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领队英语70(英译汉) 必考

领队英语70(英译汉) 必考
领队英语70(英译汉) 必考

1.My passport is expired and I have to do the new registration.我的护照过期了,我要重新申请。

2.What is the difference between a passport and an ID card.护照和身份证有什么区别。

3. How can I get the visa extension in China.在中国,我如何办理签证延期。

4.A consular official will take your picture and your fingerprints.领事馆官员会采集你的照片和指纹

5.My visa was denied我被拒签了

6.It shows your proof of residency in Hangzhou and is issued by your local police station.它是您在杭州的居住证明,由当地派出所开具

7.The fight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles.Our engineers are making a careful examination of the plane.


8.Owing to the air traffic control,we’ll wait unitl a take-off clearance is given.由于航空管制,我们要等待通行许可(才能起飞)

9.We have to wait until the ice on the run way has been cleared.我们需等待跑道上的冰被破除

10.The flight will be delayed because of a heavy rain in our destination.由于目的地机场正下着倾盆大雨,我们的航班将延误。

11.The flight has been delayed because of bad weather.由于恶劣的天气,航班已延误

12.We can’t take-off because the airport is closed due to poor visibility.由于低能见度,机场关闭,航班无法起飞。

13.We have just been informed that this flight has been cancelled due to a mechanical problem.We’ll have to stay here overnight.Please take your belongings and prepare to disembark.我们已接到通知,由于机械故障本次航班已取消。我们将在这里过夜。请拿好随时物品,准备下飞机。

14.CAAC announces the departure of Flight 454 to Sydney .Passengers who will take this flight please go to Gate7.


15.This is the final call for TG Flight 260,now boarding at Gate14.这是对乘坐泰航260次航班乘客的最后一次广播,请即刻经14号门登机。

16.Passengers waiting for their connecting flight to Singapore please wait at Gate 18.Your flght is to start in two hours’ time .Than you.要转机去新加坡的乘客请到18号门。您们的航班将在2小时内起飞。谢谢。

17.Shall we put our handbags all in the overhead compartment or we can leave them on the floor under the seat ? 我们的手提箱是要放在行李架上还是可以座位底下

18.It’s too big .It might fall down and hurt somebody .Could you place it under the seat in frout of you ,please.


19.Would you give me some water.能否给我些水

20.What kind of drinks do you want.都有些什么饮料

21.A tourist of my group is sick . He feels like vimiting.Can I brother you for some hot water.


22.Don’t worry.Here is the airsick bag if you need it .There is also some medicine on the plane.I will get some for you .


23.Excuse me,miss.Can I have some entry card cards and customs declarations?对不起小姐,请给我一些入境卡和海关申报单好吗?

24.Will this flight get there on time?本航班可以正点到达吗?

25.The plane will arrive in half an hour .So you have to be quick .If there is anything I can help you,please let me know.


26.What is the time difference between San Francisco and Beijing.旧金山跟北京的时差是多少。

27.Please put this airmail sticker on the frout of the envelope.请将航空邮件的粘贴标签贴到信封的正面。

28.I’m afraid your letter has been overweight.恐怕您的信件已经超重了。

29.Be sure to put down the address of receiver clearly.一定要将收信人的地址写清楚。

30.Do you want to mail it by air or by ardinary mail.您是要寄航空邮件还是平邮

31.Please fill in how much your things are worth .请填上您的东西价值多少

32.I want to change some money ,but I do not know how to fill out the exchange memo.我想兑换些钱,但是我不知道怎么填写兑换水单

33,What kind of currency do you want.您想兑换什么货币

34.Please tell me what note you want .请告诉我您要什么钞票

35.Five tens,five and the rest in ones,please.五张十元的,五张五元的,其余都要一元的。

36.The letter of credit is exhausted.信用证上的款项已经提清

37.I want to withdraw 200RMB from my deposit account.我想从我的存款账户中取200元

38.You balance at the bank is 300RMB.您在本行的结余是300元

39.The Lost and Found Department is on the 3rd floor.Could you please proceed upstairs.失物招领处在3楼。请您从这里上楼好吗?

40.How do you charge for a overseas call to Germany.打一个越洋电话到德国费用是多少。

41.I want to connect to room 132,Mr.Brown.请帮我接通132房间的布朗先生

42.I’ll put you though,sir .Sorry,sir. The line is busy.我帮您接过去,先生。不好意思,先生,电话占线。

43.I’m sorry to hear that.We do apologize for the inconvenience.I’ll have the shower fixed,the tub cleaned,the floor dried an toilet items sent to your room immediately.我很抱歉给您造成的不便。我会找人把淋浴修好,把浴盆擦干净,地板擦干,并尽快把于是备品送到您的房间。

44.Sorry,sir.I have advise you no to do. It’s against our regulations。对不起,先生。我劝您别这么做,这违反我们的规定。

45.Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here.是否可介绍一家在附近的口碑不错的餐厅

46.Would you like to have some wine with your dinner.您用餐时要喝点什么酒?

47.How would you like the steak,rare,medium or well done.您喜欢怎样做牛排,是三分熟,五分熟还是全熟

48.I’d like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere.我想去一家气氛欢乐活泼的餐厅

49.Excuse me .What would like to drink wine,beer or whisky.请问您要喝点什么,红酒、啤酒还是威士忌

51.I’d like to have some local food.我想尝试一下当地的食物

52.Is there a Chinese restaurant around here.这附近是否有中国餐厅

53.Do you know any of the restaurants open now?您知道现在哪里还有餐厅是营业的吗?

53.I’d like to have reserve a table for two at seven tonight.我想要预约今晚7点2个人的位置

54.Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert.可不可以不要甜点改要水果?

55.Excuse me.What is the minimum purchase for having tax refund,please.请问达到退税额度的最低消费是多少?

56. Excuse me,can you tell me the way to Chinatown.劳驾,能告诉我去唐人街怎么走吗

57.Please get me to the train station.How long does it take from here to station?请送我去火车站。从这儿到火车站要多久

58.Please give me twenty tickets.We are a group, can we have group discount?请给我20张票,我们是旅游团,可以享受团队折扣吗?

59.Hello,doctor.I have a terrible sore throat and cough.Can you give me some medicine.医生,您好,我喉咙很痛,咳嗽的也很厉害。麻烦您给我开点药好吗?

60.How long will I have to wait.我要等多久

61.I bought this bag in your shop yesterday.But I found there is a tiny hole on it .Can I have a new one?


62.How much do I own you?我该付您多少钱?

63.We had a traffic accident on the way to the Capitol Hill and the local guide was injured .Could you send someone to help us.


64.Mr.Driver ,we want to go to the downtown to watch a show tonight ,Could you please drop us there after dinner? We will go back to the hotel on our own.师傅,我们今天晚上想去城里看表演。晚饭后能不能把我们放到市区?到时候我们自己回酒店。

65.Due to the loading of cargo\ luggage, we will wait 15 minutes to take off由于飞机\货物还未装载完毕,我们还需等待15分钟才能起飞。

66.The flight has been delayed because of bad weather由于天气恶劣,航班已经延误

67. We are waiting for 3 passengers to board. Please remain seated and we will keep you informed.


68. Because we are adding meals for some additional passengers, we have to wait a few minutes to take off


69. The plane will take off as soon as the weather gets better一旦天气好转,飞机将马上起飞

70. We’ll provide free accommodation for every passenger我们将为每位旅客提供免费食宿


TEST YOURSELF 1 16.他们竭尽全力把新闻泄漏(news leakage)的后果减少到最低限度。 They went to great lengths to minimize the consequence of the news leakage. 17.你理应懂得不该积下这么多的债务。 17. You should have known better than to accumulate such large amounts of debt. 18.不管是谁想出这么奇妙的主意,他都应该有权在这个委员会上获得一个席位。 18. Whoever conceived the marvelous idea is entitled to a seat on the committee. 19.如果你从现在起每个月存上几块钱,不到30岁你就有一笔可观的存款可用了。 19.If you deposit a few dollars/bucks every month from now on, you'll have considerable savings to draw on before you reach 30. 20. 那个经济学家说如果利率调高几个点经济就会放缓,我看这是夸张。 … 20. I think the economist was exaggerating when he said the economy would slow down if the interest rates were raised a few points. 11.当朱莉娅·罗伯茨出现在舞台上向观众讲话时,大家热烈鼓掌,接着,照相机的灯光闪个不停。 11. When Julia Roberts appeared on the stage to address the audience, there was hearty applause followed by flashing cameras. 12.因为从来没有接触过高维的概念,讨论中使用的这些新术语把他弄得糊里糊涂。 12. Never having been exposed to the concept of higher dimensions, he was baffled by all the new terms used in the discussion. 13.人类为稳定环境要做的努力决非仅仅是减少排放到大气里的二氧化碳的数量。 13. Man's endeavor to stabilize the environment entails much more than simply reducing the amount of carbon dioxide poured into the atmosphere. 14. 如果人们被剥夺了有意义的工作,他们将会失去自己的个性意识。 14. If people are deprived of any meaningful employment, they will lose their sense of identity. 15. 人类在追求更好的生活条件的时候,应该约束自己不要毁灭其他的物种。 】 15. Man should refrain from destroying other species in his pursuit of better living conditions. 16.如果我们将这些奇妙的主意付诸实施,我们就会在工作中取得给人以深刻印象的进步。 If we put these fantastic ideas to work, we will make impressive in our work. 17.如果你作此让步,你不久就会为此付出代价。 If you make the concession, you’ll soon have to pay foe it. 18.他视力不好,致使他没有能看到远处的小孩。 His poor vision contributed to his failure to spot the child in the distance. 19.我们正在设法想出解决这些紧迫问题的办法。 We are trying to figure out a solution to these urgent problems. 20.政府正在采取这些措施,希望将飞涨的房价降下来。 — The government is taking these measures in hopes of bringing down the soaring price of houses.


《大学英语(二)》作业 Part I. Reading Comprehension Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Passage 1 Charlie Chaplin has broken all records in making people laugh. No one has so set a whole world laughing as the little man with the walking stick and the overlarge shoes. Much has been written about Chaplin's art and his career, and opinions have ranged widely. But perhaps those who called him "the most general human being of our time" came closest to the truth. Those who have called him a genius stress the timeless and common qualities in his work. It is an art filled with sad elements and deep human feeling, with which an audience cannot help but become involved. It is for these reasons, I believe, that the figure of Charlie has attracted generation after generation. All the writers who give accounts of Chaplin's life agree that Charlie's unhappy early years in the area in London where houses were dirty and worn had a great influence on his development and on the type of films he made. Chaplin himself emphasizes it in his memoirs (回忆录). The more one reads about his earliest period, the more one tends to agree. Indeed, his suffering youth had a lasting influence on him. Chaplin was never afraid to deal with subjects causing much disagreement in his films. He gave a humorous performance on war only a few weeks before the American soldiers came home from World War I in 1918. This was regarded as madness, but the performance was well received. So perfectly did it hit the nail on the head that even the returning soldiers found it impossible to hate it and deeply appreciated this short and humorous performance on what for them had been unpleasant reality. Chaplin gave numerous performances attacking capital governments, satirizing (讽刺) the cruelty of the machine age and even making fun of Hitler. Years after his death, the funny films of motion picture actor and director Charlie Chaplin continue to be popular. He is particularly well known for his success as a creator of humorous presentations that make fun of people, the establishment, or networks. 1. All of the following about Charlie Chaplin are true except __________. A. he was born in the USA B. he was a great film actor C. he had an unhappy early life D. he made fun of Hitler in his films


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 __________ each question, the teacher writes the correct answer and three other statements that look like correct ones. ?A、As to ?B、Except fo ?C、Along with ?D、In addition 标准答案:c 说明: 题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The army has _____________ a successful attack on the anti-government organization. ?A、computerized ?B、achieved ?C、scheduled ?D、completed 标准答案:d 说明: 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 __________ brought up and educated in Chicago, the author is most famous for his stories about New York City. ?A、Since ?B、As

?C、Although ?D、When 标准答案:c 说明: 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 ____________ all the electronic devices, computers have the greatest significance in modern technology. ?A、On ?B、In ?C、with ?D、Of 标准答案:d 说明: 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 If we compare the weather in Nanjing ___________ in London, we find there are many differences. ?A、with it ?B、with that ?C、and ?D、with 标准答案:b 说明: 题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 It will not take more than five hours ____________ to Beijing by train by the end of the year.


大学英语(三)(第五次作业英译汉)96.67分 1.A good memory is a great help in learning a language. a. 记住要好好帮助学习语言。 b. 好的记忆力极有助于语言学习。 2.I was too excited to say a word in front of him. a. 我当时太激动,以至于在他面前什么也说不出来。 b. 我当时太激动,以至于在他面前只说了一个字。 3.How long has she lived there? a. 她在那儿住多久了? b. 她怎么会住在那儿? 4.Telling the way to a place for free. a. 免费指路。 b. 有空带你去这个地方。 5.Let me type in your address and then open the account. a. 我先记下你的地址,然后开始计算。 b. 我先输入你的地址,然后开户。 6.He has sympathy for all poor people. a. 他希望穷人多听交响乐。 b. 他对穷人都富有同情心。 7.We should encourage him to have confidence in himself. a. 我们应该鼓励他对这件事有信心。 b. 我们应该鼓励他有自信。(已订正) 8.Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder. a. 中国人更加努力建设北京奥运会。 b. 北京奥运会让中国人更加努力的工作。 9.He was very happy to hear from his old friend. a. 他很高兴收听到老朋友的声音。 b. 他很高兴收到老朋友的信。 10.Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class. a. 弗瑞德是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。 b. 弗瑞德是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就从班里第一个毕业了。


Unit1 1.我知道,不管发生什么情况,我都可以依靠兄弟的支持 2.一般来说,年轻的一代与老一辈不同,他们对现在而不是过去更感兴趣。但这两代人如果不互相尊重对方的需求,就都会遭受损失。 3.中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。 4.在中国的传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。 5.女皇伊丽莎白一世统治英国45年。在她统治时期,国家十分繁荣昌盛。 6.民主意味着多数人来治理;但不仅如此,尊重少数人反对的权利也是民主不可分的一部分。这两条规则同等重要。 7.一个国家不可能强大,除非她不但在地狸上,而且在政治、经济和文化上都是一个整体。 8.晚会十分乏味,所以他就偷偷溜出房间回家了。可是雨后的路非常泥泞,他脚下一滑,掉进了沟里 9.她身体糟糕到了这种程度,以至于冬天都不敢见太阳,怕中暑。 10.有一天晚上,我正在一家小饭馆里借酒浇愁,他突然走了过来,往我手里塞了一沓钞票。

1.诸葛亮装作十分镇静,成功地瞒过了司马懿,使他不知道这座城实际上是没有守卫的空城。他证明了自己值得 受到人们的崇拜和尊敬。 2.他知道大战在即,而且他的军队和敌人众寡悬殊,所以他假装正在迅速往后方撤退。实际上他是在给的敌人准 备一个大陷阱。 3.社会达尔文主义者认为我们可以把人类社会比作动物世界。他们脑袋里似乎没有想过人和动物会有不同。人所 依靠的是他们的头脑,而不是动物本性。 4.这种大规模养殖的鸡和我们以前家养的鸡没法比。现在的养鸡场也许提高了产量,但鸡的美味给弄没了。 5.金融泡沫的最后破灭造成了席卷全球的严重危机。 6.由于我们的价格优势,我们今年向那个地区的出口与去年同期同比增长了30%。 7.记者们有一大堆问题要问,但政府发言人说,她所知道的只是大约30多个持枪的恐怖分子突然闯进剧院的时候 人们正在看话剧。 8.当犯人们突然放声歌唱的时候,监狱长十分恐慌。 9.这个地区遍布工厂,而且整个岛上到处都是度假村。但是已经有迹象表明很多当地百姓将起来反对这种趋势。 10.他宣布,反叛者如果放下武器,就能得到宽恕。


2010上半年大学英语(3)第2次作业大学英语(三) 第一部分:交际英语(每题3分,共15分) 1. — _____A_______________ — Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A. How long have your parents been in Paris? B. When did your parents arrive at Paris? C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday? D. When will your parents go to Paris? 2. —My mother is pretty sick. —____C______________. A. Good for her. B. Oh, it’s not true. C. That’s too bad. D. Why s 3. — I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. My plane leaves at 7:25. — Well, ______C________________. A. sounds great B. good for you C. goodbye and have a good trip D. it’s emergent 4. — Good morning, sir. Can I help you? — _______B__________. A. Yes, why not? B. Yes, is there a bank near here? C. Are you kidding? D. You are welcome! 5. — Please help yourself to some seafood. — ______D_________. A. No, I can’t. B. Sorry, I can’t help. C. Well, seafood don’t suit. D. Thanks, but I don’t like seafood. 第二部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共30分) Passage 1 A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television, the more likely they are to develop depression as young adults. But the extent to which TV may or may not be to blame is a question that the study leaves unanswered. The researchers used a national long-term survey of adolescent health to investigate the relationship between media use and depression. They based

大学英语( 2 )第二次网络作业答卷纸

大学英语 (2)第二次网络作业(新教材) 一、阅读: ( 1 ) One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own ways of life. In a more traditional society, when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and like, and often to continue the family jobs.In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family at an early age,marry or live with people whom their parents have never met,and choose jobs different from those of their parents. 1. The first paragraph tells us that __A__. a.the problem of the generation gap draws much attention from people 2. In a more traditional society, old people___A__. a. have their children respect and listen to them b. do not care for their children at all c. expect their children to rebel against them d. do not live together with their children 3. In American society young people___B___. a. do not need to find jobs b. leave home at an early age


大学英语(三)第五次作业(英译汉)Do you think we will have good weather? 选择一项: a. 你认为我们会有好天气吗? b. 你认为我们这里的天气好吗? 题目2 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 China will build up a space station in ten years. 选择一项: a. 在十年内中国将建一个大机场。 b. 在十年内中国将建一个太空站。 题目3 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 At first the phone was busy. 选择一项: a. 第一部电话占线。 b. 起初电话占线。 题目4 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 I've changed my mind. 选择一项: a. 我改变了主意。 b. 我改变了世界观。 题目5 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 He keeps looking at himself in the mirror. 选择一项: a. 他老是看自己。 b. 他老是照镜子。

题目6 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 Nothing in the world moves faster than light. 选择一项: a. 世界上没有什么物体比光传播得更快。 b. 世界上任何物体比光传播速度都快。 题目7 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 The movie began when we got there. 选择一项: a. 电影直到我们到了才开始放映。 b. 我们一到那儿电影就开演了。 题目8 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 What's the size of your shoes? 选择一项: a. 你的鞋还有尺寸吗? b. 你的鞋是多大尺寸? 题目9 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 He can run as fast as Jim. 选择一项: a. 他和吉姆一样能跑到很快。 b. 他跑的和吉姆一样快。 题目10 还未回答 满分1.00 标记题目 题干 My problem is that I don't have much time to do the work.


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/2d13690138.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 练习八 Directions: Read the underlined sentences carefully, and then translate them into Chinese. You may check your answers after you finish them. Passage One As is known to all, the organization and management of wages and salaries are very complex. Generally speaking, the Account Department is responsible for calculations of pay, while the Personnel Department is interested in discussions with the employees about pay. If a firm wants to adopt a new wage and salary structure, it is essential that the firm should decide on a method of job evaluation and ways of measuring the performance of its employees. In order to be successful, that new pay structure will need agreement between Trade Unions and employers. In job evaluation, all of the requirements of each job are defined in a detailed job description. Each of those requirements is given a value, usually in “points”, which are added together to give a total value for the job. For middle and higher management, a special method is used to evaluate managers on their knowledge of the job, their responsibility, and their ability to solve problems. Because of the difficulty in measuring management work, however, job grades for managers are often decided without reference to an evaluation system based on points. In attempting to design a pay system, the Personnel Department should compare the value of each job with those in the job market. It should also consider economic factors such as the cost of living and the labour supply. It is necessary that payment for a job should vary with any differences in the way that job is performed. Where it is simple to measure the work done, as in the work done with the hands, monetary(金钱的)encouragement schemes are often chosen, for indirect workers, where measurement is difficult, methods of additional payments are employed. Passage Two I came across an old country guide the other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village in my part of the country, and it was impressive to see the great variety of services which were available on one’s own doorstep in the late Victorian countryside. Nowadays a superficial traveller in rural England might conclude that the only village tradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to the inhabitants or selling antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. Admittedly there has been a contraction of village commerce, but its vigor is still remarkable. Our local grocer’s shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping, instead of queuing up


一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. —What a poor job I’ve done! —_______ 2. ( D ) 1. Do it again. 2. 3. You can do it. 4. 5. Do your best! 6. 7. Don’t be upset. No one can do it better than you. 8. 3. —Are you doing anything special on Friday, Bill? —_______ —Oh, what a pity! 4. ( B ) 1. No, nothing special 2. 3. Yes, I have promised to call on some friends 4. 5. Yes, of course 6. 7. No, I’m not sure. Why? 8. 1. —I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. White. —_______ 2. ( C ) 1.

Sorry, he is busy at the moment. 2. 3. Why didn’t you call earlier? 4. 5. Certainly. May I know your name? 6. 7. Sorry. He doesn’t want to see you. 8. 1. —This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so? —_______ 2. ( B ) 1. You’re wrong 2. 3. I don’t think so, I’m afraid 4. 5. Not at all 6. 7. No, that’s not real 8. 1. —My dear! I made a mistake again. —_______ 2. ( B ) 1. Be careful. 2. 3. Don’t w orry. We can do something to make up for it. 4. 5. What a pity!


一、单项选择题。本大题共30个小题,每小题2.5 分,共75.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. —Would you like to go skating with me? —________________. ( C ) A.Yes, I think so B.No, thanks C.Yes, I'd love to D.I'm afraid not 2. —Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea? —________________( A ) A.No, thanks. B.No, I wouldn't. C.Yes, I want. D.Yes, I like. 3. —Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster? —________________.( C ) A.Sorry, I don't know you B.No, you can't C.Certainly. Wait a minute, please D.Let me see 4. —Why not join us in the game? —________________.( A ) A.OK! I'm coming B.No, you do the same C.Oh, that's all right D.Don't mention it 5. —Could I see your ticket please? —________________( D ) A.I am not sure yet. B.I'd love one. C.I might be. Why? D.Here you are. 6. —Do you think I could borrow your dictionary this weekend? —Sorry, but ________________ ( C ) A.you can not have it right away. B.I'm sure you'll like it. C.I'm going to need it myself. D.the dictionary is just there.


0493《大学英语四》英译汉复习题 1. He has taught English in this university ever since he moved to this city. 答案:他自从移居到这座城市以来就一直在这所大学教英语。 2. Trees need water to grow.答案:树木有水才能生长。 3. In no other country in the world can you find such plants as this one. 答案:像这样的植物在世界上的其他任何一个国家都找不到。 4. Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 答案:历史每重演一次,代价就增加一分。 5. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction(摩擦). 答案:由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。 6. Apples here like water and sunshine.答案:这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。 7. John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant. 答案:尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。 8. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritually hungry. 答案:在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴。 9. We should encourage him to have confidence in himself. 答案:我们应当鼓励他对自己要有信心。 11. Various substances differ widely in their magnetic(磁性的)characteristics.答案:各种材料的磁性有很大的不同。 13. It’s very important to maintain your current weight through exercise and healthy eating. 答案:通过锻炼和健康饮食来保持你目前的体重是非常重要的。 14. He was very happy to hear from his old friend. 答案:他很高兴收到他的老朋友的信。 15. It normally takes a semester for a college freshman to adjust to his college life.答案:大学新生一般需要花一个学期来适应大学生活。 16. I would appreciate it if you would just let me deal with this case. 答案:如果你能让我独自处理这桩案件,我将不胜感激。 18. If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to devote all your efforts to it.答案:如果你决定学一门新的语言,你必须全力以赴。 22. Young persons under twenty-five make up nearly half of the American population.答案:25岁以下的年轻人几乎占了美国人口的一半。 23. Would you mind waiting outside?答案:请你在外面等,好吗? 24. When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. 答案:那天傍晚她回家后,给丈夫看她买的那顶漂亮的帽子。 25. People usually hate mice, but one mouse won the hearts of the people all over the world. 答案:人们通常憎恶老鼠,但这只老鼠却赢得了全世界人们的心。 26. Do you mind my smoking here?答案:我在这里吸烟,你介意吗? 27. He's growing more like his father now.答案:他现在愈长愈像他的父亲。 28. I have no idea what to say.答案:我不知道说什么好。 29. Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. 答案:乘火车旅行比乘飞机旅行慢,但有它的优势。 30. Air pollution is more serious than water pollution. 答案:空气污染比水污染更严重。 31. The teacher came earlier than expected(预期).答案:老师来得比预期的早。 32. I feel satisfied with my life.答案:我对生活感到满意。 33. He doesn't like the way you talk to him.答案:他不喜欢你和他说话的样子。 34. He has a foreign friend who lives in America.他有一个住在美国的外国朋友。 35. Take an umbrella with you in case of rain.答案:带上雨伞以防下雨。 36. He asks me to stay in the room till he comes back. 答案:他让我呆在屋里等他回来。 37. Talking for a long time makes me tired.答案:长时间的谈话使我感到疲倦。 38. I had no choice.答案:我别无选择。 39. They were sitting in the park, playing cards.答案:他们坐在公园里打扑克。 40. It's still raining today!答案:今天还在下雨。 41. Did you go fishing with your friends last Sunday? 答案:上周日你与你的朋友去钓鱼了? 42. I feel lonely without you.答案:没有你我感到孤独。 43. Who's going to answer the door?答案:谁去开门? 44. Were there any phone calls for me while I was out? 答案:我不在时,有人打电话给我吗? 45. I'll be waiting for you at the library this time tomorrow. 答案:我明天这时候在图书馆等你。 46. The earthquake in Sichuan made Chinese people unite as one. 答案:发生在四川的地震使全中国人民团结的像一个人似的。 47. I'm looking forward to your visit to China.答案:我在盼望你对中国的访问。 48. I didn't hear what you said to him.答案:我没听见你对他说的是什么. 49. Who's going to answer the telephone?答案:谁去接电话?51. Jim will go to his teacher whenever he has questions. 答案:吉姆一有问题就找他的老师。 52. I have a pain in my back.答案:我的背疼。 53. Beijing Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder. 答案:北京奥林匹克运动会使得中国人民更加努力工作。 54. Do you still have anything that you don't understand? 答案:你还有什么不懂的吗? 55. I'm having a headache now.答案:我现在有点头疼。 56. I'm sure we'll have a good time.答案:我相信我们会很开心的。 57. I knocked on his door but nobody came to answer it. 答案:我敲了他的门,但没人来开门。 58. Most students feel satisfied with the progress they’ve made. 答案:大多数学生对自己所取得的进步感到满意。 59. The People's Republic of China (PRC), founded on October 1, 1949, covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. 答案:中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日,国土面积约960万平方公里。60. People all over the world are trying to help the people in the quake-stricken areas.答案:全世界人民都在尽力帮助遭受地震地区的人民。 61. Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job.:安妮和玛丽都适合干这项工作。 62. What kind of life do most people enjoy?答案:多数人喜欢什么样的生活? 63. My classmate is much cleverer than I.答案:我的同学比我聪明多了。 64. The friend saw everything but did not say a single word. 答案:这位朋友看到了一切,却一言不发。 65. I hope we can have some snow this winter.答案:我希望今年冬天会下点雪。 66. Could you tell me where the post office is?答案:请问邮局在哪里? 67. Are you fond of music?答案:你喜欢音乐吗? 68. I've lost interest in my work.答案:我对这份工作已经失去了兴趣。 69. Life is meaningless without a purpose.答案:没有目标的生活是毫无意义的。 70. The traffic jams during morning and afternoon rush hours are a headache in big cities now.答案:上下班高峰期的交通拥挤问题是大城市目前的一个棘手问题。 71. Bill hit his car into a wall last night.答案:昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。74. Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class弗瑞德是一个学习十分用功的学生,所以不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。 75. I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang. 答案:我在睡觉时,电话铃突然响了。 78. Would you please help me with this heavy box? 答案:你能帮我抬一下这个沉箱子吗? 79. You needn’t go there anymore. He already knows about it. 答案:你不必去了,他已经知道那件事了。 80. A lot of natural resources in the mountain area will be exploited and used. 答案:那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。 81. The more passions we have, the more happiness we are likely to experience.答案:我们的激情越多,我们有可能体验的快乐就越多。 82. A friend of mine from high school is working in England now. 答案:我高中的一个朋友目前在英格兰工作。 83. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction(摩擦). 答案:由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。 84. My idea is that this experiment should be stopped. 答案:我的意见是这个实验应该停止。 85. He is the only Chinese who has ever won the award. 答案:他是唯一获得过这个荣誉的中国人。 86. We should keep it in mind that our country is a developing one. 答案:我们应牢记在心,我国是一个发展中的国家。 87. Don't believe whatever he tells you.答案:无论他告诉你什么都不要相信。 88. It is well known that coal is an important source of energy. 答案:众所周知,煤炭是重要的能源。 89. It has not been decided yet whether they will take part in our experiment. 答案:他们是否参加我们的试验还没有决定。 90. Three hundred dollars is not enough to buy this typewriter. 答案:买这台打字机300美元不够。 91. About half of the fruit is ripe.答案:大约有一半的水果已经成熟了。 92. I'll have to try using the search engines.答案:我得试着用这个搜索引擎。 93. You can buy water inside.答案:你可以在里面买水喝。 94. These goods are not up to standard.答案:这些商品未达到标准。 95. Does the computer have instructions on it?答案:电脑上面有使用说明吗? 96. I enjoyed this meal thoroughly.答案:我非常喜欢这顿饭。 97. I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to life. 答案:我想这幅图是告诉我们水果对生活是不可缺的。 98. I don't know who broke the window.答案:我不知道谁打破了窗户。 99. It is known to all that exercises are good for health. 答案:众所周知,锻炼有益于健康。

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