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Firstly, globalization can intensify the influence of economic crisis. The instability of economy is a normal state. The economic dependence between nations will make the crisis quickly infect other countries. The crisis also becomes globalized. Secondly, I think that the conflict will increase. Globalization gives people more opportunities to communicate with others in other nations, but the huge diversity of religion, race and education still make it hard to get along in harmony.

Thirdly, globalization will increase the possibility of culture hegemony and decrease the cultural diversity. Culture of nations interweaves together by frequent culture exchange. The culture of the nation is very easily influenced by other mainstream culture.

Fourthly, economic globalization renders a more competitive situation for the enterprise and employed because it amplified the market which means the enterprise should make itself survive in all enterprises of the same kind and the employed should be competitive enough so that they can win themselves the opportunity of work.


Firstly, globalization can accelerate the spread of the advanced technology so to accelerate the development of the world.

Secondly, developing countries can benefits a lot from the globalization. They can grasp the opportunities to develop their economy relying on the technological and financial aid.

Thirdly, our life will become more convenient we can easily get the goods and product of others countries in the ordinary supermarket.


文化多样性的减少Reduction of cultural diversity 全球化会抹平社会间的多样性这种局部多样性的减少又意味着人们可供选择的菜单的减少。First, globalization will smooth out the diversity among the community,. This diversity of local people to reduce the mean reduction in choice of menu. 文化既是民族的,又是世界的各民族都有自己文化的个性和特征。各民族文化都是世界文化中不可缺少 Culture is national, but also the world's. All ethnic groups have their own culture and personality characteristics. The national culture is indispensable to world culture 全球化导致贫富差距的扩大Globalization has led to the widening gap between rich and poor 全球化无疑促进了世界经济的整体成长,但全球经济利益的分配却是不成比例的。一小撮国家及跨国公司垄断游戏规则并掌控着世界市场。 Globalization undoubtedly contributed to the overall growth of the world economy, the global distribution of economic interests is disproportionate. A handful of national and multinational monopolies rules of the game and control the world market. 目前,有关人士都宣扬经济全球化对发达国家“危害论”。然而,对世界经济和国际体系影响更大的却是全球化扩大了国家间的不平等。 At present, the persons concerned are to promote economic globalization on developed countries' damage theory. "However, the world economy and the greater impact of the international system is globalization has increased inequality between countries. 全球化导致发达国家对发展中国家的资源掠夺Globalization has led to plunder the resources developed to developing countries 全球化导致工业垃圾及环境破坏Globalization has led to industrial waste and environmental damage 资本家为了增加销量不断用广告及各式各样手法去刺激消费,不必要地为地球制造了大量的垃圾。此外,为求利润,跨国公司大量采用不安全的技术,造成大量工业废料及有毒垃圾。Capitalists in order to increase advertising and sales continue to use various techniques to stimulate consumption, unnecessarily large amount of garbage created the earth. In addition, for the sake of profit, multinational extensive use of unsafe technologies, resulting in a large number of industrial waste and toxic waste 全球化导致价值观的冲突Globalization has led to a conflict of values 全球化中的价值冲突,主要表现为不同民族和国家的价值观之间、特别是西方价值观与非西方价值观之间的冲突。 Globalization the values conflict, main performance for different nationalities and countries, especially between the values of western values and non-western values of the conflict between.


全球化利弊英 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

P r o b l e m s: Firstly, globalization can intensify the influence of economic crisis. The instability of economy is a normal state. The economic dependence between nations will make the crisis quickly infect other countries. The crisis also becomes globalized. Secondly, I think that the conflict will increase. Globalization gives people more opportunities to communicate with others in other nations, but the huge diversity of religion, race and education still make it hard to get along in harmony. Thirdly, globalization will increase the possibility of culture hegemony and decrease the cultural diversity. Culture of nations interweaves together by frequent culture exchange. The culture of the nation is very easily influenced by other mainstream culture. Fourthly, economic globalization renders a more competitive situation for the enterprise and employed because it amplified the market which means the enterprise should make itself survive in all enterprises of the same kind and the employed should be competitive enough so that they can win themselves the opportunity of work. Benefits: Firstly, globalization can accelerate the spread of the advanced technology so to accelerate the development of the world. Secondly, developing countries can benefits a lot from the globalization. They can grasp the opportunities to develop their economy relying on the technological and financial aid. Thirdly, our life will become more convenient we can easily get the goods and product of others countries in the ordinary supermarket.


文化多样性的减少 一、全球化会抹平社会间的多样性,但会增加社会内部的多样性。因为人们可供选择的菜单增加了。想想哪个更重要。 二、多样性是一个悖论。全球化确实会使某些局部上的多样性减少。太多的知识会限制我们的创造力。某种程度的隔绝可以将自信和某种魔术感注入到艺术中。这种局部多样性的减少又意味着人们可供选择的菜单的减少。 三、这是一个“度”的问题。 First, globalization will smooth out the diversity among the community, but will increase the diversity within society. Because people increased choice of menu. Think about which is more important. Second, diversity is a paradox. Globalization does make some partial reduction of diversity. Too much knowledge will limit our creati vity. Some degree of isolation can inject a sense of confidence and a certain magic to the art. This diversity of local people to reduce the mean reduction in choice of menu. Third, this is a "degree" of the problem. 文化既是民族的,又是世界的 各民族都有自己文化的个性和特征。 各民族文化都是世界文化中不可缺少 Culture is national, but also the world's All ethnic groups have their own culture and personality characteristics. The national culture is indispensable to world culture 全球化导致贫富差距的扩大 全球化无疑促进了世界经济的整体成长,但全球经济利益的分配却是不成比例的。一小撮国家及跨国公司垄断游戏规则并掌控着世界市场。跨国公司是经济全球化的重要动力,全球100个最大经济体中,竟然有51个是跨国公司。(2000年数据)而绝大多数跨国公司来源于发达国家。可见,由国民财富体现的国家权力差距依然是巨大的。在经济总量上,没有几个国家有望挑战中等甚至较小的工业化国家。第三世界即使保持高速发展势头,可绝对差距如此之大,在可预见的将来也不大可能会消除。 Globalization undoubtedly contributed to the overall growth of the world economy, the global distribution of economic interests is disproportionate. A handful of national and multinational monopolies rules of the game and control the world market. Multinational corporations are an important driving force of economic globalization, the world's 100 largest economies, and yet there are 51 multinational companies. (2000 data) and the vast majority of multinational companies from developed countries. Seen by the state power embodied in national wealth gap is still huge. In economic output, few countries are expected to challenge the middle or even smaller industrialized countries. Even the third world to maintain the momentum of rapid development, the absolute gap can be so large that in the foreseeable future is unlikely to be eliminated. 目前,有关人士都宣扬经济全球化对发达国家“危害论”。然而,对世界经济和国际体系影


Problems: Firstly, globalization can intensify the influence of economic crisis. The instability of economy is a normal state. The economic dependence between nations will make the crisis quickly infect other countries. The crisis also becomes globalized. Secondly, I think that the conflict will increase. Globalization gives people more opportunities to communicate with others in other nations, but the huge diversity of religion, race and education still make it hard to get along in harmony. Thirdly, globalization will increase the possibility of culture hegemony and decrease the cultural diversity. Culture of nations interweaves together by frequent culture exchange. The culture of the nation is very easily influenced by other mainstream culture. Fourthly, economic globalization renders a more competitive situation for the enterprise and employed because it amplified the market which means the enterprise should make itself survive in all enterprises of the same kind and the employed should be competitive enough so that they can win themselves the opportunity of work. Benefits: Firstly, globalization can accelerate the spread of the advanced technology so to accelerate the development of the world. Secondly, developing countries can benefits a lot from the globalization. They can grasp the opportunities to develop their economy relying on the technological and financial aid. Thirdly, our life will become more convenient we can easily get the goods and product of others countries in the ordinary supermarket.


周:全球化利大于弊 丁:全球化弊大于利 立论陈词: 正方:大家好我方认为全球化利大于弊全球化可以解释为世界的压缩和视全球为一个整体。就全球化的必然性而言随着当今世界联系的越来越紧密全球化已经成为不可忽视的一个趋势就全球化的必要性而言全球化有利于每个国家之间的交流和发展所以我认为全球化利大于弊 反方:大家好,对方辩友你好,对于您的观点我方完全无法同意,我方认为,全球化弊大于利,您所谓利于国家间的交流与发展,但是国家间的交流与发展本身就有一个利弊的两面性,难道您无视了全球化下国家间的贫富差距吗?难道您看不到全球化下的政治经济冲突吗?这都是全球化下存在的现实问题,所以,我方坚持认为,全球化弊大于利。 自由辩论: 正方:全球化带动着知识经济的发展,使经济资源概念的外延不断扩大,不仅自然财富是经济资源,精神财富同样也是带动国家经济发展的资源,而且是越来越重要的资源。1998年夏季,美国迪斯尼公司推出的影片《花木兰》,就借用中国的传说故事表现美国的文化理念。所以全球化可以加强各国文化的交流。 反方:对方辩友,第一,我觉得作为一个国人,您对于美国利用中国的文化聚敛财富一事居然如此欣赏,我实在佩服,尽管它确实有起到一些文化交流的作用,但您么觉得电影上映之后国内最激烈的反应不是欣赏而是愤恨吗?像当初的功夫熊猫一样。有一点跑题。但我想告诉您的是,我丝毫没有否定您所说的全球化的益处,但它确实弊大于利。第二,最重要的一点,我觉得您应该重新审视一下全球化这个词,经济全球化只是全球化的一部分,您却将它等同于了全球化。请您作出解释! 正方:好的对方辩友经济全球化是全球化中的一个主要方面全球化使得各国、各地区之间的经济联系更加紧密,世界越来越成为一个整体,促进全球生产力的增长;有利于借助国际合作从而更好地应对当前人类面临的共同问题;有利于发达国家获得更大的销售、投资和劳动力市场;对于广大发展中国家,可以借助资源、经验求得发展。 反方:好的,既然您要讲经济全球化,我就跟您说说经济全球化的弊端,经济全球化使得国家的主权在一定程度上受到冲击,扩大了发展中国家与发达国家的经济差距,另外,还会给发展中国家的环境带来污染等问题,从而引发世界性的政治、社会、文化等问题。 正方:我想,您应该知道功能主义的观点,存在即合理,那既然我们的全球发展到了全球化的地步,而不是一个个保守的互不交往的国家的集合体,那必然是因为全球化比较保守主义益处更多。 反方:我觉得您的逻辑有问题,只要发展的趋势朝向哪一方就说哪一方是正确的吗?我完全无法认同。我想,我们所期盼的全球化下的状态应该是,幸福,和谐,没有冲突,但现实呢?现实是贫富的差距日益变大,由全球化导致的经济、政治、文化的冲突层出不穷,中东的石油冲突不就是由此引发吗? 总结陈词: 反方:各位好,正如我前面所说的,全球化的发生对于各方面都带来了极大的危害,经济方面,贫富差距大,文化方面,文化融合导致重要文化的流失,政治方面,国家地区间冲突不断,难道不是全球化造成的吗?同时,我方重申我们的立场,我们从没有否定全球化带来的好处,只是,相比较危害而言,它仅仅只有一点点。所以说,过分的全球化一定不能起到适当的作用,我方坚持认为,全球化弊大于利!Hello, as I said before, the various aspects of globalization have brought great harm 。ineconomy, it madea big gap between rich and poor, in cultural integration lead to the loss of important cultural, political, countries and regions between


关于全球化是否有利于发展中国家辩论赛 辩论赛:全球化有利于/不利于发展中国家 正方:温莎大学全球化有利于发展中国家 反方:东吴大学全球化不利于发展中国家 陈述 ■正方:经济全球化为发展中国家提供了吸引外资的条件和机会.资金短缺的发展中 国家要想发展,它守着一口空锅,没有资金投入,怎么能把经济这顿大餐做出来呢? ■反方:发展中国家在吸引外资的同时,必须付出巨大的代价,它当然可以学习技术,但是这个技术绝对没有办法成为它自己独树一格的基础. 解意正方一辩:所谓全球化,是指世界各国超越国界,在经济、政治、文化和社会生 活各方面相互依存,公平竞争,共同发展的客观进程和必然趋势.所谓发展中国家,根据 世界银行和联合国所公认的概念就是:相对而言,经济尚在发展,大多数人口依然贫困的 国家.而所谓有利于发展中国家,是指可以促进发展中国家的经济增长,政治稳定和文化 繁荣. 就政治来说,一方面全球化加深了国际间的依赖性,使得政治干涉,特别是武装干涉 在国际国内越来越不得人心,使和平成为可能;另一方面,全球化也内在地要求各国政府 在制定决策和宏观控制方面职能的强化,对方辩友来自台湾,想必熟悉孙中山先生所说的,世界潮流浩浩荡荡,顺之者昌,逆之者亡. 我方承认,任何有利的发展道路都不是坦途一条,都存在着风险,但是,只要发展中 国家在全球化浪潮中审时度势,抓住机遇,积极参与,虽然行路难,多歧路,但是终将 “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”! 包威棣反方一辩:大家好,今天正方一开始就从三个方面出发论述,一是经济,二是 政治,三是文化,但这三点从根本上就存在问题.第一,对方辩友认为,要参与全球竞争 才有优势,但是目前在全球竞争中占优势的是谁?是发达国家. 第二,他们认为,经过政治全球化,可以使全球和平,但是目前全球还有战争的国家 是谁?是发展中国家.第三,对方辩友认为,在文化方面可以促使一些弱势文化在全球发展 光大,但目前发展光大的优势文化是谁?是发达国家. 实际上,全球化基本上就是全球市场单一化的过程.而市场单一化过程就是资金拥有 者向全球投资,通过扩大劳动力市场,缩减差距,拉宽市场取得利益最大化的过程. 全球超过35000家跨国公司,主要都掌握在发达国家手中,这些跨国公司掌握的庞大 资金,已超过97%的技术,向发展中国家投资,使他们只适合发展高劳力、高污染、高消


【英语作文】我对全球化的看法 With the development of economy and technology ,more and more people come to realize that the contact between countries has become more and more closely frequent. 随着经济和技术的发展,越来越多的人开始意识到国与 国之间的联系变得越来越密切频繁。 Nowadays almost everyone knows Coca-cola,and when we want to pursue all aspects of all-around development,we can't avoid staying in contact with other countries.So globalization has become a unstoppable trend. Different people have different point of views.Some people believe that globalization is a good thing ,because they enjoy the convenience and quality life globalization brings, whereas others argue that the developed countries are the only beneficiaries of globalization,and the developing countries in the course of globalization suffered a series of environmental pollution problems. Globalization is a double-edged sword. 现在,几乎每个人都知道可口可乐,当我们追求全面发 展的时候,我们不能避免与其他国家联系。因此,全球化已经变 成一种无法停止的趋势。不同的人有不同的观点。有的人相信全 球化是件好事,因为他们享受全球化带来的方便和品质生活;而其 他人认为,发达国家是全球化的唯一受益者,发展中国家在全球 化过程中遭受一系列的环境污染问题。全球化是一把双刃剑。


For the advantages, firstly, because of the various output from different countries, consumers have more chances to enjoy different kinds of goods from other countries, which can improve their quality of life. Secondly, as some countries are lack of some resources, they can benefit from the globalization because they can import the resources which they don’t have or are lack of, such as the labors, technology, raw material and so on. Thirdly, the globalization can promote the development of the international division of labor and cooperation, and it can also be useful for the efficient allocation of resources. What’s more, in the aspect of culture and politics, it can promote people in different countries to communicate with each other, and there would be less conflict in some cultural and political affairs. For the disadvantages, firstly,Secondly, the globalization intensifies the imbalances of the world economic, especially the imbalances between the developed countries and developing countries. Finally, the globalization also has certain impact on the national culture. Like the economic integration, there is also culture integration, which causes some traditional cultures in certain countries been abandoned by their people. Secondly, I think that the conflict will increase. Globalization gives people more opportunities to communicate with others in other nations, but the huge diversity of religion, race and education still make it hard to get along in harmony. Thirdly, globalization will increase the possibility of culture hegemony and decrease the cultural diversity. Culture of nations interweaves together by frequent culture exchange. The culture of the nation is very easily influenced by other mainstream culture. Benefits: Firstly, globalization can accelerate the spread of the advanced technology so to accelerate the development of the world. Secondly, developing countries can benefits a lot from the globalization. They can grasp the opportunities to develop their economy relying on the technological and financial aid. Thirdly, our life will become more convenient we can easily get the goods and product of others countries in the ordinary supermarket.


一、经济全球化的正面效应: 1、经济全球化可使世界范围内的资金、技术、产品、市场、资源、劳动力进行有效合理的配置。 经济全球化在有效促进国际合作的同时,也加剧了各国间的竞争。竞争的原因,在经济上是由于世界资源的有限性和资本的扩张性;在政治上则是由于国家的存在,各国都试图通过增强自身的实力来实现别国对自己的依赖,从而较多地获取收益,较少地付出成本。经济全球化加速了生产要素在全球范围内的自由流动,形成了统一的全球市场,从而推动跨国公司的全球化经营和全球产业结构的调整,并最大限度地实现资源的优化配置。从一国的角度看,本国企业将突破本国资源和本国市场的限制,在全球范围内寻求资源的最优配置与有效利用。发达国家可发挥其资金和技术优势,通过资本和技术的输出和转移,不断向发展中国家开拓市场,并利用发展中国家丰富的资源和廉价的劳动力,以获取利润。发展中国家则可通过吸收和引进发达国家的资金和技术,来发展本国家和本民族的经济,以满足人民的物质利益需求,逐步缩小与发达国家的差距。这种不同国家、不同地区的经济要素的有效组合,客观上促进了全球社会生产力的发展,促进了发展中国家经济的发展,减少或避免了人类社会现有的各种资源的浪费。 2、经济全球化为发展中国家提供了一次迎接机遇和挑战的机会。 第一,有利于发展中国家利用外资和对外投资。 第二,促使发展中国家的出口商品结构优化。由于资本的流入、跨国公司的直接投资活动和本国产业结构的调整发展中国家出口商品结构有所改善,制成品在出口中的比重从1980年的56%上升到1990年的73%和1994年的77%。 第三,迫使发达国家把发展中国家面临的问题予以考虑和解决。发达国家日益认识到,在经济全球化下,它们的经济稳定和发展有赖于发展中国家。在债务解决、地区经济一体化和联合国的改革等问题上不得不考虑发展中国家的权益。在机遇与挑战面前,由于世界各国经济和技术发展的水平不同,因而导致他们在经济全球化中所处的地位和利益不可能均等。在这种弱肉强食、优胜劣汰的激烈的市场竞争中,发展中国家在许多方面必然处于劣势。但我们相信,只要发展中国家能够抓住机遇,敢于迎接挑战,通过对国外先进技术的吸收和消化,并在此基础上进行技术创新,建立本民族的经济实体,积极参与国际竞争,生产出高质量、低价格的产品,就一定会在世界市场上占有一席之地(中国、印度、巴西、墨西哥就是最好的证明)。更何况,随着经济全球化的不断发展,世界经济一体化的各种原则、制度和秩序会逐步趋于平等,国家民族经济也会日渐成熟。 3、经济全球化为世界各国人民提供了选择物美价廉的商品和优质服务的好机会。 4、经济全球化将会促使世界大文化的产生和发展。 第一,“经济文化”已有了全人类认同的标准。如市场经济的法则、商品流通的规则等,已被普遍认可和遵循。 第二,“科技文化”的普遍性更加不能否认。现在不论发达国家还是发展中国家,为了生存和发展,都在抓科学技术和教育,都已认识到科学技术是强国


全球化的利弊英语作文 篇一:全球化的英语作文 Globalization and Internet (全球化/Internet) The drawing vividly unfolds …(Describe the picture描述图画) This phenomenon which this picture points out is one of numerous international phenomena to have become common and already attracted broad attention in the world in recent years. Globalization/Internet, in brief, makes the whole world a small village. Globalization/Internet offers extensive opportunities for every country in the world to develop their economy, improve their regime, eich their culture, update their technology and so forth, but globalization/Internet is a two-edged sword: it can bring both benefit and harm. (Present state/situation现象描述+ /Meaning含义) 这幅图画指出的这个现象是近几年在世界上众多已经变得普遍 并且已经引起了广泛关注的国际/世界现象之一。全球化/Internet, 简言之,就是使整个世界变成一个小村 子。全球化/Internet给予了这个世界上的每一个国家广泛的机会 去发展它们的经济、改善它们的政体、丰富它们的文化、更新它 们的技术等等,但全球化/Internet是一把两刃剑:既有利的一面, 也有害的一面。 We must first understand the nature of the problem. On the one hand,


关于如何看待全球化的英语作文 我们对于全球化的观点很重要,若是不明确,我们写的英语作文岂不是徒有其表?下面是学习啦小编给大家整理了全球化英语作文,供大家参阅! 关于如何看待全球化的英语作文1 As to the globalization, the global economy should be to explore the regulatory system and coordination mechanism. The current world economy is globalization, trade, globalization, financial globalization, the globalization of the financial crisis. To resolve the negative effects of globalization, we must establish a global monitoring. For out of the crisis, emerging from the crisis, not just market forces, governments must join forces to establish a global regulatory mechanism. 关于如何看待全球化的英语作文2 Economic opportunities of globalization on developing countries: First, economic globalization for developing countries to attract more foreign investment conditions and opportunities. To attract foreign investment scale will no doubt help to solve the problem of shortage of funds in developing countries. Second, economic globalization for developing countries outside of the capital voted to create a favorable external environment and conditions, so that foreign direct investment scale is continually expanding and growing fast. Third, economic globalization brought about a worldwide economic and technological development zones and bonded areas and free trade zones and other forms of development of free economic zones. Fourth, the economic globalization so that the worldwide industrial restructuring was further deepened, the pace of increase. Developing countries can take advantage of this opportunity to follow based on reality and focus on the future of the organic unity and take the initiative to coordinate the worldwide industrial restructuring and upgrading of domestic industries relationship. Fifth, economic globalization has promoted the development of transnational corporations in developing countries so that in the world market gradually. However, the development trend, as a result of economic globalization for developing countries in the broader field of active participation in international competition opportunities for


Discuss the impact of globalization on China from culture perspective 1. Introduction Former UN Secretary General Annan once pointed out that globalization is an actual event which would have huge effects on the future of human race. Globalization is led by western countries, so developing countries have less effect in globalization (Lieber & Weisberg, 2002. Globalization becomes a great threat and challenge to both economy safety and sovereignty of developing countries, as well as their cultural security (Compton, 2000. As the world ’s largest developing country, China goes faster than any other developing country in the progress of globalization. Coupled with the complex environment of globalization, many social facets in China are being or have been deeply influenced by globalization. Among these influences, China ’s cultural development is in a much more dangerous situation. Globalization is a actually, double-edged sword, which brings people both challenges and opportunities. 2. Challenges of globalization to Chinese culture 2.1 Decline of traditional festivals In the process of globalization and with the expansion of cultural communication, western culture sweeps China and of course, this is normal. Only absorbing and integrating foreign culture element can guarantee a national culture a remarkable development. In this culture exchanging progress, people should hold on to the bottom line of national culture. However, as western festivals enter China, more and more Chinese favor foreign festivals rather than their own. Some are indifferent to traditional Chinese festivals and even forget them (Jie, 2003. Certainly, the hype of foreign festivals by the advertisers is one of the reasons. However, what is deeply reflected by this phenomenon is that Chinese are showing a status of bigotry and inapplicability to the globalization (Liu, 2004. It is the bigotry and inapplicability that leads to the great endangerment of traditional Chinese festivals.

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