当前位置:文档之家› 安徽省合肥市高三英语3月第二次教学质量检查试卷(合肥二模)新人教版






第一部分听力(共两节,满分3 0分)




1. Who will the man pick up?

A. His cousin.

B. The professor’s friend.

C. His cousin’s friend.

2. What’ the matter with the woman’s cell phone?

A. It has no electricity.

B. It falls down into the juice.

C. Its battery is too old.

3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Father and child.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Husband and wife.

4. What does Bob mean?

A. He is ready to help.

B. He will give the presentation.

C. He seldom keeps his promise.

5. What does the teacher think of the boy in class?

A. Silent.

B. Active.

C. Badly-behaved.

第二节(共l 5小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. Why does the man call the front desk?

A. To get a morning call.

B. To order a meal.

C. To change a room.

7. At what time will the man get a call from the hotel?

A. At 7:50.

B. At 7:30.

C. At 7:15.


8. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. Healthy food.

B. Moon cakes.

C. Different drinks.

9. What is the woman’s favorite taste?

A. Red bean.

B. Ice cream.

C. Rose.

10. What is the woman allergic to?

A. Nuts.

B. Hams.

C. Flowers.


11. What is the man’s attit ude towards changing his job?

A. Excited.

B. Hesitant.

C. Indifferent.

12. Why does the man apply for the new position?

A. Because he wants to get more experience.

B. Because he wants to get a better pay.

C. Because he doesn’t lik e his present job.

13. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. To get the position.

B. To refuse the job offer.

C. To think twice.


14. What does the boy want?

A. Some money for food.

B. Some advanced study supplies.

C. Some help with his school work.

15. What does the boy think of his classes?

A. Interesting.

B. Demanding.

C. Boring.

16. What will the woman probably do next?

A. To g et a second iPod.

B. To give the boy 90 Yuan.

C. To buy a calculator online.


17. Where is the speaker?

A. At the information desk.

B. In an airport lounge.

C. On a plane.

18. How is the weather in New York?

A. Nice.

B. Cloudy.

C. Foggy.

19. What could the passengers get to eat soon?

A. Beef and rice.

B. Cookies and peanuts.

C. Noodles and chicken.

20. When will the man speak again?

A. After reaching the destination.

B. In approximately 20minutes.

C. Before arriving in New York .


第一节:单项填空(共l 5小题;每小题1分, 满分1 5分)


21. I found myself talking to Zhu Jun! Not Zhu Jun from CCTV, of course, but someone with the same name.

A. 不填;the

B. the; a

C. the; 不填

D. 不填;a

22. Some students think they enjoy reading because of interest, but others argue that a better score is their main .

A. recognition

B. attraction

C. occupation

D. motivation

23. — I got a text message just now, saying my phone number won a prize worth $ 5,000.

—Too good to be true. Don’t it.

A. make

B. do

C. hold

D. buy

24. I must have slept in an position. I'm aching all over!

A. ambiguous

B. awkward

C. embarrassing

D. impressive

25. The man sitting next to me on the plane very nervous. He had never flown before.

A. is

B. has been

C. was

D. had been

26. There is no point advocating banning smoking in public the law is introduced.

A. when

B. unless

C. since

D. because

27. My sweater is a great bargain. Above all, it well.

A. washes

B. has washed

C. is washed

D. can be washed

28. It remains to be seen this plan is practical enough to keep the project going.

A. whether

B. how

C. where

D. when

29. with conducting an interview by QQ online, a face-to-face interview in person can provide people with more reliable details.

A. Comparing

B. Compared

C. To compare

D. Compare

30. As in shown in the movie, under no circumstances _______ faith and confidence.

A. you should lose

B. shouldn’t you have

C. should you lose

D. you shouldn’t lose

31. In that year he met Rachel at her graduation ceremony, he was later to marry.

A. which

B. when

C. where

D. whom

32. No matter how late she comes home, she makes a routine to walk her dog for about an hour.

A. it

B. this

C. that


33. The twin sisters were shopping for hours on Women’s Day and managed to _______ bags of bargains.

A. come across

B. pick up

C. deal with

D. take in

34. Martin hasn’t got in touch with me f or ages. He my new cell phone number.

A. can’t get

B. mustn’t get

C. can’t have got

D. shouldn’t have got

35. —What’s the capital of Bhutan?

—Let’s go online and find it out.

A. You bet!

B. Give me a break!

C. Guess what!

D. You've got me there!



Youth sports teach kids to develop a winning state of mind as well as the ability to become team leaders. Although having 36 is a major part of athletics, the only purpose of sports is to compete and create the 37 mentality(心态)people need in sports.

38 have the extremely hard task of getting their young athletes to learn how to play the sport and become disciplined, and ready to play the sport to the best of their ability. 39 , I was at my younger brother’s baseball game the other night and his team was 40 by five runs in the last part of the game. While most teams in this situation would be desperately trying to regain their 41 for heroics, his team just seemed to slowly walk around, 42 sunflower seeds, and laugh at jokes made by teammates. I asked my brother after the game why everybody was so 43 about the loss and he said it was because some kid’s mom brought really go od snacks.

Some parents have a 44 with coaches shouting at their child. If a child makes a mistake, it is the coach’s 45 to correct the problem. When parents get involved in telling the coach how to

46 the team, problems 47 . Some parents feel if they pay their money, they should have an equal 48 on how to coach the team. In order to have a successful learning experience, the coach needs to feel like he can control his team and 49 the parents from having the last say. Without that, the coach feels as if he needs to 50 the parents by giving more playing time to their kids who actually don’t 51 it.

With youth sport programs becoming less competitive, club teams are on the 52 . More teens can get an easier access to them. Club teams 53 more of what high school and junior high coaches are looking for, the competitive edge that is absolutely necessary in 54 . While having fun is important, skills and a 55 mentality is worth more in the world of sports.

36. A. fun B. dignity C courage D. patience

37. A. social B. competitive C. healthy D. responsible

38. A. Coaches B. Parents C. Experts D. Headmasters

39. A. As a result B. In addition C. For example D. On the contrary

40. A. up B. below C. above D. down

41. A. scores B. goals C. spirits D. dreams

42. A. chew B. spit C. count D. swallow

43. A. worried B. happy C. serious D. casual

44. A. joke B. problem C. contact D. compromise

45. A. duty B. experience C. awareness D. turn

46. A. dismiss B. unite C. handle D. assess

47. A. stand out B. break out C. work out D. come out

48. A. say B. guidance C. response D. reward

49. A. protect B. defend C. excuse D. discourage

50. A. assist B. motivate C. please D. blame

51. A. want B. deserve C. value D. appreciate

52. A. way B. decline C. go D. rise

53. A. offer B. require C. seek D. preserve

54. A. academics B. sports C. exams D. competitions

55. A. risking B. controlling C. winning D. cooperating




Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of community service in the USA, which takes place on the fourth Saturday of October.

Who takes part in Make A Difference Day?

Anyone! Young and old, individuals and groups, anyone can carry out a volunteer project that helps others. It might be as ambitious as collecting truckloads of clothing for the homeless, or as personal as spending an afternoon helping an elderly neighbor or relative. USA WEEKEND covers volunteers and their projects in articles and photos.

How do I get started?

Look around your community. Are people hungry, homeless or ill? Are parks or schools dirty or

neglected? No matter where you live, there's a need nearby. And on Make A Difference Day, millions of Americans are expected to roll up their sleeves to help others. You can act alone or enlist your friends, family and co-workers.

You can also call the Make A Difference Day Hot Line, 1-800-416-3824, for information. Or use the ideas on this website for inspiration.

What do I do after I've selected a project?

Tell others what you’re doing and enlist help. Several weeks before the day, tell us about your plans in the Make A Difference DAYtaBANK, a national listing of local projects that will be viewed by interested volunteers, other people looking for good project ideas and news media looking for good stories to tell. It will only take a few minutes to post your plans in the DAYtaBANK hosted by HandsOn Network.

Do it!

Carry out your plans to help others on Make A Difference Day. Be sure to take lots of pictures and share them on the Make A Difference Day Photo Album.

56. Where does the text probably come from? .

A. A magazine

B. A website

C. A newspaper

D. A festival brochure

57. Make A Difference Day .

A. is celebrated every year all over the world

B. is a service provided by the community

C. is a celebration of helpful neighbors

D. is a national day of doing good in America.

58. It can be inferred from the text that volunteers .

A. are chosen carefully by USA WEEKEND

B. need to dress up on Make A Difference Day

C. can get good project ideas from HandsOn Network

D. take pictures to send them to news media for money

59. The main purpose of the text is to .

A. introduce the origin of Make A Difference Day

B. instruct people how to select a proper project idea

C. promote Make A Difference Day to other countries

D. encourage people to join in Make A Difference Day


Walking in a farmers’ market often brings one to explore new food options, and now more locally-farmed protein choices are available to help bridge the gap between our meals and the farms on which they originated. More and more local small farms are popping up in opposition to factory farms.

Today’s commercial farms do not fit the image that comes to mind while happily singing along to “Old McDonald.” Instead, most of the nation’s food comes from CAFOs –Confined Animal Feeding Operations – where animals are kept in tightly enclosed conditions as they are fattened up and readied to be killed for food.

Fortunately, knowing exactly where one’s food comes from has led to an increase in the availability of what is known as “grass-fed” beef. Technically, all cattle are grass-fed for at least a limited amount of time, but what makes the meat significant is that it is grass-finished, not force-fed corn, soy or grains. This change in diet makes all the difference since corn is not part of

the cow’s traditiona l diet, and therefore causes major health issues for it. To deal with the health issues, antibiotics(抗生素)are used and some of the antibiotics used to treat the cattle are similar to those given to humans, so they can decrease the effectiveness of medicine when a consumer is sick.

A healthier diet for the cattle leads the meat to lower in both fat and calories. And when cooking grass-fed beef, you’d better use a slightly lower temperature to make it more delicious.

60. The underlined words popping up (in 1st Para.) probably means .

A. improving

B. fading

C. profiting

D. appearing

61. The song “Old McDonald” describes .

A. animals raised freely on local farms

B. animals kept in tightly enclosed conditions

C. commercial farms providing fast food

D. commercial farms providing unpopular foods

62. Some medicines are less effective for beef consumers probably because .

A. some cattle feed on grains

B. all cattle diet on grass

C. some medicines are used to treat sick cattle

D. some antibiotics are used by both cattle and people

63. We can infer from the text that .

A. food from local farms can help add to the variety in our daily meals

B. soy or grains are on the list of traditional diets of the cattle

C. corn for the cattle leads the meat to lower in both fat and calories

D. lower temperature makes grass-fed beef more delicious


Traditional businessmen feel worried that growing e-commerce will reduce their share of the market.

According to a survey, 90% of some people’s purchases are made on the computer. As they find that by being able to go online and choose the things that they need to choose, and have them delivered right to their doorsteps, they could no longer be bothered with driving, the crowds, the noise of that, and they usually get a better selection.

Cornell University Marketing Professor, McLaughlin says traditional stores can keep their customers by offering goods like clothing, which customers may want to see and try on before purchasing, as well as items that are difficult to ship. He says some traditional stores are also pleasing customers with services that set up or repair computers and electronics.

Traditional stores also offer a social experience that some shoppers enjoy. There is still a lot of emotion in the buying decision that takes place. Oftentimes, you need that last sense of “this is exactly what I want” before you part with money. And you can’t always get that online. It’s a rather cold process.

Traditional stores can also deliver goods more quickly than online retailers(零售商). And smart businessmen are using stores to guide customers to websites and using their websites to encourage customers to visit their stores.

As more and more people have Internet access and smart phones, online commerce is likely to continue its growth here in the United States and in other countries

64. Traditional businessmen feel upset because .

A. consumers can get a better selection by shopping online

B. more and more people purchase things on the computer

C. people like to have their goods delivered to their house

D. growing online sales will cut their share of the market

65. According to Mclaughlin, some traditional stores are keeping customers by .

A. providing customers with extra services

B. inviting customers to try on clothing

C. delivering goods to each doorstep

D. repairing computers and electronics

66. From the 4th paragraph, we know that .

A. online shoppers tend to be cold to each other

B. the process of shopping online is full of emotion

C. some shoppers like the social climate in traditional stores

D. making buying decisions in traditional shops is difficult

67. What is the author’s attitude towards the future online commerce? .

A. Doubtful

B. Optimistic

C. Sympathetic

D. Concerned


It is a tall tale that terrifies most young children. Swallow a piece of chewing gum and it will remain in your body for seven years before it is digested. Or so they say. An even worse tale is that swallowed gum can wrap itself around your heart.

But what does happen if you should accidentally eat a stick of gum? Chewing gum is made out of gum base, sweeteners, coloring and flavoring. The gum base is pretty indigestible—it is a mixture of different ingredients(成分)that our body can’t use.

Most of the time, your stomach really cannot break down the gum the way it would break down other foods. However, your digestive system has another way to deal with things you swallow. After all, we eat lots of things that we are unable to fully digest. They keep moving along until they make it all the way through the gut(肠子)and come out at the other end one to two days later.

The saliva(唾液)in our mouths will make an attempt at digesting chewing gum as soon as we put it in our mouths. It might get through the shell but many of gum's base ingredients are indigestible. It's then down to our stomach muscles—which contract and relax, much like the way an earthworm moves—to slowly force the things that we swallow through our systems.

Swallowing a huge piece of gum or swallowing many small pieces of gum in a short time can cause a blockage within the digestive system, most often in children, who have a thinner digestive tube than adults—but this is extremely rare.

68. A child might feel terrified after swallowing chewing gum mainly because .

A. they believe the tall tales about chewing gum

B. chewing gum will stay in their body for many years

C. their heart will be wrapped by chewing gum

D. chewing gum is indigestible for children

69. What happens to the food that can’t be fully broken down? .

A. It remains in our digestive system forever

B. It will be eventually moved out of our body

C. It will fight against the power of the gut

D. It will stick to the gut for one or two days

70. The word It (in the 4th paragraph) refers to “ ”.

A. the attempt

B. the salvia

C. the shell

D. the gum base

71. What would be the best title for text?

A. How does our digestive system work?

B. Can chewing gum be swallowed by kids?

C. Does swallowing chewing gum matter?

D. Why swallowing chewing gum frightens kids?


Telling fewer lies benefits people physically and mentally. Anita Kelly, study author and professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, recruited 110 adults for her study. She divided them into two groups and asked one group to stop lying for 10 weeks. Lies included big ones and tiny ones—any false statement—but participants were still allowed to leave out the truth, keep secrets and avoid questions they didn’t want to answer, etc. The other group wasn’t given any special instructions about lying.

It turns out that both groups reduced their lying, but those who were specifically told to tell the truth improved their health more. “We found that the participants could purposefully and dramatically reduce their everyday lies, and that in turn was associated with significantly improved health,” said Kelly.

When participants in the no-lie group told three fewer white lies than they did in other weeks, they experienced, on average, fewer mental-health complaints and physical complaints. They were less likely to feel tense or sad and also experienced fewer sore throats and headaches. They also reported that personal relationships improved. Additionally, participants found themselves being honest about their daily accomplishments, and they stopped making up excuses for being late or failing to complete a task, for example.

“It’s certainly a worthy goal to have people be more honest and int eract with others in a more honest way,” says psychologist Robert Feldman. “That would be beneficial. I’m a little doubtful that it makes us all healthier, but it may make us healthier in a psychological way.”

72. Which of the following is true according to the text? .

A. People who tell lies are healthier than those who don’t

B. Being honest can help cure sore throats and headache

C. Not all the participants were required to tell the truth

D. Participants involved are asked not to keep secrets

73. The participants of the two groups .

A. told as many lies as before

B. were almost equally healthy

C. tended to lie less about their activities

D. experienced tenser personal relationships

74. From Robert Feldman, we can learn that .

A. white lies might make people have more complaints

B. honesty is likely to help people become mentally healthier

C. people should not be honest with others but with themselves

D. telling the truth can make people physically and mentally healthy

75. The text is mainly about .

A. the connection between honesty and health

B. research on physical and mental health

C. advice for being an honest person

D. effects of honesty on personal relationships



第一节任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)



Tomatoes are generally easy to grow. Experts suggest you start seeds indoors if the ground is still cold. For best results with the least risk, they say, plant when the soil is warm, soon after the frost-free date for your area.

Small plants may be placed a third of a meter apart in rows. If you grow staked plants, set the sticks in the ground about half a meter apart. Some larger varieties of tomatoes may need about a meter between plants and at least a meter and a half between rows. The idea is to leave enough space for harvesting.

Work the soil to remove weeds(杂草). But do not work the soil too deeply or you could damage the tomato plants. Water the plants regularly during long dry periods. Give them plenty of water. Plants in containers may need water daily or even more than once a day. Besides, do give the tomato plants complete organic fertilizers(肥料).

Some gardeners train tomato plants to grow on supporting materials. Whatever you choose, make sure the supports are tall enough. Most modern tomato plants grow about a meter tall. Others reach almost two meters.

Tomatoes started from seed take forty-five to ninety days till harvest. The average air temperature should be about 24℃. In that case, you can pick the tomatoes when they are firm and fully colored. But if the weather is very hot, pick the tomatoes every day or two. Let them soften and develop their full color indoors.

There was a time when people thought tomatoes were poisonous. In fact, they are just the opposite. Tomatoes are good for you. But are they a fruit or a vegetable? Technically, a tomato is a fruit—the fruit of the tomato plant. But some fruits, including tomatoes, may be called



It’s reported that Chinese primary and junior school students can hopefully enjoy spring and autumn holidays in the near future.

安徽省合肥市蜀山区2018-2019学年七年级数学(上)期末试卷 含答案解析

安徽省合肥市蜀山区2018-2019学年七年级数学(上)期末 试卷含答案解析 一.选择题(共10小题) 1.﹣8的相反数是() A.﹣8 B.8 C.D. 2.下列计算正确的是() A.5m+n=5mn B.4m﹣m=3 C.3n2+2n3=5n5D.﹣m2n+2m2n=m2n 3.举世瞩目的港珠澳大桥已建成通车,一桥连三地,天堑变通途,港珠澳大桥创多项世界之最,是中国从桥梁大国走向桥梁强国的里程碑之作,港珠澳大桥工程项目总投资额1269亿元,1269亿用科学记数法表示,正确的是() A.1269×108B.1.269×108C.1.269×1011D.1269×1011 4.根据等式的基本性质,下列变形正确的是() A.若a=b,则a﹣c=b﹣c B.若3x=y,则6x=3y C.若ax=2,则x=D.若x=y.则 5.为了了解2018年某市七年级学生学业水平检测的数学成绩,从中随机抽取了800名学生的数学成绩,下列说法正确的是() A.800名七年级学生是总体的一个样本 B.样本容量是800 C.2018年某市七年级学生是总体 D.每一名七年级学生是个体 6.已知关于y的方程﹣2y+a+7=0的解是y=2,则a的值是() A.3 B.11 C.﹣3 D.﹣11 7.芳芳解方程组的解为,由于不小心两滴墨水遮住了两个数?和⊙,则?与⊙表示的数分别是() A.B.C.D. 8.已知m、n两数在数轴上位置如图所示,将m、n、﹣m、﹣n用“<”连接,其中正确的

是() A.m<﹣m<n<﹣n B.﹣m<n<﹣n<m C.﹣n<m<﹣m<n D.m<﹣n<n<﹣m 9.如图,C、D是线段AB上的两点,且AC=5,DB=3,AD=m,CB=n,则m﹣n的值是() A.1 B.2 C.3 D.不确定 10.已知:线段AB,点P是直线AB上一点,直线上共有3条线段:AB,PA和PB.若其中有一条线段的长度是另一条线段长度的两倍,则称点P是线段AB的“巧分点”,线段AB 的“巧分点”的个数是() A.3 B.6 C.8 D.9 二.填空题(共5小题) 11.如果∠A=40°,那么∠A余角的度数是. 12.若5m﹣9n=﹣3,那么2016﹣5m+9n的值是. 13.一张长方形纸片沿直线AB折成如图所示图案,已知图中∠2=50°,则∠1=. 14.满足方程组的解x与y的和是2,则a的值为. 15.如图是一组用“●”组成的三角形图案,三角形内有1个点,每条边上有n(n>1)个 ●组成,每个图案的总点数(即●的总数)用S表示,当n=2时,S=4;当n=3时,S =7;当n=4时,S=10;当S=2020时,n=. 三.解答题(共8小题) 16.计算 (1)(3﹣9)2×||﹣(﹣2)

安徽省合肥市 七年级(上)期末地理试卷(含答案)

七年级(上)期末地理试卷 一、单选题(本大题共25小题,共50.0分) 1.该照片显示的星球是() A. 月球 B. 土星 C. 地球 D. 金星 2.这颗“蓝色弹珠”形似圆球,但实际上是一个() A. 圆柱体 B. 不规则的球体 C. 圆锥体 D. 葫芦体 3.小贝到北京旅游,看见宾馆大厅的四个时钟(如图),同一时刻四个城市时间不同 的原因是() A. 地球绕地轴不停自转 B. 四个城市纬度不同 C. 地球绕太阳不同公转 D. 宾馆时钟坏了 4.2017年4月20日19时41分,搭载中国首个货运飞船“天舟一号”的长征七号火 箭在海南岛文昌航天发射场发射成功。如图为“地球公转示意图”火箭发射时地球在公转轨道上的位置图中的() A. bc之间 B. cd之间 C. da之间 D. ab之间 5.在我们的印象中,圣诞老人穿着皮袄,坐着雪橇,而澳大利亚的广告画面中,出现 的是身穿背心短裤、畅饮橘子汁的圣诞老人。这是为什么() A. 澳大利亚人追求新潮 B. 澳大利亚政府不愿意效仿欧美国家 C. 过圣诞节时,澳大利亚是夏季 D. 澳大利亚的圣诞节是6月25日 6.我国春夏秋冬四个季节,冬季的时段是() A. 12,1,2月 B. 3,4,5月 C. 6,7,8月 D. 9,10,11月 7.如图是“某地等高线地形图”(单位:米),读图 判断下列说法正确的是() A. 从甲处攀登山峰比从乙处攀登省力 B. 丁处的坡度比丙处陡 C. 甲、乙、丙、丁四处的海拔都是480米 D. 甲处海拔最高,丁处海拔最低 8.“沧海桑田”在地理科学上的正确含义是()

A. 填海造陆种田 B. 比喻世事的变迁 C. 比喻海陆的变迁 D. 在海边种桑树 9.假如你在家里(家里)遇到地震时,下列正确的做法是() A. 跳楼逃生 B. 躲在窗下 C. 乘电梯下楼 D. 躲在桌下等坚固的墙角、小开间 10.读图,玲玲在手机上看到的天气预报图,周二天气() A. 小雨、最高气温36℃ B. 晴朗、最低气温26℃ C. 多云、气温日较差10℃ D. 阴天、气温年较差10℃ 11.“万事俱备,只欠东风”中的东风指的是东南风,下列天气符号中表示东南风六级 的是() A. B. C. D. 12.下列天气符号与生产、生活搭配合适的是() A. --出海捕鱼 B. --春游踏青 C. --室外锻炼 D. --树下站立 13.漫画“你是谁”反映大气污染严重,下面对空气质量的描述正确的是() A. 大量燃烧秸秆对空气质量没有影响 B. 空气质量指数大,空气质量就差 C. 空气质量级别为六级时,空气质量状况为优 D. 天气状况好的地方大气污染严重 14. 根据上述材料推算,该地日平均气温是() A. 8℃ B. 9℃ C. 10℃ D. 12℃ 15.福建省武夷山脉的主峰黄冈山,海拔2158米,为大陆东南第一峰,如果在山脚下 158米处测得气温为20°C,那么山顶气温约为()


xx经典合肥土话1。孩子叫: 呀来! 2。吃叫: 七,扫,干,肿。 3。抽烟叫: 拔烟! 4。敲门叫: 靠门! 5。床单叫: 窝单! 6。拖鞋叫: 腮鞋! 7。聊天叫: xx! 8。小孩叫: 峡们! 9。郁闷叫: 搞伤的了! 10。恶心叫: 吐的了!

11。可爱叫: 得味! 12。漂亮叫: 化的了! 13。爸爸叫: 达! 14。外公叫: 窝哋! 15。外婆叫: 窝赖! 16。打架叫: 披架! 17。砸叫: 叮! 18。我一脚把你揣死叫:我一板觉给你耸屁的了!19。我拿个石头砸死你叫:一渣巴图路订屁的你!20。洗衣服: 死嚷 21。厉害:

过劲 22。不明事理: 不愣 23。换鸡蛋: 哄子蛋 24。上下左右: 高豆,底下,地崩,xx 25。明天: 麻个 26。xx: 日豆(头) 27。不明事理: 不顶龙 28。漂亮叫: 排场 29。干什么: 搞红个 30。怎么搞的: 讲搞的 31。大哥: 大故

32。大姐: 大子 33。自行车: 纲狼车 34。摩托车: 木的卡 35。老母鸡: 老母子 2006-10-12 13:39:00二手车快讯辛巴 等级: 中校 文章:903 积分:727 门派: 无门无派 注册: 2006年9月16日第2楼 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xxxx方言笑话 福建莆田一妇女在卖甘蔗,来了一个人要买,妇女说:

“你钱给我,我嫁(‘甘庶’的莆田方言)给你。”此人很奇怪,素不相识却要嫁给我。但妇女却不停地说: “你钱给我,我嫁给你。”这人越想越奇怪,最后满脸通红地跑了。 2006-10-12 13:40:00二手车快讯辛巴 等级: 中校 文章:903 积分:727 门派: 无门无派 注册: 2006年9月16日第3楼 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xxxx方言发牢骚 半夜3更老子点了光烟, 坐来动床头个旁边, 看你个照片,眼泪水乱喷 记得你窝老子恰头披脑 一看就是个麻袋 xx天xx地没花头,啊要每天油趣得死 难道我真当噶失败


2017-18学年合肥市蜀山区七年级(下)期末试卷 满分100分 一、单项选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1、如果x 的立方根是3,那么x 的值为( ) A.3 B.9 C. 33 D.27 2、把不等式1-

8、如果解关于x 的分式方程 5332=---x a x x 时出现了增根,那么a 的值是( ) A.6- B. 3- C. 6 D.3 9、观察下列等式 ①23122 33-=- ②6523233-=- ③127342 33-=- ④.....20945233-=- 根据上述规律判断下列等式错误的是( ) A. 20152016403120152016233?-=- B. 20162017403320162017233?=-- C.20172018201720184035333?=+- D. 23340372019201820192018=+-? 10.已知:如图,点E 、F 分别在直线AB 、CD 上,点G 、H 在两直线之间,线段EF 与GH 相交于点O 且有?=∠+∠180CFE AEF ,21∠=∠-∠AEF ,则图中相等的角共有.....................................................( ) A.5对 B. 6对 C. 7对 D.8对 二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,共18分) 11、计算:64643-= . 12、一种微型电子元件的半径约为0.000025米,把0.000025用科学计数法可表示为 . 13、不等式3 42132<---x x 的所有自然数解的和等于 .


安徽合肥 城市简介: 合肥,安徽省省会,位于安徽中部,长江淮河之间、巢湖之滨,通过南淝河通江达海,具有承东启西、接连中原、贯通南北的重要区位优势,是全省政治、经济、文化、信息、金融和商贸中心,全国重要的科研教育基地,国家级皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区的核心城市。 合肥印象: 中文名称:合肥 别名:庐州,庐阳,合淝 行政区类别:省会 所属地区:安徽省 下辖地区:巢湖市,肥西,肥东,长丰,庐江 地理位置:安徽省中部 气候条件:亚热带湿润季风气候 著名景点:逍遥津,包公祠,三河古镇,明教寺等 合肥的历史:、 (1)历史 考古学家发现合肥在新石器时期就已经有人类活动,他们除了采集狩猎外,还从事农业、手工业等经济活动。秦置合肥县,属九江郡。曾为扬州治。 自古以来,合肥就是兵家必争之地,三国时期,曹魏、东吴两国就在合肥大战几十年。三国时合肥较多时间为曹魏控制。 西晋属淮南郡。东晋改汝阴县,曾为淝水之战的主战场。隋初复改合肥县,为庐州治所。宋为庐州,南宋时期,合肥是抗金前沿。元为庐州路,明为庐州府治。清为江南省庐州府治。 安徽省建于1667年,合肥在1853年至1862年间为安徽省临时省会。1912年废合肥县,分置肥东县、肥西县。1938年春,安庆沦陷临时省会迁至立煌县(今金寨)。民国34年(1945年)9月,抗战胜利后,省会由金寨迁驻合肥。1952年正式定省会为合肥。1988年辖东市、西市、中市、郊区4区和长丰、肥东、肥西3县。 (2)地名由来 “合肥”名称之由来,说法有二。北魏郦道元《水经注》云:夏水暴涨,施(今南淝河)合于肥(今东淝河),故曰合肥。这是一种说法。 唐代有人提出另一种说法,淝水出鸡鸣山,北流二十里分而为二,其一东南流(南淝河),经过这里入巢湖;其一西北支(东淝河),二百里出寿春入淮河。 《尔雅》上指出“归异出同曰肥”。“二水皆曰肥,合于一源,分而为二,故曰合肥。”


安徽省合肥市第十一中学2019-2020学年高二历史学业水平测试模拟 考试试题 满分 50分时间 40分钟 一、单选题(共30分,每小题 2 分) 1.《左传》襄公十二年说“同姓于宗庙(即所出王之庙),同宗于祖庙(即诸侯始封君之庙),同族于祢庙(即父庙)。”与此相关的制度是() A. 宗法制 B.分封制 C. 世官制 D. 礼乐制 2.公元前5世纪,古希腊智者学派和苏格拉底的思想被称为近代人文主义的起源,主要依据是他们( ) A. 冲击欧洲封建教会 B. 确立理性主义思想 C. 肯定尊重人的价值 D. 反映资产阶级利益 3.下表为《中国古代农业科技成就表(部分)》据此可知中国古代农业的显著特点是( ) A.男耕女织 B.自给自足 C.精耕细作 D.一家一户 4.中医在其发展的历史长河中,逐渐形成了一套独具特色的医疗原则。被后世医家誉为“万世宝典”的医学著作是() A.《黄帝内经》 B.《齐民要术》 C.《本草纲目》 D.《伤寒杂病论》 5.美国历史学家顾立雅在研究中国古代制度文明时认为,“中国对世界文化的贡献远不止造纸和火药的发明,由中央统一管理的文官制度在更大范围内构成了我们时代的特征”。据此

推断,顾立雅会高度评价() A. 指南针 B. 科举制 C. 皇帝制度 D. 郡县制度 6.“近代民俗变迁在主流趋势上呈现三个重要特点,即移植性、变异性、传承性。”下列选项中与此特点对应顺序正确的是() A. 穿中山装、喝咖啡、贴对联 B. 喝咖啡、穿中山装、贴对联 C. 喝咖啡、贴对联、穿中山装 D. 贴对联、穿中山装、喝咖啡 7.罗马法规定:“凡由室内向道路投弃物品致人伤亡的,不必受害人亲自起诉,凡市民均可控告加害人。”这一规定表明,在古代罗马() A. 本国公民享有法律特权 B. 严禁人们投弃垃圾物品 C. 注重提高人们公德意识 D. 任何市民都拥有控告权 8. 1950年1月,英、美、法等国前驻北平领事馆都收到一张布告,宣称“某些外国,过去利用不平等条约中所谓‘驻兵权’,在北京市内占据地面,建筑兵营。现在此项地产权,因不平等条约之取消,自应收回。”这里的不平等条约是指() A.《辛丑条约》 B.《北京条约》 C.《马关条约》 D.《天津条约》 9. 导致下图中曲线呈下降趋势的主要原因是() ①《义务教育法》的颁布②“希望工程”的启动 ③“211工程”计划的实施④国家教育投入的加大 A.①②③ B. ①③④ C. ①②④ D. ②③④ 10.某同学在研究性学习中使用《论持久战》、《论联合政府》和《新民主主义论》等资料。据此判断,他的研究课题可能是() A. 工农武装割据思想的形成 B. 抗战时期的毛泽东思想 C. 人民解放战争时期的毛泽东思想 D. 社会主义建设的思想 11.下列两幅图片最能反映的是 ( )


第 1 页 共 16 页 2020-2021学年安徽省合肥市七年级上期中数学试卷 一.选择题(共10小题,满分40分,每小题4分) 1.(4分)?37的倒数是( ) A .?37 B .?73 C .37 D .73 2.(4分)下列各式中,与x 2y 3能合并的单项式是( ) A .12x 3y 2 B .﹣x 2y 3 C .3x 3 D .x 2y 2 3.(4分)下列运算正确的是( ) A .23=6 B .﹣8a ﹣8a =0 C .﹣42=﹣16 D .﹣5xy +2xy =﹣3 4.(4分)已知等式3a =2b +5,则下列等式中不一定成立的是( ) A .3a ﹣5=2b B .3a +1=2b +6 C .a =23b +53 D .3ac =2bc +5 5.(4分)解方程2x +x?13=2?3x?12 ,去分母,得( ) A .12x +2(x ﹣1)=12+3(3x ﹣1) B .12x +2(x ﹣1)=12﹣3(3x ﹣1) C .6x +(x ﹣1)=4﹣(3x ﹣1) D .12x ﹣2(x ﹣1)=12﹣3(3x ﹣1) 6.(4分)若﹣3xy 2m 与5x 2n ﹣ 3y 8是同类项,则m 、n 的值分别是( ) A .m =4,n =2 B .m =4,n =1 C .m =2,n =2 D .m =2,n =4 7.(4分)(a ﹣b +c )﹣(x ﹣y )去括号的结果是( ) A .﹣a +b ﹣c +x ﹣y B .a ﹣b +c ﹣x +y C .a ﹣b +c ﹣x ﹣y D .a +b ﹣c ﹣x +y 8.(4分)下列各组数中,数值相等的是( ) A .32和23 B .﹣23和(﹣2)3 C .﹣32和(﹣3)2 D .(3×2)2和﹣3×22 9.(4分)有一群鸽子和一些鸽笼,如果每个鸽笼住6只鸽子,则剩余3只鸽子无鸽笼可住; 如果再飞来5只鸽子,连同原来的鸽子,每个鸽笼刚好住8只鸽子,问有多少个鸽笼?设有x 个鸽笼,则依题意可得方程( ) A .6(x +3)=8(x ﹣5) B .6(x ﹣3)=8(x +5) C .6x ﹣3=8x +5 D .6x +3=8x ﹣5


合肥一中高二年级10-11学年第一学期段一考试化学试卷 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 命题人:郭孝兵 审题人:任峰 可能用到的相对原子质量:H~1 C~12 N~14 O~16 S~32 Cl~35.5 Br~80 Zn~65 I 卷(选择题,共48分) 一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,共16×3=48分) 1.用于制造隐形飞机物质具有吸收微波的功能,其主要成分的结构如图,它属于 ( ) A .无机物 B .烃 C .高分子化合物 D .烃的衍生物 2.下列物质属于醇类的是( ) A . OH COOH B .CH 2OH C . CH 3 OH D . 3.某烃与氢气发生反应后能生成(CH 3)2CHCH 2CH 3,则该烃不可能是( ) A .2-甲基-2-丁烯 B .3-甲基-1-丁烯 C .2,3-二甲基-1-丁烯 D .3-甲基-1丁炔 4.以下实验能获得成功的是( ) A .将铁屑、溴水、苯混合制取溴苯 B .用分液的方法分离乙酸和乙醇 C .用苯将溴从它的四氯化碳溶液中提取出来 D .将铜丝在酒精灯上加热后,立即伸入无水乙醇,铜丝恢复成原来的红色 5.能用酸性高锰酸钾溶液鉴别的一组物质是( ) A .乙烯 乙炔 B .苯 己烷 C .苯 甲苯 D .己烷 环己烷 6.下列有机物的命名正确的是( ) A .4,4,3-三甲基己烷 B .2-甲基-4-乙基-1-戊烯 C .3-甲基-2-戊烯 D .2,2-二甲基-3-戊炔 7.已知C —C 单键可以绕键轴旋转,其结构简式可表示为 的烃, 下列说法中正确的是 ( ) A.分子中至少有4 个碳原子处于同一直线上 B.该烃的一氯代物最多有四种 C.分子中至少有10个碳原子处于同一平面上 D.该烃是苯的同系物 8.下列物质中存在顺反异构体的是 ( ) A. 2-氯丙烯 B. 丙烯 C. 1-丁烯 D. 2-丁烯 9.下列化合物分子中,在核磁共振氢谱图中能给出三种信号的是( ) A. CH 3CH 2OH B.CH 3COOCH 3 C. CH 3CH 2CH 3 D.CH 3OCH 3 HC HC S S C=C S S CH CH CH 3 CH 3


2017/2018学年度第一学期七年级期末考试 数学试卷 考试时间:100分钟 满分:100分 一.选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.在-4,2,-1,3这四个数中,最小的数是( ) A .-4 B .2 C .-1 D .3 2.据悉,我国最新研制的“察打一体”无人机的速度极快,经测试最高速度可达204000米/分,204000用科学计数法表示,正确的是( ) A .204×103 B .20.4×104 C .2.04×105 D .2.04×106 3.单项式39m x y 与24n x y 是同类项,则m n +的值是( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 4.若1x =-是关于x 的方程250x m --=的解,则m 的值是( ) A .7 B .-7 C .-1 D .1 5.如图,一副三角板(直角顶点重合)摆放在桌面上,若∠AOC=130°,则∠BOD 等于( ) A .30° B .45° C .50° D .60° 6.若代数式223x x +的值为5,则代数式2469x x --+的值是( ) A .4 B .-1 C .5 D .14 7.实数a ,b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,以下说法正确的是( ) A .0a b += B .b a < C .0ab > D .b a < 8.中华汉字,源远流长。某校为了传承中华优秀传统文化,组织了一次全校3000名学生参加的“汉字听写”大赛,为了解本次大赛的成绩,学校随机抽取了其中200名学生的成绩进行统计分析,在这个问题中,下列说法正确的个数( ) ①这3000名学生的“汉字听写”大赛成绩的全体是总体 ②每个学生是个体 ③200名学生是总体的一个样本 ④样本容量是200 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 9.今年的某月的月历上圈出了相邻的三个数a 、b 、c ,并求出了它们的和为39,这三个数在月历中的排布不可能是( ) A. B. C. D. 10.将一根绳子对折以后用线段AB 表示,先从P 处将绳子剪断,剪断后的各段绳子中最长的一段为60cm ,若2 3 AP PB = ,则这条绳子的原长为( ) A .100cm B .150cm C .100cm 或150cm D .120cm 或150cm 二.填空题(共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 11. 1 2018 的相反数是 . 12.单项式23x y -的系数为 . 13.已知一个角的补角比它余角的2倍还大45°,则这个角的度数为 ° 14.《九章算术》第八卷方程第十问题:“今有甲、乙二人持前不知其数。甲得乙半而钱五十,乙得甲太半而亦钱五十。甲、乙持钱各几何?” 题目大意是:甲、乙两人各带了若干钱,如果甲得到乙所有钱的一半,那么甲共有钱50文,如果乙得到甲所有钱的三分之二,那么乙也共有钱50文。甲、乙各带了多少钱? 设甲原有x 文钱,乙原有y 文钱,可列方程组为 . 15.某同学在做数学题时,发现了下面有趣的结果: 第1行:321-= 第2行:87654+--= 第3行:1514131211109++---= 第4行:242322212019181716+++----= …… 根据以上规律,可知第10行左起第一个数是 .


安徽省合肥市七年级上学期期末数学试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题 (共12题;共24分) 1. (2分) (2019七上·宁波期中) 有四包真空小包装火腿,每包以标准克数(300克)为基准,超过的克数记作正数,不足的克数记作负数,以下数据是记录结果,其中表示实际克数最接近标准克数的是() A . +3 B . C . +2 D . +4 2. (2分)下列说法正确的是() A . 棱锥的侧面都是三角形 B . 有六条侧棱的棱柱的底面可以是三角形 C . 长方体和正方体不是棱柱 D . 柱体的上、下两底面可以大小不一样 3. (2分)(2019·广西模拟) 如图,几个完全相同的小正方体组成一个几何体,这个几何体的三视图中面积最大的是() A . 主视图 B . 左视图 C . 俯视图 D . 主视图和左视图 4. (2分) (2018七上·卫辉期末) 小明在元旦为好友小李制作了一个(如图)正方体礼品盒,六面上各有一字,连起来就是“祝你新年快乐”,其中“祝”的对面是“新”,“快”的对面是“乐”,则它的平面展开图可能是()

A . B . C . D . 5. (2分)根据央视报道,去年我国汽车尾气排放总量大约为47 000 000吨.将47 000 000用科学记数法表示为() A . 0.47×108 B . 4.7×107 C . 47×107 D . 4.7×106 6. (2分)下列说法正确的是() A . “购买1张彩票就中奖”是不可能事件 B . “掷一次骰子,向上一面的点数是6”是随机事件 C . 了解我国青年人喜欢的电视节目应作全面调查 D . 甲、乙两组数据,若S甲2>S乙2 ,则乙组数据波动大 7. (2分) (2020七上·邹平期末) 已知点在点的北偏东方向,点在的西北方向,若 平分,则射线的方向是() A . 北偏东 B . 北偏西 C . 西南方向 D . 南偏东 8. (2分)点E在线段CD上,下面的等式:①CE=DE;②DE=CD;③CD=2CE;④CD=DE.其中能表示E是


安徽省合肥市中考数学一模试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分) 1.﹣的相反数是() A.B.﹣ C.D.﹣ 2.如图是由5个大小相同的小正方体拼成的几何体,下列说法中,正确的是() A.主视图是轴对称图形B.左视图是轴对称图形 C.俯视图是轴对称图形D.三个视图都不是轴对称图形 3.总投资约160亿元,线路全长约29.06km的合肥地铁一号线已于2016年12月31日正式运营,这标志着合肥从此进入了地铁时代,将160亿用科学记数法 表示为() A.160×108B.16×109 C.1.6×1010D.1.6×1011 4.如图,直线a∥b,若∠1=50°,∠3=95°,则∠2的度数为() A.35°B.40°C.45°D.55° 5.下列运算中,正确的是() A.3x3?2x2=6x6B.(﹣x2y)2=x4y C.(2x2)3=6x6D.x5÷x=2x4 6.蜀山区三月中旬每天平均空气质量指数(AQI)分别为:118,96,60,82,56,69,86,112,108,94,为了描述这十天空气质量的变化情况,最适合用的 统计图是() A.折线统计图B.频数分布直方图 C.条形统计图D.扇形统计图

7.如图,D、E分别是△ABC的边AB、BC上的点,DE∥AC,若S△BDE:S△CDE=1:3,则S△DOE:S△AOC的值为() A.B.C.D. 8.随着电子商务的发展,越来越多的人选择网上购物,导致各地商铺出租价格 持续走低,某商业街的商铺今年1月份的出租价格为a元/平方米,2月份比1月份下降了5%,若3,4月份的出租价格按相同的百分率x继续下降,则4月份该商业街商铺的出租价格为:() A.(1﹣5%)a(1﹣2x)元B.(1﹣5%)a(1﹣x)2元C.(a﹣5%)(a﹣2)x 元D.a(1﹣5%﹣2x)元 9.如图,点E是矩形ABCD的边AD的中点,且BE⊥AC于点F,则下列结论中错误的是() A.AF=CF B.∠DCF=∠DFC C.图中与△AEF相似的三角形共有4个 D.tan∠CAD= 10.如图,在△ABC中,∠BAC=90°,AB=AC=3,点D在BC上且BD=2CD,E,F 分别在AB,AC上运动且始终保持∠EDF=45°,设BE=x,CF=y,则y与x之间的函数关系用图象表示为:()


合肥一中高一物理竞赛B 班平衡练习题(1) 1.如图所示,轻杆BC 的C 端铰接于墙,B 点用绳子拉紧,在BC 中点O 挂重物G .当以C 为转轴时,绳子拉力的力臂是( ) (A )OB (B )BC (C )AC (D )CE 2.关于力矩,下列说法中正确的是( ) (A )力对物体的转动作用决定于力矩的大小和方向 (B )力矩等于零时,力对物体不产生转动作用 (C )力矩等于零时,力对物体也可以产生转动作用 (D )力矩的单位是“牛·米”,也可以写成“焦” 3.有大小为F 1=4N 和F 2=3N 的两个力,其作用点距轴O 的距离分别为L 1=30cm 和L 2=40cm ,则这两个力对转轴O 的力矩M 1和M 2的大小关系为( ) (A )因为F 1>F 2,所以M 1>M 2 (B )因为F 1M 2>M 3>M 4 (C )M 1>M 2=M 3>M 4 (D )M 1


安徽省合肥市蜀山区2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末数学试题 (word无答案) 一、单选题 (★) 1 . 2020的倒数是() A.﹣2020B.2020C.D.- (★) 2 . 若单项式与是同类项,则的值为:() A.B.C.D. (★) 3 . 若定义新运算a*b=a 2-3b,则4*1的值是() A.5B.7C.13D.15 (★) 4 . 被英国<<卫报>>誉为”新世界七大奇迹”的港珠澳大桥是中国境内一座连接香港,广东珠海和澳门桥隧工程,它是世界上最长的跨海大桥,桥隧全长55000米,其中55000用科学计数法表示为() A.55×10B.5.5×10C.5.5×10D.0.55×10 (★) 5 . 下列调查中,适合采用全面调查(普查)方式的是( ) A.对巢湖水质情况的调查 B.对中秋节期间市场上月饼质量情况的调查 C.对一批灯泡使用寿命的调查 D.对我国北斗导航卫星各零部件质量的调查 (★) 6 . 若a 2-3a=-2,则代数式1+6a-2a 2的值为( ) A.-3B.-1C.5D.3 (★) 7 . 下列四则选项中,不一定成立的是()

A.若x=y,则2x=x+y B.若ac=bc,则a=b C.若a=b,则a =b D.若x=y,则2x=2y (★★) 8 . 如果∠1与∠2互为补角,且∠1>∠2,那么∠2的余角是() A.∠1B.∠2C.(∠1-∠2)D.(∠l+∠2) (★) 9 . 如图:A.、O、B在一条直线上,且∠AOC=∠EOD= ,则图中互余的角共有( )对. A.2B.3C.4D.5 (★★★★) 10 . 甲乙两地相距180km,一列慢车以40km/h的速度从甲地匀速驶往乙地,慢车出发30分钟后,一列快车以60km/h的速度从甲地匀速驶往乙地.两车相继到达终点乙地,再次过程中,两车恰好相距10km的次数是() A.1B.2C.3D.4 二、填空题 (★) 11 . 计算:____________ (★) 12 . 单项式的次数是_____. (★★) 13 . 已知关于x,y的二元一次方程组的解互为相反数,则k的值是 _________ . (★★) 14 . 观察一列数:1,-2,4,-8,16,-32,64,......,按照这样的规律,若其中连续三个数的和为3072,则这连续三个数中最小的数是_______ (★★) 15 . 已知,在同一平面内,∠AOB=30°,射线OC在∠AOB的外部,OD平分∠AOC,若∠BOD=40°,则∠AOC的度数为 _______ 三、解答题 (★) 16 . 计算: (1) (-1) 2020×(-5)+(-1) (2)-2 2+12÷( + - )


合肥土话大全 0、妈妈:妈姨 1、捞头八基:很笨,脑子不好。 2、一逼吊糟:一塌糊涂,乱七八糟。 3、猪头八基:鲁莽。 4、歇屁黄良:不正经。 5、韶不拉几:没有实力却爱表现。 6,搞不车你:不明白你的意思。 7、外龙你妈:表示惊讶,并不是骂人。 8、七屁八磨:经常骗人。 9、孩子:呀来! 10、吃:七,扫,干,肿。 11、抽烟:拔烟! 12、敲门:靠门! 13、床单:窝单! 14、拖鞋:腮鞋! 15、聊天:郭旦! 16、小孩:侠们! 17、郁闷:搞伤的了! 18、恶心:吐的了! 19、可爱:得味!很可爱就真得味! 20、漂亮:化的了!

21、爸爸:达答! 22、外公:屋爹 23、外婆:屋奶 24、打架:披架! 25、砸:定! 26、我一脚把你揣死叫:我一板觉给你耸屁的了! 27、我拿个石头砸死你叫:一渣巴订屁你! 28、洗衣服:死嚷 29、厉害:过劲 30、不明事理:不愣 31、换鸡蛋:哄子蛋 32、上下左右:高豆,底下,第崩,耐崩 33、昨天:搓个今天:街个明天:麻个 34、太阳:日豆(头) 35、不明事理:不顶龙 36、漂亮:排场 37、干什么:搞红个 38、怎么搞的:讲搞的 39、长一点的:长豪的 40、大哥:大锅 41、大姐:大纪 45、捎道:绍到,故意表现自己!

46、有点意思:有好赞! 47、没时间:不得手! 48、场面大:排场! 49、脑子不清楚:拨弄 50、现在:张个 51、钥匙:约赤 52、勺子:唰子,挑子 53、簸箕:戳布 54、鼻涕:龙鼻 55、这里:料块 56、那里:啦块 57、一天的时间:天把 58、谁:哈个? 59、什么:横个、轰个 60、傻,蠢,笨:孬头巴子、孬头巴鸡 61、够狠的意思:猪(野)头巴子 62、喜欢:泗洪斯烘 63、按不住:然不住 64、知道了:晓得了 65、没什么大不了的事:好大四、轰要经的? 66、拖鞋:色鞋、撒鞋 67、不睬你:不优你


Lesson 10 读写任务(话题:春节) 例题: 【写作内容】 1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容; 2. 结合上述信息,简要分析目前人们回家过春节的意愿变化的原因;(不少于两点) 3. 结合自己的例子,谈谈人们是否应该回家过春节?说明原因。 【写作要求】 1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 不必写标题。 【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________

第一步:审题 1. 认真阅读要求,充分理解材料信息。 2. 体裁 3. 人称 4. 时态 5. 要点 ●体裁:议论文 ●人称:三人称,一人称 ●时态:一现 ●要点:3个 第二步:分段 Para.1 要点一:用约30个词概括上文的主要内容 Para.2 要点二:分析目前人们回家过春节的意愿变化的原因 Para.3 要点三:结合自己的例子,谈谈人们是否应该回家过春节并说明原因。 第三步:概括文章,提炼要点 ● a time for reunion ●making money instead of going home ●more choice s The Spring Festival is a traditional time for family members to celebrate together. But in modern society, people have more choices like travelling and even making money besides going home. 第四步:要点展开 Part 2:春节意愿变化的理由 ●the Internet ●high living expenses and pressure


2018-2019学年度第二学期高一年级期末 教学质量检测地理试卷 (满分:100分考试时间:90分钟) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、班级、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并且用2B铅笔把对应的准考证号涂黑。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选择其它答案;不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在另发的答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并收回。 一、选择题(每小题2分,共50分) 右图为北京、四川、浙江、新疆四个省级行政区2010年常住人口总数及2005-2010年人口净迁移率(人口净迁移率=人口迁入率-人口迁出率)。据此完成1-2题。 1.图中①②③④分别代表: A.北京、四川、浙江、新疆 B.北京、浙江、四川、新疆 C.浙江、北京、四川、新疆 D.浙江、四川、新疆、北京 2.2005-2010年四省区人口迁移带来的影响有: A.加快①省区老龄化进程,减轻了养老负担 B.缓解②省区的人地矛盾,有利于增加收入 C.加强③省区与外省交流,促进了资源开发 D.缓解④省区劳动力短缺,有利于经济发展 与追求经济利益的传统移民不同,“生活方式型移民”是指为获得一种更好、更满意的生活方式而形成的人口移动方式,其迁入地或具有温和气候、充足阳光和新鲜空气,或安静古朴、远离都市。据此回答3-4题。 3.形成“生活方式型移民”的主要原因是: A.地区间经济发展水平的差异 B.地区间就业机会的差异 C.地区间环境条件的差异 D.地区间投资政策的差异 4.“生活方式型移民”对移入地可能带来的影响是:


2018-2019学年安徽省合肥市蜀山区七年级(上)期末数学试卷一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.(3分)﹣8的相反数是() A.﹣8B.8C.D. 2.(3分)下列计算正确的是() A.5m+n=5mn B.4m﹣m=3 C.3n2+2n3=5n5D.﹣m2n+2m2n=m2n 3.(3分)举世瞩目的港珠澳大桥已建成通车,一桥连三地,天堑变通途,港珠澳大桥创多项世界之最,是中国从桥梁大国走向桥梁强国的里程碑之作,港珠澳大桥工程项目总投资额1269亿元,1269亿用科学记数法表示,正确的是() A.1269×108B.1.269×108C.1.269×1011D.1269×1011 4.(3分)根据等式的基本性质,下列变形正确的是() A.若a=b,则a﹣c=b﹣c B.若3x=y,则6x=3y C.若ax=2,则x=D.若x=y.则 5.(3分)为了了解2018年某市七年级学生学业水平检测的数学成绩,从中随机抽取了800名学生的数学成绩,下列说法正确的是() A.800名七年级学生是总体的一个样本 B.样本容量是800 C.2018年某市七年级学生是总体 D.每一名七年级学生是个体 6.(3分)已知关于y的方程﹣2y+a+7=0的解是y=2,则a的值是()A.3B.11C.﹣3D.﹣11 7.(3分)芳芳解方程组的解为,由于不小心两滴墨水遮住了两个数?和⊙,则?与⊙表示的数分别是() A.B.C.D. 8.(3分)已知m、n两数在数轴上位置如图所示,将m、n、﹣m、﹣n用“<”连接,其中正确的是()

A.m<﹣m<n<﹣n B.﹣m<n<﹣n<m C.﹣n<m<﹣m<n D.m<﹣n<n<﹣m 9.(3分)如图,C、D是线段AB上的两点,且AC=5,DB=3,AD=m,CB=n,则m﹣n的值是() A.1B.2C.3D.不确定 10.(3分)已知:线段AB,点P是直线AB上一点,直线上共有3条线段:AB,P A和PB.若其中有一条线段的长度是另一条线段长度的两倍,则称点P是线段AB的“巧分点”,线段AB的“巧分点”的个数是() A.3B.6C.8D.9 二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 11.(3分)如果∠A=40°,那么∠A余角的度数是. 12.(3分)若5m﹣9n=﹣3,那么2016﹣5m+9n的值是. 13.(3分)一张长方形纸片沿直线AB折成如图所示图案,已知图中∠2=50°,则∠1=. 14.(3分)满足方程组的解x与y的和是2,则a的值为. 15.(3分)如图是一组用“●”组成的三角形图案,三角形内有1个点,每条边上有n(n >1)个●组成,每个图案的总点数(即●的总数)用S表示,当n=2时,S=4;当n =3时,S=7;当n=4时,S=10;当S=2020时,n=. 三、解答题(本大题共8小题,共55分) 16.(8分)计算


2019—2020学年度安徽省合肥一中第一学期高一第 二次段考高中化学 化学试卷 注意:所有答案均要写在答题卡上 可能用到的相对原子质量: H-1 C-12 O-16 Na-23 S-32 K-39 Cl-35.5 Mg-24 Mn-55 Ag-108 一、选择题〔每题只有一个正确答案,共18小题,共54分〕 1.想一想:Ba 〔OH 〕2〔固态〕、CuSO 4〔固态〕、CH 3COOH 〔液态〕这些物质什么缘故归 为一类,以下哪个物质还能够和它们归为一类 A .75%的酒精溶液 B .硝酸钠 C .Fe 〔OH 〕3胶体 D .豆浆 2.从硫元素的化合价态上判定,以下物质中的硫元素不能表现氧化性的是 A .Na 2S B .S C .SO 2 D .H 2SO 4 3.有如下反应:①2BrO 3-+Cl 2=Br 2+2ClO 3-,②ClO 3-+5Cl -+6H +==3Cl 2+3H 2O , ③2FeCl 3+2KI==2FeCl 2+2KCl+I 2,④2FeCl 2+Cl 2==2FeCl 3。以下各微粒氧化能力由强到弱的 顺序正确的选项是 A .ClO 3->BrO 3->Cl 2>Fe 3+>I 2 B .BrO 3->Cl 2>ClO 3->I 2>Fe 3+ C .BrO 3->ClO 3->Cl 2>Fe 3+>I 2 D .BrO 3->ClO 3->Fe 3+>Cl 2>I 2 4.以下表达正确的选项是 A .将5.85gNaCl 晶体溶入100mL 水中,制得0.1mol/L 的NaCl 溶液 B .将25g 无水CuSO 4溶于水制成100mL 溶液,其浓度为1mol/L C .将w g a %的NaCl 溶液蒸发掉2 w g 水〔未有晶体析出〕,得到2a %的NaCl 溶液 D .将1体积c 1mol/L 的硫酸用4体积水稀释,稀溶液的浓度为0.2c 1mol/L 5.在反应:3BrF 3+5H 2O==HBrO 3+Br 2+O 2+9HF 中〔BrF 3中Br 为+3价,F 为-1价〕,当有 2mol 水被氧化时,由水还原的BrF 3和总的被还原的BrF 3物质的量分不是 A .1mol 、3mol B .2mol 、3mol C .4/3 mol 、2mol D .3mol 、1mol 6.以下反应的离子方程式正确的选项是 A .氨气通入醋酸溶液 CH 3COOH+NH 3 == CH 3COONH 4 B .澄清的石灰水跟盐酸反应 H ++OH - == H 2O

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