当前位置:文档之家› 商务英语函电范文必备2015



Dear Sirs,

We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counsellor ofyour Embassy in London and are now writing you for theestablishment of business relations.

We are very well connected with all the major dealers here oflight industrial products, and feel sure we can sell largequantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitiveprices.

As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank ofEngland, London, as a reference.

Please let us have all necessary information regarding yourproducts for export.

Yours faithfully。


2. 我们的报价已被贵地其他客户所接受,已有大批成交而且询价单滔滔而至,我方无奈下降报价。

3. 希望贵方从新考虑,早日来传真告知。

counter offer

thank you for your e-mail of May 21.we learn that you areinterested in our school tools ,but you cann't accept our higherprice of Api.30.

our quotation has been accepted by other clients ,a greet oforders have been bargained and large enquiries are pouring in ourcompany.so we cann't cut down our price.

please think better of above,we are looking forward to your earlyfax.


1.潜在的客户the potential customers

2.粗暴搬运rough handling

3.经营范围scope of business

4.中性包装neutral packing


6.分批装运partial shipment

8.运输标记Transportation marks

9.定金the deposit

10.装运通知The advice of shipment

11.凭即期汇票支付的By draft at sight One reason for

12.为某起因向某人索赔to someone claims

13.汇票提醒后After the draft tips



16.安全险 F.P.A

17.内包装Inner packing

18.保险费率The insurance rate

19.装箱单The packing list

20.免赔率The franchise

21. 树立贸易关系establish trade relations

22. 潜在的购主/客户the buyer/customer. Potential

23. 棉布cotton

24. 经营规模scope of business

25. 早日Soon


1、Thank you for your letter of April 8,inquiring about ourlithium rechargeable batteries for mobile phones.We are glad tooffer you 5000 pieces lithium rechargeable batteries,styleNo.MTA190 at US$3.40 per piece FOB china.Shipment will be effectedwithin 20 days after receipt of the relevant sight L/C in our favorissued by a bank acceptable to us.


2、We offer 300 metric tons of polished long grain rice,2005crop,15% broken,at USD220 per metric ton FOB Huangpu,for




Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,NebGentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from AristoShoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would bewilling to establish business relations with us. We have beenimporters of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested inextending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues andquotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect totransact a significant volume of business. We look forward to yourearly reply.Very trulyyours从米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司获得贵公司跟地址,特此建函,祈能发铺关联。多年来,原公司经营鞋种入口生意,现欲扩大业务范畴。盼能惠赐商品纲录和报价表。如价格公平,利公司必大额定买。烦请早日赐复。此致


Thank your for your letter of the 16th of thismonth. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with yourcompany. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, underseparate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering ourexport range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmedletter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telexor faxus.本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣慰。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。此致敬礼


We would like to inform you that we act on asole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. We specialize infinished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activitiescover all types of household linen. Until now , we have beenworking with your textiles department and our collaboration hasproved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for anyinformation regarding our company. We are very interested in anexclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotion of yourproducts in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply.`本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,包含各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司向有业务联系,互利互作。贵公司纺织部亦非常懂得有关业务合作之情况。渴望能成为贵公司独家代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。上述修议,烦请早日赐复,以就进一步接洽合作。此致敬礼


Thank you for your letter of 1 Septembersuggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our householdlinens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangementwould berather premature. We would, however, be willing to engagein a trial collaboration with you company to see how thearrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the marketfor our productsat you end. You would also have to build up a muchlarger turnover tojustify a sole agency. We enclose price listscovering all the products you are interested in and look forward tohearing from you soon.9月1日有关倡议担任家用亚麻造品独家署理的来信收悉。谨致衷口谢意。目前机会尚未成熟,不能应允该支配深感负疚。然而,本公司乐意取贵公司先试言配合,为今后协作打下基矗为证实担免独家代理的能力,贵公司宜上述货品息市场考察,研讨是否可扩展现有之营业额。奉上当货品之报价单,敬希查照。专此候复。此致敬礼


Thank you for your letter of 12 Aprilproposing a sole agency for our office machines. We have examinedour long and ,I must

examine the detailed terms and conditions andlet us know whether they meet with your approval. On a personalnote, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going tostrengthen our relationship. I have very pleasant memories of mylast visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully .Ilook forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan . My verybest wishes to you and your wife.4月12日建议担任为公室用具之独家代理来信已经收悉。过去双方合作都互利互助,能获您的眷瞻作我公司于巴林的独家代理,殊感幸运。据知您公司两服务技师曾到我公司米兰工厂受训。相信您公司在取得代理权后,仍会继承重视合格售后服务人员的练习。现随信附上协定草稿,请查实各项条款,惠复是盼。能增强业务,我亦觉得惊喜,前次到访巴林,蒙盛情招待,不胜感激。祈盼您光临米兰时,容我一尽地主之谊。此致敬礼


At the beginning of this month , I attendedthe Harrogate toy fair. While there , I had an interestingconversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Edutoys plc about selectingan agency for our teaching aids. Douglas described your dynamicsales force and innovative approach to marketing. He attributed hisown company's success to your excellent distribution network whichhas served him for several years. We need an organization likeyours to launch our products in the UK. Our teaching aids cover thewhole field of primary education in all subjects .Ourpatented‘Matrix’ math apparatus is particularly successful. You mayhave reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market.This is not a problem since we have a complete range of BritishEnglish versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our BritishEnglish editions for your information. Please let me have yourreactions to the material. I shall be in London during the firsttwo weeks of October .Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discussourproposal.本用始参观哈洛添特玩具接易会时有幸与教导玩具股份有限公司的讲格拉斯?盖齐先生一聊,提及本公司正物色代理人推广教学器材一事,商务网店建设方法。盖全先生赞赏贵公司踊跃推广产品,一直推出新的倾销方式,并把其公司的成绩回于贵公司完美的经销网络。贵公司的教训,正能替本公司在英国经销产品。本公司出产低级教育各学科的教育器村、专利产品梅特里克教学器材更傲视同侪。除美国教养器材外,亦备有齐套英式英语版教材,适合应地市场,贵公司无需忧愁切合市场需求。现附上配有插图的英式英语版教材目录,盼抽空细阅,并赐知可贵看法。自己拟于10月头二礼拜前去伦敦,未知是否支配会面,就以上建议作一略谈?此致敬礼


Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are lookingfor an UK distributor for your teaching aids. We would like toinvite you to visit our booth,商务流程,no.6,at nextmonth's London Toy Fair, at Earl's court , which starts on 2October. If you would like to set up an appointment during nonexhibit hall hours please call me. I can then arrange for oursensor staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward tohearing fromyou.多谢9月12日的来信和附件。获悉贵公司有意物色英国销售商推广教学帮助装备,甚感兴趣。本公司将于10月2日于厄尔大楼举办的耸敦玩具商品交易会上展现产品,诚邀贵公司派员参观设于46号之摊位。如能安排于非展出时光面谈,烦请电复。定必委派高层职员赴会。本公司深知贵公司产品优美质优,希望能发展互惠之业务。特此告诉,并候复音。


We understand from our trade contacts that your company hasreestablished itself in Beirut and is once again tradingsuccessfully in your region. We would like to extend ourcongratulations and offer our very best wishes for your continuedsuccess. Before the war in Lebanon , our companies were involved ina large volume of trade in our textiles. We see from our recordsthat you were among our best tem customers. We very much hope thatwe can resume our mutually beneficial relationship now that peacehas returned to Lebanon. Since we last traded, our lines havechanged beyond recognition. While they reflect current Europeantaste in fabrics, some of our designs are specifically targeted atthe Middle Eastern market. As an initial step , I enclose ourillustrated catalogue for your perusal. Should you wish to receivesamples for closer inspection, we will be very happy to forwardthem. We look forward to hearing fromyou.从同行中获悉贵公司贝鲁特复业,生意发展敏捷。得闻喜讯,不胜欢喜。谨祝业务旭日东升。黎巴嫩战事产生前双方曾有多宗纺织品交易;贵公司更是本公司十大客户之一。现今战事平


I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss thepossibility of merging our distribution networks. I am excited ofthe prospect ofexpanding our trade. As agreed, We will meet of ouroffice in bond street at 9.30a.m.on Monday 20 March. I havescheduled the whole day for the meeting. If for any reason you areunable to attend , please phone me so that we can make alternativearrangements. Please let me know if you would like our office toarrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasure toour meeting. 承蒙拔冗道探讨合并双方销售网,以扩大贸易发展范围,深感高兴。现特修函断定会议日程,惊爆商务服装的内幕。谨于3月20日星期一在国德街办公室候教,请贵公司代表于当日早上9时莅临领导。若因故未能抽空缺席,烦请致电告知,以便另行安排会见。未知是否需代为安排旅馆膳宿?请尽早赐知,以便早作预备,有用的商务经验,商务主机,款待贵客。谨此预祝谈判胜利。

10.谢绝客户的要求Thank you for your enquity of 25 August.We are alwayspleased to hear from a valued customer.I regret to say that wecannot agree to your request for technical information regardingour software security sysytems.The fact is,商务精品网站,that most of ourcompetitors also keep such information private and confidential.Isincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way.Ifthere is any other way in which we can help. do not hesitte tocontact us again. 8月25日信收悉,谨此致谢。来信要求本公司提供有关软件保密体系的技巧资料,但鉴于同行向来视该等材料为秘密文件,本公司亦不便流露,尚祈睹谅。我真挚地生机这样不会对贵公司制成不便。如需本公司帮助其他事宜,欢送随时赐瞅垂询。祝业务欣欣向荣!


We have been doing business together for a long time and we valueour relationship of late, we have not been able to provide the kindof service we both want. The problem is that your purchasingdepartment is changing orders after they have been placed. This hasled to confusion and frustration for both of our companies. Inseveral instances. you have returned goods that were originallyordered. To solve the problem , I propose that on receipt of anorder, our sales staff contact you to verify it. If you decide onany changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that youcan check it. I trust this system will cut down on delays anderrors, and allow our operations to run smoothly.承蒙多年惠顾,本公司感激万分。然近来合作呈现问题,令服务水准未能契合对方要求,本公司为此提愁不已。贵公司采部发出定单后,再三更改内容;更有甚者,多次退回订购之货品,导致了双方公司工作中的凌乱和迷惑。为防止问题日趋严峻,特此在接到定单后,由本公司销售人员与贵公司复核。若需作出改支,本公司把定单修正后电传副本,供贵公司查核。盼望上述措施禁受减少延误,增进双方业务发展。


It has just come to our attention that you have lately openedyour new European headquarters in Brussels. Congratulations on yourbold venture. As you know , our companies have had a long businessassociation in the UK. We look forward to collaborating with you inyour European venture. Please let us know if we can be of anyassistance to you. We will be delighted to help. We wish you thevery best of luck and a prosperous future.


Could we meet some time this month to discuss the hypermarketproposal? We want to make decision by the beginning of next month.We would very much like to hear your thoughts before we make anydefinite plans. Could you choose a venue for the meeting? I can flyto London any time, Perhaps you would prefer Lyon or Paris? I leaveit to you to choose. I look forward to seeing you again.您好!未知能否于本月会面,商谈有关特大自助市场的建议呢?我们准备于下月初作出最后决定。在未订下明白打算之前,希望能征询的意见。敢问能否选定会面地点?在伦敦、巴黎或里昂商谈都可以,悉随尊便。期待与您会晤。

productspecification brochure is enclosed. We are considering expandingour products to new markets and we would appreciate you assistance.In particular , we would like to identify the best agents who arecurrently serving the printing industryin your region. We arelooking for organizations which conduct their business in a trulyprofessional manner. They must be fully conversant withthetechnical side of the printing industry and have a comprehensiveunderstanding of all the features of the lines t6hey represent. Wewould be very grateful if you could take a few moments to send usthe names of three or four organizations that match ourrequirements.We shall then contact them to explore the possibilityof establishing a mutually acceptable business relationship. Thankyou very much for your time and consideration in this matter.本公司生产的一系列印刷机,获二十多个国家的公司采用。随函附上产品规格仿单,谨供参考。现为该产品开辟新市场,希望得知贵地域从事印刷产业的代理商资料。如蒙贵公司协助,将不胜感激。如能拨冗寄来数个合乎上述要求代理商商号,则感激不尽。本公司将与其联系,研究能否建立互惠互利折业务关系。右蒙惠告,不胜感荷!


I would like to welcome you to our organization. We are verypleased to have you on our ream. I know that you will be equallyproud of our products. Our European sales Representative, AntoineGerin , will be in touch with you at regular intervals. Please feelto call him any time you have a problem, If I can regularintervals. Please feel free to call him any time you have aproblem. If I can ever be of service, please call me. I am planninga trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meetingyou. In the meantime, the best of luck with our product line.欢迎参加本公司成为我们的一分子。相信您也会以本公司的产品为耻。欧洲销售代理安东尼?格林会按期与联系,逢有答题可与他商议。若有其他须要,欢迎向我提出。下月我将赴法国一游,冀望能与您会面。谨祝产品销量节节回升。


Would you be interested in stocking a radical new departure inlaptop computers? I would very much like to brief you on this greatinnovation. Could we make an appointment? The machine is the samesize as most laptops but comes with some totally new features. Theretail price will undercut its nearest competitor by at least 20%.Ishall be in the UK from 1 September to 20 October. If you wouldlike to know more, just fax or telex me.贵公司有没有考虑配置最新型号的手提电脑?本公司诚意推介该簇新产品,盼能预约时间作一先容。该电脑体积和同类电脑相仿,但装备多项进步功效。其零售价较同类产品廉价20%以上。本人将于9月1日至10月20日逗留英国。如蒙拨冗了解该产品资料,烦请函复。


Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptopcomputer. I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request foran appointment. We currently have the sole agency for anothercomputer company, Under the terms of the contract , We are barredfrom stocking any other company's products. The sole agency comesunder review in six months' time . Contact us then and we may beable to consider your new product. 7月7日有关新型号手提电脑函收悉。本公司久未能安排会面,深感歉意。现时正为另一家电脑公司提任独家代理,根据合约条款,不得销售别家电脑公司的产品。该代理权将于六个月后期满。届时烦请再作联系,共商贵产品代理事宜。


Thank you for your letter of 15 September. I note that you willbein the UK during the whole of November. We are quite interestedby the fashion knitwear illustrated in yourcatalogue. As a fashionChain. We might consider having some of our own designsmanufactured in China. Please let me know when you would like tocall on us. The week beginning 6 November would suit me best. Ilook forward to meeting you and discussing this matter.感谢9月15日的来信。欣闻阁下将于11月勾留伦敦一个月,看到时能拨冗相会。本公司对贵公司商品目录中的针织时装深感兴致。现正研究设计格式,在中国制作后寄本公司时装



Meanwhile, I can only ask you to accept my apologies.


We apologize you for the mistake.


We apologize you for troubling you.


We are sorry to learn from your letter of the 10th May that yourcustomer is still dissatisfied with the condition. 在时机尚未成熟以前,我们就唐突地写信谈及此事,对此甚表遗憾。

We are sorry that we have taken the liverty in writing youprematurely on the subject.


I am regretted to have to inform you that two cases of them areso bad in quality.


We regret to inform you that our premises at 15 R.C. were partlydestroyed by fire yesterday afternoon


I learnt with regret of the failure of messrs P.R.& Co.


To take the liberty of doing something||To take the liberty to dosomething


To regret||To be sorry||To be chagrined||To be mortified||To bevexed


Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this matter hasgiven you.

今天,我们感到很荣幸能和M. 威尔森教学欢聚一堂。

Today, we feel very much honoured to have Prof. M. Wilson withus.


We feel speially honoured to be given this opportunity to meetsuch a nice group of distinguished people like you.


To have the honour of doing||To have the honour to do



We appreciate your telling us about the defective sets, and areglad to make things right.


While thanking you for your valued support, I wish to asc for acontinuance of your confidence in the new company.


We take this opportunity to thank our patrons and friends for theliberal support extended to us during our business career.


We take this opportunity of thanking you for your past valuedsupport, and of assuring you that your orders will continue toreceive our best personal attention.


We can confidently assert that any business with which you mayfavour us will be transacted in such a manner as will afford youthe fullest satisfaction.


We thank you for your inquiry.


thank you very much for your courtesy.



We are always pleased to serve you at any time.


We thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you.


In the meantime, please be assured of our most cordial goodwishes and of our desire to be of service. 请相信,我们将无比感谢您能为我们供给服务机遇。

We wish to assure you that we appreciate an opportunity affordedus for service.


We are anxious to be able to sever you.



We hope to hear from you favourably.


I hope to receive your inquiries when in the market.


We hope to be favoured with your order.


I hope to hear favourably from you.


We hope this action will meet with your approval.


We hope that you will give this matter prompt attention.


We would ask you kindly to note our respective signatures givenbelow.


Below you will find a facsimile of his signature, which I ask youto regard as my own.


Have the kindness to take note of my signature ...


I request your attention to his signature, appended below.



by return||by return of post||by return of mail


A return envelope that requires no postage is enclosed for yourconvenience in replying.


Make out your check for $20, put it in the enclosed envelope, andstart it on its way to us--now. 为了使您从我们这里取得更进一步信息,随信附去亮信片一张备用。

A postcard is enclosed for your convenience in requesting furtherinformation.


We’ll reinforce them with iron straps.


We’ll pack the goods 10 dozen to a carton, gross weight around 20kilos a carton.


Packing should be suitable for transport by sea.


The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation. Asto the inner packing, it must be attractive and helpful to thesales.


We usually pack each piece of men’s shirt in a polybag, halfdozen to a box and ten dozen to a wooden case.



The cover shall be limited to sixty days upon discharge of theinsured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port ofdischarge.


We generally insure W.P.A. on C.I.F. sales.


The additional premium is for the buyer’s account.


We adopt the warehouse to warehouse clause which is commonly usedin international insurance.


We cover insurance on the 100 tons of wool.


We cannot comply with your request for insuring your order for130% of its invoice value.


This kind of additional risk is coverable at 2?.


This risk is coverable at a premium of …%.



Insurance on the goods shall be covered by us for 110% of the CIFvalue, and any extra premium for additional coverage, if required,shall be borne by the buyers.


装运Since the L/C has been amended as required and everything isnow in order, we hope you will ship our order as early aspossible.


Our customer requests the shipment to be made in five equal lots,each every three months.


We have arranged shipment with freight to be collected atdestination.



We ask you to do everything possible to ensure punctualshipment.


We have shipped your order goods by M/S “Good Luck”, today.


Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading is to be issuedto order and blank endorsed and marked “Freight Prepaid”.


The consignment has gone forward on s/s “Yantai”.


With reference to the 600 sets of Sewing Machines under our SalesConfirmation No. 412, we wish to call your attention to the factthat the date of shipment is approaching, but we still have notreceived your covering Letter of Credit to date.


Please advise (inform) us (of) the name of steamer.


We are very sorry to inform you that your last shipment is not upto your usual standard.


We shall appreciate your prompt attention to the adjustment ofthis claim.


We would like to submit this claim to arbitration.


If the cargoes cannot be found within a few days, we will fileour claim for the full settlement of them.


A claim for damage will be filed on us together with yoursurveyor’s report as evidence.


However, the B/L shows that when the shipping company receivedthe goods, they were in apparent good condition. The liability iscertainly not on our side.


Since this claim was filed two months after their arrival at yourport, we regret that it cannot be accepted.


This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in thecontract. We are now lodging a claim with you.


We regret very much that you shipped bulk goods not correspondingin quality with the sample.


One of the cases was badly smashed and the contents wereseriously damaged.


We regret that the damages are chiefly due to poor packing whichis not adequately reinforced.


There is a difference of 35 tons between the actual landed weightand the invoiced weight of this consignment.

It is natural that you should be responsible for all the lossesresulting from the delay shipment.


According to the surveyor’s report, the damage was due to rough(careless) handling during transit.


Please check the matter up and let us have your instruction onthe disposition of the incorrect shipment very soon. 请核真此事,并尽钝告诉我们处置误送货物的唆使。

We hold the goods at your disposition.


The case was broken and its contents were damaged.


These errors on your part cause us to disappoint our importantcustomers.


On examination we found that the goods do not agree with theoriginal sample.


When unpacking the case, we found the colourunsatisfactory.


We find that the quality of your shipment is not in conformitywith the agreed specification.


Upon examination, we found you have sent us the wronggoods.



We will make up the deficiency in weight in our nextshipment.



In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared tomeet your claim for the 35 tons shortweight. 斟酌到我们之间的业务关系,我们筹备抵偿35吨欠沉。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,mercial adj. 商业的,商务的

commercial counsellor 商务参赞

commercial counsellors office 商务参赞处

commercial attache 商务专员

commercial articles 商品,(报上)商业消息

commerce n. 贸易

commerce department 商业部分

2.embassy n. 大使馆

the American Embassy in Beijing 美国驻北京大使馆

ambassador n. 大使,使节

3.dealer n. 商人

retail dealer (or:retailer) 零售商

wholesale dealer (or:wholesaler) 批发商

deal n. b. 贸易,成交,经营

make (or:do) a deal with... 与...作交易

deal on credit 信用交易,赊帐交易

4.connected with... 与...有联系;与...有关系

5.light industrial product 轻工业产品

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,petitive adj. 有竞争力的

competitive power 竞争能力

competitive edge 竞争上风

eg.If your price is competitive, we will place an order withyou. 如果你方价格有竞争力的话,我们将向你方发出订单。

Your products has no competitive capacity in our market.你方产品在我市场上不竞争力。

compete v. 竞争

~with (or:against) sb. in sth. 在...方面与某人竞争

eg.We should compete with other enterprises in the quality ofthe products. 我们必需在产品的质量方面与其它企业竞争。

~with (or:against) sb. for sth. 为...事件与某人竞争

eg.We must compete against other countries in trade forobtaining larger international market.为了获与更大的邦际市场我们必须与其余国度在商业方面入行竞争。

competition n. 竞争

eg.To enable us to meet competition, you must quote the lowestpossible price. 为了使我们能适应竞争,你方必须报尽可能低的价格。

competitor n. 竞争者,竞争对手

eg.We trust that the superior quality, attractive design andreasonable price of our products will surely enable us to defeatthe competitors. 我们信任我方产品的精良品质、诱己设计、公道价钱定能使我方击败竞争对手。

standing 资信情况,信用,固定的,永恒的

standing cost 长期成标,固定本钱

standing orders 长期订单

standing director 常务董事


credit standing 信誉情况

financial standing 财金情况

finances 财源,资金情形(常用复数)

regarding prep. 关于,与with regard to, in regard to, as regards同义,普通能够换用。

eg.Regarding the terms of payment, we require confirmed andirrevocable letter of credit. 对于支付前提,我们请求保兑的、不可取消的信誉证。



爽爽文档汇编之 2014?2018北京高考英语作文及范文汇编 【2018年】第三部分:书而表达(共两节,35分)第一节(15分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他 对中国文化感兴趣,计划明年来北京上大学。他向你咨询相关信息。请给他回邮件,内容包括: I.表示欢迎;2.推荐他上哪所大学;3.建议他做哪些准备工作。 注意:1.词数不少于50:2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jin], Yours II Hua 【范例】Dear Jim. Fm so glad to hear your future education plan in Beijing in your last letter. First I would like to express my warmest welcome to you and I am sure you will have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing. Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China. Its Chinese Literature major is perfect for you where you can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture. As for preparatioiL some reading in advance in needed like The Story of the Stone while some online courses of spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to adapt into the Chinese language environment. I smeerely hope your dream will come true and it's my pleasure to show you around in Beijing when tliat day comes. If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know. Yours, Li Hua 第二节(20分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记述你们上周接待外国学生,带领他们体验中国茶文化的全过程.注意:词数不少于60。


台布 我们从我国商务部处得悉贵公司的名称和地址,现借此机会与你方通信,意在建立友好业务关系。 我们是一家国营公司,专门经营台布出口业务。我们能接受顾客的来样定货,来样中可具体需要产品的花样图案,规格及包装装潢的要求。 为使你方对我各类台布有大致的了解,我们另航寄最新的目录供参考。如果你方对产品有兴趣,请尽快通知我方。一俟收到你方具体询盘,即寄送报价单和样本。 盼早复。 SPECIMEN:INTRODUCING BUSINESS OPERATION Dear Sirs, RE:TABLECLOTH We have your name and adress from Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China.We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to set up friend business relations with you. We are a carpet manufacturer, our products are a unique style of novel, inexpensive..We are in a position to accept orders according to the customer's spmples.In the customer's spmples,request about the assorted pattern,specification and package of the needed goods can be indicated particularly. In order to give you a gengral idea of various kinds of the table-cloth we are handling,we are airmailing you under separate cover our latest catalogue for your reference.Please let us know immediately if you are interested in our products.We will send you our price list and sample to you as soon as we receive your specific inquiry. Looking forward to your early reply,we are. Yours faithfully Xiaoli


高考英语作文范文50篇 09)全国卷I (1) 假定你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天你的房东Mrs Wilson 不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson 写一留言,内容如下:1. 外出购物 2.替房东还书来电话留言:1).咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消 2).此事已告知Susan .3)尽快回 范文:Mrs Wilson , I’m going out shopping , and won’t be back until ab out 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the city library . At about 1 o’clock this afternoon , Tracy called ,saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to . She felt very sorry about that , but said that you could set some other time for the meeting . She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home . She has already told Susan about this change. LI Hua 10)全国卷 (2) 假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近大学的外籍教师Smith 女生来做评委。请参照以下通知给她写一封信。 英语演讲比赛 主题:人与自然 时间:6月15日下午2:---5: 地点:501教室 参赛选手:10名 联系人:李华(电话) 范文: Dear Ms. Smith , I’m Li Hua , the chairman of the Students’ Union of YuCai Middle School ,which is close to your university . I’m writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest which will be held in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours . Ten students will deliver their speeche s on the given topic “Man and Nature”. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to your reply .


一、询盘例文 敬启者: 我们是最大的家具进口商之一,现对转椅(Swivel Chairs)感兴趣。 盼望贵公司早日报来温哥华CIF最低价,说明支付条件、最早交货期及可供数量。如有产 品目录,也请寄来两份。如果报价合理,我们将大量订购 如蒙早日回复,将不胜感激。 此致 北京长城进出口公司 加拿大温哥华东方贸易公司经理 John Smith 2010年5月 Orient Trading Co. Vancouver, Canada May 10,2010 Beijing Great Wall Imp.& Exp. Corp. Dear Sirs, Re: Swivel Chairs We are one of the largest importers of furniture. At present we are interested in Swivel Chairs and would appreciate your giving us the lowest price CIF Vancouver, the earliest time of delivery and quantities available. Please also send us two catalogues if available. If your price is reasonable, we will place a large order. We are looking forward to your early reply. Best regards, John Smith Orient Trading Co. Vancouver, Canada 一、报盘例文 敬启者: 感谢您5月21日的询盘。我方现报盘如下,此报盘须经本公司最后确认方为 效。 品名:110号, 111号转椅 颜色:黑色、棕色和金色 价格:货号110,每把100美金,CIF旧金山价 货号111,每把95美金,CIF旧金山价 装运:2007年8月19日 付款:电汇


高考英语作文10篇优秀范文 对于参加2019高考的同学来说,现在开始复习和背诵英语作文完全来得及,万朋教育小编推荐你高考英语写作优秀范文全集,满满都是套路,掌握后还怕得不了高分吗? 1.感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you. Because of your help,now I am a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuablehelp. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐)for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University,but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的)help that enables me to obtain this splendid


启头句: 1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that../ We have the pleasure of informing you that../ We are pleased (glad) to inform you that..兹欣告你方.... 16) Refering to your letter of ......we are pleased to .关于你方...月...日来信,我们很高兴... 19) We wish to refer to your letter of ...concerning 现复你方...月...日关于...的来信 20) In compliance with the request in your letter of ... we...按你方...月...日来函要求,我方... 37) We thank you for your letter of https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,rming us that..我们感激贵方...月...日的来函,惠告... 21) In connection with the question of supplying you with ..., we are pleased to say that...关于向你方供应...的问题,欣告你方... 29) We owe your address to ..我方从...获得你方地址。 36) In replay to your letter of ...concerning...we are glad to be able to /story to have tell you that...兹复贵方...月...日有关...的来函,很高兴/抱歉告知贵方... 41)We must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter of...迟复贵方...月...日函,甚歉! 43)In reply to your letter/inquiry of ... , we wish to inform you that...兹复贵方...月...日函/询盘,我们愿意告诉贵方... 77)As requested/ In accordance with your wishes we are sending you... 按你方的要求,现奉上.. 商业信函常用开头语 3.惠请告知某某事项等 1)Please inform me that (of) ;13)We shall be pleased to have your information regarding (on, as to; about) 6.特回答贵公司某月某日函所叙述有关事项等7)In response to your letter of l0th May, I wish to say that; 10)In reply to your letter of February 8th, I inform you that (of) ; 7.非常遗憾,我们奉告您关于,等。 l)We regret to inform/say/advise you that (of) ; 9.我们对于您某月某日来函的询价,深表谢意等。2)I thank you for your inquiry of the 10th May ; 10.兹函附某某,请查收,等。 1)Enclosed please find ;3)We enclose herewith ;7)We are pleased to enclose herewith 11.遵照某月某日来函指示,等。2)According to the directions contained in yours of the 6th May ; 4)In conformity with (to) your instructions of the l0th ult. 12.关于详情,下次叙述,等。 2)Particulars will be related in the following. 3)I will relate further details in the following. 13. 如下列所记,如附件所述,1)As stated below, 10)As already mentioned,


商务英语写作 商务英语信函范例:教你学写邀请与答复信 函 invitation and reply dear mr. / ms, we should like to invite your corporation to attend the 2000 international fair which will be held from august 29 to september 4 at the above address. full details on the fair will be sent in a week. we look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend. yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 在上述地址,我们想请贵公司参加于八月二十九日到九月四日举办的2000国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周内将寄给你。希望不久能收到你的来信,并能来参加。 您诚挚的

肯定答复 dear mr. / ms, thank you for your letter of june 28 inviting our corporation to participate in the 2000 international fair. we are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years.


本文档由实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,) 外贸函电常用范文Set new business relationship 建立贸易关系,可以通过多种途径,比如通过驻外机构、国外商会、同业商行、银行、出国访问、商品交易会、报纸广告、市场调查等等。建立贸易关系的信函,要写得诚恳、热情、礼貌、得体,并将写信人的意图清楚地叙述完整,给对方留下深刻地印象,使其愿意与你交往。 Dear Mr. Jones: We understand from your information posted on https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html, that you are in the market for textiles. We 本文档由实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,)

would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our website https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,,which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, John Roberts 本文档由实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,)编制,版权所有,尽供外贸交流学习商业目的请联系实惠网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e11058618.html,)


A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 借来的斗篷不暖身。 高三英语作文范文一 一、假如你是李华,你校学生会于2018年3月15日下午举行“校园书市(a campus book fair)”,活动。请你写封e-mail给你的美国笔友Peter,告诉他此次活动的有关情况,内容包括: 1. 活动目的:①给同学们提供一个交换图书的机会②更好利用读过的书 2. 具体内容:①把你不想保留的书拿到书市上出售②购买你喜欢的书③交换图书 3. 谈谈你的感想和收获体会。 注意:1. 文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2. 字数:120-150词左右。 Hello Peter!How are you going these days? In order to provide us students with an opportunity to exchange books and make better use of used books, our Student Union held a campus book fair on the afternoon of March 15,2018. At the book fair, students could sell unwanted books, buy needed books or simply trade books with each other. Like other fairs of this kind, prices were typically very low. Happily, I not only got rid of several books but also bought a few books I really wanted. As far as I'm concerned, I like this activity, which is beneficial to us students. On the one hand, I felt my social skills had been well practiced and improved. On the other hand, this activity also gave us an excellent opportunity to feel a bit of the real world. I wish more events like this book fair would be held in our school. Looking forward to hearing from you! Love, Li Hua 二、假如你是李华,Tracy即将结束你们学校作为交换生的学习生活并返回英国。请你根据以下内容用英语写一篇欢送词。 1. 赞扬她的善良友好; 2. 怀念与她相处的快乐时光; 3. 感谢她对大家英语学习的帮助; 4.希望她有机会再来中国。 :150;1201. 注意:词数: A A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 借来的斗篷不暖身。 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear teachers and friends, I'd like to say something before Tracy goes back to England. On one hand, Tracy is such a kind and friendly girl that I fee1 happy to be her friend. Because of her good character she is very popular with us during her stay here. On the other hand, she gets along well with everyone and all of us have a wonderful time with her. How can we forget the time,that we spent together happily! I remember she doesn't hesitate to help us whenever we have trouble in learning English. Therefore, we are grateful to Tracy from the bottom of our heart and we owe a lot of thanks to


通知与确认商务英语信函写作 一、通知对方收到来信的确认函 1. dear mr/mrs, thank you for your letter no. a-3 of 6th may, offering us 6 ui-4 viewdatas. we have passed it on to our technical department for their consideration. we shall reply as soon as possible. yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 谢谢您五月六日标号为a-3的来信,该信向我们提供6 ui-4图像数据。我们已把该信转给了技术部,备他们考虑。 我们将尽快回信 你诚挚的 2. dear mr/mrs, we have today received with thanks information concerning transactions onthe new york wheat exchange which will be made full use of by our researchdepartment. we look forward to further cooperation with you. yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 我们今天收到了有关纽约小麦交易所的业务信息,非常感谢,我们的研究部门将充分利用这些信息。

期待与你进一步合作。 你诚挚的 二、确认达成的协议 confirming agreements reached 3. dear mr/mrs, last friday, when we were discussing the problems of defectivecontainers.you suggested that i simply mail you a report each month on thenumber of return by customers rather than send the defective containers to you. i plan to put this into effect at once. but, i first wantto make sure that i understand you correctly. if i don’thear from you within the coming week, i’ll assume that youapprove. yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 上周五,我们讨论了次品集装箱的问题,你建议我只需把顾客每月退回的次品集装箱 的数量写个报告给你,而不是直接退集装箱。 我计划立即付诸现实。但我想确认我理解正确,到下周为止,如我不能收到你的来信,我即认为你没有异议。 你诚挚的 4. dear mr/mrs, we write to confirm our agreement reached during ourconversation on 9th june about special discountson m-s acoustical partitions as describedon page 8of our catalogue. these prices will prevail through30 june.partition regular price special


中考英语作文50篇(带翻译) 1、The Person I Like Best 我最喜欢的人 I have many friends,but I like Li Lei best. He is a good student. He always helps others. He likes reading books, so he knows many things. He is very helpful to us. He often helps me with my study. We are good friends. We often play games and do sports together. We enjoy ourselves every day. Li Lei is the person I like best. 我有很多朋友, 但我最喜欢李磊。他是个好学生。他总是帮助别人,他喜欢读书,所以他知道很多东西。他很乐于帮助我们。他经常帮助我学习。我们很好朋友们。我们经常一起玩游戏,一起做运动。我们每天都玩得开心。李磊是我最喜欢的人。 2、My Good Friend 我的好朋友 Tom is my good friend. He is 16 years old. He comes from America. He lives with his parents in China. He likes playing football, singing and drawing. He is good at English, but his Chinese isn’t good. He often helps me with my English, and I help him with his Chinese. We go to play football every Sunday. We always feel happy when we get together. Tom是我的好朋友。他16岁。他来自美国。他与父母一起生活在中国。他喜欢踢足球、唱歌和画画。他英语很好,但他的中文不好。他经常帮我学英语,我帮他学中文。我们每个星期日都去踢足球。当我


Dear Sirs, We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counsellor ofyour Embassy in London and are now writing you for theestablishment of business relations. We are very well connected with all the major dealers here oflight industrial products, and feel sure we can sell largequantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitiveprices. As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank ofEngland, London, as a reference. Please let us have all necessary information regarding yourproducts for export. Yours faithfully。 求商务函电还盘函翻译。1.5月21日来信收到,得知贵方对我们的文具很感兴趣,但以为我方4月30日的价格偏高,无法成交。 2. 我们的报价已被贵地其他客户所接受,已有大批成交而且询价单滔滔而至,我方无奈下降报价。 3. 希望贵方从新考虑,早日来传真告知。 counter offer thank you for your e-mail of May 21.we learn that you areinterested in our school tools ,but you cann't accept our higherprice of Api.30. our quotation has been accepted by other clients ,a greet oforders have been bargained and large enquiries are pouring in ourcompany.so we cann't cut down our price. please think better of above,we are looking forward to your earlyfax. 求商务函电翻译 1.潜在的客户the potential customers 2.粗暴搬运rough handling 3.经营范围scope of business 4.中性包装neutral packing 5.样品本samples 6.分批装运partial shipment

外贸函电实例:询盘 发盘 还盘 接受

1. 永康盛辉公司的Frank Luo收到美国Sunshine Trading Co., Ltd. 经理Adam 初次询盘并按其要求及时寄出商品目录和价目单 Dear Adam, We thank you for your letter asking for our new catalogues and shall be glad to enter into business relations with your firm. Complying with your request, we are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogues and pricelist covering our exports available at present and hope that you will find many items in it which interest you. We look forward to receiving your inquiries soon. Sincerely, Frank 2. 美国客商在收到材料后,表示对其中三款角磨机感兴趣并寻问Frank Luo能否报FOB价,最惠价,最低订货量等问题。 Dear Frank, Thanks for your information. We are interested to buy large quantities of Angle Grinder and shall appreciate it if you would give us the best FOB Ningbo price. I have now listed below the models that are of interest: AG105L, AG203S, AG880H Please send us some samples for testing. We will pay the sample fees. How about MOQ? We are waiting for your reply. Best Regards, Adam 3. 收到询盘后,Frank Luo给美国客商做了回复。 Dear Adam, With reference to your last inquiry, we have already forwarded you the samples and take pleasure in making the following offer: Art No. AG105L: USD25.30/PC FOB Ningbo, Art No. AG203S: USD30.50/PC FOB Ningbo, Art No. AG880H: USD13.00/PC FOB Ningbo” Please note the prices we have quoted above are based on our MOQ600PCS for each item. Please feel free to contact us if you have any question. Sincerely, Frank


常用英语商务邮件范文 常用英语商务邮件范文 商务英语信函八大类写作模板,包括投诉信函、咨询信函、请求帮助信函、道歉信函、感谢信函、建议信、下面是我为你带来的常用英语商务邮件范文,欢迎参阅。 常用英语商务邮件范文1 介绍信 Letters of Introdution Dear Mr. Ms., This is to introdue Mr. Frank Jones, our ne marketing speialist ho ill be in London from April 5 to mid April on business. We shall appreiate an help ou an give Mr. Jones and ill alas be happ to reiproate. Yours faithfull 常用英语商务邮件范文2 邀请与答复 Dear Mr. Ms, We should like to invite our Corporation to attend the 201X International Fair hih ill be held from August 29 to September 4 at the above address. Full details on the Fair ill be sent in a eek. We look forard to hearing from ou soon, and hope that ou ill be able to attend.

Yours faithfull 尊敬的先生小姐, 在上述地址,我们想请贵公司参加于八月二十九日到九月四日举办的201X国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周内将寄给你。希望不久能收到你的来信,并能来参加。 您诚挚的 肯定答复 Dear Mr. Ms, Thank ou for our letter of June 28 inviting our orporation to partiipate in the 201X International Fair. We are ver pleased to aept and ill plan to displa our eletrial applianes as e did in previous ears. Mr. Li ill be in our it from Jul 2 to 7 to make speifi arrangements and ould ver muh appreiate our assistane. Yours faithfull 尊敬的先生小姐, 感谢六月二十八日来信邀请我们公司参加201X国际商品交易会。我们乐于参加并计划展示我们前几年生产的电子设备。李先生将于七月二日至七日去你市做具体安排,非常感谢你的协助。 你诚挚的 否定的答复 Dear Mr. Ms,


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 英文商务信函询盘 篇一:外贸函电询盘范文 外贸函电询盘范文 1询盘 Dearmr.Li, Yourfirmhasbeenrecommended1tousbytheDicksonelectric scompany,withwhomwehavedonebusinessformanyyears. weareinterestedinyourelectricTypewritersforuseinoff icesandshallbegladifyouwillsendusacopyofyourillustr atedcatalogue2andcurrentpricelist. Yourssincerely, susanblock manager AReply Dearmsblock,

wewelcomeyouforyourenquiryofFed.1andthankyouforyour interestinourcommodities.weareenclosing3somecopieso fourillustratedcataloguesandapricelistgivingthedeta ilsyouaskedfor. wetrustthatyouwillagreethatourproductsandpriceappea lto4themostselectivebuyer.Andwealsoallowaproperdisc ount5accordingtothequantityordered. Thankyouagainforyourinterestinourproducts.wearelook ingforwardtoyourorderandyoumaybeassured6thatitwillr eceiveourpromptandcarefulattention. Yourstruly 2. Dearmr.Lu, wehavenoticedfromyouradvertisement1in2thatyouexport largequantitiesofcushions3toeuropeanmarket. beingspecializedinthislineforalongtime,wearewellcon nectedwith4manycustomersinourcountry.Atpresent,wear

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