当前位置:文档之家› 读后续写和概要写作讲义 浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题

读后续写和概要写作讲义 浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题

读后续写和概要写作讲义 浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题
读后续写和概要写作讲义 浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题




A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank, he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car. He tried again and again but couldn’t get the car moving. Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried. Arthur stopped and asked, “It looks like you’ve got a problem,” Arthur said.

“I’m afraid so. I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start my car.”

“Is there something I can do to help?” Arthur asked. The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then said, “Thanks. If you’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble, you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.”

“No trouble at all. I’d be glad to help.”

The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat. After placing it on the ground,he turned to get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking, he heard the long loud noise of an alarm.

It was from the bank.There had been a robbery (抢劫)!

Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before. Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions. Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other,“What happened?” But everyone had a different answer.

Arthur, still carrying the suitcase, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him.

She looked at the suitcase and then at him. Arthur was surprised. “Why is she looking at me like that?” He thought. “The suitcase! She thinks I’m the bank thief!”

Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He became frightened, and without another thought, he started to run.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop,stop!”


Paragraph 2:

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur...



One possible version:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!” And also at the moment, Arthur suddenly realized that the young man might be the bank robber. So Arthur didn’t stop, but continued to run until he saw a taxi.He stopped it, jumped in with the suitcase and said to the driver, “Go to the police station, please. The man shouting behind is the bank thief!’’ The taxi raced away like the wind.

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur told the police what had happened. Obviously, the police had already learned about the robbery.They opened the suitcase and there was a large sum of money inside, as

Arthur had expected. Then the police asked Arthur to describe the young man and the other suitcase. Later, with the information, the police caught the robber. The police and the bank both thanked Arthur a lot. (Words 153)

Another possible version:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!”Thinking of the way the young man had behaved, he realized the young man might be the bank robber. So Arthur ran faster and stopped a taxi. The moment he got into the taxi, he told the driver the man shouting behind was the bank thief and asked him to drive to the nearest police station. The driver followed what Arthur said and drove away.

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur thanked the driver and directly went in. Just as Arthur was describing what had happened near the bank on the Park Avenue and reported the young man to the police, he heard a voice outside, “Help! Help!” To the surprise of Arthur, it was the young man. He had followed Arthur in another taxi. It turned out that the young man was innocent and inside the suitcases were just some clothes. Arthur felt embarrassed but the policemen thanked him anyway.(Words: 158)



地点:Park Avenue, the bank

人物:The young man, people, the bank thief

事件:suitcases, in the back seat, loud noise of an alarm,robbery, the shouts


1. Why did the young man look worried?

2. What happened? But everyone had a different answer.

3. Arthur became frightened and without another thought, he started to run.




























(3)读后续写要求读写并重。与阅读理解题一样,读后续写同样需要对本篇文章精确理解,这样所续写部分才不至于偏离主题,就这方面而言有点类似阅读理解题中对文章后续发展的推断,如“Whatwould happen next?”。









1. 充分利用记叙文故事类的阅读理解或者完形填空。考生在做此类文章的试题时,读到适当的位置,可以


2. 经常实施微型化训练,也就是对所读文章的某一段落进行设想。根据某一段落的首句提示,结合文章的上文对该段进行合理设想,具体推断该段可能要讲述的内容。

3. 与传统写作类似,续写文章更加要注意句与句之间的连接词,甚至是冠词的暗示作用。如《考试说明》的样题中续写部分的第二段“the Police Station”中的“the”表明在上一段中已经提到,同时后面的and表明前后之间是并列关系。

4. 进行适度专题化练习。俗话说,熟能生巧。对于读后续写这一新题型也是如此。通过适度地练习,可以进一步熟知该种题型的特色,更好地掌握该种题型的写作技巧,更有效地调动传统写作的基础知识,从而写出一篇优美的续写短文。需要注意的是,后续写补全的是语篇,而非单词或短语。

5. 在平时的教学中,老师要帮助学生释放创造力和想象力,激发表达动机。


2019高考英语写作专题:书写规范 高考英语书面表达全国卷的评分原则: 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3.词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。 4.评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。 5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 许多考生只重视书面表达内容的训练和提高,忽略了卷面书写的规范训练,影响考试分数。要做到卷面工整、美观,考生需要注意: 1.分段 大多数文章可分为三段。段落层次清晰,段首对齐或缩进约4个字符距离。 2.字母饱满圆润,清晰可辨 对于a,o;u,r,v;e,t,c;h,l等在手写体中易于混淆的字母,一定要写清楚,易于辨认。要避免笔顺错误或随意连笔造成的字母混淆。笔顺易错的字母是E,F,H,N,O,R,W,d,i,j, 需重点模仿英语规范手写体字帖上这些字母的笔顺。 3.字母上中下比例恰当 考生脱离了四线三格后,要尽量压线书写,避免所有字母悬于线

上,呈波浪式前进。严禁b,d,h,k,l,t上部过长或f,g,j,p,q,y下部过长等比例失衡现象。 4.间距均匀 字母与字母之间,单词与单词之间都要间距均匀。单词之间约为一两个字母的宽度,千万不能太拥挤或太松散。如:I come from China.不能写成:IcomefromChina.也不能写成I come from China. 5.倾斜度一致 写字母时要注意倾斜度,所有的字母一律向右倾斜5度左右,要保持倾斜度一致。 6.准确运用标点 英语中的标点符号与汉语标点符号基本相同,只有句号、省略号等不一样。英语的句号不是“。”,而是实心的“.”;省略号不是“……”,而是“...”。连字符号不要写得太长,以免跟破折号混淆。其长度相当于一个小写字母。英语中没有顿号“、”,在表示句中较短的并列词语之间的停顿时,英语只能用逗号;连接一系列并列项目的“and”或“or”之前往往可以用逗号。英语中没有书名号《》,一般用引号。如:Yesterday she saw an English film “Gone with the Wind”.。 7.注意移行规则 在书写英语时,如在一行之末无法将一个词写完,这个词的某几个字母必须写到下一行去,这种书写现象被称为单词的移行。移行时要在没写完的部分后面用上一个连字符号“-”表示该词未完,剩下的部分写在下一行里,但不是随意的,而是要按照一定的规则进行。移


浙江高考英语百日训练之书面表达概要(8)含答案解析 【题文】 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Although some people don't like using automatic hand dryers in restrooms, it may actually be argued that motion-sensing hand dryers are a practical alternative to paper towels. I believe that our school would benefit from investing in automatic hand dryers in all the restrooms. First of all, the automatic hand dryer is very sanitary(卫生的). Instead of pulling on a lever (手柄) touched by a large number of students, users can just stick their hands under the air dryer. No bacteria can get on them because there is nothing to touch. Kids wouldn't get sick from the paper towel dispensers (纸巾盒) . In addition, if the school buys automatic hand dryers, we can save money. There is a terrible waste of paper towels in the restrooms. Students continuously pull on the lever for unneeded towels until the dispensers are empty. An automatic hand dryer costs about $500, with very little additional cost over time while paper towels can cost $25 a case, or about $500 a year. After just one year, it would pay for itself. Finally, our bathroom is a paper towel mess! There are always piles of paper towels on the floor. Sometimes the extras fall from the dispenser unused. Many times kids make their used towel into a ball and aim for a basket. But if they miss the target, the paper ball stays on the floor. Paper towels leave so much litter in the restrooms that the restrooms are a mess. People use the hand dryers for just a few seconds, and they think that automatic hand dryers don't dry their hands as thoroughly as paper towels. However, studies have shown that when people dry their hands for at least 30 seconds, automatic dryers actually dry much better than paper towels. It is difficult to get every part of your hand dry using paper towels, but the air can if you take a few extra seconds. As you see there are some good points, let's install automatic hand dryers as soon as possible! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 【答案】 Compared with paper towels, hand dryers have more advantages, which will benefit school in four ways. First, they are clean and healthy because bacteria can’t touch kids. Additionally, i t can help school save money. Thirdly, our bathroom can be kept clean and neat. Besides, it can dry our hands more effectively if we take longer time. Therefore, school is advisable to fix the equipment at once.(66) 【解析】 【分析】


2016年浙江新高考英语题型解读—概要写作 一、2016年浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题 第二节:概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is no thing fixed about attitudes to dirt. In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block o ut disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up t he skin and let ills in. A particular danger was though to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 15 46. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a frie ndly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman h ad taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman sho uld not go out. Though the belief in the merit (好处) of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been re garded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18 century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning awa y dirt is good to health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of pre venting disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War II. Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea: clothes need to be whiter th an white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too f ar? Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of diseas e. On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist (免疫学家), encourages ch ildren to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter (后者) positi on is gaining some ground. (原创范文,仅供参考) One possible version: People have mixed opinions towards dirt on our skin. (要点 1 ) For a long time in histo ry, people of some European countries, such as France, believed that dirt protected peop le from getting ill. (要点 2 ) However, people began to change their attitudes to dirt abou t 200 years ago. People have been told that washing dirt off our body can keep us health y. (要点 3) However, some scientists believe that exposure to some dirt may help our im mune system. (要点 4) 【范文点拨】 (一)要点分析 1. 文章第一段就是本篇文章的主题句,亮明了总的观点:However, there is nothing fix ed about attitudes to dirt. 换句话说:Different people have different attitudes towards di rt. 再结合下文谈到的主题可知Different people have different attitudes towards dirt on th


第一讲审题准,要点全,抓住阅卷老师第一眼......保基本分 五、(一)、审题 1.本文为申请信,体裁属于应用文。 2.时态以一般现在时和一般将来时为主。 3.人称为第一人称。 (二)、拟点(用汉语列出本文的写作要点) 1.介绍家庭成员及居住、交通条件。 2 说明英语交流沟通水平。 3.安排美国朋友参加的家庭活动。 4 表达愿望。 六、1.补写下面缺少的两个要点 (1)说明英语交流沟通水平。My good command of English makes me free to communicate with foreigners in daily life. (2)表达愿望。In a word ,I’m eager to provide an impressive trip for the foreign visitors. Hope you can take my application into consideration. 2.将下列表达错误给以改正 (1)时态错误:①句应改为:I live with my parents who are caring and friendly. (2)语法错误:②句应改为:Our home is next to the city center, where easy shopping access and convenient transportation are available. (3)人称错误:③句应改为:What's more, we can have a tour around the city, getting the students to know more about real life and culture in China. 第二讲表达明、错误少,不给阅卷老师添烦恼......少丢分 一、考场作文10大错误 1.主谓一致错误 误:Qianmen Street, a famous one in Beijing, have a history of 600 years. 正:Qianmen Street, a famous one in Beijing, has a history of 600 years. 误:My hobby is widespread, which include drawing, collecting stamps and so on. 正:My hobby is widespread, which includes drawing, collecting stamps and so on. 误:Dr. Smith, together with his wife, are to arrive on the evening flight. 正:Dr. Smith, together with his wife, is to arrive on the evening flight. 2.时态、语态错误 误:In the morning, we had bicycled in the suburbs to plant trees. 正:In the morning, we bicycled in the suburbs to plant trees. 误:It is high time that we do something to reduce pollution. 正:It is high time that we did something to reduce pollution. 误:One day I told Mr. Wang, my maths teacher, was ill. 正:One day I was told Mr. Wang, my maths teacher, was ill. 误:Children who raise in poor families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years. 正:Children who are raised in poor families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years. 3.句子成分残缺 误:If no self-confidence, all our dreams would merely daydreams. 正:If we had no self-confidence, all our dreams would be merely daydreams. 误:Our library in the center of the school. 正:Our library is in the center of the school. 误:There are many students don't support the project. 正:There are many students who don't support the project. 4.用词不当


一、重点诠释 1.书面通知一般包括标题、正文、日期和通知发布单位。正文上方正中间写标题Notice(也可把每个字母都大写);日期的写法与中文不一样,一般写在左下方(落款之下),也可写在标题下一行的右上角;通知发布单位也有两个位置,一般写在正文之下的右下角,也可写在标题的上方或前面。 2.书面通知的行文准确无误,语言应简明扼要。另外行文要比较正式,通常无称呼语和结束语。 一则典型的书面通知格式如下: Notice ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ The Students' Union June 8 ,2007 二、写作典例 请你用英语写一则80—100词的书面通知,时间是2007年12月18 日。内容是: 1.今天下午三点在会议室召开全体英语老师和各班班长会议 2.校长要出席这次会议,并就下周五举行的英语演讲比赛讲一些要求 3.为办好这次英语演讲比赛,大家可以献计献策

4.选出七位老师作评委 5.请带钢笔和笔记本准时参加。 三、案例分析 无论是口头通知还是书面通知,至少应包括一些基本要点,如:时间、地点、活动内容等。另外通知的时态和句式也有特殊性,常用时态为一般将来时,常用一些祈使句和简单句。 四、高分范文 NOTICE There will be a meeting for all the English teachers and monitors of our school in the meeting room at three o'clock this afternoon . Our headmaster will be preasant at the meeting and he will explain some requests to us about the English Speaking Contest which will be held next Friday .Everyone at the meeting can express his or her opinion on the English Speaking Contest .At the meeting ,we will choose seven teachers as gudges . Please bring your pens and notebooks with you and attend the meeting on time . The Principal's Office 五、针对练习 校学生会将举办一次英语演讲比赛,请按下列要求写一


高考英语写作……描述性写作 一. 教学内容: 描述性写作 二. 重点、难点: I. 特点及常用结构 1. 描述性文章是把人物、事件、景观、地点、环境等用生动的语言,形象地描绘出来。 2. 描述性文章的结构 (1)人物: 开头应有简明的介绍 文章的主体部分可按时间或事件的主次进行描述 结尾进行评论或谈感受 (2)地点: 要学会准确地表示方位的词或短语 描述地点的位置通常由上至下,从里到外,从左至右,从远到近。 总之,无论是描述人物,还是地点、环境,都要详略得当,重点突出。 3. 学习并牢记下面的短语和句型 表空间顺序 in front of, in the front of, at the back of, on the right (left)side close to , next to, opposite, across, inside, outside in (to)the south / east / west / north on one side …, on the other side(of) 常用短语和句型: 方位 1. There is a tall shelf on the left of my room. (on the right of, in the front of, near the window, ) 2. Above the bed, there is a large painting of the blue sea. (On the right of the room,) 3. Next to it is a bed. (In front of it, At the back of, In the middle of, To the right of ) 4. They are opposite the door. (on the left / right of the room.) 5. The office building is in the east of the campus. (in the south of, to the west of, in front of, behind, at the back of, ) 6. The monument, which was built in 1894, stands in the center of the square. 描述国家,城市等 7. China is located in Asia. (be situated…be surrounded by, lie to the east of ) 8. It covers a huge area of 9,600 000 square kilometers. 9. The population of this city is 100,000. 路线 10. When you come out of …(get to …reach…) 11. Cross the street(river)(keep walking along…walk down…) 12. Turn right at the end of Bridge Street into Riverside Road. (the second traffic lights, the first crossing, )

浙江新高考 概要写作同义替换

Summary Writing 常见的同义替换: 1. 动词(词组): absorb->assimilate 吸收 agree partly->agree with reserve 有保留地赞同 arouse->ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate 引起;鼓励 change->alter 改变 consider->take into account 考虑 devote to->dedicate to 把……奉献于;专注于 emphasize->accentuate 强调 expect->anticipate 期望;预期 explain->interpret/illustrate 解释;说明 get into chaos->with chaos ensuing 陷入混乱 join->participate 参加;参与 lead to->contribute to/ conduce to/result in 导致;产生…… 结果limit->stress/hinder/hamper 限制阻止;阻碍 operate->manipulate 操作;操纵 provide->lend->offer 提供;给予 publicize->propagandize 宣传;公布 sway->vacillate 影响;摇摆,使摇摆 think->contemplate/muse/meditate/retrospect 思考;考虑;想起thrive->palmy(a.)/flourishing(v./a.)/prosperity(n.) undermine->debilitate 破坏;使衰弱,衰竭 use->employ/utilize 使用;利用 want->intend to/tend to/be inclined to 希望;倾向于 want to->desire 想要 2. 形容词/副词: first->primarily 首先(ad.) hardly->merely->barely 几乎不(ad.) hurt->vulnerable 受伤;易受攻击 inevitable-indispensable 必然;不可缺少 in fact->actually/virtually 事实上;实际上(ad.) key->crucial/vital/consequential 关键;重要 large->miraculous/marvelous 大;不可思议(表程度) maybe->probably 也许;大概(ad.) more and more->increasing/growing 越来越多 obvious->conspicuous 明显;显著 old->ancient 老;古老 proper->apposite 适当;合适 persuasive->thorough/sound/specific/convincing 有说服力 true->accurate 正确;准确 vague->unwarranted/oversimplified 模糊


2020届新高考高三英语书面表达作文讲义(三十一)祝贺信写作常用提分 句式整理与真题练习 祝贺信 第一段:表达衷心的祝贺和喜悦的心情; 第二段:围绕祝贺事件表述祝贺内容(当事人的努力,能力和取得的成就); 第三段:表达美好祝福,展望将来的发展前景。 一、常用句式 1开头句 表达衷心的祝贺和喜悦的心情; I am writing to offer/send my sincerest congratulations (to you) on your admission into... 我写信真诚地祝贺你被...录取。 I am writing to congratulate you on (doing)... 我写信祝贺你... I was delighted/pleased to learn/hear that you have done... 我很高兴得知你已经... I was very delighted to hear the news that you have done... 我很高兴得知你已经...这个好消息。 I would like to send/express my congratulations (to you) on... 我对你的...表达我的祝贺。 This is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement. 这是一个特别而愉快的时刻,我对你的成就感到很骄傲。 You don't know how excited and happy we felt at the news of (doing....) 你不知道我们得知你....是多少的开心。 Congrutulations on your....I know how hard you have been working and I am very proud of you for your achievement. 祝贺你...我知道你一直很努力,我为你的成就感到骄傲。 I offer you my warmest congratulations on your... 对你的...我想表达我最热烈的祝贺。 Congratulations, all of us feel proud of your remark achievement. 祝贺你,我们大家为你的成就感到骄傲。 How happy I am to hear that your dream has come true. 得知你的美梦成真,我是多么的高兴啊! How happy I am to hear that many years of your efforts have paid off. 得知你多年的努力有了回报,我是多少高兴啊! I have receieved your e-mail. I am very excited and inspired by the good news that you have been admitted into.... Frist I'd like to offer my congratulations to you on your great success. 我收到了你的电子邮件,我被你被...录取这个好消息感到十分的兴奋与鼓舞。首先,我想对你的成功表示祝。


高考英语写作专题训练——话题类 第一部分五年高考题荟萃 Passage 1 (09·浙江) 5月1日。高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue和Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100~120个词的新闻报道。 1.时间、地点、人物、活动; 2.老人们的反应; 3.简短评论。 4.注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计词数)。 Student V olunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly 【参考范文】 Student V olumteers Broutht Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Grade Two, went o Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie, School Nwespaper Passage 2


高考英语写作基础知识:强调句型 导读:强调句型要掌握三点: 1.基本句型:It is/was+被强调的部分+that(强调人可以用who)+其余部分; 2.对于谓语动词的强调只需在谓语动词前加助动词 (do,does,did)即可; 3.强调句型升级版:It is/was+被强调的部分+定语从句+ that(强调人可以用who)+其余部分。(这里需要保证被强调的.对象为名词或者名词性成分) 试看下列例句: (1) It was our timely efforts that helped him out of hardships. Eventually he was saved. 【帮助他人】 (2) It was for the first time that I had felt so close to my parents. 【和家长的关系】 (3) When I suddenly fell ill, it was you who carried me on your back to a nearby hospital. 【毕业留言】 (4) It was in the small house which was built with stones by his father that he spent his childhood. 【童年生活】【单句训练】 (1) 事实上,正是她的勤奋推动我一起努力。【发掘他人优点】 As a matter of fact/In reality, it was her

diligence/perspiration that motivated me to work together. (2) 正是她让我知道我们是否能实现愿望不在于我们有多聪明,而在于我们有多渴望和我们能坚持多久。【发掘他人优点】It was her who let me know that whether we could achieve our goal didn’t lie in how clever we were but how much we desired and how long we could insist on. (3) 正是这次探访让我意识到帮助别人不应该是空谈。【一次社会实践】 It was the visit that made me realize that helping others should by no means be an empty talk. (4) 正是Sarah理智的行为阻止她受到伤害,否则(这伤害)会变成宿舍矛盾。【与人相处】 It was Sarah’s rational conduct that prevented her from being harmed, which might otherwise turn into a dorm conflict. (5) 正是这些挣扎和艰辛提高了我们的意志力。【生活的感受】 It is these struggles and hardships that promote our willpower. (6) 正是她脑海中一个目标使她能够有所突破。【目标】 It was a goal in her mind that enabled her to make the breakthrough. (7) 俗话说,细节决定成败。


高考英语之写作专题 一、写作之“三八大盖” 1.现象/问题说明段 2.分析原因段 3.解决问题段 4.观点阐述段 5.观点结论段 6.展望未来段 7.漫画/图表描述段 8.引言解释段 二、八大功能段 (一)现象/问题描述功能段(三选一) 1、In recent years, ............................. is becoming more and more popular at an amazing rate. 2、Along with the development of society, more and more questions are brought to our attention, one of the most serious problems is that............................ 3、Recently, ...................................... has attracted much attention of society, which can be found in TV programs, newspaper and many aspects of our daily life. (二)分析原因功能段 1、总原因的阐述(三选一) (1)A number of factors lead to this situation. (2)The answer to this question includes many factors. (3)There are many factors, which can account for the phenomenon/problem. 2、分析原因的功能句(一般三个原因即可) (1)One of the most common factors is............................................................ (Firstly) (2)Another cause is......................................................................................(And then,) (3)But the fundamental element is ..................................................................(Finally) (三)解决问题功能段(总-分-总) (1)For another, people are supposed to get ready to the seriousness of the problems, and we should try our best to cope with these problems as well. 1、措施主题句(三选一) (1)Confronted with the problem, we should take a series of measures to cope with the situation. (2)In view of the problems of ..........., effective measures should be taken. (3)It is high time that we took/should take some measures to cope with these problems。 2、分措施 (1)For one thing, government ought to set up some regulations to...................................


高考英语写作……话题写作练习 一. 教学内容: 话题写作练习 A 人物介绍 参考篇目:Unit 1. Hawking. Einstein 注意:1. 表格变为段落 2.按时间顺序 3.根据逻辑关系加上连接词 常用短语和词汇: be born when he/she was ……years old /at the age of later begin to graduate from spend time doing discover 评价:be considered to be / be regarded as be rewarded…… contribute devoted oneself to sth. 根据以下素材写一篇介绍爱因斯坦的短文 Date of birth: March 14th, 1879 Place of birth: Germany Childhood: curious, slowing in learning Education background: 1886 : study in Munich, mathematics, religion 1896 : graduated from high school 1900 : become a maths teacher 1905 : receive a doctor’s degree Achievement: develop the Theory of Relativity by 1915 prove light is bent when passing the sun won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 Evaluation: one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14th,1879 in Germany. When he was a child,he was curious about everything, but he was considered to be slow at learning. In 1886, he began to study in Munich. He studied mathematics as well as religion. In 1896,Einstein graduated from high school at the age of 17. Four years later, Einstein became a maths teacher. In 1905, he received a doctor’s degree. By the year 1915, he had developed the famous Theory of Relativity and became famous in the world. He proved that light is bent as it passes the sun. Because of his great achievement, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922. Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century. Some people say that he was a genius. But I think the main reason why he was so successful was his hard work . B. 说明文

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