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Research on Feminism in Jane Eyre

Abstract: The thesis makes a thorough analysis of the heroine Jane‘s feminist consciousness by means of the approach of the feminist criticism. It first gives a brief introduction to the definition and connotations of the feminism. Then it deals with the embodiment of the heroine Jane‘s feminist consciousness from three aspects. They are:rebellion of the traditional women‘s image, pursuit of equality and pursuit of the independent personality. Finally it explores the reasons for the formation of Jane‘s feminist consciousness from the rise of the bourgeois democratic reform and her harsh living conditions.

Key words: Jane Eyre; feminist consciousness; equality; independent personality


摘要: 本文采用女性主义的批评方法对小说《简爱》中的女主人公简的女性意识进行了全面分析。首先简要地介绍了女性主义的定义和基本内涵;然后,从三个方面论述了女主人公简的女性意识的体现,它们分别是:传统女性形象的反叛,追求平等和人格的独立。最后从资产阶级民主改革的掀起和艰难的生存环境等方面探讨了其女性意识形成的原因。



Charlotte Bronte was born in a priest‘s family in 1816 in the north of England. Her father was an Anglican clergyman and her mother died early, so she and her sisters were under the care of their strict, religious aunt. When they were young, the children of the Bronte listened to the stories of the country folk and enjoyed their imagination, which inspired them to create stories. In 1 824, Charlotte and her two sisters entered the Clergy Daughter‘s School at Cowan Bridge. She attended Roe Head School between 1831 and 1832, and then taught at the same school in the following decade. As a notable English realistic female writer in the 19th century, she is considered to be the brightest star of the female literature in English and was praised as one of the prominent novelists in modern Britain by Marx. Her most famous novel Jane Eyre places an emphasis on women‘s love, marriage and family life, and indirectly manifests the feminist consciousness from the perspective of the heroine.

In the past 40 years Charlotte Bronte‘s reputation has risen rapidly, and feminist criticism has done much to show that she was speaking up for the oppressed women of every age. Her masterpiece Jane Eyre has never lost its glamour and she was still regarded, as one of the most outstanding British writers. Jane Eyre is a great work of both a literary motif and social document in the form of a fictional autobiography, Charlotte‘s real life experience and sufferings are all reflected in the novel. The novel is full of profound intention, complicated plots and sincere emotion. It also shows its unique artistic charm and literature values, it has become the topic of scholars‘ argument and scholars keep on exploring its potential intentions, delicate skills and writing style. In Jane Eyre, Charlotte created the image of a passionate young woman with strong consciousness of feminism, independence in spirit, anger of man‘s domination, pursuit of true love and increasing rebel. These aspects are worthy of our study. Though many scholars have begun to be interested in them, the researches are far from over. This paper tries to analyze the feminist consciousness of the heroine in Jane Eyre. Through the study of the protagonist Jane Eyre and the embodiment of her feminist consciousness which reflected the female‘s desire and pursuit in the twentieth century, we can know more about the contemporary female consciousness.

1. Introduction to Feminism

In this part, we are going to introduce what is feminism and its connotations.

1.1 Definition of Feminism

Feminism is a collection of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies largely motivated by or concerned with the liberation of women. In simple terms, feminism is the belief in social, political and economic equality of the sexes, and a movement organization around the belief that gender should not be the pre-determinant factor shaping a person‘s social identity or socio-political or economic rights. A large portion of feminists are especially concerned with what they perceive to be the social, political and economic inequality between the sexes which favors the male gender; some have argued that gendered and sexed identities, such as ―man‖and ―woman‖, are socially constructed. Feminists disagree about what sexism consists in, and what exactly ought to be done about it;they disagree about what it means to be a woman or a man and what social and political implications of gender has or should have. Nonetheless, motivated by the quest for social justice, feminist inquiry provides a wide range of perspectives on social, cultural and political phenomena. Important topics for feminist theory and politics include: the body, class and work, disability, the family, globalization, human rights, popular culture, race and racism, reproduction, science, the self, sex work, and sexuality.

1.2 Connotations of Feminism

The term ―feminism‖has many different uses and its meanings are often contested. For example, some writers use the term ―feminism‖to refer to a historically specific political movement in the US and Europe;other writers use it to refer to the belief that there are injustices against women, though there is no consensus on the exact list of these injustices. Although the term ―feminism‖has a history in English linked with women‘s activism from the late 19th century to the present. It is useful to distinguish feminist ideas or beliefs from feminist political movements, for even in periods which there has been no significant political activism around women‘s subordination, individuals have been concerned with and theorized about justice for women.

In the mid-1800s the term ?feminism‘ was used to refer to the qualities of ―females‖. And it was not until after the First International Women‘s Conference in Paris in 1892 that the term was used regularly in English for a belief in and advocacy of equal rights for women based on the

idea of the gender equality. Although the term ―feminism‖in English was rooted in the mobilization for woman suffrage in Europe and the US during the late 19th and early 20th century, of course efforts to obtain justice for women did not begin or end with this period of activism. So some have found it useful to think of the women‘s movement in the US as occurring in ―waves‖. The struggle to achieve basic political rights during the period from the mid-19th century until the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 counts as ―First Wave‖ feminism. Feminism waned between the two world wars. In the late 1960‘s and early 1970‘s it was ―revived‖ as ―Second Wave‖ feminism. In this second wave, feminists pushed beyond the early quest for political rights to fight for greater equality across the board, e.g., in education, the workplace, and at home. More recent transformations of feminism have resulted in a ―Third Wave‖. Third Wave feminists often critique Second Wave feminism for its lack of afflation to the differences among women due to race, ethnicity, class, nationality, religion, and emphasize ―identity‖as a site of gender struggle. However, some feminist scholars object to identifying feminism with these particular moments of political activism, on the grounds that eclipse the fact that there has been resistance to male domination that should be considered ―feminist‖throughout history and across cultures: i.e. Feminism is not confined to a few(White)women in the West over the past century or so. Moreover, even considering only relatively recent efforts to resist male domination in Europe and the US, the emphasis on ―First‖and ―Second‖Wave feminism ignores the ongoing resistance to male domination between the 1920‘s and 1960‘s and the resistance outside mainstream politics, particularly by women of color and working class women.

In many of its forms, feminism seems to involve at least two groups of claims, one normative and the other descriptive. The normative claims concern how women ought(or ought not)to be viewed and treated and draw on a background conception of justice or broad moral position;the descriptive claims concern how women are, as a matter of fact, viewed and treated, alleging that they are not being treated in accordance with the standards of justice or morality invoked in the normative claims. Together the normative and descriptive claims provide reasons for working to change the way things are;hence, feminism is not just an intellectual but also a political movement.

2.The Embodiment of the Feminist Consciousness in Jane Eyre

2.1 Rebellion of the Traditional Women’s Image

―Frailty, thy name is woman.‖

This famous statement in Shakespeare‘s Hamlet reminds people of the conventional opinion of woman‘s image in a patriarchal world. In a world where woman has no rights, no matter whether it is a real world or an imaginary world of literature, it seems that the roles and personalities of women are predestined and expressed by logocentricism as being either angles or whores. The ideal image of a lovely woman should be that of fair and flower-like features; the status of woman in society and family is always objective and subordinate. Women have served men for centuries as mirrors reflecting them at twice their natural size. For women, traditions and conventions of the nineteenth century have strictly required women how to play their proper roles, how to be a good girl, an eligible wife and mother. But as for Jane, she breaks through the traditional women‘s image.

The 19th century was one in which men were in the dominating position. Young girls were told that it was for their best interests to become men‘s vassal. But Jane does not resign herself to such submission, denying her material and moral inferiority to boys. She sees that she has some power to challenge the authority of John and Mrs. Reed. She refuses to submit to John Reed and Mrs. Reed but challenges the tradition which women are subordinate to men.

In her aunt‘s family, she protests against her cousin—John Reed and her aunt-- Mrs. Reed. Being the young master in Gateshead, John has superior status in the house. Although he is a boy of only fourteen years old, he is precisely a little tyrant. He bullies and punishes young Jane ―not two or three times in the week, nor once or twice in the day, but continually.‖(Bronte, 2002: 9) Goaded by John Reed‘s bullying, Jane hits back on occasions, fighting like a mad cat until she is overpowered. But on account of her restricted and subordinated situation, Jane has been habitually obedient to John. However, when John again abuses Jane, Jane‘s deep indignation finally breaks out. She flies at him like a mad girl. And she calls John a ―wicked and cruel boy‖, ―a murderer‖, ―a slave-driver‖, a ―Roman emperor‖,(Bronte, 2002: 12) using whatever words she can find in her vocabulary. She questions why John is her master. That is the thing Jane never did before and the words she never thought to declare aloud. Finding herself in a position of inferiority, she is immersed in her rage and misery. ―I resisted all the way; new things for me,‖

writes Jane, ―...like any other rebel slave, I felt resolved, in my desperation, to go all lengths.‖(Bronte, 2002:12) She moves beyond self-protection to passionate self-declaration.

After that, Mrs. Reed decides to get rid of her and sends her to Brocklehurst‘s charity school at Lowood. Before Jane leaves, her aunt tells Brocklehusrst that Jane is a bad girl who is fond of telling lies. Stung by Mrs. Reed‘s accusations that she is deceitful, Jane hits back in words, insisting on her own honesty, telling her aunt how much she dislikes her: ―I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world except John Reed.(Bronte, 2002: 82) ...I will tell anybody who asks me questions this exact tale. People think you a good woman, but you are bad, hard-hearted. You are deceitful!‖(Bronte, 2002: 84) Mrs. Reed is horrified by Jane‘s protest. Jane wins the battle. ―I was left there alone-winner of the field. It was the hardest battle I had fought, and the first victory I had gained.‖(Bronte, 2002: 85)

2.2 Pursuit of Equality

Through all her life Jane is always pursuing equality. As we all known, the inequality between men and women had been rooted in the assumption that women were born inferior to men. Jane attacks the deeply-rooted male-dominance, asserting that people are equal in spite of their birth rank, social status and other physical values. Jane‘s creed of equality can be seen all the time. The equality between Mr. Rochester and her is the most obvious evidence.

Jane is an 18-year-old girl who has scanty experience of life, while Rochester is a welltravelled, experienced and knowledgeable man, who has already got married. Jane looks plain and young, but what she has is the special character that Mr. Rochester wants. Before him she shows her self-esteem. When he thinks that he has the right to be proud, to be masterful, Jane says abruptly:

―I don‘t think, sir, you have the right to command me, merely because you are older than I, or because you have seen more of the world than I have; your

claim to superiority depends on the use you have made, of your time and

experience. (Bronte, 2002:357)

Jane challenges the orthodoxy of male dominance. She believes she is mentally equal to Rochester: ―I have something in my brain and heart, in my blood and nerves that assimilates me mentally to him‖. (Bronte, 2002:472) Jane‘s creed reaches its zenith when she claims equality between women and men in the right to declare their love. It is Jane who declares her

love to Rochester before he makes his sentiments plain to her.

Through all her life Jane is always pursuing equality. The most noticeable thing about her as a woman is her attitude and behavior of self-respect, especially her claim for equality: to treat others equally and in turn be equally treated by others. Although a person‘s appearance makes distinctions between beautiful and plain, his property makes distinctions between large and small, and his social status makes distinctions between high and low, people are equal in human dignity. This is Jane Eyre‘s belief, without which she would not have the courage to love her master. When Mr. Rochester probes Jane Eyre that he will marry Miss Ingram and Jane must stay with them to be a governess, Jane retorts:

―Do you think I am an automation?-a machine without feeling? And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living

water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain,

and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! -I have as much soul as

you, -and full as much heart! ... I am not talking to you now through her

medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;-it is my spirit

that address your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we

stood at God‘s feet, equal,- as we are !‖ (Bronte, 2002:686)

If Jane is not a woman of strong equal will in human dignity, if she does not respect herself, if she has less sense of morality, she would probably choose to stay and becomes a vassal. This is also different from Scarlett, for Scarlett never considers equality in marriage.

2.3 Pursuit of Independent Personality

Jane is very independent. Jane used to assert, ―I‘m not an angel, and I will not be one till I die: I will be myself.‖(Bronte, 2002: 706) Relying on this belief Jane grows up into an independent governess from a poor, wretched orphan and goes through many bitter experiences.

To achieve independence as an equal human, Jane never yields to fate. At Lowood Institution, Jane learns from Hallen the importance of duty and self-control and she also learns from Maria Temple the value of independence. She would rather stay there than depend on her aunt for a living. At the same time, she encourages Burns to be independent, not to be docile and compromising. She thinks they must resist the unfair punishment. Jane‘s pursuing of independence doesn‘t change despite the evil environment. She wins over hunger, fear,

humiliation, maltreatment and gains a job as a teacher in the Lowood Institution. She completely breaks away from the life of relying on others.

At Thornfield, Jane is very awake; she makes her every effort to rebel against social prejudice and customs, struggling for independence and true love. Jane‘s independent character is fully showed. From the first day when she comes into Thornfield to the last day when she leaves there, Jane never gives up her dignity. She always takes the governess of Adele as her job to support herself, remaining independent. As a tutor, she knows what status and identity she is in, she professes herself an independent worker. She attracts Mr. Rochester deeply by her extraordinary stubbornness and independent spirit power. As for the love between Jane and Rochester, Jane insists on her own opinion, keeping independent all the time.

3. Reasons for the Formation of Jan e’s Feminist Consciousness

3.1 Rise of Bourgeois Democratic Reform

In the 19th century during Queen Victoria‘s rule,a very well- known society was erected called the Victorian Society.It was a very confined society maintained through many restrictions and regulations. It is known for its rigid social structures. The society had very distinct class divisions that the people had to live within making social mobility not very probably (Poovey, 1988:24). This point is adequately depicted in Jane Eyre.

Victorian novels were imbued with feminist concepts. Theories of gender division took on in the 19th century a great power, projecting social contradictions. The ideological separation of public and private, work and home, which accompanied the rise of the Victorian middle class, was mirrored by a clear-cut division between male and female spheres. Home was considered women‘s sphere, together with family. So that they were addressed to as ―the angel in the house‖. They should have been passive and powerless, sympathetic and self-sacrificing, submitted to their husbands and especially pure. In this situation, a large scale of women‘s suffrage movement was inevitable in 1830. Charlotte lived in the age of Victoria. At that period, England had started its bourgeois democratic reform.

Through Charlotte Bronte‘s fiction the heroines carry out their struggle for self-definition and identity. Nevertheless at the same time their language and thought mirror the contradictions of Victorian opinions on femininity. The aim of this writing is to underline this aspect of the

novel, pointing out precise reference to emancipation contained in the book since it contains hidden explicit declarations of independence. which may also mirror some severe social issues, some background knowledge is beneficial to our understanding of the novel.

Charlotte lived in this age and had a humble status in the real life and lived through poverty, loneliness and discrimination, so she became a pessimistic fatalist .She had no power to rebel the reality, so she gave all her misery, love, hope and ideal to Jane and arranged a much more rebellious life for Jane. Jane lived through hardship and finally gained victory for working women, a shorter work week and a secret ballot, thus threatening the government. Political revolution mirrored another kind of revolution: female emancipation.

3.2 Harsh Living Conditions

Marx and Engels pointed out that ―personality is caused by the environment.‖Jane Eyre lived in her aunt house, spending her childhood in a lonely and miserable environment. She often suffered abuse from the aunt‘s family, making her young mind suffer great shame. Under this kind of environment, Jane Eyre grew up and made her rebel personality for the pursuit of equality, independence. Jane Eyre‘s ultimate goal of the performance of all the resistance is to maintain her strong self-esteem which is more in need of protection in the brutal environment. She couldn‘t endure the abuse and maltreatment from her aunt family, Lao Wade school and compromise to the St. John‘s marriage without love and imperiousness of Rochester. If the former is a person born with self-esteem, the latter has been added by a dignity as women in this basis.

In her image and status, she had low self-esteem in her childhood on her own appearance, when she sees Miss Ingram at Thomfield, she suddenly realizes the gap between them and feels more inferior, then places herself in the dark grief alone. When she comes back to Thomfield again and sees the Manor burnt into ruins and Rochester has become disabled, she is actually full of ―irrepressible ecstasy‖, it is because that Jane Eyre has got rid of her inferior complex. The inferior people will feel safe, even a little superior just when they stay with those people that are weaker than them. At this time, the difference between Jane Eyre and Rochester has lost, she needn‘t hides any more in the shadow of inferiority. Her extreme self-esteem comes from the inferiority deepest in her heart. Because of low self-esteem, she has to admit herself more and maintain human dignity. A powerful force is formed by the self-esteem burst out by inferiority,

which makes her against all unfair to her, from childhood to the cousin‘s rebuke to the Lao Wade school‘s ―fight back‖, from refusing to be Rochester‘s mistress to rejecting St. John‘s repeatedly proposal for marriage, Jane Eyre finally becomes a New Woman with an extraordinary character and unique charm. It can be said her rebellion is made by her low self-esteem.

Environment shapes human‘s personality. Jane Eyre‘s growth experience lets her be strong, she resists the injustice of this world with her own way and ability. Then she becomes braver. The ten-year-old orphan Jane Eyre was sent to live with her uncle Mr. Reed, who died shortly after her arrival. Mrs. Reed and her children treated Jane with miserable cruelty. Mental and bodily suffering aroused her to fight against the family. Jane suffered further mistreatment from the Reed family and then was sent to School at Logwood, where she was maltreated by the authorities. There Jane excelled as a student for six years and as a teacher for two. After that Jane finds employment as a governess at the estate of Thomfield for a little girl. where she falls in love with her employer, Mr. Rochester. So does he with her. However, their marriage is prevented by the revelation on the wedding day because Jane finds that Rochester already has a wife who is still alive and mad. Shocked by the news, Jane leaves Thomfield. She goes through a lot of hardships until she fortunately meets St. John Rivers and his two sisters. They help her and she gets a job as a teacher in a village schoo1. By accident, Jane is told that she has inherited a vast fortune from her uncle, and that the Rivers are her cousins. They share the fortune. Jane struggles continually to achieve equality and to overcome oppression. She must fight against the patriarchal domination-against those who believe women to be inferior and submissive.


Jane Eyre is a famous novel with feminine features written by a female novelist Charlotte Bronte. The most remarkable is Jane‘s strong consciousness of feminism, independence in spirit, anger to man‘s domination, pursuit of true love and increasing rebellion. In Jane Eyre, Charlotte‘s real life experience and sufferings are all reflected in the novel. Charlotte narrated Jane‘s hard life and complicated psychological activities exquisitely. She praised highly women‘s independence and self-respect which provoked a wide interest in the critical approaches from feminist perspective and aroused a hot debate on the author‘s gender awareness, through the discussion of which we have a deeper understanding of Victorian society and goes beyond understanding of Jane Eyre merely as love story. The novel is full of profound intention, complicated plots and sincere emotion. It also shows its unique artistic charm and literature values, it has become the topic of scholars‘ argument and scholars keep on exploring its potential intentions, delicate skills and writing style. In Jane Eyre, Charlotte created the image of a passionate young woman with strong consciousness of feminism, independence in spirit, anger to man‘s domination, pursuit of true love and increasing rebel.

Since Jane Eyre was published, it has experienced more than a century but still continues to show the sparkling glory. It can be say that the writer of Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte was a very important writer in the history of women literature, and also a very important ideologist in the developing history of feminism. She represented the summit of women literature and feminist ideas in the 19th century, with a landmark meaning. The feminists pay a great attention to self-sufficiency, self –improvement and dignity of women, and more of them are seeking reconciliatory ―equal rights‖ between men and women. This novel arisen from the early feminine phase is considered with an obvious characteristic of feminism. The entire author‘s experience for Jane Eyr e,s self-esteem of women shaped the image into its own imprint.


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I hope to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Mr. Tang Xiangcong, without whose help the thesis would never have been completed. Ms. Tang Xiangcong, has given me the most valuable support and precious suggestions, and has carefully and patiently scrutinized the outline and the draft.

My thanks are also due to my classmates and friends, whose timely and precious help makes me finish this thesis more easily.


试从女性主义批评视角浅析小川洋子的《妊娠日历》 作者:万秉冉 来源:《文艺生活·下旬刊》2020年第08期 摘要:《妊娠日历》作为日本人气女作家小川洋子的代表作之一,自面世以来广受赞誉,曾获得第104届芥川奖。作品以女性生育体验为话题探讨生育对女性的影响和女性对生育的认知,具有很深的社会意义。本文试从女性主义批评角度出发解读《妊娠日历》,浅析其对社会生育认知的颠覆。 关键词:女性主义批评;《妊娠日历》;小川洋子;生育观 中图分类号:I206;;;;;; 文献标识码:A;;; 文章编号:1005-5312(2020)24-0054-02 DOI:10.12228/j.issn.1005-5312.2020.24.036 一、女性主义批评与《妊娠日历》 20世纪60年代末70年代初,西方女权主义运动高涨并逐渐深入到文学、文化领域,从而出现了女性主义批评。女性主义批评是当代西方文艺理论的一个分支,以妇女为中心,主张“颠覆父权文化,消解男性中心主义”①,其目的在于“重新审视西方文化传统,在各个领域全方位推翻男尊女卑的‘性别定型’论,肯定妇女经验的正确性”②。研究对象包括妇女形象、女性创作和女性阅读等。 日本女性主义批评相较发源地欧美起步较晚。据王宗杰在《新世代女性文学的位相》③中所言:女性主义在60年代就已传入日本,但直到90年代中后期日本文学界才真正开始女性主义批评。洪漫在《日本的女性主义研究》④一文中总结了日本女性主义批评的几个角度,包括:(1)“从女性的视点对男性作家的批判”、(2)“采用女性观点对女性作家的批评”、(3)“尝试对女性表现手法进行分析”、(4)“男性气质分析”。此外学者肖霞还提及了“社会性别”和“社会资本”批评两个视角。⑤ 《妊娠日历》是日本现代人气女作家小川洋子(1962-)的代表作之一,曾于1991年获得第104届芥川奖。作品聚焦女性妊娠、生产经历,以第一人称视角讲述了大学女生“我”围观姐姐怀孕的全过程,面对姐姐的痛苦,“我”的心理逐渐变得扭曲,产生了杀死姐姐孩子的恶念。作品穿插了大量对怀孕、生产的生活细节描写和“我“作为一个旁观者的心理活动描写。对于这部小说,小川洋子曾说过:“我想要在小说中创造出在现实的社会或家庭的场合,人们被认为是正常或异常、正确或不正确等等价值标准被全部推翻的新的现实。”⑥可见小川试图通过这部作品向世间对妊娠和生产行为的固有价值标准发出质疑,是一部关注女性的优秀作品。



华中师范大学 本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告表 院(系)名称外国语学院 专业名称英语 年级2008级 学生姓名王萌 学号2008212611 指导教师姓名方幸福 论文选题类型师范类专业研究 填表时间: 2012 年 3 月 18 日

填表说明 1.本科生原则上应于第七学期结束之前完成毕业论文(设计)的选题和开题工作。 2.本表由学生在开题报告经指导教师开题指导并修改后填写。指导教师在学生填写后,应在本表相应栏目里填写确认性意见。本表最后由院(系)盖章备案保存。 3.学生应执行本表撰写毕业论文(设计),不得作实质性改变。学生须在所在院(系)规定的时间内完成毕业论文(设计)并参加答辩。 4.毕业论文(设计)的具体要求请参阅《华中师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)工作条例》和《华中师范大学本科毕业论文(设计)写作与排版打印规范》。 5.论文选题类型分为四类即:师范类专业研究;师范类教育研究;非师范类基础研究;非师范类应用研究。 6.本表由教务处统一印制发放。学生可用蓝色或黑色水笔认真填写,做到填写整洁、正确,也可用电子表格填写,该表可从教务处网页上下载。

拟选题目为黑人男性申辩 ---《紫色》中黑人男性的妇女主义解读 选题依据及研究意义 选题依据:自艾丽丝?沃克的《紫色》出版以来,对其中黑人男性形象,批评界一直争论不已;批判声此起彼伏,赞同者却寥寥。二十世纪八十年代,艾丽丝?沃克首次提出“妇女主义”的观点,以区别于女性主义和黑人女性主义。“妇女主义”以整个黑人民族的解放为目标,不仅仅局限于黑人女性。“妇女主义”并不排斥男性,对黑人男性的精神发展给予同样关注。因此,从“妇女主义”去重新诠释其中的黑人男性形象会帮助读者更好地理解艾丽丝?沃克的作品《紫色》。 意义:重新解读男人形象,纠正以往批评界中的偏见,唤起人们对黑人男性的关注 选题的研究现状 当今对《紫色》中黑人男性形象研究大体分两派,主流是否定批评,还有少部分评论家对其持积极态度,但他们的出发点是“转变成长”,认为黑人男性可以经过自我拯救来重获人性。“妇女主义”发展至今,理论体系更加完善。在充分发展的“妇女主义”观点下,黑人男性形象又将获得新的解读。


毕业论文 谈《简爱》中的女权主义

谈《简爱》中的女权主义 摘要 《简爱》以女主人公简爱的经历为主线,讲述了一个坚强,独立,热爱劳动、自尊、自强、自信的女性爱情故事,塑造了一位值得赞美,歌颂的女教师形象。主人公简·爱--一个受过良好教育但社会地位卑微的女子的思索和抗争,并通过简·爱曲折丰富的情感经历,体味简·爱对爱情、友情以及独立、平等、自信等的理解和实践。两性之间是平等的,爱情须得以平等和互相独立做为基础。女人必须有独立的人格,自尊自爱,不依附于其他人才可以赢得别人的尊重和热爱,才会有真正的幸福。书中也讨论了简爱的反抗意识,集中反映在她为自由,平等,独立和女性尊重而战。在盖茨黑德,简爱由顺从到为生存而战,在劳渥德,她为女性尊重和平等而战,也为拥有平等爱而战。最后她赢得了罗切斯特的爱,过上了幸福的生活。 关键词: 坚强,独立,热爱劳动、女性平等、自尊、自强、自信

目录 1前言 (1) 2 作者女权主义思想的产生 (2) 2.1作者夏洛蒂.勃朗特的介绍 (2) 2.2作品《简爱》的介绍 (2) 3《简爱》中女权主义思想 (3) 3.1简爱的自尊心、自信心、反抗精神 (3) 3.2简爱的爱情观 (4) 3.3简爱的独立性 (5) 4《简爱》中女权主义反抗意识 (6) 4.1为生存而战 (6) 4.2为获得认同和尊严而战 (7) 4.3为独立平等而战 (7) 5结语 (9)

1前言 当今社会,女权主义受到越来越多人的重视,女权主义泛指妇女要求平等权利的社会思潮。又称男女平权主义、男女平等主义。女权主义是近代资产阶级启蒙思想运动和妇女解放运动的产物,提倡妇女在人类生活所有领域与男子具有同等权利。女权主义具有广泛的文化内涵,涉及政治、经济、法律、教育、宗教、伦理等领域。 在19世纪的英国,一位批评现实主义的文学女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特写出了一部代表女性主义思想的小说——《简·爱》。这部小说是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”。书中的主人公简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。但她有倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神。这部小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细腻的心理描写,引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相互理解、相互尊重的基础之上的深挚爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力量。它最为成功之处在于塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。


对话戴锦华:《简爱》——女性主义/后殖民主义 2014-03-28戴锦华滕威海螺社区 T:那么,您仍然认为《简·爱》具有女性主义的意义吗? D:当然。《简·爱》之为一个历史文本,它曾携带的颠覆性力量,是来自女性的颠覆。不是20世纪后半叶——女性主义风起云涌的年代,我们才在性别的、女性的意义上讨论《简·爱》,而是在《简·爱》出版后不久。你一定还记得,早在1855年,女作家玛格丽特·奥利方特关于简·爱所写下的、激情澎拜的文字:“这就是那个莽撞的小精灵,她闯进了我们这个井然有序的世界,打破了它的疆界,向它的原则挑战——随着简·爱的侵入,掀起了现时代最惊心动魄的一场革命。……是的,那把法兰西推进混乱,在它的基础上创立一个新国家的政治大釜里的沸腾,不过是一场庸俗的沸腾。这里才是一场真正的革命。法国不过是西欧强国之一,妇女则是世界的一半。……她是十足的斗士,不是天使。”也是沿着这一思路回到文本,我们反观故事的结局,在“有情人终成眷属”、回归家庭的结论之畔,显而易见的是平等的代价:罗切斯特断臂、双目失明。似乎不需要引证弗洛伊德了吧,——没有比断肢和盲目更为直接的、在权力象征意义上的阉割隐喻。或已有太多的研究者曾指出,简·爱在婚礼之后,绝望地在自己内心寻找离开桑菲尔德的力量之时,引用了圣经式的语词——

T:马太福音——“不,你得自己挣脱,没有人帮助你。你自己得剜出你的右眼;砍下你的右手,把你的心作为祭品而且要由你这位祭司把它刺穿。” D:而情节中,名副其实地失去眼、手的却是罗切斯特。桑菲尔德在多重意义上成了罗切斯特的荆棘地,这是他获得简·爱给予救赎的代价。用伊莱恩·肖瓦尔特的说法,是《简·爱》开启了这个女性写作中不断复沓的“母题”:男主人公的致盲与致残成为他获救、获得幸福的前提事件。她认为这无疑出自某种女性的“敌意”或“复仇”,但我以为,她更有趣的描述则是“通过象征性的角色倒置实现情感教育的过程”:“男人必须懂得无助的滋味,不情愿却又不得已寄人篱下的滋味。只有这时他们才会明白,女人需要爱但讨厌做弱者。‘女人笔下的男人’想得到救赎,重拾人性的话,就必须找到做女人的感觉”。如果再度返回“帝国鹰”的意象,我们究竟应如何理解故事的结局呢(程巍的文章中描述为“折翼乡间”)?事实上,也就在重返桑菲尔德/芬丁之后,夏洛蒂两次使用“笼中鹰”(对应中第二次夜谈中的“笼中鸟”?)和被缚之鹰的表述,那么我们是否一定要引申出简·爱的故事的寓意是捕获帝国鹰或驯顺帝国鹰?我感到有些过度阐释了(笑)。只是想再次重申:激情与蒙难的情感结构可能是帝国认同,也可能是帝国抵抗——一如宪章运动。 再引申一步,尽管也许只是社会潜意识的流露:在简·爱文本中,你所说的那类局限——“职业女性”身份,或许也包含了女性经验所推动的、自觉、不自觉的对自由、平等作为乌托邦理念和作为社会实践的不同意味。在社会现实或曰实践层面上,自由和平等有着如此赤裸而残酷的前提限定:为生存所必须接受的奴役;以及践行平等、自由所必须的物质、金钱基础。要知道,在夏洛蒂的时代,家庭女教师几乎是受过教育却没有嫁妆的女性唯一的职业选择,以致在彼时,英国注册为家庭教师的女性竟高达265万之众。此间,一个小小的关节耐人寻味:在《简爱》的表述中,“独立”意味着经济自主,但它却不等于“职业女性”。因为获取一个职业——尤其是维多利亚时代女性屈指可数的选择(婚姻应是其中最主流的一种),仍意味着依附,甚至是某种程度上的人身隶属。构成独立的真正条件是拥有“财富”:资产或资本。所以简爱在于罗切斯特重逢之际才可以自豪地声称自己是“独立的女人”。这是局限、也是彻悟:资本主义世界许诺的自由只是出卖自己的自由,且一经出卖便不复自由。罗切斯特愤世嫉俗的表述:多数“生而自由”的人为了金钱无所不从。索性再做一点过度阐释:简·爱的确超前,因为它也可以读作一个萨特版的存在主义哲学的自由表述:所谓自由,不是自由地接受罗切斯特的爱,自由的给出自己(十余年后,另一位著名的英国女作家乔治·艾略特便曾批评简·爱没有勇敢地为爱给出自己);自由的全部意义和可能,只不过是说“不”的权利;而实践自由便意味着自我放逐到荒原中去——简·爱的确如此,并几乎命丧于此(笑)。 T:但是如果我们回到另外一个脉络上来,比如说《藻海无边》、《阁楼上的疯女人》,它将《简·爱》这个文本当中唯一一个特别清晰的携带着殖民地印记的


浅析外国女性主义文学批评理论 一.渡边澄子与《日本近代女性文学论--冲破黑暗》 渡边澄子是日本近代文学的研究者,大东文化大学名誉教授,并对野上弥生子等近代女性文学家进行研究,是日本著名的女性文学批评家。著有《野上弥生子研究》、《青踏的女性—尾竹红吉转》、女性作家评论系列的《与谢野晶子》等。渡边澄子所著的《日本近代女性文学论--冲破黑暗》是通过对樋口一叶、清水紫琴、野上弥生子、平林泰子、佐多稻子、岸田俊子、与谢野晶子、宫本百合子八位日本当代著名女性文学家以及其主要作品的进行研究分析,以独特的女性视角深入探究日本女性主义文学。这些勇敢的女性作家们不甘于受到不平等社会制度的束缚、生存的价值受到的否定,她们勇敢的追求自我的实现,通过笔端塑造的一个个鲜活的人物形象,激励女性们自我崛起、勇敢地与生活抗争,这是日本近代女性文学的重要意义。 二.渡边澄子对樋口一叶及其代表作品《自焚》的评价 在《日本近代女性文学论--冲破黑暗》一书中,渡边澄子称樋口一叶为新的飞跃,一叶是明治时期著名的女性作家,在其短暂的生命中留下多不不朽的著作。一叶生活的时代,是深受男尊女卑思想控制的时代,在这个时代,男性甚至对女性使用尊敬的语言都会受到世人的嘲讽。一叶就是在这样的时代背景下开始进行创作的,其创作的作

品皆是描写在那样的时代生活的女性的悲惨命运。渡边对一叶的评价极高,她认为一叶是一位已超越喜怒哀乐、拥有最高级别感情的女性作家。在评论一叶的小说时,她没有像一般的文学评论者一样,选择《十三夜》、《青梅竹马》、《闽江》这类被称为一叶的代表作品去评论,而是选择樋口一叶在生命的最后阶段撰写的小说《自焚》去仔细解读。创作《自焚》时,一叶已染病在身,该作品是一叶一边与病魔做斗争一边竭尽全力撰写的苦心之作。 小说《自焚》讲述了美尾与町母女二人悲惨的婚姻生活,揭露了在黑暗的封建思想和金钱至上的观念的迫害下,妇女的悲惨遭遇以及悲剧的传承延续性。母亲美尾是一个非常美丽、向往过富足美好生活的女性,但丈夫与四郎平庸不上进,虽然表面看起来是对妻子呵护有加的,但实质上只把美尾当作美丽的私藏品看待,并没有把她看做是有诉求有平等地位的人来看待。美尾在多次劝说丈夫与四郎努力上进未果后,在自己母亲的蛊惑下决然地放弃家庭,离开丈夫女儿离家出走依附于权势利益。与四郎在美尾出走后,感到受到奇耻大辱,开始不择手段地敛财,长期的劳累致使身体严重受损,早早离世,对于女儿町他毫无关爱,草草将其嫁给大她十几岁的上门女婿金村恭助。女儿町在缺乏父母疼爱的环境中渐渐长大的,虽然集财富与美貌于一身,最终也难以在黑暗的社会制度下得到好的归宿。恭助并非真正爱慕町,


从女同到女权主义 网络工程 黄海彤 201310223020 《芳子与百合》是日本女导演浜野佐知在2011年拍摄的一部电影作品,讲述了1924年两个日本女子芳子汤浅与宫本百合子的情感纠葛。 1924年,当时芳子担任一个杂志社的编辑。期间,著名的女作家野上弥生子把百合子介绍给她。百合子是一个受欢迎的作家。百合子在17岁时出版了自己的第一部作品,被当时的日本社会誉为难得的奇才。19岁时百合子到美国纽约读书,并嫁给了一个比她年长15岁的前辈学者荒木茂,。芳子与百合子相遇时,他们的结婚生活已经不幸福了。芳子和百合子一相遇就立刻被彼此吸引。芳子公开说:“我像男人一样爱女人。”她们很快建立了热烈的关系,这个关系超越友情,甚于爱情。 一开始我在看这个电影的时候,并不是很懂这个以女同性恋为题材的电影,跟女权主义有什么关系。有人说这个电影其实是喜剧,从头到尾都是笑点,有人说这个电影拍得很生硬,最后二十分钟通过芳子和百合子的信件把女权主义强行植入。然而,随着我对女同和女权主义的认识和深入了解,我驳回了最初的观点。 女权主义者不都是女同性恋,但在女性权利的实践意义上,可以说女同性恋都是女权主义者。而与非女权主义者对比,女权主义者成为女同性恋的概率也要高很多。有些女权主义者认为女同性恋是女权主义的激进形态,有些女同性恋者认为女权主义是女同性恋者必然的内在自觉。在女权主义不断发展的过程中,女同性恋群体受到启发,也开始了自己的理论建设和政治运动。女权主义是女同性恋的更多元化,女同性恋则是女权主义的其中一种表现。所以,女同性恋与女权主义有必然的内在联系。而在当下中国,女权主义者和女同性恋者都有一个共点,都被视为边缘化乃至异端的存在。因此,有人害怕甚至歧视女同性恋和女权主义者,但这是源于误解和恐惧。 女权主义的基本共识可以总结为三条:第一,同意既有的主流社会仍是性别不平等的社会;第二,同意既有的性别不平等应该被改变;第三,特别重视妇女的经验、需求和价值。在这三个基本共识之上,女权主义是一大组差异纷纭、各有侧重并且不断发展的理论与实践的统称。文化、种族、阶级、性倾向等视角的加入更丰富了女权主义的多元性。不过有一点或许始终没有变化,那就是来自妇女这个差异共同体的心声,是女权主义运动最宝贵的思想源泉。由男性铸造的社会将女性视为低下的:她只能通过挑战和改变男性的高等地位的途径来改变自身的低下地位。历史上有许多向统治集团挑战的革命,但是只有女权主义是向男权制本身挑战的。女权主义并不想将特权抢过来据为己有,而是希望消灭一切特权。女权主义的理论归根结底就是一句话:在全人类实现男女平等。 中国当代女权主义刚刚起步,在中国谈女权主义,首先就是要实现男女平等。理解的人越来越多,争取男女平等的也越来越多,而女权主义只是其中一种。因此,不必误解和恐惧女权主义,也不要害怕被贴上女权主义的标签。我们正不安地身处于历史之中,在对另一个世界的追求中,女权主义是不会缺席的一种力量。


女性主义的发展研究综述 著者:曹咏彤 摘要:女性主义又称女权运动、女权主义,是指主要以女性经验为来源与动机的社会理论与政治运动。女性主义理论的目的在于了解不平等的本质以及着重在性别政治、权力关系与性意识之上。本文综合概述了女性主义的历史、沿革、理论和形式。 关键词:女性主义;性别歧视 引言: 2015年央视羊年春晚中语言类节目中某些涉及女性的词语成为了网友热烈讨论的对象,并引出“春晚歧视女性”的争议话题,引发社会关注。女性主义的理论千头万绪,归根结底就是一句话:在全人类实现男女平等。在这样一个跨历史、跨文化的普遍存在的社会结构当中,女性在政治、经济、文化、思想、认知、观念、伦理等各个领域都处于与男性不平等的地位,即使在家庭这样的私人领域中,女性也处于与男性不平等的地位。 历史 女权主义运动在西方社会兴起,有其特定的背景,当时欧洲社会女子的地位十分低下。在十七世纪前,英国的已婚妇女基本谈不上有何权利,除非丈夫自愿地让给她权利;当丈夫在世时,她的财产和她的人身完全供丈夫享乐;在某些国家,如果丈夫死后没有遗嘱,女子的财产要给丈夫的亲戚,而不给她或她的孩子。 以现代的哲学与社会运动的观点来看,女性主义通常以18世纪的启蒙时代思想家为起源。如玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特所著《女权辩护》是19世纪之前少数几篇可以称得上是女性主义的著作之一,她认为女性拥有比男性多上很多的权力是理所当然的事情。但更早以前就存在着其他关于两性平等的著作,例如神秘哲学家安里西·哥內留斯·阿格里帕在1529年所著的《关于女性之高贵卓越的演说》。 女性主义在19世纪渐渐转变为组织性的社会运动,因为当时人们越来越相信女性在一个以男性中心的社会中受到不平等对待。女性主义运动根源于西方的进步主义,尤其是19世纪的改革运动中。组织性运动的时间是起于1848年在纽约州色内加瀑布市召开的第一次女权大会。艾米琳·潘克斯特是妇女参政权运动的奠基者之一,她揭露英国社会制度里的性别歧视,并且成立了妇女社会政治联盟。在许多成员微罪遭捕,然后因为《猫捉老鼠法案》而重复进出监牢数次后,她们进行绝食抗议。其强制喂食的结果让这些成员病得很严重,使得当时法律体制的残暴受到社会关注,也因此助长了她们的目的。 现代女性主义有个非常重要的支援因素就是人类学家玛格丽特·米德出版的《三个原始部落的性别与气质》一书。她是哥伦比亚大学的教授,也是美国女性主义的主要领导人之一、贝拉·艾布札格所就读的大学。在米德的书中报告说,查恩布里部落中的女性拥有支配地位,却没有造成任何问题。这本书使得艾布札格那个时代的知识份子相信,欧洲对于男性气质与女性气质的观念是非常文化取向的,而并非无可抹灭的天性。 沿革 早期的女性主义者与最初的女性主义运动通常被称为“第一波女性主义”,而1960年之后的女性主义被称为“第二波女性主义”。也有所谓的第三波女性主义,但是女性主义者之间对于其存在必要性、贡献与概念意见不一。这三个“波”之所以如此称呼,是因为就像海浪般,一个接一个永不间断,后来者运用了前行者的贡献与资源。 妇女解放运动到今天为止,大致可以分为三个阶段: 1.两性平等


女性主义访谈研究 使用半结构式访谈调查已成为女性主义(研究)者为使其研究对象积极参与,以便获得有关她们生活的信息资料的主要方式。 为何女性主义研究者对访谈感兴趣? 半结构式访谈或非结构式访谈调查方式重视参与者的自由交谈,是一种定性的信息收集方法。它既有别于民族志调查方法---因为研究者不必长期参与被访者的生活中的活动;又有别于问卷调查或结构式访谈---因为它能捕捉到访谈中研究者和被访者之间的即兴互动。是否给予被访者详细阐明问题或讨论的机会,是区分访谈调查和问卷调查的标志之一。开放式的访谈研究探究人们对现实的看法,并允许研究者提出自己的理论。在这个角度上,它对旨在验证假设的定量封闭式访谈研究做出了补充。女性主义研究者Patricia Sexton在她对女性医护人员的研究中强调了研究方法间的这种差异: 不幸的是,大量关于“工作和对工作的不满”的统计数字和推论很难让我们真正理解妇女们的日常生活和工作情况,以及她们如何对待与工作有关的问题。因此就很需 要获得其个人资料:医护人员个人或群体生活写真、其真实状况的片断,其言谈观点 ——这些都是她们日常工作生活的基本内容。为获取这类材料,我试图获取大堆的有关 其工作生活的统计数字与理论,具体方法是询问她们:你是谁?干什么工作?哪些问题 困扰着你?你希望你所属的工会或妇女运动为你做什么? 女性主义伦理学家Janice Raymond也偏好“提供开放式问题的半结构访谈研究”,因其“在最大限度提供了研究发现和描述”。半结构访谈研究常以社会学家Barney Glaser和Anselm Strauss 所开发的关于数据分析的扎根理论(grounded theory)为基础,该理论以归纳法来分析数据。 开放式访谈研究得出的非标准化的信息使得研究者能充分利用人和人之间存在的差异进行研究。比如,心理学家Rae Andre报告,在她对29个家庭妇女和1个主持家务的男子进行的研究中,对于不同的具体问题的回答数分布在12至30之间。这一结果的产生是来自他们的知识程度之差异,或是因为这些有酬受访者不愿意去深究那些似乎令他们感到不快的问题。 有一次,一名访问者过于沉浸于被访者的故事中以至于忘了提问题。在其他一些时候,访问者决定打断对方,插问某个问题。时间紧,还常常不可避免地被打断,这也是访问者所必须面对的问题。因此,访谈有时只得在被访者卧室里进行,坐在床上谈(但即使如此,访谈也还是会被打断)。 Rae Andre未因为访谈中产生的此种偏差而将得到的信息看作是低质量的;她认为这是源于现实的有价值的反应: 如果原本进行这个项目的目的是根据我们的抽样访谈推断出所有人的情况,或者是为了 在个人的看法之间进行比较,这些访谈中出现不规则情形就会显示出我们方法上有问题。 而事实上,我们这个项目只是为了尽可能多地记录家庭主妇和“家庭主夫”可能持有的 各种观点和价值观而已,而在项目的设计中,我们就感到被访对象,访问方式和场合的


女权主义影响下当代社会女性形象的变化 摘要女性的生存状况, 涉及女性的政治参与、就业、教育、家庭、健康、安 全、习俗与观念等多方面,本文主要从生理形象、教育形象、政治形象、职业形象、事迹形象五个方面来探讨女性形象的新变化。 关键词女权主义,女性形象,变化 一、女性形象的研究角度 (一)女性形象的表现 《中国妇女》杂志人物通讯专栏的文容大都涉及女性的年龄、学业程度、政治身份、工作及所取得的成绩或者感人事迹,这些内容所相对应的女性形象分别是生理形象、教育形象、政治形象、职业形象、事迹形象[1]。 生理形象:在社会学的研究里,女性生理形象的改变在很大程度上会折射出当时我国社会所发生的变迁。女人不再只是为男性家族繁衍后代、作为生育的工具,女人有权利选择是否生育。中年妇女形象所占比例的变化最大。1995-2000年,是社会经济发展的重要时期,政府积极鼓励创业和招商引资,正值事业黄金年代的中年妇女在各个领域中找到属于自己的位置,并为之全力拼搏,在各行各业的战斗一线取得了突出成就。因此,中年妇女成为了《中国妇女》塑造女性角色形象的主要来源。随着经济快随前进的脚步,中年妇女成为了当之无愧的形象代表。 教育形象:衡量一个社会文化水平的重要标准是这个社会总体的受教育程度,知识水平也是评定一个社会文明程度的指标。当然,缩影到社会中的细胞一一人,一个人的受教育程度和文化水平的高低,是衡量他素质的重要指标,因此我们在评定一个人形象的时候,受教育水平是不可缺少的参考系数。中学和中学以下教育程度的女性随着时代的变化,成平稳下降的趋势;大专和本科教育程度的女性,呈现出快速上涨的状态;本科以上教育程度的女性形象总体在上升。可见,当代社会女性的受教育程度不断提高,教育形象不断往好的方面发展,已经取代了传统和俗语说的“女子无才便是德”这个荒谬的说法,在时代不断变迁的情况下,不论谁都要提高自己的学历,为自己积累知识量,在女权主义的发展影响下,社会女性越来越重视自己的才能和学历。进入到21世纪后,科学技术是第一生产力,这个时期的女性纷纷步入学堂,通过文化教育为自己的未来打好坚实的基础。社会也给予女性更多受教育的机会,广大女性自身的文化素质也在提高,中国社会女性整体的文化水平和素质也越来越高。 政治形象:女性参政议政被视为提高妇女地位的一个重要方面,正在成为世界性的发展潮流,成为国际社会发展过程中的重要内容。女性参政是法律赋予每一个妇女公民的基本权利,也是全体妇女分享一个国家政治权力的基本前提和依据。女性走上政府机关领导岗位,对国家和社会公共事务享有一定的决策权和管理权,是衡量一个国家社会发展和文明进步的标志之一。在20世纪90年代后所反映的女性形象中,由于女性是社会的重要组成部分,社会政治风云变换也体现在女性形象的变迁上。女性参政议政的权利得到了满足,于是开始追求更加富足的经济生活。但目前的对中国女性政治参与的研究主要是侧重于女性在高层领导职位中与男性的差异。 职业形象:女性职业角色是我们分析女性形象的重要方面,这对于了解女性社会地位具有重要的意义。从事教师职业的女性人物在四个阶段是平缓上升的,在文


:性别歧视是英语及其它许多语言中普遍存在的问题,近数十年来越来越引起女权主义者的不满和抗争,也引起一些有识之士的关注。本文通过对英语语言中性别歧视现象的剖析,探讨了女权运动对英语语言文化的影响,论述了女权主义者为争取妇女的平等地位所做出的贡献。 1英语语言文化中的性别歧视 1 . 1男尊女卑的宗教思想 在英语国家,重男轻女,男尊女卑的偏见长期存在,这与英语国家社会长期处在父权制的统治之下密切相关。在基督教盛行的英美社会中,女性从属地位更是从“ 精神法典” 角度被固定下来。在《圣经》的创世篇中,上帝首先创造了男性———亚当,亚当从此便被看成是“ 人类的始祖” 。动物与女人是作为男人的帮手被创造出来。上帝把所创造出来的各种生物的命名权交给了亚当,从此,用语言符号来界定各种植物、动物等的权力便落在了男人的手中。上帝创造性别的手段也很奇特:他在亚当熟睡后从亚当身上取下一根肋骨,创造出了夏娃。既然女性是男性的骨中骨、肉中肉,既然她只是作为男人的帮手来到这个世界上,那么她对男性的从属似乎便成了上帝的意志。英语中泛指人时可用he或man而不用woman,专指性别的词被称为Adam2rib words,也是从这里来的。两百多年前,托马斯?杰佛逊( Thomas Jeffers on)在《独立宣言》(The Declarati on of I ndependence)中写道:“We hold thesetruths t o be self2 evident, that allmen are created equal . . . ” ,毫无疑问,这里的men泛指所有的人,包括men和women。这种状况表明男性是这个世界的主宰,忽略了女性角色的存在。 1 . 2英语语义变化中的性别歧视 man与woman语义的发展也不对称。man可指“有身份、有地位的人” 或“ 重要人物” ,而对应的woman则不具有。man在使用中含有“ 勇气” 、“坚强的毅力” 、“控制” 、“主宰”之意,这在动词化的man中尤为明显。如:①Well, Imustman it out . ( t o bear up manfully)②Happy is your soul if Christ man the house . . . and com2mand it .Collins English Dicti onary在对woman解释时没有一条释义可以表明woman具有“ 重要人物” 之意。往往提起woman,就一定“ 缺乏勇气” ,“胆小如鼠” 。在英语中woman不仅可指“ 女佣人” 和“情妇” ,甚至可指“妓女”(woman of thestreet)。这种语义的贬义化也发生在其他与男性相对应的性别词上。例如:①king国王; queen王后;在男性同性恋中扮演性别角色的同性恋者(male homosexualwho acts like a woman)②master男主人;mistress女主人;情妇③mister先生;madame女士;鸨母指代女性性别的词在其语义上的发展上逐渐染上淫秽或其他消极语义,而指代男性性别的词却没有沿着同样的方向发展。这样的例子在英语中十分常见,再以mother为例:mother虽具有“母亲” 这一高尚的语义,却也没有避免贬义化。Mother可用来指“下层社会的上了年纪的妇女” ,而Shakes peare 《李尔王》中Mother成了“ 歇斯底里” ( hysteria)的代名词。如Oh how thisMother s wels up t oward my heart! 在英语中还保存着习语“the fits of the mother” 。尽管男人似乎比女人更易发脾气。另一方面,相反, father仍然保留“ 父亲”的尊严,还可用来指“ 有社会地位的长者” 。[ 2 ]性别歧视不仅表现在语义的变化中,它也表现在词的选择和搭配之中。在英语中有些词可以去形容男子,对女人则不行,有一些专门的词去修饰女人,而它们无不带有歧视的意义。如:强有力的男人可用charismatic (具有超凡魄力的)修饰,对强有力的女人则用另外一词“domineering (盛气凌人的) ” ;固执的男人用的是strong willed (意志坚强的) ,固执的女人则用“stubborn (执拗的) ” ;幽默的男人用的是“witty (机智的) ” ,对女人则说“sarcastic (好挖苦人的) ” ;爱唠叨的男人用“articulate (表达力强的) ” ,对女人用“garrul ous” (喋喋不休的)。语言不仅反映人们的社会观念及成见,而且还传播、记录这种观点和成见。在历史上,社会地位、身份显赫的都是男人。干比较低劣工作的都是女人。p r ofessi onal的词义演变说明了这一点。当它与不同的性别连用时,语义也不同。①He is a p r o .他是专业人员。(p r ofessi onal)She is a p r o .她是妓女。(p rostitute)这种同义语义场中的性别用词多为贬义。还可以从以下数例中得到证实。②He is a tramp.他是个


MOUNTAIN FLOWERS 并不是所有的女性写作都是女权主义的,但许多女性主义文本反映了女权主义所关注的问题。在文学批评界,传统的文学批评因为倾向于以男性经验为基础进行普遍性的阐述而受到攻击。传统批评方式认为文学经典作品表达永恒不变的真理,而这种真理不受性别等世俗问题的影响。女权主义者则认为,这种批评方法拒绝承认经典文学作品常常推崇男性价值观和利益,从而使得男性偏见制度化和机构化,女性主义者因此必须提高女性对于性压迫这一事实的觉悟。这一时期的开拓性文学批评作品《性政治》选用了男性经典文学作品作为性政治分析的依据,披露了在文学这种父权意识文化产物中的性别偏见和性暴力,解构了经典文学作品中被贬损的女性角色塑造。女权主义者力图通过提倡对于文学中女性形象的重新评价来唤醒人们对于女性价值的再认识。第二次浪潮中早期的女权主义者在揭露文学作品中父权偏见的同时,还努力挖掘和定义女性自己的文学传统,包括寻找和再版那些被湮没被遗忘的女性作家及作品,以及对于女性生活、创造力、风格、体裁、主题、形象等性质的重新定义。随着性别意识的不断加深,女权主义者大力提倡一种抵抗性阅读,其目的在于揭露女性是如何被迫去认同文本中压迫女性的性别偏见的,并且培养一种真正从女性视角进行阅读、拒绝与自己的压迫者合作的女性读者。这种观点在朱迪丝?菲特利(Judith Fetterley)的作品《抗拒性读者》(The Resisting Reader,1976)中得到极为充分的表达。 女性主义质询在人类社会中,妇女为什么总是扮演从属于男性的角色。它关注在历史中妇女的生活是怎样变化的,探讨女性的经验与男性的有什么不同,不管是作为一种实质性的本体论或者心理差异的结果,还是作为历史印迹和社会结构的结果。女性主义文学批评研究女性创作的文学是怎样表达或表现女性生活与体验的特点的。它也研究男性主宰的法则,以了解男性是怎样运用文化来推进他们对女性的主宰的。 从总体上讲,女性主义有一个漫长的政治史,从19世纪到20世纪初至少在英美发展成了一种实质性的力量。照玛丽?伊格尔顿(Mary Eagleton)的说法,弗吉妮娅?伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)是“当代女性主义论争开创之母”,她宣布了许多后来的女性主义者们争论不休的问题,而且她本人也成了某些论争展开的场地;伍尔夫的两个关键文本对女性主义理论做出了重要贡献,即《一间自己的屋子》(A Room of One’s Own,1929)和《三个畿尼》(Three Guineas, 1938)。她关心的主要问题是女性与男性相比在物质上的不利,第一本书集中讨论女性文学生产的历史与社会语境;而第二本则讨论男性权力与职业(法律、教育、医疗等领域)之间的关系。 在《一间自己的屋子》中,她还争论说,女性写作理应发掘女性经验,而不应该只是对两性经验的比较和对照。因此,这篇文章成为探讨女性写作传统可能性的一个早期宣言。伍尔夫对女性主义的主要贡献是,她认识到性别、身份是一种社会建构,能够受到挑战和发生形变。她拒绝“女性主义”意识,要求自己的女性性(femi-ninity)处于无意识状态:“像女人那样写,但是像一个忘记自己是女人的一个女人”(伍尔夫),她挪用了布鲁姆伯里文人圈子里“双 性同体”(androgyny)的性伦理,希望在“男性”的自我实现与“女性的”自我消灭之间实现一种平衡。在这一点上,一些女性主义批评家,特别是伊莱恩?肖沃尔特认为伍尔夫在两性冲突中采取了一种被动的撤退立场,但托里尔?莫娃(Toril Moi)则提出了一种完全不同的解释,她认为这是伍尔夫的一种策略。莫娃借取了克里斯蒂娃把女性主义与先锋派写作结合在一起的观点,提出伍尔夫的兴趣并不在男性与女性写作的平衡上,而在固定的性别身份的彻底移置上,她在自己的现代主义小说中打散了那些固定的观点,从而拆解了本质主义的性别观。 莫娃争论说,伍尔夫反对的只是那种颠倒了大男子沙文主义的女性主义,她对女性写作的独特性有十分清醒的意识。她认为,女性写的之所以与男性写的不同,并不是因为她们在心理上与男人不同,而是因为她们在社会地位上与男人不同。因此,她要写作女性经验的意图就是要发现描写女性生活受到限制的语言表达形式,她相信,当女性最终获得了与男性在社会经济地位上的平等之后,就没有任何力量能够阻止她们充分发挥自己的艺术才能了。 照哈姆(Maggie Humm)的说法,波伏娃及其《第二性》则成为“第一潮”女性主义的终结。《第二性》显然充塞着第一潮阶段的“物质主义”,但它也认识到两性之间在利益上有广大的不同,并严厉抨击男人在生理、心理与经济上对女人的歧视,从而召示了第二潮女性主义的到来。 此书极为清晰地确立了现代女性主义的根本问题。当一个女人试图界定自己时,她开始时一定说“我是一个女人”;而没有一个男人会说“我是一个男人”。这一事实揭示在“男性的”(masculine)与“女性的”(feminine)之间存在着根本的不对称:男人界定的是人,而不是女人,这种不平衡可以追溯到《旧约》。女人散布在男人中间,没有自己单独的历史,没有自然的团结;她们也不像其他受压迫团体那样结合在一起。女人被铆进了一种与男人不平衡的关系中:他是“一个人”,而她只是这个人的“他者”。男人的主宰巩固了一种屈从的意识形态气候:立法者、牧师、哲学家、作家和科学家竭力说明,女人的从属地位是上天的意志,对人世是有利的。按照伍尔夫的说法,女人作为“他者”的假定被女人自己进一步内化了。 波伏娃的著作仔细辨析了性(sex)与性别(gender)的差异,而且看出了社会功能与自然功能之间的互动关系:“女人并不是生就的,而宁可说是逐渐形成的。在生理、心理或经济上,没有任何命运能决定人类女性在社会的表现形象。决定这种……所谓具有女性气质的人的,是整个文明。只有另一个人的干预,才能把一个人树为他者”(波伏娃)。正是与生理学、心理学、生殖、经济等相关的阐释系统建构了那“另一个人”(男性)的在场。波伏娃对“是一个女性”(being a female)与“被建构成‘一个女人’”(being constructed as‘a woman’)作了重要区分,由此她能够在女人只要求打破她们的客观化处境时彻底摧毁父权制。与其他“第一潮”女性主义者一样,波伏娃要求摆脱生理差异获得自由,她也同样不信任“女性性”,这样她也就与一些当代女性主义者划清了界限,后者更多地强调女性身体与无意识的重要性。 西方女性主义文学理论综述李丽琴 154


当代艺术中的女性主义分析 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 导言 从20 世纪60 年代末开始,随着“男性主义”的逐渐衰落,在西方艺术领域中出现了一个全新的艺术流派——女性主义。在美国和欧洲率先兴起后,女性主义艺术已经迅速发展成为一种全球性的艺术现象,它以明确的自我意识和鲜明的政治立场以势如破竹的势头迅速崛起。她们首先否定了战后的女性就要回到家中的观点,因为她们在二战中已经获得了工作的机会。继而是争取选举权,这是摆脱边缘状态争取平等的权利和机会的必要之举。 一、女性的身体政治性 (一)性别地位所决定的身体语言 无论是浏览中世纪的绘画和雕塑还是欣赏当代的波普艺术,不难发现在关于人体艺术的作品中,女人体的比例要远远大于男人体。这是因为女性的身体蕴含更大的能量或表现力吗?上世纪20 年代初,德国的法尔亨博士从社会学的角度提出了《男女特征比较论》这样一种理论。他认为:“人类发展是男性优势与女性

优势之间的无数次交替。由一性优势发展到两性平权,再由两性平权转化为一性优势——由无数次轮回构成了人类历史。而这种性别优势也直接影响了人体艺术的发展。当一性占优势时,另一性往往成为人体艺术的表现中心。”如产生在古埃及女子专政时代的纸莎草纸画,画中的女子皆着衣而男子却赤裸身体。而到了父权时期情况则翻转过来。马奈的名作《草地上的午餐》中女子皆是赤裸而男子却是穿戴整齐,罗丹的代表作《青铜时代》首次展出时,作品中毫无遮掩的男裸体遭到当时社会舆论的毁谤非议。希腊的神话中有很多血淋淋的抢夺少女的故事,这些故事多多少少的反映了那个时代的社会生活,文艺复兴时期很多画家致力于绘画这种题材的作品,画面中多是体格强壮彪悍的男人掠夺柔弱面带恐惧的少女,从而画面中产生强烈的艺术效果。可见这些都是性别胜利的一种体现,无形中包含着鲜明的自我肯定意识。 (二)女性们反对“被观看” 当今时代男性无疑是中流砥柱,因此,男性艺术家关于人体艺术的性别选择再次指向了女性,其中不乏一些艺术家的作品是以情色、女性为创作语言,尽管我们不能盲目的以摄影师的性别来判断其作品的倾向,但作为社会中的强势性别,一些男性摄影家的确


女性主义 一.女性主义的缘起 1.女性主义与女权主义 在feminism一词中包含有“女性”与“女权”的双重含义,故又译“女权主义”,随着近现代以争取妇女参政和男女平权的妇女运动而兴起的思想潮流。(王先霈:637)朱刚认为,学术界一度把“feminism”翻译为“女权主义”,这个译法值得商榷。欧美学术界通常用“feminism”泛指一切争取、维护女性权益的活动,其历史跨度延绵数百年,内容非常庞杂,极难准确定义。而中文的“女权”的含义则比较明确,指历史上女性为了获得自身“权益”而进行的努力,其目标明确,颇有声势,涌现过不少知名的女权活动家和积极分子。确切地说,女权主义真正兴起于19世纪的欧美,也称“妇女解放运动”,二十世纪初随着女性权益的逐渐实现,女权运动也基本完成了使命。从二十世纪六十年代开始的“feminism”要求的已经不是传统的女性权益。因此,二十世纪初之前的feminism可以成为女权主义,之后则可称为女性主义,女权主义是女性主义的先驱。(朱刚:336) 2.父权时代的妇女处境 在旧石器时代,男女皆以采集植物和狩猎为生。由于女性十分珍贵及在生育中所承担的角色,且由于男性尚未意识到自己的性自尊,妇女地位较高,崇拜“母神”的现象较为普遍,这从大量出土的石器时代的女性小雕像可见一斑。虽然纯粹的“母权制”在那一时期是否存在尚有不少争议,但可以肯定,女性的地位还是比较高的,这可找到大量的考古学的证据、生物学的证据、心理学的证据、人类学的证据以及用希腊语、罗马字及希伯来语等记载的诗歌、神话等“书写的证据”。到公元前五千年至前三千年,由于频繁的战争、金属及交通工具的运用,男人在生产中的作用越来越重要,也由于人口增多、粮食积累、劳动分工及畜牧业的出现而导致奴隶制的发展,妇女在社会中的地位日渐衰落,男人对女人的统治与控制的父权社会逐渐形成。(林树明:7-8) 父权制社会的发展摧毁了女性不可复得的伊甸园,并将女性压入社会的底层。在父系社会看似秩序严明的“合法性”社会运行机制中,女性被置于社会配角的地位,并通过对女性的贬抑(女人祸水说、淫乱败国说等)和规范(禁忌、礼仪乃至人身变形如束胸缠脚),从而彻底赢得这场“性别之战”(克里斯蒂娃)。女性作为人类对立的另一元,在物种上没有消失也不可能消失,然而在文化语境中却只能作为“先前文明的残片”,作为男性与女性对立的历史败北者和现实异己者,被置入父权制社会的边缘地带。进而通过制定一整套礼法、伦理防范网络,让女性来成全男性壮伟强劲的虚荣,借此平息强大父权社会中男性普遍存在的阉割焦虑(弗洛伊德)。(王岳川:372-373) 3.十九世纪之前的女权主义 评论家在公元五世纪的雅典文学中发现有与男性社会相抗争的女主角。欧洲女权主义至少可以追溯到十四、十五世纪之交,当时法国女诗人克里斯汀德比桑(Christine de Pisan)做长诗,批评男性没有按照宫廷礼仪和基督教精神来对待女性,并且分析了敌视女性(misogynist)传统中的种种谬见。十六世纪女权主义的代表要算著名的荷兰学者埃拉斯谟

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