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导师:段发阶-独立指导,研究方向-01光电检,02在线检 ,03 海洋声学技

导师:段学欣-导师团体,研究方向-01 维纳机电系,02 生物传感,03 气体传感

导师:杜振辉-独立指导,研究方向-01 光学精密测试技 02 仪器智能,03 激光诊断技

导师:傅星--独立指导,研究方向-01 微纳测试技,02 激光微加工技

导师:高峰-独立指导,研究方向-01 光电检测技术 02 生物医学光子

导师:宫虎-导师团体,研究方向- 01 精密/超精密加工 02 计算机辅助制造 03 超声加工其他信息不一一列举,详细关注启道考博网







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2015天津大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、天津大学考博英语题型 Part1:听力理解,一段对话,10小题,10分; Part2:选词填空,15个词汇中选10个,10分; Part3:阅读理解40分 A:3篇(每篇600词左右),15题30分; B:1篇,5段空白,从7~8段文字中选择5段合适的段落,5题10分;Part4:翻译,600词左右的英语篇章(内容偏重科技),然后将有下划线的6-8个部分翻译成汉语,20分; Part5:写作,要求考生根据提示信息、所给题目或所提供的图或表格等,写出一篇说明或议论型短文;或根据提供的一篇文章写出其摘要。不少于200词,共20分。 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导

师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。 (3)、你的研究方向和我一样......各种一大堆他的研究方向和你相关,欢迎报考什么的话。不可否认,这是最好的情况,你可以放心的去考,一般不会出问题的。但不排除偶然,像出现直博和本学校的硕转博名额问题,可能会给我们的报考和录取产生影响。 总之考博凭的是实力和自身的本事,关系只是占一部分,自己努力了就行,不用过分纠结于导师回复有没有啥隐含意思的。 初次联系好导师后,一定要注意跟导师保持联系。每半个月或者一个月向导师汇报一下学习情况或者复习情况,交流一下科研方向,这很有必要。一方面让导师觉得你很想去跟他深造,另一方面显得你虔诚好学。 五、听力答题技巧 1、卷子发下来后快速的浏览一遍,包括题干和答案。这样会大大提高你对听力的理解---知道它是讲什么内容,大概是怎么回事。联系我们扣扣:四一六九二五五五九。电话:四零零六六八六九七八。扣扣群:一零五六一九八二零。 2、没听懂的题目,就放弃它,千万不要在听下道题的时候还在想上道题。这样会引起头脑的混乱。 3、相信第一感觉,听力部分不是非常确凿的感觉的话不要改动开始的答案。人的大脑有时候会混淆的。因此很多情况下不是你选错了,而是改错了。因此轻易别选,但是选了之后轻易别改。 (1)提炼选项中的重要信息 考生务必先看选项。当录音人开始宣读Directions时,考生应充分利用这段时间速读选项,预测考点,从而做到心中有数。通过先看选项,可以明确题目多方面的信息。 (2)掌握节奏合理安排时间 可能没有哪种考试对时间安排的要求比听力考试还要苛刻。“录音不等人”,所以很多考生答题时都很紧张。其实,听力考试每分钟阅读的字数和停顿时间有严格限制:约每分钟140词,每个问题后有约15秒停顿。拍子已经固定,我们要做的是跟上节奏,过分的紧张只会造成混乱,直接影响发挥。

天津大学 研究生英语考试 听力Unit6

姓名:……学号:…… 学院:….. 专业:….. 指导老师:…… Unit 6Time traveler 1. What was the guy doing when he suddenly found himself in a completely different world? What year is it in this different world? Answer: The guy was just about to give his wife a present for her birthday ,and there were thunders and lightening. Then all of a sudden, he found himself in a completely different world. It is the year 2000 i n this different world. 2. What are some of the cultural shocks he’s experienced in this world? Answer: He traveled from the year 1900 to the year 2000, so he experienced many cultural shocks when communicating with others.He felt confused about the ID card, the driver licence, the credit card, ATM card and something like that. He misunderstood the meaning of the restroom and the bathroom. Also he could not understand the meaning of a mall or food court. He couldn’t read the menu and thought a hotdog as a real dog. What’s more, he was curious about the cellphone because he had never seen it before. 3. Some science fictions on time travel are mainly about cultural shocks. Can you conceive of a time traveler of our time going back to 1960’s or even earlier, or vice versa? What would be some of the cultural shocks the traveler would encounter? Make a list of them or conceive a conversation as the traveler first sets foot in the different world. Answer: Recently, many TV plays, based on a series of experiences of a time traveler, such as The Palace and Startling by Each Step, arouse a great upsurge in time traveling. In fact, I can’t conceive of a time traveler of our time going back to 1960’s or even earlier,but these TV plays really appeal to me. For example, the leading lady in Startling by Each Step, traveled from our time back to Qing dynasty. Of course, a time traveler will encouter many cultural shocks. When one travels in a completely different world, he will feel like a fish out of water. He may misunderstand what others said, and can’t communicate well with others.


博士面试英语口语 下面是整理的博士面试英语口语,希望对大家有帮助。 英语面试问题集锦: 1 What is your greatest strength? I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a thing and it turns out just as I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis. 2 What is your greatest weakness? I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done. 3 How do you feel about your progress to date? I think I did well in school. In fact, in a number of courses I received the highest exam scores in the class. As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years. 4 What has been your greatest accomplishment? My greatest accomplishment is that I was enrolled by China Agricultural University in 2009. 5 Tell me about your


【天大考博辅导班】天大仪器科学与技术考博申博条件申博时间招生目录及导师申博考博流程及考博经验 启道考博分享 一、天大精密仪器与光电子工程学院简介-启道 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院(简称精仪学院)的前身是成立于1952年的精密机械仪器专业。1959年成立精密仪器工程系,1995年10月2日,在原精密仪器工程系基础上成立了精密仪器与光电子工程学院(简称精仪学院),我国老一辈著名学者项任澜、王守融、蔡其恕、钱耀绪、许镇宇、吴又芝、刘豹、邱宣怀、苑文炳、吴继宗、孙祖宝、孙家鼒、祝毓琥、周昌震等曾在此长期执教。 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院(简称精仪学院)下设四个系:精密仪器工程系、光电信息工程系、光电子科学技术系、生物医学工程与科学仪器系。 二、天大仪器科学与技术博士招生条件-启道 1.已获硕士学位的人员(其中境外所获得学位需出具“教育部留学人员服务中心”的认证证书); 2.应届硕士毕业生(最迟须在入学前取得硕士学位证和毕业证); 3.获得学士学位6年以上(2012年9月1日之前获得),达到与硕士毕业生同等学力人员。以硕士毕业同等学力身份报考的人员,须提交在报考专业已经学过的硕士课程成绩证明(包括全部必修课和学位课,且成绩合格),并提供在报考专业或相近领域以第一作者身份在我校认定的核心期刊上发表的学术论文2篇,或在科学研究等本职工作中已取得重要成果,其中至少有一项科研成果获得国家级或省部级奖励。 三、天大仪器科学与技术博士招生时间-启道 直接攻博,报考时间为2018年6月下旬—2018年9月下旬 硕博连读,报考时间为2018年10月—2018年11月 普通招考,报考时间为2018年6月-2019年5个(不同考试形式报名时间不同) 四、天大光电子与光子学技术博士招生目录-启道 专业名称:080400仪器科学与技术 导师:段发阶-独立指导,研究方向-01光电检,02在线检 ,03 海洋声学技


博士面试英语口语 下面是学习啦小编整理的博士面试英语口语,希望对大家有帮助。 英语面试问题集锦: 1W h a t i s y o u r g r e a t e s t s t r e n g t h? I f e e l t h a t m y s t r o n g e s t a s s e t i s m y a b i l i t y t o s t i c k t o t h i n g s t o g e t t h e m d o n e. I f e e l a r e a l s e n s e o f a c c o m p l i s h m e n t w h e n I f i n i s h a t h i n g a n d i t t u r n s o u t j u s t a s I r s q u o;d p l a n n e d.I r s q u o;v e s e t s o m e h i g h g o a l s f o r m y s e l f.F o r e_a m p l e,I w a n t t o g r a d u a t e w i t h h i g h e s t d i s t i n c t i o n. A n d e v e n t h o u g h I h a d a s l o w s t a r t i n m y f r e s h m a n y e a r, I m a d e u p f o r i t b y d o i n g a n h o n o r r s q u o;s t h e s i s. 2 W h a t i s y o u r g r e a t e s t w e a k n e s s? I m s u c h a p e r f e c t i o n i s t t h a t I w i l l n o t s t o p u n t i l a j o b i s w e l l d o n e. 3 H o w d o y o u f e e l a b o u t y o u r p r o g r e s s t o d a t e? I t h i n k I d i d w e l l i n s c h o o l. I n f a c t, i n a n u m b e r o f c o u r s e s I r e c e i v e d t h e h i g h e s t e_a m s c o r e s i n t h e c l a s s.A s a n i n t e r n f o r t h e X_o m p a n y,I


自己整理的答案,题的顺序可能会不一样,希望对大家有帮助! 填空: What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be _______ like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish. 选择一项: expended spent paid consumed 消耗 For many people, an important aspect(方面)of overcoming Internet and computer addiction is to find _______ ways to handle these difficult feelings. 选择一项: alternative 替代的 permanent 永久的 changeable 多变的;不定的; renewable 可再生的; Water purification is the _______ of contaminants(污染物)from raw water to produce drinking water that is pure enough for human consumption or for industrial use. 选择一项: departure离开 dismissal解雇 refusal拒绝 removal 去除 In modern times, a handful of technological wonders that started out as novelties(novelty的名词复数;新奇的人[事物]), have become _______ to our daily routines. 选择一项: liable有责任,有义务的 vulnerable易受伤害的


1hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is what are the diseases that are genetically determined than developed because of unhealthy lifestyle.as everybody know that leukemia[l?'kim??] is a seldom cured disease .all the people are afraid to be attacked by it. leukemia is a kind of polygenic [,p?li'd?enik] diseases,genetic [d??'n?t?k] defeat and radiation[,red?'e??n],drugs can spur the gene to change it’s state.not only leukemia,but also Malignant [m?'l?gn?nt] disease, endocrine ['?nd?kr?n] disease, autoimmune [,?to?'mj?n] disease have the characteristic that can be influenced by external environment such as unhealthy lifestyle.so don’t think ourself as gene-safety guies,we should take care of ourselfes and develop good habbits to safe oufself against such recurring [r?'k???] illness 2 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is what kind of person do you think you are,and what kind of life do you want to live? I believe that I don’t be clear what kind of person I am,my friend used to describe me as susceptible [s?'s?pt?bl], optimistic,brave humorous girl,maybe the gene of happiness comes from my parents and the environment I live in ,I am also a luck dog,somebody would give me a hand when I get trouble!all of you is my luck star! I used to dream i work in clean workplace and my co-workers are friendly,everyday I go to work with confidence and perform excellently.in holidays ,I wish traveling to many scenic['s?n?k] spots with my honey.i hope I can possess a healthy lifestyle and live to enjoy life! 3 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is do you believe that a person’s potentialities are limited by his genes? I don’t agree this opinion,Genes can give a person the initial character,but it doesn’t means the person keep the charater in his whole life,he will develop his potential along with his world view, experience in life .the potential is just like a mobilphone,some functions of the mobilephone is set in factory-fresh state but a lot of additional fuctions are researched and developed by the person who use it ,the person is the environment .so gene is only the part of potential but is not the determinant [d?'t?m?n?nt].the potential is decided by how we choose the way that we belong.because we are thoughtful humanbeings 4 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is anything we can do to upgrade ourseves? I have four points to answer this question,first I consider confidence is the chief factor to upgrade ourseves,keeping confident means you give yourself endless power to fulfill your dream,second,giving yourself a regular and healthy lifestyle in order to keep mental health and physical healty. a saying says The body is revolution in capital. this can help you focus attention to your career.third.be kind to your co-workers and friends,because all the people around you is are your luck star ,they take new opinion and surprise to you,you will be lonely and helpless without them.fourth,keep serious about the work your engaged in,when you work please don’t distract your attention to other things . keep high efficient is a good way to improve ourself. and to chieve your goals? 视频2、 1 hello everyone ,my name is A,my topic is enagine that you were one of the passengers on a hijacked plan,what would you do? oh dear ,it is horrible to imagine I was countered by a hijack,if I encounter a hijack,the fisrt thing I do is keeping silence and cast about for ideas to delay the game.then I will catfootedly ['k?t,futid]悄悄地dial 110 to let the police to know what is going on.next I will listen to the bandit’s words and give all my money to the bandits and go along with the crowd waiting the policemen to rescue us frightened birds.


2000年春季天津大学考博英语真题及详解 Part I. Dictation (20%) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read four times. During the first reading the passage will be read at normal speed and you are supposed to listen only and try to have a general understanding of it. For the second and third readings the passage will be read sentence by sentence or phrase by phrase with an interval of 10-15 seconds in between for writing. The last reading will be done at the normal speed again for you to check up. 【答案】略 Part II. Vocabulary and structure (10%) Section A Directions: There are twenty incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Circle the one that best completes the sentence. 1. It ______ now pretty late, we took our candles and retired to our room. A. is B. being C. turned


2015天津大学考研复试英语翻译经验分享 从天津大学考研历年考生答题的情况看,英译汉部分得分几乎每年都是3-4分。英译汉之所以难,究其原因是英语和汉语之间的差异太大。既有语言表达方式方面的不同,又有思维逻辑以及文化习俗等方面的不同。这些都造成了理解和表达上的重重困难。思博天大考研网老师们总结了英译汉的难点在试题中主要反映在以下几个方面: 1.依赖上下文理解单词和句子 英语词汇一个词语有很多的词性以及一个词语有很多的意思。因此,词义对上下文的依赖性。因此考生必须十分谨慎,对原文的词义做深入细致的分析,根据语境确定词性和词义。 举个例子:concern这个单词既可以做名词也可以做动词。这就要根据语境去判断。 2.抽象名词偏多 抽象名词是表达抽象概念的名词,它的翻译是非常复杂的问题,需要上下文来确定其汉语意思。翻译时,我们遵循的原则就是把抽象名词转化成具体名词。有时要增词翻译或者改换说法。比如unemployment这类抽象名词。可以翻译为“失业现象”。 3.后置定语长 英语句子的中心词很多受修饰语修饰,最常见的是定语。前置定语一般是由单词充当,较为简单,考生也易掌握。而后置定语则有短语或句子充当。由于后置定语在汉语中是没有的,所以称为了英译汉的又一大考点。 4.长难句多 英译汉试题的划线部分共约150词,平均一句30词,且结构复杂,内容抽象,都是典型的长难句。英语长句主要长在修饰成分上,这些修饰成分可能是词、短语或从句或从句套从句。希望广大考生注意。 近些年,考研英语中翻译的考查更侧重于考生综合运用语言的能力。近些年,考研英语中翻译的考查更侧重于考生综合运用语言的能力,按照考研英语大纲的要求,考生需要准确理解结构较复杂的英语文字材料。 句子结构是天大考研复试英语大厦的支柱,学会分析句子结构是学好英语的必要前提。英文是一种结构严谨的形合性语言,大部分的英文正式材料基本上是用复杂长句写成的。语法在平时的复习中,也是基础。语法的掌握是为分析句子,从而对原句结构进行精确的拆分服务的。熟练的掌握语法,是准确的翻译句子的前提之一。意群的整体翻译必须掌握重要语法得分点的翻译规律和技巧。众语法中,考生应该重视定语和定语从句,以及定语从句中限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的位置处理、分词和介词短语作后置定语的翻译、状语的翻译定位和顺序、名词性从句的翻译。被动语态、虚拟语气和倒装结构的翻译为关键得分点。同时,能够正确处理否定结构、并列结构的译文句式选择。 经过一段时间的复习备考之后,考生接触过大量的英文材料,具备了一定的词汇和语法知识,许多单词看起来都很面熟,但事实上离真正掌握和熟练运用的差距还很大。因此,虽然说心里明白,其实只是认识英文,并没有完全读懂原文的意义。另一方面,由于考生平时缺乏翻译练习和实践,缺乏对英汉两种语言差异性的认识,往往“只见英文不见中文”或者


17.0/满分70.0 (24%) PART ONE (30%) Direction: In this part of the test, there are 10 questions. For each question, you will have 5 segments. The segments are in mixed order. Drag them into right order to make a complete sentence. 题目1 部分正确 获得3.0分中的0.6分 Drag the segments into right order to make a complete sentence. in North America, work absence are related to depression, according to some estimates up to 40% of disability claims for 正确答案是: in North America, up to 40% of disability claims for work absence are related to depression, according to some estimates 题目2 部分正确 获得3.0分中的1.8分 Drag the segments into right order to make a complete sentence. we welcome this report’s emphasis tackling this public health crisis that physicians play in on the vital role 我不知道 反馈 正确答案是: we welcome this report’s emphasis on the vital role that physicians play in tackling this public health crisis 题目3 from different backgrounds to learn and thrive in a changing world


英语翻译答案 Unit1 1. 我常常这样想:倘若每个人在刚成年时突然失明失聪几日,那也许是天赐之福。 2. 他和这女人结婚,未免不自量力。 3. 英国人同其他民族一样,也有丰富的感情。 4. 就在等着进大学时,我在一份地方报纸上看到一则广告,说是在离我家约10英里的伦敦某郊区,有所学校要招聘一名教师。 5. 在成长过程中,每个孩童都认知了许多文化规约的行为细则,而这些行为方式又体现在男孩或女孩的性别特征中。 6. 我们两个之间有这么大的仇恨,我还能指望他待我多么宽厚吗? 7. 这种眼神比人们偶尔遭受的冷眼凶恶得多。那恶狠狠的样子表现得太过火了,我要不是因为大吃一惊,定会觉得很好笑。 8. 去年冬天,斯坦福大学新开设的电子商务选修课成为商学院最热门的课程,280名学生各施绝招,以求在66个听课席中争得一席。 9. Educating children is a science as well as an art, and is doomed if the natural laws governing children’s healthy physical and mental development are violated. 10. Man proposes, Heaven disposes. Work out a plan, trust to Buddha, and something may come of it for all you know. 11. The bridge stretched away on either side with nothing to be seen but a flurry of snowflakes. 12. On the uneven surface of the pond, all one could see was a mass of leaves, all interlaced and shooting high above the water like the skirts of slim dancing girls. Unit2 1. a strong desire to stick by each other through thick and thin 或a strong desire to help each other when we have a lot of trouble and bad luck in our lives 2. So love is the ever-lasting comfort and support that the lovers seek in life. 3. An infant grows up in parental love which takes root in the blood tie and requires no payback. 4. As long as the parents stay alive, their love for their child remains as sincere and unselfish as ever. 5. many other fine things in nature nurture and nourish the soul 6. bright moonlight, the twinkling of stars 7. At birth, an infant is adored and taken a good care of by parents. 8. We should make no more groans or grumbles to Heaven. For Heaven is just and generous. 9. And, parental love will not gradually diminish or lessen as the child is growing up or as the parents themselves are getting old and weak. 10. Sunlight pours equally on each dwelling whether a luxurious villa or a shabby farm-shed. 11. A friend readily keeps you company without being asked when you feel lonely. A friend never hesitates to offer a hand when you fall. A friend always rushes to hold you close when you are sad.… 12. Each person, a nobody or a big shot, is breathing for free th Unit3


天津大学考博英语真题整理及考试方式 一、考试方式 考试采用笔试方式 时间为180分钟 满分为100分。 二、考试内容与试卷结构 试题共分为五个部分 听力理解、选词填空、阅读理解、英汉翻译、写作。 1、听力理解 该部分测试考生听力理解的技能及对英语口语信息的短期记忆能力 考查考生判断对 话场景、人物关系及身份 理解说话者的意图、观点或态度 理解话语要点和含义 获取具 体信息 理解中心思想等方面的能力。考生听过一段对话后 回答所提问题 录音只放一遍。 该部分共10小题 考生从每题给出的4个选项中 选出最佳答案。每小题1分 共10分。 (PS:育明考博课程咨询方式 扣扣:547.063 .862 TEL:四零零六六八六九七八 有售各院校真题) 2、选词填空 该部分考查考生对不同语境中规范的语言要素的掌握程度 包括词汇、短语和句子结构以及对语段特征的辨识能力 如衔接与连贯等。此题中在一篇文章中留出10个空白要求考生从所提供的15个词汇中选出最佳答案 使填空后的文章意义通顺、连贯 结构完整。该部分共10小题 每题1分 共10分。 3、阅读理解 A. 该部分考查考生对书面英语的理解能力 其中包括理解具体信息 掌握文章大意 以及根据语境推断未知信息。该部分共3篇文章 每篇文章5个问题 考生从4个选项中选出最佳答案。每篇文章约600词左右 每题2分 共30分。 B. 该部分为一篇文章 其中有5段空白 文章后有7~8段文字。考生根据文章内容选择合适的段落填入文章的空白处。该部分共5题 每题2分 共10分。 4.翻译

个部分翻译成汉语。主要测试考生是否能从语篇的角度正确理解英语原句的意思 并能用准确、达意的汉语书面表达出来 共20分。 5、写作 该部分考查考生的书面表达能力。要求考生根据提示信息、所给题目或所提供的图或 表格等写出一篇说明或议论型短文或根据提供的一篇文章写出其摘要。文章应主题明确有逻辑性语言规范长度不少于200词共20分。 天津大学博士研究生入学考试非英语专业考试大纲样题 Part I. Listening Comprehension (10 %) Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. A) He has proved to be a better reader than the woman. B) He has difficulty understanding the book. C) He cannot get access to the assigned book. D) He cannot finish his assignment before the deadline. 2. A) She will drive the man to the supermarket. B) The man should buy a car of his own. C) The man needn't go shopping every week. D) She can pick the man up at the grocery store. Part IV Banked Cloze (10 %) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once. You have seen a friend succeed. No doubt you feel joy at this.You love your friend,and maybe you even helped him accomplish his goal. ____1____, there is another feeling, a dark feeling, within you. You begin to wish that it was you

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