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数据库外文参考文献及翻译 数据库外文参考文献及翻译数据库管理系统——实施数据完整性一个数据库,只有用户对它特别有信心的时候。这就是为什么服务器必须实施数据完整性规则和商业政策的原因。执行SQL Server的数据完整性的数据库本身,保证了复杂的业务政策得以遵循,以及强制性数据元素之间的关系得到遵守。因为SQL Server的客户机/服务器体系结构允许你使用各种不同的前端应用程序去操纵和从服务器上呈现同样的数据,这把一切必要的完整性约束,安全权限,业务规则编码成每个应用,是非常繁琐的。如果企业的所有政策都在前端应用程序中被编码,那么各种应用程序都将随着每一次业务的政策的改变而改变。即使您试图把业务规则编码为每个客户端应用程序,其应用程序失常的危险性也将依然存在。大多数应用程序都是不能完全信任的,只有当服务器可以作为最后仲裁者,并且服务器不能为一个很差的书面或恶意程序去破坏其完整性而提供一个后门。SQL Server使用了先进的数据完整性功能,如存储过程,声明引用完整性(DRI),数据类型,限制,规则,默认和触发器来执行数据的完整性。所有这些功能在数据库里都有各自的用途;通过这些完整性功能的结合,可以实现您的数据库的灵活性和易于管理,而且还安全。声明数据完整性声明数据完整原文请找腾讯3249114六,维-论'文.网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3413028803.html, 定义一个表时指定构成的主键的列。这就是所谓的主键约束。SQL Server使用主键约束以保证所有值的唯一性在指定的列从未侵犯。通过确保这个表有一个主键来实现这个表的实体完整性。有时,在一个表中一个以上的列(或列的组合)可以唯一标志一行,例如,雇员表可能有员工编号( emp_id )列和社会安全号码( soc_sec_num )列,两者的值都被认为是唯一的。这种列经常被称为替代键或候选键。这些项也必须是唯一的。虽然一个表只能有一个主键,但是它可以有多个候选键。 SQL Server的支持多个候选键概念进入唯一性约束。当一列或列的组合被声明是唯一的, SQL Server 会阻止任何行因为违反这个唯一性而进行的添加或更新操作。在没有故指的或者合适的键存在时,指定一个任意的唯一的数字作为主键,往往是最有效的。例如,企业普遍使用的客户号码或账户号码作为唯一识别码或主键。通过允许一个表中的一个列拥有身份属性,SQL Server可以更容易有效地产生唯一数字。您使用的身份属性可以确保每个列中的值是唯一的,并且值将从你指定的起点开始,以你指定的数量进行递增(或递减)。(拥有特定属性的列通常也有一个主键或唯一约束,但这不是必需的。)第二种类型的数据完整性是参照完整性。 SQL Server实现了表和外键约束之间的逻辑关系。外键是一个表中的列或列的组合,连接着另一个表的主键(或着也可能是替代键)。这两个表之间的逻辑关系是关系模型的基础;参照完整性意味着这种关系是从来没有被违反的。例如,一个包括出版商表和标题表的简单的select例子。在标题表中,列title_id (标题编号)是主键。在出版商表,列pub_id (出版者ID )是主键。 titles表还包括一个pub_id列,这不是主键,因为出版商可以发布多个标题。相反, pub_id是一个外键,它对应着出版商表的主键。如果你在定义表的时候声明了这个关系, SQL Server由双方执行它。首先,它确保标题不能进入titles表,或在titles表中现有的pub_id无法被修改,除非有效的出版商ID作为新pub_id出现在出版商表中。其次,它确保在不考虑titles表中对应值的情况下,出版商表中的pub_id的值不做任何改变。以下两种方法可


毕业设计说明书 英文文献及中文翻译 学院:专 2011年6月 电子与计算机科学技术软件工程

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华北电力大学科技学院 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:121912020115姓名:彭钰钊 所在系别:动力工程系专业班级:测控技术与仪器12K1指导教师:李冰 原文标题:Infrared Remote Control System Abstract 2016 年 4 月 19 日

红外遥控系统 摘要 红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。红外收发器产品具有成本低,小型化,传输速率快,点对点安全传输,不受电磁干扰等特点,可以实现信息在不同产品之间快速、方便、安全地交换与传送,在短距离无线传输方面拥有十分明显的优势。红外遥控收发系统的设计在具有很高的实用价值,目前红外收发器产品在可携式产品中的应用潜力很大。全世界约有1亿5千万台设备采用红外技术,在电子产品和工业设备、医疗设备等领域广泛使用。绝大多数笔记本电脑和手机都配置红外收发器接口。随着红外数据传输技术更加成熟、成本下降,红外收发器在短距离通讯领域必将得到更广泛的应用。 本系统的设计目的是用红外线作为传输媒质来传输用户的操作信息并由接收电路解调出原始信号,主要用到编码芯片和解码芯片对信号进行调制与解调,其中编码芯片用的是台湾生产的PT2262,解码芯片是PT2272。主要工作原理是:利用编码键盘可以为PT2262提供的输入信息,PT2262对输入的信息进行编码并加载到38KHZ的载波上并调制红外发射二极管并辐射到空间,然后再由接收系统接收到发射的信号并解调出原始信息,由PT2272对原信号进行解码以驱动相应的电路完成用户的操作要求。 关键字:红外线;编码;解码;LM386;红外收发器。 1 绪论


物联网专业英语复习第一部分 单词或词组英译中(10空,共10分)汉语中译英(10空,共10分) 第一单元单词 actuator 执行器 Cyber-Physical System (CPS)信息物理融合系统Cyberspace 网络空间 device processing power 设备处理能力fibre-based network 基于光纤的网络Global Positioning System (GPS) 全球定位系统Internet of Things (IoT) 物联网 Machine to Machine (M2M) 机器对机器nano-technology 纳米技术 quick response (QR)-code reader QR 码阅读器radio frequency identification (RFID)无线射频识别技术 RFID scannerRFID扫描仪 Sensor 传感器 shrinking thing 微小的物体storage capacity 存储空间tag 标签 middleware中间件中间设备paradigm 范例、概念ubiquitous 普遍存在的gateway device 网关设备logistics 物流 in the scenario of … 在…背景下from the point view of … 从…角度convergence 收敛、集合pervasive 普遍存在的domotics 家庭自动化 e-health 电子医疗 in the context 在…方面 with reference to 关于,根据 第二单元单词 3rd-Generation (3G)第三代移动通信技术bluetooth蓝牙 cloud computing云计算 database数据库 embedded software嵌入式软件 enterprise local area network企业局域网EPC Global一个组织(产品电子代码) Fibre to the x (FTTx)光纤入户= Identity authentication身份认证 implant microchip植入芯片 infrared sensor红外传感器 infrared technology红外技术 intelligent processing智能处理 IPv6一种互联网协议 Japanese Ubiquitous ID日本泛在标识Location Based Service (LBS)基于位置的服务logistics management物流管理 serviced-oriented面向服务的Telecommunications Management Network (TMN)电信管理网络 application layer应用层 business layer商业服务层 perception layer感知层 processing layer处理层transport layer传输层 ubiquitous computing普适计算 Wireless Fidelity (WiFi)一种无线局域网络技术ZigBee一种低功耗个域网协议deployment调度、部署 intervention介入 unprecedented空前的 refinement精炼、提炼 concrete具体的 attribute特征、属性 conform to符合、遵照 e-commerce电子商务 assign分配、指定、赋值 diverse多种多样的 connotation内涵 enterprise企业、事业、进取心appropriateness适当、合适 immense巨大的、无穷的 magnitude大小、量级 representative典型的、代表 module模块 literacy读写能力、文化素养 ultra mobile broadband (UMB)超移动宽带mass大规模的,集中的 第三单元 chip芯片integrated综合的、集成的


基于反馈神经网络肘关节力矩的动态预测 R.Song K.Y.Tong 健康技术与信息学系,香港理工大学 KowIoon,香港

摘要 肌肉模型是身体部分运动分析的一个重要组成部分。尽管许多研究已经集中在静态条件下,但是肌电信号(EMG)和关节转矩在自愿动态情况下之间的关系并没有被很好的研究。本研究的目的是调查的一个反馈人工神经网络的性能(RANN)自愿动态情况下的复杂肘扭矩估计。肌电信号和运动数据,其中包括角度和角速度,被用来作为估计在运动过程中预期的扭矩输入。此外,角度和角速度的预测精度的作用进行了研究,并比较两个模型。一个模型的肌电图和关节运动的投入和其他的模型只使用肌电图无运动数据输入。六例健康体检者,和两个平均角速度(60°S 7和90°S 7)三种不同负荷(0公斤,1公斤,2公斤)在手的位置被选择来训练和测试90°屈肘、全伸肘之间的递归神经网络(0 ~)。训练结束后,根平均平方误差(RMSE)预期的扭矩和扭矩之间的模型预测,在训练数据集的肌电图和关节运动的投入和测试数据集,分别为0.17±0.03 nm和0.35 + 0.06 nm。预期的扭矩和预测模型的RMSE值之间的扭矩,在训练数据集只有肌电输入和测试集,分别为0.57 t - 0.07 nm和0.73 T 0.11 nm。结果表明,肌电信号一起运动的数据提供了更好的性能预测的关节力矩;关节角度和角速度提供了重要信息的关节力矩的估计在自愿的运动。 关键词:肌肉骨骼模型,自愿的运动,反馈人工神经网络,逆动力学模型

第一章绪论 由于希尔提出了1938肌肉的经典论文,神经生理学和神经肌肉骨骼系统的生物力学已被广泛研究,使人体运动生成的原理可以发现(希尔,1938)。 探讨中枢神经系统(CNS)激发肌肉和其后的发展力和产生不同的人体运动,许多模型来描述和定性的肌肉骨骼系统的不同层次的性能(温特斯,1990;扎杰克和温特斯,1990)。一个被普遍接受的山为基础的神经肌肉骨骼系统由以下子模型,一步一步:肌肉兴奋-收缩模型;肌腱骨骼模型;动态模型(扎耶克,1989)。 图1 肌肉骨骼模型框图 图1显示了基于hillbased模型的运动生成。图1,肌肉兴奋收缩模型是用来估计中枢神经系统指挥肌肉活动的状态。肌腱模型产生的肌肉力量不仅基于肌肉激活状态,而且基于肌腱式长度和肌腱式收缩速度,这与关节角速度和角速度(温特斯和斯塔克,1988)。前项状态的肌肉力量,它决定了肌腱的依从性,还负责肌肉力在后一阶段(扎耶克,1989)。一旦所有负责的关节运动的肌肉力量已经发现,肌肉的力量与各自的肌肉力臂和的结果求和乘法可以产生关节力矩。所有子模型的数学积分可以用来描述关节运动是中枢神经系统的命令产生哪些参数斧负责关节力矩。 肌电信号反映肌肉的活动,和许多类似的肌电力矩的关系已经在静态和动态情况的研究(张等人,1997;麦森纳和莫润,1995)。肌肉的肌电信号也常被认


外文文献: Knowledge of the stepper motor What is a stepper motor: Stepper motor is a kind of electrical pulses into angular displacement of the implementing agency. Popular little lesson: When the driver receives a step pulse signal, it will drive a stepper motor to set the direction of rotation at a fixed angle (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the angular displacement, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; the same time you can control the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, to achieve speed control purposes. What kinds of stepper motor sub-: In three stepper motors: permanent magnet (PM), reactive (VR) and hybrid (HB) permanent magnet stepper usually two-phase, torque, and smaller, step angle of 7.5 degrees or the general 15 degrees; reaction step is generally three-phase, can achieve high torque output, step angle of 1.5 degrees is generally, but the noise and vibration are large. 80 countries in Europe and America have been eliminated; hybrid stepper is a mix of permanent magnet and reactive advantages. It consists of two phases and the five-phase: two-phase step angle of 1.8 degrees while the general five-phase step angle of 0.72 degrees generally. The most widely used Stepper Motor. What is to keep the torque (HOLDING TORQUE) How much precision stepper motor? Whether the cumulative: The general accuracy of the stepper motor step angle of 3-5%, and not cumulative.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/3413028803.html,/finance/company/consumer.html Consumer finance company The consumer finance division of the SG group of France has become highly active within India. They plan to offer finance for vehicles and two-wheelers to consumers, aiming to provide close to Rs. 400 billion in India in the next few years of its operations. The SG group is also dealing in stock broking, asset management, investment banking, private banking, information technology and business processing. SG group has ventured into the rapidly growing consumer credit market in India, and have plans to construct a headquarters at Kolkata. The AIG Group has been approved by the RBI to set up a non-banking finance company (NBFC). AIG seeks to introduce its consumer finance and asset management businesses in India. AIG Capital India plans to emphasize credit cards, mortgage financing, consumer durable financing and personal loans. Leading Indian and international concerns like the HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Barclays and HDFC Bank are also waiting to be approved by the Reserve Bank of India to initiate similar operations. AIG is presently involved in insurance and financial services in more than one hundred countries. The affiliates of the AIG Group also provide retirement and asset management services all over the world. Many international companies have been looking at NBFC business because of the growing consumer finance market. Unlike foreign banks, there are no strictures on branch openings for the NBFCs. GE Consumer Finance is a section of General Electric. It is responsible for looking after the retail finance operations. GE Consumer Finance also governs the GE Capital Asia. Outside the United States, GE Consumer Finance performs its operations under the GE Money brand. GE Consumer Finance currently offers financial services in more than fifty countries. The company deals in credit cards, personal finance, mortgages and automobile solutions. It has a client base of more than 118 million customers throughout the world


Web应用程序安全外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Basic Security Practices for Web Applications Even if you have limited experience with and knowledge of application security, there are basic measures that you should take to help protect your Web applications. The following sections in this topic provide minimum-security guidelines that apply to all Web applications.General Web Application Security Recommendations;Run Applications with Minimum Privileges ;Know Your Users; Guard Against Malicious User Input;Access Databases Securely;Create Safe Error Messages;Keep Sensitive Information Safely;Use Cookies Securely;Guard Against Denial-of-Service Threats. 1. General Web Application Security Recommendations


外文翻译 DC GENENRATORS 1. INTRODUCTION For all practical purposes, the direct-current generator is only used for special applications and local dc power generation. This limitation is due to the commutator required to rectify the internal generated ac voltage, thereby making largescale dc power generators not feasible. Consequently, all electrical energy produced commercially is generated and distributed in the form of three-phase ac power. The use of solid state converters nowadays makes conversion to dc economical. However, the operating characteristics of dc generators are still important, because most concepts can be applied to all other machines. 2. FIELD WINDING CONNECTIONS The general arrangement of brushes and field winding for a four-pole machine is as shown in Fig.1. The four brushes ride on the commutator. The positive brusher are connected to terminal A1 while the negative brushes are connected to terminal A2 of the machine. As indicated in the sketch, the brushes are positioned approximately midway under the poles. They make contact with coils that have little or no EMF induced in them, since their sides are situated between poles. Figure 1 Sketch of four-pole dc matchine The four excitation or field poles are usually joined in series and their ends brought out to terminals marked F1 and F2. They are connected such that they produce north and south poles alternately. The type of dc generator is characterized by the manner in which the field


文献翻译 原文 Combining JSP and Servlets The technology of JSP and Servlet is the most important technology which use Java technology to exploit request of server, and it is also the standard which exploit business application .Java developers prefer to use it for a variety of reasons, one of which is already familiar with the Java language for the development of this technology are easy to learn Java to the other is "a preparation, run everywhere" to bring the concept of Web applications, To achieve a "one-prepared everywhere realized." And more importantly, if followed some of the principles of good design, it can be said of separating and content to create high-quality, reusable, easy to maintain and modify the application. For example, if the document in HTML embedded Java code too much (script), will lead the developed application is extremely complex, difficult to read, it is not easy reuse, but also for future maintenance and modification will also cause difficulties. In fact, CSDN the JSP / Servlet forum, can often see some questions, the code is very long, can logic is not very clear, a large number of HTML and Java code mixed together. This is the random development of the defects. Early dynamic pages mainly CGI (Common Gateway Interface, public Gateway Interface) technology, you can use different languages of the CGI programs, such as VB, C / C + + or Delphi, and so on. Though the technology of CGI is developed and powerful, because of difficulties in programming, and low efficiency, modify complex shortcomings, it is gradually being replaced by the trend. Of all the new technology, JSP / Servlet with more efficient and easy to program, more powerful, more secure and has a good portability, they have been many people believe that the future is the most dynamic site of the future development of technology. Similar to CGI, Servlet support request / response model. When a customer submit a request to the server, the server presented the request Servlet, Servlet responsible for handling requests and generate a response, and then gave the server, and then from the server sent to


3000字英文参考文献及其翻译 【注意:选用的英文一定要与自己的论文题目相关。 如果文章太长,可以节选(用省略号省略一些段略)。如果字数不够,可以选2至3篇,但要逐一注明详细出处。英文集中在一起放前面,对应的中文翻译放后面。中文翻译也要将出处翻译,除非是网页。 对文献的翻译一定要认真!对英文文献及其翻译的排版也要和论文正文一样! 特别注意:英文文献应该放在你的参考文献中。】 TOY RECALLS——IS CHINA THE PROBLEM Hari. Bapuji Paul W. Beamish China exports about 20 billion toys per year and they are the second most commonly imported item by U.S. and Canada. It is estimated that about 10,000 factories in China manufacture toys for export. Considering this mutual dependence, it is important that the problems resulting in recalls are addressed carefully. Although the largest portion of recalls by Mattel involved design flaws, the CEO of Mattel blamed the Chinese manufacturers by saying that the problem resulted ‘in this case (because) one of our manufacturers did not follow the rules’. Several analysts too blamed the Chinese manufacturers. By placing blame where it did not belong, there is a danger of losing the opportunity to learn from the errors that have occurred. The first step to learn from errors is to know why and where the error occurred. Further, the most critical step in preventing the recurrence of errors is to find out what and who can prevent it. ……


NET-BASED TASK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Wisdom ABSTRACT In net-based collaborative design environment, design resources become more and more varied and complex. Besides com mon in formatio n man ageme nt systems, desig n resources can be orga ni zed in connection with desig n activities. A set of activities and resources linked by logic relations can form a task. A task has at least one objective and can be broken down into smaller ones. So a design project can be separated in to many subtasks formi ng a hierarchical structure. Task Management System (TMS) is designed to break down these tasks and assig n certa in resources to its task no des. As a result of decompositi on. al1 desig n resources and activities could be man aged via this system. KEY WORDS : Collaborative Design, Task Management System (TMS), Task Decompositi on, In formati on Man ageme nt System 1 Introduction Along with the rapid upgrade of request for adva need desig n methods, more and more desig n tool appeared to support new desig n methods and forms. Desig n in a web en vir onment with multi-part ners being invo Ived requires a more powerful and efficie nt man ageme nt system .Desig n part ners can be located everywhere over the n et with their own organizations. They could be mutually independent experts or teams of tens of employees. This article discussesa task man ageme nt system (TMS) which man ages desig n activities and resources by break ing dow n desig n objectives and re-orga nizing desig n resources in conn ecti on with the activities. Compari ng with com mon information management systems (IMS) like product data management system and docume nt man ageme nt system, TMS can man age the whole desig n process. It has two tiers which make it much more flexible in structure. The lower tier con sists of traditi onal com mon IMSS and the upper one fulfills logic activity management through controlling a tree-like structure, allocating design resources and

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