当前位置:文档之家› 近3年(2021-2023)上海市嘉定区英语中考二模试题分类汇编:首字母填空






VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)(14分)

You might have got the idea that saving money is boring, but it can be so much more exciting than you think.

If you had to choose between spending all your pocket money on toys, gaming, or saving some of it for the f 71 , which would be your decision? We all have to make this decision again and again. When you have the chance to treat yourself to the fun things, it can be r 72 hard to hit back. And before you know it, all your money is gone!

Savings help dreams come true.

It's easy to see the fun in buying an ice cream or going shopping with friends, but you might be surprised to hear that saving money can be even more exciting. That's because saving creates opportunities and opens the d 73 to all kinds of adventures. You may realize that saving money is the key to making your dreams come true.

Saving goals

Set yourself a goal first. It's good to give yourself a mix of short-term and long-term goals, so think of something you'd like to buy that you could save up for in a few weeks, like a small Lego set or a smart watch. Write down how much it costs, then work out how much you can a 74 to save each week and how long it will take you to reach your goal. Some weeks you might decide to save a little more than you p 75 so that you can reach your goal even faster.

Ways to save

Most people save their money in a savings account, as this gives them an opportunity to earn interest(利息). This is money that a bank pays you as a reward for saving, the l 76 you leave money in a savings account, the more interest you'll earn.

Reach your target step by step

If you're n 77 to save money, start off by thinking of some fun goals, whether that's spending money for a summer holiday or a mountain bike. Every penny you save takes you one step closer to reaching your goal. And what could be more exciting than that?


VIII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母己给)(14分)

Do you have a vegetable garden? Have you ever w___51___ a seed sprout (发芽) and grow and fruit until it became the tomato on your plat e? If you go to school in the US, there’s a good chance you have.

At the moment, nearly 20 percent of schools in the US have vegetable gardens that are planted and cared for by students. Later, even more schools will have gardens and more US kids will know the p___52___ of growing food in their school vegetable gardens.

Much of the growing interest in planting comes from a project called “Let’s Move”. The government wants to

i___53___ children’s nutrition (营养) in the US — and they began the project by planting gardens with the help of some local kids. The kids were more i___54___ in eating vegetables from their garden than in eating fast food.

Because so many US kids eat breakfast and lunch at school, the food should be healthy and good. Why not let kids grow the food for their o___55___ cafeterias (食堂)? The government’s plan gives money to schools to start their gardens, and more school gardens are sprouting up every day.

Students also use the k___56___ from their gardens to study science and math, and they paint pictures of their gardens in art class. Many students choose to work in the garden instead of playing on the playground during their noon b___57___. Sound like fun? Ask your teacher if there’s r oom for a garden at your school, too.


VIII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母己给)(14分)

Anna Du was walking along the beach when she noticed plastics there. She reached down to pick them up, and quickly realized there were many more tiny pieces than she could deal with. It seemed i____51____ to clean them all up.

Du, 12 years old at the time, tired to solve the problem like any good scientist-first, by doing a littler r____52____. She conducted surveys and searched for information. That’s how she learned that 8 million tons of plastics end up in the oceans every year.

Then she got to work building something that could help solve the problem: a remote-operated vehicle (遥控潜水器)—ROV, Her ROV can move through water and find plastics on the ocean floor.

The actually cool part of Du’s ROV is the detection (探测) system. She uses a c____53____ along with three different kinds of light to find the plastics through pictures. She also uses visible (可见的) light to find unnatural colors that might

make the plastics stand out.

“She has a very good engineering sense to break down a problem like this and then go after it,” says engineer Casey Machado, “It sounds s____54____, but it’s a level of thinking that’s really difficult.”

Do started attending public events and workshops at a university when she was five years old, and so she picked up the engineering skills necessary to build her ROV. She says actually getting her ROV to move through water well was not easy. She f____55____ many times, but she never gave up trying and testing.

When asked about future plans, she said that she wanted to address the effects of climate (气候) change. “I think there are a lot of problems that could be solved with new i____56____.” says Du.

Du thanks her parents, who for years have taken her to student outreach activities, for supporting her interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). She says she has been able to meet students and scientists there.

“I know I want to be an engineer because I like building things to help solve world problems,” says Du. “But I’m not sure what kind of engineer I want to be yet.”

L____57____, she has plenty of time to figure that out at her age.






【小题1】句意:如果你必须在把所有的零花钱都花在玩具、游戏上,还是把其中的一部分存起来供将来使用之间做出选择,哪个是你的决定?根据“saving some of it for the”可知是为未来存钱,future"未来”。故填(f)uture。

【小题2】句意:当你有机会享受有趣的事情时,你真的很难拒绝。根据“hard to hit back”可知是真的很难拒绝,修饰形容词用副词really“真地”。故填(r)eally。

【小题3】句意:这是因为储蓄创造了机会,并为各种冒险打开了大门。根据"opens the…to all kinds of adventures"可知是打开了大门,door"门", the door to"……的大门"。故填(d)oor。

【小题4】句意:写下它的成本,然后计算出你每周能存多少钱,以及你需要多长时间才能达到目标。根据"how much you can. …to save each week"可知是每周能承担得起存多少钱,afford"承担得起”, 情态动词后加动词原形。故填(a)fford。

【小题5】句意:几周后,你可能会决定比计划多存一点钱,这样你就可以更快地达到目标。根据"save a little more than you…"可知比计划的多存一点钱,plan"计划”, 句子用一般现在时,主语是you, 谓语动词用原形。故填(p)lan。【小题6】句意:你在储蓄账户里存的时间越长,你赚的利息就越多。根据"you leave money in a savings account, the more interest you'll earn. ”可知存储的时间越长,利息就越多,此处是“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,longer"更长”。


【小题7】句意:如果你刚开始存钱,那么从考虑一些有趣的目标开始,无论是暑假还是山地自行车。根据"start off…"可知是刚开始存钱,be new to“新手”。故填(n)ew。


51.(w)atched 52.(p)leasure 53.(i)mprove 54.(i)nterested 55.(o)wn 56.(k)nowledge 57.(b)reak


51.句意:你曾经观察过一粒种子发芽、生长、结果,一直到它变成你盘里的番茄吗?根据“Have you ever w…a seed sprout and grow and fruit…”可知,此处指观察种子的生长过程,且此句为现在完成时态Have…done…。watch“观察”,其过去分词形式为watched。故填(w)atched。

52.句意:后来,更多的学校将会有菜园,更多的美国孩子将知道在他们学校菜园种植食物的乐趣。根据“…more schools will have gardens and more US kids will know the p…of growing food in their school vegetable gardens.”可知,此处指孩子们可以体会到种菜的“乐趣”pleasure,the+名词+of表示“……的……”,故填(p)leasure。

53.句意:政府想改善美国孩子们的营养——他们在一些当地孩子的帮助下开始种植园项目。根据“Because so many US kids eat breakfast and lunch at school, the food should be healthy and good.”可知,此处指政府想改善孩子们的营养,improve“改善,提高”,want to do sth.“想做某事”,故填(i)mprove。

54.句意:与吃快餐相比,孩子们更喜欢吃他们菜园的蔬菜。be interested in doing sth.“对做某事感兴趣”,根据“…more…than…”可知,此句为形容词interested的比较级句型,指更感兴趣的。故填(i)nterested。

55.句意:为什么不让孩子们为他们自己的食堂种植食物呢?根据“their o…cafeterias”可知,此处表示他们自己的食堂,own“自己的”形容词修饰名词cafeterias。故填(o)wn。

56.句意:学生们还利用他们菜园中的知识来学习科学和数学,而且他们在美术课上画他们的菜园。根据“to study science and math”可知,学习科学和数学,应是利用来自菜园的知识,knowledge“知识”名词作宾语。故填(k)nowledge。57.句意:许多学生在中午休息期间,选择在菜园里工作,而不是在操场上玩。根据“playing on the playground”可知,学生在操场上玩,应是在休息的时间,故此处为break。故填(b)reak。


51.(i)mpossible 52.(r)esearch 53.(c)amera 54.(s)imple 55.(f)ailed 56.(i)deas## (i)nventions 57.(L)uckily

【分析】本文主要讲Anna Du十二岁时就制作了自己的遥控潜水器,她从小就对STEM感兴趣,长大后想成为一名工程师,帮助解决世界问题。

51.句意:要把它们全部清理干净似乎是不可能的。根据“and quickly realized there were many more tiny pieces than she

could deal with”她很快意识到有太多的小碎片让她无法处理,可知,此处指把它们清理干净是不可能的。impossible“不可能的”,形容词作表语。故填(i)mpossible。

52.句意:当时年仅12岁的杜,想要像任何一位优秀的科学家一样,首先,做一个小调查。根据“She conducted surveys and searched for information.”可知,她做了一个小调查,结合首字母联想到re search‘科研,调查’。由a可知,空处用单数。故填(r)esearch。

53.句意:她使用一架相机和三种不同的光通过图片找到塑料。根据“The actually cool part of Du’s ROV is the detection (探测) system. ”和首字母可知,此处指利用摄像头和三种不同的光源。camera“摄像机”,由a可知用单数。故填(c)amera。


55.句意:她失败了很多次,但她从来没有放弃尝试和测试。根据“but she never gave up trying and testing.”及首字母可知,此处指失败了很多次。fail表示“失败”,描述的是过去的事情,谓语动词用过去式。故填(f)ailed。

56.句意:我认为有很多问题可以用新的想法/发明来解决。根据“could be solved with new ...”及首字母可知,解决问题可以用新的想法或新的发明。id ea“注意”;invention“发明”,此处应用名词复数表示泛指。故填(i)deas/ (i)nventions。57.句意:幸运的是,以她的年龄,她有足够的时间去思考。根据“she has plenty of time to figure that out at her age.”及首字母可知,此处应填luckily“幸运的是”,副词作状语。故填(L)uckily。


上海市嘉定区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市嘉定区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)(14分) You might have got the idea that saving money is boring, but it can be so much more exciting than you think. If you had to choose between spending all your pocket money on toys, gaming, or saving some of it for the f 71 , which would be your decision? We all have to make this decision again and again. When you have the chance to treat yourself to the fun things, it can be r 72 hard to hit back. And before you know it, all your money is gone! Savings help dreams come true. It's easy to see the fun in buying an ice cream or going shopping with friends, but you might be surprised to hear that saving money can be even more exciting. That's because saving creates opportunities and opens the d 73 to all kinds of adventures. You may realize that saving money is the key to making your dreams come true. Saving goals Set yourself a goal first. It's good to give yourself a mix of short-term and long-term goals, so think of something you'd like to buy that you could save up for in a few weeks, like a small Lego set or a smart watch. Write down how much it costs, then work out how much you can a 74 to save each week and how long it will take you to reach your goal. Some weeks you might decide to save a little more than you p 75 so that you can reach your goal even faster. Ways to save Most people save their money in a savings account, as this gives them an opportunity to earn interest(利息). This is money that a bank pays you as a reward for saving, the l 76 you leave money in a savings account, the more interest you'll earn. Reach your target step by step If you're n 77 to save money, start off by thinking of some fun goals, whether that's spending money for a summer holiday or a mountain bike. Every penny you save takes you one step closer to reaching your goal. And what could be more exciting than that? 2022年上海市嘉定区中考二模英语试卷


上海市虹口区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市虹口区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)(共14分) 14-year-old Sasha lives in Maryland. In August 2021, he lost a good friend. His 64-year-old neighbor Wayne died. They had a lot in common, i 71 a love of fishing. Three years ago, they went fishing in Ocean City. They tossed(抛) a bottle off the side of the boat. The bottle had a m 72 from Sasha inside. In January this year, their bottle was found. It washed up on a beach in Ireland(爱尔兰). When Sasha heard the news, it made him happy because it r 73 him of his friend. Marron and Simmonds, an Irish couple, found the bottle. Inside the bottle was Sasha's note. He wrote about fishing and Wayne. He left a phone number and asked the finder to call. They called the number, but they were d 74 to find the number was disconnected. Still, they made up their mind to find Sasha. They wrote to a newspaper in Ocean City. A journalist there helped them reach Sasha's dad. Mr. Yonyak was surprised his son's bottle had been found. He said the discovery had a special meaning for Sasha. He and his family were still learning how to live without Wayne. After hearing the story behind the bottle, the couple was g 75 moved. They said it meant a lot to them. “This bottle shows the friendship of Wayne and Sasha, ” Yonyak said. “It also marks the start of a new friendship. ” The Yonyak family has been in c76 with the couple since then. They hope to visit Ireland soon. “This is a story of hope, ” Simmonds said. She and Marron will k 77 the bottle until Sasha comes to Ireland. Then they will put it back out to sea, with their new friend by their side. 2022年上海市虹口区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母己给)(14分) Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” I completely agree with him. I have v____51____ at the Boston Children’s Hospital every year since I was 13. At the beginning, I went there


上海市长宁区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市长宁区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分) My neighbor, Mrs Lee, hurt her back recently so I spent this afternoon helping her tidy up. Afterwards, she offered me some soya milk. I noticed that its packaging was very fashionable and a 71 . ‘Thanks, Mrs Lee. Can you tell me where you got it?’ I asked. ‘Oh, it's from farmfresh330,’ she replied with a smile. ‘I like helping people in need.’Some days later, I googled farmfresh330 to find out more. It is a food shop that opened in 2011as a social company. Like charities, social companies help with social problems like poverty. However, unlike charities, they don't rely on donations(募捐) . I 72 , they sell products to support themselves. The p 73 of farmfresh330 is to offer training and jobs to people recovering from mental illnesses such as depression. At farmfresh330, you can buy organic fruits and vegetables. These are p 74 by Hong Kong's New Life Farm, another social company helping people with mental health problems. They sell lots of other things, too. In the website photos, there're many great products to c 75 from such as watermelon-flavoured coconut milk and lemongrass tea. Someday I'd like to visit one of farmfresh330's shops. They look very welcoming, with wooden shelves, warm lighting, and friendly blackboard m 76 telling customers about new products. After googling the web, I discovered a lot of other social companies in Hong Kong. I'm planning to visit them soon. I think it's going to be f 77 to support Hong Kong's social companies. 2022年上海市长宁区中考二模英语试卷 VIII. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母己给)(14分) How hard is to learn to read? The challenge is much greater for people with a kind of disease, dyslexia (阅读障碍症). Dyslexia is a reading problem that affects about one out of every ten people. Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence, but Dyslexics have a h______67______ time reading written words. When most children begin to read, they learn the sounds that make up words. Then they connect the sounds to letters and blend the sounds to make words. At last they can r______68______ words they’v e sounded out. But children with dyslexia have trouble remembering the sounds and the letters that go with them. A______69______ dyslexia can’t be cured, there are ways to help people with dyslexia learn to read. Students can work with a specially-trained teacher to learn how to remember sounds. They can practice how to m______70______ their


上海市嘉定区2021-2023年中考英语一模试题分类汇编 短文选词填空 2023年上海市嘉定区中考一模英语试题 III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填词, 每词只能填一次)(8分) III. Complete the following passages with the words in the box« Each can only be used once (选择最恰当的选项壊入空格.每空格限填一词,每词只能壊一次)(共8分) A. accident. B. seriously. C. harm. D. actually. E. cycle Forest fires happen in summer when it hasn't rained for a long time and everything is very dry. For many years, people have thought of fires as disasters that____36____ the forest. The science of fire ecology (生态学) studies the connection between fire, plants, and animals in forest fires. Scientists say that the fire is also an important part of the life ____37____of a forest. With every fire, the forest is born again. Forest fires often start when lightning strikes a tree, but people can also cause forest fires. Sometimes they don't know what they did, and it happens by____ 38____. But other times it's done on purpose. Once a fire starts, it ____39____ bums away the dry leaves and brunches. The fire also gets rid of overgrown plants, fallen leaves, and bacteria in the soil that cause diseases. Plants on the forest floor receive more space and sunlight to grow, so they can grow and make seeds quickly. A. survive B. native C. expect D. wonders E. escape When a fire starts in a forest, every creature (动物)tries to ____40____. Birds fly away and mammals usually run away. Small creatures (such as frogs, mice, and insects) hide underground or under rocks. Some of the weaker animals die, but many ____41____. The animals that don't die in the fire are the strongest. After a fire, some animals that may not be ____42____ to the forest come to feed on the bodies of dead animals. There are lots of things for animals to eat in a burned forest Animals soon go back to their homes in the forest and plants start growing again. Now, according to fire ecology studies, it's possible for people to see forest fires as natural ____43____. Hundreds of species of plants and animals live together in forests. 2022年上海市嘉定区中考一模英语试题 III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填词, 每词只能填一次)(8分)


上海市徐汇区2021-2023年三年中考二模英语解析版试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷 43.(14分)Research suggests that at least 64 percent of people now spend up to four hours daily of free time in front of a screen.Just as TV watching has been linked to higher rates of being fat and other sickness,this is b(1)news for our health.The following are what we can do to get rid of it. 1.Choose outdoor activities When you' re at home,make it a rule that you can't be online if the sun is shining.I(2),you have to go for a walk,ride a bike or get some other kind of healthy physical activity for at least an hour.This rule should apply to everyone in your family. 2.Rearrange the family room furniture Design your family room so that the TV is no longer the central point of the room.That means if you want to watch TV,you have to m(3)chairs and tables.Then you can sit and relax yourself. 3.Limit social media use Whether it's Facebook,Twitter,or WeChat,put limits on the time you spend on social media.Avoid aimless browsing and give your time online a p(4):research holidays or read the news.Then log off! 4.Set aside reading time Challenge yourself to read at least 30 pages of a great book b(5)you check your mobile phone.Pick the right reading material and you'll soon find you've created a new pastime! 5.Take part in projects Make a list of one﹣hour e(6)projects.List everything you can possibly think of after dinner at home:organizing cupboards,sharpening knives,sorting through your sewing materials.Then try to do o(7)every day before bedtime. 2022年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试卷 十一、短文首字母填空 Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Stress (压力) for a teenager is as real a problem as stress for an adult. To deal with it, it’s i____51____ to understand


上海市浦东新区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市浦东新区中考二模英语试卷 Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)(14分) Plastic is a convenience, but both regular and micro plastics can hurt the environment. Therefore, action must be taken to reduce their use. There are many d 71 ways to reduce your plastic use at home. To begin with, be sure to properly recycle everything you can and throw away what you can't, such as plastic cups and dishes. If you'd like to take further steps to make your home free from plastics, consider using simple alternatives (替代品)to everyday products like personal care items. For example, a m 72 of baking soda, vinegar, hot water and lemon can effectively replace traditional cleaners that come in harmful plastic bottles. Shopping may be one of the hardest things to do when trying to avoid plastic. Replacing plastic shopping bags with reusable ones is a good s 73 and there is much more you can do. Before you walk out of the door, make sure you have an accurate shopping list with e 74 what you will need or eat. This will not only reduce food waste but also the amount of plastic packaging you throw away every year. Believe it or not, it is possible to avoid plastics. While on vacation, You may book one of the hotels that have 1 75 the use of plastics. These hotels hardly provide guests with the plastics that can only be used once. As for take-home gifts, don5t buy products made from plastics. Stick to buying those made from natural materials like metals or plants. Or i 76 , give up traditional gifts completely and give someone a picture you took yourself, which can be more special for the purpose of helping the planet. It seems like a difficult task to take all the actions immediately, so begin small and take larger steps towards a plastic-free life. Don't be afraid to share your stories with others. While a s 77 person's effort wouldn't make much


上海市徐汇区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试题分类汇编 选词填空 2023年上海市徐汇区中考二模英语试题 Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only beused once. (选择最恰当的选项填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) (本大题共8题,每题1分,共8分,每题只有一个正确选项): (共8分) There are many reasons why people like collecting things. First, you can learn a lot about thingswhich are interesting to you. It can also stop you from feeling 36 . It is also possible to meetthose who like the same things that you like. Collecting stamps is one of the most 37 hobbies in the world. King George V of theUK, and also US President Franklin collected stamps. Some people only collect special 38 of stamps. Edgar (Germany) has more than 11, 700different stamps with pictures of paintings, Celso (Canada) has almost 6, 500 stamps about ships, andDaniel (India) nearly 5, 000 stamps about birds. The '1c Magenta' is a stamp from British Guiana (英属圭亚那). Someone bought it in 2014 for $9. 5 million. It is expensive because it was 39 in1856 and until now, collectors are pretty sure about the value. Looking up at the stars wasn't something easy for everyone, 40 in poor areas. ForSusan, that changed in her early 20s when she got her first telescope and recognized Saturn (土星). “I saw something I had only read about in a textbook. It made me 41 how small we reallyare, ” says Susan, who is now a scientist. Susan decided to give kids this exper ience. The project“The Travelling Telescope”, brought space education to schools and42 in Kenya. “So far, more than 300, 000 children love the telescope and enjoy the chance to see the moon up close, aswell as stars and planets”, says Susan. In January 2021, pop singer Madonna visited Kenya. Susan watched thepop star's face light

上海市嘉定区2020-2022届(三年)高三二模英语试题汇编:语法填空(word版 有答案)

上海市嘉定区 2020-2022届(三年)高三二模英语试题分类汇编 语法填空 上海市嘉定区2022届高三二模英语试卷 Section A (10分) Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Will Robots Take Your Job in the Future? In 2013, researchers at Oxford University did a study on the future of work. They concluded that almost one in every two jobs have a high risk of (21) __________ (automate) by machines. Machine learning is the technology that’s responsible for most of this situation. It’s the most powerful branch of artificial intelligence. It allows machines to learn from data and imitate some of the things (22) __________humans can do. Machine learning started making its way into industry in the early 1990s. It started with relatively simple tasks. It started with things (23) __________ assessing credit risk from loan applications, sorting the mail by reading handwritten characters from zip codes. Over the past few years, we (24) __________(make)dramatic breakthroughs. Machine learning is now capable of far, far (25) __________ (complex) tasks. In 2012, Kaggle challenged its community (26) __________(build) an algorithm(算法) that could grade high-school essays. The winning algorithms were able to match the grades given by human teachers. Now, (27) __________ (give) the right data, machines are going to outperform humans at tasks like this. A teacher (28) __________ read 10,000 essays over a 40-year career. A machine can read millions of essays within minutes. We have no chance of competing against machines on frequent, high-volume tasks. But there are things we can do that machines c an’t do. (29) __________ machines have made very little progress is in dealing with novel situations. They can’t handle things they haven’t seen many times before. The fundamental limitation of machine learning is that it needs to learn from large volumes of past data. Now, humans don’t. We have the ability to connect seemingly different threads to solve problems we’ve never seen before. Machines cannot compete with us when it comes to dealing with novel situations, and this (30) __________ (put)a fundamental limit on the human tasks that machines will automate. 上海市嘉定区2021届高三二模英语试卷 Section A


上海市闵行区 2021-2023年中考英语二模试卷分类汇编 首字母填空 2023年上海市闵行区中考二模英语试卷 Read the passage and f1l in the blanks with proper words(14分) 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给. Few things are as wonderful as visiting a beautiful natural place, breathing the fresh air and marveling at the landscape. But enjoying nature comes at a price, People may make nature messy if they aren’t c___67___. There should be rules to keep people from accidentally harming nature. In 1990, the Leave No Trace movement attempted to help. They introduced the following seven principles to encourage people to both enjoy and protect the great outdoors. Plan a___68___. This means more than just deciding which day to go. Check the weather forecast, plan what clothing to wear, and think about a water sup ply. Check the area’s rules for use. Hike and camp on surfaces that don’t damage easily. Grass is easily damaged. Already used areas or areas with no grass are better choices for camping. Deal with waste p___69___. Never leave garbage behind. Don’t abandon your food wrappers, cans or leftovers. Take out what you take in. Leave what you find. Take home any camping or biking gear, but leave behind that cool rock or flower. Reduce campfire d___70___. Build your fire only in an appropriate location. Check on the conditions of the area before going there. Sometimes building campfires isn’t allowed. Never build a fire when weather conditions are too dry or windy, Respect wildlife. You should stay at least 100 meters away from wildlife, so you don’t d___71___ any animals. Getting too close could be fatal. Protect your food so animals can’t get into it, and don’t feed the animals anything. Be kind to other visitors. Don’t make loud noises or play loud music when you’re out in natural environments. It annoys both the animals and humans. Don’t travel in large g___72___ as it makes it troublesome for too many people to move around on the trail. These seven principles can help e___73___ share the outdoors comfortably. We all need to take care of the earth we know and love. 2022年上海市闵行区中考二模英语试卷 十二、短文首字母填空 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

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