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1.Six Golden Rules for Meeting Managemen t主持会议六大准则

1.If you are asked to chair a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting management.


2.Always start the meeting on time. If you begin on time, group members who show up late will realize the value of time. Beginning on time reflects skill as an effective time manager and sets a precedent for others to follow.


3.Assign a note-taker or arrange to have the meeting audiotaped. You may need to refer back to an issue that was discussed during the meeting at a later date. Good record-keeping is a sign of a good meeting manager as well.


4.Learn to listen. So many times we think about what we are going to say and, in the process, block out valid points that other group members may be contributing. Additionally, we often hear only what we want to hear, rather than really listening to other people. Meeting that are characterized by effective listening are successful meetings.


5.Keep the discussion on track. Many times important issues can get sidetracked in a meeting, especially when everyone has a different opinion about the topic. If you anticipate a conflict prior to the meeting, discuss the issue with participants in advance. If an unanticipated conflict develops once the meeting is in progress, either appoint a subcommittee to look into the problem, or ask participants involved in the conflict to meet with you after the meeting. Doing so will help keep the discussion on track and minimize the chances of wasting participants’valuable time.


6.Give everyone an opportunity to be heard. Some people tend to monopolize meetings, whereas others wait to be asked their opinions. As the leader of the meeting, you need to keep an open mind and make sure everyone feels welcome to contribute and express ideas without criticism.


7.End on time. If you said the meeting would last no longer than one hour, make sure the meeting lasts for noly an hour. Meeting participants tend to plan the rest of their day around the time allotted for the meeting. Running late with a meeting makes members tardy for other appointments, increases the chances that members will mentally leave the meeting, and reduces your credibility as an effective meeting manager.



2. Network Security 网络安全

1. As more Americans do more things online, Internet identity theft is a growing—and very costly —problem. Consider the following ten aspects and learn the best ways to protect yourself.


2. Guard Your Personal Information. Never respond to requests for personal or account information online (or over the phone). When your social security number is requested as an identifier, ask if you can provide alternate information. Watch out for convincing imitations of banks, card companies, charities and government agencies. Use legitimate sources of contact information to verify requests for information, such as your financial institution's official website or the telephone number listed on statements.


3. Don't overshare. Don't divulge your birth date, mother's maiden name, pet's name or any other identifying information on social media websites such as Facebook, Linkedln or Twitter.


4. Stay Up to Date. Install anti-virus software on your computer and keep it updated. Use the latest version of your web browser. Install security patches and software updates as soon as they are ready to install.


5. Make it Difficult. Use unique and hard-to-guess passwords. Don't access secure websites using public Wi-Fi.


6. Beware of Fake Online Sweepstakes and Contests. All offers that require payment or private information before giving an award are bogus. Take the time to check out the validity of an offer. Ask for contact information from the sender and details about the company running the contest. Once you start asking a lot of questions and make it clear you won't be pushed to make an immediate decision, most scammers will go away.


7. Go Paperless. Enroll in electronic statements, use direct deposit, and make bill payments online (to avoid mail theft).


8. Don't Believe the Work at Home Hype. Thoroughly conduct a background check on the company, making as many phone calls and Internet searches as you can. If in doubt, visit a local law enforcement office and ask their opinion. All offers to earn pay for re-shipping goods sent to your address are bogus. Tragically, some work-from-home scams not only enlist the individual to defraud others, they also make an identity fraud victim out of the individual!


9. Ask What Your Bank Is Doing to Protect You. Understand banks' guarantees for fraud protection: all large providers now offer zero-liability protection for debit and credit cards, while a few offer

a guarantee for online banking transactions.


10. Keep a Close Eye on Your Finances. Monitor your bank and credit card accounts weekly. Sign up for alerts to be sent to your mobile phone or email. Monitor your credit and public information online to spot unauthorized activity. Free credit reports from each of the three major credit bureaus are available each year through https://www.doczj.com/doc/3616360945.html,. Optional fee-based services offer more extensive monitoring of credit information, personal identity records, social security numbers and online transactions.


11. Report It. If you're a victim of online fraud, contact the authorities. You can file an online report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)—a partnership between the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Also contact your local police to file a report. The more people who report such crimes, the more criminals are arrested.


3.All I Learned in Kindergarten 幼儿园所学的

1. Most of what I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be, I learned in kindergarten .Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate mountain.but there in the sandpile at nursery school.


2. These are the things I learned:Share everything. Play fair.Don’t hit people.Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess.Don’t take things that aren’t yours.Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.Live a balanced life.Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday some.

2. 以下就是我从幼儿园中学到的。分享所有的东西:行为光明磊落;不要攻击别人;东西要放回原处;自己弄脏的地方自己收拾好;不要拿走不属于自己的东西;如果你伤害了别人就得道歉;饭前洗手;热的甜点和凉的牛奶对身体有益;生活要有张有弛,学点东西、想点问题、写写画画、唱唱跳跳,休息和工作,每样事天天都要干一点。

3. Take a nap every afternoon.When you go out into the world,watch for traffic.Hold hands and stick together. Be aware of wonder.Remember the little seed in the plastic cup? The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why.but we are all like that.

3. 每天下午小睡一会儿。当大家外出时,注意交通安全,记得手挽手,彼此互相扶持。多多注意那些生活的奇迹。你一定还记得那个塑料杯里的小小的种子吧,它不断地往下扎根,枝叶不断地向空中伸展。没有人真正知道它在怎样生长,也不知道是为了什么。但有一点很明白,我们也像他们一样地长大。

4.Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup——they all die. So do we.


5.And then remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned,the biggest word of all:Look.Everything you need to know is in there somewhere.The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and sane living.


6.Think of what a better world it would be if we all——the whole world——had cookies and milk about 3 o’clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap or if we had a basic policy in our nations to always put things back where we found them and cleaned up our own messes.And it is still true,no matter how old you are,when you go out into the world,it is better to hold hands and stick together.

6. 想一想,如果我们大家——全世界所有的人——每天下午3点左右都能够享受甜点和牛奶,然后盖上被单美美的睡上一小会儿;如果每一个国家都能够遵循一个基本的立国之道,即东西放回原处,自己弄脏的地方自己收拾好,那么这个世界将是多么的美好啊。无论你年龄有多大,当你出去时,当你进入社会之时,最好是和别人手牵手,相互扶持,团结一致。无论如何,这是一个颠扑不破的真理。

4. How to Negotiate with Americans 如何与美国人谈判

1. The US is an attractive market. Its business culture, which has brought the world “shareholder value” and “IPOs”, has been leading commercial thinking in recent years and will continue to do so. But whoever wants to succeed in the US needs to remember the rules of the game.



2. US business is described by the lyrics of the song New York, New York: “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere!” Yet a euphoric approach to business is by no means enough. Although business communication in the US is pleasant and easygoing, it is at the same time ruthlessly focused.


3. Communicating is a natural talent of Americans. When negotiating partners meet, the emphasis is on small talk and smiling. There is liberal use of a sense of humor that is more direct than it is in the UK. If you give a talk in America, you should speak in a relaxed way and with plenty of jokes to capture your audiences’ attention.


4. Informality is the rule. Business partners renounce their academic titles on their business cards. Sandwiches and drinks in plastic or boxes are served during conferences. Your business partners tend to act casually in the office and chat about their family.


5. The attitude “time is money” has more influence on business communication in the US than it does anywhere else. After the neutral warm-up, US negotiating partners quickly get to the point. Even social get-togethers are often used to discuss business matters.


6. Although Americans do business in a very pragmatic way, they want to win. Developing a personal relationship with the business partner is not as important as getting results.


7. And US negotiators tend to want those results fast. As financial results are reported every quarter, it is essential to secure profitability on a short-term basis. For this reason, many US contracts contain the provision “time is of the essence” within their preamble. Hence, US impatience in negotiations should not be perceived as impoliteness, but as the corollary of “time is money”.


8. This attitude has a strong influence on negotiations, since strategic alliances and other long-term projects are evaluated in terms of their potential to achieve a quick return on investment.


9. Because the Asian negotiating approach tends to be long-term in nature, it is one of the main reasons why so many joint ventures and alliances between US and Asian companies have failed to meet expectations.


10. When doing business in the US, you should take the following considerations into account.


11. Conducting negotiations on a highly professional level and making presentations with the help of state-of-the-art technology is appreciated in the US. You should observe a negotiated agenda, or even a draft agreement. The negotiation will proceed in a well-prepared, calm, matter-of-fact and pragmatic manner, all laced with a substantial dose of humor.


12. Present and market your case in a positive way. You should not be too modest about your own company’s products, services, and market position. Instead, take a “can-do” attitude.


13. Moreover, do not be misled by your negotiating partners’ relaxed style of communication. Subjects such as religion, politics or ethnic background should only be touched on cautiously, even in private conversation.


14. The casual attitude in the US does not mean there is no hierarchy in US companies. On the contrary, status is expressed in a very subtle way, and it may take some time to gain a detailed understanding of the ranking system.


5.Carbon-based Alternative 碳基替代燃料

1.Although recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing. Consequently, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits. There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissions-short of a massive shift away from the private automobile- is to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels such as compressed natural gas. liquefied petroleum gas, ethanol, or methanol.


2.All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are smaller and simpler than those of gasoline. These molecules burn more cleanly than gasoline, in part because they have fewer, if any, carbon-carbon bonds and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone. The combustion of larger molecules, which have multiple carbon-carbon bonds involves a more complex series of reactions. These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere. On the other hand, alternative fuels do have drawbacks. Compressed natural gas would require that vehicles have set of heavy fuel tanks- a serious liability in terms of performance and fuel efficiency-and liquefied petroleum gas faces fundamental limits on supply.


3.Ethanol and methanol, on the other hand, have important advantages over other carbon-based alternative fuels: they have higher energy content per volume and would require minimal changes in the existing network for distributing motor fuel. Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about twice as expensive as methanol, the low cost of which is one of its attractive features. Methanol's most attractive feature, however, is that it can reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle emissions that form ozone, the most serious urban air pollutant.


4.Like any alternative fuel, methanol has its critics. Yet much of the criticism is based on the use of "gasoline clone" vehicles that do not incorporate even the simplest design improvements that are made possible with the use of methanol. It is true, for example, that a given volume of methanol provides only about one-half of the energy that gasoline and diesel fuel do; other things being equal, the fuel tank would have to be somewhat larger and heavier. However, since melhanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be much more efficient than "gasoline clone" vehicles fueled with methanol they would need comparatively less fuel. Vehicles incorporating only the simplest of the engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would still contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.



2016年. 【农民】__theirland. 丧失 ,__provedthathewasn'tworkinghardenough.非限制性定语 倒装句 Athens同位语 翻译:奥林匹克马拉松赛跑为26英里,385码.大约为马拉松到雅典的距离 ,wedecided totakethetrain.完成被动的非谓语动词形式 与…打成一片 【记录】theplain【平常的,简单的】facts【事实,真相】ofsmalltownlife. 非谓语动词 抚养 :为了 ''tknowmorethanyoudo. ''llmoveinsoonandweneedtobuy__furniture. 【药方】 【生物学家】doesnotmerely【仅仅】describe【描述】organisms【有机物】,buttriestolearn__actastheydo. "Hashecomeback....Yes,he__back forthreedays. 【32课】同位语 翻译:生态学,即研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学,在石油地质中也很重要。 ,theearth__coveredbywater.【55课】虚拟语气

翻译:如果所有的大陆和山脉被推平,那么地球表面将被一层超过12000英尺深的水所覆盖。 "veryhappy".【5课】 翻译:拥有五个或更多亲密朋友的人自认“非常快乐”的机会高出他人50%。【不协调的,不相配的】withgoodhealth. ' ' 2017年 .【31课】 翻译:老人把手浸在盐水里,努力保持头脑清醒。 虚拟语气(过去相反) 翻译:Smith上周非常忙,否则他就去看你了。 . 非谓语动词 翻译:她需要买所有的东西,她将要离开市场,在小镇的街上再花费一个小时。 翻译:我很感激三年前给我的出国工作的机会。 ,__isclearfromtheexpressionsonhisface.【模拟三】as引导的非限制性定语从句翻译:他得了第一名,他脸上的表情清楚地表明了这一切。 . 【大纲原句】 翻译:直到后来他们才意识到发生了多么可怕的事情。 ,airtrafficcontrollersrelyonradar. 翻译:为了追踪机场航行中的飞机,空中交通控制台要用雷达。 ……to:太……而不能


2016年职称英语考试理工类A级真题 第1部分:词汇选项(第1——15题,每题1分,共15分下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1.The revelation of his past led to his resignation. A.imagination B.confirmation C.recall D.disclosure 2.Jensen is a dangerous man,and can be very brutal. A.careless B.Cruel C.strong D.hard 3.You’ll have to sprint if you want to catch the train. A.jump B.escape C.run D.prepare 4.We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.

A.Changeable B.Stable C.suitable D.adaptable 5.The new garment fits her perfectly. A.haircut B.purse C.Clothes D.necklace 6.The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma. A.fear B.joy C.hurt D.memory 7.They have to build canals to irrigate the desert. A.decorate B.water C.change D.visit


模拟试題一 I. Vocabulary Sectio n A Directions: There are 10 in complete senten ces in this secti on. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE an swer that best completes the sentence and mark your an swer on the an swer sheet. 1.1 could just see a car in the dista nee, but I could n't __ what color it was. A. make out B. look to C. look out D. take in 2. He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been ___ A. imposed B. exposed C. composed D. opposed 3. You should these tables and buy new ones. A. throw off B. throw dow n C. throw up D. throw away 4. _____ their suggestions we will discuss them fully at the next meeting. A. In regard for B. In regard t o C. With regard of D. Regardless for 5. On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with ________ e ye. A. n aked B. bare C. flesh D. pure 6. Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education. A. opport un ities B. n ecessities C. probabilities D. realities 7. I found myself completely ____ by his vivid performanee. A. carried out B. carried off C. carried away D. carried on 8. Although the exam in atio n he had passed was uni mporta nt, his success ___ him in his later study. A. persuaded B. promised C. urged D. en couraged 9. This is the first time you have been late. A. un der no circumsta nces B. on no acco unt C. by no means D. for no reas on 10. The taxi had to _ because the traffic light had turned red. A. set up B. catch up C. shut up D. pull up Secti on B Directi ons: There are 10 senten ces in this sect ion. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keep ing the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then mark your answer on the an swer sheet. - II. The roof of the house was practically falling in and the front steps were rotting away. A. almost B. esse ntially C. always D. convenien tly


2016年职称英语综合B真题 第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. All houses within 100 meters of the seas are (at risk) of flooding. A. out of control B. between equals C. in particular D. in danger 2. The idea was quite (brillian)t. A. positive B. clever C. key D. original 3. Stock market price (tumbled) after rumor of a rise in interest rate. A. regulated B. fell C. increased D. maintained 4. We are worried about this (fluid) situation full with uncertainty. A. stable B. suitable C. adaptable D. changeable 5. The (revelation) of his past led to his resignation. A. imagination B. confirmation C. disclosure

D. recall 6. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very (brutal). A. careless B. strong C. cruel D. hard 7. The coastal has area has very (mild) winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B. severe C. hard D.dry 8.You'll have to (sprint) if you want to catch the train. A. jump B. escape C. prepare D. run 9. The course gives you basic (instruction) in car maintenance. A. idea B. term C. coaching D. aspect 10. The new (garment) fits her perfectly. A. haircut B. purse C. necklace D. clothes 11. The phobia may have its root in a childhood (trauma). A. fear


2016新版中石油职称英语水平考试 课后练习及答案 目录 1.SIX GOLDEN RULES FOR MEETING MANAGEMENT主持会议六大准则(2016新增) (2) 2. NETWORK SECURITY 网络安全(2013版) (2) 3 .ALL I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN 幼儿园所学的... . (4) 4. HOW TO NEGOTIATE WITH AMERICANS 如何与美国人谈判(2013版) (5) 5.CARBON-BASED ALTERNATIVE 碳基替代燃料(2010版) (7) 6. AUTOMATIC AUTO: A CAR THAT DRIVES ITSELF 无人驾驶汽车(2013版) (9) 7 OUR FAMILY CREED 家族的信条(2007版) (11) 8 THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING 公共演讲的艺术(2007版) (13) 9. OIL AND GAS GENERATION油气生成(2016版新增) (16) 10.THE DRESS CODE FOR OFFICE LIFE办公室的着装礼仪(2016版新增) (16)

1.Six Golden Rules for Meeting Management主持会议六大准则(2016新增) 课后练习: 1.If you are asked to chair【主持,椅子】a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting ____. A. treatment B.requirement C.management D.improvement 2.If you begin on time, group members who ____ late will realize the value of time. A.bring up https://www.doczj.com/doc/3616360945.html,e up C.dress up D.show up 3. You may need to refer back to【查阅,重新提及】an issue ____ was discussed during the meeting at a later date. A.that B.what C.who D.where 4. ____, we often hear only what we want to hear, rather than【而不是】really listening to other people. A.Traditionally B.Additionally C.Conditionally D.Exceptionlly 5.Many times important issues can get sidetracked【转变话题的】in a meeting, _____ when everyone has a different opinion about the topic. A.essentially B.entirelly C.extremely D.especially 6. If you ____ a conflict【冲突】prior to【在……之前】the meeting, discuss the issue with participants【参与者】in advance【提前】. A.anticipate B.participate C.preserve D.announce 7. If an unanticipated【不曾预料到的】conflict develops once the meeting is in progress 【进行中】, either appoint a subcommittee【小组委员会】to ____ the problem A.look into B.look on C. look over D.look through 答案:1C 2D 3A 4B 5D 6A 7A 2. Network Security 网络安全(2013版) 课后练习: 1.Internet ____ theft 【失窃】is a growing—and very costly【昂贵的,expensive】—problem A.identify B.identity C. identical D.identification


2016年职称英语考试理工类模拟试题第十套 1.The policeman asked him to point out the criminal. https://www.doczj.com/doc/3616360945.html, B.identify C.capture D.separate 正确答案:B 2.It will be rather difficult to complete the task on time. A.do B.contribute C.renew D.finish 正确答案:B 3.Breaking Mary’s doll was purely accidental. A.abstractive B.unintentional C.acid D.intentional 正确答案:B 4.The theater is large enough to seat200people. A.abuse

B.confuse C.contain D.include 正确答案:C 5.Fruit prices fluctuate according to the need of the market. A.change B.fall C.descend D.elevate 正确答案:A Heartbeat of America 1.New York-the Statue of Liberty,the skyscrapers,the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue and the many theaters on Broadway.This is America’s cultural capital. It is also her biggest city,with a population of nearly8million.In the summer it is hot,hot,hot and in the winter it can be very cold.Still there are hundreds of things to do and see all the year round. 2.Manhattan is the real center of the city.When people say“New York City,”they usually mean Manhattan.Most of the interesting shops,buildings and museums are here.In addition,Manhattan is the scene of New York’s busy night life.In 1605the first Europeans came to Manhattan from Holland.They bought the island from the Native Americans for a few glass necklaces worth about$26today. 3.Wall street in Manhattan is the financial heart of the USA.It is also the most important banking center in the world.It is a street of“skyscrapers.”These are those incredible,high buildings,which Americans invented,and built faster and higher than anyone else.Perhaps the two most spectacular skyscrapers in New York are the two towers of the New York World Trade Center.When the sun sets,their 110floors shine like pure gold.


花了一天时间做了一份真题答案,特做几点申明: 1、仅为参考答案,由于水平问题,可能与每个人的答案会有出入,见仁见智吧,毕竟官方不给出标准答案。 2、作答依据大部分来源于网上搜索,尽可能地找到原题出处,实在无法找到出处的根据个人理解给出答案。 3、每题后列出了题目出处,并做出简单解析。前40题错误应该不多,阅读理解部分无法保证全对。 中石油职称英语考试2016年真题及参考答案解析 I. Vocabulary Section A Directions: There are some sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1、In most countries, the crime of murder carries harsh penalties. A. unconscious B. thrive C. severe D.prudent 【参考答案】C 【释义】harsh adj.残酷的;严酷的;严厉的;恶劣的 unconscious adj.无知觉的;昏迷的;不省人事的;无意识的 thrive v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达 severe adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的 prudent adj.谨慎的;慎重的;精明的 2、I tell my mother about my trials at work and brag about the kids. A. lie B. boast C. secretive D. feel awkward 【参考答案】B 【出处】2016版《通用选读》第28课That "Other Woman" in My Life第8段。【释义】brag v.吹嘘;自吹自擂 lie v.躺;说谎;撒谎;在于 boast v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪的东西) secretive adj.(思想、情感等)不外露的;惯于掩藏自己的;有城府的 feel awkward 为难;作难;犯难 3、The employee had to breakoff the conversation in order to wait on his manger. A. continue B. hurry C. begin D.discontinue 【参考答案】D 【出处】MBA联考大纲英语词组。原题:The employee had to break off the conversation in order to wait on his manager. (discontinue) 【释义】break off v.断绝;折取;把…折断;使脱落 continue v.持续;延伸;继续存在;不断发生 hurry v.赶快;(朝某方向)迅速移动;催促(某人);迅速处理


2016年职称英语教材综合类新增文章 第二篇Common Questions about Dreams Does everyone dream? Yes. Research shows that we all dream. We have our most vivid dreams during a type of sleep called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During REM sleep, the brain is very active. The eyes move quickly back and forth1 under the lids, and the large muscles of the body are relaxed. REM sleep occurs every 90-100 minutes, three to four times a night, and it lasts longer as the night goes on. ___1___ We dream at other times during the night, too, but those dreams are less vivid. Do people remember their dreams? A few people remember their dreams. However, most people forget nearly everything that happened during the night — dreams, thoughts, and the short periods of time when they were awake. ___2___ It seems that the memory of the dream is not totally lost, but for some reason it is very hard to bring it back2. If you want to remember your dream,the best thing to do is to write it down as soon as you wake up. Are dreams in color? Most dreams are in color. However, people may not be aware of it for two reasons :They don’t usually remember the details of their dreams, or they don’t notice the color because it is such a natural part of our lives. ___3___ Do dreams have meaning? Scientists continue to debate this issue.3 ___4___ Some people use dreams to help them learn more about their feelings, thoughts, behavior, motives, and values. Others find that dreams can help them solve problems. It’s also true that artists, writers, and scientists often ge t creative ideas from dreams. How can I learn to understand my dreams? The most important thing to remember is that your dreams are personal. The people, actions, and situations in your dreams reflect your experience, your thoughts, and your feelings. Some dream experts believe that there are certain types of dreams that many people have,even if they come from different cultures or time periods. Usually, however, the same dream will have different meanings for different people. For example, an elephant in a dream may mean one thing to a zookeeper and something very different to a child whose favorite toy is a stuffed elephant. ___5___ Then look for links between your dreams and what is happening in your daily life. If you think hard and you are patient, perhaps the meaning of your dreams will become clearer to you. 词汇: vivid /'vivid/ adj. 清晰的,生动的,逼真的 lid /lid/ n. 眼睑(=eyelid) motive /m?utiv/ n. 动机 stuffed /st?ft/ adj. 填充的,塞满了的 注释: 1. back and forth:来回地,反复地。


2016年中石油职称英语考试真题及参考答案解析 I. Vocabulary Section A Directions: There are some sentences inthis section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are tochoose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of theoriginal sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase.Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1、In most countries,the crime of murder carries harsh penalties. A. unconscious B. thrive C. severe D.prudent 【参考答案】C 【释义】harsh adj.残酷的;严酷的;严厉的;恶劣的 unconscious adj.无知觉的;昏迷的;不省人事的;无意识的 thrive v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达 severe adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的 prudent adj.谨慎的;慎重的;精明的 2、I tell my motherabout my trials at work and brag about the kids. A. lie B. boast C. secretive D. feel awkward 【参考答案】B 【出处】2016版《通用选读》第28课That "Other Woman" in My Life第8段。【释义】brag v.吹嘘;自吹自擂 lie v.躺;说谎;撒谎;在于 boast v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪的东西) secretive adj.(思想、情感等)不外露的;惯于掩藏自己的;有城府的 feelawkward 为难;作难;犯难 3、The employee had to breakoff the conversation in order to wait on his manger. A. continue B. hurry C. begin D.discontinue 【参考答案】D 【出处】MBA联考大纲英语词组。原题:The employee had to break off theconversation in order to wait on his manager. (discontinue) 【释义】break off v.断绝;折取;把…折断;使脱落 continue v.持续;延伸;继续存在;不断发生 hurry v.赶快;(朝某方向)迅速移动;催促(某人);迅速处理 begin v.开始;启动;起始;开始存在(或进行) discontinue v.停止;终止;中断;终止(生产)


学易网校 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3616360945.html, 2016年职称英语考试复习资料 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23-26题要求从所给的6个选项在红为第1-4段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27-30题要求从所给的6个选项在中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项 Ebola Outbreak 1 You are likely aware that several countries in West Africa are battling an Ebola outbreak. Ebola is a dangerous and often lethal viral infection. Scientists believe that humans contracted the virus by eating the meat of rare animals. It is now believed that bats are the primary carries of the virus. 2 To date, there are only three major countries in West Africa experiencing a major outbreak: Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. However, other countries such as Nigeria have reported confirmed cases of Ebola within their borders. 3 Unless you recently visited one of the three affected West countries you risk of contracting the virus is virtually zero. Unlike other recent airborne virus outbreaks like SARS, the Ebola virus can only be spread through direct contact with an infected person. Specifically, Ebola is spread through contact with body fluids. Though, the virus is transmittable, only an infected person exhibiting symptoms is communicable. 4 The signs and symptoms of Ebola are non-specific and patients typically exhibit them after a week of contracting the virus. Symptoms may appear as early as two days or as late as three weeks after initial infection. Symptoms include disgust, weakness and stomach pain. More uncommon symptoms include chest pain, bleeding and sore throat. 5 Ebola is devastating because of its ability to attack and replicate in every organ of the body. This causes an overstimulation of the body’s inflammatory response, causing the flu-like symptoms. The virus also causes bleeding and impairs the body's normal clotting mechanism (凝血机制), making bleeding even more severe. Loss of blood volume and decreased organ perfusion (器官灌注)ultimately lead to organ failure and death. 6 The current outbreak is the deadliest viral outbreak in over 35 years. While diseases such as the malaria (疟疾) are far more communicable, Ebola is one of the world’s most fatal viral infections. Ebola's fatality rate exceeds that of SARS. 23. paragraph 2___D____ 24. paragraph 3____A___ 25. paragraph 4___C____ 26. paragraph 5___E____ A. Am I at risk ofcontracting the virus? B. is the currentoutbreak the deadliest? C. How do know ifhave contracted the virus? D. What areas arecurrently affected? E. What exactlydoes Ebola do to the body? F. What caused theEbola outbreak?



花了一天时间做了一份真题答案,特做几点申明: 1、仅为参考答案,由于水平问题,可能与每个人的答案会有出入,见仁见智吧,毕竟官方不给出标准答案。 2、作答依据大部分来源于网上搜索,尽可能地找到原题出处,实在无法找到出处的根据个人理解给出答案。 3、每题后列出了题目出处,并做出简单解析。前40题错误应该不多,阅读理解部分无法保证全对。 中石油职称英语考试2016年真题及参考答案解析 I. Vocabulary Section A Directions: There are some sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1、In most countries, the crime of murder carries harsh penalties. A. unconscious B. thrive C. severe D.prudent 【参考答案】C 【释义】harsh adj.残酷的;严酷的;严厉的;恶劣的 unconscious adj.无知觉的;昏迷的;不省人事的;无意识的 thrive v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达 severe adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的 prudent adj.谨慎的;慎重的;精明的 2、I tell my mother about my trials at work and brag about the kids. A. lie B. boast C. secretive D. feel awkward 【参考答案】B 【出处】2016版《通用选读》第28课That "Other Woman" in My Life第8段。【释义】brag v.吹嘘;自吹自擂 lie v.躺;说谎;撒谎;在于 boast v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪的东西) secretive adj.(思想、情感等)不外露的;惯于掩藏自己的;有城府的 feel awkward 为难;作难;犯难 3、The employee had to breakoff the conversation in order to wait on his manger. A. continue B. hurry C. begin D.discontinue 【参考答案】D


2016年职称英语考试用书 一、语法词汇 addict: v. 使沉溺于(addict oneself to( = be addicted to) 沉溺于,热中于) in addition/加上, 又, 另外;in addition to/加上, 除...外; additional adj.附加的, 另外的; 补充的 address n.收信(件)人的住址v. 对...讲演或发表演说; (address a meeting 向大会致辞) adequate adj. 足够的,恰当的,胜任的(be adequate for..胜任…)(adequate – enough –sufficient足够的) adjust v. 调整;调节; 使适应(adjust oneself to sth./ 使自己适应..) admire v. 赞美;赞赏;(admire sb. for sth./因…而钦佩某人) admit v. 让...进入, 使获得(某种地位或特权), 承认(事实、错误等) (admit sb. into the university/获准入大学; admit sb. to hospital/把某人收治入院); adopt v. 采用, 采纳(adopt –take采用) adult n. 成年人(adult –grown-up成年人)

advance v./n. 提高(物价等), 增加(数量、价钱等), 提前, 加速, 拨快(时针) (in advance/ 预先)(advance-increase增加(数量、价钱等) ) advantage n. 优势, 长处, 利益, 便利(take advantage of/ 利用,欺骗) (advantage - merit优点) adventure n. 冒险, 惊险活动 advertisement n. 广告(= ad.) advice n. 劝告, 忠告(a piece of advice/ 一条意见; give advice /提出忠告; take/follow one's advice /接受忠告) advise v. 建议, 提意见, 通知( advise sb. to do sth./ 劝某人做某事,advise sb. that../通知某人某事= inform sb. that…) (B级)advisable adj. 明智的,可取的(advisable – sensible --wise 明智的) affair n. 事情[件], [常用复] 事务, 事态(affairs of state/ 国务; foreign affairs /外交事务) affect v. 影响, 对...起作用[反应], 感动, 患(病) (affect – influence – have a bearing on影响) afford v. [常与can, could, be able to 连用] 担负得起费用(损失、后果等)( can't afford to buy sth./ 买不起...) afraid adj. [常作表语] 怕, 害怕, [口]恐怕( be afraid of/害怕, 担心; I'm afraid/[口]大概, 恐怕, 担心) (afraid --fearful) Africa n. 非洲

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