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the Nobel Prize for literature 诺贝尔文学奖

the Nobel Prize for Physics 诺贝尔物理学奖

the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 诺贝尔化学奖

the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖the Nobel Prize for Peace 诺贝尔和平奖

the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences 诺贝尔经济学奖


Good evening, everyone. I extend my warmest greetings to the members of the Swedish Academy and to all of the other distinguished guests in attendance tonight. 各位晚上好。我向瑞典学院的成员和今晚所有出席宴会的尊贵来宾致以最热烈的问候。 I'm sorry I can't be with you in person, but please know that I am most definitely with you in spirit and honored to be receiving such a prestigious prize. Being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature is something I never could have imagined or seen coming. 很抱歉我没能到现场与诸位共享此刻,但请相信,在精神上,我绝对与你们同在,我深感荣幸能获得如此声望卓著的奖项。被授予诺贝尔文学奖,是我从未想象过也没有预见到的事情。 From an early age, I've been familiar with and reading and absorbing the works of those who were deemed worthy of such a distinction: Kipling, Shaw, Thomas Mann, Pearl Buck, Albert Camus, Hemingway. These giants of literature whose works are taught in the schoolroom, housed in libraries around the world and spoken of in reverent tones have always made a deep impression. That I now join the names on such a list is truly beyond words. 从小,我就熟悉、阅读并充分汲取那些被认为值得获得该项殊荣的人的作品,如吉卜林、萧伯纳、托马斯·曼、赛珍珠、加缪、海明威。这些文学巨匠的著作在学堂上被讲授、在世界各地图书馆中陈列、被被人们虔诚地谈论着,它们给我留下了深刻的印象。如今能加入这样的名列,我的心情无以言表。 I don't know if these men and women ever thought of the Nobel honor for themselves, but I suppose that anyone writing a book, or a poem, or a play anywhere in the world might harbor that secret dream deep down inside. It's probably buried so deep that they don't even know it's there. 我不知道,这些作家是否想过自己能获得诺奖,但我猜想世界上任何一个著书写诗、或创作戏剧的人,内心深处都怀揣着这个秘

盘点近年来获搞笑诺贝尔奖的研究 简直不可思议

盘点近年来获搞笑诺贝尔奖的研究简直不可思议 还记得九月三号阅兵仪式唯一一个带着儿子来的白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科吗?对没错就是他。 不查不知道,一查吓哦一跳。除了教会儿子最萌转圈圈之外,这位总统还获得2013 年IG Noble Prize(搞笑诺贝尔) 和平奖呢!应致力于禁止在公共场所鼓掌而获得和平奖。同时获奖的还有白俄罗斯警察,理由是他们以“公共场所鼓掌罪”带不了一名独臂男子。当然这位总统并没有到场领奖。 IG Noble Prize? 搞笑诺贝尔奖(Ig Nobel Prizes)是对诺贝尔奖的有趣模仿。其名称来自Ignoble(不名誉的)和Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖)的结合。主办方为科学幽默杂志(Annals of Improbable Research,AIR),评委中有些是真正的诺贝尔奖得主。其目的是选出那些“乍看之下令人发笑,之后发人深省”的研究。颁奖仪式每年十月,在诺贝尔奖颁奖前一至两周举行,地点为哈佛大学的桑德斯剧场(Sanders Theater)。 今天就给大家带来近年来最不可思议的获奖研究: 2014【医学奖】用腌猪肉来治疗流鼻血 2014年的医学奖授予一项同样充满创新的研究工作。一个由美国与印度科学家组成的科研团队发现,培根不但美味,它们还是很好的医疗用品!这个研究组利用咸肉帮助治疗一名4岁的血小板无力症儿童鼻血难以止住的问题,这种病症的患者会出现难以抑制的流鼻血现象。研究组称:“咸肉会成为一种很好的鼻塞物,有效阻止出鼻血的问题。”有关研究工作发表在2011年的研究期刊上。 2014【经济学奖】意大利向自愿交易的色情业,毒品,走私以及其他所有非法交易征税来满足欧盟增加成员国经济规模的要求 授予意大利政府国家统计委员会,理由是他们想出了一个“绝妙”的招数来满足欧盟增加成员国经济规模的要求——那就是向自愿交易的色情业,毒品,走私以及其他所有非法交易征税。评选委员会认为这种做法显然非常具有“创造性”。 当然是他们能够在一周三天的工作日内完成改项目的所有计划。 2014【营养学奖】使用婴儿粪便中的细菌来制作高质量的香肠


1. Phase-Switching Catalysis By simply adding or removing carbon dioxide, chemists in Scotland devised a neat trick for reversibly shuttling a homogeneous catalyst between the organic and aqueous phases in a biphasic solvent system (C&EN, Jan. 26, page 11; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 1472). The phase-switchable catalyst designed by Simon L. Desset and David J. Cole-Hamilton of the University of St. Andrews adds flexibility to the often complicated techniques required to isolate products and recycle catalysts during homogeneous reactions. The secret to the switchability is a weakly basic amidine group, –N=C(CH 3)N(CH 3)2, that the researchers added to the phenyl rings of triphenylphosphine. The rhodium catalyst made with the modified phosphine ligand is soluble in organic solvent. On bubbling CO 2 into an aqueous-organic reaction system containing the catalyst, the CO 2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid (H 2CO 3). The transient acid protonates the amidine groups and renders the catalyst water-soluble. Subsequently bubbling N 2 into the biphasic system drives off CO 2 and shifts the equilibrium of the catalyst-carbonic acid complex, leading the catalyst to deprotonate and making it water-insoluble again. After a reaction is completed in either organic solvent or water, the researchers separate the product and catalyst into different phases, remove the product, and then shuttle the catalyst back into the original phase for the next reaction cycle. Building switchability into basic chemicals in this manner could facilitate greener and less-energy-intensive industrial chemical processes. 能够转相的催化反应 通过简单的添加或除去二氧化碳,苏格兰的科学家发明了一种在两相系统中来回转运匀相催化剂的灵巧的把戏。St. Andrews 大学的Simon L. Desset and David J. Cole-Hamilton 发明的这种可以转相的催化剂使得通常需要复杂的技术来分离产品和重复利 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Switchphos Bubbling CO 2 and then N 2 into a reaction tube modifies the rhodium catalyst’s phosphine ligands, switching the catalyst (yellow) from the organic reaction phase to the aqueous phase while the organic product is removed, and then back to a fresh organic phase.

2019 搞笑诺贝尔奖 (Ig Nobel Prize)获奖资料整理

Announcing the 2019 Ig Nobel Prize Winners The 2019 Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded at the 29th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony, on Thursday, September 12, 2019, at Harvard’s Sanders Theatre. The ceremony was webcast. The 2019 Ig Nobel Prize winners MEDICINE PRIZE [ITALY, THE NETHERLANDS] 医学奖 Silvano Gallus, for collecting evidence that pizza might protect against illness and death, if the pizza is made and eaten in Italy. ?REFERENCE: “Does Pizza Protect Against Cancer?“, Silvano Gallus, Cristina Bosetti, Eva Negri, Renato Talamini, Maurizio Montella, Ettore Conti, Silvia Franceschi, and Carlo La Vecchia, International Journal of Cancer, vol. 107, no. 2, November 1, 2003, pp. 283-284. ?REFERENCE: “Pizza and Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction,” Silvano Gallus, A. Tavani, and C. La Vecchia, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 58, no. 11, November 2004, pp. 1543-1546. ?REFERENCE: “Pizza Consumption and the Risk of Breast, Ovarian and Prostate Cancer,” Silvano Gallus, Renato Talamini, Cristina Bosetti, Eva Negri, Maurizio Montella, Silvia Franceschi, Attilio Giacosa, and Carlo La Vecchia, European Journal of Cancer Prevention, vol. 15, no. 1, February 2006, pp. 74-76. WHO ATTENDED THE CEREMONY: Sylvano Gallus. MEDICAL EDUCATION PRIZE [USA] 医学教育奖 Karen Pryor and Theresa McKeon, for using a simple animal-training technique— called “clicker training” —to train surgeons to perform orthopedic surgery. ?REFERENCE: “Is Teaching Simple Surgical Skills Using an Operant Learning Program More Effective Than Teaching by Demonstration,” I. Martin Levy, Karen W. Pryor, and Theresa R. McKeon, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, vol. 474, no. 4, April 2016, pp. 945–955. BIOLOGY PRIZE [SINGAPORE, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, POLAND, USA, BULGARIA] 生物学奖 Ling-Jun Kong, Herbert Crepaz, Agnieszka Górecka, Aleksandra Urbanek, Rainer Dumke,


昂山素季:迟到21年的诺贝尔奖演讲 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness, Excellencies, Distinguished members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Dear Friends, 国王和王后陛下,王子殿下,阁下们,挪威诺贝尔委员会卓越的委员们,亲爱的朋友们: Long years ago, sometimes it seems many lives ago, I was at Oxford listening to the radio programme Desert Island Discs with my young son Alexander. It was a well-known programme (for all I know it still continues) on which famous people from all walks of life were invited to talk about the eight discs, the one book beside the bible and the complete works of Shakespeare, and the one luxury item they would wish to have with them were they to be marooned on a desert island. At the end of the programme, which we had both enjoyed, Alexander asked me if I thought I might ever be invited to speak on Desert Island Discs. “Why not?” I responded lightly. Since he knew that in general only celebrities took part in the programme he proceeded to ask, with genuine interest, for what reason I thought I might be invited. I considered this for a m oment and then answered: “Perhaps because I’d have won the Nobel Prize for literature,” and we both laughed. The prospect seemed pleasant but hardly probable. 多年以前,有时候回想起来,好象是多生多世以前,我在牛津同我的儿子亚历山大一起收听广播节目《荒岛唱片》。那是个非常著名的节目(我觉得它现在应该还在广播吧),邀请各行各业的名人来谈谈,当你身处在荒岛时想携带一件什么东西,是哪八张唱片,是除了圣经和莎士比亚全集之外的哪本书,还是哪一件奢侈品?当节目结束的时候,亚历山大和我都听得很开心。亚历山大问我是不是可能会上这个节目,我随口答道:“为什么不会呢?”因为他知道只有名人才可以上这个节目,就很真心的问我,如果我被邀请的话,是因为什么理由呢。我想了一会然后答道:“可能是我会得诺贝尔文学奖吧。”然后我们都笑了。这个前景看起来美好,但确实不太可能。 (I cannot now remember why I gave that answer, perhaps because I had recently read a book by a Nobel Laureate or perhaps because the Desert Island celebrity of that day had been a famous writer。) (我现在记不起为什么我会说这么一个答案,可能是因为我那时候刚读了一本由诺贝尔文学奖得主写的书,或者是那天的名人正好是个著名作家。) In 1989, when my late husband Michael Aris came to see me during my first term of house arrest, he told me that a friend, John Finnis, had nominated me for the Nobel Peace Prize. This time also I laughed. For an instant Michael looked amazed, then he realized why I was amused. The Nobel Peace Prize? A pleasant prospect, but quite improbable! So how did I feel when I was actually awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace? The question has been put to me many times and this is surely the most appropriate occasion on which to examine what the Nobel Prize means to me and what peace means to me. 1989年,当我第一次被软禁时,我的亡夫迈克尔?阿里斯来看我,他告诉我有个朋友约翰?菲尼斯提名我为诺贝尔奖候选人。那时候我也笑了。迈克尔忽然觉得很惊讶,然后他也明白为什么我会笑了。诺贝尔奖?这个愿望是很美好,但确实不太可能。那当我真的获得诺贝尔


搞笑诺贝尔奖 开放分类:奖项恶搞文化社会科学科学奖项 搞笑诺贝尔奖(Ig Nobel Prizes)是对诺贝尔奖的有趣模仿。其名称来自Ignoble(不名誉的)和Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖)的结合。主办方为科学幽默杂志(Annals of Improbable Research,AIR),评委中有些是真正的诺贝尔奖得主。其目的是选出那些“乍看之下令人发笑,之后发人深省”的研究。第一届搞笑诺贝尔奖在1991年举办。颁奖仪式每年十月,在诺贝尔奖颁奖前一至两周举行,地点为哈佛大学的桑德斯剧场(Sanders Theater)。 编辑摘要 百科帮你涨姿势 搞笑诺贝尔奖 奖品是由廉价材料制成手工艺品但颁奖者却是往届诺贝尔奖得主 获奖者也曾获现金奖励为10万亿津巴布韦元只约合人民币24.5元 诺贝尔奖颁奖礼开始时向王室致敬但该奖向瑞典传统食品肉丸致敬 科学+ 2015-09-22 搞笑诺贝尔奖:看到哪条的时候你笑了? 来源:网易科技 搞笑诺贝尔奖 你计算过自己小便的时间吗?人身上被蜜蜂蛰得最疼的地方是哪里?开车经过减速带就能诊断是否患阑尾炎?[详细] 2015-09-18 搞笑诺贝尔奖:日本医生证实“接吻改善皮肤过敏”来源:中国新闻网 2015-09-18 搞笑诺贝尔奖:鸡屁股插棍子走路像恐龙?像吗?来源:中国新闻网 2015-03-26 搞笑诺贝尔奖:绝非只是搞笑获奖研究发人深省!来源:新浪科技 编辑信息模块 中文名称:搞笑诺贝尔奖英文名称:Ig Nobel Prizes 主办单位:《不可思议研究年报》设奖时间:1991年 表彰对象:那些“不能也不应被重复的科学研究”. 奖励:4美元(约24.5人民币)。菠菜菠菜中国语言文学讲师2012年9月21日,一年一度的搞笑诺贝尔奖揭晓。俄罗斯一家公司因将老旧武器制成钻石获和平奖;荷兰和美国科学家因发现黑猩猩通过屁股辨认个体获解剖学奖;文学奖授予了美国政府责任署,以表彰他们发表的有关如何准备一份报告的报告的报告的报告。 目录 1简介 2历史 3颁奖典礼 颁奖时间 举办地 协办者 重要仪式 支持团体 奖杯 4争议 5双料获奖者 6获奖名单


杨振宁,英文名富兰克,1945年出生于安徽省合肥市,著名美籍华裔科学家、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者。 杨振宁读小学时,数学和语文成绩都很好。中学还没有毕业,就考入了西南联大,那是在1938年,他才16岁。1942年,20岁的杨振宁大学毕业,随即进入西南联大的研究院。1942年毕业于昆明的国立联合大学,1944年在该校研究生毕业。此后他于1945年考取公费留学赴美,就读于芝加哥大学,取得博士学位。 1957年杨振宁与李政道因共同提出宇称不守恒理论而获诺贝尔物理学奖,获得诺贝尔奖的第一个华人,他还获得过美国国家科学奖章和多项荣誉学位。被誉为是“全才的三个理论物理学家之一”。同时,也是国内外许多著名大学的名誉教授。 2005年,他与28岁的翁帆结婚,在国内引起一片轰动。杨振宁现居于北京清华大学,同时身兼广东东莞名誉校长。 Chen Ning Yang, English names Frank, born in 1945 in Hefei city, Anhui Province, the famous Chinese-American scientist, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics. When Yang primary school, math and language achievement is good. Secondary schools have not yet graduated, got into the Southwest, it was in 1938, he was only 16 years old. In 1942, aged 20, Chen Ning Yang graduated from the University, then entered the Southwest Research Institute. Kunming National Union University, 1942, in 1944 the school graduate. In 1945 he studied in publicly funded study abroad to the United States, studied at the University of Chicago, PhD. In 1957, Lee and Chen Ning Yang jointly made parity conservation theory and won the Nobel Physics Prize, the first Chinese Nobel Prize he won United States National Medal of science and a number of honorary degrees. Being praised as a "well-rounded human beings one of the three theoretical physicist". At the same time, is also a Professor Emeritus of many famous universities at home and abroad. In 2005, he married with 28-year old Weng fan, caused a sensation in the country. Chen Ning Yang now lives in Tsinghua University, Beijing, and Guangdong Dongguan, who is also the Honorary President.

TED搞笑诺贝尔奖 演讲稿

0:15George and Charlotte Blonsky, who were a married couple living in the Bronx in New York City,invented something. They got a patent in 1965 for what they call, "a device to assist women in giving birth." This device consists of a large, round table and some machinery. When the woman is ready to deliver her child, she lies on her back, she is strapped down to the table, and the table is rotated at high speed. The child comes flying out through centrifugal force. If you look at their patent carefully,especially if you have any engineering background or talent, you may decide that you see one or two points where the design is not perfectly adequate. (Laughter) 1:17Doctor Ivan Schwab in California is one of the people, one of the main people, who helped answer the question, "Why don't woodpeckers get headaches?" And it turns out the answer to that is because their brains are packaged inside their skulls in a way different from the way our brains, we being human beings, true, have our brains packaged. They, the woodpeckers, typically will peck, they will bang their head on a piece of wood thousands of times every day. Every day! And as far as anyone knows, that doesn't bother them in the slightest. 1:56How does this happen? Their brain does not slosh around like ours does. Their brain is packed in very tightly, at least for blows coming right from the front. Not too many people paid attention to this research until the last few years when, in this country especially, people are becoming


莫言领奖 莫言诺奖颁奖词(英文版) Award Ceremony Speech Presentation Speech by Per W?stberg, Writer, Member of the Swedish Academy, Chairman of the Nobel Committee, 10 December 2012. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Esteemed Nobel Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mo Yan is a poet who tears down stereotypical propaganda posters, elevating the individual from an anonymous human mass. Using ridicule and sarcasm Mo Yan attacks history and its falsifications as well as deprivation and political hypocrisy. Playfully and with ill-disguised delight, he reveals the murkiest aspects of human existence, almost inadvertently finding images of strong symbolic weight. North-eastern Gaomi county embodies China’s folk tales and history. Few real journeys can


历年诺贝尔奖获奖项目简介(1901-2008) 1901—19201921—19401941—1960 1961—1980 诺贝尔奖获奖项目简介>>1901—1920 1901年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 开创了用于治疗白喉的血清疗法 在医学科学领域开辟了一条新路 血清疗法为医生对付疾病和死亡提供了有力武器 贝林 Emil Adolf von Behring 德国 马尔堡大学 1854年—1917年 在贝林生活的时代,传染病是全世界人类死亡率中占第一位的疾病。对于传染病的预防和治疗没有有效的方法。贝林开始了这方面的研究。当豚鼠“感染上”白喉后,他就把碘化物注入这种 动物,白喉杆菌被及时地消灭了,但大多数豚鼠也死了。所幸的是,极少数的豚鼠不仅没因白喉 而死,也没因碘化物而死。在贝林的多次实验中,大批豚鼠已经死亡。为了继续试验,贝林不得 不把那些在实验中幸免于死的豚鼠又用于实验,它们再次被注入新鲜的、活的白喉杆菌。贝林等待着这些豚鼠出现感染。然而奇怪的是,这种接种过白喉杆菌并幸存下来的豚鼠竟没有重新被白 喉杆菌所感染。他从已愈的豚鼠中抽出一点血,将其血清与新鲜白喉杆菌混合,注入一只健康的、未经处理过的豚鼠体内,结果是:该豚鼠保持着健康状态。说明注入的具有免疫力的动物血清使 白喉杆菌不能进一步繁殖、蔓延。不仅如此,他们还进行了对照实验,给健康豚鼠注入一份不加免疫血清的白喉杆菌培养液,这些豚鼠后来出现白喉的典型症状而死去。显然,在相同条件下, 是否注入免疫血清是豚鼠是否患病的决定因素。

有关疟疾和疟原虫的发育环的研究 为成功地研究和防治疟疾奠定了基础 罗斯 Ronald Ross 英国 利物浦大学学院 1857年—1932年 19世纪时疟疾流行,印度每年死于疟疾者达百万人。热带病学先驱A·拉韦朗1880年在疟疾患者的血液中发现疟原虫;P·曼森1893年提出疟疾由蚊传播的假说。1895~1898年罗斯为证实曼森的假说进行深入的研究并得到曼森的帮助。他首先证明饮用污染了受感染成蚊或幼虫的水不 会患疟疾。他学会鉴定蚊种,让蚊吸吮疟疾患者的血液,他在蚊胃中发现疟原虫的配子体和囊合子。进而他研究了疟原虫在鸟体内的生活周期,在蚊的唾液腺中观察到疟原虫子孢子,证实蚊是鸟类疟疾的传播媒介。同年意大利的G·B·格拉西等描述了恶性疟原虫在按蚊体内的发育过程。


諾貝爾獎章(AFP PHOTO ) 諾貝爾獎(Nobel Prize)是根據瑞典化學家阿爾 弗雷德·諾貝爾的遺囑所設立的獎項。他於1895 年11月27日在法國巴黎的瑞典-挪威人俱樂部上 立下遺囑,用其遺產中的920萬美元成立一個基 金會,將基金所產生的利息每年獎給在前一年中 為人類作出傑出貢獻的人,以表彰那些對社會做 出卓越貢獻,或做出傑出研究、發明以及實驗的 人士。 諾貝爾獎分為6個獎項:物理學獎、化學獎、醫學獎、文學獎、和平獎、經濟學獎。 到目前為止,有10位華裔諾貝爾獎獲得者,按獲獎時間排序,他們是: 屠呦呦成为第一个获得自然科学领域诺贝尔奖的中国人,也是继莫言之后的第二位中国籍诺贝尔奖获得者。那么,咱们来梳理一下,到底哪些既是“华人”、又是“中国人”得过诺贝尔奖。 一、杨振宁美籍华人 生于中国安徽合肥,父亲杨武之是芝加哥 大学的数学博士,1942年毕业于昆明的西南联 合大学,1944年在北平清华大学研究生毕业。 1945年考取公费留学赴美,就读于芝加哥大 学,1948年取得博士学位。1949年,杨振宁进入普林斯顿高等研究院进行博士后研究工作,并开始同李政道进行了一段长达十多年的科研合作。 他与李政道提出了宇称不守恒理论,并与他共同获得了1957年诺贝尔物理学奖,他们是最早的华人诺贝尔奖得主。

二、李政道美籍华裔物理学家 Tsung-Dao Lee(1926年11月25日—), 汉族,出生于中国上海,祖籍江苏苏州。1946 年,20岁的李政道到美国留学,被誉为「神童 博士」。1957年,他31岁时与杨振宁一起,因发现弱作用中宇称不守恒而获得诺贝尔物理学奖。他们的这项发现,由吴健雄的实验证实。李政道和杨振宁是最早获诺贝尔奖的华人。 三、钱永健美籍华裔生物化学家 汉族,1952年生于美国纽约,祖籍浙江杭州, 是中国导弹之父钱学森的堂侄。美国国家科学 院院士,美国国家医学院院士,美国艺术与科 学院院士。 四、李远哲诺贝尔化学奖 寄生虫病千百年来始终困扰着人类,并一 直是全球重大医疗健康问题之一。寄生虫疾病 对世界贫困人口的影响尤其严重。今年的诺贝 尔生理学或医药学奖获奖者在最具破坏性的寄 生虫疾病防治方面做出了革命性的贡献。


奥巴马诺贝尔获奖感言-中英对照 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, distinguished members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, citizens of America, and citizens of the world: 国王和王后陛下,各位殿下, 杰出的挪威诺贝尔委员会(Norwegian Nobel Committee)委员, 美国公民及全世界公民们: I receive this honor with deep gratitude and great humility. It is an award that speaks to our highest aspirations -- that for all the cruelty and hardship of our world, we are not mere prisoners of fate. Our actions matter, and can bend history in the direction of justice. 获此殊荣,我深怀感激并深表谦恭。这个奖表达出我们的最高理想--尽管这个世界存在种种凶残困苦,但我们并不任命运摆布。我们的行动是有作用的,能够推动历史向正义方向发展。 And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated. (Laughter.) In part, this is because I am at the beginning, and not the end, of my labors on the world stage. Compared to some of the giants of history who've received this prize -- Schweitzer and King; Marshall and Mandela -- my accomplishments are slight. And then there are the men and women around the world who have been jailed and beaten in the pursuit of justice; those who toil in humanitarian organizations to relieve suffering; the unrecognized millions whose quiet acts of courage and compassion inspire even the most hardened cynics. I cannot argue with those who find these men and women -- some known, some obscure to all but those they help -- to be far more deserving of this honor than I. 不过,如果不坦承你们这项厚爱有加的决定所引起的相当激烈的争议,那我就有失疏忽了。(笑声)其中部分原因是,我在世界舞台上的奋斗才刚刚开始,而不是接近尾声。与曾经获此殊荣的一些历史巨人相比--史怀哲(Schweitzer)和马丁·路德·金(King);马歇尔(Marshall)和曼德拉(Mandela)--我的成就微不足道。还有全世界为追求正义而遭到监禁和欧打的男女志士;那些为减轻苦难而在人道组织中艰辛工作的人;那千百万默默无闻地以充满勇气和关爱的无声行动让最悲观的愤世嫉俗者也受到感召的人们。我绝不反驳那些认为这样的男女志士--有些知名,有些只为他们所帮助的对象所知--远比我有资格获此殊荣的看法。 But perhaps the most profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars. One of these wars is winding down. The other is a conflict that America did not seek; one in which we are joined by 42 other countries -- including Norway -- in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations from further attacks. 但与我获奖有关的最深层的问题可能在于我是一个正打着两场战争的国家的三军统帅。其中

莫言诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼 中英文对照版

诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼上,文学委员会主席帕瓦斯特伯格介绍了莫言的作品,阐述了授予他诺贝尔文学奖的原因。 瓦斯特伯格的颁奖辞全文如下: Mo Yan is a poet who tears down stereotypical propaganda posters, elevating the individual from an anonymous human mass. Using ridicule and sarcasm Mo Yan attacks history and its falsifications as well as deprivation and political hypocrisy. Playfully and with ill-disguised delight, he reveals the murkiest aspects of human existence, almost inadvertently finding images of strong symbolic weight. 莫言是一个撕下程序化宣传海报,将凡夫俗子一个个推上台面的诗人。 他以冷嘲热讽的笔致抨击历史及其作伪,以及剥夺的行为和政治伪装。 他戏谑地揭示了人生境遇中最阴暗的方面,漫不经心地摸索出极富象征力的形象。 North-eastern Gaomi county embodies China’s folk tales and history. Few real journeys can surpass these to a realm where the clamour of donkeys and pigs drowns out the voices of the people’s commissars and where both love and evil assume supernatural proportions. 高密县东北乡体现了中国的民间故事和历史,不通过此类故事,你几乎很难脚踏实地地进入一个驴吼猪叫淹没了声音的国度,在那里,爱和恶的呈现已达到超自然的程度。 Mo Yan’s imagination soars across the entire human existence. He is a wonderful portrayer of nature; he knows virtually all there is to know about hunger, and the brutality of China’s 20th century has probably never been described so nakedly, with heroes, lovers, torturers, bandits –and especially, strong, indomitable mothers. He shows us a world without truth, common sense or compassion, a world where people are reckless, helpless and absurd. 莫言的想象飞掠整个的人生境遇。 他是描绘自然的能手;有关饥饿的方方面面,他几乎全都熟知。 中国在20世纪中的暴虐,也许还从未如此直白地被他描写在他那些英雄、恋人、施虐者、强盗,特别是坚强无畏的母亲的故事之中。 他向我们呈现了一个缺乏常识或同情心的世界,其中的人群都显得鲁莽、无助而荒诞。Proof of this misery is the cannibalism that recurs in China’s history. In Mo Yan, it stands for unrestrained consumption, excess, rubbish, carnal pleasures and the indescribable desires that only he can attempt to elucidate beyond all tabooed limitations. 历代反复出现的人相食现象就是这一悲惨世界的证据。 在莫言的笔下,它还呈现为毫无节制的消费,大肆铺张,胡说八道,食色之乐,以及种种难以言说的欲望,唯独莫言能够冲破所有的禁忌限制,试图将那一切阐述出来。 In his novel Republic of Wine, the most exquisite of delicacies is a roasted three-year-old. Boys have become exclusive foodstuff. The girls, neglected, survive. The irony is directed at China’s family policy, because of which female foetuses are aborted on an astronomic scale: girls aren’t even good enough to eat. Mo Yan has written an entire novel, Frog, about this. 在他的小说《酒国》中,最精致的美味是三岁孩童肉烧烤。 男童肉成为高级食品,而女童,则因被鄙弃不顾而得以幸存。 这一反讽直刺了中国的独生子女政策,正是这一政策导致女胎被大量堕掉,堕掉的女胎多不胜数,以致多到了不配食用的地步。 《蛙》这部小说从头到尾所写的就是这样的事情。 Mo Yan’s stories have mythical and allegorical pretensions and turn all values on their heads. We never meet that ideal citizen who was a standard feature in Mao’s China. Mo Yan’s characters bubble with vitality and take even the most amoral steps and measures to fulfill their lives and

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