当前位置:文档之家› 考研英语词汇,带例句21



guy2/ ga?; ɡa?/ n (infml 口)

man 男人; 家伙; 小伙子: He's a great guy. 他是个了不起的小伙子. * the guys at the office 办公室的男同事

gym/ d??m; d??m/ n (infml 口)

[C] gymnasium 体育馆; 健身房: exercises in the gym在健身房的锻炼.

habitat/ ?h?b?t?t; ˋh?b??t?t/

n natural environment of an animal or a plant; home (动物或植物的)自然环境; 栖息地: This creature's (natural) habitat is the jungle. 这种动物的(天然)栖息地是丛林.

hail1/ he?l; hel/ n

[U] frozen rain falling in a shower 雹; 冰雹.

hail v

1. [I] fall as hail in a shower 下雹: It is hailing. 正在下雹.

2.[Tn] call to (a person or ship) in order to attract attention 招呼(人或船): within `hailing distance, ie close enough to be hailed 在可以招呼的距离内. An old friend hailed me on the other side of the street.

[Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sth enthusiastically acknowledge sb/sth as sth 热情地承认某人

[某事物]为...: crowds hailing him as king, as a hero 拥他为王﹑赞他为英雄的群众

halt/ h??lt; h?lt/

n [sing] temporary stop; interruption of progress 暂停; 停顿: Work was brought/came to a halt when the machine broke down. 机器出了毛病, 工作便停顿下来.


v[I, Tn] (cause sb/sth to) stop temporarily (使某人[某事物])暂停: Platoon, halt! 全排注意, 立定! * The officer halted his troops for a rest. 军官下令部队停下来休息.

hamper2/ ?h?mp?(r); ˋh?mp?/

v [Tn] prevent the free movement or activity of (sb); hinder (sb/sth) 束缚(某人); 妨碍(某人[某事物]): Our progress was hampered by the bad weather. 我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍.

handful hand·ful /?h?ndful/n

[C]an amount that you can hold in your hand 一把

a handful of The boy picked up a handful of stones and started throwing them at us.

a handful of sth 少数 a very small number of people or things

There were only a handful of people there.

handicap/ ?h?nd?k?p; ˋh?nd??k?p/

n thing that makes progress or success difficult 不利的因素; 障碍.

Not speaking the language is a real handicap.

physical or mental disability 生理上或智力上的缺陷; 残疾; 智力低下:

Deafness can be a serious handicap. 耳聋有时算是严重的缺陷.

handicap v (-pp-) [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] give or be a disadvantage to (sb) 对(某人)设置不利条件; 被施加不利条件: be handicapped by a lack of education因文化水平低而吃亏.


the style of someone's writing 笔迹,书法

I recognised her handwriting on the envelope. / ?env?l?up/ n信封

handy/ ?h?nd?; ˋh?nd?/ adj (-ier, -iest)

(of gadgets, etc) convenient to handle or use; useful (指小器具等)便於拿取的, 便於

使用的, 有用的: A good tool-box is a handy thing to have in the house. 家里有一个好的工具箱就方便多了.

[pred 作表语] conveniently placed for being reached or used 近便; 便当:

Our flat is very handy for the schools. 我们的住所离学校很近, 非常方便.

Always keep a first-aid kit handy. 手边要经常有个急救箱.

harassment/?h?r?sm?nt, h??r?sm?nt/n[U] 骚扰,扰乱

when someone behaves in an unpleasant or threatening way towards you African-Americans have been complaining about police harassment for years.

sexual/racial harassment

harbour(US harbor) / ?hɑ?b?(r); ˋhɑrb?/

n [C, U]place of shelter for ships 港; 港口; 港湾: Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour. 港湾里停泊着几只船. (fig 比喻) place of safety or shelter 避难处; 庇护所.

[Tn] give shelter to (a criminal, etc); protect; conceal 庇护(罪犯等); 保护; 藏匿: be convicted of harbouring a wanted man 因窝藏被通缉者而被定罪* Dirt harbours germs. 污垢中藏有病菌.

hardship/ ?hɑ?d??p; ˋhɑrd??p/ n

[U] severe suffering or discomfort; privation 苦难; 困苦; 贫困: bear/suffergreat


[C] circumstance causing this 艰难情况: During the war we suffered many hardships.

hardware/?hɑ?dwe? US ?hɑ?rdwer/n[U]

computer machinery and equipment, as opposed to the programs that make computers work 硬件computer hardware

equipment and tools for your home and garden 五金hardware stores

harm/ hɑ?m; hɑrm/

[U] damage; injury 损害; 伤害: He meant no harm, ie did not intend to hurt or upset anyone. 他并无恶意. * A few late nights never did anyone any harm.

v [Tn] cause harm to (sb/sth) 损害或伤害(某人[某事物]): an event which has harmed relations between the two countries 危及两国关系的事件

harmony/ ?hɑ?m?n?; ˋhɑrm?n?/

n [U] agreement (of feelings, interests, opinions, etc) (感情﹑兴趣﹑意见等)相符,

一致: working towards harmony in international affairs致力使国际事务协调一致. [C, U] (instance of a) pleasing combination of related things 协调; 匀称: the harmony

of colour in nature 自然界色彩的协调* The designer's aim is to produce a harmony of shape and texture. 设计者的目标是要使外观与材料的特性两者统一起来.

(idm 习语) in harmony (with sb/sth)agreeing; matching 协调一致; 相配: live together in perfect harmony, ie peacefully and happily 住在一起十分融洽*

His tastes are in harmony with mine. 他的爱好与我的相同.

harness/ ?hɑ?n?s; ˋhɑrn?s/ v

[Tn] control and use (a natural force) to produce electrical power, etc 控制及利用(自然界的力量)以产生电能等: harness a river, a waterfall, the sun's rays as a source of energy 利用河水﹑瀑布﹑太阳光作为能源.

harsh/ hɑ??; hɑr?/ adj (-er, -est)

~ (to sb/sth)unpleasantly rough or sharp, esp to the senses 粗糙而使人不舒服的;

(尤指)刺激人感官的: a harsh texture, voice, light, colour 毛糙的织物﹑刺耳的声音﹑刺目的光线﹑耀眼的颜色* be harsh to the ear/eye/touch刺耳[刺目/扎手].

stern; cruel; severe 严酷的; 无情的; 严厉的: a harsh judge, judgement, punishment

haste/ he?st; hest/ n

[U] quickness of movement; hurry 急忙; 匆忙: Why all the haste?为什麽这麽匆忙?

(idm 习语) in haste quickly 匆忙地

hasty/ ?he?st?; ˋhest?/ adj (-ier, -iest)

(a)said, made or done quickly or too quickly; hurried 急急忙忙的; 过於匆忙的; 仓促完成的: a hasty departure, meal, farewell匆匆忙忙的离去﹑用餐﹑告别[usu pred 通常作表语] ~ (in doing sth/to do sth)(of a person) acting quickly; too fast (指人)仓促从事, 草率: You shouldn't be too hasty in deciding to get married.

hatch1/ h?t?; h?t?/

n (a) opening in a door, floor or ceiling (门﹑地板或天花板上的)开口.

(b)door in an aircraft or a spacecraft (飞机或宇宙飞船上的)舱门.

v [I, Ip] ~ (out)(a) (of a young bird or fish, etc) emerge from an egg (指小鸟﹑小

鱼等)(从卵中)孵出: The chicks have hatched(`out). 小鸡孵出来了.

[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) cause (sth) to emerge from an egg 孵出(某物):

The hen hatches (out) her young by sitting on the eggs. 母鸡伏在蛋上孵小鸡.

[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out/up) think out and produce (a plot, plan, etc) 策划(阴谋); :

What mischief are those children hatching (`up)? /?m?st??f; ˋm?st??f/ n 恶作剧

hatred/ ?he?tr?d; ˋhetr?d/ n [U]

~ (for/of sb/sth)very strong dislike; hate 仇恨; 憎恨: feel hatred for the enemy 对敌人怀着仇恨* He looked at me with hatred.

haul/ h??l; h?l/ v

[I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] pull or drag (sth) with effort or force 用力拖或拉(某物): haul a car out of the mud 把小汽车从烂泥里拽出来* They hauled the boat up the beach.

hazard/ ?h?z?d; ˋh?z?d/

n ~ (to sb/sth)(thing that can cause) danger; risk 危险; 有危险的事物; 风险: Smoking is a serious health hazard. 吸烟严重危及健康. * Wet roads are a hazard to drivers.

v [Tn] expose (sth) to danger; risk 使(某事物)遭受危险; 使...冒风险: Rock-climbers are hazarding their lives. 岩石上的攀登者在冒生命的危险.

heading/ ?hed??; ˋh?d??/ n

word or words put at the top of a page, section of a book, etc as a title (书籍等篇页﹑章节上端的)标题.


the title of a newspaper report, which is printed in large letters above the report头条新闻

a paper carrying the front-page headline: 'Space Aliens meet with President' headquarters/?hed?kw??t?z,/n abbreviation HQ plural headquarters[C]

the main building or offices used by a large company or organization

the headquarters of the United Nations

heal/ hi?l; hil/ v

[I, Ip, Tn] ~ (over/up)(cause sth to) become healthy again (使某物)康复: The wound healed slowly. 伤口愈合得很慢. * The wound is not yet healed, ie has not yet been covered by new skin. 伤口尚未愈合(尚未长出新皮).

heap/ hi?p; hip/ n

number of things or mass of material lying piled up 堆: a heap of books, sand, rubbish

一堆书﹑沙﹑垃圾* clothes left in heaps on the ground 丢弃在地上的一堆堆的衣服heaps[pl] ~ (of sth)(infml 口) great number or amount; plenty 大量; 许多: We have

heaps of time. 我们有很多时间. * She's been there heaps of times. 她去过那里许多次了. v [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up)put (things) in a pile 堆积(物品): heap (up) stones to form a dam 把石头堆成一道堤坝* (fig 比喻) heap up riches 积聚财富

hearing/ ?h??r??; ˋh?r??/ n

(1)[U] ability to hear; sense听力; 听觉: Her hearing is poor, ie She is rather deaf. (2)[C] (a) opportunity to be heard 说话或申辩的机会: be given a fair hearing 获得公平的申辩机会* I never gained a hearing, ie Nobody was willing to listen to me.

(b) trial of a case in a lawcourt, esp before a judge without a jury 开审; 审讯; (尤指无陪审团的)听讯: The defendant's family were present at the hearing.

heave/ hi?v; hiv/ v (pt, pp heaved or hove/ h?uv; hov/, 尤作航海用语)

(a) [Tn.pr, Tn.p] lift or drag (sth heavy) with great effort (用力)举起, 提升, 拖动, 拉

动(重物): We heaved the wardrobe up the stairs. 我们用力把衣柜搬上楼了./?w??dr?ub/

(b) [I, Ipr] ~ (at/on sth)pull (at a rope, etc) 拉(绳等): `Heave ho!' cried the sailors as they raised the anchor.

[Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (infml 口) throw (esp sth heavy) 扔(尤指重物): heave a brick through

a window 把砖从窗口扔过去* heave sth overboard把某物抛到船外.

n [C, U] (act of) heaving 举; 提; 拖; 拉; 扔; 起伏; 升降: with a mighty heave, ie a strong pull or throw 猛地一拉(或使劲一扔)

hedge/ hed?; h?d?/

n row of bushes or shrubs planted close together and forming a boundary for a field, garden, etc 树篱: a privet hedge

v [Tn] put a hedge round (a field, garden, etc) 在(田地﹑花园等)周围设置树篱.

heel1/ hi?l; hil/

n (a) back part of the human foot 足跟,脚后跟

(b) part of a sock, stocking, etc covering this (袜子等的)踵部, 後跟.

heir/ e?(r); ?r/ n ~ (to sth)

person with the legal right to receive property, etc when the owner dies 继承人: be heir to a large fortune, a title, the throne 是大笔财产﹑头衔﹑王位的继承人

> heiress / ?e?r?s/ n 女继承人(尤指继承大笔财产者).

helicopter/ ?hel?k?pt?(r)/ n

type of aircraft with horizontal revolving blades or rotors, able to take off and land vertically and remain stationary in the air 直升飞机: rescued from the sea by (a) helicopter 用直升飞机从海上救起的* [attrib 作定语] a helicopter pilot 直升飞机驾驶员

helmet/ ?helm?t; ˋh?lm?t/ n

protective head-covering such as that worn by firemen, miners, motor-cyclists, policemen and sportsmen, and by soldiers when they arefighting 头盔.

hemisphere/ ?hem?sf??(r); ˋh?m?s?f?r/ n

half a sphere 半球. (the Northern/Southern hemisphere/the Eastern

hemisphere/ the Western hemisphere)

(anatomy 解) either half of the cerebrum (大脑的)半球.

hence/ hens; h?ns/ adv

from this time 从此时起: a week hence, ie in a week from now 从现在起一星期後.

for this reason 因此: I fell off my bike yesterday hence the bruises.

bruise / bru?z; bruz/ n 挫伤

henceforth/?hens?f??θ, ?hensf??θ US -??rθ/adv formal from this time on从今以后

herb/ h??b; US ??rb; ?b/ n

plant of this kind whose leaves or seeds, etc are used in medicines and perfumes or for flavouring food 药草, 芳草(叶或种子等可制成药和香料, 或用作调味品)

[attrib 作定语] a herb garden芳草园.

herd/ h??d; h?d/

n [C] number of animals, esp cattle, feeding or staying together 兽群; 牧群; (尤指)牛群: a herd of cows, deer, elephant(s), etc一群牛﹑鹿﹑象等.

v 1[Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] move or drive (sb/sth) forward as a herd in the specified direction (某人[某物])成群地移动; 驱赶成群的(某人[某物]): The prisoners were herded (together) onto the train. 一群囚犯被驱赶着押送上了火车.

2[Tn] look after (sth) in a herd 牧放(兽群): a shepherd herding his flock

heritage/ ?her?t?d?; ˋh?r?t?d?/ n [C usu sing 通常作单数]

things such as works of art, cultural achievements and folklore that have been passed

on from earlier generations 文化遗产(如祖辈遗留下来的艺术作品﹑文明成果及民俗): our literary heritage 文学遗产* These ancient buildings are part of the national heritage. (dated or fml 旧或文) property that has been or may be inherited by an heir 遗产

heroic/ h??r?u?k; h?ˋro?k/ adj

having the characteristics of a hero; very brave 有英雄气概的; 英勇的: heroic deeds

heroin/ ?her?u?n; ˋh?ro?n/ n [U]

narcotic drug made from morphine, used medically to cause sleep or relieve pain, or by drug addicts 海洛因

heroine/?her?u?n US -rou-/n[C]

a woman who is admired for doing something extremely brave 女英雄

the woman or girl who is the main character in a book, film, play etc女主角

hesitate/ ?hez?te?t; ˋh?z??tet/ v

[I, Ipr] ~ (at/about/over sth)be slow to speak or act because one feels uncertain or

unwilling; pause in doubt 犹豫; 踌躇; 迟疑; (因有疑虑而)停顿:She hesitated before replying. * He hesitates at nothing. 他从不优柔寡断.

[It] be reluctant 不情愿: Don't hesitate to tell us if you have a problem.

hierarchy/ ?ha??rɑ?k?; ˋha???rɑrk?/ n

[U and C] a system of organization in which people or things are divided into levels of importance 等级制度 a social hierarchy

[C]the most important and powerful members of an organization管理层the church hierarchy

highlight/ ?ha?la?t; ˋha??la?t/

n best, most interesting or most exciting part of something 最有意思或最精采的部分: The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace. 我们旅游中最有意思的活动就是参观宫殿. * The highlights of the match will be shown on TV tonight.

v [Tn] 1give special attention to (sth); emphasize 对(某事物)予以特别的注意; 强调: a TV programme highlighting the problems of the unemployed 着重反映失业问题的电视节目. hijack/ ?ha?d??k; ˋha??d??k/ v [Tn]

seize control of (a vehicle, esp an aircraft) in order to force it to go to a new destination,

to take its passengers hostage or to steal its cargo 劫持(交通工具, 尤指飞行器): The plane was highjacked while on a flight to Delhi.

hike/ ha?k; ha?k/

n long walk, esp in the country, taken for pleasure or exercise 远足, 徒步旅行(尤指在

乡间进行者): go on a ten-mile hike作一次十英里的徒步旅行.

(infml 口) rise in prices, costs, etc (价格﹑价值等的)提高, 增加: The union demands

a 7% wage hike. 工会要求提高工资7%.

v 1[I] go for a long walk 作远足旅行; 作徒步旅行: a hiking holiday作远足活动的假日. 2[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up)(infml 口) (esp US) raise (prices, etc) 提高(价格等): hike(up) an insurance claim提高保险索赔金额.

hinder/ ?h?nd?(r); ˋh?nd?/ v [Tn, Tn.pr]

~ sb/sth (from sth/doing sth)prevent the progress of sb/sth; obstruct or delay sb/sth 阻碍﹑妨碍某人[某事物]的进展; 阻挠或耽搁某人[某事物]:

hinder sb (from working) 妨碍某人(工作)* hinder sb in his work 阻挠某人的工作* Production was hindered by lack of materials. 由於缺乏原料, 生产陷於停顿.

hinge/ h?nd?; h?nd?/ n

piece of metal, etc on which a lid, door, or gate turns or swings as it opens and closes

铰链; 合叶: take the door off its hinges and rehang it 把门从铰链上卸下重装

The gate hinges need oiling they're squeaking. 大门的铰链吱吱响-该上油了.

/ skwi?k; skwik/ 吱吱响

hint/ h?nt; h?nt/

n subtle way of indicating to sb what one is thinking or what one wants; indirect suggestion 暗示; 示意; 间接的提示;线索: a strong, broad, gentle, delicate, etc hint 强烈的﹑明白的﹑轻微的﹑微妙的...示意* She coughed to give him the hint that he should go. The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming.

v [Ipr, Tn, Dn.pr, Dpr.f] ~ at sth; ~ sth (to sb) suggest sth slightly or indirectly 稍微地或间接地提及某事物: The possibility of an early election has been hinted at. 已经有迹象表明可能提前进行选举. * She has already hinted (to me) that I've won the prize. 她已经(向我)暗示说我得到了这个奖.

hip1/ h?p; h?p/ n

part on either side of the body below the waist where the bone of a person's leg is joined to the trunk 臀部; 髋部: He stood with his hands on his hips. 他两手叉腰站立着. * I'm quite wide round/in the hips. 我的臀部很大. * [attrib 作定语] the hip-bone 髋骨


/ ?h?e??tu?; ?h?e?ˋtu/ adv (fml 文) until now 迄今; 至今: a hitherto unknown species of moth至今尚不知属何种类的蛾./ m?θ; US m??θ; m?θ/ n 蛾


考研英语真题词汇词频统计 频率为27次的单词 process n.过程;工序;程序 vt.加工,处理 频率为26次的单词 growth n.增加,增长(量);生长,发展technology n.工艺,技术 theory n.理论,原理;学说;看法,见解 频率为25次的单词 economy n.经济(制度),经济情况; 节约,省俭 频率为23次的单词 behavio(u)r n.行为,举止;运转情况 频率为21次的单词 account n.账(目),账户;叙述,说明 vi.说明(原因等);(数量、比例方面)占economic a.经济(学)的,经济上的 频率为20次的单词 individual a.单独的,个人的n.个人,个体 频率为19次的单词 product n.产品,产物;乘积 rate n. (比)率;速度,进度;价格,费用v. 估价,定级,责骂 频率为18次的单词 create vt.创造,创建,创作;引起,产生 频率为17次的单词 decline vi./n.下降,减少,衰退;婉拒hard a.坚固的;烈性的;困难的 ad.努力地;猛烈地:困难地 频率为16次的单词 ability n.能力,本领;才能,才智 频率为15次的单词 professional a.专业的;高水准的 spot n.斑点,污点;地点;一点儿 vt.认出,发现;玷污 tend vi.倾向,趋向于vt.照管,护理view n.眼界;风景;(常用pl.)看法 vt.看待;观察频率为14次的单词 advocate vt/n.鼓吹(者),拥护(者) amount n.数量vi.合计;等同community n.团体,社会;界,族;社区;群落。community interests 集体利益concern vt.关联;关心n.焦虑;关心environment n.环境,周围状况 factor n.因素,要素 intelligence n.智力,智慧;情报 likely a.可能的,有希望的ad.可能return v./n.回来;归还,送还;回答social a.社会的;交际的 socialable a.善于社交的 频率为13次的单词 consequence n.结果,后果;重要(性) drug n.药物;(pl.)麻醉品,毒品 expert n.专家,能手a.熟练的,内行的extend vi.延续;达到vt.提供,发出industrial a.工业的,产业的 moral a.道德(上)的n.寓意,教育意义 频率为12次的单词 action n.行为;活动;作用 adult n.成(年)人 a.成年人的,已成熟的ambition n.雄心;野心 competition n.竞争,比赛 capacity n.容量,容积;能力,才能 detail n.细节,详情vt.详述,细说evidence n.根据,证据;迹象,形迹evolution n.进化,演化,渐进 fund n.基金,专款;现款 vt.为…提供资金,资助 inflation n.通货膨胀;(充气使)膨胀 local a.当地的.地方的;局部的 maintain vt.维持;维修,保养;主张management n.经营;管理(部门);管理人员 productivity n.生产力,生产率 survive vt.幸免于;比…活得长vi.幸存universe n.宇宙,世界;范围,领域 频率为11次的单词 learn vt.学会;得知vi.学习;了解inevitable a.不可避免的 频率为10次的单词


2019考研英语必背5500词汇表(R) 1rabbit n.兔子 2race n.赛跑;人种,种族;属,种 v.赛跑 3racial a.种的,种族的 4rack n.挂物架,搁物架 v.使痛苦,折磨 5racket n.球拍 6radar n.雷达 7radiant a.发光的,辐射的,容光焕发的 8radiate v.放射,辐射;散布,传播 9radical a.差不多的,重要的;激进的,极端的;全然的 10r adioactive a.放射性,放射引起的 11r adius n.半径,半径范围,有效航程,范围,界限 12r ag n.抹布,破布,碎布 13r age n.愤慨 14r aid n/v..袭击,搜查 15r ail n.栏杆,围栏;(pl.)铁路;铁轨;横杆,栏杆 16r ailroad n.(railway)铁路 v.由铁道运输 17r ain n.雨;雨天;下雨 vi.下雨 vt.使大量落下 18r ainbow n.虹 19r aise v.举起,提升;增加;饲养;引起;竖起;提出 20r ake n.耙子,耙机 v.耙;搜索,探究 21r ally v.重整,恢复,振作 n.聚集,集会,拉力赛 22r andom a.随机的,随意的 n.随机,随意 23r ange n.范围,领域;排列,连续;(山)脉v.排列成行 24r ank n.军衔,社会阶层;排 v.分等级,把…分类 25r ap n.叩击,轻拍,斥责 v.敲,拍,打,斥责,使着迷 26r ape n./vt.掠夺,蹂躏,强奸 27r apid a.快,急速的 n.(pl.)急流,湍滩 28r are a.稀有的,难得的,珍奇的;稀薄的,稀疏的 29r arely ad.很少,难得,特别地 30r ash a.轻率的,鲁莽的 n.皮疹 31r at n.鼠 32r ate n.速率;等级;价格,费用 v.估价;评级,评价 33r ather ad.相当,有一点儿;宁愿,宁可 34r atio n.比,比率 35r ational a.理性的,合理的 36r aw a.未煮过的,生的;未加工过的,未经训练的 37r ay n.光线,射线 38r azor n.剃刀 39r each v.抵达;(out)伸手,够到 n.能达到的范围 40r eact v.反应,起作用;(against)反对,起反作用


2017考研英语高频词汇及例句汇总(十) 考研英语中词汇是英语的基础,复习备考的过程中,考生格外注意的是英语真题的考研英语高频词汇,这样可以更好地把握考研英语复习。为大家整理的一系列关于考研英语高频单词,希望对考生有所帮助! 1. adapt vi. 适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to); vt. 改编,改写; 改变…以适合(for); [例句]The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 世界会变得不同,我们必须做好准备以适应其变化。 2. additional adj. 补充; 额外的,附加的; 另外的,追加的; 外加; [例句]The US is sending additional troops to the region. 美国正向该地区增兵。 3. aggressive adj. 侵略的,侵犯的,攻势的;(美)有进取心的,积极行动的; 有进取心的,有闯劲的; 好争斗的,借故生端的,爱打架的,要打架的;

[例句]Some children are much more aggressive than others. 一些孩子比其他孩子更好斗。 4. amateur n. 业余爱好者; 外行,生手; adj. 外行的; 业余的,非职业的; [例句]Jerry is an amateur who dances because he feels like it. 杰里是个业余跳舞爱好者,他跳舞是因为自己喜欢。 5. analysis n. 分析,分解; 梗概,要略; [数] 解析; 验定; [例句]Her criteria defy analysis. 她的标准让人搞不明白。 6. apply vt. 申请; 涂; 应用,运用; 敷(药); vi. 申请,请求,适用; 适用,适合; 专心致志; [例句]I am continuing to apply for jobs. 我正在继续找工作。


高考英语重点词汇及例 句 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

A ability 能力;He has ability to solve the problem 1- All he needs is an opportunity to show his ability absent 缺席的;He will be absent from the meeting tomorrow. abroad 到国外;Steven has been working abroad for five years. achieve 获得,实现;Many people will work hard to achieve these goals activity 活动;You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching advanced先进的,高级的;The company bought many advanced equipment last year. adventure冒险,奇遇; 1-I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year. advantage优势; 1-I will take advantage of this trip to buy all the things that we need. 2-Our advantage is we are familiar with all the roads. advertise登广告;They put some advertisement 名词on the newspaper. affect影响;This will affect our mood. afford 买得起;The car is so expensive that we can’t be able to afford it. agriculture农业;Agriculture is very important for all the countries. announce 宣布;The director announced that we had won the competition. anxious 焦虑的,渴望的;He is very anxious to go aboard. apologize道歉;I need to apologize for what I did. appearance出现,外表; 1-It was the president's second public appearance to date 2-She care about her appearance very much. appreciate感激,欣赏;We appreciate what you did for us. astronaut 宇航员;I saw an astronaut driving the spacecraft. atmosphere大气,气氛;very good atmosphere 很好的气氛或氛围 attempt 企图,尝试;We are attempting to persuade him to work for our company attract 吸引; 1-In order to attract the investors, Chinese government has reduced the taxes. audience听众;All the audience were attracted by his performance.


考研英语词汇、词频统计 前言 掌握词汇是考研英语复习的基础工程。如何提高记忆效率,在较短的时间内掌握考研要求的5000多个词汇,是广大考生极为关心的问题。 编写这本小册子主要基于以下几点考虑: 一是,词汇记忆过程中应当将更多的精力花费在那些经常出现的单词上。考研要求的5000多个词汇的重要程度是不一样的,如何判断某个词在研究生入学考试中的重要性呢?在考试真题中出现的频率当然是最重要的依据。所谓出现的频率,是指某个词在历年考研真题中出现的次数。出现次数越多的单词,在复习过程中越应当引起重视。我们依据词汇在1990年至2004年这15年考研真题中出现频率的高低编排了这本小册子,意在提醒广大即将参加2005年考研的考生,对那些出现频率较高的单词应当给予足够的关注。 二是,词汇记忆应当简洁、明了、准确。考研复习过程中的词汇记忆不是背诵字典,也不是机械地重复考试大纲所列举的词汇。我们在这本小册子编写的过程中,略去了过于简单(中文意思和拼写都比较简单,如all、of等)和较为生僻的词汇(主要是指在过去15年考研真题中尚未出现过的词汇),因此这本小册子所列举的单词 都是“核心词汇”,即参加研究生入学英语考试必须重点掌握的词汇。在词汇中文语意上,我们综合参照了考试大纲和单词历年研究生入学考试真题的具体意思,力求简洁、准确。 愿这本小册子能助您考研一臂之力! 启航教育在线 北京启航考试学校 2004年2月 考研英语词汇、词频统计 ·1· 频率在100次以上的词汇 part n.部分;角色;作用;零件 v.使分开,分离,分别 pass v.经过,走过;传递;通过 (考试等) n.通行证,护照;关口 ring n.戒指;铃声,按铃;圆圈,环;(打)电话 v.按(铃);敲(钟);(up) 打电话 tie n.领带,领结;联系,关系; 约束,束缚 v.系,栓,捆 passage n.通过;通路;段,节 even ad.甚至,即使 a.平坦的;偶数的;均匀的 cause n.原因;事业奋斗目标 v.引起,使产生 sing v.唱,演唱;鸡叫 long a./ad.长的,长远的,长期 的 vi.(for)渴望 频率为 51—99次的词汇 count vt.数,计数,看作,认为 n.计数,计算,总数 arch n.拱门,拱形结构 v.拱起,(使)变成拱形 hang vt. 悬,挂,垂吊;吊死 ratio n.比,比率 great a.伟大的;重大的;美妙的 sentence n.句子;判决,宣判 v.判决,宣判 inform vt.通知,向…报告;告密 direct a./ad.径直的,直接的 vt.指导 rent n.租金vi.出租,租赁 tend v.趋向,往往是;照料,看护 dust n.灰尘,灰烬being n.存在;生物;生命formation n.形成;构成mate n.伙伴,同事;配偶 stand vi.站,站立;坐落,位于, 经受,忍受;坚持,维持原 状 n.台,座 high a./ad.高高的(地),高尚的 (地) care n.关怀,操心;小心,谨慎 v.关心;介意;计较 ease n.安逸,舒适,休闲;容易 v.减轻;使舒适,使安心 sheet n.被单;(一)张,(一)片, 薄片;大片 sign n.标记,符号,招牌;征兆, 迹象


2019年考研英语词汇:必背大纲5500词(88) 2018考研英语词汇:必背大纲5500词(88) 1 shame n.羞耻,耻辱;可耻的人(或事物) v.使羞愧 2 shampoo n.洗发膏,香波;洗发,洗头 v.洗发,洗头 3 shape n.形状,外形;情况,状态;种类v.成型,塑造 4 share v.(with)分配,共用;分担n.一份,份额;股份 5 shark n.鲨鱼 6 sharp a.锋利的;轮廓分明的;急转的ad.(指时刻)正 7 shatter n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇 8 shave v.剃,刮,刨,削 n.刮脸 9 she pron.(主格)她 10 shear v.剪,修剪 11 shed v.流出;发散,散发,脱落,脱去 n.棚,小屋 12 sheep n.(绵)羊;易受人摆布的人 13 sheer a.纯粹的,十足的,全然的;陡峭的,险峻的 14 sheet n.被单;(一)张,(一)片,薄片;大片 15 shelf n.架子,搁板 16 shell n.壳,贝壳;炮弹 17 shelter n.掩蔽处;掩蔽,保护 v.掩蔽,躲避,庇护 18 shepherd n.牧民,牧羊人

19 shield n.防护物,护罩;盾,盾状物 v.保护,防护 20 shift v.替换,转移n.转换,转变;(轮)班,(换)班 21 shilling n.先令 22 shine v.照耀,发光;擦亮 n.光泽,光 23 ship n.船舶,舰艇 v.装运,航运,运送;发货 24 shipment n.装船,装运;装载的货物,装货量 25 shirt n.衬衫 26 shiver v./n.战栗,发抖 27 shock n.震动;电击,触电;休克v.(使)震动/震惊 28 shoe n.鞋 29 shoot v.发射;掠过,疾驰而过 n.嫩枝,苗,射击 30 shop n.商店,店铺;工厂,车间 v.买东西 31 shopkeeper n.店主 32 shore n.海滨,湖滨 33 short a.短的,矮的;(of)缺乏,不足 n.(pl.)短裤 34 shortage n.不足,缺少 35 shortcoming n.短处,缺点 36 shorthand n.速记 37 shortly ad.立刻,不久;不耐烦地,简慢地 38 shot n.开枪,射击;投篮;弹丸,炮弹,子弹 39 should aux.v.应该;万一;可能,该;就;竟然会


考研英语大纲词汇(带音标和例句)超全版本(字母B) (275个单词) 例句基本选自《牛津英语词典》,个别出自《朗文词典》等。 370.baby ['beibi] n.婴儿;年龄最小的人;小动物 a.婴儿似的 Stop crying! Don't be such a baby. 371.bachelor ['b?t??l?] n.单身汉;(亦作B-)学士(学位) Many would regard him, I think, as an eligible bachelor. 372.back [b?k] a.后面的 ad.向后 v.倒退;支持 n.背;后面 Do you sleep on your back or your stomach? 373.background ['b?kɡraund] "n.背景,经历;幕后" The job would suit someone with a business background. 374.backward ['b?kw?d] "a.向后的,倒行的;迟钝的 ad.向后,朝反方向" She strode past him without a backward glance. 375.bacon ['beik?n] "n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉" Jim ate the last piece of bacon and moved the bed tray from his lap. His friends had all gone to college or were bringing home the bacon. 376.bacterium [b?k'ti?ri?m] n.(pl.)bacteria 细菌 The spots can become infected with bacteria. 377.bad [b?d] a.坏的;低劣的;不舒服的;腐败的;严重的 Smoking gives you bad breath. 378.badge ['b?d?] "n.徽章,像章;标记;象征;记号" All employees have to wear name badges. 379.badly ['b?dli]ad.非常,严重地;坏地,差地,拙劣地 The building is badly in need of repair.


2018年考研英语一真题及答案 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24

的更新!2018考研英语翻译真题解析:19考生应关注3个语法点翻译部分较去 2017-12-24 译文】莎士比亚出生之时,欧洲宗教戏剧正在消逝,在古典悲剧和戏剧的推动下,很多新的戏剧形式应运而生。 (47) no boy who went to a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome and might yet bring honor to England. 【题目考点】定语从句;宾语从句;并列结构 【句子结构】主句主干:no boy…could be ignorant that…。who引导的定语从句修饰boy,that引导为形容词ignorant的宾语从句,which引导的定语从句修饰a form of literature,gave…and might bring honor…为先行词a form of literature的并列谓语结构。 【重点词汇】grammar school 文法学校ignorant忽视literature文学glory 荣耀 【参考译文】任何文法学校的学生都知道戏剧是一种文学形式,它曾给希腊和罗马带来荣耀,也许同样会给英格兰带来殊荣。


凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路! 2015年考研英语新题型重要词汇 1.7 comprehend [,kɑmpr?'h?nd] vt. 理解;包含 【词根记忆】:com全部+prehend/ prehens (相当于catch) = 全部抓住= 领会;理解 【短语搭配】:comprehend the meaning理解含义 【真题例句】:Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual words and working out relationships between them…显而易见,你会尝试在阅读过程中理解。这种理解是建立在辨识单词本身的意思并理解单词与单词之间的关系之上… 2. 16 identify [ai'dentifai] v. 识别;辨识 【词根记忆】:ident 相同+ ify动词后缀→识别=将一个事物与其标准相互匹配的过程 【短语搭配】:identify with理解;认同 【真题例句】:As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. 你一醒来就立刻能确定在梦中是什么困扰你。(2005年阅读Text3) 3. 7 context ['kɑnt?kst] n. 环境;上下文 【词根记忆】:con共同+text 编织=共同编织在一起的=上下文 【短语搭配】:in the context of在…情况下 in this context 在这个背景下 【真题例句】:You begin to infer a context for the text, for instance by making decisions about what kind of speech event is involved…例如,你可以凭借判定何种类型的语言情景会涉及在这样的文本当中来推测文章语境。 4. 31involve [?n'vɑlv] vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于


Unit 1 survey 调查;测验 1 add up 合计 add up all the money that I should pay you 把我应该付你的钱合计起来 2 upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 I'm always upset when I am not around you 我不在你身边时总是心烦 3 ignore不理睬;忽视 We could ignore him 我们可以不理会他 he doesn't ignore advice 他不轻视别人的意见 4 calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的You should keep calm even in face of danger. 即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静 The sea was calm 海面很平静 5 calm(……)down (使)平静下来 I told myself to calm down. 我告诫自己要冷静下来 6 have got to 不得不;必须 I have got to study hard in order to pass the exanm 为了通过考试我必须努力学习 7 concern(使)担心;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系The news concerns your brother. 这消息与你兄弟有关 That's no concern of mine. 那不关我的事 8 be concerned about 关心;挂念 He was very concerned about her. 他对她非常关心。 9 walk the dog 溜狗 I walk my dog here every morning. 每天早上我都在这一带溜狗。 10 loose adj 松的;松开的 I have got a loose tooth. 我有一颗牙齿松动了。 11 vet 兽医 12 go through 经历;经受


2017考研英语高频词汇及例句汇总(一)考研英语中词汇是英语的基础,复习备考的过程中,考生格外注意的是英语真题的高频考研英语词汇,这样可以更好地把握考研英语复习。为大家整理的关于2017考研英语高频单词及例句,希望对考生有所帮助! 1.create vt.产生; 创造,创作; 封爵,把…封为(贵族); vi.[英][俚] 大发脾气,大发牢骚; [例句]We set business free to create more jobs in Britain. 我们放开对企业的限制以便在英国创造更多的就业机会。 2.decline n.下降;(力量、健康、品格、权力、价值等的)衰退; 下倾;(人、生命等的)衰退期; vt.辞谢,谢绝(邀请等); vi.(道路、物体等)下倾;(太阳)落下;(在品格、价值上)降低; 衰落,谢绝; [例句]The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000. 员工人数从21.7万减少到了11.4万。 3.hard

adj.硬的; 困难的; 有力的; 努力的; adv.努力地; 猛力地; 严重地; 沉重地; n.英〉硬海滩,登陆处; [例句]He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor. 他拖着脚在硬木地板上走动。 4.ability n.能力,资格; 能耐,才能; [例句]The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job. 公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。 5.professional adj.专业的; 职业的; 专业性的; n.专业人士; [例句]His professional career started at Liverpool University. 他的职业生涯是从利物浦大学开始的。 6.spot n.地点,场所; 斑点,污点; [股票] 现货; 职位,职务;


2019 年考研英语词汇大全 2.about ['baut] ad.在周围;大约prep.关于;在周围a.准备 3.above ['bv] a.上述的ad.在上面,在前文prep.在..之上, 高于 4.abroad ['br :d] ad. 到国外,在国外 ; 在传播,在流传 5.abrupt ['brpt] a.突然的,出其不意的;(行为等)粗鲁无礼 的 6. absence ['bsns] n.缺乏,不存有;缺席,不在场;缺席的时间 7.absent ['bsnt, b'sent] a.缺席的;缺乏的,不存有的;心不 在焉的 8.absolute ['bslju:t] a.绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的 9. absorb [b's :b, -'z :b] vt. 吸收 ( 水、光、蒸汽等 ); 使全神贯 注 ; 吞并/ 兼并 10.abolish ['bli] vt.废除(法律、习惯等);取消 11.adore ['d :] "vt. 崇拜 , 敬慕 , 爱慕 ; 非常喜欢 " 12.adult "['dlt, 'dlt]" n.成年人a.成年的,充分长成的, 成熟的 13.abdomen [b'dumen] n. 腹,下腹 ( 胸部到腿部的部分 ) 14. abatement ['beitmnt] n.减( 免) 税,打折扣,冲销 15. abide ['baid] vi.(abode,abided)(by)遵守 ;坚持 ;vt.忍受,容忍

16. ability ['biliti] n.水平;本领;才能,才干;专门技能, 天资 17. adjective ['diktiv] n.形容词a.形容词的,用作形容词 的 18.adjoin ['din] v.临近,靠近;贴近,毗连 19.aboard ['b :d] ad.&prep. 在船 ( 飞机、车 ) 上;ad. 上船 ( 飞 机、车 ) 20.abstract ['bstrkt] a.抽象的n.摘要,文摘,梗概vt.提取; 摘录要点 21. acceptance [k'septns] n.接受,接收,验收,接纳; 承认,认可 22.access ['kses] n.进入;接入;到达;享用权;入口vi.存取 23.accessory [k'sesri] "n. 附件 , 附属品 ;( 为全套衣服增加美感的) 服饰" 24.accident ['ksidnt] "n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素)" 25. accidental "[,ksi'dentl]" a.偶然的;意外的;无意中的 26. academy ['kdmi] n.(高等)专科院校;学术社团,协会,研 究院 27. accelerate [k'selreit] v.使加速,使增速,促动vi.加快,增加 28. accent "['ksnt, k'sent]" "n.口音,腔调;重音(符号)vt. 重读 " 29. accept [k'sept] vt.接受,领受;认可,同意vi.同意,认 可


高中核心单词积累含例句 按照首字母排列,适合于初高中衔接课使用 单词积累1 1.abandon Vicky was abandoned by her mother when she was a child. abandon oneself to sth Vicky abandoned herself to playing games. 2.abnormal Vicky is fond of making a study of abnormal psychology. 3.abolish Bad customs should be abolished. 4.abroad At home and abroad Vicky is famous at home and abroad. 5.absolute Vicky made an absolute promise. 6.absorb Be absorbed in sth Vicky is not absorbed in Emma’s class. 7.abstract Emma explains English in a way that is too abstract for me. 8.abundant Be abundant in Vicky is abundant in knowledge. 9.accelerate Vicky accelerated her car and hit a man. 10.access Every student has free access to the library. 1.bacterium There are many bacteria on Vicky’s hand. 2.ban There is a ban on smoking at school. 3.bare There are some bare shelves in my new house. 4.battle There are many endless battles in our life. 5.beneficial Enough sleep is beneficial to our health. 6.betray She betrayed me. 7.blame Vicky doesn’t blame her failure on others. My mom always blames me for my grades. 8.block


绝地学社___绝地无边,携手并肩,汇聚良师,提供最有品格的大学生成长课程people [5pi:pl] n. 1.[用作person的复数]人; 人们 2.[the ~]人民,国民;民众;平民 3.[用作单或复]一国人民;民族v.居住于,构成…的人口 【例句】The government of the ~, by the ~, and for the ~ shall not perish form the earth. 民有、民治、民享的政府将永世长存。【认知】广义词。“peop”与“pop”为变体,含义为“crowd; nation”(人民;民众)。在言语中使用时常不包括说话者自己在内。 job [dVCb] n. 1.(一件)工作,活儿,活计;零活 2.做的工作,需特别费力的事 【例句】Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small ~s. 如果化整为零,什么 工作都不会太【认知】本词的核心意义与“工作”具有关联性。本词侧重于困难性。 world [wE:ld] n. 1.世界,地球,天下2.人类;世人;众人 3.人世,今世;来世 【例句】Naked came I into the ~. and naked must I go out. 我赤身来到民世上,也必须赤身离去。【认知】G。本词的核心意义与“人—纪元”具有关联性。本词强调人文的方 面。 work [wE:k] n. 1.工作(量),劳动,作业 2.职业,差事 3.工作成果;产品,著作,作品4.作用,效果v. 1.工作;干活,劳动(~ out)2.起作用,有效 【例句】The English public takes no interest in a ~ of art until it is told the ~ in question is immoral. 在有人说一件作品不道德之前,英国大众对这一作品不感兴趣。【认知】广义词。本词的核心意义与“to do; act”(做;行为)具有关联性。society [sE5saiEti] n. 1.社会,2.(社会)阶层,界 3.交往,相处;交往活动 【例句】Books introduce us into the best ~; they bring us into the best ~; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. 书籍把我们引入最好的交际圈, 带我们去见古往今来最伟大的智者。【认知】广义词。词根为“soci”,含义为“companion; to join”(联合)。 age [eidV] n. 1.年龄 2.成年;法定年龄 3.生命中的一个阶段(for ages)4.老年;老v. 变陈旧;变老;显老 【例句】Age is very high price to pay for maturity. 年龄是为成熟付出的极高代价。 first [fE:st] a. 1. 第一(位)的,首要的;第 一流的,(地位、职位)最高的 2.最先的,最早的,最前面的 3.基本的,概要的n.第一个人;第一件事 【例句】Read the best books ~, or you may not have a chance to read them at all. 先读最好的书,否则你也许永远没机会读它们了。 【认知】本词整体含义具有积极色彩。 study [5stQdi] n. 1.学习;攻读;[常作studies]学业 2.研究;探讨 3.书房v. 1.学习;攻读;研读 2.研究;调查 【例句】I ~ myself more than any other subjects; it is my metaphysics, and my physics. 我研究自己多于别的任何题目。这是我的形而上学,我的物理学。 well [wel] ad. 1.好,妥善地有利地令人满意(或愉快)地 2.完全地,充分地 3.很相当;


一、类型词 1.经济: economic globalization(经济全球化), sustainable development(可持续发展),unfair competition(不正当竞争),crack down on fake commodities (打假), boom(繁荣), fierce competition(激烈竞争), credit crisis(信用危机), stabilize prices (稳定物价),virtual economy(虚拟经济) 2.文化: great and profound (博大精深的),integration and interaction(融合交汇),crash(碰撞),charming(极具魅力的),splendid(壮丽辉煌的),English fever(英语热) 3.环保: environment- friendly(生态型的,环保的),threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁), promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变),curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染),develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源),a low-carbon economy (低碳经济) 4.科技: science and technology(科学技术),web-addiction(沉迷网络), computer crime(电脑犯罪), e-commerce(电子商务), virtual life (虚拟生活),information era(信息时代),cyber romance(网恋),surf the Internet(网上冲浪),因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写),artificial intelligence(人工智能) 5.就业: applicant(申请人), position available/ vacant position(空缺职位),competent(能胜任的), be qualified for(合格的), proficiency(熟练程度),job


课文单词句子积累1 1.A survey found that 75%of the students like to learn English. 调查发现75%的学生喜欢学习英语。 He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out. 他出门之前在镜子里审视自己。 We surveyed 100 students and found that 75% think English is easy 我们调查了100个学生发现75%的学生认为英语很容易。 2.Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来 Add up all the money I owe you. 把我应付你的钱都加在一起。 3.His words upset me. 他的话令我感到不安。 She was upset that she had left without saying a word. 她很烦恼走的时候都没有说再见。 4.He ignored the doctor’s advice.他不顾医生的忠告。 She said her husband ignored her.她说她丈夫对她置之不理。Ignore him or her. 忽视他或者她 5.It is important to keep calm.保持平静很重要。 His voice is calm.他的声音很平静。 Breathe will calm your nerves.深呼吸可以缓解你的紧张情绪。We waited until things calmed down.我们一直等到一切平静下来。He took a deep breathe to calm himself down. 他深呼吸让自己平复下来。 The calm before the storm. 暴风雨前的平静。


2019考研英语词汇大纲中的词汇你掌握了多少个呢?我们来看看2019考研英语二词汇大纲表吧! 1. a [ei] art.一(个);每一(个);(同类事物中)任一个 2. abandon [?'b?nd ?n] vt. 离弃,丢弃 ;遗弃,抛弃 ;放弃 3. abdomen [?b'd?umen] n.腹,下腹 (胸部到腿部的部分 ) 4. abatement [?'beitm ?nt] n. 减 (免 )税,打折扣,冲销 5. abide [?'baid] vi.(abode, abided)(by) 遵守 ;坚持 ;vt. 忍受,容忍 6. ability [?'biliti] n. 能力 ;本领 ;才能,才干 ;专门技能,天资 7. able ['eibl] a.有 (能力、时间、知识等 )做某事,有本事的 8. abnormal [?b'n?:m ?l] a. 反常的,不正常的,不规则的 9. aboard [?'b ?:d] ad.&prep.在船 (飞机、车 )上 ;ad. 上船 (飞机、车 ) 10. abolish [?'b ?li ?] vt. 废除 (法律、习惯等 ); 取消 11. abound [?'baund] vi. 大量存在 ;(~in ,~with) 充满,富于 12. about [?'baut] ad. 在周围 ;大约 prep. 关于 ;在周围 a.准备 13. above [?'b ?v] a. 上述的ad. 在上面 ,在前文 prep. 在 ..之上,高于 14. abroad [?'br ?:d] ad. 到国外,在国外 ;在传播,在流传 15. abrupt [?'br ?pt] a. 突然的,出其不意的 ;(行为等 )粗鲁无礼的 16. absence ['?bs?ns] n. 缺乏,不存在 ;缺席,不在场 ;缺席的时间 17. absent ['?bs?nt, ?b'sent] a. 缺席的 ;缺乏的 ,不存在的 ;心不在焉的 18. absolute ['?bs?lju:t] a.绝对的,完全的 ;确实的,肯定的 19. absorb [?b's ?:b, -'z ?:b] vt. 吸收 (水、光、蒸汽等 );使全神贯注 ;吞并 / 兼并 20. abstract ['?bstr?kt] a.n. 摘抽要象的,文摘 ,梗概 vt. 提取 ;摘录要点

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