution, painting colorful patterns like stripes on regular glass, also has problems. As the reading said, these designs include openings so people inside the buildings can see out. But birds will perceive these unpainted openings as open holes. And if birds think they’re seeing holes, they will try to fly right through them. To prevent birds from doing this, the unpainted spaces in the window would have to be extremely small. But that would then make the rooms of the buildings too dark for the people inside them. The third solution, creating an artificial magnetic field, won’t work very well, either. While it’s true that birds use Earth’s magn etic field to help them navigate, they use this only when they’re traveling very long distances. For example, if a bird is migrating from a cold country to a warm one during winter, it will use its magnetic sense to figure out which way it should fly. But this ability isn’t used to go over short distances such as going from one side to the city to another.


龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn 初中英语听力应试技巧 作者:倪楠 来源:《速读·中旬》2019年第11期 初中英语听力测试部分在整套试题中占有重要地位,初中英语听力应试技巧是同学们提高总体学习成绩的重要途径,争取在期末考试中取得好成绩! 一、学会预测 预测是在做听力理解之前根据各种暗示,如所给答案选项,段落或对话标题等已有知识,对即将听到的段落或对话内容进行预测。 1.从答案选项中预测 Q:Whatdoes Tom do? A.He’sa truck driver.; ; ; B. He’s a ship captain.; ; ; C. He’s a pilot. 录音原文:W:Tomflew to Anchorage last night,then took somepassengers from there to Dallas .M:Yeah,but he couldn’t land because the airport in Dallas was snowed in.从选项看,问题应是关于职业方面的,再从flew,passengers,airport这些信息词中可知道Tom的职业。 2.从说话人口气预测 在A,B两人的对话中,如果B是附和或赞成,往往说“Yes”,“Iagree”,“Sure”,“Ithink so”等。但如A用否定句,B表同意时则用“No”,“Neither/ Nor?”等。 例如:A:Harvey doesn’t seem to fit into this class. B:No,he is really a fish out ofwater. 二、做简要笔记 听录音时快速,准确,简要地记下有关信息(包括数字,人名,地名,关键词),前提是不要影响跟听速度,采用自己习惯的符号。 例:Howmuch will the man pay for the tickets? A.$18; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. $24; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; C. $30


托福听力五大解题技巧 1、主旨题 一个段子的主旨往往出现在文章引言和开头处,而重复的最多往往一定是主旨!在听课堂演讲等学术性题目时,一定要首先把握文章最核心的主旨,主旨考题选项中过于细节的往往是错误选项; 2、功能/目的题 该题型类似于主旨题,对于任何一个长段子,首先务必要把握的是文章的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,才有可能去理解细节,做推断。 3、细节题 主旨题和细节题主要是考察考生对于基本信息的理解能力(basic comprehension),除此之外ETS所要考察考生的另外两种能力分别是对于语用信息的理解(pragmatic understanding)和整合信息、对全文结构把握的能力(connecting information)。而基本信息的理解就占到50%的比重,可见主旨题和细节题的重要性。 对于细节题,大家不要走入误区,觉得所有的细节100%会考到,所以去关注每一个小的细节点,以至于舍本逐末,只见树木,不见森林。对于细节题,大家要把握两个原则:第一、ETS只会考察我们和主旨有关的重要细节。过于偏细节的实在没有听到,大可不必惋惜,影响后面的发挥;第二,牢牢把握住往往和考点向联系的重要信号词。比如说表示因果的accordingly, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果题。而常见的和信号词相关的考点有逻辑时间顺序、举例、列举、相似或者对比、转折、强调、因果、总结、定义、建议、数字等。 4、态度/ 推断 对话中的态度题要注意通过语气、语调、重读来推测;而由于演讲中的内容相对学术和客观,所以演讲中的态度题要注意通过形容词和副词的褒贬色彩来确定说话者的主观意图。


托福听力备考五大要素 托福听力备考五大要素是什么?其实听力备考五大要素涵盖了听力备考的各个方面,这五个要素分别是词汇、精听、题型、背景知识和语感。下面就和大家分享托福听力备考五大要素缺一不可,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力备考五大要素缺一不可 托福听力备考五大要素之词汇 任何语言的学习都是以单词为基础的,托福考试当然跳不过这一关。但是由于托福听力考试本身不涉及单词拼写,考生可以把重点放在单词读音和意思的辨认上,尽量扩大自己的词汇量,只记基础词汇拼写。 托福听力备考五大要素之精听 无论何种形式的听力考试,精听都是最能从根本上提高听力能力的练习方式。朗阁海外考试研究中心分析发现,考生在做听力时容易出现这么几个问题:(1)无法整句理解。由于词汇和语法知识的欠缺,很多考生在听*时往往只能抓住个别单词词组,再加上自己的猜测来进行理解,这么做会造成理解不到位或者错误的发生,有时多想一秒钟也会影响到下文。(2)记忆容量不够。听后忘前是最容易发生的情况。(3)笔头不快。考生记笔记时手忙脚

乱,想记这个又舍不得那个,最终写下的内容都是鸡肋。精听练习要求考生听一句记一句,单句太长也可根据意群来做停顿。长期这样的练习可以有效解决以上三个问题,巩固了单词,全面提高听力能力。 托福听力备考五大要素之题型 托福听力考试题型上的特点就是通篇选择,没有任何单词拼写的风险,因此初次接触考试的同学可能会抱着大不了一猜的心态,认为题型上难度不大。但是别忘了托福听力机考的特点是先听*再做题目,并没有提前预览的机会,因此考生在听*前对内容几乎是完全没有概念的,会有些盲目。只有了解托福听力的出题特点,才能在听*时把握好重点,记录有效信息。托福听力中的选择题型可以分为传统的单选题和多选题,以及相对新颖的配对排序题三种。各种题型将会考到学生对*基本信息的理解,对所给情景的理解以及整合信息的能力。单选题为四选一,多选题一般需要选择2-3个正确选项,而配对排序题考到的内容一般比较细节。比较特殊的选择性题目有原音复现题,从理论上来说这类题目的原文考生是听了两遍,但事实上遍时考生并不清楚考点所在,考生在做原音复现题时就一定得好好把握*中言下之意。 托福听力备考五大要素之背景知识 托福听力考试中较难的讲座部分内容可以分为艺术、生命科学、自然科学以及人文科学四个部分,可以说包含了人类知识的


托福TPO4综合写作阅读+听力原文+满分范文 【雷哥托福整理】 在备考托福写作的过程中,总是将托福的独立作文放在了第一位,但是实际上,综合作文也是占到了作文总分30分里面的50%的分值,不要等到分数出来了,才发现其实是综合作文的limited或者fair极大的影响了自己的分数。 考过的同学会发现托福综合作文分数不高,很大程度上是受我们听力实力的影响,我们很多托福考生的听力分数只有16分上下的时候,对于托福综合作文的听力妥妥的是束手无策,而且很多托福考生还感觉自己都听懂了,那也只能说明你听懂了大意,但是听力里面要的是每一个细节!请注意,是每一个细节! 雷哥托福小托君给大家分享TPO1-33综合作文部分的阅读和听力文本全集与综合作文的满分作文,以及满分作文的解析。如果自己的托福综合作文分数如果可以很给力的话,就已经搞定了15分的分数,可以极大地缓解托福独立作文的压力。如何使用这个文件呢? TPO4 综合写作听力+阅读原文 Reading Endotherms are animals such as modern birds and mammals that keep their body temperatures constant. For instance, humans are endotherms and maintain an internal temperature of 37°C, no matter whether the environment is warm or cold. Because dinosaurs were reptiles, and modern reptiles are not endotherms, it was long assumed that dinosaurs were not endotherms. However, dinosaurs differ in many ways from modem reptiles, and there is now considerable evidence that dinosaurs were, in fact, endotherms. Polar dinosaurs One reason for believing that dinosaurs were endotherms is that dinosaur fossils have been discovered in Polar Regions. Only animals that can maintain a temperature well


托福听力笔记技巧 托福听力考试中尤其是Lecture部分是需要大家快速记录信息的,因为Lecture部分听力一般长达5-6分钟,单凭临时记忆很难记录下来所有的重点内容,下面就和大家分享托福听力笔记技巧如何快速记下有用信息,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力笔记技巧如何快速记下有用信息 一.为什么托福听力需要记笔记 1. 听力材料长度增加,每类*的长度都在600字以上 2. 总题目数量减少,老托福听力题目为50道,新托福为34道 3. 听力题型简化为两大类:长对话(2个),课堂讲座(4个) 4. 出现三种新的考试题目类型:表格题、重复题、多选题 5. 听完之后才可以看题目 6. 考生可以做笔记 通过对新托福听力特点的分析,我们不难看出记笔记是听力高分突破的关键。

二.如何快速记下关键信息 1.抓核心 IBT听力正式开始之前会有一个简短的内容介绍,之后屏幕上会出现一些和听力内容相关的,这些可以帮助我们确定下面所要听部分的核心话题。例如,listen to a conversation between a professor and student in a professor and student. 从这个介绍我们可以知道下面对话内容的场景:biology class,结下来会出现一个图片,里面文字为:Friends of the Earth, Biology class。后面还会出现一个对话内容的图片。通过这些文字和图片,我们可以推断这个对话的主题为与人类地球有关的一个结构,这样机构主要会负责环保事宜。确定主题可以让考生悬着的新慢慢落地。后面的长对话给出的文字和图片提示与对话类似。 2.核心相关细节 确定核心话题之后,我们需要做的就是记录与其相关的细节,主要的细节为what , when, where , who , why和how等。注意记录对话和演讲中信息引导词和信息引导句后面的信息,例如,First ……, lets look at the ……, Now, Lets move on to ……, in the nest part of lecture ,I d like to talk about …… 3.笔记记录方法

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