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Unit 1

Pirates of the Internet

It ' no secret that online piracy has decimated the music industry as millio ns of people stopped buying CDs and started steali ng their favorite songs by downloading them from the internet. Now the hign-tech thieves are coming after Hollywood. Illegal downloading of full-length feature films is a relatively new phenomenon, but it ' s becoming easier and easier to do. The people running America 's movie studios know that

if they don ' t do someth-ingnd fast---they could be in the same boat as the record companies. Correspodent: ____________________“ What' s really at stake for the movie industry with all this privacy ” Chernin: “ Well, I think, you know, ultimately, our absolute features. ” Peter Chernin runs 20th Cen tury Fox, one of the biggest studios in Hollywood. He knows the pirates of the In ternet are gaining on him. Corresp ont: “ Dcyou know how many movies are being dow nl oaded today: in one day: in the Un ited States ” Chernin:“think it ' psobably in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions ”Correspondent: “Andt 'osly going to grow. ”Chernin: “It ' s only going to grow. ^Somebody can put a perfect digital copy up on the internet. A perfect digital copy, all right. And with the click of mouse, send out a millio n copies all over the world, in an nsta nt. ”


And it ' as free. If that takes hold, kiss Hollywood goodbye. Chernin recently organized

a “ summit between studio moguls and some high

school and college kids---the people most likely to be downloading.

Chernin: “And we said, ‘Let 's come up with a challenge. Let 's g five movies, and see if they can find them online. ' And we all sat aro and picked five movies, four of which hadn 'bteen released yet. And then we came back half an hour later. They had found all five movies that we gave them. ” Correspondent: “Even the ones that hadn 't even been released yet ”Chernin: “ Eventhe ones that hadn 'et ven been released yet. ” Correspondent: “Did these kids have any sense that they were stealing ” Chernin: “You know it ' s?…it ' s a theikd dichotomy. I

they know it 'stsealing, and I don'tthink they think it 'wsrong. I think they have an attitude of, ‘It 's here. '” The Internet copy of last year Signs, starring Mel Gibson, was stolen even before director M. Night

Shyamalan could organize the premiere. Correspondent: “Themovie was about to be released. When did the first bootleg copy appear ”6

Shyamalan: “Two weeks before it or three weeks before it. Before the

Internet age, when somebody bootlegged a movie, the only outlet they had was to see it to those vendors on Times Square, where they had the boxes set up outside and they say, ‘Heyw, e have Signs---it 's neovt en out yet. ' And you walk by and you know it

's illegal. But now, because it the digital age, you can see, like, a clean copy. Its no longer the kind'of the sleazy guy

in Times Square with the box. It 'jusst, oh, it 'ons this

movies get on the Internet How did that happe n

” Chernin: “ Through absolute act of theft. Someone steals a print from the editor foom;

someone steals a print from the person: the composer who ' s doing the

music …absolute physical theft, steals a print, makes a digital copy, and one of The Matrix Reloaded have also been bootlegged from DVDs sent to reviewers or ad agencies, or circulated among companies that do special effects, or subtitles. Chernin: “ Thither way that pre-released movies end up (stole n) is that people go to …there are lots of scree nings that happen in this industry P eople go to those screenings with a camcorder, with a dig it al camcorder, sit in the back, turn the camcorder on … Correspondent: “ And record it. ” This is one of those recorded-off-the-screen copies of Disney ' s Pirates of the Caribbean. Not great quality, but not awful either. And while it used to take forever to download a movie, anyone with a high-speed Internet connection can now have a full-le ngth film in an hour or two.

Saaf: “ WAhlls is just one of many websites where basically

people, hackers if you will, announce their piracy releases.

” Ran ( runs a compa ny calledMedia Defen der that helps movie studios combat

online piracy. Correspondent: “Look at this, all these new mesovthi at I haven ' teven seen yet, all here. ”Saaf: “ Yep. ”Correspondent: “ Secondhand Lions that just came out. Sometimes I feel like I 'm person in this country who has never downloaded anything. But maybe there is a few others of us out there. So I 'm gnogi to ask you to show us Kazaa, that 's the biggest beautiful site, and I have to go,

Click. Corresp ondent: Ho

uploads it. ” Correspondent: And there you go.

” eDigeihjepi

downloading site, right ” Saaf: “ Right. Kazaamedia desktop. Kazaa is the largest peer-to- peer network. ”It 's called peer-to-peer because computer users are sharing files


with each other, with no middleman. All Kazaa does is provide

the software to make that sharing possible. When we went online with Randy Saaf, nearly four million other Kazaausers were there with us, sharing every kind of digital file. Saaf: “ Audio,documents, images, software, and video. If you wanted a movie, you would click on the video section, and then you would type in a search phrase. And basically what this is doing now, it is asking the people on the peer-to-peer network,

‘ Whohas Finding Memo'”Within seconds, 191 computers sent an answer:

“ Wehave it. T”his is Finding Memo, crisp picture and sound, downloaded free from Kazaa a month before its release for video rental or sale. If you don'wt ant to watch it on a little computer screen, you don't have to. On thenewest computers, you can just

“burn ” it onto a DVD and watch it on your big-screen TV. that 's a dagger pointed right

at the heart of Hollywood. Chernin: “ Wheremovies make the bulk of their money is on

DVD and home videos. 50 perce nt of the reve nues for any movie come out of home video …'Correspondent: “15percent ” Cher nin: “ 50 perce nt so that if piracy occurs and it wipes out your home

video profits or ultimately your televisi on profits, you are out of bus in ess. No movies will get made. ” Eve n id im ageitmade, Night Shyamala n says that wouldn ' t be any good, because profits would be negligible, so budgets would shrink dramatically. Shyamalan: “Andslowly it will degrade what' possible in that art form. ” Rosso: Tech no logy always wins. Always. You can' s hut it down. ” Wayne Rosso is Hollywood ' s en emy. They call him a pirate, but officially he' she preside nt of Grokster, another peer-to-peer network that works just like Kazaa. Correspondent: “ Ok, I downloaded your softwar e. ” Rosso: “ Right. Correspondent: “ Ok,did I pay to do that ” Rosso: “ No,it ' fsee. ” Correspondent: “ Sovho pays you How do you make money” R osso:

how many people use Grokster Rosso: “ Teimillion. Correspondent:

“ Tennilli on people have used it. Rosso: “ Amon th. ” Corresp ondent:

Correspondent: I Use“it to download music, movies, software,






Unit 1 Pirates of the Internet It’s no secret that online piracy has decimated the music industry as millions of people stopped buying CDs and started stealing their favorite songs by downloading them from the internet. Now the hign-tech thieves are coming after Hollywood. Illegal downloading of full-length feature films is a relatively new phenomenon, but it’s becoming easier and easier to do. The people running America’s movie studios know that if they don’t do something----and fast---they could be in the same boat as the record companies. Correspodent: “What’s really at stake for the movie industry with all this privacy?” Chernin: “Well, I think, you know, ultimately, our absolute features.” Peter Chernin runs 20th Century Fox, one of the biggest studios in Hollywood. He knows the pirates of the Internet are gaining on him. Correspont: “Do you know how many movies are being downloaded today, in one day, in the United States?” Chernin: “I think it’s probably in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.” Correspondent: “And it’s only going to grow.” Chernin: “It’s only going to grow. √Somebody can put a perfect digital copy up on the internet. A perfect digital copy, all right. And with the click of mouse, send out a million copies all over the world, in an instant.”


Book 2 Chapter 1 The Population Today we’re going to talk about population in the United States. According to the most recent government census, the population is 281,421,906 people. Now this represents an increase of almost 33 million people since the 1990 census. A population of over 281 million makes the United States the third most populous country in the whole world. As you probably know, the People’s Republic of China is the most populous country in the world. But do you know which is the second most populous? Well, if you thought India, you were right. The fourth, fifth, and sixth most populous countries are Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan. Now let’s get back to the United States. Let’s look at the total U. S. population figure of 281 million in three different ways. The first way is by race and origin; the second is by geographical distribution, or by where people live; and the third way is by the age and sex of the population. First of all, let’s take a look at the population by race and origin. The latest U. S. census reports that percent of the population is white, whereas percent is black. Three percent are of Asian origin, and 1 percent is Native American. percent of the population is a mixture of two or more races, and percent report themselves as “of some other race”. Let’s make sure your figures are right: OK, white, percent; black, percent; Asian, 3 percent; Native American, 1 percent; a mixture of two or more races, percent; and of some other race, percent. Hispanics, whose origins lie in Spanish-speaking countries, comprise whites, blacks, and Native Americans, so they are already included in the above figures. It is important to note that Hispanics make up percent of the present U.S. population, however. Finally, the census tells us that 31 million people in the United States were born in another country. Of the 31 million foreign born, the largest part, percent are from Mexico. The next largest group, from the Philippines, number percent. Another way of looking at the population is by geographical distribution. Do you have any idea which states are the five most populous in the United States? Well, I’ll help you out there. The five most populous states, with population figures, are California, with almost 34 million; New York, with 21 million; Texas, with 19 million; and Florida, with 16 million; and Illinois with million people. Did you get all those figures down? Well, if not, I’ll give you a chance later to check your figures. Well, then, let’s move on. All told, over half, or some 58 percent of the population, lives in


Unit 3 Psychology C. Listening Exercise Listen to a conversation and choose the best answers to the questions you hear. 1. What do you know about Harry’s dog Fido? A. He doesn’t like his master any more. B. He has just moved to a new place. C. He gets up late every morning. D. He has been quite nervous and restless. 2. What does Jenny suggest Harry should do? A. He should take Fido to the vet. B. He should put Fido on medication. C. He should take Fido for a walk. D. He should let Fido play fetch. 3. What do you think Harry will do to his dog? A. He will take his dog for a walk everyday. B. He will consult a scientist for a test on his dog. C. He will try his best to perk up his dog. D. He will put his dog on medication. 4. What does the scientific research tell us? A. Dog emotions are quite similar to the emotions of humans. B. Dogs should be put on medication whenever they are ill. C. The brain of humans is more complicated than that of dogs. D. Antidepressants cannot be used as medication for dogs. 5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the conversation? A. Jenny may have a different idea towards pet treatment from Harry. B. Some pet-owners may overdo the treatment when their pets are ill. C. Harry is an expert on brain science of humans and dogs. D. Magnetic Resonance Scanner can be used in analyzing dog emotions. Script: Jenny: Hello, Harry, you look pale. What’s wrong? Harry: Hi, Jenny. It’s just Fido, my beloved dog. He’s been acting kind of lazy these days. Ever since we moved, he’s just been like this. Jenny: Oh my! Do you take him for a walk everyday? Harry: I used to, but now he doesn’t even want to play fetch. He loved that so much before. Jenny: If I were you, I’d take him to the vet. Probably he’s ill. Harry: Well, I did so yesterday. The vet says the reason he’s been so down is that he’s depressed, and he recommends we put him on medication. Jenny: Are you sure you want to take his suggestion? Harry: Yeah, I think so. We’re hoping that the medication will cheer Fido up. If it doesn’t, maybe we’ll consider upping his dosage until he seems back to normal.


《英语高级视听说》 教学大纲 课程编码:3011104 课程性质:专业教育必修课 教学时数:96学时 学分数:6学分 开课学期:第五、六、七学期 授课单位:英语系视听说教研室 授课对象:英语专业本科学生 一、课程概述 1.性质与地位 英语高级视听说课程是为英语专业本科学生在专业学习提高阶段开设的专业教育必修课程。该课程以外语教学理论为指导,广泛应用多媒体教学,融课堂教学与自主学习为一体,以真实语境下的常速语料为基本教学材料,紧扣时代脉搏,是全面提升学生听说能力、使学生的目标语听力理解能力与口语产出能力满足高层次语言应用要求的重要课程。 2.基本理念 英语高级视听说课程以素质教育、创新教育思想为理论指导,以双主模式及Anderson的“听前-听时-听后”理论为理论支撑,着力发展学生的目标语高级实时应用能力。 课程在实施过程中,一方面坚持以人为本,关注学生的情感,另一方面注重营造自主学习的气氛,创造自主学习的条件和环境,培养学生的可持续自我发展能力。 本课程摒弃接受式、填鸭式的学习方式和教学方式,坚持以学生为中心,以方法为主导,强调启发式、引导式教学,同时利用该课程材料均以多媒体形式呈现于课堂、内容时效性强等独特优势,激发学生的学习兴趣与积极性,培养和增强学生探索知识的能力和欲望。 利用校园网、互联网等信息渠道,开展多媒体课堂教学与课后自主学习,着力提高教学效率与教学质量,同时努力提升听与说在认知学习中的地位,贯彻“听为学”、“说为学”的理念,使学生认识到视听是与阅读同等重要的语言输入途径,也是同样有效的认知途径。 3.设计思路

本课程教学以解放军外国语学院生长干部学历教育本科人才培养方案(英语)为依据,参照《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(以下简称《大纲》)的要求实施。教学安排在3个学期内完成,第八学期举行3次有关英语区域变体的讲座,第五、六、七学期每学期32学时,第八学期6学时,总时数为102学时。 教学实施分为课堂教学与自主学习,教学内容分为音频和视频两部分:音频教材方面主要包括《英语专业三年级听力教程》、《英语中级听力》、《英语专业四年级听力教程》,以及带前方记者报道的最新VOA、BBC、NPR新闻等;视频教材包括《高级英语视听说教程》、《英语高级视听说》、片长10分钟左右的多主题短片,BBC/CNN 视频新闻以及部分精选的记录片、影视剧片段等。授课教师在教材既定的总体框架下,可根据学生的实际水平和国际国内形势的发展情况,灵活组合、添加部分最新音、视频材料用于课堂教学,以保证教学内容时时更新,反映最新形势。 英语区域变体讲座内容涉及澳大利亚英语、新西兰英语、南亚英语、东南亚英语的特点,重点解决学生在听辨这些英语变体时所遇到的苦难。 二、课程目标 1.总体目标 系统讲授听力理解过程中各环节所需的语言知识和理解判断要素;利用新闻、对话、讲座、电影等语料训练学生对声像信息的辨读能力;通过“视”、“听”、“说”的结合,综合多种训练手段,提高学生的听力理解和口头表达能力,加深其对英语国家政治、军事、经济、社会、文化等方面的认识和了解,全面提升真实语境下的实时语言运用能力,并使之具备较强的自主学习能力。 2.分类目标 (1) 通过本课程的学习,学生应具备独立解决辨音难点的能力,掌握运用字典等工具书逆向查词、独立解决疑难问题的能力。 (2) 通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握政治、军事、经济、科技、文化等方面的听力理解词汇及口语产出词汇,并最终达到《大纲》八级水平。 (3) 通过本课程的学习,学生应充分理解“听为学”、“说为学”的理念,并积极通过这两种渠道进行目标语认知。 (4) 通过本课程的学习,学生应充分理解自主学习的重要性,充分利用教师提供的自主学习资源或自主开发新资源,养成良好的自主学习习惯,开展有效的 自主学习。 (5) 通过视频材料的广泛使用,使学生有效掌握大量非语言性对象国知识。 (6) 通过讲座,使学生了解英语区域变体的语音、语法特点,并能够准确把握视、音频材料的大意及细节内容。 三、内容标准 1.授课内容 第五、六学期,教学内容主要为《英语专业三年级听力教程》、《英语中级听力》、《英语高级视听说》(上)中的材料,辅以带有前方记者报道的VOA、BBC、NPR新

英语高级视听说 下册 unit 2

Not Y our A verage Teen Lots of teenage girls dream of becoming rich and famous. But it's not a fantasy for Michelle Wie. Just before her 16th birthday last fall, she became the highest-paid woman golfer in history simply by turning professional and lending her name to commercial endorsements that will pay her between $10 million and $12 million a year, most of which will go into a trust fund until she becomes an adult. Wie has been a celebrity since she was 13, when people began predicting she would become the Tiger Woods of women’s golf. But, as correspondent Steve Kroft reports, that has never been enough for Wie. She wants to become the first woman ever to successfully compete with men in a professional sport. She has tried a couple of times on the PGA Tour without embarrassing herself. As you will see, she has changed a lot since we first talked to her way back in 2004, when she was 14. At the time, Wie told Kroft her ultimate goal was to play in the Masters. "I think it'd be pretty neat walking down the Masters fairways," she said. It was a neat dream for a 14-year-old kid. Nothing has happened in the last two years to change Wie's mind or shake her confidence. She is stronger now, more mature and glamorous. She has already demonstrated that she c an play herself into the middle of the pack against the best men on the PGA Tour and has come within a shot of winning her first two starts on the LPGA Tour this year as a part-time professional. The day before 60 Minutes interviewed her at the Fields Open in Honolulu, she shot a final round of 66, coming from six strokes off the lead to just miss a playoff. "Y ou won your first check yesterday," Kroft says. "Uh-huh," Wie says. "It was, it was really cool. I mean, I was like looking at how much I won. I was like 'Oh my God.' " Wie says she won around $72,000. Asked whether she gets to keep that money, Wie said she didn't know. "I'm trying to negotiate with my dad how much I can spend of that, and stuff like that. We're still working it out. But, you know, I'm definitely gonna go shopping today," she says, laughing. Half of her life is spent in the adult world, competing with men and women twice her age for paychecks they may need to make expenses and dealing with the media, sponsors and marketing executives. The rest of the time she is a junior at Punahou High School in Honolulu, where she is

新世纪大学英语视听说教程1 听力原文

Unit 1, Lesson A Track1-1-1 A. listen to three people from the pen pals website. Match the name of the speaker with his or her interest: Fiona: Hi, I'm Fiona. I'm from Sydney, Australia. I'm 19, and a student at the University of Canberra. I'm majoring in computer science. When I'm not studying, I like going to the movies. Miguel: Hi, I'm Miguel. I'm from Mexico City. I'm 28 and I'm a math teacher. In my free time, I like playing soccer with my fiends. Hiromi: Hi, I'm Hiromi, and I'm from Tokyo. I'm 24, and I'm a graphic artist. When I have some free time, I usually work on a comic book I'm creating. The main character's name is Damen. Track1-1-2 B. listen again. Answer the questions about the people. Check the correct box. Track1-1-3 B. Mariana and Danny live in the same apartment building. Are they meeting for the first time? Listen to their conversation. Mariana: Hi. My name is Mariana. I'm in apartment 201. Danny: Hi, Mariana. I'm Danny. I'm in 302. It's nice to meet you. Mariana: Nice to meet you, too. Danny: So, are you a student, Mariana? Mariana: yeah, I study music at NYU. Danny: That's interesting. Mariana: What do you do, Danny? Danny: I'm a student at Hunter College. I also work in an art gallery. Track1-1-4 your information.C. Listen again. Practice the conversation. Then practice with Track 1-1-5 C. Listen to Dan describing himself and Dayanne describing her friend. Pay attention to the expressions used for describing people. Then describe yourself to your partner. 1. My name is Dan and I'm from the United States. I'm 28 years old and work at a hospital. I speak English, and Spanish and Portuguese. I'm pretty tall. I'm about six feet. I have a muscular build and short blonde hair. I have hazel-colored eyes. 2. I have a friend who looks like Antonio Banderas. He's tall, dark hair, brown eyes, but he's thin and Antonio Banderas is a little more muscular. Track 1-1-OL-1 A.Emily is at the airport. Listen and check the correct box. Josh: Hello?


Unit 4 Brain Man Almost 25 years ago, 60 Minutes introduced viewers to George Finn, whose talent was immortalized in the movie "Rain Man." George has a condition known as savant syndrome, a mysterious disorder of the brain where someone has a spectacular skill, even genius, in a mind that is otherwise extremely limited. Morley Safer met another savant, Daniel Tammet, who is called "Brain Man" in Britain. But unlike most savants, he has no obvious mental disability, and most important to scientists, he can describe his own thought process. He may very well be a scientific Rosetta stone, a key to understanding the brain. ________________________________________ Back in 1983, George Finn, blessed or obsessed with calendar calculation, could give you the day if you gave him the date. "What day of the week was August 13th, 1911?" Safer quizzed Finn. "A Sunday," Finn replied. "What day of the week was May 20th, 1921?" Safer asked. "Friday," Finn answered. George Finn is a savant. In more politically incorrect times he would have been called an "idiot savant" - a mentally handicapped or autistic person whose brain somehow possesses an island of brilliance. Asked if he knew how he does it, Finn told Safer, "I don't know, but it's just that, that's fantastic I can do that." If this all seems familiar, there?s a reason: five years after the 60 Minutes broadcast, Dustin Hoffman immortalized savants like George in the movie "Rain Man." Which brings us to that other savant we mentioned: Daniel Tammet. He is an Englishman, who is a 27-year-old math and memory wizard. "I was born November 8th, 1931," Safer remarks. "Uh-huh. That's a prime number. 1931. And you were born on a Sunday. And this year, your birthday will be on a Wednesday. And you'll be 75," Tammet tells Safer. It is estimated there are only 50 true savants living in the world today, and yet none are like Daniel. He is articulate, self-sufficient, blessed with all of the spectacular ability of a savant, but with very little of the disability. Take his math skill, for example.


1.M: You call Mike a dreamer, but I think he’s got a lot of ideas. W: Good ideas are only useful if you make something out of them. Q: Why does the woman think that Mike is a dreamer? 2.M: Hello, Susan. Could you please meet Mr. James at the airport? His flight is BA 553 from London. He should arrive at about 10 o’clock. Mr. James is in his late fifties, average height and has short, curly, gray hair. His meeting with the Sales Department is at 4:00. Thank you. W: Sure, no problem. Q: What does the man mean? 3.M: Hello, I’m a senior student. Could you tell me whether this reference room is only for faculty members? W: No, it’s also open to the postgraduates; and undergraduates can come too if they’ve got professors’ written permission.


Unit 1 Starting out Outside view Julie My name's Julie Dearden, and I'm the Director of International Programmes here at Hertford College. Eugene My name's Eugene Berger, I studied here in Oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at Somerville College. Julie Oh, there are many Oxford traditions. Oxford is a very old university, the oldest English-speaking university in the, in the world. And so there are many traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of the year, and with sport, and with eating, for example. Eugene Each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character. Some colleges are very conservative, and some are much more liberal and have a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. But there are also some specific traditions. Julie Formal Hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students. Usually it takes places at seven o'clock in the evening, and the professors sit on high table which is the table over here, and the students sit on common table, which are the tables here. But everybody eats together. It's a very beautiful evening because there are, there's a special meal and we eat by candlelight. Eugene I think er, the traditions that make Oxford so unique are firstly the Oxford Union and er, secondly, May Day. The Oxford Union being a debating society where speakers come from all around the world to address the students and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students, making it a very interesting forum. Julie My favourite is er, May Day. And May Day is the first day of May, and we have a tradition called May Morning, and on May Morning everybody gets up very early and the students have a celebration. There is a choir which sings on top of the tower at Magdalen College and all the people of the town and all the students go to listen to the singing. So it's very nice. Eugene The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower. And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held in May in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying to improve its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its way up the river. Julie When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it's called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, so they wear E.gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, arid the men wear a white tie and black trousers. The women wear a white shirt and a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, which has a Latin name - sub fuse — and they must wear this uniform in order to take their examinations. Eugene I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place and it's such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient. For example, sub fuse. This is the uniform that we are required according to the university rules, to wear. Julie They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers are carnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear different coloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your first exam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam you wear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a red carnation. Eugene So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carry a mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilst wearing all that which you're not allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable. Julie I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it's part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University. Listening in Passage 1 Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?

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