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1 Allowable maximum shear force and bending moment should always be within allowable range for seagoing conditions (Loading manual , page 5-2)

2 Stability criteria (Min. GM in Loading manual , page 4-1) must always be complied with.

3 Draft: Aft: min 6.60 m – propeller immersion.

4 Draft: Fwd: as large as possible to avoid slamming in head sea.

5 Visibility acc. to SOLAS Ch.V Reg.22; blind zone in front of the vessel< 2*LOA as far as possible






Annex 15Qualification and Validation(附件15确认与验证)正式版中英文对照

上海万逸医药科技有限公司刘伟强译 Ref. Ares(2015)1380025 - 30/03/2015 EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY Medicinal Products – Quality, Safety and Efficacy Brussels, 30 March 2015 EudraLex Volume 4 EU Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use 欧盟人用及兽用药品GMP指导原则 Annex 15: Qualification and Validation 附件15:确认与验证 Legal basis for publishing the detailed guidelines: Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products. This document provides guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC for medicinal products for human use and Directive 91/412/EEC for veterinary use. Status of the document: Revision 文件状态:修订 Reasons for changes: Since Annex 15 was published in 2001 the manufacturing and regulatory environment has changed significantly and an update is required to this Annex to reflect this changed environment. This revision to Annex 15 takes into account changes to other sections of the EudraLex, Volume 4, Part I, relationship to Part II, Annex 11, ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 and Q11, QWP guidance on process validation, and changes in manufacturing technology. 变更原因:附录15至2001年颁布以来,制造业和法规环境发生了显著变化,因此 需要更新附录以反应这些环境的变化,附录15的修订还考虑到了欧盟药品监管法 规(Eudralex)第四卷第一部分、第二部分有关内容、附录11、ICH Q8、Q9、Q19 和Q11、欧盟药品质量工作组(QWP)工艺验证指南的变更以及制造技术变化等因 素。 Deadline for coming into operation: 1 October 2015 实施日期:2015年10月1日


SGS 消费品测试服务 REACH 受限物质清单中的新成员(附 录17) 轻工产品,纺织品,电子电气产品 NO. 062/10 2010年4月 SAFE GUARDS 在2010年4月1日的欧盟官方公报上,刊登了第276/2010号欧盟法规,它对欧洲议会和理事会1907/2006号关于化学品注册、评估、授权和限制的法规(REACH )进行了修订。它修订了REACH 法规附录17,对二氯甲烷、灯油和烧烤用打火机液体以及有机锡化合物的使用提出新的要求1。 1. 了解更多。 该法规将下列限制纳入REACH 附录17中: ? 欧盟76/769/EEC 指令的修订指令455/2009/EC 决议中限制销售和使用二氯甲烷的要求,该决议于2009年5月6日通过。 ? 为取得技术进步,第2009/424/EC 号欧盟决议修订了76/769/EEC 指令附录1部分,就限制销售和使用灯油和烧烤用打火机液体提出要求,该决议于2009年5月28日通过。 ? 为取得技术进步,第2009/425/EC 欧盟决议对第76/769/EEC 理事会指令附录1进行了修改,就限制销售和使用有机锡化合物作出修订,该决议于2009年5月28日通过。 2010年4月2日,第No 276/2010欧盟法规将生效并适用于所有欧盟成员国。附录17的变化如下:

物质 要求 根据第67/548/EEC 和1999/45/EC 号指令,被认为是危险的液体和混合物。 ? 装饰灯具中作为燃料的油类不得含有着色剂,除非因财政原因或用作芳香剂。 ? 此类油品的包装必须附带对儿童有害的警告标识,才能出售,且包装物必须为容量不超过1 升的黑色不透明容器(生效日期:2010年12月1日) ? 只有符合欧盟标准委员会通过的装饰性燃油灯欧盟标准,装饰性燃油灯方可向公众销售。 REACH 附录17,59号条目: 物质 范围 要求 生效日期 首次向公众或专业人员出售的脱 漆剂 ≤ 0.1% 2010.12.6 向公众或专业人员出售的脱漆剂 ≤ 0.1% 2011.12.6 专业人员使用的脱漆剂 ≤ 0.1% 2012.6.6 二氯甲烷 REACH 附录17,3号条目: REACH 附录17,第20条: 物质 范围 要求 生效日期 三取代有机锡化合物,如:三丁基锡化合物、 三苯基锡化合物 物品或物品部件 ≤ 0.1% 2010.7.1 混合物 物品或物品部件 (食品接触类材料除外) ≤ 0.1 % 2012.1.1 (待续)

Annex 8

Safety Management SARPs (Extract) ANNEX 8 - Airworthiness of Aircraft (Amdt 101) Part II, Chapter 5 5.1 States shall establish a State safety programme in order to achieve an acceptable level of safety in civil aviation. Note.— A framework for the implementation and maintenance of a State safety programme is contained in the Attachment to this Part and guidance on a State safety programme is contained in the Safety Management Manual(SMM) (Doc 9859). 5.2 The acceptable level of safety to be achieved shall be established by the State. Note.— Guidance on acceptable levels of safety is contained in the Safety Management Manual (SMM) (Doc 9859). 5.3 From 14 November 2013, a State of Design or Manufacture shall require, as part of its State safety programme, that an organization responsible for the type design or manufacture of aircraft implement a safety management system acceptable to the State that, as a minimum: a) identifies safety hazards; b) ensures the implementation of remedial action necessary to maintain agreed safety performance; c) provides for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the safety performance; and d) aims at a continuous improvement of the overall performance of the safety management system. Note.— Guidance on defining safety performance is contained in the Safety Management Manual (SMM) (Doc 9859). 5.4 From 14 November 2013, a safety management system shall clearly define lines of safety accountability throughout the organization responsible for the type design or manufacture of aircraft, including a direct accountability for safety on the part of senior management. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ATTACHMENT TO PART II. FRAMEWORK FOR THE STATE SAFETY PROGRAMME (SSP) Introduction This attachment introduces a framework for the implementation and maintenance of a State safety programme (SSP) by a State. An SSP is a management system for the management of safety by the State. The framework contemplates four components and eleven elements, outlined hereunder. The implementation of an SSP is commensurate with the size and complexity of the State’s aviation system, and may require coordination among multiple authorities responsible for individual elements of civil aviation functions in the State. This attachment also includes a brief description of each element of the framework. 1. State safety policy and objectives 1.1 State safety legislative framework 1.2 State safety responsibilities and accountabilities

Annex 2(QC) 世界卫生组织药品微生物实验室管理规范

? World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011世界卫生组织技术报告系列,编号961,2011年Annex 2 附录2 WHO good practices for pharmaceutical microbiology laboratories 世界卫生组织药品微生物实验室管理规范 目录 Background 背景 (2) Introduction and scope of document 文件介绍和范围 (2) Glossary 术语表 (3) 1. Personnel 人员 (5) 2. Environment 环境 (6) 2.1 Premises 房屋 (6) 2.3 Cleaning, disinfection and hygiene 清洁、消毒和卫生 (8) 2.4 Sterility test facilities 无菌试验设施 (8) 3. Validation of test methods 检验方法的验证 (10) 4. Equipment 设备 (10) 4.1 Maintenance of equipment 设备维护 (11) 4.2 Quali?cation 验证 (11) 4.3 Calibration, performance veri?cation and monitoring of use 校准、性能确认和使用的监控 (11) 4.3.3 Temperature measurement devices 温度测量装置 (11) 4.3.4 Incubators, water-baths and ovens 培养箱、水浴和烘箱 (11) 4.3.5 Autoclaves, including media preparators 高压灭菌锅,包括培养基制备器 (12) 4.3.6 Weights and balances 砝码和天平 (13) 4.3.7 Volumetric equipment 测定体积的设备 (13) 4.3.8 Other equipment 其他设备 (13) 5. Reagents and culture media 试剂和培养基 (14) 5.1 Reagents 试剂 (14) 5.2 Media 培养基 (14) 5.3 Labelling 贴签 (16) 5.4 Organism resuscitation 微生物复苏 (16) 6. Reference materials and reference cultures 标准物质和标准菌株 (16) 6.1 International standards and pharmacopoeial reference substances 国际标准和药典标准品 (16) 6.2 Reference cultures 标准菌株 (17) 7. Sampling取样 (18) 8. Sample handling and identification 样品处理和鉴定 (18) 9. Disposal of contaminated waste污染废物的处理 (19) 10. Quality assurance of results and quality control of performance结果的质量保证和性能的质量控制 (19) 10.1 Internal quality control内部质量控制 (19) 11. Testing procedures检验程序 (20) 12. Test reports检验报告 (20) References参考文件 (20) Further reading 补充书目 (21) Appendix 1 附件1 (22)

ICH Q4B Annex 4C (R1) 中文版

人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会 ICH三方协调指导原则 关于ICH区域内药典附录的评价及建议 —非无菌产品的微生物检查:原料药及其制剂的判定标准 Q4B 附录4C(R1) 现行第四阶段版本 2010年9月27日 该指导原则由相应的ICH专家小组制定,按照ICH进程,已递交管理部门讨论。在ICH 进程第四阶段,最终草案被推荐给欧盟、日本和美国的管理机构采纳。

Q4B 附录4C(R1) 文件历史 现行第四阶段版本

关于ICH区域内药典附录的评价及建议 —非无菌产品的微生物检查:原料药及其制剂的判定标准 ICH三方协调指导原则 2008年11月12日进入ICH进程第四阶段, 本指导原则已被推荐给ICH三方的管理当局采纳。 (2010年9月27日,对该附录进行修订-R1-增加了加拿大卫生部的可互换性声明) 目录 1. 前言 (4) 2. Q4B 成果 (4) 3. 附录的实施时间 (4) 4. 对实施附录的考虑 (4) 4.1 总体考虑 (4) 4.2 美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的考虑 (4) 4.3 欧盟(EU)的考虑 (4) 4.4 日本厚生劳动省(MHLW)的考虑 (5) 4.5 加拿大卫生部的考虑 (5) 5. 用于Q4B评价的参考文献 (5)

关于ICH区域内药典附录的评价及建议 —非无菌产品的微生物检查:原料药及其制剂的判定标准 1. 前言 本附录是Q4B对药典附录非无菌产品的微生物检查:原料药及其制剂的判定标准协调后的成果。 在ICH各区域内,该药典文本为非强制标准,仅提供参考。 本文件由药典协调组(PDG)提出。 2. Q4B 成果 经Q4B专家工作组(EWG)审核,ICH指导委员会建议,欧州药典附录5.1.4(非无菌原料药及其制剂的微生物特性)、日本药典一般信息12(非无菌产品的微生物特性)以及美国药典附录<1111>(非无菌产品的微生物特性)中各自规定的分析方法,在ICH区域中具有同等效力。 3. 附录的实施时间 当本附录在某一地区实施时(进入ICH第五阶段的管理进程),即可在该地区使用。各地区的实施时间可以不同。 4. 对实施附录的考虑 4.1 总体考虑 当申请者或生产企业将其现有方法变更为经Q4B审核并已实施的药典方法时(参见本附录第2节),应按照当地有关备案型变更的有关规定,处理相关的变更说明、变更和/或事先的审批程序。 4.2 美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的考虑 基于上述建议,并结合本附录的相关规定,可认为本附录第2节中相关药典文本具有同等效力。但是,不论该方法源自何处,FDA都可能会要求企业证明其所选方法的合理性并适用于某一特定的物料或产品的质量控制。 4.3 欧盟(EU)的考虑 在欧盟,欧洲药典是强制执行的药品质量标准。基于上述互认声明,当符合本附录规定的条件时,在上市许可申请、再注册或变更申请中,欧盟药品管理当局允许申请者采用附录第2


附件二 亚洲公路分级和设计标准 一、 总则 亚洲公路分级和设计标准为亚洲公路线路的建设、改善和养护提供最低标准和指南。各缔约方应尽其所能在新线路的建设以及现有线路的升级改造时遵循这些规定。这些标准对已建成区不适用。2二、亚洲公路线路的分级 亚洲公路的分级见表1。 表1. 亚洲公路的分级 等级 说明 路面类型 干线控制进入的汽车专用路沥青或水泥混凝土 一级4车道或4车道以上公路沥青或水泥混凝土 二级2车道沥青或水泥混凝土 三级2车道双层沥青表处 分级中“干线”级指控制进入的汽车专用路。控制进入的汽车专用路只供汽车专用。只能通过立体交叉口进入。为确保交通安全及汽车的高速行驶,禁止摩托车、自行车以及行人进入汽车专用路。汽车专用路沿线不设平交路口,车道中间应有中央分隔带。 “三级”只应在修路资金缺乏或是供道路使用的土地有限的情况下才可使用。路面铺设将来应尽快升级到沥青混凝土或水泥混凝土。鉴于三级道路也被视为最低要求标准,应鼓励任何低于三级的路段都实行升级以符合三级标准。 三、亚洲公路线路的设计标准 (一)地形分类 地形分类见表2。 表2. 地形分类 地形分类横坡 平原(L) 0至10% 微丘(R) 大于10%至25% 山岭(M) 大于25%至60% 陡坡(S) 大于60% 2各缔约方应根据其需求说明建成区。

(二)设计速度 将采取每小时120、100、80、60、50、40和30公里的设计速度。设计速度、公路等级以及地形类别之间的关系见表3。120公里/小时的设计速度只应用于有中间分隔带以及立体交叉路口的干线(控制进入的汽车专用路)。 表3. 设计车速、公路等级和地形分类 (单位:公里/小时) 地形干线一级二级三级 平原(L) 120 100 80 60 微丘(R) 100 80 60 50 山岭(M) 80 50 50 40 陡坡(S) 60 50 40 30 (三)横断面 各等级公路的公路用地宽度,车道宽度,路肩宽度,中央分隔带宽度,路拱坡度以及路肩坡度等方面的规定见表4。 行人、自行车和畜力车妨碍交通的路段,应根据实际情况修建前沿辅道或人行道,从而与直通车道相分离。


附录6 手推车的描述 1、推车 1.1对于安全带的测试,仅带有座椅的手推车的重量为400±20kg。对防护系统的测试,带有车辆结构 件的手推车的重量为800kg。但是,带有车辆结构件的最大重量,如有必要,可以再提高200kg。 无论如何总重的公差范围应不超过±40kg。 2、基准隔板 2.1基准隔板应牢固地连在手推车上,在隔板上清楚地标有移动界线,以核准和向前移动标准的一致 性。向前移动标准由摄制记录决定。 3、座椅 3.1座椅应如下构成: 3.1.1 一个坚硬的背,本附录附件1给出了固定尺寸。下部和上部是用直径为20mm的管了做成的;3.1.2 稳固的坐席,本附录附件1给出了尺寸。座椅的后部是由一片坚硬的钣金件构成,它的上边缘是 直径为20mm的管子,座椅的前部也是由直径为20mm的管组成。 3.1.3 为放入固定支架,如本附录附件1的规定,开口应做在座椅垫子的后部。 3.1.4 坐席的宽度应该为800mm。 3.1.5 背部和坐席都有聚胺酯海绵覆盖,特性见表1,垫子大小见本附录附件1。 表1

3.1.6 聚脂海绵应被遮阳布盖住。遮阳布由聚脂纤维制成,特性见表2: 表2 3.1.7 覆盖坐席和背(1) 坐席海绵垫子,由方形海绵块(800*575*135mm)按和本附录附件1图2中铝底盘相似的形状制成, 如本附录附件1图1。 底盘上钻有6个孔,用来将其用螺栓固定到推车上。这些孔沿底盘的最长边排布,每边三个,它们 的位置取决于推车的结构。将六个螺栓穿过这些孔。建议用专门的胶带把螺栓粘在盘上,然后用螺 母拧紧螺栓。 座套的材料(1250*1200mm,见附录中附件1图3)沿宽度方向裁剪,这样在覆盖后材料不会重迭。 在座套材料的边缘之间应有大约100mm的间隙。因此,材料必须裁到约1200mm。 座套的材料应用两条宽度方向上的线做标记。在离座套中心线的375mm处画出这两条线。(见本附 录附件1的图3) 坐席海绵垫底面朝上放置在座套材料上,铝底盘放在海绵垫上。 从两边拉紧座套材料,直到它上面的两条线和铝底盘的边缘重合。在每一个螺栓位置,都做有小的 缺口,这样座套材料可以被螺栓拉住。 在底盘和海绵内的槽(沟)的位置,座套应该被剪开。 座套用弹性胶粘在铝底盘上,在粘之前必须先拿掉螺母。 边上的FLAP折叠到盘子上,用胶水粘好。 槽(沟)内的FLAP应折进去并用强力胶带粘好。 (1)本程序中所用的材料细节可从TNO(道路车辆研究学会Research Institute for Road Vehicle),Schoemakerstraat 97, 2628 VK Delft, 荷兰

WHO 937 Annex 附件2-1[1]

WHO 937 Annex 附件2 Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practices for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms 在GMP的基础上补充指导药剂生产的供暖,通风,空调系统的指导条例。 1. Introduction 介绍 2. Scope of document 文本范围 3. Glossary 术语表 4. Protection 保护 4.1 Products and personnel 产品和人员 4.2 Air filtration 空气过滤 4.3 Unidirectional airflow 单向空气流 4.4 Infiltration 渗透 4.5 Cross-contamination 交叉污染 4.6 Temperature and relative humidity 温度和相对湿度 5. Dust control 固体颗粒污染物控制 6. Protection of the environment 环境保护 6.1 Dust in exhaust air 排气中的固体颗粒 6.2 Fume removal 烟尘的祛除 7. Systems and components 系统和构造 7.1 General 概论 7.2 Recirculation system 循环系统 7.3 Full fresh air systems 送风系统 8. Commissioning, qualification and maintenance 运转,资格和维护 8.1 Commissioning 运转 8.2 Qualification 资格 8.3 Maintenance 维护 References 文献 45 1. Introduction 介绍 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) play an important role in ensuring the manufacture of quality pharmaceutical products. A well designed HV AC system will also provide comfortable conditions for operators. 加热,通风,空调(HVAC)系统在保证药品质量的生产上起着至关重要的作用。同时,设计完善的系统也会给操作人员提供舒适的工作环境。 These guidelines mainly focus on recommendations for systems for manufacturers of solid dosage forms. The guidelines also refer to other systems or components which are not relevant to solid dosage form manufacturing plants, but which may assist in providing a comparison between the requirements for solid dosage-form plants and other systems. 这些条例主要是针对固体药剂生产车间而提出的。但同时在涉及到与固体药剂生产无关的其它生产中,这些条例可以比较固体药剂生产车间和其它车间生产规格上的具体要求。HVAC system design infl uences architectural layouts with regard to items such as airlock positions, doorways and lobbies. The architectural components have an effect on room pressure differential cascades and cross-contamination control.


OMCL Network of the Council of Europe QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT PA/PH/OMCL (06) 86 DEF QUALIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT ANNEX 2: QUALIFICATION OF GC EQUIPMENT Full document title and reference Qualification of Equipment Annex 2: Qualification of GC Equipment PA/PH/OMCL (06) 86 DEF Document type Guideline Legislative basis The present document was also accepted by EA as recommendation document to be used in the context of Quality Management System audits of OMCLs Date of first adoption May 2006 Date of original entry into force June 2006 Date of entry into force of revised document October 2006 Previous titles/other references This document replaces part of document PA/PH/OMCL (06) 46 DEF Custodian Organisation The present document was elaborated by the OMCL Network/EDQM of the Council of Europe Concerned Network GEON


β2受体激动剂的应用 摘要:β2肾上腺素受体激动剂(简称β2受体激动剂),通过选择性地激动靶器官上的β2受体而发挥β2受体兴奋样作用,其主要表现为呼吸道、子宫、膀胱等部位的平滑肌舒张松弛。其临床应用包括:扩张支气管用于平喘,松弛子宫平滑肌利于妊娠等[1]。笔者主要阐述β2受体激动剂在支气管哮喘、COPD等呼吸系统疾病中的应用。 关键词:β2受体激动剂;哮喘;呼吸系统 1 β2受体激动剂的分类 (1)β2受体激动剂按起效时间分为速效与慢效;按作用维持时间又可分为短效与长效。其用药途径不同,起效及维持时间又不同,见表1[2]。 2 β2受体激动剂的药理作用及机制 β2受体激动剂的药理作用及机制表现为以下几个方面:①激动气道平滑肌和肥大细胞膜表面的β2受体、激活腺苷酸环化酶,后者又催化细胞内的环磷腺苷(cAMP)的合成,使细胞内的cAMP含量增加,游离Ca2+减少,cAMP的水平提高可稳定气管平滑肌的膜电位从而松弛支气管平滑肌发挥支气管舒张作用; ②减少肥大细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞脱颗粒及介质释放,减轻炎症反应,降低血管通透性,从而减轻由于这些介质引起的支气管痉挛和呼吸道粘膜充血水肿现象,并增加气道上皮纤毛运动,减少纤毛消除[3],起到缓解哮喘、COPD等病人呼吸困难的作用。 3 β2受体激动剂的用法 β2受体激动剂的用法包括吸入、口服、注射、直肠等给药方式。 3.1 吸入法 因为吸入药物直接作用于呼吸道,局部浓度高且作用迅速,所需剂量小,全身性不良反应少。吸入法包括手持定量气雾剂(MDI)吸入、干粉吸入、持续雾化吸入等,其中MDI携带方便,适用于门诊病例及出院带药者,其应用时要求喷药/吸气同步,对于配合欠佳者(如小儿及老年患者)宜加用储雾器或改用其它吸入方式;雾化吸入借助雾化吸入装置以压缩空气或高流量氧气(6~8L/min)为动力,单用β2受体激动剂或与糖皮质激素等药混合雾化吸入。根据病情可以灵活选药定量,灵活药物配伍,临床应用疗效确切,对病人吸气配合技巧要求不高,我院的住院病人多采用雾化吸入方式给药。

EU GMP Annex15 Qualification and Validation

Ref. Ares(2015)1380025 - 30/03/2015 DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY Medicinal Products – Quality, Safety and Efficacy Brussels, 30 March 2015 EudraLex Volume 4 EU Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use Annex 15: Qualification and Validation Legal basis for publishing the detailed guidelines: Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products. This document provides guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC for medicinal products for human use and Directive 91/412/EEC for veterinary use. Status of the document: Revision Reasons for changes: Since Annex 15 was published in 2001 the manufacturing and regulatory environment has changed significantly and an update is required to this Annex to reflect this changed environment. This revision to Annex 15 takes into account changes to other sections of the EudraLex, Volume 4, Part I, relationship to Part II, Annex 11, ICH Q8, Q9, Q10 and Q11, QWP guidance on process validation, and changes in manufacturing technology. Deadline for coming into operation:1 October 2015


EUROPEAN COMMISSION HEALTH AND CONSUMERS DIRECTORATE-GENERAL Public Health and Risk Assessment Pharmaceuticals Brussels, SANCO/C8/AM/sl/ares(2010)1064599 EudraLex The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union Volume 4 Good Manufacturing Practice Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use Annex 11: Computerised Systems Legal basis for publishing the detailed guidelines: Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products. This document provides guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC for medicinal products for human use and Directive 91/412/EEC for veterinary use. Status of the document: revision 1 Reasons for changes: t he Annex has been revised in response to the increased use of computerised systems and the increased complexity of these systems. Consequential amendments are also proposed for Chapter 4 of the GMP Guide. Deadline for coming into operation: 30 June 2011


目录 1IMDS 中的材料分类 (2) 1.1IMDS 中材料分类的选择 (2) 1.2特殊材料 (12) 2示例 (13) 2.1汽车润滑剂(材料分类 9.2)的特定要求 (13) 2.2有关为热塑性塑料(材料分类 5.1.x)创建 MDS 的更多信息 (15) 2.3有关为热塑性弹性体(材料分类 5.2)创建 MDS 的更多信息 (20) 2.4有关为弹性体/弹性体化合物(材料分类 5.3)创建 MDS 的更多信息 (20) 2.5为热塑性塑料、TPE 和/或弹性体的复杂产品创建 MDS (21) 3修订 (24)

IMDS001 建议的附录 I IMDS 001a 1 IMDS 中的材料分类 1.1 IMDS 中材料分类的选择 MDS 中材料的分类系统由材料的构成(材料中的物质)、生产 [分类 1 – 4, 7]、属性 [分类 5] 和应用 [分类 6, 8, 9] 混合组成。材料最好应根据其构成而不是根据其应用来进行分类。电子应用领域的材料应根据其构成(例如,铜,而不是电子)来进行分类。塑料材料应首先根据其属性进行分类。分类应尽可能详细。例如,如果可能,避免使用分类 1.1,而是使用 1.1.1 或1.1.2。 在 IMDS 中,每种均质材料均必须作为单独材料加以说明。“均质”是指材料构成一致,不能机械分离为两种或更多不同材料。此处的“机械分离”是指一般可以通过切割、修剪和研磨来分离材料。例如,塑料、金属、合金和涂层都是均质材料。 而诸如带有涂层的金属(例如:电镀镀锌钢或带有 PVC 涂层的铜丝)或分层构成的材料(例如:用聚合物塑模的铜)之类的材料则很可能不是均质的,每层均需作为单独材料加以说明,必须说明每种材料的相应分类,例如,对于锌涂层,分类为 3.3。 禁止对材料进行元素分解。材料必须依其在车辆上出现的样态进行报告。例如,如果说明一种聚合物,您需要说明其固化状态,而不是制程化学品。如果将气体、液体或制程化学品作为基本物质,则需要确认其是否在提供给客户的最终(硬化及干燥后的)零件中仍然存在。 许多金属材料已由 IMDS 委员会在 IMDS 中发布。在这些分类中创建您自己的材料之前,请检查是否存在 IMDS 委员会已发布的相应材料。请勿使用由其他供应商发布的材料,除非他们是您的供应商。如果同一材料既有发布的 IMDS 委员会材料,又有发布的供应商材料,则最好应使用 IMDS 委员会材料。要找到 IMDS 委员会材料,可使用材料搜索功能查找并选中“发布的MDS”以找到这些材料。 以下章节包括有关每种分类及示例的信息。给定的阈值反映了常见浓度,而在特殊材料中可能会有不同。

1. MDD 93-42-2007 Annex II

ANNEX II EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (Full quality assurance system) 1.The manufacturer must ensure application of the quality system approved for the design,manufacture and final inspection of the products concerned, as specified in Section3and is subject to audit as laid down in Sections3.3 and4and to Community surveillance as specified in Section5. ▼M5 2.The EC declaration of conformity is the procedure whereby the manu- facturer who fulfils the obligations imposed by Section1ensures and declares that the products concerned meet the provisions of this Directive which apply to them. The manufacturer must affix the CE marking in accordance with Article17 and draw up a written declaration of conformity.This declaration must cover one or more medical devices manufactured,clearly identified by means of product name,product code or other unambiguous reference and must be kept by the manufacturer. ▼B 3.Quality system 3.1.The manufacturer must lodge an application for assessment of his quality system with a notified body. The application must include: —the name and address of the manufacturer and any additional manufac-turing site covered by the quality system, —all the relevant information on the product or product category covered by the procedure, —a written declaration that no application has been lodged with any other notified body for the same product-related quality system, —the documentation on the quality system, —an undertaking by the manufacturer to fulfil the obligations imposed by the quality system approved, —an undertaking by the manufacturer to keep the approved quality system adequate and efficacious, —?M5an undertaking by the manufacturer to institute and keep up to systematic procedure to review experience gained from devices in the post-production phase,including the provisions referred to in Annex X,and to implement appropriate means to apply any necessary corrective action.This undertaking must include an obligation for the manufacturer to notify the competent authorities of the following incidents immediately on learning of them:? (i)any malfunction or deterioration in the characteristics and/or performance of a device,as well as any inadequacy in the instructions for use which might lead to or might have led to the death of a patient or user or to a serious deterioration in his state of health; (ii)any technical or medical reason connected with the characteristics or performance of a device leading for the reasons referred to in subparagraph(i)to systematic recall of devices of the same type by the manufacturer. 3.2.Application of the quality system must ensure that the products conform to the provisions of this Directive which apply to them at every stage,from design to final inspection.All the elements,requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer for his quality system must be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies and procedures such as quality programmes,quality plans,quality manuals and quality records. ▼M5 It shall include in particular the corresponding documentation,data and records arising from the procedures referred to in point(c).

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