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大学英语(B)模拟试卷 (2011年修订版)

Test 7


此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确选项。

1. — That’s a beautiful dress you have on!

A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday.

B. Sorry, it’s too cheap.

C. Hey you can have it.

D. See you later?

2. — Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday?

A. Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower.

B. Fine, I never go to birthday parties.

C. Ha … ha, I like swimming.

D. Sorry, but my wife had a car accident.

3. — Hi, welcome back! Have a nice trip?

A. Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day.

B. Come on, I’ve got lots of fun.

C. By the way, I don’t like Saturdays.

D. Well, I’ll look forward to your phone call.

4. — Haven’t seen you for ages! What are you busy with now?

A. I hate the weather here.

B. My hair is getting a bit longer.

C. Yeah, thanks for coming.

D. I’m working part time in a bookshop, you know.

5. — Marilyn, I’m afraid I have to be leaving now.

A. That sounds wonderful.

B. Oh, so early?

C. Not at all.

D. Good luck!



Passage 1

In the United States,it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day,while he is shaving or having breakfast,the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11: 00 pm. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he as sumes it’s a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.

In social life,time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world,it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus,misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt,they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person who is 5 minutes late, will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence. (266)

6. The main idea of this passage is about the role of the time in social life over the world.

A. T

B. F

7. If you call someone during the sleeping hours, he supposes it’s a matter of life or death.

A. T

B. F

8. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.

A. T

B. F

9. It may be considered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in the U.S.A.

A. T

B. F

10. From the passage we can safely infer that the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.

A. T

B. F

Passage 2

There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium–range and long–term goals.

Short–term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly, months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, 1ong-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short–term goals. Upon completing our short–term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short–term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short–term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow,your motivation and desire will increase.

Long–term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long–term goal to limit us or our course of action. (231)

11. Our long–term goals mean a lot .

A. if we cannot reach solid short–term goals

B. if we complete the short–term goals

C. if we have dreams of the future

D. if we put forward some plans

12. New short–term goals are built upon .

A. a daily basis

B. your achievement in a week

C. current activities

D. the goals that have been completed

13. When we complete each step of our goals, _______.

A. we will win final success

B. we are overwhelmed

C. we should build up confidence of success

D. we should have strong desire for setting new goals

14. What is the main idea of this passage? .

A. Life is a dynamic thing

B. We should set up long–term goals

C. Different kinds of goals in life

D. The limitation of long–term goals

15. Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? .

A. The long–term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid

short–term goals

B. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short–term goals

C. Life is a static thing,thus we should never allow a long–term goal to limit us or our

course of action

D. We should often add new short–term goals to those which have been completed


此部分共有5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确选项。

16. The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brian’s .

A. money

B. pay

C. expense

D. loss

17. Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a and disorder.

A. mass

B. mess

C. guess

D. bus

18. If she wants to stay thin, she must make a in her diet.

A. change

B. turn

C. run

D. go

19. the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.

A. Before

B. At

C. In

D. Between

20. No matter , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back

home safely.

A. it was snowing hard

B. hard it was snowing

C. how it was snowing hard

D. how hard it was snowing


以下短文中共包含5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中空缺部分有5个选项,请从A、B、C、D 、E五个选项中选出正确选项。

Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity. Its impacts are already showing and will intensify over time _21 _ left unchecked. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, as shown in the Fourth Assessment Report (第四次评估报告) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (政府间气候变化专门委员会), that climate change will threaten economic growth and long-term prosperity, as well as the very survival of the most vulnerable populations. IPCC projections indicate that if emissions continue to rise at their current _22 _ and are allowed to double from their pre-industrial level, the world will face an average temperature rise of around 3°C this century. Serious impacts are associated _23 _ this scenario(情景), including sea-level rise, shifts in growing seasons, and an increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms, floods and droughts.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December in 2009 offers a _24 _ opportunity to step up international action on climate change. A Copenhagen deal is essential to the global transition into green economic growth, and most urgently, to help the world, especially the most vulnerable, to adapt to impacts _25 _ are now inevitable.

21. A. with B. speed C. that D. if E. historical

22. A. with B. speed C. that D. if E. historical

23. A. with B. speed C. that D. if E. historical

24. A. with B. speed C. that D. if E. historical

25. A. with B. speed C. that D. if E. historical



26. Bill hit his car into a wall last night.

27. Would you please help me with this heavy box?

28. He has taught English in this university ever since he moved to this city.

29. We should keep him from watching TV too much.



My Opinion on Cell Phones

1. 你最喜欢什么电视节目?

2. 你为何喜欢这种电视节目?

3. 进行总结。


Test 7



1. 【答案】A。【解析】上文是赞美,下文首先要对别人的恭维表示感谢,所以A选项是正确的。

2. 【答案】D。【解析】上文提出疑问,下文是针对问题的回答,解释不来的原因,故选项D为正确答案。

3. 【答案】A。【解析】上文问旅行怎么样?下文应该对应回答,只有选项A是符合情景的答案。

4. 【答案】D。【解析】上文问最近为什么这么忙?下文的回答当然应该是选项D。

5. 【答案】B。【解析】此处B的口气是表示再次挽留。


6—10 AABBA 11—15 BDCCC

6. 【答案】A。【解析】文章的主要大意是讲时间在人们社交生活中的重要作用。

7. 【答案】A。【解析】短文第一段倒数第二句明确的有说明。

8. 【答案】B。【解析】在美国,如果客人只是在参加晚宴三四天前才接到请帖,会认为自己没有受到礼遇。

9. 【答案】B。【解析】在美国提前预约是一种很重要的行为规则。

10. 【答案】A。【解析】文章第二段第六句说,不同文化的人们对时间的意义有着不同的理解。

11. 【答案】B。【解析】细节题,答案可以从文章第4行和第5行找到,即长期目标是以短期目标的完成为基础的。

12. 【答案】D。【解析】细节判断题,答案在文章第6行和第7行,即短期目标是以以前完成的目标为前提的。

13. 【答案】C。【解析】细节题,答案在文章倒数第4行,即完成每一个目标,将会增加我们成功的信心。

14. 【答案】C。【解析】主旨题,文章主要是讲解了三种人生目标及其差异。

15. 【答案】C。【解析】判断题,根据文章内容,我们可以看出“生活不是一个一成不变的事物”。


16—20 CBAAD

16. 【答案】C。【解析】at sb’s expense 花某人的钱,由某人掏钱。

17. 【答案】B。【解析】mess 混乱,脏乱。

18. 【答案】A。【解析】make a change 转变;make a turn 转弯。

19. 【答案】A。【解析】这句话的意思是:在独立战争之前,北美是英国的殖民地。

20. 【答案】D。【解析】no matter …(无论……)后接连接代词或连接副词,而连接副词how后接形容词或副词,因此选项D是正确答案。句意是:无论雪下的多大,两个小姐妹还是把羊拢起来,安全地赶回了家。


21—25 DBAEC

21. 【答案】D。【解析】check这一单词有阻止、制止的意思,unchecked意思是未受制止的。

22. 【答案】B。【解析】固定词组搭配的用法。speed的习惯用语:at full speed用全速地。

23. 【答案】A。【解析】固定词组搭配的用法。associate with与……联系在一起。

24. 【答案】E。【解析】historical a.历史的,与历史有关的。

25. 【答案】C。【解析】that是关系代词,在定语从句中做主语,代表前面的impacts。第五部分:英译汉(满分20分)

26. 昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。

27. 你能帮我抬一下这个沉重的箱子吗?

28. 自从移居到这座城市以来,他就一直在这所大学教英语。

29. 我们应该防止他看太久的电视。



My Favorite TV Program

The News Broadcast is my favorite TV program. This has become a part of my life because almost every day I turn on the TV at 7: 00 p.m., watching CCTV 9 news program.

Watching the daily news brings me the following benefits. Firstly, it develops my good language skills, proper pronunciation and great knowledge and understanding of news around the world. Secondly, watching TV news as a family opens a stage for discussion between family members on a wide variety of topics. What’s more, sharing the news helps kids better understand the world they live in, helps them learn more on different views and on how to act or respond to tough situations if they face it.

All in all, watching the news program is informative, communicative and instructive.










网络教育应用基础选择题 美国前总统克林顿于1996年曾提出了一个所谓的(2)纲领可供选择答案: 1.信息高速公路发展 2.教育技术行动 3.京都协议 4.网络教育 在网络教育过程中,教师和学生之间的互动方式不包括2 可供选择答案: 1.纯粹的Web交互 2.面对面的提问 3. 利用asp,jsp 4.Web编程技术表单 网络教育过程中包含的因素可以分为:(3) 可供选择答案: 1.教育者、学习者、计算机网络 2.教育者、学习者、教育信息 3.教育者、学习者、计算机网络、教育信息 4.网络教室、电子点名系统、在线考试系统、课程学习系统利用计算机网络开展教学活动也有缺点,表现在:( 1) 可供选择答案: 1. 教师必须适应网络时代非线性思维的要求 2.促进教师与学生之间的交流 3. 促进学生之间的相互合作学习 4. 实现资源共享 网络教育过程的主体是:(2 ) 可供选择答案: 1.教育者 2.学习者 3.计算机网络 4. 教育信息 网络教育的一个特征表现在师生处于(3 )状态 可供选择答案: 1.通信 2.教学 3.分离 4.讨论 在网络上实现所谓的“网上学校”属于网络教育的(1 )可供选择答案: 1.虚拟功能 2.共享功能 3.检索功能

4.服务功能 网络教育产生和发展的物质基础是:(4 ) 可供选择答案: 1.幻灯投影技术 2.知识爆炸 3.经济高速发展 4.计算机和计算机网络技术 在美国其中一个非常重要的面向中小学的教育资源就是网上K-12,其中的字母K 表示的是(3) 可供选择答案: 1.网络 2.中小学 3.儿童 4.信息高速公路 1998年,(2)提出“因特网宣言”,通过实现5个新目标来进一步完善全球信息基础设施的建设。 可供选择答案: 1.比尔·盖茨 2.阿尔·戈尔 3.史蒂夫·鲍尔默 4.理查德·贝卢佐 在20世纪早期和中期,远程教育技术(如打印机、收音机和电视)的特征是( 1 )。 可供选择答案: 1.单向传输,师生交流少 2. 双向传输,师生交流频繁 3.单向传输,师生交流频繁 4.双向传输,师生交流少. 中国目前的远距离教育的特点不是( 4 )。 可供选择答案: 1.着点多 2.覆盖面广 3.收听收视率高 4. 教育是双向的 下面关于现代远程教学的说法,不正确的是( 4 )。 可供选择答案: 1. 下面关于现代远程教学的说法,不正确的是()。 2. 它有相互访问、直接双向交流的特点。 3.它的教学内容、题材和手段更广泛。 4. 它只满足社会上需要再教育的各类人员的需要。 下列哪一项不是校外学习中心点承担的任务:( 3 )。 可供选择答案: 1.招生宣传、协助招生、学生选课 2.教材发放、学费交纳、课程辅导(部分学校要求)


一、交际英语 1.- Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow. - Oh, really? _________ A.I am sorry. B.Thank you. C.Have a good time. D.Congratulations! 答案:C 2.- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. - ________ A.Yes, I beat the others. B.No, no, I didn't do it well. C.Thank you. D.It's a pleasure. 答案:C 3.- Could you help me with my physics, please? - ________ A.No, no way. B.No, I couldn't. C.No, I can't. D.Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now. 答案:D 4.- Do you mind my smoking here? - _______ A.No, thanks. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes. I'd rather not. D.Good idea. 答案:B 5.- Please help yourself to the seafood. - ________ A.No, I can't. B.Sorry, I can't help. C.Well, seafood don't suit. D.Well, I'm afraid I don't like seafood. 答案:D


全国高校网络教育大学英语统考(B)试题及答案(1) Part I 日常会话 1. – Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-- A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can’t C. Sorry, you can’t D. I don’t know 2. -- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?-- A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Yes, help yourself D. It doesn’t matter 3. -- Is that Mr Robert Lee?-- A. Yes, Lee speaking. B. Hello, what do you want? C. Sorry, speaking. D. I don’t know. 4. –Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brown’s office?-- A. You can’t ask me B. Pardon? I have no idea C. Please don’t say so D. Sorry, I don’t know, but you can ask the man over there 5. – Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John?-- A. Thank you very much B. No, no, John is not bad C. Thank you. He is fine D. Don’t say that. It’s ugly. John is good 6. – What can I do for you, madam?-- . A. I want a kilo of apples B. You can go your own way C. Thanks D. Excuse me. I’m busy 7. –I’d like to take you to the coffee house on t he corner.- A. Thank you. You shouldn’t do that B. Thanks, I’d like to go with you C. No, you can’t say so D. No, no. You can’t do that 8. –Do you mind telling me where you’re from?-- A. Certainly. I’m from London B. Sure. I was b orn in London C. Not really, you can do it D. Certainly not. I’m from London 9. – May I see the menu, please?-- A. That is the menu, sir. B. Yes, please go on. C. Here you are, sir. D. Of course, sir. 10. – I was worried about chemistry, but Mr Brown gave me an A !-- . A. Don’t worry about it B. Congratulations! That’s a difficult course C.Mr Brown is very good D. Good luck to you! 1. – Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?-- A. OK, but I have to go to a meeting now B. No, I can’t C. I’d love to, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents D. I don’t know 2. – Hi, is Mary there, please?-- A. Hold on. I’ll get her. B. No, she isn’t here. C. Yes, she lives here. D. Yes, what do you want? 3. – Please help yourself to the fish.-- . A. Thanks, but fish doesn’t agree with me B. Sorry, I can’t help C. I don’t like fish D. No, I can’t 4. –Hurry up, please, or I’ll be late.-- . A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now B. Well, it’s alright, sir C. How can you say that, sir? D. Oh, we are going the right way


2015期末在现线考核单选题 (共7道题) 展开 收起 1.(分)在2012年MOOC闯入人们视线并迅速走俏,也有人说2012年是MOOC元年,MOOC意为: A、开放在新课程 B、大规模开发式在线课程 C、计算机网络教育信息 D、大型开放式课程 我的答案:b 2.(分)在20世纪早期和中期,远程教育技术(如收音机和电视)的特征是 A、单向传输,师生交流少 B、双向传输,师生交流频繁 C、单向传输,师生交流频繁 D、双向传输,师生交流少. 我的答案:A 3.(分)网络教育的一个特征表现在师生处于()状态 A、通信

B、教学 C、分离 D、讨论 我的答案:C 4.(分)网络教育过程中包含的因素可以分为 A、教育者、学习者、计算机网络 B、教育者、学习者、教育信息 C、教育者、学习者、计算机网络、教育信息 D、网络教室、电子点名系统、在线考试系统、课程学习系统 我的答案:C 5.(分) E-mail地址的格式是 B、网址?用户名 C、账号@邮件服务器名称 D、用户名?邮件服务器名称 我的答案:c 6.(分)下面关于现代远程教学的说法,不正确的是 A、它既保留了传统电教的形象生动、也有不受时间空间限制的等特点。 B、它有相互访问、直接双向交流的特点。 C、它的教学内容、题材和手段更广泛。 D、它只满足社会上需要再教育的各类人员的需要。

我的答案:D 7.(分) 1998年,()提出“因特网宣言”,通过实现5个新目标来进一步完善全球信息基础设施的建设。 A、比尔?盖茨 B、威廉?杰斐逊?克林顿 C、阿尔?戈尔 D、理查德?贝卢佐 我的答案:C 问答题 (共9道题) 展开 收起 8.(分)简答题:请写出福建师大网络教育学院远程教学平台域名、电子邮件服务系统域名。 我的答案: 福建师范大学网络教育学院网站()。 9.(分)简述题:如何通过网上教学平台进行交作业?请写出具体新平台的操作步骤。 我的答案: 第一步:在福建师范大学网络教育学院网站首页输入用户(学号)、密码、验证码,登录“我的空间”。第二步:点击课程列表的具体科目下方的作业,出现这一科目的作业安排。 第三步:点击操作列表选择对应的作业开始答题。第四步:显示出作业内容按要求答题。 第五步:答题中断时点击左下角“保存”,待下次有时间继续答题,答题完毕则点击“交作 业”。 10.(分)简述题:网络教育学院是时代发展的产物,它的出现有其必然性,有哪几方面的表现?请加以说明。 我的答案: 答:一、网上大学适应了信息时代的潮流,二、网络大学有利于教育的均衡发展,三、网络大学适应了信息时代终身教育的需求,四、网络大学符合经济效益原则,五、现阶段发展网络大学还能缓解就业压力。 在信息时代来临之际,网络大学满足人们求学的愿望,新兴的网络远程教育利用普通大学已有的师资、教材、设备等资源及目前较为空闲的通讯资源,以达共享,人们需要接受高等教育,社会需要高层次人才。现代远程教育打破了正规高等教育办学模式,打破了正规办学城市化地域局限,使高等教育学历人才向多方位均匀分布发展。远程网络教育满足知识技能在信息时代急速更新的情况下,让人们得以继续学习补充自身知识。远程教育低投入、高产出,教育机构的部门及管理人员大大减少,高效益的新



一、完形填空(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1 Monday is the beginning of the week; it is the day most Americans like worst. The day they ___1___ most is Saturday. Saturday is the ___2___ of the workweek; it is the beginning of the weekend. Life is ___3___ on the weekend; most Americans ___4___ care of their houses, cars and gardens. They sleep ___5___ in the morning. They enjoy the feeling that the time ___6___ to move more slowly. The workweek is for things you ___7___ to do; the weekend is for things you ___8___ to do. Some people may get in a car for a ___9___ in the country. They like to take part in a sports activity out of doors. And on Saturday night they might go to a public eating ___10___ or a film. 1like 1dislike 1spend 1leave 学生答案: A; 标准答 案: A 1middle 1beginning 1end 1day 学生答案: C; 标准答 案: C 1worse 1difficult 1bad 1different 学生答案: D; 标准答 案: D 1make 1take 1look 1pick


全国高校网络教育大学英语统考 (B )试题及答案 Test 1 Part I 日常会话 1. — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now -- A A. Sorry, he is busy at the mome nt C. Sorry, you can ' t 2. -- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary -- .C A. Yes, you may borrow C. Yes, help yourself 3. -- Is that Mr Robert Lee -- A A. Yes, Lee speak ing. C. Sorry, speak ing. 4. — Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brow n - D. A. You can ' t ask me B. Pard on I have no idea C. Please don ' t say so D. Sorry, I don ' t know, but you can ask the man over there 5. - Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John -- .C A. Thank you very much C. Thank you. He is fine is good 6. - What can I do for you, madam -- .A A. I want a kilo of apples C. Thanks B. No, you can ' t D. I don ' t know B. Yes, go on D. It doesn ' t matter B. Hello, what do you want D. I don ' t know. 's office I ' d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. B. You can go your own way D. Excuse me. I ' m busy


网络教育应用基础作业2 1.(30.0分)如何通过网上教学平台进行交作业?请写出具体新平台的操作步骤 2.(30.0分)你是如何完成网络课程的“课程内容”学习?请写出具体的新平台操作步骤 3.(40.0分)你认为新的教学平台还要哪些地方需要修改或功能需要优化的? 作业1 1.(35.0分)你是如何进行学院电子邮箱的申请与注册,请写下具体的操作步骤。 2.(35.0分)网络教育与传统的教育相比,有那些显著的特点? 请结合自已的体会针对其中的某一特点进行阐述 3.(30.0分)你为什么要报名参加福建师大网络与继续教育学院的学习? 计算机应用基础作业2单选题 (共20道题) 1.(3.0分)在Excel 图表中,使用x轴作为()。 ? A、函数轴 ? B、数值轴 ? C、分类轴 ? D、公式轴 2.( 3.0分)在Word的编辑状态,连续进行了两次“插入”操作,当单击一次“撤消”按钮后( )。 ? A、将两次插入的内容全部取消 ? B、将第一次插入的内容取消 ? C、将第二次插入的内容取消 ? D、两次插入的内容都不被取消

3.(3.0分)在PowerPoint中,改变当前一张幻灯片的布局,应选择"格式"菜单中的命令是______。 ? A、幻灯片版式 ? B、幻灯片配色方案 ? C、应用设计模式 ? D、母板 4.(3.0分)在Excel的电子工作表中建立的数据表,通常把每一列称为一个________。 ? A、记录 ? B、元组 ? C、属性 ? D、关键字 5.(3.0分)访问,其地址的正确写法是______。 ? A、 ? B、 ? C、 ? D、ftp:\\ 6.(3.0分)某台主机的域名为,其中______为主机名。 ? A、public ? B、cs ? C、hn ? D、cn


(2016.6)大学英语三作业一 It's really a good dinner, isn't it? Yes, the food is just wonderful I'd like to open an account here. I see. What kind of account, please? Thank you for this wonderful party. I'm so glad you enjoy it. I was wondering if you'd like to go skating? I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't do it today. Have a nice weekend! Thanks. You too! According to this passage, the umbrella was probably first invented in ancient China Which of the following statements is not true about the umbrella? The umbrella changed much in style in the 18th century. A strange feature of the umbrella's use is that it was used as a symbol of honour and power In Europe, the umbrella was first used against the rain in Rome This passage talks mainly about the history and use of the umbrella What kind of physical problem do many grown-up Americans have? They are too fat. Based on the information given in this article, suppose there are 500 grown-up Americans, about how many of them have a weight problem? 150 Are there scientific facts to support that eating too much is the cause of the" weight problem"? There are hardly any scientific facts to support this. Compared with the grown-up Americans today, The Americans of 1910 ate more food and had more physical activities What have some modern medical and scientific researchers reported to us? Fat people eat less food and are less active. The client may win in court, but at the____expense___of destroying the business relationship, he says. When I got home, the house was a complete ___mess____. We usually eat lunch at home, why don't we make a ___change____ to eat at the restaurant. ___Before____ you turn in your homework, you'd better check your answer carefully. When I take a train home, I usually read novels to ___kill____the time. Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered to them. A child rarely dislikes food 21 it is badly cooked. The 22 a meal is cooked and served is most important and an attractively served meal will often improve a child's appetite. Never ask a child 23 he likes or dislikes a food and never 24 likes and dislikes in front of him or allow 25 else to do so. If you take it for granted that he likes everything, he probably will. Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a 26 dislike. At mealtime, it is a good 27 to give a child a small portion(一小部分) and let him come back for a second helping. Do not talk too much to the child during mealtimes, but let him eat his


第一部分交际英语 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ----------------以下红色1-60重点掌握看,可得分值9-12分----------------- 1.-Are you going on holiday for a long time?你度假很长时间吗? -- ____C____ 不是,只是几天。 A. It was a long time B. Two weeks ago. C. No. Only a couple of days. D Not long time ago. 2.-Could you help me with my physics, please? 请问你能帮我做物理课作业吗? -___D___.很抱歉不行。我马上要去开会。(表示歉意要婉转,不能直接说NO 还应加理由)A. No, no way B. No, I couldn’t C. No, I can’t D. Sorry I can’t. I have to go to a meeting right now 3.-Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? 我能和Don Watkins说话吗? - ___A___ 我就是。 A. Speaking, please. B. Oh, how are you? C. I’m listening. D. I’m Don. 4.-Could I borrow your car for a few day? 我能借你的车用几天吗? -____C____.当然可以。给你。祝你旅途愉快。 A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey D. It doesn’t matter 5.-Congratulations!You won the first prize in today’s speech contest. -___C___. 祝贺你在今天的演讲比赛中获得冠军。--谢谢你。 A. Yes, I beat the others B. No, no, I didn’t do it w ell C. Thank you D. It’s pleasure 6.-Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗?(介意询问时,YES是表示介意)-_____B____.是的,我介意 A. No, thanks B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I’d rather not D. Good idea 7.- Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday?你知道戴维昨天弄伤了他的腿吗? - Really? ____C___真的吗?发生了什么事? A、Who did that? B、What's wrong with him? C、How did that happen? D、Why was he so careless? 8.-Excuse me, how much is the jacket?请问,这件夹克衫多少钱? -It’s 499 Yuan. ____D____. 499元。你想试一下吗? A. Oh, no. That’s OK! B. How do you like it? C. Which do you prefer? D. Would you like to try it on? 9.-Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? 打扰下,你能告诉我最近的邮局怎么走吗? - ___D___Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it. 噢,我想下!从这里过两个街区,在格林大街,你不会错过 A. I beg your pardon? B. What do you m ean? C. You’re welcome. D. Um,let me think. 10.-How are you, Bob?你好吗,鲍勃?-____B____, Ted.我很好,谢谢。


2015期末在现线考核 单选题(共7道题) 展开 收起 1.(分)在2012年MOOC闯入人们视线并迅速走俏,也有人说2012年是MOOC元年,MOOC意为: A、开放在新课程 B、大规模开发式在线课程 C、计算机网络教育信息 D、大型开放式课程 我的答案:b 2.(分)在20世纪早期和中期,远程教育技术(如收音机和电视)的特征是 A、单向传输,师生交流少 B、双向传输,师生交流频繁 C、单向传输,师生交流频繁 D、双向传输,师生交流少. 我的答案:A 3.(分)网络教育的一个特征表现在师生处于()状态

A、通信 B、教学 C、分离 D、讨论 我的答案:C 4.(分)网络教育过程中包含的因素可以分为 A、教育者、学习者、计算机网络 B、教育者、学习者、教育信息 C、教育者、学习者、计算机网络、教育信息 D、网络教室、电子点名系统、在线考试系统、课程学习系统我的答案:C 5.(分)E-mail地址的格式是 B、网址用户名 C、账号@邮件服务器名称 D、用户名邮件服务器名称 我的答案:c 6.(分)下面关于现代远程教学的说法,不正确的是

A、它既保留了传统电教的形象生动、也有不受时间空间限制的等特点。 B、它有相互访问、直接双向交流的特点。 C、它的教学内容、题材和手段更广泛。 D、它只满足社会上需要再教育的各类人员的需要。 我的答案:D 7.(分)1998年,()提出“因特网宣言”,通过实现5个新目标来进一步完善全球信息基础设施的建设。 A、比尔盖茨 B、威廉杰斐逊克林顿 C、阿尔戈尔 D、理查德贝卢佐 我的答案:C 问答题(共9道题) 展开 收起 8.(分)简答题:请写出福建师大网络教育学院远程教学平台域名、电子邮件服务系统域名。 我的答案: 福建师范大学网络教育学院网站()。 9.(分)简述题:如何通过网上教学平台进行交作业请写出具体新平台的操作步骤。


《网络教育应用基础》课程2013-2级期末大作业 题目以及参考答案 友情提醒:本课程考试为大作业——提交纸质作业。请先下载作业题保存,打印在A4纸上,使用黑色墨水手写完成作业,在期末考试时提交给学习中心) 要求独立完成。对于出现的雷同卷及打印卷一律记“ 0 ”处理!!! 学习中心专业层次学号姓名 _成绩 __ 一、单项选择题:(10%) 1.下列不是网络学习资源的是:() A中国数字图书馆 B纸质教材C中国期刊网D网上报纸 2、远程教育的一个特征表现在师生处于()状态。 A、通信 B、教学 C、相对分离 D、讨论 3、在网络上实现所谓的“网上学校”属于网络教育的() A、虚拟功能 B、共享功能 C、检索功能 D、服务功能 4.在20世纪早期和中期,远程教育技术(如收音机和电视)的特征是()。 A、单向传输,师生交流少 B、双向传输,师生交流频繁 C、单向传输,师生交流频繁 D、双向传输,师生交流少. 5.E-mail地址的格式是()

(A)https://www.doczj.com/doc/2617147722.html, (B)网址?用户名 (C)账号@邮件服务器名称(D)用户名?邮件服务器名称 二、简答题:10% 1、网络课程的定义是什么?(2%) 答:网络课程就是通过网络表现的某门学科的教学内容及实施的教学活动的总和, 是信息时代条件下课程新的表现形式。它包括按一定的教学目标、教学策略组织起来的教学内容和网络教学支撑环境。其中网络教学支撑环境特指支持网络教学的软件工具、教学资源以及在网络教学平台上实施的教学活动。网络课程具有交互性、共享性、开放性、协作性和自主性等基本特征。 2、远程教育定义可概括为?(2%) 答: 3.讨论区有哪几个模块及各自的作用。(2%) 答:

交大网络大学英语三 模拟试卷

上海交通大学继续教育学院模拟试题 大学英语三 第一部分交际用语(10分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出正确选项。 1. -- Do you mind my smoking here? -- _______________. A. No, thanks B. Yes, I do C. Yes. I’d rather not D. Good idea 2. -- Do you think Tom is ill? -- _______________. A. No, I don’t think so B. Yes, he’s very well C. Yes, I like him very well D. No, I was ill yesterday 3. -- Jim, please don’t put your head out of the window on the bus. It’s dangerous! -- _______________. A. Good idea B. Sorry, I won’t do it again C. It doesn’t matter D. It’s good 4. -- I hear you are moving into a new apartment soon. -- _______________ A. Yes, who told you that? B. No, I never do anything like that. C. Yes, but it’s more expensive. D. No, no way. 5. -- How many languages does Peter speak? -- _______________. A. Many languages B. Pretty well C. Four languages D. With his roommates 6- Could you tell me where the nearest parking lot is? - _________ A. Don't ask me. B. Parking is very difficult. C. Sorry, I'm a stranger here. D. Sorry, you can't park here. 7- Will you come to my birthday party this Sunday? - _________ A. I'm very busy. B. Ok, I don't. C. Ok, I do. D. Ok, I will. 8- Excuse me, when does the next flight from Paris arrive? - _________ A. In half an hour. B. An hour before. C. Until the next one. D. Before another one. 9- This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith? - _________. Here he comes. A. No, speaking. B. Don't go away. C. Who are you? D. Hold on.


中国网络教育的发展方向。 中国网络教育的发展将继续遵循着“全民学习、终身学习”这个教育理念,充分发挥网络教育构建全民学习、终身学习的社会中的重要作用;以开放理念,充分发挥网络教育支撑的现代开放教育的发展,必然是信息技术更加广泛的应用以及与教育过程更好地结合突破时空的限制,使任何人在任何时候、任何地点参与学习成为可能;现代远程教育的发展越来越需要一个公共的服务平台,要以公共服务、典型应用、资源共享及公益资源为导向,以新思路、新模式和新手段构建数字化学习支持服务创新体,探索并实践终身化、网络化合开放式的继续教育发展新模式。 网络如何促进教育更好地展开? (1)课堂上使用电脑能否调动学生的兴趣,能否真正引导学生进行深入的分析和思考,有待进一步调查证实。(2)如果教育工作者能够有效地运用电脑游戏到教学中,将会对学生的一些能力起到积极的推动作用。但对游戏不加以引导和控制,则会对学生的学习和身心发展产生重大的影响。(3)电脑网络的便利使得学生互相抄袭功课,阻碍学生用头脑、组织的思维能力的发展。(4)国际互联网络的一些负面影响易对青少年的思想、品德等产生不良影响。总结如今网络教育面临的问题。 (1)课堂上使用电脑能否调动学生的兴趣,能否真正引导学生进行深入的分析和思考,有待进一步调查证实。(2)如果教育工作者能够有效地运用电脑游戏到教学中,将会对学生的一些能力起到积极的推动作用。但对游戏不加以引导和控制,则会对学生的学习和身心发展产生重大的影响。(3)电脑网络的便利使得学生互相抄袭功课,阻碍学生用头脑、组织的思维能力的发展。(4)国际互联网络的一些负面影响易对青少年的思想、品德等产生不良影响。网络教育与传统的教育相比,有哪些显著的特点? 其一,网络是巨大的教育资源库,并且能够实现资源的共享。资源对教育的重要性事不言而喻的。其二,网络信息资源的丰富性为学习者提供了取之不尽、用之不竭的宝库。在网络教学系统中存储着大量数据、档案资料、程序、教学软件、兴趣讨论组、专家组等各种教学信息,而网络中的每个学习者可以共享各种信息资源,这是其他任何一种媒体和技术手段所无法做到的。其三,网络教学信息是由教育专家、优秀教师和计算机人员共同开发的,学生可以得到任何一个国家和地区、任一学科和领域的知识信息,得到世界上任一位专家学者的指导,使每一位学习者都能得到均等的受教育的机会,不再会受到学校水平、教材、教师能力的限制。 名词解释:远程教育 “远距离教育是教育致力开拓的一个领域,在这个领域里,在整个学习期间,学生和老师处于准永久性分离状态;学生和学习集体也在整个学习期间处于准永久性分离状态;技术媒体代替了常规的、口头讲授的、以集体学习为基础的教育的人际交流;学生和教师进行双向交流是可能的。它相当于一个工业化的教育过程。” (1)教师与学生分离,即在整个学习过程中教师与学生处于“准永久分离”状态,但分离程度不一。(2)教学组织的作用,即远程教育提供的是一种制度化的教育,这与学生个别学习是有本质区别的。(3)技术媒体的使用,技术媒体的应用为远程教育提供了机械的或电子的交流方式:印刷、、交互电视、录像和计算机等。技术媒体把准永久性分离的学生和教师联系起来并传递教学容,使学生从中受益。(4)提供双向通信,强调双向通信是将远程教育与教育技术区别开来的重要因素。(5)学习与学习群体的分离,在整个学习过程期间,准永久性地不设学习集体,结果人们通常不在集体中而是作为个人在自学,为教学的目的或社会性需要,有可能召开必要的会议。(6)工业化。 同电视广播等媒体相比,说说因特网主要的教学特点和功能 ①因特网信息传播速度迅速,无地域国界的限制,特别适合于进行远距离的教学。②信息传


1.网络教育与传统的教育相比,有那些显著的特点? 请结合自已的体会针对其中的某一特点进行阐述。 答:一、更加适合在职成人业余学习需要 校内教育集中于校园进行,其受教育对象主要是具有大致相同年龄和知识程度的学生。它的教育目标是以学生掌握基本知识和综合素质的培养为主。网络教育则主要适合已经就业的在职人员的继续教育,即满足职业成人对边工作边学习的需求,在教学内容和形式上,更加注重教学内容的实用性和教学方式的灵活性。 网络教育最为适合业余、分散的学习需要。一方面,互联网技术体系可以较好的实现校外教学的完整过程;其次,任何人,只要具备上网条件即可以在任何时间、任何地点任意接入互联网,并可以自主地选择学习内容。总之,教与学的过程也不一定必须是同时进行的。所以,网络教育最大限度地突破了教育的时空限制,最有利于工学矛盾的解决。 二、以学习为中心与自主学习 校内教育的课堂教学活动以教师为中心。首先,教师不能完全照顾到课堂中基础和兴趣不尽相同的每个学生,学生只是被动听教师的讲授,因此学生学习的主动性、自主性较低;其次,由于局限于校园和课堂,优秀教师及教育资源的施教面受到限制,不能实现最大化利用和资源共享。 而网络教育,一方面,学生能够做到根据自己的需要自主安排学习计划,自主决定学习时间、地点和选择学习内容。在网络教育模式中,学生学习的自主性、个性化和能动性得到了充分的发挥。当然,这也意味着,网络教育对学生的学习主动性和自学能力提出了较高的要求。同时,教育资源也得到了充分利用和共享,通过远程传输,同样教育资源的施教能力在空间和时间上被放大了,在不同的时间、有更多的处于不同地域、地点的学生可以学习同一教师所讲授的课程,从而满足了更多求学者的受教育需求。 三、网络课程表现形式生动形象、信息容量大、更新快 计算机多媒体信息处理技术的综合运用,使网络课程表现教学内容的形式更加丰富多彩、生动形象,这些表现形式包括文字、声音、图表、影像、动画等。网络课程的突出特点是多媒体和交互性。一方面,教学内容的表现不再只是枯燥的文字和图表,而是配合有精彩动画、影像和声音;其次,学生在学习过程中,不再只是被动的看和听,还可以参与实际的模拟操作,与教学内容进行交互。总之,将多媒体信息表现和处理技术运用于课程讲解和知识学习各个环节,使网络教学具有信息容量大、资料更新快和多项演示、模拟生动、有益理解等显著特征。 四、双向互动,全交互: 计算机网络的重大意义不仅在于可以实现教学信息和内容的远程传输和资源共享,更重要的是,网络可以在任何时间、地点,使教师与学生、学生与学生间进行全方位的双向互动交互。这种交互可以是实时的,也可以是非实时的。计算机网络使真正的教师与学生、学生与学生之间双向互动、实时全交互成为现实。 五、个性化教学指导: 网络教育运用计算机网络特有的信息数据库管理技术和双向交互功能,为个性化教学提供了有效的实现途径与条件。一方面,系统可对学生的个性资料、学习过程和阶段情况实现完整的跟踪记录、储存;另一方面,教学和学习服务系统则可基于系统记录的个人资料,进行针对不同学生的个别或个性化学习建议等。 六、数据库自动化教学管理系统: 计算机网络具有强大的数据库信息自动处理功能,这一功能可以被有效地运用于远程教育中的教学管理中。网络教育中,远程学生的咨询、报名、交费、选课、查询、学籍学历管理、作业与考试管理等都可通过网络交互通讯的方式完成并实施自动管理,使网络教育成为最为完整、高效的现代远程教育方式。对我自己来说,工作流动性较大,没有具体的固定时间,根本无法参加校内教育,所以搞网络教育对我非常适合。 2.你为什么要报名参加福建师范大学网络教育学院的学习? 答:远程教育学费低,而且只要2年左右的时间就可以取得国家承认学历的文凭证书,虽然当时网络教育在社会上的认知度还不如函授教育,但就是在这种一知半解的状态下,我却选择了如今已日趋普及的大众化学习方式——远程教育。我认为正是这种新兴的学习方式改变了我的生活,通过远程教育的学习也让我感受颇深,更是受益匪浅。 首先,远程教育的学习,让我节约了不少时间,低廉的学习成本可以说是远程教育最大的亮点。今天的社会人力竞争已进入到了白热化阶段,不提高知识水平、不扩充自身能量,可以说将会即刻失去社会竞争力,而现实因素又决定了像我们这类人不可能再去脱产参加专业理论知识系统的学习,因为我的工作流动性较大,没有具体的固定时间,根本无法参加校内教育。远程教育的出现,却为解决这个问题提供了一个平台。只要在任何一台能接入英特网的电脑前,通过对一些课件的学习和课程论坛交流,而且学习时间不用固定,因个人工作松闲程度自由安排,用二个字来形容就是“方便”。 其次,网络教育把五湖四海的陌生人聚到了电脑屏幕前,小小网线的两端让志同道合的人即刻变成了同学,在这片无限广阔的信息大海中相互学习、相互交流,实际上也在无形之中扩大了人群交往范围,且这种交往也让人与人之间由同学演变成为朋友,甚至业务上的合作伙伴。从这个层面上来讲,远程教育给复杂的人际关系增添了些和谐与亲切,让人们之间互帮互助、互帮互学、互助友爱。远程教育也让我从中结交到了不少新朋友,而且也已逐渐给自己日常的工作中带来了一些便利。 3.你是如何进行学院电子邮箱的申请与注册,请写下具体的操作步骤。

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