当前位置:文档之家› 外文翻译--板料成形中有限元仿真及相关技术的研究进展







3 IIS,东京大学,六本木,东京都港区,日本



1 导言

汽车行业面临着全球范围严重的挑战:激烈的市场竞争和严格的政府环境保护法规。汽车制造商为迎接这些挑战而采取的战略是有时称为3R的策略:缩短上市时间,降低开发成本以赢得竞争,减少车辆重量以提高燃料效率。来实现三个目标的解决方案必不可少的要在产品开发和进程设计中采用基于CAD / CAE / CAM系统集成技术。


成功的数值仿真主要取决于成形仿真软件的进展,但其他相关的技术的进展也很重要。相关技术的例子有能迅速构建和修改加工表面的CAD系统,或多或少在CAD 表面自动创建有限元网格的现代网格生成器,使用户能够掌握大量的数据的可视化的硬件和软件以及最后在合理的时间内处理大型仿真的计算机硬件。本文的目的在于总结业界金属板料成形仿真和相关技术实现现状,并对未来的研究方向提出建议。在80 和90年代关于金属板料成形仿真已举办了许多国际会议并发表了许相关


2 历史背景


非线性有限元仿真打开了真实工业冲压过程仿真之路,1985年在安阿伯密歇根州的板材成形过程计算机建模专题讨论会提出了使用壳单元的弹塑性有限元方法对三维汽车车身面板成形过程建模。研究中,对升降机窗口外形的拉伸过程和甲板盖的压边圈夹紧过程进行了仿真,但它们尚处于测试和评价的阶段。因此,在这个会议中,几何建模方法[ 10月12日]和简化的力学建模方法更受到业界赞赏,发表了许多关于成形仿真的文章,其中两个重要方向将使板料成形仿真提升到一个新的水平,一个是动力显式软件的应用,另一个是一步法的提出。在文献【16】中昂纳克和Mattiasson证明采用DYNA3D可对一个油底壳和散热器部分深拉深,可获得用静态显式软件ABAQUS无法获得的的深拉深形状,包括凸缘起皱。会后,一些用于板料成形仿真的动力显式软件如PAM-STAMP和OPTRIS被开发出来,并且许多汽车企业开始尝试使用这些软件。

另一方面,开发了基于Batiste al李和常[18]理念提出的一步法,其中使用一个大时间步长值,逆变形板料从最终的零件配置到最初的板料配置。这个方法的主要好处是计算时间非常短,并且,根据这个方法开发了许多软件,主要在欧洲如ISOPUNCH、SIMEX、FAST FORM3D和AUTO FORM ONE STEP。

与此同时进行了根据静态隐式增量方法,这也许是仿真金属板变形的最适当的方法,进行软件开发。那些成果在汽车制造业NUMISHEET’3 和NUMISHEET 6的三维金属板料有限元仿真的国际专题讨论会上被提出了。在我们访问的企业所用的静态隐式增量软件是MTLFRM和AUTO FORM。为了避免在静态隐式方法遇到的收敛问题,开发了静态显式软件lTAS3D。在最近十年期间,由于这些非常密集的研究,板料成形仿真发生了显著的变化,如表1所示。有几个独立的研究小组在10年前开发他们自己的有限元软件并且使用自己的软件解决他们的问题。然而,在今天,情况已显著改变了。有三组人:研究员、软件开发商和软件用户。CIRP成员也许是属于



图1 最近十年期间金属板材成形仿真的趋势。

3 企业中使用的软件


表1 在欧洲用于汽车制造商和板料供应商的软件公司名称戴姆勒奔驰雷诺汽车沃尔沃汽车Sollac











Centred' tudes

et de








































表2 在日本用于汽车制造商和板料供应商的软件




Technical Center


Motomachi Plant


Research Center























表3 在美国用于汽车制造商和板料供应商的软件


访问的地方Technical Center

Auburn Hills,









Livonia, Michigan

Troy, Michigan














I-DEAS (模具表

面) 自带板料网




(1 )戴姆勒奔驰公司

尽管1994年戴姆勒奔驰公司就引进了板料成形仿真,但在模具车间由受过训练的制造工程师生产化利用它从1996年1月开始的。如表1所示,目前金属成形团队正在使用7种软件。ISOPUNCH和AOTO FORM ONE FORM用于快速预先优化在零件设计部分零件形状,而不是用作几何工具。AUTO FORM更多地被用于评估几何工具原型的模具设计和系列模具设计。有时LS-DYNA3D或OPTRIS被用于执行更加确切的优化。INDEED和LS-DYNA3D被用于预测反弹。在Shindelfingen工厂,相当多的工程师已经被训练使用仿真软件,其中有14 名AUTO FORM 工程师和4名OPTRlS 工程师。

( 2 )雷诺汽车

在80年代期间,雷诺通过与各大学和研究机构合作在开发板料成形仿真的数值方法上付出很大的努力。其中最重要的成果之一是开发基于单步法的SIMEX软件。雷诺正在在模具设计部门使用此软件,并试图与SIMTEC软件公司进一步开发新的功能。其中一个功能是自动优化模具设计,另一个功能是能对影响成形过程的疲劳极限的评价。为了更准确地对形成效应的评价,在1993年,引入了 OPTRIS和PAM 的编码。SIMEX和OPTRIS融入了FICTURE处理器,因此,这两个仿真软件可用于同一用户界面。

(3 )沃尔沃汽车公司

在1989年,沃尔沃,第一次表明了动态显式软件DYNA3D对钣金成形过程的仿真的适用性,并在经过5年的研究后,在冲压车间引入该软件实际使用。沃尔沃公司目前在产品设计和冲压工艺/模具设计中使用三种有限元软件:AUTOFORM ONE STEP、AUTO FORM 和LS-DYNA3D。所有仿真软件综合成CATIA/NAMOS ,这是一个专用于汽车制造的计算机辅助设计软件。目前11个训练有素的工程师能够使用这一系统执行仿真。




(1 )马自达


(2 )日产汽车

于1994年,日产汽车开始使用ITAS3D,稍候再模具设计车间引入了PAMSTAMP 和AUTO FORM。通过与Rilk合作,日产公司已经开发出了专业版本的ITAS3D,打





在日本,日本深冲压研究小组( JDDRG )在促进汽车和钢铁公司之间的密切联系。新日本制钢已主要是基于这个框架内与汽车公司开展了合作调研工作。在1991年,开发出了lTAS3D,而于1994年,又开发了出PAM-STAMP。有限元仿真主要优点是减少实验次数,这项技术手段在被正式使用之前主要用于解决薄板用户所提出的问题。


(1 )克莱斯勒汽车公司

在美国,作为三大汽车制造商之一,克莱斯勒是最后使用仿真的。然而,于1994年,克莱斯勒开发的最先进的仿真系统采用了CATIA和LS- DYNA3D,成为生产模具进程的主流设计。所有主要的重要的面板都使用它仿真。使克莱斯勒采用当前先进的动态软件仿真的关键原因是计算机硬件和可视化工具开发与应用。

( 2 )福特汽车公司

MTLFRM 是唯一用于板料成形仿真的静态隐式软件,早在70年代,由Tang和他的同事开发,并在福特广泛使用。这个软件主要优点是能够预测几乎所有成形瑕疵包括缺陷回弹,但缺点是计算时间长。然而,最近,通过引进先进的直接矩阵方法求解MTLFRM,计算时间大大减少。动态显式软件运作也可以用于该工具设计阶段。

( 3 )国家钢铁


车钢铁伙伴关系”,并在 1996年,国家钢铁决定利用有限元仿真技术与汽车制造商合作建造有共同技术的汽车制造基地,并使用了LS-DYNA3D和FASTFORM3D。这些软件被广泛应用于支持客户活动,如管状液压和拼焊板的形成。

( 4 )美国钢铁公司



Advance in FEM Simulation and its Related Technologies in

Sheet Metal Forming

1 Material fabrication Lab., RIKEN, Wako, Japan

2 LPMTM-CNRS, University Paris Nerd, Valentines, France

3 IIS, The University of Tokyo, Roping, Minato-key, Tokyo, Japan

Abstract This paper presents an overview of the current state of sheet metal forming simulation and related technologies employed by automakers and steel sheet suppliers. For this purpose the authors visited industries in Europe, Japan, and the United States, to discuss the above-mentioned issues with engineers and researchers. Soft wares used in each industry are shown in tables and evaluations of finite element cods from industrial users are also summarized in a table. Based on that information the future direction of research in this field is suggested.

Key words sheet metal forming, simulation, finite element method, CAD


The automotive industry faces world-wide serious challenges: fierce market competition and strict governmental regulations on environment protection. The strategies of the automakers to meet these challenges are sometimes called the 3R Strategy: Reduction in time-to market, reduction in development costs to gain competitiveness, and reduction in the vehicle weight to improve fuel efficiency. The solutions to achieve this triple goal are essentially based on the implementation of CAD/CAE/CAM technologies in product development and process design.

A very significant component of this endeavor is focused on the reduction of the tooling costs and the lead-time related to the stamping of auto body panels, even under increasing technological difficulties such as the use of aluminum alloys and high-strength steels, and requirements for higher geometrical accuracy of stamped parts. To deal with the problems brought about by these trends, which are beyond past experience, numerical

methods for sheet forming simulation become more and more important, replacing the physical tryout of stamping dies by a computer tryout.

The success of numerical simulation depends mainly on the advances in forming simulation codes, but progress in other related technologies is also important. Examples of related technology are the CAD systems that rapidly construct and modify tool surfaces, modern mesh generators to, more or less automatically, create Famishes CAD surfaces, visualization hardware and software, which enables users to grasp the huge data, and, finally, the computer hardware, which makes it possible to perform large scale simulations within reasonable time. The objective of the paper is to present an overview of the current state of sheet metal forming simulation and related technologies realized in industries, and to suggest the future directions of research. Many international conferences have been held and numerous papers are published related to sheet metal forming simulation in the 1980’and 1990’. However, the information obtained through these events is not sufficient to address the above issues. For this reason the authors decided to visit automotive industries and sheet steel suppliers in Europe, Japan and the United States to discuss these specific topics with engineers and researchers working at die shops and in sheet stamping sections of industries.


Analytical study of sheet metal forming process was already started in the middle of this century [1, 2] and numerical procedures (finite difference methods) were applied to analyze ax symmetric drawing process in the 1960’ [3].Although such work contributed greatly to develop the theory of sheet metal forming analysis, this kind of approach could not be applicable to the actual production parts. Non-linear finite element methods opened the path for the simulation of real industrial stamping processes [4-6]. A symposium on computer modeling of sheet metal forming process was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1985 [7], in which three dimensional auto-body panel forming processes are modeled by elastic-plastic finite element methods using shell elements[8-9]. In these studies drawing process of a lift window outer and binder wrapping process of a deck-lid were simulated, but they were in the stage of testing and evaluation, since finite element.

Simulation was still an extremely time consuming and unreliable tool to the engineer in

the press shop. So that, in this symposium, geometric modeling methods [10-12] and simplified mechanical modeling methods [13-14] were much more appreciated by participants from industries. In NUMIFORM' 9[15], numerous papers concerning the sheet forming simulation were presented, and among them two important directions were suggested which brought sheet forming simulation to a new horizon; one was the application of a dynamic explicit code[16] and the other was the proposal of the one step method. In[16]Honaker and Madison demonstrated the deep drawing of an oil-pan and a radiator part by using DYNA3D,obtaining deeply drawn shapes including wrinkle on the flange, which was not possible by using the static implicit code ABAQUS. After this conference several dynamic explicit codes specialized to the sheet forming simulation, such as PAM-STAMP and OPTRIS, were developed, and many automotive industries started to try these codes. On the other hand the one step method proposed by Batiste al. was developed based on idea of Chang and Lee, in which a single large time step was used, deforming the sheet inversely from the final part configuration to the initial blank configuration. A major advantage of this method is the very short computation time, and thus, based on this strategy, many codes have been developed mainly in Europe. These are ISOPUNCH, SIMEX, and FAST FORM3D and AUTO FORM ONE STEP. Meanwhile there were several activities to develop codes based on the static implicit incremental approach, which may be the most appropriate method for sheet metal forming simulation. Those endeavors are presented at the International Symposium on FE-Simulation of 3-D Sheet Metal Forming Processes in Automotive Industry [19], NUMISHEET’3 [20] and NUMISHEET' 6[21].The static implicit incremental codes used in the industries, visited by us, are MTLFRM, INDEED [2, 3] and AUTO FORM [24-26] In order to avoid the convergence problem in the static implicit approach, the static explicit code lTAS3D was developed [27, 28]. Due to these very intensive activities, the trend of sheet forming simulation has undergone significant change during the last decade, which may be able to be illustrated like Fig.1. There existed several independent research groups, 10 years before, which developed their own FE codes and solved their problems using their own codes. However, today, the situation has dramatically changed. There are three groups of people; researchers, software developers and software users. Carp

members may belong to the group of researchers and most engineers working in automakers and sheet suppliers may belong to the group of software users. There is a rather thin relationship between these two groups, while a very strong relationship has been established between software developers and users.


We visited 12 companies listed in Table 1 to 3. Choice of regions and choice of companies are based on our interest, and not on some systematic strategy.

3.1 European Industries

(1) Daimler Benz AG

Although in 1994 sheet metal forming simulation was introduced in Daimler Benz, the

productive use of it in die shop by trained tool engineers was since January 1996. As shown in Table 1, currently seven codes are being used by the metal forming team. ISOPUNCH and AUTO FORMONE STEP are used for a fast pre-optimization of shape of parts at the parts design section without tool geometry. AUTO FORM is most intensively used to evaluate the tool geometry for the prototype die design and also the series die design. Sometimes LS-DYNA3D or OPTRIS is employed to perform a more exact Optimization. INDEED and LS-NIKE3D are used for prediction of the spring backed shape. A rather large number of engineers have been trained to use the simulation codes.

(2) Renault Automobile

Renault made significant efforts to develop numerical method for sheet metal forming simulation during the1980' .in cooperation with universities and research institutes. One of the important results from these attempts was the development of the code SIMEX based on the one step approach. Renault is utilizing this code in the die design section and is trying to develop further new technological features in cooperation with the software company SIMTEC. One feature is the auto maticoptimization of tool design [29]and the other is evaluation of fatigue limit taking into account the effect of a forming process PO].In order to perform more accurate evaluation of the forming defect, OPTRIS and PAM-STAMP codes were introduced in 1993. SIMEX and OPTRIS are integrated into the pre and post processor FICTURE, so that both simulation codes can be used in the unified user interface.

(3) Vivo Car Corporation

Volvo, for the first time, demonstrated the applicability of dynamic explicit code

DYNA3D to the simulation of sheet metal forming process in 1989 [16], and after 5 years of research, the code was introduced in the press shop for actual use. Volvo currently uses three FE codes, AUTOFORM ONE STEP, AUTO FORM and LS-DYNA3D. All the simulation codes are integrated into CATIANAMOS, which is specialized CAD software for automakers. Currently 11 trained engineers are able to perform simulations using this system.

(4) Solace

As a steel sheet supplier, Solace uses FE codes to provide technical services to the sheet metal users. Solace developed a one step solver ISOPUNCH [23] and commercialized it. Simulation has become increasingly important for Solace as a means to provide technical services.

3.2 Japanese industries

(1) Mazda

Mazda began a preliminary study to evaluate the applicability of PAM-STAMP in cooperation with ESI and IBM in 1990.This was the earliest attempt, for Japanese automakers, to employ a FE code to the sheet stamping section. Although Mazda had an in-house die face CAD system which could provide information for optimizing the die face geometry, the system could not keep pace with the rapid changes in the technical trends and therefore Mazda decided to introduce FE simulation. In contrast to the European automakers, Mazda use only PAM-STAMP as the simulation code, and two engineers are intensively engaged in simulations.

Advanced - simulation

(2) Nissan Motor

Nissan started the use of ITAS3D in 1994, and PAMSTAMP and AUTO FORM were introduced a little later to the tool design section. Nissan has developed the special version of ITAS3D in cooperation with Rilke intending to obtain a correct deformation shape at the early stages of stamping operation; the deformation due tow eight and the binder wrapping. Most of the computer tryouts are performed during the early design stage, just after part design, using the roughly approximated die face geometry. Four engineers are engaged in simulation of new parts and also in the development of the simulation system.

(3) Toyota Motor

Since Toyota had very advanced geometric modeling software, Die Face CAD, and well trained die design engineers, they were not much enthusiastic for introduction of the simulation. However, the increase usage of high strength steel sheet in the press shop and introduction of new panel shapes, such as a large-size done-piece side panel, forced Toyota to employ FE simulation. LS-DYNA3D was tested in 1993 and introduced. Now,

Toyota has their own “Virtual Tryout System”, which consists of well defined user interface, LS-DYNA3D and a newly developed data base. Currently four simulation engineers work on this system.

(4) Nippon Steel

The Japan Deep Drawing Research Group (JDDRG) facilitates a close relationship between the automotive and steel companies in Japan. Mainly based on this framework, Nippon Steel has carried out cooperative research works with automotive companies.lTAS3D was introduced in1991, and PAM-STAMP in 1994. The main advantage of FEM simulation is the reduction in the number of experiments, which was the main technical means to solve problems asked by the sheet metal users, before the introduction of FEM.

3.3 US industries

(1) Chrysler Corporation

Among the big three automakers in US, Chrysler was the last to introduce the simulation. However, Chrysler developed a most advanced simulation system using CATIA and

LS-DYNA3D in 1994, which became the mainstream in the design of production die process. All major significant panels are simulated by it. The key reasons which made Chrysler adopt simulation were there cent advances in the dynamic code, the computer hardware and the visualization tool.

(2) Ford Motor Company

MTLFRM, the only incremental static implicit code used for panel forming simulation, was being developed as early as the end of the 1970' by Tang and coworkers [6-9] and is used exclusively at Ford. A major advantage of this code is its ability to predict almost all the forming defects including the spring back, while the drawbacks are long computation time. However, recently, by introducing an advanced direct space matrix solver into MTLFRM, computation time was significantly reduced. The dynamic explicit code OPTRIS is also used in the tool design stage.

(3) National Steel

In North America there is a cooperative research program between the automakers and sheet metal suppliers, called " he Auto-Steel Partnership" National Steel decided to use

FEM simulation to have common technical bases with the automakers, and introduces LS-DYNA3D and FASTFORM3D in 1996. These codes are extensively used in customer support activities, such as the tubular hydro forming and the forming of tailor welded blanks.

(4) US Steel

US Steel also has close collaboration with automakers through cooperative activities such as the Auto-Steel Partnership and "he spring back project"[3-6]. Evaluation of service property of steel sheet is an important subject. For example, the dent resistance of formed panel was simulated by combining a dynamic code with a static code.


电子信息工程专业课程名称中英文翻译对照 (2009级培养计划)


高等数学Advanced Mathematics 大学物理College Physics 线性代数Linear Algebra 复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variable and Integral Transforms 概率论与随机过程Probability and Random Process 物理实验Experiments of College Physics 数理方程Equations of Mathematical Physics 电子信息工程概论Introduction to Electronic and Information Engineering 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer Application 电路原理Principles of Circuit 模拟电子技术基础Fundamentals of Analog Electronics 数字电子技术基础Fundamentals of Digital Electronics C语言程序设计The C Programming Language 信息论基础Fundamentals of Information Theory 信号与线性系统Signals and Linear Systems 微机原理与接口技术Microcomputer Principles and Interface Technology 马克思主义基本原理Fundamentals of Marxism 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 和“三个代表”重要思想 概论 Thoughts of Mao and Deng 中国近现代史纲要Modern Chinese History 思想道德修养与法律基 础 Moral Education & Law Basis 形势与政策Situation and Policy 英语College English 体育Physical Education 当代世界经济与政治Modern Global Economy and Politics 卫生健康教育Health Education 心理健康知识讲座Psychological Health Knowledge Lecture 公共艺术课程Public Arts 文献检索Literature Retrieval 军事理论Military Theory 普通话语音常识及训练Mandarin Knowledge and Training 大学生职业生涯策划 (就业指导) Career Planning (Guidance of Employment ) 专题学术讲座Optional Course Lecture 科技文献写作Sci-tech Document Writing 高频电子线路High-Frequency Electronic Circuits 通信原理Communications Theory 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 计算机网络Computer Networks 电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave


板料成形CAE技术及应用 长期以来,困扰广大模具设计人员的主要问题就是较长的模具开发设计周期,特别是对于某些特殊复杂的板料成形零件,甚至制约了整个产品的开发进度,而板料成形CAE技术及分析软件的出现,有效地缩短模具设计周期,大大减少试模时间,帮助企业改进产品质量,降低生产成本,从根本上提高了企业的市场竞争力。 一、前言 计算机辅助设计技术以其强大的冲击力,影响和改变着工业的各个方面,甚至影响着社会的各个方面。它使传统的产品技术、工程技术发生了深刻的变革,极大地提高了产品质量,缩短了从设计到生产的周期,实现了设计的自动化。 板料成形是利用模具对金属板料的冲压加工,获得质量轻、表面光滑、造型美观的冲压件,具有节省材料、效率高和低成本等优点,在汽车、航空、模具等行业中占据着重要地位。由于板料成形是利用板材的变形得到所需的形状的,长期以来,困扰广大模具设计人员的主要问题就是较长的模具开发设计周期,特别是对于复杂的板料成形零件无法准确预测成形的结果,难以预防缺陷的产生,只能通过经验或类似零件的现有工艺资料,通过不断的试模、修模,才能成功。某些特殊复杂的板料成形零件甚至制约了整个产品的开发进度。 板料成形CAE技术及分析软件,可以在产品原型设计阶段进行工件坯料形状预示、产品可成形性分析以及工艺技术方案优化,从而有效地缩短模具设计周期,大大减少试模时间,帮助企业改进产品质量,降低生产成本,从根本上提高企业的市场竞争力。 板料成形CAE技术对传统开发模式的改进作用可以通过图1 和图2进行对比。

图1 传统板料成形模具开发模式 图2 CAE 技术模具开发方式 通过比较,就可发现板料成形CAE技术的主要优点。 (1)通过对工件的可成形工艺性分析,做出工件是否可制造的早期判断;通过对模具技术方案和冲压技术方案的模拟分析,及时调整修改模具结构,减少实际试模次数,缩短开发周期。 (2)通过缺陷预测来制定缺陷预防措施,改进产品设计和模具设计,增强模具结构设计以及冲压技术方案的可靠性,从而减少生产成本。 (3)通过CAE分析可以择优选择材料,可制造复杂的零件,并对各种成形参数进行优化,提高产品质量。 (4)通过CAE分析应用不仅可以弥补工艺人员在经验和应用工艺资料方面的不足,还可通过虚拟的冲压模拟,提高提高工艺人员的经验。 二、板料成形需要解决的问题 板料成形通过模具对板料施加压力,使板料产生永久性的塑性变形,以获得预期的产品形状。在这个过程中影响板材变形的因素非常多,要控制好变形的形状也非常困难。首先,金属受外力作用会发生变形,变形可分为弹性变形和塑性变形,弹性变形是可逆的,外力去除后变形体就会恢复成原来的形状;第二,材料的成分和组织对变形影响极大;第三,塑性变形有多种方式,再结晶温度下的塑性变形有晶内滑移和孪动、位错(位错分多种形式),再结晶温度上的塑性变形有晶间滑移、多晶体扩散和相变变形等;第四,变形温度、变形速度的影响;第五,变形体内部应力状态的影响;第六,摩擦与润滑的影响;第七,材料塑性变形后,当变形体内部各部分变形不一致时,

房地产信息管理系统的设计与实现 外文翻译

本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 译文: ASP ASP介绍 你是否对静态HTML网页感到厌倦呢?你是否想要创建动态网页呢?你是否想 要你的网页能够数据库存储呢?如果你回答:“是”,ASP可能会帮你解决。在2002年5月,微软预计世界上的ASP开发者将超过80万。你可能会有一个疑问什么是ASP。不用着急,等你读完这些,你讲会知道ASP是什么,ASP如何工作以及它能为我们做 什么。你准备好了吗?让我们一起去了解ASP。 什么是ASP? ASP为动态服务器网页。微软在1996年12月推出动态服务器网页,版本是3.0。微软公司的正式定义为:“动态服务器网页是一个开放的、编辑自由的应用环境,你可以将HTML、脚本、可重用的元件来创建动态的以及强大的网络基础业务方案。动态服务器网页服务器端脚本,IIS能够以支持Jscript和VBScript。”(2)。换句话说,ASP是微软技术开发的,能使您可以通过脚本如VBScript Jscript的帮助创建动态网站。微软的网站服务器都支持ASP技术并且是免费的。如果你有Window NT4.0服务器安装,你可以下载IIS(互联网信息服务器)3.0或4.0。如果你正在使用的Windows2000,IIS 5.0是它的一个免费的组件。如果你是Windows95/98,你可以下载(个人网络服务器(PWS),这是比IIS小的一个版本,可以从Windows95/98CD中安装,你也可以从微软的网站上免费下载这些产品。 好了,您已经学会了什么是ASP技术,接下来,您将学习ASP文件。它和HTML文 件相同吗?让我们开始研究它吧。 什么是ASP文件? 一个ASP文件和一个HTML文件非常相似,它包含文本,HTML标签以及脚本,这些都在服务器中,广泛用在ASP网页上的脚本语言有2种,分别是VBScript和Jscript,VBScript与Visual Basic非常相似,而Jscript是微软JavaScript的版本。尽管如此,VBScript是ASP默认的脚本语言。另外,这两种脚本语言,只要你安装了ActiveX脚本引擎,你可以使用任意一个,例如PerlScript。 HTML文件和ASP文件的不同点是ASP文件有“.Asp”扩展名。此外,HTML标签和ASP代码的脚本分隔符也不同。一个脚本分隔符,标志着一个单位的开始和结束。HTML标签以小于号(<)开始(>)结束,而ASP以<%开始,%>结束,两者之间是服务端脚本。


外文资料 所译外文资料: 1. 作者G..Bouwhuis, J.Braat, A.Huijser 2. 书名:Principles of Optical Disk Systems 3. 出版时间:1991年9月 4. 所译章节:Session 2/Chapter9, Session 2/Chapter 11 原文: Microprocessor One of the key inventions in the history of electronics, and in fact one of the most important inventions ever period, was the transistor. As time progressed after the inven ti on of LSI in tegrated circuits, the tech no logy improved and chips became smaller, faster and cheaper. The functions performed by a processor were impleme nted using several differe nt logic chips. In tel was the first compa ny to in corporate all of these logic comp onents into a si ngle chip, this was the first microprocessor. A microprocessor is a complete computati on engine that is fabricated on a sin gle chip. A microprocessor executes a collecti on of machi ne in struct ions that tell the processor what to do. Based on the in struct ions, a microprocessor does three basic things: https://www.doczj.com/doc/339843071.html,ing the ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit), a microprocessor can perform mathematical operatio ns like additi on, subtract ion, multiplicatio n and divisi on; 2.A microprocessor can move data from one memory location to another; 3.A microprocessor can make decisi ons and jump to a new set of in struct ions based on those decisi ons. There may be very sophisticated things that a microprocessor does, but those are its three basic activities. Microprocessor has an address bus that sends an address to memory, a data bus that can send data to memory or receive data from memory, an RD(read) and WR(write) line that lets a clock pulse sequenee the processor and a reset li ne that resets the program coun ter to zero(or whatever) and restarts executi on. And let ' s assume that both the address and data buses are 8 bits wide here. Here are the comp onents of this simple microprocessor: 1. Registers A, B and C are simply latches made out of flip-flops. 2. The address latch is just like registers A, B and C. 3. The program coun ter is a latch with the extra ability to in creme nt by 1 whe n told to do so, and also to reset to zero whe n told to do so. 4. The ALU could be as simple as an 8-bit adder, or it might be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide 8- bit values. Let ' s assume the latter here. 5. The test register is a special latch that can hold values from comparisons performed in the ALU. An ALU can normally compare two numbers send determine if they are equal, if one is greater


BI YE SHE JI (20 届) 基于有限元分析的发动机缸体压铸模具设计 所在学院 专业班级材料成型与控制工程 学生姓名学号 指导教师职称 完成日期年月

任务下达日期:2016年3月1日 毕业设计日期:2016年3月1日至2016年6月12日 毕业设计题目:基于有限元分析的发动机缸体压铸模具设计 毕业设计主要内容和要求: 内容: 1、查阅30篇中文文献及10篇左右的英文文献,充分了解设计内容。 2、利用NX10.0建立缸体三维模型,使用Anycasting完成缸体压铸过程模拟分析。 3、参考设计手册和模拟结果完成压铸模具设计,并绘制模具工程图。 4、要求翻译一篇近三年的英文文献,汉字内容应不少于3000字。 要求: 1、努力学习、勤于实践、勇于创新,保质保量地完成毕业设计任务。 2、遵守纪律,保证出勤。因事、因病离岗,应事先向指导老师请假。否则作为缺席处理。 3、独立完成规定的工作内容。不弄虚作假,不抄袭和拷贝别人的工作内容。 4、毕业设计必须符合中国矿业大学毕业论文规范化规定,否则不得参加毕业答辩。 院长签字:指导教师签字:

本文以某汽车的发动机铝合金缸体压铸件为研究对象,对该缸体压铸件可能铸造缺陷进行分析及预测。首先利用NX10.0设计该缸体的三维模型,并参照设计手册完成浇注系统和排溢系统的设计。然后利用铸造模拟软件anycasting v4.0对压铸模具型腔、浇注系统和排溢系统整体进行充填和凝固过程进行模拟研究。分析目前的工艺和设计的浇注系统、排溢系统的是否存在问题,对重要的压铸工艺参数进行优化,并优化压铸模具浇注系统和排溢系统。根据以上模拟结果和设计手册,利用NX10.0、AUTOCAD完成其余结构的设计。使用anycasting v4.0主要完成充型分析,充型过程热分析和热凝固分析,其中重要的工艺参数是冲头快压射速度、浇注温度、冲头高低速转换点和模具预热温度,最后得到一个缺陷比较少的模拟结果。对一般充型缺陷,可以通过优化设计浇注系统、排气系统改进,对凝固缺陷可以通过修改冷却系统的位置进行改进。模具设计部分包括模具型芯部分设计、模架设计、侧抽芯系统设计、顶出系统设计、模具厚度核算、动模座板行程校核、最小合模距离与最大开模距离校核和模具最大外形轮廓校核。最后依据模拟分析结果和模具结构设计,利用NX10.0三维造型软件完成缸体铸件的压铸模具设计。 关键词:铝合金缸体、数值模拟、压铸、模具设计



英文文献翻译 二〇年月日

科技文章摘译 Definition of a Management Information System There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system. A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below. 1 Computer-based user-machine system Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user. User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that


Finite element analysis system development present situation and forecast Along with modern science and technology development, the people unceasingly are making the faster transportation vehicle, the large-scale building, the greater span bridge, the high efficiency power set and the preciser mechanical device. All these request engineer to be able precisely to forecast in the design stage the product and the project technical performance, needs to be static, technical parameter and so on dynamic strength to the structure as well as temperature field, flow field, electromagnetic field and transfusion carries on the analysis computation. For example analysis computation high-rise construction and great span bridge when earthquake receives the influence, has a look whether can have the destructive accident; The analysis calculates the nuclear reactor the temperature field, the determination heat transfer and the cooling system are whether reasonable; Analyzes in the new leaf blade the hydrodynamics parameter, enhances its operating efficiency. The sell may sum up as the solution physics question control partial differential equations often is not impossible. In recent years the finite element analysis which develops in the computer technology and under the numerical analysis method support(FEA, Finite Element Analysis) the side principle for solves these complex project analysis estimation problems to provide the effective way. Our country in " 95 " Plan period vigorously promotes the CAD technology, mechanical profession large and middle scalene terries CAD popular rate from " 85 " End 20% enhances that present 70%.With enterprise application of CAD, engineering and technical personnel has gradually get rid drawing board, and will join the main energy how to optimize the design, engineering and improving the quality of products, computer-aided engineering analysis (CAE. Computer Aided Engineering) method and software will be the key technical elements . ln engineering practice, finite element analysis software and CAD system integration design standards should be a qualitative leap, mainly in the following aspects : The increase design function, reduces the design cost; Reduces design and the analysis cycle period; Increase product and project reliability; Uses the optimized design, reduces the material the consumption or the cost;


板料成形CAE分析 实验报告 班级: 学号: 姓名:

板料成形CAE分析 一、实验目的和要求: 通过本实验的教学,使学生基本掌握有限元技术在板料塑性成形领域的应用情况,拓宽学生的知识面,开阔视野,使学生对塑性成形过程的数值模拟技术有深刻的理解,预测板料弯曲成形的性能。 二、教学基本要求: 学会使用Dynaform数值模拟软件进行板料弯曲成形过程的仿真模拟,对模拟结果具有一定的分析和处理能力。 三、实验内容提要: 掌握前处理的关键参数设置,如零件定义、网格划分、模型检查、工具定义、坯料定义、工具定位和移动、工具动画、运行分析。了解后处理模块对模拟结果的分析,如读入d3plot 文件、动画显示变形和生成动画文件、成形极限图分析、坯料厚度变化分析等。 四、实验步骤 1、导入零件模型,保存文件 打开下拉菜单File->Import,如图2所示,在F:\dynaform\BLANK_CAE目录下分别导入文件punch.igs,binder.igs,die.igs和blank.igs。 图1 导入文件窗口

3、更改零件层名 打开下拉菜单Parts->Edit,对应不同的零件更改层名,改好层名后保存文件。 图2 修改层名窗口 4、进行网格划分 以blinder为例进行说明。 (1)、点击,只选择binder1(红色),点击OK退出。 图3

(2)、选择Preprocess—>Element进入如图3界面。选择,在surf mesh中将max size 改为5. 图4 图5 (3)、依次选select surfaces—>displayed surf-->0k-->apply,然后依次退出各个页面。网格化后的零件如图6所示。 图6网格化后的零件 4、检查工具。 仍然以binder为例。


Introduction to database information management system The database is stored together a collection of the relevant data, the data is structured, non-harmful or unnecessary redundancy, and for a variety of application services, data storage independent of the use of its procedures; insert new data on the database , revised, and the original data can be retrieved by a common and can be controlled manner. When a system in the structure of a number of entirely separate from the database, the system includes a "database collection." Database management system (database management system) is a manipulation and large-scale database management software is being used to set up, use and maintenance of the database, or dbms. Its unified database management and control so as to ensure database security and integrity. Dbms users access data in the database, the database administrator through dbms database maintenance work. It provides a variety of functions, allows multiple applications and users use different methods at the same time or different time to build, modify, and asked whether the database. It allows users to easily manipulate data definition and maintenance of data security and integrity, as well as the multi-user concurrency control and the restoration of the database. Using the database can bring many benefits: such as reducing data redundancy, thus saving the data storage space; to achieve full sharing of data resources, and so on. In addition, the database technology also provides users with a very simple means to enable users to easily use the preparation of the database applications. Especially in recent years introduced micro-computer relational database management system dBASELL, intuitive operation, the use of flexible, convenient programming environment to extensive (generally 16 machine, such as IBM / PC / XT, China Great Wall 0520, and other species can run software), data-processing capacity strong. Database in our country are being more and more widely used, will be a powerful tool of economic management. The database is through the database management system (DBMS-DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) software for data storage, management and use of dBASELL is a database management system software. Information management system is the use of data acquisition and transmission technology, computer network technology, database construction, multimedia


附录1 汽车的碰撞安全性越来越得到人们的重视,不论是对轿车、小客车或其它类型的车辆。由于进行碰撞试验往往需要许多时间与金钱,计算机仿真就是一条较好的方法。而且,汽车被动安全性研究的有限元方法的发展,非线性动力显式有限元方法的进步,使得利用计算机仿真来进行汽车安全性评价与改进成为可能。目前,各大汽车公司与研究机构已着手研究从仿真分析的结果中推演出进一步的修改方案,达到在汽车重量与碰撞特性等方面最优的研究。本文以提高汽车耐撞性为目标,以某型七座小客车的初步设计方案为基础,建立了用于正面碰撞仿真的前部碰撞有限元模型,并进行了计算机碰撞模拟,提出了改进方案,提高了汽车的被动安全性设计水平,从而提高了新车型满足碰撞全法规的成功率。 在对汽车进行碰撞性能有限元分析时,汽车整车的建模工作量巨大。本文中的整车有限元模型中的各个零件均由各零件的U G或CATIA 格式的几何模型转入HYPERME2SH 有限元建模软件并进行网格划分,再进行装配而成。碰撞分析的有限元模型的节点数和单元数都超过了14 万,规模较大。有限元分析软件采用LS2DYNA ,它是当前在汽车碰撞有限元仿真中应用较多的一个非线性动力显式有限元软件,它的主要算法采用Lagrangian 描述增量法,利用显示中心差分法离散时间域,积分时间步长大小受Courant 稳定性准则制约。 整车结构由100 多个元件装配而成。建模时,连接的刚度和强度根据实际情况确定。模型中的板壳单元以Be2lytschko - Tsay 四边形壳单元为主。而节点也分为常规节点和模拟部分焊点情况的带失效的固连。发动机和变速器在整车碰撞中的变形不予以考虑,其材料定义为刚性材料。车门和车体的连接是通过铰链和门锁固定的,在数值仿真中,通过约束对应节点的位移自由度建立球铰模型来模拟。 考虑到研究中仿真的碰撞方式是最为典型的正面碰撞,在正面碰撞过程中,A 柱前部的车身结构是变形吸能的主要器件,其变形的模式极为复杂,而中柱之后在碰撞过程中几乎不发生变形。为节省计算时间,将车身的前部单元划分较密,中柱之后则较稀。计算中采用弹性刚度沙漏控制。 按照CMVDR294 碰撞法规的要求,小客车以50km/ h的速度正面撞击刚性墙。设置的初始边界条件与实车实验的初始条件相同,模拟该车以50km/ h 的初速度正面撞击刚体墙。在有限元计算后进行后处理,并对模拟计算的结果进




科技文章摘译 Definition of a Management Information System There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS”because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system”instead of “MIS”to refer to an organizational information system. A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below. 1 Computer-based user-machine system Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user. User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s

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