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中考英语-首字母填词精练+解题技巧The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is the world’s leading environmental protection o__1__. Every two years, it publishes the Living Planet Report –a report on Earth’s overall health.

This year’s report was released on Oct 30. It says that p__2__ of mammals (哺乳动物), birds, fish and reptiles (爬行动物) have fallen by an average of 60 percent since 1970.

The report also s__3__ that Earth has lost about half of its shallow water coral (浅水珊瑚) in the past 30 years. One-fifth of the Amazon rainforest has d__4__ in just 50 years.

All over the world, people are c__5__ down forests, using too much water from rivers and f__6__ oceans with plastic. Only a q__7__ of the world’s total land area is now free of (远离) human activity.

The challenge we face is to find ways to m__8__ the needs of our growing population while protecting the environment, the WWF said. The group s__9__ that different countries should work together to find s__10__.


leading adj. 领导的;主要的

publish vt. 出版;发行

overall adj. 全部的;全体的

releas vt. 发布;释放

plastic un. 塑料






5. cutting:比较简单。根据down和后面的forests得知填cut,又因为前面有be动词are,所以需要变形为cutting

6. filling:固定搭配fill...with... 用...填满...;用塑料填满海洋,这里指在海洋里面扔塑料;又因为cutting,using和这里的fill是并列结构,所以也要变形为filling

7. quarter:根据本句和上句得知,全世界只有4分之一的土地原理人类的踪迹和活动。(这个词在这里比较难想)

8. meet:熟词生义,meet在这里翻译为“满足”,meet the need翻译为“满足需要”

9. suggested:这个小组呼吁我们,建议我们寻求保护环境的办法。

10. solutions:上题已经分析出来。

My kids and I were walking toward the supermarket. There we found a man holding a piece of paper. It said “Lost my job.Family to f__1__”

A sight like this was normal around us. My 10-year-old girl said he must be very cold standing outside in the wind.

We bought the things on our I__2__ quickly. When we went out, the man r__3__ in the cold wind. I asked each of my kids to pick something they thought our "friend" there would appreciate. They got apples and a bag of b__4__. Then my youngest son s__5__ giving him a bottle of juice. I thought it had a p__6__. So we did it. The man's face lit up and thanked us with watery eyes.

We were always s__7__ of money ourselves, but...well, sometimes giving from our need is just what we need to do!

This has been a wonderful e__8__ for our family. For days, the kids have been looking for others we can help. Things would come to an end

u__9__ I had to say, "Honey, we really don' t have money to give more." Stepping out not only helped strangers in need, but it also gave my kids the sweet t__10__ of helping others. It would go a long way with them.


sight cn. 景象;视力(不是生词,但是孩子们不一定知道这个词在这里翻译为“场景,景象”)

watery adj. 湿的








6.point:上句已经分析。固定搭配have a point有道理。


是把我们需要的奉献出去正是我们所需要去做的事情”;固定搭配be short of ... 短缺...





10.taste:taste有“短暂的体验”的中文含义,搭配为:a taste of ...;我



学习必备欢迎下载 初中英语首字母填空练习 首字母填空类属于短文的阅读题的考查,可以是考查英语语言知识方面的,也可能涉及到其它学科的内容。学会一点常用的答题技巧,再在做习题中体验一下,就可以解决这方面的问题。在此提供了初中英语第一学期首字母填空练习,从牛津英语教材的角度,按年级划分,并附上参考答案,希望对初中生有所裨益。 就答题技巧问题也说两句。首先要通读短文,了解文章的大意。每篇短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文时要一气呵成,只要能了解短文的大意即可,细节不理解可以跳过。因此,在解题之前通读一遍短文,目的是对文章有个全面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。 其次要特别注意一篇文章的开头和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再找解决的方法。有些短文填空题,有时出现少量的生词是很正常的,这就要求学生根据构词知识或上、下文的意思加以猜测,来确定它的词义。 在阅读过程中,对留空的句子进行全面的分析,看它在全文中所处的位置、作用和意义。这一遍阅读要求是精心阅读,要留心找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给首字母的提示,进行填写,并注意单词的正确形式。 做完填空,认真读一遍,检查所填写的单词是否与文章要求相符,文章是否通顺,前后是否呼应,有无句型结构及语法错误。从实际中看,很多学生能够充分利用词首字母和短文内容填写单词,关注单词的形式变化,深思熟虑很重要。 学习必备欢迎下载 七年级期中 阅读短文,根据首字母提示填空,每空一词。(10') Most American families are smaller than the families in o 81 countries. Most American families e 82 have one or two children.


2010年英语中考专题练习----短文首字母填空 Passage 1 Here’s a story about Ming’s life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r 1 in china. His home is a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down. In about six years he has not once been on l 2 but he is never lonely. He is a strong swimmer. In fact, he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f 3 he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v 4 him. Ming’s father is a fisherman, but he n ever u 5 a line or a net(网). Great black birds called cormorants do the fishing for him. Rings(圈)have been put around the birds’ n 6 so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been t 7 to bring the fish to people. And then people reward(奖励)them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f 8 Ming loves watching the cormorants, but better still he likes going s 9 with his mother. The shops, of course, are boats very like his o 10 . Passage 2 Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained(训练)to do a number of simple jobs i 1 of people. They say that at a circus(杂技场),for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q 2 skillful (熟练的)things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer(驯兽员)always g 3 the animal some sugar o 4 a piece of fruit as a reward(报酬). The scientists say that many d 5 animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f 6 doing that. Of course, as we know, dogs can be trained to look after a house, and soldiers in both old and modern t 7 have u 8 geese to give warning(警报)by m 9 a lot of noise when an enemy comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f 10 . Passage 3 In recent years, playing kite-board seems to become more and more popular in Alaska in America. It is a new and old game. The game has w 1 the interest of many young people. The game is interesting but a little d 2 One needs to play it very c 3 A kite-board is in fact a skateboard(滑雪板)drawn(拉)by a few big flying kites. The old game was p 4 by some young people in Holland and Spain as e 5 as the last century. Since the board was hard to control(控制),f 6 people dared(敢)to play it. With the development of the design(设计)of kite and skateboard, many people can l 7 how to play it. A kite board may go as f 8 as about 50 kilometres an hour. If you haven’t had any practice, you’d better not play it. It is not s 9 It is said that the game can exercise not only your b 10 but also the sensitivity of your brain(大脑的敏捷). Passage 4 British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats with milk and won a National Bravery Award(国家勇敢奖). Leech, 35 years old, said that when he was sending out milk as u 1 along Pine Street, he s 2 heard a loud, strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke coming out of a shop in


2002年初中英语中考试卷分析 镇海区教研室王海波 一.具体情况分析 我区2002年共有13所中学共计2545名考生参加英语中考,英语中考的满分值为100分,考生的各档分数段人数分布如下: 分数段 100 90-99 80-90 70-80 60-70 60以下 人数 26 811 505 273 165 772 全区85分优秀率为44.79%,60分以上的合格率为70.2%,全区的平均分为69.69。与2001年中考相比较: 85分以上 优秀率(%) 60分以上 比率(%)平均分 2001年 24.47 76.0 69.66 2002年 44.79 70.02 69.69 从表中可以发现2002年中考的平均分与去年持平,及格率比去年还低了6个百分点,这一情况与以上两年考生的生源状况不同有关。而44.79%的优秀率是有史以来最高的,其中满分考生达到了26名。从这么高的优秀率可以看出今年的试卷难度比去年有明显下降,整卷试题难度值为0.75,这对“毕业、升学两考合一”的考试还是比较适宜的,既保持了较高的合格率,又保持了85分以上的优秀率的比例,也有一定的区分度,仍有利于高一级学校选拔新生。 二.2002年中考试卷的内容特点分析 1.今年试卷题型和题量与2001年完全一致。试卷含听力和笔试两种形式。共设8个大题105道小题,主观题占30%,包括“听短文,填缺词;词汇;补全对话;看图填词”等四个大题。客观题占70%,包括“听对话,回答问题;听选同义句;短文理解;选择填空;口语应用;完型填空;阅读理解等题型。题型设计科学,题量适中。这样有利于教师对这套教材的教学研究,有利于提高教学质量。


09牛津中考英语专项训练及答案(9)(缺词填空) (1) At different times in a man’s life his food has different effects (影响) on his body. Among children f (1) is quickly changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young man’s food is spent on growing t (2); we grow upwards only d (3) the first twenty years of our l (4), not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h (5), they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and s (6) down a lot, and may begin to grow fat when still quite young. Many older p(7) try to work much and walk often. Perhaps the most difficult time is when a man r (8) sixty years of age. His body and mind b (9) restful, without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to f (10). 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (2) Bats(蝙蝠) are the only flying “animals” in the world. It is known to all that they cannot see very well. “As b_______(1) as a bat” is often h_________(2). Yet, they have no trouble flying on the d___________(3) nights and finding their way r___________ (4) very well. Why can bats fly and see at night? They fly by “radar(雷达)”. The bat's radar w_________ (5) the same way as the radar on ships and planes. As a bat flies t____________(6) the air, it makes a sound. If the sounds hit t__________(7), they will come back and the bat's e___________(8) will receive the message. In this way, the bat is a____________(9) to know where the things are. Bats go out for f____________________(10) at night. In the daytime, they hang in some dark places. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (3) Tennis is in its second life. Its first game began in France. The name of the game comes from the French word “tennez”. The English men c___1____ the game “tennis” when they watched the Frenchmen play 800 years ago. The Englishmen liked the French game. Tennis courts(球场)were built in every park, in every city, just like today. The two countries played against each other. At first they played for honor. Then they w__2___ money. Later people began cheating(欺骗)to get money. Three hundred years ago the game was forbidden(禁止)to stop the cheating. The game a_____3___ disappeared. Americans found the old courts when they went to Europe 100 years ago. They learned w___4____ they could do about the game. They liked the game as the Englishmen had b___5____. After returning home, the Americans built tennis courts.


中考英语首字母填空专项练习题中考主观完形填空解题技巧 主观型完形填空即首字母填空也称为限制型完形填空。它的特点是将一篇文章中若干个词“掏空”,留下该词的首字母,它既作为提示又作为限制,让我们根据短文的意思把单词拼写完整,使文章连贯。学生们在通读全文、掌握大意的前提下,采用先易后难,再逐项填空的应试策略。做题时要通过字里行间来捕捉信息,既要理清逻辑,又要综合考虑,最后通过复读全文来消除疏漏。给首字母填空类短文的阅读题属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。 常用的答题技巧如下: 1. 通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解 与阅读理解题和其它类型的完形填空一样,首先要通读短文,了解文章的大意。每篇短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文时要一气呵成,只要能了解短文的大意即可,细节不理解可以跳过。因此,在解题之前通读一遍短文,目的是对文章有个全面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。 2. 复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词 在了解文章大意的前提之下再次通读短文,目的是对短文有更进一步的了解。在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头(一般不设空)和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再找解决的方法。有些短文填空题,有时出现约3%~5% 的生词是很正常的,这就要求学生根据构词知识或上、下文的意思加以猜测,来确定它的词义。 3. 反复推敲多分析,慎重答题讲合理 再次通读短文,对留空的句子进行全面的分析,看它在全文中所处的位置、作用和意义。这一遍阅读要求是精心阅读,要留心找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给首字母的提示,进行填写,并注意单词的正确形式。 4. 认真复查全文,把握整体和词形 做完以后,再认真读一遍,检查所填写的单词是否与文章要求相符,文章是否通顺,前后是否呼应,有无句型结构及语法错误。从实际中看,很多学生能够充分利用词首字母和短文内容填写单词,但是,问题往往出现在单词的形式变化上。比如填 q ,要求填写 quickly ,而多数考生只知道填写 quick ,忽略了词性问题。因此,深思熟虑很重要。


看图短文填空专项练习 1 Tom was a poor boy.He made a living by cleaning leather(皮革) 1 for others in the street.Tom was also a 2 boy.One day,a rich man 3 Miser appeared in front of Tom. He watched his 4 shoes for a while,and then,looked at Tom.Tom knew this kind of people well.They love money but hate to spend it. Tom said,“Let me 5 your shoes,sir.Only two pence(便土),sir. Mr.Miser shook his head and walked away. Tom thought for a second and then called out,……I?d like t o clean it for nothing.”Th is time Mr.Miser agreed.And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly.When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool(凳子),Tom said he would n?t clean it for him 6 he was paid two pence for his work.Mr.Miser was very 7 .He refused to pay anything and went away. But to his 8 ,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even dirtier.Mr.Miser looked round.People in the street were 9 at him.Finally the rich man 10 and gave Tom two pence.In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.


初中英语首字母填空 (附答案) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Choosing a good birthday g_______ is sometimes a big problem. Most g_______ like beautiful things, such as flowers, rings or necklaces. Boys may like a car model, a computer g________, or a basketball. If your m_______ is a teacher, maybe she likes books, DVDs of popular movies, or a good p_______ of shoes. And w_______ do fathers like Maybe they w_______ like cell phones or PDAs. It’s easier to c_______ gifts for b_______ or little children. Food and toys can m_______ them happy . Key:1.gift;2.girls;3.game;4.mother;5.pair;6.what;7.would;8.choose;9.babies;10.make Everybody wants to be h_______. You know food is very i_______. There are many h_______ foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and v_______ are good for you. But don’t eat too m_______ chocolate. It’s not good for you. Healthy food can h_______ you grow and make you s_______ and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor a_______.” Sports can a_______ keep you healthy. Get up e_______ and do some sports e_______ day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy. Keys: 1.healthy;2.important;3.healthy;4.vegetables;5.much; 6.help; 7.strong; 8.away; 9.also;10.early;11.every 2.A Keys:1.From;2.Date;3.me;4.off;5.have; 6.see; 7.school; 8.play; 9.homework;10.read;11.early Americans usually eat three m_______ a day. Breakfast usually comes b_______ eight o’clock in the morning. They u_______ have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice 2


中考英语看图填词50篇 星沙英语网专稿https://www.doczj.com/doc/2c1781166.html, 1 看图填词:请根据图中的提示,在短文的横线上填入适当的词,使短文的意思完整与正确,每空一词。(本大题共10分,每空1分) Li Lei 1 a student. He usually gets up early. But this morning he got up 2 . It was already 3 o'clock. He had no time to have his breakfast. He said goodbye to his 4 and hurried out. He 5 to school quickly by 6 . When he 7 to the school gate, he found it was 8 . Suddenly he 9 it was 10 . He had already forgotten that. 2 看图写话:根据图画所提供的语景,在空格中填入适当的词,使其意思完整、语法正确,每空格限填一个英语单词。(10分) 1.It was late last Monday, but Tom was still 1 TV in his room. There was a wonderful football match on TV. 2 excited(激动的)he was! That night he 3 go to bed until twelve o'clock. 2.The next morning, it was a 4 to eight. It was too late for Tom to get to school 5 time. But he was still in bed. 3.When Tom 6 school, it was eight. The teacher was already beginning her lesson. As soon as Tom came into the classroom, she got 7 and said,“What time is it now, Tom?”Tom felt sorry and could say 8 . 4.In English class, he 9 a test. As he didn't know the lessons at 10 , Tom failed his English test. 3 根据图画内容,在下面短文的空格中填上适当的单词,使短文完整、正确、通顺(每个空格限填一个单词)。


Teaching Plan ——————————————————————————————————Teaching Date: Nov 16, 2010. Teacher: Chen Meiyu From School : Shaoguan No.13 Middle School Teaching Content: the Attributive Clause key teaching points: 1. Revise what the attributive clause ,antecedent and conjunction are. 2. Learn how to use the attributive clause . Teaching methods: 1.C ompetition method to arouse the Ss’interest and practice their oral English according to what they’ve learned in class. 2.Group cooperation method to encourage Ss to take part in the activities and share with the partners. Teaching resource:task paper, card Teaching Procedures: Ⅰ Task 1: Let ’s know the new teacher. 1.Warming-up 2.Listen and complete the chart. (Use some attributive clauses to introduce myself) https://www.doczj.com/doc/2c1781166.html,e the answers to talk about the attributive clause. Ⅱ. Task 2: Riddles. (Appendix 2) 1.Give the students ten riddles and let them guess what the things are together. 2.Let the students underline the attribute clauses in the ten sentences. 3.Let the students circle the antecedents and the conjunctions. 4.Work in their groups and find out what the attribute clauses are and how to use it. 5.Talk about the attribute clauses together. Ⅲ. Play a game: Guessing the riddles. Tell the rules of the game and ask students to work in groups to make three sentences to make riddles to describe a thing、an animal 、a person and so on.Ask one student to read the riddle that he writes, others to guess. Ⅳ. Exercises Ⅴ. Homework 1. Revise the attributive clause. 2.Finish the report on the task paper.


初中英语首字母填空常用单词 1) A c____of events lead to the war 2) He seemed g_____and didn't know what to do 3) Smoking in the railway c____is not allowed 4) This is the best m_____ team in the country,it saved many lives 5) They've made a______achievements in the past three years 6) I paid e_____for a room with a better view 7) We are reading e_____from that poem 8) I'm deeply h___to be invited to the party 9)She emptied the c____of her bag on the floor and threw then away 10) My phone has already run out of p____ 11)Don't j ____ with me about my job 12) They lived m____.They never spend too much money on something useless 13) ID is short for i ____ 14)She kept her p____to visit her aunt regularly 15)I was under the i___that the work had already been completed 16) This is a room of 15 s___meters


十年中考首字母汇总 2007 E. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的 词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分) Some people have problems falling asleep; others have trouble getting up in the morning. The following suggestions may help. Don?t spend longer than thirty minutes trying to fall asleep. If you can?t get to sleep after half an hour, get up and do s 97 quiet, like reading. Only go back to bed when you feel tired. Drink a glass of warm milk fifteen minutes before you go to bed —it helps you to relax. But don?t drink coffee or tea: they have chemicals which will make it d98 for you to sleep. Have a warm bath —it?s a great way to relax. But n99 stay in there too long. More than twenty minutes and you will lose all your ener gy. And the bathroom isn?t the best place to fall asleep! Listen to some music. However, if you have to get up and turn off the recorder when the music f 100 , it won?t work! Set all the clocks i n the house ten minutes fast before you go to bed (and try to forget that you d 101 this when you wak e up the next morning). Get a friend to phone you in the morning. And hope that your friend is better at waking up than you are… and is able to have an interesting t102 with you on the phone to help you wake up. Go to bed e 103 than usual. It may not be easy at first, but they say that an hour of sleep before midnight has the same effect as two hours after midnight. 2008 E. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分) Do you have bright ideas? Ideas for inventions that change the world or, at least, make life easier for somebody? P 97 we all do sometimes, but we don?t often make the idea a real thing. Recently, there was a competition in a country, which encouraged young people to make their bright ideas come true. There were t 98 groups in the contest: Group A was for school children under 16; Group B was for those o 99 16. And there were eleven prize-winners altogether. b y one Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was c 100 “Sunshine Superman” newspaper writing about his design. When people study the weather, it?s important to be able to record the sunshine accurately. We need to know how many h 101 of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders o 102 record direct (直接的) sunshine. Neil?s is more accurate and this is very important for research into ways of using solar power. Neil plans to


中考英语看图填词50篇 Li Lei 1 a student. He usually gets up early. But this morning he got up 2 . It was already 3 o'clock. He had no time to have his breakfast. He said goodbye to his 4 and hurried out. He 5 to school quickly by 6 . When he 7 to the school gate, he found it was 8 . Suddenly he 9 it was 10 . He had already forgotten that. 1.It was late last Monday, but Tom was still 1 TV in his room. There was a wonderful football match on TV. 2 excited(激动的)he was! That night he 3 go to bed until twelve o'clock. 2.The next morning, it was a 4 to eight. It was too late for Tom to get to school 5 time. But he was still in bed. 3.When Tom 6 school, it was eight. The teacher was already beginning her lesson. As soon as Tom came into the classroom, she got 7 and said,“What time is it now, Tom?”Tom felt sorry and could say 8 . 4.In English class, he 9 a test. As he didn't know the lessons at 10 , Tom failed his English test. Meimei can't go to school today because she isn't feeling well. Mum asked her to stay in 1 . This morning Meimei went to the 2 3 together with Mum. The doctor asked Meimei to 4 her 5 and 6 “Ah.”He looked over Meimei carefully. It was 7 serious. So the doctor said to her,“You've caught a bit of cold. Take this 8 9 times a day and drink more 10 . You'll feel better soon.”

中考英语首字母填词50集合 含答案

中考首字母填词集合 1. Tony likes sports, __________________(尤其是)football. 2. After some exercise, she looks much __________________(瘦的)than before. 3. May is the f_________ month of a year. 4. I often help my parents do h_________ on weekends, such as doing some cleaning. 5. Now more and more young teachers v__________________ to teach in the countryside. 6. You can practice soccer by j_____ a sports club. 7. Who e_____ in my class will go to the movie besides me? 8. Please find out some ______(不同)between the two pictures. 9. People want to challenge _____(自己)in the face of difficulties. 10. You'd better not go because it's raining _____(heavy) outside. 11. Good morning, boys and g______. Let's begin our class. 12. I'm a______ of snake because I think they are dangerous. 13. I'm going to Tom's birthday p______ next Monday. 14. A rose(玫瑰) is a f______ that has a good smell. 15. Mother w______ me up at 6 o'clock yesterday morning and told me it was time to get up. 16. Fifty and fifty is one h______. 17. The telephone was i______ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, that is, he was the first person to make the telephone. 18. All the students are studying at school e______ Tom, who is ill at home. 19. —W______ bag is this? —It's mine. 20. Dr. Naismith d______ the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play basketball. 21. It is a p______ that the weather is so bad today. We can’t go to a picnic. 22. You should always knock at the door before you e______ a room. 23. Close the window or the wind will b______ everything off my desk. 24. The young woman is very b______. She is not afraid of anything. 25. It’s very p______ to say “Thank you” when someone helps you. 26. He took an active part in all kinds of activities i_______ tennis, swimming, running and so on. 27. The little boy o________ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. 28. Air pollution is one of the g_________ problems in the modern world. 29. Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to __________(成功). 30. It’s nice of you to provide us with the _________(有价值的) information. 31. Tianjin plans to start a smart city program to deal with t_____ jams.

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