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People’s Republic of China


Motor Vehicle Register Certificate


Made by Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx编号No. :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Motor Vehicle Register No.: xxxxxxxxxxxx




People’s Republic of China Motor Vehicle Register Certificate Made by Ministry of Public Security of The People’s Republic of China 8888888888888888888888 No.8888888888* Summery Information of Registration Vehicle Owner/ID proof/No. 姓名/ ID Card/ NO.身份证号 Registering Organization Registering Date Vehicle No. Registration of Transfer Information List 1 Vehicle Owner/ID proof/No. Registering Organization Registering Date Vehicle No. 2 Vehicle Owner/ID proof/No. Registering Organization Registering Date Vehicle No. 3 Vehicle Owner/ID proof/No. Registering Organization Registering Date Vehicle No. 4 Vehicle Owner/ID proof/No. Registering Organization Registering Date Vehicle No. 5 Vehicle Owner/ID proof/No. Registering Organization Registering Date Vehicle No. Page 1


企业营业执照 Business License of the Enterprise (Duplicate) (1-1) Registered Number: xxxxxxxx The Enterprise Name: xxxxxxxxxxxx Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enterprise Type: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Person in Charge: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Scoop of Management: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Head Office: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Term of operation: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Establishing Date: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Explanation: 1.“Business License” for an enterprise is the certificate of its legal operations.

2.“Business License” has two copies: an original and a duplicate which have the equal legal effect. 3.The Original “Business License” should be placed visibly in the company’s business site. 4.“Business License” is prohibited to be forged, altered, leased, lent or transferred. 5.The enterprise shall apply an alternation registration to the agency for any changes of the registered items. 6.The registration authority shall proceed an annual inspection on the enterprise from every 1st of March to every 30th of June. 7.“Business License” shall become invalid automatically when invalidated by the registration authority. 8.The enterprise should return the original and duplicate copies of the Business License when canceling the registration. 9.If the Business License is lost or ruined, a statement of cancellation should be made on a pointed press and apply for another one. Date: xxxxxxxxxx


No:No.1 01514879 Business License (Duplicate copy) Registration No.: 91110105560398889R Enterprise Name: Beijing XXXX International Consulting Co., Ltd. Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability(Foreign legal person) Residence: Room XXX,Office Building X, Beijing Landmark Towers, No.8 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Legal Representative: XXX Registered Capital: RMB Five Hundred Thousand Yuan Date of Establishment:XX.XX.XXXX Term of Business: From X th XX XXXX to X th June 2041 Scope of Business:Investment Advisory: Economic Consulting: public relations management consulting. ("1, without the approval of relevant departments, shall be open to the public to raise funds; 2, no public securities launched products and financial transactions; 3, shall not grant loans; 4, not to invest in enterprises other enterprises to provide guarantee; 5, not promise to investors against losses or capital investment the lowest income commitments"; the law is subject to the approval of the project, approved by the relevant departments according to the approved content to expand the business activities). Registration Office: Beijing XXXXXXXXXXXX X th January 2016 Enterprise credit management information system: https://www.doczj.com/doc/283522733.html, State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China


enterprise business license (template) 正本: ENTERPRISE BUSINESS LICENSE REGISTERED NO.: 110000450####### DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT: 9/03/2010 REGISTRATION AUTHORITY: BEIJING ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUDTRY AND COMMERCE DATE: 09/03/2019 No.1040936 COMPANY NAME:BEIJING ABC CO., LTD ADDRESS:ROOM##, FLOOR #, CHINA LIFE BUILDING, CHAOWAI STREET NO.16, CHAOYANG DISTRICT, BEIJING LEGAL REPRESATIVE: ##### REGISTERED CAPITAL 100,000dollar CAPTITAL PAID-IN: 0 dollar COMPANY TYPE: CORPORATE LIMITED (Taiwan HK MACAO enterprise) BUSINESS SCOPE Item per approval: none General item: Food and beverages consulting, social economic consulting, economic information consulting, economic trading consulting; company management consulting; investment consulting; Corporate Planning consulting; public relationship service. INVESTOR(S): THE RICCI GROUP LIMITED BUSINESS TERM: FROM 03/09/2010 TO 08/03/2040 副本: ENTERPRISE BUSINESS LICENSE (Duplicate) (2-1) REGISTERED NO. 110000450###### COMPANY NAME:ABC CONSULTING(BEIJING) CO.,LTD ADDRESS:ROOM #, FLOOR #, CHINA LIFE BUILDING, CHAOWAI STREET NO.16, CHAOYANG DISTRICT, BEIJING LEGAL REPRESATIVE: ##### REGISTERED CAPITAL 100,000DOLLAR CAPTITAL PAID-IN: 0 DOLLAR COMPANY TYPE: CORPORATE LIMITED (Taiwan HK MACAO enterprise) BUSINESS SCOPE: item per approval: none General item: Food and beverages consulting, social economic consulting, economic information consulting, economic trading consulting; company management consulting; investment


2016机动车注册登记流程有哪些? 初次申领机动车号牌、行驶证的,机动车所有人应当向住所地的车辆管理所申请注册登记。那么注册登记有哪些流程呢?我们一起看下文的详细介绍,希望对您有所帮助! 一、办理程序 初次申领机动车号牌、行驶证的,机动车所有人应当向住所地的车辆管理所申请注册登记。申请注册登记的,机动车所有人应当填写申请表,交验机动车,并相关证明、凭证。车辆管理所受理申请,确认机动车,核对车辆识别代号拓印膜,审查提交的证明、凭证,核发机动车登记证书、号牌、行驶证和检验合格标志。 二、需提交的资料 (一)机动车所有人的身份证明; (二)购车发票等机动车来历证明; (三)机动车整车出厂合格证明或者进口机动车进口凭证; (四)车辆购置税完税证明或者免税凭证; (五)机动车责任强制保险凭证;

(六)车船税纳税或者免税证明; (七)法律、行政法规规定应当在机动车注册登记时提交的其他证明、凭证。 三、不予办理注册登记的情形 (一)机动车所有人提交的证明、凭证无效的; (二)机动车来历证明被涂改或者机动车来历证明记载的机动车所有人与身份证明不符的; (三)机动车所有人提交的证明、凭证与机动车不符的; (四)机动车未经国务院机动车产品主管部门许可生产或者未经国家进口机动车主管部门许可进口的; (五)机动车的有关技术数据与国务院机动车产品主管部门公告的数据不符的; (六)机动车的型号、发动机号码、车辆识别代号或者有关技术数据不符合国家安全技术标准的; (七)机动车达到国家规定的强制报废标准的; (八)机动车被人民法院、人民检察院、行政执法部门依法查封、扣押的;

(九)机动车属于被盗抢的; (十)其他不符合法律、行政法规规定的情形。 四、下列用语的含义 (一)身份证明是指: 1、机关、企业、事业单位、社会团体的身份证明,是该单位的《组织机构代码证书》、加盖单位公章的委托书和被委托人的身份证明。机动车所有人为单位的内设机构,本身不具备领取《组织机构代码证书》条件的,可以使用上级单位的《组织机构代码证书》作为机动车所有人的身份证明。上述单位已注销、撤销或者破产,其机动车需要办理变更登记、转移登记、解除、注销登记、解除备案、申领机动车登记证书和补、换领机动车登记证书、号牌、行驶证的,已注销的企业的身份证明,是工商行政管理部门出具的注销证明。已撤销的机关、事业单位、社会团体的身份证明,是其上级主管机关出具的有关证明。已破产的企业的身份证明,是依法成立的财产清算机构出具的有关证明; 2、外国驻华使馆、领馆和外国驻华办事机构、国际组织驻华代表机构的身份证明,是该使馆、领馆或者该办事机构、代表机构出具的证明; 3、居民的身份证明,是《居民身份证》或者《临时居民身份证》。在暂住地居住的内地居民,其身份证明是《居民身份证》或者《临时居民身份证》,以及公安机关核发的居住、暂住证明;


机动车登记管理办法 机动车一般是指本身具有动力装置,可以单独在公路及城市道路行驶,并完成运载任务的车辆。下文是机动车登记管理办法全文,欢迎阅读! 第一章总则 第一条根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》及其实施条例的规定,制定本规定。 第二条本规定由公安机关交通管理部门负责实施。 省级公安机关交通管理部门负责本省(自治区、直辖市)机动车登记工作的指导、检查和监督。直辖市公安机关交通管理部门车辆管理所、设区的市或者相当于同级的公安机关交通管理部门车辆管理所负责办理本行政辖区内机动车登记业务。 县级公安机关交通管理部门车辆管理所可以办理本行政辖区内摩托车、三轮汽车、低速载货汽车登记业务。条件具备的,可以办理除进口机动车、危险化学品运输车、校车、中型以上载客汽车以外的其他机动车登记业务。具体业务范围和办理条件由省级公安机关交通管理部门确定。 警用车辆登记业务按照有关规定办理。 第三条车辆管理所办理机动车登记,应当遵循公开、公正、便民的原则。 车辆管理所在受理机动车登记申请时,对申请材料齐全并符合法律、行政法规和本规定的,应当在规定的时限内办结。对申请材料不齐全或者其他不符合法定形式的,应当一次告知申请人需要补正的全部内容。对不符合规定的,应当书面告知不予受理、登记的理由。

车辆管理所应当将法律、行政法规和本规定的有关机动车登记的事项、条件、依据、程序、期限以及收费标准、需要提交的全部材料的目录和申请表示范文本等在办理登记的场所公示。 省级、设区的市或者相当于同级的公安机关交通管理部门应当在互联网上建立主页,发布信息,便于群众查阅机动车登记的有关规定,下载、使用有关表格。 第四条车辆管理所应当使用计算机登记系统办理机动车登记,并建立数据库。不使用计算机登记系统登记的,登记无效。 计算机登记系统的数据库标准和登记软件全国统一。数据库能够完整、准确记录登记内容,记录办理过程和经办人员信息,并能够实时将有关登记内容传送到全国公安交通管理信息系统。计算机登记系统应当与交通违法信息系统和交通事故信息系统实行联网。 第二章登记 第一节注册登记 第五条初次申领机动车号牌、行驶证的,机动车所有人应当向住所地的车辆管理所申请注册登记。 第六条机动车所有人应当到机动车安全技术检验机构对机动车进行安全技术检验,取得机动车安全技术检验合格证明后申请注册登记。但经海关进口的机动车和国务院机动车产品主管部门认定免予安全技术检验的机动车除外。 免予安全技术检验的机动车有下列情形之一的,应当进行安全技术检验: (一)国产机动车出厂后两年内未申请注册登记的; (二)经海关进口的机动车进口后两年内未申请注册登记的; (三)申请注册登记前发生交通事故的。 专用校车办理注册登记前,应当按照专用校车国家安全技术标准进行安全技术检验。


Certificate of Incorporation Registration企业法人营业执照 副本Copy(2-2) Registration No: xxxxxxxxx Company Name:名称 Address:住所1F,xxx Building, xxx Road, xxx District, Beijing Legal Representative:法定代表人 Registration Capital:注册资本10 Million USD Paid-up Capital:实收资本10 Million USD Character of Business:有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)Limited company wholly invested by xxx ltd. Scope of Operation: Licensed business items: None许可经营项目:无 General busines s item s: Laws, administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and national industrial policies of foreign investment, shall not be prohibited by operation; laws and administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and national industrial policies of foreign investment restrictions on the operation of the project, approved by the approving authority and the administrative department for Industry and commerce registration before operation; laws and administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and the foreign countries investment industrial policy did not limit the operation, choose to operate the project to carry out business activities.一般经营项目:法律、行政法规、国务院决定和国家外商投资产业政策禁止的,不得经营;法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定应经许可和国家外商投资产业政策限制经营的项目,经审批机关批准并经工商行政管理机关登记注册后方可经营;法律、行政法规、国务院决定和国家外商投资产业政策未限制经营的,自主选择经营项目开展经营活动。 Shareholders:XXX Ltd. Business Term: From May.01, 2001 to May.01, 2021 Foundation Date: May.01, 2001 No.xxxxxxxxxx Statement 1. The Business License is the certificate of an enterprise as a legal person and its legal operations. 2. The Business License has two copies: an Original and a Duplicate which have the equal legal effect. 3. The Business License should be placed visibly in the company’s business site. 4. The Business License is prohi bited to be forged, altered, lent or transferred. 5. When the enterprise is going to alter the items on its registered license, it shouldsubmit an application to the registration government agency to change its registration and receive a new Business License. 6. The registration government agency will conduct an annual check-up for the enterprise, at a time between March 1st and June 30th each year. 7. After the Business License is revoked, only business activities related to liquidation can be carried out. 8. When registry of the enterprise is written off, the original and the duplicate copy(s) should be returned to the registration government agency. 9. In case that the Business License is lost or ruined, a statement of cancellation should be made on a press pointed by the registration government agency and a new Business License should be applied for. Registered with: industrial & commercial administration bureau of Beijing (seal) Jul.01,2010


Individual-owned Business License (Duplicate) Registration No .: xxxx Notes 1. Business license for industrial and commercial units is the certificate for an enterprise to obtain enterprise legal person qualification and legal operation. 2. The license is made in original and duplicate, with same authenticity. 3. Original license shall be placed at eye-catching place of the venue of enterprise legal person. 4. Business license shall not be forged, modified, rented, transferred, or assigned. 5.When registration issues of enterprise legal person change, the original registration authority shall be approached to apply for amendment of registration. 6. From January 1 to May 31 each year, registration authority will make annual inspection to enterprise legal person. 7. After being suspended, business license shall automatically go void. Enterprise legal person shall engage in no business activities other than liquidation. 8. When an enterprise cancels registration, business licenses in original and duplicate shall be returned. 9. In case of loss or damage of the Business License for industrial and commercial units, Enterprise legal person shall, publish Cancellation Notice on appointed newspaper or periodical, then apply with registration authority for receiving new one. Sealed by Issuing date: Formulated by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China


车辆登记证书 机动车登记证书是车辆所有权的法律证明,由车辆所有人保管,不随车携带。此后办理转籍、过户等任何车辆登记时都要求出具车辆登记证,并在上面记录车辆的相关情况。其相当于车子的“户口本”。 变更 正常范围 (一)改变机动车车身颜色的; (二)更换发动机的; (三)更换车身或者车架的; (四)因质量问题,制造厂更换整车的; (五)营运机动车改为非营运机动车或者非营运机动车改为营运机动车的; (六)机动车所有人的住所迁出本市或迁入本市管辖区域的。 超出范围 (一)改变机动车的品牌、型号和发动机型号的,但经国务院机动车产品主管部门许可选装的发动机除外; (二)改变已登记的机动车外形和有关技术数据的,但法律、法规和国家强制性标准另有规定的除外; (三)机动车所有人的住所迁出本市时,有涉及机动车

的交通安全违法行为和交通事故处理情况; (四)机动车所有人或代理人提交的证明、凭证无效的; (五)机动车达到国家规定的强制报废标准的; (六)机动车被人民法院、人民检察院、行政执法部门依法查封、扣押的; (七)机动车属于被盗抢的; (八)其他不符合法律、行政法规规定的情形的。 补办 条件 1、机动车登记证书灭失、丢失或者损毁的,机动车所有人应当向登记地车辆管理所申请补领、换领。 2、机动车所有人可以委托代理人代理申请各项机动车登记和业务,但申请补领机动车登记证书的除外。对机动车所有人因死亡、出境、重病、伤残或者不可抗力等原因不能到场申请补领机动车登记证书的,可以凭相关证明委托代理人代理申领。 材料 1、《机动车牌证申请表》 2、机动车所有人的身份证明原件和复印件 3、机动车查验记录表(当场办理) 办理补领机动车登记证书,机动车所有人应将车开到车管所。机动车所有人为自然人办理补领《机动车登记证书》


BUSINESS LICESE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON (Duplicate Copy) (1-1) Registration No.: Enterprise Name Domicile Legal Representative Registered Capital 1 million yuan Paid-up Capital 1 million yuan Type of Enterprise Company of limited liability (invested or controlled (by holding the majority of the shares) by natural persons) Scope of Business Authorized Business Items: None General Business Items: Self-supporting or agent inport and export of a variety of goods and technologies; services of technology transfer; special contract services. Date of Establishment March 22nd, 2004 Term of Business From March 22nd, 2004 to March 21st, 2034. Please apply to the enterprise registration authority for annual examination in every year from March 1st through June 30th. Notice 1.Business License for Enterprise Legal Person is the certificate of the qualifications of enterprise legal persons and their legal operations. 2.Business License for Enterprise Legal Person is divided into an original copy and a duplicate copy, both of which enjoy have legal effects. 3.The original copy of Business License for Enterprise Legal Person shall be laid up in an eye-catching position in the domicile. 4.Business License for Enterprise Legal Person shall not be forged, altered, leased, lent or assigned. 5.The enterprise legal person shall apply for an alternation registration to the registration authority for any change of the registered items, and replace the Business License for Enterprise Legal Person. 6.Annual examination shall be conducted in every year from March 1st through June 30th. 7.No business activities, unless relating to the liquidation, may, after revocation of the Business License for Enterprise Legal Person, be conducted. 8.To cancel its registration, the enterprise legal person shall have the original and duplicate copies of Business License for Enterprise Legal Person returned. 9.Should Business License for Enterprise Legal Person be lost or damaged, the enterprise shall announced it invalid in the newspapers and periodicals designated by the enterprise registration authority, and shall apply for an reassurance. Annual Examination Results of Enterprise Legal Person Made by State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the People’s Republic of China


Enterprise Business License Duplicate Registration No.: 4201002000160000 Name: XXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. Address:Room X, Building X, , Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China Legal Representative: XXXX Registered Capital: RMB 8,000,000 Paid-in Capital: RMB 8,000,000 Enterprises Category: Limited Liability Company Business Scope: Forestry projects investment, management, and consulting. Research and development on biological products. Forestry harvesting and processing. Forestry ownership transferring agent and consulting. Forest plantations and maintenance. Forest Inventory, design and revegetation. Forest products production, processing and marketing. Tourism project planning and consulting. Foundation Date: June 23, 1998 Operation Period: June 23, 1998 to June 22, 2028 Steal by Wuchang Branch, Business Administration Bureau of Wuhan Issue date: August 22, 2013


办理机动车登记主要业务流程 一、注册登记 业务流程:[查验岗]确认车辆,录入车辆技术参数,公告核查、被盗抢核查、合格证核查、在用车VIN核查→[登记审核岗]录入车主等信息、打印受理凭证、选号、打印证书和行驶证及合格证、进口车核查、发放牌证[档案管理岗]复印归档、打印资料清单。 二、转入业务 业务流程:[查验岗]下载车辆信息、录入车主信息、确认车辆、被盗抢核查→[登记审核岗]修改车主等信息、打印受理凭证、选号、打印登记证书和行驶证及合格证、发放牌证→[档案管理岗]复核归档、打印资料清单。 三、变更登记业务流程: (1)辖区内变更:[查验岗]确认车辆、录入车辆变更信息、公告核查、被盗抢核查→[登记审核岗]录入车辆变更信息等、手杖印受理凭证、选号、打印临时号牌、签注册登记书和行驶证及合格证标志、发放牌证→[档案管理岗]复核归档、打印资料清单。 (2)跨辖区变更:[查验]确认车辆、录入车辆变更信息、被盗抢核查→[登记审核岗]录入车主的变更信息、打印受理凭证、选号、打印临时号牌、签注册登记书和行驶证及合格证、发放牌证→[档案管理岗]复核归档、打印资料清单。 四、转移登记业务流程:

(1)管理区域内移:[查验岗]确认车辆、录入信息、打印查验凭证→[登记审核岗]录入车主信息、选择号段信息、打印受理凭证、打印登记书和行驶证及合格证、发放牌证→[档案管理岗]复核归档、打印资料清单。 (2)跨管理区域转移:[查验岗]确认车辆、录入信息、打印查验凭证→[登记审核岗]录入车主信息、号段信息、打印受理凭证、签注册登记证书、打印临时号牌、发放牌证、档案转出、打印资料清单。 五、注销登记 业务流程:[登记审核岗]录入注销信息、打印受理凭证、打印注销证明→[档案管理岗]复核归档。 六、补换号牌、行驶证 业务流程:[登记审核岗]录入信息、打印受理凭证、核发临时号牌、发放牌证→[档案管理岗]复核归档。 七、补换检验合格证标志 业务流程:[登记审核岗]录入注销信息、打印受理凭证、打印登记证书、发放牌证→[档案管理岗]复核归档。 八、补领/申请登记证书 业务流程:[查验岗]确信车辆、录入信息、打印受理凭证、[牌证岗]打印登记证书、发证[档案管理岗]复核归档。 九、核发检验合格标志 业务流程:[查验岗]录入查验信息、车主联系信息、查询违章、事故未处理记录、打印查验合格标志和行驶证副本、发放牌证[档案管理


Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity (Duplicate) Registration No.: Name Address Legal Representative Registered Capital RMB Yuan Paid in Capital RMB Yuan Organization Form Limited Liability Company Business Scope Foundation Date

Notice 1. Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity is the certificate of an enterprise as a legal person and its legal operations. 2. There are two copies of Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity: an original and a duplicate, both of which enjoy equal legal effect. 3. The original of Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity should be placed visibly in the company. 4. Any fabrication, alteration, lease, lending or transfer of Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity is prohibited. 5. Applying to the original registration office for an alternation registration is necessary for any change of the registered items in Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity. 6. Enterprises must accept the annual inspection by the issuing authority between March 1st and June 30th every year. 7. After Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity is revoked, only business activities related to liquidation can be carried out. 8. Both the original copy and duplicate copy of Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity should be returned to the issuing authority when canceling the registration of the company. 9. In case that Business License for an Enterprise as a Legal Entity is lost or ruined, a statement of cancellation should be made on a press designated by the registration government agency and a new one should be applied for. Annual Inspection Record Year: 2010 XX Administration for Industry and Commerce Annual Inspection (seal) XX Administration for Industry and Commerce(seal)

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