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Depth dependence of verticalplunging force in granular medium

Depth dependence of verticalplunging force in granular medium
Depth dependence of verticalplunging force in granular medium

Depth dependence of vertical plunging force in granular medium

Zheng Peng,1,2Xiantao Xu,1Kunquan Lu,1and Meiying Hou1

1Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100190,China 2School of Physics Science and Technology,Central South University,Changsha410083,China

?Received23November2008;revised manuscript received1June2009;published5August2009?

Depth dependence of vertical plunging force in granular medium is studied experimentally by measuring the

slow-pushing force of different size and shape objects intruding vertically into a granular bed.It is found that

all of the force curves of fully immersed intruders have concave-to-convex transition.The depth dependence of

the force turns from supralinear to sublinear.By studying the properties of the in?ection point of the concave-

convex transition,we?nd that the plunging force at in?ection point is proportional to intruder’s volume,and

the in?ection point occurs when the intruder is fully buried to a level around twice its diameter.Testing by

plunging a long cylinder,which is always partially immersed,we?nd no in?ection point in this case,which

veri?es that the in?ection of the plunging force is related to the?lled-in loose granules on top of the intruder.

The slowdown of the increasing rate of the force is,therefore,not a result of sidewall support proposed by

previous researchers.

DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.80.021301PACS number?s?:81.05.Rm,83.80.Fg


Although being processed frequently in industry and en-gineering,granular matter is still poorly understood in its dynamical and static behavior?1,2?.A fundamental problem such as stress distribution or force propagation in static granular medium has not been solved completely.Except for some special cases?3?,there is no universally accepted theory for stress calculation yet?4?.Most peculiar behaviors of static granular medium,which differ from that of general solid or liquid,could attribute to the characteristic fractal distributed stress structure,namely,force chains.Properties of force chains,e.g.,distribution and reorganization of force chains,are emphasized in the recent study of the static or jammed granular matter?5–11?.Through measurement of the response function of a granular system with a local point force on the top,the physical image of force propagation in quasistatic granular medium is established,which states that the propagation form is wavelike,where the force is propa-gated along some characteristic directions in short range,and elasticlike in larger dimension?9?.A numerical simulation shows that the elastic regime can be enlarged with increasing disorder and friction of the system?10,11?.

The force propagation problem considered above is about force chain distribution with no change in the interior con-?guration of the medium in the response function measure-ment.In industrial processes problems are always more com-plicated;the jammed granular matter in such processes would usually be under plastic deformation or with slow ?ow,and change its interior con?guration,i.e.,the force chains would be reorganized.

Depending on a dimensionless shear rate,the?ow of granular matter can be divided into rapid,intermediate,and slow?ow regimes?12?.In slow?ow regime the major inter-action between individual particles is friction,and thus it behaves differently from liquids.A?uid mechanistic ap-proach has been proposed for slow frictional?ow of pow-ders,and comparisons of powder and?uid?ow in identical geometries are presented?13?.An object immersing and moving slowly in granular medium provides a way to detect the dynamics of force chains structure,which is a problem important in many applications.

Albert et al.?14?studied the drag force of an inserted cylinder moving slowly and horizontally in granular me-dium,and found that the drag force was linearly dependent on both the depth of the insertion and projected area of the cylinder.Another horizontal experiment shows that,if the object is fully immersed into granular bed,the depth depen-dence is not linear but supralinear?15?.The vertical drag force of an intruder moving in granular medium has also been measured.Stone et al.pushed a?at plate vertically into a granular medium?16,17?,and found that penetration force increasing with the penetration depth was nearly linear in initial regime,then followed by a depth-independent regime. When the plate was pushed near the bottom of the container, the penetration force showed an exponential increase.The authors deem that the initial linear regime is due to hydro-statics while the depth-independent regime is a Janssen-like regime,which is due to sidewall support.Hill et al.?18?measured the drag force of an intruder plunging into and withdrawing from a shallow granular bed?about100mm?, and found that both the plunging and the withdrawing forces had power-law dependence on the immersion depth with ex-ponents greater than unity,i.e.,1.3for plunging and1.8for withdrawing.In our previous work,when studying an object sinking in a granular bed by its own weight,a power-law relation between the supporting force of granular bed and sinking depth with exponent greater than one was observed ?19?.

In this work,we report a slow plunging experiment done by pushing vertically different shape intruders into granular bed deeply?yet not too deep to sense the effect of the bottom of the container?.It is found that the plunging force is in-creased rapidly with immersion depth in shallow regime,and the increasing rate slows down in deeper regime,similar to the force curve obtained in Ref.?17?.In the shallow regime plunging force depends supralinearly on depth,different from that of hydrostatic case,while in deeper regime,the dependence changes to sublinear.More importantly,the sub-

PHYSICAL REVIEW E80,021301?2009?

linear dependence is found not as a result of the wall support

as was claimed?17?,but is a result of volume effect due to

the passage of the intruder in the granular medium.

II.EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND METHOD In the experiment,a cylindrical steel container with diam-

eter of19.6cm and height of25cm?lled with monodisperse

glass beads?density2.46g/cm3?with diameters of0.4–0.5 mm is used.Intruders of different shapes and sizes are at-

tached via a thin rod?4mm in diameter?to a force transducer ?resolution of0.1g?,and the force transducer is?xed to a motorized vertical translation stage.The translation stage is controlled to push the intruder into the granular bed verti-cally at a constant rate of0.5mm/s.Three shapes of intrud-ers are used in the experiment:spheres,cylinders,and cones. The radial length D and axial length h of the intruders are chosen to be the same,i.e.,D=h for all cylinders and cones,

so that we can use one parameter?size D?to denote them. Nine cylinders and nine cones with D ranging from10to30 mm and eight spheres with diameters D ranging from10to 35mm are used.The cylinders are vertically oriented,and the cones are pointing down during the experiment.Surface of all objects are smooth to minimize the shear friction.

The resistance force that the granular bed imposed on the intruder during the process is recorded by the force trans-ducer.The bed is prepared with similar procedure as method 1of Ref.?20?before each measurement.To ensure the same initial condition the same steps are repeated before each measurement:the glass beads are poured through a hopper placed5cm above the container until the whole container is ?lled,and the surface of the bed is leveled?at after each?ll. The volume fraction of the prepared bed is60%?0.5%. Preparation method has been tested and compared with a different procedure with hopper position kept slightly above the apex of bed.No signi?cant difference is found in the force curve f?z?between these two procedures.We,there-fore,choose the simpler preparation method.

Humidity during the experiment is10–30%;in this hu-midity range the adhesion is minor and experiment results are reproducible.The intruders are pushed into the granular bed for a depth of at least150mm.The size of the glass beads is much smaller than the intruder size,and the differ-ence of the plunging force curves of the same intruder in different runs is minor.Therefore,just three runs of each intruder are recorded for average.


Figure1shows the depth dependence of the plunging force experienced by eight spheres when being pushed slowly into a granular bed.As shown in Fig.1,all of the plunging forces show immersion depth dependence having a transition from supralinear to sublinear.

Similar curves were obtained by Stone and co-workers when measuring the penetration resistance of a plate pushed into granular medium?16,17?.They explain that the initial region is roughly linear,owing to hydrostatic pressure,while the following nearly?at region is due to Janssen effect,where the sidewalls of the container support a signi?cant

portion of the weight of the grains.If their claim is correct,

then in a container that is wide enough to ignore the coupling

effect between intruder and sidewalls,the penetration resis-

tance of different size intruders shall become depth indepen-

dent at nearly the same depth because the medium pressure

in the container is unrelated to intruder’s size,just a function

of depth and parameters of the granular system.However,as

shown in Fig.1,although all the force curves turn from

supralinear to sublinear dependence of depth after pushing to

a certain depth,the in?ection points are different for different

sphere diameters.Moreover,as known in Janssen effect,the

wall support would be taken into account until the silo is

?lled to a height about two times of the silo diameter.While

in our experiment?same as Stone’s experiment?,the diameter

of the container is comparable to the height and,therefore,

the side-wall effect should be minor.This phenomenon sug-

gests that the sublinear depth dependence of the resistance

should not be the result of the support of sidewalls,or say

Janssen effect.In fact,all the curves in Refs.?16,17?also

have similar concave-to-convex tendency at a closer inspec-


The smoothed curves f?z?were differentiated in?rst and

second orders.The differential result con?rmed the existence

of the transition from concave to convex of the force curves,

and the in?ection points are shown in Fig.1by the square

brown points.At the in?ection point z0,f??z0?=0and f??z0?changes sign from positive to negative,which means that the

change rate of f?z?turns from accelerating to decelerating.

The depths z0increase with diameter of sphere D,as is mani-

fested in Fig.1.

Figure2shows the diameter dependences of depths z0and

plunging forces f?z0?.As shown in the inset of the?gure,z0 is the linear dependent of D,with a slope of2.4,and f?z0?is linearly dependent on D3or the volume V of the sphere. These suggest that the emergence of in?ection point or the slowdown in growth of plunging force is related to a volume effect of the intruder in granular medium.

Since the plunging force at the in?ection point is propor-

tional to the volume of the intruder,it should be expected

that the plunging force be scaled by the volume of the in-






FIG.1.?Color online?Plunging force f of sphere intruders with different diameters D as a function of penetration depth z.The in?ection point is indicated by a large brown?dark?solid square on each curve.

PENG et al.PHYSICAL REVIEW E80,021301?2009?

truder.When the immersion depth z is rescaled by intruder diameter D ,and the force f is rescaled by D 3,the data in Fig.1collapse within our data range,as is shown in Fig.3.It can be seen that the data collapse well in shallow regime before the in?ection point emerges but not as good as in deep re-gime.In the deep regime,the rescaled forces for the smallest intruders are greater than those for the larger intruders.This imperfect collapse may be related to the small ratio of D /d for smaller intruders,where D and d are diameters of the intruders and the glass beads,respectively.In Ref.?21?,Sol-ler et al.?nd that the small ratio of D /d may cause the increase in the drag force of a rotating vane in the granular bed.By taking into consideration the dimension of glass beads,and using effective depth and intruder diameters,the force curves for different sizes of beads can collapse well ?21?.However,as the same modi?cation was applied to our data,the improvement of the collapse is limited.It should be noted that the smallest ratio of D /d in Ref.?21?is almost one while in our experiment the smallest ratio is greater than 20.Therefore,the little improvement of the collapse shall be expected.The failure of the rescaling in deep regime sug-gests that there are still some essential differences between granular medium and continuous liquid,and need more in-vestigation.The log-log plot in Fig.3suggests different

depth dependences of plunging force in different regimes.Within shallow regime,i.e.,before reaching the in?ection point,the plunging force ?ts to power-law dependent for all spherical intruders,with exponent about 1.3?0.02.It should be noted that in Ref.?18?,exponent of 1.3was also obtained in depth dependence of their plunging force.While in the deep regime,the depth dependence becomes sublinear.

The concave-to-convex transition of plunging force curve f ?z ?and the essence of volume effect of the in?ection point are not peculiar properties of spherical intruder.Cylindrical and conical intruders show similar phenomena.Figures 4?a ?and 4?b ?are depth dependence of plunging forces of cylin-drical and conical intruders,respectively.The in?ection points are shown in the ?gures.For these two shape intrud-ers,f ?z 0?also show linear dependence on the volume V of the intruder,and z 0depends linearly on D but with slope of 3.7for conical intruders and 2.8for cylindrical intruders ?not shown in the ?gures ?.

For cylindrical and conical intruders,the log-log plot of rescaling force also shows supralinear depth dependence in shallow regime and sublinear depth dependence in deep re-gime,as shown in Figs.4?c ?and 4?d ?.The lines with slope of 1.3are drawn to guide the eye.


When an object is slowly vertically pushed into a New-tonian incompressible ?uid,where the velocity-dependent viscous force is negligible comparing to buoyancy,the drag force experienced by the object should eventually be nearly equal to the buoyancy,which is proportional to the exclusive volume of the object and is independent of penetration depth.The volume-effect buoyancy can be considered as the differ-ence of the pressure acting on the top and the bottom of the object.It can also be used to explain the change in z depen-dence of the plunging force in the granular medium.When a sphere is pushed into the granular bed vertically,the granules at the moving front of the sphere will be locally ?uidized and pushed laterally ?rst,and then avalanche follows as the sphere passes through,which ?lls the passage left behind the intruder,just like ?uid ?lling in a cavity.The ?lling brings pressure on top of the intruder and counteracts a part of the pressure from the bottom and,therefore,reduces the plung-ing force increasing rate.Recalling that,in silo effect the wall support would be taken into account until the silo is ?lled to a height of about two times of the silo diameter,it is also reasonable to have a linear relation between the depth of in?ection point,z 0,and the intruder’s lateral dimension D shown in the inset of Fig.2.Therefore,the emergence of in?ection point is a signal that the ?lled-in granules on top of the intruder have been reorganized in bulk,and this ?ll-in effect shall be taken into account in the plunging force.To test the validation of the above volume-effect explana-tion for the change from supralinear to sublinear dependence of the resistance,we performed an experiment by pushing a long rod with length of 230mm and diameter of 4mm into a granular bed of 220mm in depth.During the whole pro-cess,the rod was never fully immersed.Therefore,one should expect no transition from concave to convex.Indeed

z f (z )(N )

D (mm )

FIG.2.?Color online ?Plunging force f ?z 0?at the in?ection point of each curve in Fig.1is plotted as a function of D 3.The solid line is a linear ?t.The inset is a plot of z 0as a function of D .




f /D (N /m m )

FIG.3.?Color online ?Rescaled plunging force f /D 3as function of rescaled depth z /D in log-log plot for sphere intruders.The solid line with slope of 1.3is a ?tting of data points before the in?ection points.The open points in the ?gure indicate the in?ection point.


PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80,021301?2009?

as is shown in Fig.5,the plunging force shows a power-law dependence on depth with exponent of 1.2in the whole re-gion,which is close to exponent of 1.3,similar to the result of Hill’s plunging experiment ?18?.

In Ref.?18?,Hill et al.has concluded a model to estimate the average pressure for granular bed on the advance surface of the intruder,and found that pressure P in the plunging experiment is not linearly dependent on immersion depth z but follows a supralinear form,P ?z 1.3.In this work,our plunging experiment con?rmed that the depth dependence of plunging force in shallow region is supralinear.However,the

exponent is not exactly 1.3for all shape of intruder.For spherical intruder,the exponent is almost 1.3?shown in Fig.3?,while for cylindrical and conical shape intruders ?shown in Figs.4?c ?and 4?d ??,their slopes in shallow regime are different.For cylindrical intruder,the exponent is smaller than 1.3?about 1.0–1.1for z /D ?1?,and for conical intruder,the exponent is greater than 1.3?about 1.8for z /D ?1?.The reason that the exponents for these two nonspherical intrud-ers differ from those of spheres is possibly due to the sharp edge of their odd shapes.In the deep regime,with the ?lling-in effect as mentioned above,the depth dependence of plung-ing force turns from supralinear to sublinear for all three shape intruders ?Figs.3,4?c ?,and 4?d ??.As shown in Figs.1,3,and 4,the plunging force of cone is smaller than that of sphere and cylinder with the same sizes in shallow regime,which means that the cone shape is easier to plunge as shall be expected.


In conclusion we experimentally investigate the depth de-pendence of plunging force in vertical slow plunging of an intruder in granular medium,and ?nd that the intruder im-mersion depth dependence of the plunging force has a concave-to-convex transition.Through studying the proper-ties of the in?ection point of the concave-convex transition,we have shown that this transition in plunging force is not a result of sidewall support proposed by previous researchers but is a result of ?lled-in particles on top of the intruder.This argument is veri?ed by plunging a long rod,which results


f (N )

f /D (N /m m )

f /D (N /m m )


f (N )

z (mm)

z (mm)

FIG.4.?Color online ?Plunging force f of cylinder and cone intruders is plotted as a function of z .Since each cylinder and cone intruder has the same width and height,we use only the parameter D for their sizes.Plunging f ?z ?are plotted for different D for ?a ?cylinder and ?b ?cone.Replotted in ?c ?and ?d ?of the rescaled plunging force f /D 3versus depth z /D in log-log plot for ?c ?cylinders and ?d ?cones.The solid lines with slope of 1.3is drawn to guide the eye.The open points in all the curves are the in?ection points.




f (N )

z (mm)

FIG.5.?Color online ?Depth dependence of plunging force f of a long cylindrical intruder ?230mm in length and 4mm in diam-eter ?,which is never fully pushed into granular bed.The inset log-log plot shows that f ?ts well to a power-law relation of exponent of 1.2with no in?ection point.

PENG et al.

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in no in?ection in plunging force of depth.In Ref.?18?,Hill et al.measured both plunging and withdrawing forces,and obtained different depth dependences.Since the exponent of the withdrawing force is greater than that of the plunging force,Hill et al.extrapolate their result to deep regime and propose an interesting prediction:although being smaller in shallow regime,the withdrawing force would be greater than the plunging force in a deeper granular bed?about1m?. However,our?nding claims that the sublinear depth depen-dence of the plunging force cannot be avoided by eliminating the sidewall effect with a larger container,and one cannot extrapolate the power-law dependence obtained in shallow regime to deeper regime.Therefore,the prediction in Ref.?18?should be reconsidered.


This work was supported by Chinese Science Foundation through Grants No.10720101074and No.10874209,and by Chinese Academy of Sciences through Grants No.KKCX1-YW-03and No.KJCX2-YW-L08.

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01-第1章 局数据配置总体说明

C&C08 数字程控交换系统操作手册局数据分册目录 目录 第1章局数据配置总体说明....................................................................................................1-1 1.1 概述....................................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 局数据配置总体原则..........................................................................................................1-4 1.3 局数据配置一般注意事项...................................................................................................1-5 1.4 MML使用说明....................................................................................................................1-5

第1章 局数据配置总体说明 1.1 概述 C&C08交换机的数据配置,按照所配置数据的功能分为硬件配置数据、计费数据、中继数据、字冠数据、用户数据、智能数据,按照用户习惯分为局数据、用户数据和特殊业务数据。局数据包括上述的硬件配置数据、计费数据、中继数据和字冠数据,具体配置顺序如图1-1所示。在表1-1中列出了图中各个方框所代表的主要配置内容。 硬硬硬硬硬硬 计计硬硬 七七七七七七硬硬 七中中七七七七七硬硬V5七七硬硬 PRA 七七硬硬 智智硬硬 字字硬硬 普普普普硬硬 硬字普普硬硬 V5普普硬硬 结结 设硬设设七设 PRA 普普硬硬 Ephone 普普硬硬 图1-1 数据配置步骤


攻城掠地赤壁之战战神攻略 攻城掠地赤壁之战战神攻略 攻城掠地赤壁之战战神怎么打比较好呢?下面给玩家带来一些心得。 武将装备基本是三强防、两强攻,外加一个不是四星的随便洗的装备(小R没多余的钱洗多装备,掌控的明显是摆设,还不如用几个3-5L的垃圾装备),甘宁除外为朱雀套,(战力情 况嘛,1v1看运气,运气不好直接挂掉)。不再赘图。 下面介绍一下攻击线路,我选择的是两条进攻线: 一条从我军大营经东平原、西出站点、曹军西水(送80大军攻打曹军西帐)过曹军西帐直逼曹军大营。 另一条线路为剧情线路,从我军大营出发,经东平原、营帐外水(奖励2分钟)、河中壁垒、过河中西侧(战力翻倍)直达曹军壁垒(召唤曹军西水和曹军东水的剧情)。 关于各城池关口的守卫情况基本是4守卫,例外的有曹军西水18守卫,曹军西帐50守卫,曹军大营和华容道6守卫。完成河中西侧的剧情时,需要坚守三分钟。 下面详细介绍一下攻击方案: 第一阶段:西进。 差一将攻击东平原,刷3影子,其余三将跟进两将单挑,一将突进西出站点,刷2影子,待到东平原挂掉的将补兵突进西出站点,单挑。其余东平原挂掉的将突进西出站点,直到西出站点有一将能突进曹军西水为止。突进曹军西水的将刷上8-10个影子,让他们慢慢打着。此为第一阶段,一定要以最快的速度突进到曹军西水。 第二阶段:北上。 简单的讲,这一阶段的主要目的就是完成上面介绍的第二条剧情线路。第一阶段剩余的三将,此时差一将攻击营帐外水,刷2影子,两将跟进单挑,此时曹军西水的一将基本已经挂回来了,补兵跟进营帐外水,突进到河中壁垒。 这是一个比较关键的地方,最后是在拿下营帐外水的时候(顺便把2分钟补时拿了),能让河中壁垒、河中西侧、曹军壁垒同时起火,所以不要舍不得影子,为了五星这个是必须的,河中西侧可以多刷几个,因为这个草船借箭剧情需要守卫3分钟,影子够的话基本就不用管它了。 第三阶段:斩首。 拿下曹军壁垒的时候,记得把剧情点了(必须),此时曹军西水和东水出现了剧情NPC,然后把河中西侧的剧情点了(守卫三分钟)。 这个时候曹军西水大概还剩12个左右的NPC,把所有能上的将带上,进曹军西水单挑,单挑完成后,把剧情点了,此时有80队NPC攻击曹军西帐,守卫的有50队NPC,这是遣一将进去刷上20-22个影子(为了突进啊),然后一将可以突进曹军大营,刷上两个以上影子(为突进华容


2011年台式电脑最佳组合配置 CPU AMD 速龙2 X4 635为主配置怎么组好? 最佳答案: CPU AMD 速龙II X4 635 1 ¥665 主板华硕M4N68T 1 ¥495 内存威刚2GB DDR3 1333(万紫千红) 1 ¥315 硬盘WD 500GB 7200转16MB(串口/RE3) 1 ¥299 显卡昂达HD5770 1024MB 神戈 1 ¥999 光驱技嘉GO-D180SA 刻录机 1 ¥120 机箱动力火车217K 或517 1 ¥99 电源威盛超V王ATX-450WS 额定450W 1 ¥229 键鼠装自选 1 ¥60以内的 散热器超频三红海至尊版 1 ¥199 液晶显示器AOC 919Sw 1 ¥740 参考金额:4220元电脑城4300元左右 预算多可加一根内存条,组成4G双通道,性能更为出色,近乎完美。 标准3A平台:4核CPU、GDDR5芯片0.4NS 1G显存、450W额定供电…… 2011年台式电脑配置 我想攒一个台式机,价格大概要两千七八左右,请各位高手指点一下,大概什么配置! 最佳答案 *CPU Intel 酷睿i5 760(盒) 1 ¥1360 Intel I5 原生4核心主频2.8GHz集成8M三级缓存,性能极其强大。根据驱动之家的CPU评测表明,4核的I5 750 在运行星际争霸2 的时候,如果显卡不成为瓶颈的话,他的表现在某些方面甚至比AMD的6核顶级1090T 还要更好,这表明Intel在中高端或高端的技术要强于AMD。加上Intel 公认的超高稳定性和兼容性强烈推荐。 *主板技嘉GA-H55M-D2H ¥690 一线主板厂商技嘉出品,采用H55芯片组,稳定和兼容更加出色,做工出色全固态电容品质保证你的稳定运行,带有HDMI接口,支持ATI CF交火技术性价比不错。 *内存OCZ DDR3 1333 4GB(2G×2条双通道套装)¥310 三大高端内存品牌之一,给你配了2G×2的DDR3 1333的4G双通道套装,OCZ 以超频性能出色闻名一贯品质出色做工精良,耐用性更好,性能更加出色稳妥的配备了散热片,整体做工讲究扎实。由于I5 CPU默认的是1333的内存控制器,所以不推荐1600的内存。 硬盘希捷1TB SATA2 32M 7200.12/ST310005 ¥390 希捷采用业界可靠性极高的成熟垂直磁记录技术,160MB/秒的最高可持续性数据传输率高达3Gb/秒的瞬间突发数据传输率32MB 缓存的1TB硬盘。如果不放心的话可以换:西部数据WD 1T 蓝盘。 显卡索泰GTX460-1GD5 毁灭者¥1350 N卡的龙头品牌,质量和做工都非常出色,显卡规格,显示频率700/3600MHZ 高于公版显存1G 256位GDDR5完整版,索泰独家研发的“V8直排式散热引擎”技术,通过增大散热鳍片面积和增加铜导热板来提升散热表现。游戏必须极其出色,全面压倒5830,轻松秒杀时下所有网络游戏,4开不卡。单机游戏的话分


建筑施工总体部署方案 施工部署 1、部署原则 1)、合理有效的利用现场一切资源。根据甲方提供的水、电源,合理敷设临时水、电,以保证生产、生活需要。 2)、根据现场情况及施工安排,结合考虑其他施工单位的出行,修建临时道路,保证施工的正常有序进行。 3)、根据工程需要和现场条件,在业主指定区域现场设置办公区、材料库等临时设施。 4)、在保证工程施工质量的前提下,合理安排施工顺序,在有限的工期内,合理配置资源,做到质量高、速度快。 2、总体部署 根据施工现场位置和条件,为保证施工进度的正常进行,施工采用分组施工的方法。依据本工程的特点,施工时按2个班组分别布置,分别组织施工,统一管理,统一协调。 室内和室外分为两个班组,根据总体施工计划及各班组实际施工情况,合理安排。临时水、电按业主总体安排就近接入作业区。由于管线施工中交插作业多,需与各专业施工队伍积极合作,及时调整施工部署,确保总体工期目的实现。 施工安排:各班组基本独立进行,充分发挥机械施工优势,详细制定落实工、料、机进场计划,优化施工顺序和工序安排施工。 3、施工组织体系 根据本工程施工分散、交叉处理多、施工单位间交叉作业等特点,组织强有力的项目经理部,配备各职能部门,做到准备充分,人员充足,相互协调,团结协作,职责分明,各负其责。选用实力强、经验多、管理严的施工队伍,另外专门组织水电维护、场容维护班组。

项目管理组织机构图 4.1、工期安排 4、施工组织安排 为保证工程的顺利进行和各项目目标的实现,我项目经理部有关人员将对本工程进行科学、合理的组织和管理,对工程的进度、质量、安全做好各种技术保证措施;对施工材料的使用、施工机具的安排等问题进行良好的部署和协调。 5、施工前准备工作 1)施工现场准备工作 (1)施工现场交通 本工程将修建交通便道进行物料运输,从而使本工程的交通较为便利。


起名最佳三才配置 一一三 木木土 二二四 成功顺高,无障碍而向上发展,基础境遇也得安泰,终生享受繁荣长寿的吉配置。(吉)一一五 木木土 二二六 成功顺调,无障碍而向上发展,境遇坚实,如坐在磐石上,颇有安泰,能得幸福长寿而平安自在。(吉) 一一一 木木木 二二二 成功顺调,希望达成,基础安定,能向上发展,家门昌隆,心身健全,保得长寿大吉的配置。数凶者则有仇害之虑(吉) 一三一 木火木 二四二 得上下的惠助,顺调成功发展,基础强固,境遇安泰,子孙繁荣,心身健康而获得幸福及长寿的配置。(吉) 一三三 木火火 二四四 得顺调成功发展,但有缺乏耐久力的缺点。感为依靠性太强,招致失败,恐有陷于失意、病弱之兆。(半吉) 一三五 木火土 二四六 受上司的引进,得成功顺调发展,基础运又强固不动,心身均平安,能得长寿、幸福、理想的配置。(吉) 一五三 木土火

二六四 乏成功运,有不平不满的念头。难免犯呼吸器官和胃肠的疾患,但数理良好者,多有进展成功之配置。(半吉) 一九一 木水木 二十二 成功运佳,境遇又安定,配置吉。惟数理凶,故易遭病难、短命或家庭不幸等烦恼。(吉)一九七 一九九 木水水 虽可以成功于一时,但易生破乱,酿成灾变。或有病难和家庭的不幸,不过也有富豪长寿的可能。(半吉) 三一一 火木木 四二二 颇有向上发展的生机,目的容易达到而成功。基础、境遇俱佳而安泰,必定长寿享福,配置吉祥。(吉) 三一三 火木火 四二四 成功运佳,向上发展容易达到目的,基础、境遇俱属安泰,心身健康,得享长寿富荣。(吉) 三一五 火木土 四二六 向上进取,容易成功而富贵,基础犹如立足于磐石之上,巍然安泰,心身健全得长寿,配置大吉。(吉) 三三一 火火木 四四二 盛运隆昌,助者或共事者亦得一帆风顺而成功。基础稳固而安定,心身健全,得长寿享荣举,配置大吉。(吉)


施工总体部署 5.1施工管理目标 5.1.1质量目标 确保招标文件要求的质量目标实现,同时根据我单位综合实力,我们承诺: 质量标准:符合国家现行《工程施工质量验收规范》合格标准。 严格贯彻GB/T19001质量管理体系,保证“一次性验收合格”;确保“**杯”、“**杯”,争创“鲁班奖”。 5.1.2工期目标 开工日期:20xx年5月16日。 竣工日期:20xx年9月10日。 总工期:633日历天,完全响应招标文件的要求。(详见总工期横道图) 5.1.3安全文明施工目标 确保:不发生重大伤亡事故及机械伤害事故; 杜绝:重伤以上事故; 轻伤率:控制在6‰以内。 我单位将采取切实可行的措施和充足的安全投入,通过严密的安全管理,确保施工现场不发生重大伤亡事故、火灾事故及恶性中毒事件。创“省级安全施工标准化文明工地”。

5.2施工部署原则及要点 5.2.1部署原则 1、充分利用平面,组织流水施工的原则 根据施工图后浇带位分布位置,考虑异形结构尺寸,结构施工时将工作面划分施工段进行流失施工。 2、合理安排施工总平面,充分利用现场条件的原则 施工总平面的合理布置对于施工起着非常重要的作用,我们在现场布置时要充分利用现场条件,进行合理安排,尽量做到大型机械设备(如塔吊)不但能够覆盖到主体工程,而且能够覆盖到加工场、材料堆放场,提高大型机械设备的利用率。 3、用满时间,组织连续施工的原则 任何建设工程都是有时间限制的,任何优质的工程都是经过精雕细刻、花费大量时间施工出来的,在有限的时间内要做出优质工程,必须充分利用时间,组织连续、不间断的施工,才能达到即定工程目标。 4、人员部署,材料场外加工的原则 在本工程中,所有的临时设施都沿施工围挡进行修建,钢屋架的深化设计、施工等需要进行专业分包,钢屋架的制作和预拼装大部分需要在场外进行。玻璃幕墙的制作、安装也需要委托专业单位进行,所以玻璃幕墙的制作和其他准备工作也需要在场外进行。场内只布置部分构件的堆放场地和材料加工区域。 5、控制节点工期原则

OSPF 特殊区域的配置案例

上机报告 姓名学号专业 班级 计科1101 课程 名称 路由交换技术 指导教师 机房 名称 上机 日期 2013 年10月14 日上机项目名称 上机步骤及内容: 一、实验目的 ·掌握ospf协议的stub区域配置方法 ·掌握ospf协议的nssa区域配置方法 二、实验仪器设备和材料清单 器材:路由器4台,交换机2台,导线若干三、实验内容 ·掌握ospf协议的stub区域配置方法 ·掌握ospf协议的nssa区域配置方法 四、实验步骤 任务一stub区域配置

图1.1 实验拓扑图 一、配置stub区域 1、R1的配置代码 [R1]dis cu # version 5.20, Release 1808, Standard # sysname R1 # domain default enable system # # interface Ethernet0/0 port link-mode route ip address # interface Ethernet0/0.1 vlan-type dot1q vid 1 ip address # interface Ethernet0/0.2 vlan-type dot1q vid 2

ip address # interface Ethernet0/0.3 vlan-type dot1q vid 3 ip address # interface Ethernet0/0.4 vlan-type dot1q vid 4 ip address # interface Ethernet0/1 port link-mode route ip address # interface Serial1/0 link-protocol ppp # interface Serial2/0 link-protocol ppp # interface NULL0 # interface LoopBack0 ip address # ospf 1 router-id import-route direct area network network # [R1] 2、R2的配置代码 [R2]dis cur # version 5.20, Release 1808, Standard # dar p2p signature-file cfa0:/p2p_default.mtd # port-security enable # vlan 1 # domain system


攻城掠地数据库以及其他修改大全 一、Gcld数据库表文件大全 1.activity 活动表 2.db_server 守卫等级 3.force_info 国家等级 4.Player 角色ID 需要先创建一个角色任务到角色名字选取完毕删除除了自己创建的角色ID外的其他本地ID 5.player_army 可直接清空应该是端自带的角色的数据无用外网测试OK未出现程序执行错误提示 6.player_army_extra 可直接清空同上 7.player_army_reward 可直接清空 8.player_attribute 可清空除自己ID以外的其他数据仓库位数量修改,五大资源是否显示修改,募兵令,黄金锤数量修改 特别说明:到等级洗练以及兵器无法开启的解决方法,function_id数值修改 11101111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111。刷新以后 仍然无法洗练的需要重新调一下主线任务到了洗练那一关就可以过了 9.player_bak 10.player_bat_rank 11.player_battle_attribute 12.player_battle_auto 13.player_battle_reward 14.player_black 15.player_blacksmith 铁匠铺修改 16.player_building 资源区可直接清空 17.player_building_work 游戏创建时间可直接清空 18.player_challenge_info 武将单挑 19.player_constants 可直接清空 20.player_coupon 未知用途 21.player_diamond_shop 点卷商店


第一节施工准备 一、外业准备 1、组织施工人员深入现场踏勘和作详细的调查研究,进一步了解施工现场的周围环境条件、施工条件、交通情况、水电供应情况、拆除旧材料场堆放位置,确定运输线路; 2、根据建设单位提供的图纸资料,结合现场踏勘所掌握的情况,弄清建筑物的结构情况、建筑情况、水电及设备管道情况; 3、临时用水在建设单位提供水源处敷设水源进入生活区、施工区; 4、清理被拆除建筑物倒塌范围内的物质、设备等,检查周围不拆的危旧房,必要时进行临时加固; 5、拆除建筑的四面均搭设篷布,将其全部密封,使灰尘影响降到最小,并在拆除危险区周围应设置安全警戒线及安全隔离禁区围栏、警戒标志,派专人监护,禁止非拆除人员进入施工现场; 6、向周围群众出安民告示,及时与周边及有关工程管理部门取得联系,经求得上述单位对拆除工程的支持; 7、切断、迁移影响拆除工程安全施工的各种水电管线,并确认全部切断后方可施工; 8、对拆除建筑外侧临近的架空线路和电缆线路,及时与有关部门取得联系,采取防护措施,确认安全后方可施工; 9、对拆除工程周围相邻的建(构)筑物、道路,先采取相应的保护措施,切实做好施工现场的防火措施。 二、内业准备

1、在拆除施工前,先熟悉拟拆除房屋工程的有关图纸和资料,详细了解拆除工程涉及区域的地上、地下建筑及设施分布情况资料; 2、编制分阶段、分专业的施工组织设计和安全保证计划及成本预算; 3、编制日作业计划,编制材料、劳动力、设备进场计划; 4、加强思想教育工作,树立管理者和施工人员良好的形象,从精神面貌、生活作风、施工环境保护、社会公德方面进行职工思想教育; 5、进一步深化施工方案,如编制施工劳动力各专业工程调配和优化等,并报批; 6、对拆除施工作业人员进行详细的书面安全技术交底。使被交底作业人员全面了解该项技术作业的基本要求和安全操作规程,在安全技术交底文件上签字,并接受安全管理人员的监督检查; 7、对拆除施工作业人员进行专门的安全作业培训,考试合格后方可上岗作业; 8、为拆除施工作业人员办理相关手续,签订劳动合同,办理意外伤害保险。 第二节组织机构、总体部署 一、组织机构 针对本拆除工程的特点和拆除工程周边环境的具体情况,为确保工期和安全,进一步加强工程管理,我们将充分发挥本公司在东莞基地的优势,以及以往所做的拆除工程施工管理经验,组织精干、熟练,有丰富经验的专业拆除施工队进场,密切配合施工现场、作好施工准备工作,加快拆除施工进度,安全高效地按合同要求完成本次拆除施工


心理学专业(英语)术语 感觉记忆(SM)—sensory memory 短期记忆(STM)—short-term M. 长期记忆(LTM)—long-term memory 复诵——rehearsal 预示(激发)——priming 童年失忆症——childhood amnesia 视觉编码(表征)——visual code(representation)听觉编码—acoustic code 运作记忆——working memory 语意性知识—semantic knowledge 记忆扫瞄程序—memory scanning procedure 竭尽式扫瞄程序-exhaustive S.P. 自我终止式扫瞄—self-terminated S. 程序性知识—procedural knowledge 命题(陈述)性知识——propositional(declarative)knowledge 情节(轶事)性知识—episodic K. 讯息处理深度—depth of processing 精致化处理—elaboration 登录特殊性—coding specificity 记忆术—mnemonic

位置记忆法—method of loci 字钩法—peg word (线)探索(测)(激发)字—prime 关键词——key word 命题思考——propositional thought 心像思考——imaginal thought 行动思考——motoric thought 概念——concept 原型——prototype 属性——property 特征——feature 范例策略——exemplar strategy 语言相对性(假说)—linguistic relativity th. 音素——phoneme 词素——morpheme (字词的)外延与内涵意义—denotative & connotative meaning (句子的)表层与深层结构—surface & deep structure 语意分析法——semantic differential 全句语言—holophrastic speech 过度延伸——over-extension 电报式语言—telegraphic speech 关键期——critical period


新疆油田四2区供水管线建设工程工程建设项目总体部署 拟制人: 审核人: 审批人: 拟制时间: 中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司 新疆设计院

1概述 为保障油田生产用水,同时考虑附近新增用户用水需求,支援地方发展,新疆油田公司决定实施新疆油田四2区供水管线建设工程。 新疆油田四2区供水管线建设工程建设规模:输水干线近期建设输水规模7×104m3/d,配水干线建设输水规模4.5×104m3/d。 根据新疆油田公司关于《新疆油田四2区供水管线建设工程》方案批复(油新计字〔2012〕78号)及初步设计的批复(油新计字〔2013〕36号),新疆油田公司决定于2013年建设投运新疆油田四2区供水管线。 主要建设内容:新建1条供水管线,以第五净化水厂为水源,途径市区东环路、迎宾路至四2区。其中DN1000球墨铸铁管15.13千米,DN800球墨铸铁管8.15千米。配套建设闸阀、土建、闸门井等。 本工程建设单位:新疆油田公司供水公司。 监理单位:新疆石油工程建设监理有限责任公司。 设计单位:新疆石油勘察设计研究院(有限公司)。 EPC总承包单位:新疆石油勘察设计研究院(有限公司)。 开、竣工日期:2013年7月15日-2013年11月20日。 2 总体方针及技术措施 本部署针对该工程内容,总体规划、合理部署。依据此方案科学合理的管理施工,确保工程质量和工期。 认真贯彻国家和上级有关方针、政策及油田公司、院的各项规章制度,维护企业利益,确保各项经济技术指标完成。对项目工程进度、质量、安全、计价、材料等实行全过程的管理,为实现以上目标负全责。科学管理进入项目工程的人、财、物资源,协调关系,理顺人员、物力和机械设备的调配与供应,及时解决施工中出现的问题。监督项目按图施工,及时解决施工中的技术难点。组织有关人员会审设计文件,组织科研成果的实践,审定QC 项目,参与质量事故的原因调查,处理质量事故的技术问题。


著名二语习得理论 SLA Theories Contrastive Analysis -- by Lado, R. Bialystok's Model of Second Language Acquisition Error Analysis -- by Corder, S. P. Homogeneous Competence Paradigm -- by Adjem Classifications of Errors -- by Richards, J. Tarone's Capability Continuum Language Transfer Ellis's Variable Competence Model Interlanguage Theory Preston's Sociolinguistic Model Acquisition Sequence Theory Functionalist theories of SLA -- by Tomlin Universal Grammar Theory Functional-Typological Theory -- by Givon Learnability Theory The Competition Model -- by MacWhinney U-shaped Pattern of Development Theory -- by Kellerman Form-Function Mapping Theory Silent-Period Theory Operating Principles Theory -- by Andersen Critical Period Theory Nativization and denativization theory -- by Anderse Behaviourist Theory The one-to-one principle -- by Andersen Mentalist Theory The multi-functionality principle Cognitive Processing Model Theory Formal determinism principle Structural and Semantic Simplification Theory Distributional bias principle Natural Order Theory -- by Krashen Relevance principle Pronominal Copy Theory Transfer to somewhere principle Inter-learner Variability Theory Relexification principle Interlanguage Continuum Theory The Multidimensional Model -- by ZISA The Labovian Paradigm Skill Learning Theory The Dynamic Paradigm -- by Bailey, Bickerton Anderson's Adaptive Control of Thought (ACT) Model Inter-learner Variation and Intra-learner Variation McLaughlin's information processing model Speech Accommodation Theory -- by Giles Explicit/implicit/controlled/aotomatic knowledge distin Psycholinguistic Models: Planning and Monitoring Procedural knowledge and procedural skill Typology of Learner's Variability Parallel Distributed Processing -- by Rumelhart and Form-function Analysis Theory Connectionism Learner's Style Shifting Theory -- by Tarone Typological universal Multi-factor Influence Theory Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy -- by Comrie a Sociopragmatic Failure Relativization Pragmalinguistic Failure Government / Binding Theory Linguistic Competence and Pragmatic Competence The subjacency principle BICS and CALP -- by Cummins The poverty of the stimulus Inter-group Theory -- by giles and Byrne Language Acquisition Device Theory Nativization theory Subset Principle Regression and Fossilization Theory The autonomy of grammar theory The Acculturation Theory -- by Schumann UG Accessibility Theory

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施工总体部署方案1.1 项目管理组织 1.1.1项目组织机构图(略)

1.1.2 项目部各部门工作职责和权限 项目部各部门及人员职责严格按照局企业标准执行。 1.2 总承包管理 1.2.1 总承包管理组织、策划、实施 施工总承包项目经理部肩负实施项目管理、履行施工总承包合同的重任,是企业为实现本工程各项管理目标而设置的施工现场管理组织。项目经理部代表我局按“公正”、“科学”、“统一”、“控制”、“协调”的原则实行总承包组织、策划、实施。 1.2.2 对专业工程管理范围及服务承诺 根据业主要求,结合本工程特点,我局主要负责施工土建主体结构和安装水、电预留预埋工作,为了加强项目施工对土建专业和安装的管理力量,我局设立的现场项目经理部,代表我局履行合同义务,对专业分包进行统一管理、统一协调,确保各分项工程目标的实现,直接对业主和监理负责。 1.2.3 局总部与现场项目管理部的关系和授权 局总部与现场项目管理组织的关系,可概括为十六字,即“总部监督,部门协助,授权管理,全面负责”。 “总部监督”是指局总部按合同要求和承诺,对项目部的实施情况进行全程监督,必要时调动全局的人力、物力,确保合同要求和承诺全面兑现。 “部门协助”是指局总部的工程、技术、质量、安全、财务、预算等各业务部门对项目提供人、财、物的全方位支持,各部门对项目的管理以服务为主,监督为辅。 “授权管理”是指局总部授权于项目经理对本工程及与本工程有关的事宜进行管理,包括对人、财、物的支配调动权,奖罚权。 “全面负责”是指项目部全面履行合同要求和承诺,对本工程一切施工活动包括工期、质量、安全、成本、文明施工等全面负责并组织落实。 1.2.4 分包管理组织机构的设置及职责; 各专业分包单位进入施工现场前,均需按总包管理办法的要求设置相应的组织管理机构配置对口的管理人员。 进入施工现场的各专业分包单位按总包设置好的机构统一命名,其命名规则为:山东广播电视中心综合业务楼工程XX项目经理部 信函及有关文件需标注单位名称时,一律以总包确定的名称为准。 各专业分包单位必须按照总包设置的机构和管理岗位配齐相应的管理人员。 分包单位必须具备本工程施工单项注册或济南市的施工注册执照,


PIC16F877A的特殊功能配置CPU的特殊功能 BIT13CP:闪存程序存储器代码保护位 0:所有程序存储器代码保护 1:关闭代码保护 BIT12Unimplemented:读时为结果为1 BIT11DEBUG:在电路调试模式位 0:在电路调试功能有效,RB6和RB7专用于调试器 1:在电路调试功能失效,RB6和RB7用于本身的IO或其它功能BIT10-9WRT1-0:闪存程序存储器写使能位 WRT1WRT0说明 11写保护关闭,所有程序存储器由EECON控制写 100000h到00ffh写保护;0100h到1fffh由EECON控制写010000h到07ffh写保护;0800h到1fffh由EECON控制写000000h到0fffh写保护;1000h到1fffh由EECON控制写BIT8CPD:数据EEPROM存储器代码保护位 0:数据EEPROM存储器代码保护开启 1:数据EEPROM存储器代码保护关闭 BIT7LVP:低电压(单电源)的在线串行编程使能位 0:RB3/PGM是普通IO口功能,编程时MCLR管脚必须是高电压1:RB3/PGM是PGM功能,低电压编程使能 BIT6BOREN:欠压复位使能位 0:欠压复位失效 1:欠压复位使能 BIT5-4Unimplemented:读时结果为1 BIT3PWRTEN:上电延时定时器使能位 0:上电延时定时器使能 1:上电延时定时器失效 BIT2WDTEN:看门狗定时器使能位 0:看门狗失效 1:看门狗使能

BIT1-0:Fosc1:Fosc0:时钟源选择位 Fosc1Fosc0时钟源11RC振荡器 10外部石英高频晶振HS【频率范围见下表】01外部石英晶振XT【频率范围见下表】 00外部低频石英晶振LP【频率范围见下表】


攻城掠地姜维极限打法心得 攻城掠地姜维极限打法心得 攻城掠地姜维,话说不是高战打不过,但是本人今天为大家讲讲极限的通关方法吧。 是的我也卡N天了。我吕蒙一队打不过姜维小兵一队。原本完全看不到希望 昨天尝试了NNNN种打法后。装备搭配NN种后,终于过了 如果你的任何一将可以做到一换一并且残血吃第二将绝技。你不用看本贴,100%过 如果你的许褚可以做到秒姜维两排将,你不用看本帖,100%过 如果你的许褚可以3排砍死两排,残血自动放出战法,你不用看本帖,100%过 如果你的吕蒙可以做到4强防2血量,你不用看本帖。100%过 如果你能搭配出2个强防血量的吕蒙和严颜,你不用看本帖。100%过 如果你兵器超过70/20 ,装备有那么几件强防血量,你不用看本帖,很大希望过 楼主的兵器是多少呢?60 51 56 7 1 6 武器2个5级宝石血量2个5级宝石。折合兵器 66 51 61 12 1 11, 楼主的装备?杂技装,衣服2件战法攻击 1件防御 1件战法防御。没其他的了。有人说你吧战法防御先洗了打完了恢复回来啊,是啊,楼主是这样做的。后果就是一次就给战法防御点成了4星战法攻击。。。导致3战法攻击 1防御。。 最后过关时候配置: 81吕蒙:3强防2血量1防御(衣服实在没其他的可以穿了只有防御了) 82典韦:1攻击 3战法攻击 2强攻 83许褚:1攻击 1防御 2战法攻击 1掌控(是的同样没别的穿的了) 75张颌:1攻击 2战法攻击 2强攻 1防御 可以看到我打副本基本有3件装备是基本没用的。2件防御 1件掌控,实在是没有免费次数可以洗了,也不敢洗了怕给我4缺2的套装给洗成3缺3了 打法如下: 许褚4排砍死对面1排。半血自动放绝技。打4排2000(许褚穿最烂的装备,基本有什么穿什么保证一点战法攻击就行) 吕蒙出现。第一排打死3排3000血NPC 吃第二个将绝技 第二排战术克制对面第二将第一排,这一排是吃过战法的。基本吕蒙掉400血可以拿下 第二将第二排,这里完全看脸。必须战术克制,我的3400血吕蒙才能砍死满血第二排还能剩


总体部署(资源配置计划) 1、劳动力需求计划及计划投入的施工队伍 1.1针对本工程现实情况,我公司进行了严密的组织工作,组织专业施工队伍,以施工队、班组为主体,结合本工程特点,配备各项工种作业技术骨干和经验丰富的施工作业人员,由项目部统一指挥管理。成立现场领导小组,及时与建设单位和相关部门协商解决施工人员的困难和生活问题。 1.2当劳动力不足时,选用我总公司劳务公司所管理的劳务人员,作为劳力补充,确保劳力不减,必要时组织昼夜两班施工,确保施工计划的完成。 1.3加强施工人员思想教育,充分认识完成工期目标的重要意义,调动施工人员的积极性,发挥经济杠杆作用。凡在节假日紧张时生产的人员均给予经济补偿,对随意脱岗的人员给予经济处罚。 1.4充分调动施工人员的积极性,节假日期间施工人员原则上不放假,工会及行政部门作好职工的思想工作,同时给施工人员一定的施工补贴,对农村籍职工再进行额外的补贴,除于节假日改善伙食外,给施工人员一定的经济补偿,稳定职工的军心。 1.5及时发现、了解并解决职工的具体困难,使职工坚守岗位,安心工作。 1.6结合本工程所需劳动力的具体情况:我公司专门成立了独立的专业施工队,根据各专业的特点,实行统一安排、合理运用劳动力减少浪费的原则,结合工程具体情况,需抢工期时我公司准备了大量施工人员来满足工程需要。 1.7公司因农民工多的现象也制定相应办法,为确保施工进度,在夏、秋两季双收双种的季节里,公司制定了工人责任制,在工程需求下必须满足工程施工人员的需求,最大限度的保证现场人员和工程进度。 1.8、劳动力需求详见项附表

1.9、劳动力计划表 注:投标人应按所列格式提交包括分包人管理人员在内的估计的劳动力计划表。 本计划表是以每班八小时工作制为基础的。 注:以上人员为我公司初步拟定,如不够用,我公司立即从总部调遣施工人员前去协助,保证不因人力不足而耽误工期。 2、材料需用计划 2.1、接到贵方《中标通知书》通知后,我公司将根据贵方的开工意向,派出材料管理人员到大型防腐涂料生产厂家采购本项防腐施工用材料,与生产厂家签定材料供货协议书,确保材料的质量与供货。 2.2、在厂家对每批防腐用材,每个种类的材料进行必要的全面验收,尽快发货于施工现场,接受甲方质检人员检查验收,每种防腐材料要有合格证、检验报告、出厂检测证书,并做好材料的验收记录,如果甲方对材料质量提出质疑,应抽取样品送有关检测单位检测,检测合格方可使用。 2.3、测算工程材料用量,拟第一批采购本工程用材料的50%,并提前6天运到施工现场,接收贵方质检部门的验收、核实。 2.4、第二批采购工程用量的40%,并在第一批材料使用80%时提前到货,接受贵方质检验收。 2.5、第三批采购工程用量的10%,并在第二批材料使用80%时提前到货,接


棕榈科植物总体配置原则 棕榈科植物如何与其它植物搭配,合情合理地表达设计的主题,其实并无定法,这种搭配往往是设计师思维的和手法的体现,也是决定一个设计方案成败的关键,“因地制宜”、“因时而异”是一个总的原则,只有根据实际情况来选择植物的搭配,才会取得最佳的设计效果。棕榈科植物配置艺术同样遵循艺术的原理,造型艺术的基本原理。即统一、调和、均衡、韵律四大原理: 1.统一原理的运用:又称变化与统一原则,植物配置时,树形、色彩、线条、叶干质地及比例都要有一定的差异和变化,显示多样性,但又要使它们之间保持一定的相似性,引起统一感,这也是一种对立与统一的关系。 2.调和的原则:即协调和对比的原则。在景区与景区之间,调和过度很重要,但大片反复的一致性、近似性,会使游人产生单调感、疲倦感。故在景区之间,采用叶色、树形对比强烈的树种将它们区分开来,以引人注目。 3.均衡的原则:以植物数量的比例作依据的平衡原则。 4.韵律的原则:即在配置中,将同一种对比反复运用。 园林绿化中的应用: 棕榈科植物树型多样、独特,颇具南国风光特色,高大的树种达数十米,树姿雄伟,茎干单生,苍劲挺拔,加上叶型美观,与茎干相映成趣,可作主景树;有些种类,茎干丛生,树影婆娑,宜作配景树种;低矮的种类,株型秀丽,栽种于盆中,作盆景观赏。棕榈科植物以单植、列植或群植形式,广泛应用于道路、公园、庭院、厂区及盆景绿化。 (一)道路绿化 棕榈科植物树型美,落叶少。常用于市区和国内的道路绿化,与道路附近的建筑物和其它公共设施配套。如大王椰子、假槟榔,董棕、海枣、蒲葵等独干乔木型种类其树干粗壮高大,挺拔清秀,雄伟壮观,且树体通视良好,利于交通安全,可把它们列于道路两旁,分车带或中央绿带上,犹如队列整齐的仪仗队,具有雄伟庄严的气氛。如华南植物园的王椰路就因路边两排整齐的大王椰子而闻名。在道路变道外侧,栽种大王椰子,霸王棕,华盛顿棕榈等以引导行车方向,而且这些高大挺拔的棕榈树也可使驾驶员产生安全感,在道路的回旋交汇处及中央隔离带上,可配植低矮的棕榈植物,如棕竹,美丽针葵等,既不妨碍司机及行人视线,也不会遮挡街景,同时,棕榈植物根系经许多常绿乔木浅,不会危及墙基及地下管线安全。(二)公园绿化 在公园里,棕榈科植物除了作为国中道路绿化树种外,还可种植形成棕榈植物区或棕榈岛,或点缀于公园山石门窗等景观之中。通常在公园中较开阔的地带,选择适宜生长的棕榈科植物种类,栽植成片具热带,南亚热带绮丽风光的棕榈植物区。种植时,可以单独群植,也可以多种混植成景,常见选择的种类有假槟榔、大王椰子、蒲葵、海枣、短穗鱼尾葵等。而在公园的山石,水旁,景墙,门窗前后可以点缀种植少量棕榈科植物,与原来相映成趣,做到即与原景相匹配,又能增添生机和活力。在这些区域,一般选用较为低矮、秀丽的种类,如散尾葵、棕竹、美丽针葵等。 (三)庭院绿化 庭院绿化范围包括居住区游园,宅旁绿地,公用事业绿地,公共建筑庭院及内庭的绿化等。在庭院绿化中,以短穗鱼尾葵、棕竹、三药槟榔等多干丛生型种类,紧密种植成一道绿色屏障,用以分隔庭院空间,增加景观层次;以隔挡长上厕所、垃圾房等俗陋处所,通过遮和藏,令建筑与绿化有机地结合起来,可谓方法简便,效果美观;密植成绿墙,用于庭院中各类雕塑作品的背景,令主景雕塑跃然入目;以美丽针葵等仪态轻盈雅致与各类景石组合配植,别具情趣,植于墙前、廊边;利用不同的造景效果和自然独特的形态来衬托规则式的建筑形体。可达“粉墙作纸,植物作画”的效果,别具一番留连忘返的情趣。

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