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B1M2 Writing曹

B1M2 Writing曹
B1M2 Writing曹

Period III Basic Writing

– how to describe a person

Teaching purposes: enable students to grasp the skills of basic writing; improve their integrated shills

Teaching important points: make students know how to write simple or complete sentences.

Teaching methods: task-based approach, explaining, discussing and practicing

Teaching procedures:

I. 热身:阅读P75 Reading部分,完成8、9两部分。

思考:What basic contents should be mentioned when we describe a person?

Age, birthplace, education background, job…


II. 人物描写必备词汇:


(1)__________________________________ 一个五岁的男孩

(2)____________________________________ 男孩五岁

(3)_________________________________ 在我十/二十多岁时

(4)_____________________________________ 在五岁时

2. 出生

(1) ___________________________ … 出生在(时间/ 地点)

(2)__________________________________ 出生于富裕人家

(3)_________________________________ 出生于一个农民家庭

3. 外表

(1)______________________________ 一个高1.8米的男孩

(2)____________ 胖的;_________ 瘦的;________苗条的;___________ 强壮的; ______________ 时髦的

(3)___________________________ 显得比实际年龄年轻

(4)_______________________ 长得好看;_______________________ 长得一般

(5)________________________ 穿的漂亮;_________________________ 衣着干净整洁

4. 能力

(1)___________________________ 办事高效率的

(2)____________________有智力的;______________________ 富创造力的

(3)_____________________________________ 能干的男孩

(4)______________________________ 一名合格的教师

(5) _______________________________一位接受能力强的学生

(6)__________________________________ 讲流利的英语

(7)________________________________ 有……的天赋

(8)________________________________ 在……方面熟练

(9)__________________________________ 在……方面有经

(10) ____________________________________ 擅长

5. 健康

(1)__________________________________ 身体健康

(2)________________精力充沛的_____________________ 身材健美的

(3)_______________________ …患上……

6. 教育背景

(1)_________________________________________ 从某大的某学院毕业

(2)____________________________ 以……为专业

(3) ____________________________________________ 被重点大学录

7. 性格

______________________ 有趣的; ___________________ 可爱的;

_______________________ 活泼的; ______________________ 严肃的

______________________ 耐心的; ______________________ 害羞的

_________________________ 对…要求严格的

_____________________ 有组织的; _____________________ 和蔼的

8. 成就

(1)______________________ 获得奖学金

(2)_________________________ 获得好成绩

(3)__________________________ 获得硕士学位


(5)___________________________ 获得金/银/铜牌

(6)_________________________ 获得一等奖/第一名

9. 评价


(2)_________________________ 一位模范教师/工人

(3)__________________________ 被大家所尊重


(5)______________________ …对……做出巨大贡献

(6)_______________________ …受…欢迎

(7)________________________ 把…奉献与…

III. 写好简单句。

1. 李莎是我们的英语老师, 她身材苗条,装扮时髦。


3.她性格活泼开朗, 并且非常有耐心,深受学生的欢迎。

4.她的课堂生动有趣,教学方法独特(unique), 在她的课堂上没有人会感到厌烦。



IV. 重组信息并润色,将上面6个句子组合成只有5句话的小短文。

My English Teacher

________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________.

英语人教版八年级下册Writing. 教案

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city park s. Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:clean up, city, cheer, cheer up, give out, volunteer, notice, used to, lonely, 能掌握以下句型: ① You could help to clean up the city parks. ② We should listen to them and care for them. 2) 能了解以下语法: 情态动词could, should的用法;用should或could提出建议并对别人的建议作出评价。如何表达主动提供帮助。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 在授课过程中渗透助人就是助己,助人收获快乐的情感目标,使学生在谈论如何为别人提供帮助的对话中能意识到尽己所能,帮助他人,乐于奉献是一种良好的品德,培养学生为他人着想,热爱公益事业,乐于助人的优良品质。 二、教学重难点 教学重点: 1) 掌握这些短语动词的构成和用法:clean up, city, cheer, cheer up, give out, volunteer, notice, used to, lonely 2) 学会提供帮助的基本句型: I’d like to work outside. I’ll help clean the city park. You could give out food at a food bank. 教学难点: 学会提供帮助的基本句型 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up

【新教材】2.4 Reading for Writing 教学设计-人教版高中英语必修第三册

Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Period 4 Reading for Writing 教学设计 The topic of this part is “Share your opinions about a moral story”. This section focuses on the social responsibility. This reading is a fable A Stone on the Road, which is rich in the educational functions and profound meanings. So students not only should be guided to learn its superficial meaning, but understand its inner meaning. Then students should be asked to write comments about the story, which aims at making them analyzing the story from the outer to the inner, understanding the author’s views correctly and expressing their own feelings and opinions by organizing proper language. Concretely, the fable tells that to detect his people’s attitudes to problems, a king put a large st one in the middle of the main street and hid gold coins under the stone. Then he hid and watched people’s response to the stone. Although the stone led to much inconvenience, even complaint, no one was reluctant to remove the stone. At last, an honest youn g girl had it removed, who got the king’s gold coins and praise. In the reading, the speeches like personification, metaphor and symbol are used to uncover the educational theme and profound meanings. 1. Read quickly to get main idea; read carefully to get the detailed information about the fable. 2.Learn the structure of the reading article and language. 3.Write a story comment. 4.Learn to correct others’ comments. 1. Write a story comment. https://www.doczj.com/doc/209828235.html,e the structure of the reading article and language. Step 1 Lead in ---Small talk In our traditional culture, there are a lot of good morals and virtues. Can you list some ? diligence/hard-working; obliging/be ready to help others; perseverance/toughness; thrift/economic Do you know some fables or stories about them?

人教版英语必修二Unit 2(Writing)教案

Book 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games---Writing 教材分析: 必修二第二单元的写作话题是“my favorite sport”,考虑到并不是每位学生都喜欢体育运动,我将本单元的话题作文改为题为“我的兴趣”的Report 写作,一般情况下学生都会有自己喜欢做的事情,这样学生才有话可写。体裁上Report属于说明文,对于高一年级学生来讲是初次接触的写作文体,其作用为展示信息,介绍事物,主要运用时态为一般现在时。学情分析: 根据新课标要求,高一年级学生基本掌握单词量为2500-3000个,能熟练运用常用时态:一般现在时、一般过去时,其中一般现在时为本次写作课主要运用时态。此外,逻辑思维已经发到一定阶段,具备初级结构分析能力。另外高一年级学生对周边事物有较强好奇心,观察力敏锐,但是在写作上,他们有普遍的畏惧心理,表现为不知道写什么,不知道怎么写,所以通过范例分析讲解让学生学习如何写Report是这节课的重难点。 Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge and Skills: 1) To make students learn some words and patterns of describing hobby. Words: exciting creative wonderful interesting funny relaxing useful popular relaxing scary thrilling outstanding fascinating helpful educational.... Patterns: Attribute clause It is/was … that… 2) Have students write a short passage of describing their hobby. 2. Process and Methods: 1) Learn and grasp the useful expressions and structures by reading a sample passage. 2) Train students’ writing ability by practicing writing a short passage. 3. Emotion Attitude and View of Value: 1) Stimulate students’ interset in writing. Key Points: 1) Develop students’ writing ability. 2) Get students to use the useful expressions and structures to write a report about hobby. Difficult Points: 1) How help students to master the key points of writing a report. Teaching Methods: “Process oriented" writing teaching method Teaching Aids: Multi-media and Projector. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greeting and lead-in 1. Show some pictures of some famous people and ask students whether they know these people’ special interest. Step 2 1.Questionnaire(问卷调查) 1.What do you like doing at home/at school/during your holidy? 2.Which thing is your fovorite ? 3.Why do you like doing it ?

专题1.4 Writing--八年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案

Unit 1 What’s the matter? 话题分析 本单元的写作任务是会写针对健康问题提出合理化建议的短文。在写作过程中,要求同学们熟悉人体部位的表述,掌握描述人体的不适等健康问题。要注意关键词语的正确使用,并能够针对健康问题运用情态动词should和shouldn’t提出更加正确、具体和深入的合理化建议。 写作目标 能表达生活中存在的健康问题,并就这些提出建议;能描述意外伤害事故,并给出合理的应对措施。 1. 能用"have..."表达健康问题及意外事故。 2. 能描述健康问题的状况或意外事故发生的过程及病情或受伤的程度。 3. 能用"should/shouldn’t"提建议。 4. 写作微技能:不同句式的表达。 一、词汇积累 (一)健康问题类短语 1. 牙痛___________________ 2. 头痛___________________ 3. 肚子痛___________________ 4. 背痛___________________ 5. 喉咙痛___________________ 6. 流鼻血___________________ 7. 感冒___________________ 8. 发烧___________________ 9. 咳嗽___________________ 10. 感到恶心___________________ (二)意外事故短语 1. 摔倒_____________________ 2. 割伤_____________________ 3. 撞到头_____________________ 4. 膝盖受伤_____________________ 5. 背受伤_____________________ 6. 手臂受伤_____________________ (三)措施短语 1. 躺下来休息_____________________ 2. 喝热的蜂蜜水_____________________

高一英语人教版必修一Unit5 Writing 教案

Writing Teaching goals 1.Deal with the knowledge learned and the writing part. 2.Teach the students how to write a persuading letter. Step 1. Lead in T: Hello, everyone. Now I am very eager to know the top five things in your life. Would you like to share them with me? Others please pay attention to the attributive clauses in his report. Ss: … T: Well done, how many attributive clauses are used in the report? Ss: T: Just as you see, with this structure, the sentences you made will become more vivid and beautiful. And from what he told you just now, class, what kind person our speaker is? Ss: B rave, honest… T: But is it enough to describe one person in this way? What else is needed? Ss: (Get into a discussion) Step 2. Using words and expressions T: Good ideas. Would you like to know more? Now here’s a good example. Let’s turn to Page 70. First go through the text quickly. Who can tell me what the passage talks about? S: It’s about a mathematician named Charles Babbage. T: Now choose the words or expressions from the brackets to complete the passage. (Leave Ss 2minutes to finish the passage.) T: You can find the words are similar to each other. So as a good writer, he may vary words to express something better. So picking of proper words is very important. And have you stored some good words or phrases from our text? Ss: ... T: But can you use them out in your writing? Let’s have a try.Here we’ve got some, and please choose some of them to translate my sentences. ( Page 71) (as a matter of fact; in trouble; out of work; come to power; advise; lose heart; be sentenced to; willing; set up; continue).

Unit 3.4 Writing-七年级英语人教版(上册)

【话题分析】 本单元写作要求同学们能够简单地介绍物品,并能根据相关的提示写简单的寻物启事或招领启事等应用文。 1. 能够正确书写表示物品的名词的单复数形式。 2. 能够正确使用相应的物主代词表达物品的所属; 3. 能写寻物启事或招领启事等应用文。 【写作技巧】写失物招领/寻人启事的五个基本要素法 要素一:确定标题类型(Lost/Found) 要素二:丢失物品的名称和地点 要素三:具体描述物品的特征 要素四:注明姓名及联系方式 要素五:注意礼貌感谢 【参考词汇与句式】 1. pencil box文具盒;铅笔盒 2. a set of一副;一套 3. excuse me劳驾;请原谅 4. email…at给……发电子邮件 5. ID card学生卡;身份证 6. my English teacher我的英语老师 7. thank you for为……而感谢你 8. ask…for请求;恳求(给予) 9. 黑色的钢笔black pen 10. computer game电脑游戏

11. school library学校图书馆 12. call…at给……打电话 13. Is this your computer? 14. Are these your dictionaries? 【典例】 假设你是七年级(二)班(Class Two, Grade Seven)的Sally,在图书馆丢失了一个红色的文具盒。请你写一则寻物启事,请拾到者交给你,或打电话760-9090,将不胜感谢。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 【佳作展示】 Lost I lost a red pencil box in the library. I must find it. I’m in Class Two, Grace Seven. Call me at 760-9090. Thanks! Sally I. 以读促写。 根据短文内容和所给的汉语或首字母提示,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Found I found _________(一些) keys in _________ (教室)7D. Are t_________ yours? My telephone n_________ is 788-6498. Call me. Lost I lost _________ (我的) purple jacket and a ___________ (黄色的)bag. A watch and three ___________ (书) are in the bag. I must find them. C________ me at 382-6509. T_________ you!


教案设计 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 一、教学背景分析 本单元的话题是“卫生与健康”。主要内容是谈论各种健康问题及治疗缓解的手段,建议。需要积累有关疾病、看病、治病的话题的语言知识。而本班学生在进行本单元的写作之前已经学习并掌握了如何表达身体不适以及针对这些身体问题给与建议的词汇、短语和句型。也基本能进行简单的相关话题的对话。 二、整体设计思路 本单元的教学活动遵循语言的输出当有相应语言知识输入的原则。而这又是本学期的第一堂写作课,要着重于激发学生的写作兴趣,以便促使他们能够在今后的写作教学活动中继续保持高涨的热情。据此,在设计教学活动时,在写前活动设计了“英汉互译”来复习写中活动里需要的词句。并采用情景模拟方法,让学生体会已习得的语言知识的实用性。激发兴趣的同时完成第一阶段的语言知识的输入和输出。然后布置写作任务,指导学生将写前的口头输出活动形成书面的输出,完成第二个阶段的语言知识的输出。由此来实现“课堂激趣,主动输出,形成效果”的教学目的。 三、教学目标分析 1、知识性目标:通过中英互译练习,能归纳整理出有关健康问题和急救建议方面的短语和 句型。 2. 能力目标:通过对话表演,感受并能应用一般现在时和一般过去时态来谈 或描述过去、现在身体健康状态。 3. 情感目标:通过说、写如何治疗、缓解病痛的活动,培养健康的生活习惯。 四、教学辅助手段 1. 卡片 2. 多媒体 五、教学过程 1. Pre-writing (15分钟) Review for writing: (1)Summarize the phrases your learnt about health problems (2)Put the following into English. ①我感觉不舒服。 ②Lily 昨天摔伤了腿。

必修3Unit2 healthy eating-writing 公开课教案简案

Teaching Plan 教学目标: Get students to learn how to write an advertisement. Develop students’ reading and writing abilities. 教学重点: Develop students’reading and writing skills by learning how to write an advertisement. 教学难点: Let students write a concise and accurate ad. 教学过程: Step1 Leading-in Show some pictures to students and ask them to answer the following questions: Which restaurant do you like best? and why? If you are a manager of one of these restaurants, how to write an advertisement for your restaurant and attract more customers? Step2 Reading Task Give a sample to students and ask them to read it quickly, then answer these questions: 1. What cuisine(菜式) does the restaurant serve? 2. Why is the food special in this restaurant? 3. Do we need to pay for parking if we eat at City Light Restaurant? Step3 To learn the layout of an ad for a restaurant There are six elements included in an ad: name,slogan, food / dishes, special features, Business time, address /telephone number… Step4 Practice Task 1. 我们餐厅主要供应重庆菜,以麻辣火锅为招牌特色 Our restaurant mainly ___________________________________, with _____ hotpots as the specialty.


高一英语必修一写作课课堂实录全英文授课 王俐 let’s begin our class.In this lesson we’ll write a story based on given pictures and master the basic elements and writing methods of story narratives .Besides, develope writing thinking and further deepen the cross-cultural understanding of english through writing practice; in addition, share the story about english-related anecdotes. Reviewing :Last lesson we read four funny posts and learned the expressions related to them.what are they?do you remember? They are t he first floor, not bad,wicked, have/there is a frog in one’s throat .can you retell one of them? Lihua,please. Not bad .you did a good job. The four expressions caused the misunderstanding in English. the first floor:in British English,it refers to the floor of a building above the one at ground level; while in American English it means the floor of a building at ground level. And how about this one”not bad”? yes , it is a positive comment. If you have got the comment from your teacher ,it means pretty good,better than you expected. Wicked:what do you think of julien’s grandfather? he is wicked. He is such a nice guy. Is there a frog in your throat? Why don't you say anything? I’m Unable to speak clearly because my throat is dry and blocked . The posts on page 21 remind us that some of the English we learn in the classroom is rather different from the English in the outside world. A frog in one’s throa t means yu cant speak now,what is the meaning of toad-in-the-hole? Next,let’s diecover more about it. Turn to Page 23. We’ll tell a story about toad-in-the-hole together!!!look at the picture .i think all of you can guess what the animal is ….give you two minues to look through the pictures and and answer the questions. Picture 1. Read it carefully,and find the related information. 1.When did the story happen? Yes,you’re right. Last summer. 2.Who were the people in the picture? A British family and I. 3.Where did the story take place? Are you familiar with the building ? 1 it’s a landmark of london-tower bridge,which was built over river themes.so we know the story took place in london. Picture 2 What did the boy say to the girl? We’ll have toad-in-the-hole for dinner. Picture 3. What was the girl’s feeling after hearing the boy’s words? Watch carefully the look on the gorl’s face. worried, a little terrified,confused,nervous ,we can also use “with butterflies in my stomach”to express your n ervousness. you’d better note it down on your books.

人教版英语必修三Unit 2(Writing)教学设计

教学设计 【教材分析】 本节课是人教版的B3U2Healthy eating ,本单元以“健康饮食”为中心话题,通过单元教学让学生了解各种食物对人体的作用,引导学生关注平衡膳食,促使学生养成健康饮食的习惯。本节课是关于健康话题的写作,让学生运在学生充分理解了课文,熟记了本单元的相关单词短语和句式后用所学知识进行相同话题的写作,体现了学以致用的目的。从Reading, Writing 两方面训练学生的学习技能,完成语言的输入性学习和输出性训练的过程。最重要的是,通过写作文这个操练过程,让学生从思想上真正的重视合理膳食的重要性,并从生活中做到合理膳食,从而实现这个单元的最终的教育意义即情感目标---合理膳食,健康一生。 【学情分析】 1.此节课的教学对象是高一年级的学生,他们的智力发展趋于成熟,认知能力比刚入学时有进一步发展,逐渐能用英语来获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题。并且,他们也已经形成并培养了一定的小组合作学习及自主学习的能力。作为直升班的学生,英语基础相对而言较好,他们对饮食这个话题比较感兴趣。 2.我校翻转课堂升级到2.0版,利用创课学堂教育平台,更加注重学生学习过程管理,让学生在自学,互学,助学等方面增加体验,同时利用同屏推送,在线点评,小组讨论,课堂互动等。互动课堂的应用为这节作文课尤其是展示点评环节提供了技术支持。 3.本节课是关于健康话题的写作,让学生运在学生充分理解了课文,熟记了本单元的相关单词短语和句式后用所学知识进行相同话题的写作,体现了学以致用的目的。而且,本节课学案设计中第一部分是话题阅读,让学生阅读文章并从中寻找出有关健康话题写作所需要的单词短语和句式,从Reading, Writing 俩方面训练学生,完成语言的输入性学习和输出性训练的过程。学生在写完作文后,进行展示点评,锻炼了学生的展示能力。最重要的是,通过写作文这个操练过程,让学生从思想上真正的重视合理膳食的重要性,并从生活中做到合理膳食,从而实现这个单元的最终的教育意义即情感目标---合理膳食,健康一生。 【教学重难点】掌握健康话题的相关知识并且利用本单元所学的内容进行写作和二次创作【教学方法】任务型教学方法合作学习法 【教学目标】 1.通过话题阅读,了解健康生活的基本知识,背诵和记忆有关健康生活的写作佳句。 2.灵活运用健康话题的知识并结合本单元所学,使用精彩句式进行写作和二次创作。 3.通过小组合作,提高自己写作能力并树立健康膳食意识,养成好的生活习惯,健康生活一辈子。 【教学手段】多媒体,Pad,微课,创课平台,互动课堂 【教学过程】 Step 1 Lead- in 设计目的:用利用短视频导入,把学生的注意力转移到课堂学习中来,调动学生愉快的学习情绪。然后利用两个问题:1.What can we learn from the video ? 2.what can we do to eating healthily?让学生反思,为下面作文写作做铺垫。

专题8.4 Writing-八年级英语人教版(上册)

Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 8.4 Writing 话题分析 本单元的话题是"食物制作"。与本话题相关的作文题目往往与如何制作某种食物相关。写作内容是描述制作一种食物的过程,不论是制作喝的奶昔类,还是制作吃的沙拉类,写作内容要包括所需材料、制作的步骤、方法和注意事项等。写作时常要用表示顺序的副词first,next,then,finally等,以使整篇文章更有条理;因为是介绍方式方法的说明文,要用一般现在时作为主要时态。 写作步骤 三步N点法写食物制作类作文 ◆第一步:概述所要表达的话题; ◆第二步:按顺序描述制作方法: 首先做什么; 其次做什么; 然后做什么; 接下来做什么; …… 最后做什么。 ◆第三步:制作好的感受 一、词汇积累 1. 剥香蕉_____________________________________________ 2. 把牛奶倒入搅拌机_____________________________________________ 3. 切碎苹果_____________________________________________ 4. 把火鸡放入烤箱_____________________________________________ 5. 打开搅拌机_____________________________________________ 6. 煮15分钟_____________________________________________ 7. 还有一件事_____________________________________________ 8. 别忘记加盐_____________________________________________ 9. 主菜_____________________________________________ 10. 传统食物_____________________________________________

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