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苹果CEO Tim Cook乔治华盛顿大学演讲 中英文对照

苹果CEO Tim Cook乔治华盛顿大学演讲  中英文对照
苹果CEO Tim Cook乔治华盛顿大学演讲  中英文对照

Dr. Tim Cook: Hello GW.


>> Tim Cook: Thank you very much President Knapp for that kind intro. Alex, trustees, faculty and deans of the university, my fellow honorees, and especially you the class of 2015. Yes.


>> Tim Cook: Congratulations to you, to your family, to your friends that are attending today's ceremony. You made it. It's a privilege, a rare privilege of a lifetime to be with you today. And I think thank you enough for making me an honorary Colonial.


>> Tim Cook: Before I begin today, they asked me to make a standard announcement. You’ve heard this before. About silencing your phones.


>> Tim Cook: Those of you with an iPhone, just place it in silent mode. If you don't have an iPhone, please pass it to the center aisle.


>> Tim Cook: Apple has a world-class recycling program.


>> Tim Cook: You know, this is really an amazing place. And for a lot of you, I?m sure that being here in Washington, the very center of our democracy, was a big draw when you were choosing which school to go to. This place has a powerful pull. It was here that Dr. Martin Luther King challenged Americans to make real the promises of democracy, to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

And it was here that President Ronald Reagan called on us to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds. I'd like to start this morning by telling you about my first visit here. In the summer of 1977 ??yes, I’m a little old I was 16 years old and living in Robertsdale, the small town in southern Alabama that I grew up in. At the end of my junior year of high school I’d won essay contest sponsored by the National Rural Electric Association. I can't remember what the essay was about, what I do remember very clearly is writing it by hand, draft after draft after draft. Typewriters were very expensive and my family could not afford one.

I was one of two kids from Baldwin County that was chosen to go to Washington along with hundreds of other kids across the country. Before we left, the Alabama delegation took a trip to our state capitol in Montgomery for a meeting with the governor. The governor's name was George C. Wallace. The same George Wallace who in 1963 stood in the schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama to block African Americans from enrolling. Wallace embraced the evils of segregation. He pitted whites against blacks, the South against the North, the working class against the so?called elites. Meeting my governor was not an honor for me.

My heroes in life were Dr. Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy, who had fought against the very things that Wallace stood for. Keep in mind, that I grew up, or, when I grew up, I grew up in a place that where King and Kennedy were not exactly held in high esteem. When I was a kid, the South was still coming to grips with its

history. My textbooks even said the Civil War was about states’rights. They barely mentioned slavery.So I had to figure out for myself what was right and true. It was a search. It was a process. It drew on the moral sense that I’d learned from my parents, and in church, and in my own heart, and led me on my own journey of discovery. I found books in the public library that they probably didn't know they had. They all pointed to the fact that Wallace was wrong. That injustices like segregation had no place in our world. That equality is a right.


>> Tim Cook: As I said, I was only 16 when I met Governor Wallace, so I shook his hand as we were expected to do. But shaking his hand felt like a betrayal of my own beliefs. It felt wrong. Like I was selling a piece of my soul.

From Montgomery we flew to Washington. It was the first time I had ever been on an airplane. In fact it was the first time that I traveled out of the South. On June 15, 1977, I was one of 900 high schoolers greeted by the new president, President Jimmy Carter on the south lawn of the White House, right there on the other side of the ellipse.

I was one of the lucky ones, who got to shake his hand. Carter saw Baldwin County on my name tag that day and stopped to speak with me. He wanted to know how people were doing after the rash of storms that struck Alabama that year. Carter was kind and compassionate; he held the most powerful job in the world but he had not sacrificed any of his humanity. I felt proud that he was president. And I felt proud that he was from the South.

In the space of a week, I had come face to face with two men who guaranteed themselves a place in history. They came from the same region. They were from the same political party. They were both governors of adjoining states. But they looked at the world in very different ways. It was clear to me, that one was right, and one was wrong. Wallace had built his political career by exploiting divisions between us. Carter's message on the other hand, was that we are all bound together, every one of us. Each had made a journey that led them to the values that they lived by, but it wasn't just about their experiences or their circumstances, it had to come from within. My own journey in life was just beginning. I hadn't even applied for college yet at that point. For you graduates, the process of discovering yourself, of inventing yourself, of reinventing yourself is about to begin in earnest. It's about finding your values and committing to live by them. You have to find your North Star. And that means choices. Some are easy. Some are hard. And some will make you question everything. Twenty years after my visit to Washington, I met someone who made me question everything. Who upended all of my assumptions in the very best way. That was Steve Jobs.


>> Tim Cook: Steve had built a successful company. He had been sent away and he returned to find it in ruins. He didn't know it at the time, but he was about to dedicate the rest of his life to rescuing it, and leading it to heights greater than anyone could ever imagine. Anyone, that is, except for Steve. Most people have forgotten, but in 1997 and early 1998, Apple had been adrift for years. Rudderless. But Steve thought Apple could be great again. And he wanted to know if I?d like to help.

His vision for Apple was a company that turned powerful technology into tools that were easy to use, tools that would help people realize their dreams. And change the world for the better. I had studied to be an engineer and earned an M.B.A. I was trained to be pragmatic, a problem solver. Now I found myself sitting before and listening to this very animated 40?something guy with visions of changing the world. It was not what I had expected. You see, when it came to my career, in 1998, I was also adrift. Rudderless.

I knew who I was in my personal life, and I kept my eye on my North Star, my responsibility to do good for someone else, other than myself. But at work, well I always figured that work was work. Values had their place and, yes, there were things that I wanted to change about the world, but I thought I had to do that on my own time. Not in the office. Steve didn't see it that way. He was an idealist. And in that way he reminded me of how I felt as a teenager. In that first meeting he convinced me if we worked hard and made great products, we too could help change the world. And to my surprise, I was hooked. I took the job and changed my life. It's been 17 years and I have never once looked back.

At Apple we believe the work should be more than just about improving your own self. It's about improving the lives of others as well. Our products do amazing things. And just as Steve envisioned, they empower people all over the world. People who are blind, and need information read to them because they can't see the screen. People for whom technology is a lifeline because they are isolated by distance or disability. People who witness injustice and want to expose it, and now they can because they have a camera in their pocket all the time.


>> Tim Cook: Our commitment goes beyond the products themselves to how they’re made. To our impact on the environment. To the role we play in demanding and promoting equality. And in improving education. We believe that a company that has values and acts on them can really change the world. And an individual can too. That can be you. That must be you. Graduates, your values matter. They are your North Star. And work takes on new meaning when you feel you are pointed in the right direction. Otherwise, it's just a job, and life is too short for that. We need the best and brightest of your generation to lead in government and in business. In the science and in the arts. In journalism and in academia. There is honor in all of these pursuits.

And there is opportunity to do work that is infused with moral purpose. You don't have to choose between doing good and doing well. It's a false choice, today more than ever.


>> Tim Cook: Your challenge is to find work that pays the rent, puts food on the table, and lets you do what is right and good and just.


>> Tim Cook: So find your North Star. Let it guide you in life, and work, and in your life's work. Now, I suspect some of you aren't buying this.


>> Tim Cook: I won't take it personally. It's no surprise that people are skeptical,

especially here in Washington.


>> Tim Cook: Where these days you?ve got plenty of reason to be. And a healthy amount of skepticism is fine. Though too often in this town, it turns to cynicism. To the idea that no matter who?s talking or what they?re saying, that their motives are questionable, their character is suspect, and if you search hard enough, you can prove that they are lying. Maybe that's just the world we live in. But graduates, this is your world to change.

As I said, I am a proud son of the South. It's my home, and I will always love it. But for the last 17 years I’ve built a life in Silicon Valley; it's a special place. The kind of place where there’s no problem that can't be solved. No matter how difficult or complex, that's part of its essential quality. A very sincere sort of optimism. Back in the 90s, Apple ran an advertising campaign we called “Think Different.”It was pretty simple. Every ad was a photograph of one of our heroes.

People who had the audacity to challenge and change the way we all live. People like Gandhi and Jackie Robinson, Martha Graham and Albert Einstein, Amelia Earhart and Miles Davis. These people still inspire us. They remind us to live by our deepest values and reach for our highest aspirations. They make us believe that anything is possible. A friend of mine at Apple likes to say the best way to solve a problem is to walk into a room full of Apple engineers and proclaim, “this is impossible.”(LAUGHTER)

>> Tim Cook: I can tell you, they will not accept that. And neither should you. So that's the one thing I’d like to bring to you all the way from Cupertino, California. The idea that great progress is possible, whatever line of work you choose. There will always be cynics and critics on the sidelines tearing people down, and just as harmful are those people with good intentions who make no contribution at all. In his letter from the Birmingham jail, Dr. King wrote that our society needed to repent, not merely for the hateful words of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.


>> Tim Cook: The sidelines are not where you want to live your life. The world needs you in the arena. There are problems that need to be solved. Injustices that need to be ended. People that are still being persecuted, diseases still in need of cure. No matter what you do next, the world needs your energy. Your passion. Your impatience with progress. Don't shrink from risk. And tune out those critics and cynics. History rarely yields to one person, but think, and never forget, what happens when it does. That can be you. That should be you. That must be you.


>> Tim Cook: Congratulations Class of 2015. I’d like to take one photo of you, because this is the best view in the world.



>> Tim Cook: And it's a great one. Thank you very much.







当时鲍德温有两个小孩被选中,我是其中之一,我们和其他得奖的小孩一同聚集到华盛顿。我们离开之前,阿拉巴马代表团带我们去蒙哥马利的州议会与州长会面。当时的州长是乔治·华莱士(George C. Wallace),他在1963年推动阻挡黑人申请入住大学宿舍,拥护种族隔离政策。他鼓励白人与黑人为敌,加深南方和北方的隔阂,增加劳工阶层和所谓菁英阶级的藩篱,因此见到州长对我而言并非一项荣誉。













他对苹果的愿景是,将强大的技术转变成容易使用的工具,这些工具可帮助人们实现自己的梦想,让世界变得更好。我过去的理想是当一位工程师,并取得MBA 学位,因此我被训练成一个务实的人,一个问题解决者。但当时我听到一个40多岁的人侃侃而谈改变世界的理想,这和我原先期待的不一样。因此1998年我进入苹果时,我也是很茫然、手足无措。











追溯到90年代,苹果正执行一项名为“Think Different ”的广告项目。形式非常简单,每一则广告都是由我们心中的伟人照片所组成,这些人勇于挑战并改变了我们生活的方式。好比甘地、杰基.罗宾森、马莎.格雷厄姆、爱因斯坦、埃尔哈特、迈尔斯.戴维斯,这些伟人依旧启发着我们,他们提醒我们去挖掘更深层的价值,并追求最高的目标,他们使我们相信一切都是有可能的。我的一位朋友总是喜欢说:“解决问题最好的方式,就是走进一间充满苹果工程师的办公室,并宣称…某件事情不可能?。”





美国学校周边房租最贵的20个学校 美国物价很高这是每个人都知道的,但是没想到学校旁边的房租更高,今天就让和的我一起来看看美国学校周边房租最贵的20个学校吧! 20. 麻省大学波士顿分校 坐标:South End - Boston, Massachusetts 学校附近房租中位数:$3,127 高于市场百分比:21.2% 19. 俄亥俄州立大学 坐标:Columbus, Ohio 学校附近房租中位数:$1,649 高于市场百分比:23% 18. 波士顿大学 坐标:Back Bay - Boston, Massachusetts 学校附近房租中位数:$3,198 高于市场百分比:24% 17. 东北大学 坐标:Back Bay - Boston, Massachusetts 学校附近房租中位数:$3,223 高于市场百分比:24.9% 16. 哈佛大学 坐标:Cambridge - Boston, Massachusetts 学校附近房租中位数:$3,352 高于市场百分比:29.9% 15. 德州大学达拉斯分校 坐标:Richardson - Dallas, Texas 学校附近房租中位数:$2,133 高于市场百分比:30.1% 14. 麻省大学艾姆赫斯特分校 坐标:Amherst, Massachusetts 学校附近房租中位数:$2,465 高于市场百分比:31.7% 13. 北卡教堂山分校 坐标:Chapel Hill, North Carolina 学校附近房租中位数:$1,843 高于市场百分比:31.9% 12. 华盛顿大学

坐标:University District - Seattle, Washington 学校附近房租中位数:$3,126 高于市场百分比:32.3% 11. 加州大学戴维斯分校 坐标:Davis - Sacramento, California 学校附近房租中位数:$2,499 高于市场百分比:33.1% 10. 佛罗里达大西洋大学 坐标:Boca Raton - West Palm Beach, Florida 学校附近房租中位数:$2,786 高于市场百分比:34.1% 9. 加州大学伯克利分校 坐标:Berkeley - Oakland, California 学校附近房租中位数:$4,134 高于市场百分比:34.2% 8. 加州大学欧文分校 坐标:Irvine, California 学校附近房租中位数:$4,372 高于市场百分比:43.4% 7. 宾州西彻斯特大学 坐标:Westchester - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 学校附近房租中位数:$2,292 高于市场百分比:46.8% 6. 迈阿密大学 坐标:Coral Gables - Miami, Florida 学校附近房租中位数:$3,097 高于市场百分比:47% 5. 密歇根州立大学 坐标:East Lansing, Michigan 学校附近房租中位数:$1,715 高于市场百分比:58.6% 4. 乔治华盛顿大学 坐标:Washington D.C. 学校附近房租中位数:$3,417 高于市场百分比:59.3% 3. 乔治城大学 坐标:Georgetown - Washington D.C.


美国大学校名英文缩写 英文缩写英文全称中文全称 AAMU Alabama A&M 阿拉巴马农业机械大学ADELPHI Adelphi University 艾德菲大学AMERICAN American University 美国大学 ANDREWS Andrews University 安德鲁大学 ASU Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学AUBURN Auburn University 奥本大学 -B- BAYLOR Baylor University 贝勒大学 BC Boston College 波士顿学院 BGSU Bowling Green State University 博林格林州立大学BIOLA Biola University 拜欧拉大学BRANDEIS Brandeis University 布兰迪斯大学BROWN Brown University 布朗大学 BSU Ball State University 波尔州立大学 BU* Boston University 波士顿大学 BU SUNY Binghamton 纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校BYU Brigham Young Univ. Provo 百翰大学 *BU通常意义上指Boston University -C- CALTECH California Institute of Technology 加州理工大学 CAU Clark Atlanta University 克拉克亚特兰大大学 CLARKSON Clarkson University 克拉逊大学CLARKU Clark University 克拉克大学CLEMSON Clemson University 克莱姆森大学 CMU* Carnegie Mellon University 卡耐基梅隆大学CMU Central Michigan University 中央密歇根大学COLUMBIA Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学CORNELL Cornell University 康奈尔大学CSU* Colorado State 科罗拉多州立大学 CSU Cleveland State University 克里夫立大学CU* University of Colorado Boulder 科罗拉多大学波德分校 CU University of Colorado Denver 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校 CUA Catholic University of America 美国天主教大学 CWRU Case Western Reserve Univ. 凯斯西储大学*CMU 通常意义上指 Carnegie Mellon University *CSU 通用 *CU 通用


Do you know why Apple with a bite of the apple as a company logo Apple in Greek mythology, is the symbol of wisdom, when Adam and eve ate the apple became a thinking, now extended to the unknown fields of science and technology. Apple's logo is a bite of the apple, shows that they have the courage to march to science, to explore the unknown 苹果在希腊神话中,是智慧的象征,当初亚当和夏娃就是吃了苹果才变得有思想,现在引申为科技的未知领域。苹果公司的标志是咬了一口的苹果,表明了他们勇于向科学进军,探索未知领域的理想Faster than the sum of its parts. Advanced Intel Core i5 and i7 processors help you power through the most complicated technical computing tasks. Integrated Iris 6100 and Iris Pro Graphics and advanced AMD graphics give you tons of pixel-driving horsepower. State-of-the-art I/O like Thunderbolt 2 gives you high-performance expansion, unprecedented in a notebook. And at the centre of it all is an entirely flash storage–based architecture that makes everything you do incredibly fast and responsive. 先进的Intel Core i5 和i7 处理器,帮你从容应对极度复杂的技术性运算任务。集成Iris 6100 和Iris Pro Graphics 图形处理器与先进的AMD 图形处理器,为每个像素都带来源源不断的强大驱动力。Thunderbolt 2 等先进的I/O 传输技术,更赋予笔记本电脑前所未有的高性能扩展能力。而这一切的核心,就是全闪存架构,它令你所做的一切都运转快速,响应灵敏。 Video Edition Edit up to 10 streams of uncompressed 8-bit 1080p HD video on the 15-inch model —right from internal storage.Having four times the pixels of a standard display makes video so sharp, so clear and so lifelike, your shots may look even better than you remember. 15 英寸机型可直接从内部存储多机位剪辑多达 16 条1080p ProRes 视频流。拥有4 倍于标准显示屏的像素,让视频如此锐利、清晰、而且鲜活动人,让你拍摄的每一个画面远胜记忆中的每一个精彩时刻。 Photography ith over four million pixels on the 13-inch model and over five million pixels on the 15-inch model, the Retina display is the perfect place to view and edit your high-resolution photos. 13 英寸机型的Retina 显示屏具有400 多万像素,15 英寸机型具有500 多万像素,是查看和编辑高分辨率照片的绝佳选择。 Design And Layout The MacBook Pro is the ultimate creative design studio. MacBook Pro 堪称强大的创意设计工作室Science And Engineering Advanced dual-core and quad-core processors provide an enormous amount of computational power. 先进的双核和四核处理器,可为你提供源源不绝的澎湃运算能力。 Backlit Keyboard Thin and light, MacBook Pro is designed to go anywhere — including places with less-than-stellar lighting. A built-in sensor detects changes in ambient light and adjusts the keyboard and display brightness automatically. So you’re never left in the dark. 这款轻薄的MacBook Pro 可以随你去到任何地方,包括光线难以企及的地方。内置传感器会检测环境光的变化,然后自动调节键盘和显示亮度,让你不会迷失在黑暗之中。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/268144199.html, 华盛顿大学与伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校哪个好?咨询立思辰留学360。 华盛顿大学 华盛顿大学-西雅图(University of Washington, Seattle)始建于1861年,位于美国西海岸城市西雅图,是世界顶尖的著名公立研究型大学,公立常春藤之一。2016年,全球大学研究影响力排名第六(超越剑桥牛津等学校)自1974年以来,华盛顿大学一直是全美国获得最多联邦研发经费的公立大学。2015年9月16日,英国路透社研究和发布的全球最具创新力大学排行榜,华盛顿大学为全球最具创新力的公立大学第1位,世界大学排名第4位。 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,缩写为UIUC),创建于1867年,位于伊利诺伊州幽静的双子城厄巴纳–香槟市,是一所享有世界声望的一流研究型大学。该校在《美国新闻与世界报道》2015年美国公立大学排名第11位,美国综合大学排名第41位,世界大学排名第35位;在《泰晤士高等教育》2015年世界大学排名第36位,世界大学声誉排名第30位;在《上海交通大学》2015年世界大学学术排名第29位。该校是美国“十大联盟(Big Ten)”创始成员,美国大学协会(AAU)成员,被誉为“公立常春藤”,与加州大学伯克利分校及密歇根大学并称“美国公立大学三巨头”。该校一直致力于卓越的研究、教学和公众参与,校友和教授中有23位获得诺贝尔奖,在美国公立大学中仅次于加州大学伯克利分校。该校很多学科素负盛名,其工程学院在全美乃至世界堪称至尊级的地位,始终位于美国大学工程院排名前五,几乎所有工程专业均在全美排名前十,电气、计算机、土木、材料、农业、环境、机械等专业排名全美前五;商学院也具有极强的实力,其会计、金融等专业为全美一流水平,会计专业位列全美第二。该校是最早几所接受中国留学生的美国大学之一,也是最多元化、国际化的大学之一,2015年其国际学生人数在全美大学排名第三,位列美国公立大学榜首。2016年4月11日,浙江大学与该校联合,共同在浙江大学海宁国际校区设立联合学院—浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院。


1 Yale University耶鲁大学 2 Harvard University哈佛大学 3 Stanford University斯坦福大学 4 Columbia University哥伦比亚大学 5 The University of Chicago芝加哥大学 6 New York University纽约大学 7 University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校 7 University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学 9 University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校 9 University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学 11 Duke University杜克大学 12 Northwestern University西北大学 13 Cornell University康乃尔大学 14 Georgetown University乔治城大学 14 The University of Texas at Austin德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 16 University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校 16 Vanderbilt University范德堡大学 18 University of Southern California南加州大学 (Gould) 18 Washington University in St Louis圣路易斯华盛顿大学 20 The George Washington University乔治华盛顿大学 20 University of Minnesota Twin Cities明尼苏达大学Twin Cities分校 22 BOSTON University波士顿大学 23 Indiana University,Bloomington印地安那大学伯明顿分校 (Maurer) 23 University of California Davis加州大学戴维斯分校 23 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign伊利诺伊大学厄本那―香槟分校23 University of Notre Dame圣母大学 27 Boston College波士顿学院


美国留学之乔治华盛顿大学会计专业 一、美国乔治华盛顿大学会计硕士项目简介 乔治华盛顿大学是一所著名的私立综合性大学。主校区位于美国首都华盛顿特区市中心,比邻世界银行、国际货币基金组织、国务院,距白宫只有几个街区。由于该校位于美国政治中心,大幅提升该校的政治敏感度,自成立以来源源不断地为白宫、国务院等政府机关,以及联合国、世界银行与国际货币基金等重要国际组织培养了大批量人才。 根据学生本科背景的不同,该项目提供3种不同的就读方式:a.本科非会计、非商科的学生需修36学分的分支课程;b.本科会计或者商科的学生,修30个学分的分支课程;c.本科在本院就读商科的,可以续读5年的项目。 36学分项目课程由7门必修课(19.5学分)+ 6学分会计选修课+ 10.5分商科选修课构成,必修课程包括:金融会计学;管理会计I;管理会计II;中级会计I;中级会计II;金融学;宏观经济学或者微观经济学二选一; 30学分项目课程由5门必修课(13.5学分)+ 6学分会计选修课+ 10.5分商科选修课构成,必修课程包括:中级会计I;中级会计II;当代审计理论;金融学;宏观经济学或者微观经济学二选一。 该项目适合对审计、税务、司法会计或者管理感兴趣的学生申请,让学生做好准备成为注册会计师,未来能在世界领先的会计咨询公司、政府机构或是非营利性组织发展职业。由于地处美国首都华盛顿特区,该项目的学生将有机会接触美国政府机构,也可以到世界知名企业实习,包括四大、美国证交会、联邦调查局、美国国税局、美国总审计局、世界银行、国际货币基金组织、国际金融公司以及红十字会等。 二、美国乔治华盛顿大学会计硕士录取要求 2014 Academic and Professional Profile Minimum TOEFL250 (internet-based test) 或者 600 (paper-based test) Minimum IELTS7 Average GMAT/GRE需要


The George Washington University 乔治华盛顿大学(版本二) 乔治华盛顿大学(GWU)是美国顶尖的四年制私立大学之一,它成立于1821年。在2014年的大学排名中,其名次为综合性大学第52名。 这所学校是科学技术,媒体艺术的聚集地,对于政治和城市生活的追求者,是个理想的圣地。 概况 在国家的首都建立一所全国性的高等学府使其致力于国家的教育事业和培养国家未来的领导人,这是美国第一任总统乔治华盛顿的一个愿望。在1821年,基于这种愿景,国会签署了国会法令,通过了建立乔治华盛顿大学的法案,成立了哥伦比亚学院。建校初期,学校坐落在佛罗里达大道上,当时只有3个教员,1个辅导教师和30个学生。美国内战成为了它不可否认的转折点,战后,随着华盛顿的崛起,人口快速增长,联邦政府雇员增多,这也就促进了学校的增长,课程和教员的需求量增多。 在James Clarke Welling任职校长的期间,学校更名为哥伦比亚大学,增设了学院。1904年学校更名为乔治华盛顿大学。一步步发展到了今天,乔治华盛顿大学如今成为了哥伦比亚特区最大的高等教育机构。如今,大学里有20000多名学生,这些学生来自于50个州和特区和130多个国家,他们拥有丰富的学科范围,从法医学和创意写作到国际事务和计算机工程,以及医学、公共卫生、法律和公共政策。 学校类型私立,男女同校 成立年份1821 校历学期 地理位置城市 2012捐款$1,556,592,000 关于地理 乔治华盛顿大学坐 落在美国首都华盛顿市 区,占地167英亩,共有 三个校区:主校区——雾 谷校区(Foggy Bottom Campus)位于市中心,靠 近商店、餐馆、俱乐部和 画廊,交通非常便利。弗农山校区(Mount Vernon Campus)位于华盛顿西北区的Foxhall街区,24小时都有班车开往雾谷校区。最后一个校区是弗吉尼亚科技园区(The GW Virginia Science and Technology),位于弗吉尼亚州的劳登县(Loudoun),距离主校区大约1个小时车程,它是一个综合性的教学和研究校区。 其中主校区雾谷校区,坐落在首都的中心,所在社区充满活力,被波多马克河,水门大厦建筑群,白宫和美国国务院所包围。它的地理位置对于这所大学的成功起着至关重要的作用,它是乔治华盛顿大学大多数学院,行政办公室的所在地,除此之外,还是教室,图书馆,


2020乔治华盛顿大学计算机科学专业介绍 乔治华盛顿大学计算机科学专业由计算机科学系提供。这个部门向学生介绍这个领域的基本原理,寻求解决方案、工具及应用。在 数字化大变革中参与各项活动,协助毕业生在医学、电影、商业、 政府部门、工程、信息技术等行业从事令人兴奋的工作并获得成功。 1.计算机科学学士 本科阶段,计算机科学系提供理学学士、文学学士以及力学学士/理学硕士联合学位。联合学位需要五年时间。目前提供的可供深入 学习的方向包括生物医学计算与信息学、计算机安全与信息安全、 数字媒体。 理学学士让学生在计算机科学领域打下坚实基础,并且可以深入理解各种应用。文学学士知识面更广,可同健康科学、生物学、管 理学、法律、政治学、经济学、刑事司法等组合,形成双专业。 理学学士 理学学士获得ABET工程认证委员会认证,教学优势是数学、理学、通信。在计算机科学领域有高级课程供深入学习。高级设计项 目含八个学分,它仿照“产业优势”的发展项目。 作为居住要求的一部分,所有计算机科学专业学生必须至少在乔治华盛顿大学修满30个学分的专业课程。这其中包括参加海外留学 项目的学生在海外学习期间需要学习的课程。必须同顾问协商,以 明确选择技术类(technicaltrack)还是非技术类方向。 文学学士

计算机科学文学学士课程适合有意将计算机科学同第二专业结合,或者同一系列次要领域(副修)结合的学生。次要领域通常包括自然 科学、文科、商科。 文学学士课程为学生在计算机科学领域打下良好基础,在其他学科学习方面也有许多选择的空间。它要求学生选择第二专业或者两 个次要领域。 作为居住要求的一部分,所有文学学士必须在乔治华盛顿大学至少拿到30个计算机科学学分。这其中包括参加海外留学项目在留学 期间应该学习的课程。 那些想将计算机科学核心技能同另一个专业结合的学生,适合选择文学学士。如果更喜欢深入学习计算机科学,可能理学学士更适合。 2.计算机科学硕士 研究生阶段,乔治华盛顿大学提供计算机科学硕士和博士学位。教员从事的先进研究包括算法与理论、人工智能-机器学习-机器人学、生物医学工程与计算、气候信息学、云计算、计算机安全与信 息保障、数字媒体-网络-移动计算、普适计算与嵌入式系统、系统 与软件工程以及搜索与数据挖掘。 计算机科学硕士学位以十门课(三十个学分)为基础。可以选择完成一篇论文。没有综合考试要求。十门课中,三门是核心课。其余 七门可在同顾问协商之后选择。其中,两门课可来自计算机科学系 以外部门。你可以集中精力研究上述领域的一个领域。 对于特定学科领域或跨领域课程没有要求。可从以下领域中选择:算法与理论,计算机功能结构、网络、平行与分布式计算,计算机 安全与信息保障,数据库与信息检索系统,机器智能与认知,多媒体、动画制作、制图与用户界面,软件工程与系统。

苹果CEO Tim Cook乔治华盛顿大学演讲 中英文对照

Dr. Tim Cook: Hello GW. (APPLAUSE) >> Tim Cook: Thank you very much President Knapp for that kind intro. Alex, trustees, faculty and deans of the university, my fellow honorees, and especially you the class of 2015. Yes. (APPLAUSE) >> Tim Cook: Congratulations to you, to your family, to your friends that are attending today's ceremony. You made it. It's a privilege, a rare privilege of a lifetime to be with you today. And I think thank you enough for making me an honorary Colonial. (APPLAUSE) >> Tim Cook: Before I begin today, they asked me to make a standard announcement. You’ve heard this before. About silencing your phones. (LAUGHTER) >> Tim Cook: Those of you with an iPhone, just place it in silent mode. If you don't have an iPhone, please pass it to the center aisle. (LAUGHTER) >> Tim Cook: Apple has a world-class recycling program. (APPLAUSE) >> Tim Cook: You know, this is really an amazing place. And for a lot of you, I?m sure that being here in Washington, the very center of our democracy, was a big draw when you were choosing which school to go to. This place has a powerful pull. It was here that Dr. Martin Luther King challenged Americans to make real the promises of democracy, to make justice a reality for all of God's children. And it was here that President Ronald Reagan called on us to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds. I'd like to start this morning by telling you about my first visit here. In the summer of 1977 ??yes, I’m a little old I was 16 years old and living in Robertsdale, the small town in southern Alabama that I grew up in. At the end of my junior year of high school I’d won essay contest sponsored by the National Rural Electric Association. I can't remember what the essay was about, what I do remember very clearly is writing it by hand, draft after draft after draft. Typewriters were very expensive and my family could not afford one. I was one of two kids from Baldwin County that was chosen to go to Washington along with hundreds of other kids across the country. Before we left, the Alabama delegation took a trip to our state capitol in Montgomery for a meeting with the governor. The governor's name was George C. Wallace. The same George Wallace who in 1963 stood in the schoolhouse door at the University of Alabama to block African Americans from enrolling. Wallace embraced the evils of segregation. He pitted whites against blacks, the South against the North, the working class against the so?called elites. Meeting my governor was not an honor for me. My heroes in life were Dr. Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy, who had fought against the very things that Wallace stood for. Keep in mind, that I grew up, or, when I grew up, I grew up in a place that where King and Kennedy were not exactly held in high esteem. When I was a kid, the South was still coming to grips with its


Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s that bucked the traditional notions of what a corporate culture should look like in organizational hierarchy. Steve Jobs often walked around the office barefoot even after Apple was a Fortune 500 company. By the time of the "1984" TV ad, this trait had become a key way the company attempted to differentiate itself from its competitors. According to a 2011 report in Fortune,this has resulted in a corporate culture more akin to a startup rather than a multinational corporation. As the company has grown and been led by a series of chief executives, each with his own idea of what Apple should be, some of its original character has arguably been lost, but Apple still has a reputation for fostering individuality and excellence that reliably draws talented people into its employ. This was especially after Jobs' return. To recognize the best of its employees, Apple created the Apple Fellows program, awarding individuals who made extraordinary technical or leadership contributions to personal computing while at the company. The Apple Fellowship has so far been awarded to a few individuals. Apple is also known for strictly enforcing accountability. Each project has a "directly responsible individual," or "DRI" in Apple jargon. As an example, when iOS senior vice president Scott Forstall refused to sign Apple's official apology for numerous errors in the redesigned Maps app, he was forced to resign. Numerous employees of Apple have cited that projects without Jobs' involvement often took longer than projects with his involvement. At Apple, employees are specialists who are not exposed to functions outside their area of expertise. Jobs saw this as a means of having best-in-class employees in every role. For instance, Ron Johnson who was Senior Vice President of Retail Operations until November 1, 2011, was responsible for site selection, in-store service, and store layout, yet he had no control of the inventory in his stores (which is done company wide by then-COO and now CEO Tim Cook who has a background in supply-chain management). This is the opposite of General Electric's corporate culture which has created well-rounded managers.[236][236] Under the leadership of Tim Cook who joined the company in 1998 and ascended to his present position as CEO, Apple has developed an extremely efficient and effective supply chain which has been ranked as the world's best for the four years 2007–2010.[citation needed]The company's manufacturing, procurement and logistics enables it to execute massive product launches without having to maintain large, profit-sapping inventories; Apple's profit margins have been 40 percent compared with 10–20 percent for most


https://www.doczj.com/doc/268144199.html, 华盛顿大学与佛罗里达大学哪个好?咨询立思辰留学360。 华盛顿大学 华盛顿大学-西雅图(University of Washington, Seattle)始建于1861年,位于美国西海岸城市西雅图,是世界顶尖的著名公立研究型大学,公立常春藤之一。2016年,全球大学研究影响力排名第六(超越剑桥牛津等学校)自1974年以来,华盛顿大学一直是全美国获得最多联邦研发经费的公立大学。2015 年9月16日,英国路透社研究和发布的全球最具创新力大学排行榜,华盛顿大学为全球最具创新力的公立大学第1位,世界大学排名第4位。 佛罗里达大学 佛罗里达大学(University of Florida,简称UF,也称作UFL或Florida)是位于美国佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔(Gainesville)的一所顶尖公立研究型大学。佛罗里达大学是北美顶尖大学联盟美国大学协会(AAU)成员之一,建校可追溯至1853年。 佛罗里达大学被誉为公立常春藤,在《美国新闻与世界报道(US NEWS)》2016全美综合排名中排第47位,位列全美公立大学第14位;在其世界大学排名中位列世界53位,全美35位。在Webometrics世界大学排名中位列全球第17名。泰晤士报世界大学声誉排行百强。世界一流大学排行榜位列世界32名。世界大学学术表现排行(URAP)位列世界45名。在上海交通大学2007年的《世界大学学术排名》中排在全世界51位。大学作为全美最大的研究型大学之一,每年为佛州经济贡献近60亿美元,并创造近七万五千个工作职位。佛罗里达大学共获得研究资金五亿八千三百万美元,其金额超过佛州所有其他大学的总和。


申请美国留学选校时,一般会根据实际情况选择8到10所,可按学校层次3-3-4的比例选择。那么这么多学校怎么选择呢? 这里推荐一种方法:按照专业方向,确定喜欢的专业,然后按优势专业的学校去选择。今天就为大家整理了美国留学Top100院校的优势专业,最全的汇总篇哦~ 排名 学校 优势专业 1 普林斯顿大学 数学和哲学闻名遐迩,历史、英语、政治和经济系也一样闻名遐迩。 2 哈佛大学 历史学、工商管理、数学、经济学、英语学、物理学、心理学、社会学、生理学、政治学、生物化学、化学、地球科学等 3 耶鲁大学 最重点学科是社会科学、人文科学和生命科学,三项最热门专业是生物学、历史学和经济学。 4 哥伦比亚大学 建筑学、MBA 、金融、艺术史、天文、生物科学、化学、计算机科学、数学、物理、地质、心理学、社会学、哲学、政治学、宗教、电影、历史、经济学、英语、法语、西班牙语及东亚和中亚5 芝加哥大学 人类学、天文学、地球科学、经济学、地理学、历史学、语言学、物理学、统计学、社会学、神学。商学院(金融、策略、国际商业、企业领导、市场行销等)全美顶尖。 5 斯坦福大学 最有特色的学科是生物、经济、心理学、英文、政治科学、其他名列前茅的课程有心理学、大众传播、化学、经济学和戏剧等。 7 麻省理工学院 电子工程、机械工程、物理学、化学、经济学、哲学、政治学 7 杜克大学 政治学、公共政策、历史、化学、电子工程和生物医学工程。医学部、法学院、商学院排全美前11位,科学和工程学科尤为著名。 7 宾夕法尼亚大学人类学、经济学、艺术史、语言学、心理学、音乐和拉丁语。/商学、法学、医学、大众传播学。 10 加利福尼亚理工 物理、工程、化学、生物、天文学、地质学、经济与政治学。在生物学、行星科学、地学领域被公认为全美第一,超过半数学生修读工科。 10 达特茅斯学院 生物,计算机,工程,经济,外语,心理学。以文理科著称,常青藤盟校。 12 西北大学 新闻学院、法学院、商学院。商学院全美TOP1,有商界的“西点军校”,新闻学院全美最好。 12 约翰·霍普金斯大医学院与哈佛医学院齐名,公共卫生学院常年排行全美第一,生物学、生物医学、生物医学工程、电子工程、环境工程、人类发展、家庭研究、健康科学、人文学、物理学、数学科学、国际事名全美前十。 14 华盛顿大学圣路本科:历史、经济学、医科预备课程、工程、建筑和商科等;研究生:计算机科学、地理学、数学、微生物学、分子生物学、心理学、政治学、统计学、社会学、动物学等。商学院全美前15学院全美第2,工程学院中,生物医学工程系最负盛名,建筑学和城市设计学院名列全美第6,法学院目前排名第19。 14 布朗大学 本科:计算机科学、宗教、应用数学;研究生:应用数学、古典文学、机械工程、比较文学、哲学、美术史、俄语、数学、英语、西班牙语、历史、土木工程、经济、地质科学、计算机科学、 言学、德语、心理学 16 康奈尔大学 农学院、化学系、数学系和宾馆管理系等多学科排名美国前10。 17 范德堡大学 医学预科,工程,数学,社会学,心理学,教育学。教育学院TOP5,医学院TOP15,法学院TOP16,商学院TOP25。 18 莱斯大学 工程、管理、科学、艺术、人类学。以理工科闻名,在美国西部建筑学院中排名第1,在全美建筑学院中排第4,曾与杜克大学、维吉尼亚大学齐名,号称南方哈佛。

US news综排与统计学专排

综合排名 1. 哈佛大学Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) 1. 普林斯顿大学Princeton University (Princeton, NJ) 3. 耶鲁大学Yale University (New Haven, CT) 4. 哥伦比亚大学Columbia University(New York, NY) 4. 芝加哥大学University of Chicago(Chicago, IL) 6. 麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology(Cambridge, MA) 6.斯坦福大学Stanford University(Stanford, CA) 8. 杜克大学Duke University(Durham, NC) 8. 宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania(Philadelphia, PA) 10. 加州理工学院California Institute of Technology(Pasadena, CA) 10. 达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College(Hanover, NH) 12. 西北大学Northwestern University(Evanston, IL) 13. 约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University(Baltimore, MD) 14. 圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University in St. Louis(St. Louis, MO) 15. 布朗大学Brown University(Providence, RI) 15. 康奈尔大学Cornell University(Ithaca, NY) 17. 莱斯大学Rice University(Houston, TX) 17. 圣母大学University of Notre Dame(Notre Dame, IN) 17. 范德堡大学Vanderbilt University(Nashville, TN) 20. 埃默里大学Emory University(Atlanta, GA) 21. 乔治城大学Georgetown University(Washington, DC) 21. 加州大学伯克利分校University of California--Berkeley(Berkeley, CA) 23. 卡耐基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University(Pittsburgh, PA) 24. 加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California--Los Angeles(Los Angeles, CA) 24. 南加州大学University of Southern California(Los Angeles, CA) 24. 弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia(Charlottesville, VA) 27. 维克森林大学Wake Forest University(Winston-Salem, NC) 28. 塔夫斯大学Tufts University(Medford, MA) 29. 密歇根大学安娜堡分校University of Michigan--Ann Arbor(Ann Arbor, MI) 30. 北卡大学教堂山校区University of North Carolina--ChApel Hill(Chapel Hill, NC) 31. 波士顿学院Boston College(Chestnut Hill, MA) 32. 纽约大学New York University(New York, NY) 33. 布兰迪斯大学Brandeis University(Waltham, MA) 33. 威廉玛丽学院College of William and Mary(Williamsburg, VA) 33. 罗彻斯特大学University of Rochester(Rochester, NY) 36. 乔治亚理工学院Georgia Institute of Technology(Atlanta, GA) 37. 凯斯西储大学Case Western Reserve University(Cleveland, OH) 38. 里海大学Lehigh University(Bethlehem, PA) 38. 加州大学戴维斯分校University of California--Davis(Davis, CA) 38. 加州大学圣地亚哥分校University of California--San Diego(La Jolla, CA) 41. 伦斯勒理工学院Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute(Troy, NY) 41. 加州大学圣芭芭拉分校University of California--Santa Barbara(Santa Barbara, CA)

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