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Be Alert to1 Antimicrobial Resistance

The ability of micro-organisms to find ways to evade the action of the drugs used to cure the infections they cause is increasingly recognized as a global public health issue. Some bacteria have developed mechanisms which make them resistant to many of the antibiotics normally used for their treatment(multi-drug resistant bacteria),so pose particular difficulties,as there may be few or no alternative options for therapy. They constitute a growing and global public health problem. WHO suggests that countries should be prepared to implement hospital infection control measures to 1imit the spread of multi-drug resistant strains and to reinforce national policy on prudent use of antibiotics,reducing the generation of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

An article published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases2 on 11 August 2010 identified a new gene that enables some types of bacteria to be highly resistant to almost all antibiotics. The article has drawn attention to the issue of AMR3(antimicrobial resistance),and,in particular,has raised, awareness of infections caused by multi-drug resistant bacteria.

While multi-drug resistant bacteria are not new and will continue to appear,this development requires monitoring and further study to understand the extent and modes of transmission,and to define the most effective measures for control.

Those called upon to be alert to the problem of antimicrobial resistance and take appropriate action include consumers,managers of hospitals,patients,as well as national governments. the pharmaceutical industry,and international agencies.

WHO strongly recommends that governments focus control and prevention efforts in the following areas like surveillance for antimicrobial resistance; rational antibiotic use,including education of healthcare workers and the public in the appropriate use of antibiotics:introducing or

enforcing legislation related to stopping the selling of antibiotics without prescription; and strict adherence to infection prevention and control measures. including the use of

hand-washing measures,particularly in healthcare facilities.

Successful control of multidrug-resistant microorganisms has been documented in many countries,and the existing and well-known infection prevention and control measures can effectively reduce transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms if systematically implemented.

WHO will continue to support countries to develop relevant policies,and to coordinate international efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance will be the theme of WHO's World Health Day 2011.


Evade vt.逃避,避开 prudent adj.慎重的,谨慎的

Pose vt.提出 monitor vt.监控

alternative adj.可供选择的(途径或事物) surveillance n.监视,监管

rational adj.合理的,有理性的

implement vt.实现,实施 adherence n.坚持,固守

strain n.种类 document vt.证明,支持

reinforce vt.加强力量 relevant adj.相关的


1.be alert to:对……警觉,注意

2.The Lancet Infectious Diseases:《柳叶刀一传染病》期刊

3.antimicrobial resistance(AMR):抗菌药物耐药性


1.Why is the use of antibiotics arousing globally increasing interest?

A. The misuse of the antibiotics has caused stronger bacteria resistance and no new drugs against the bacteria are available at present.

B The micro-organisms develop much faster than the past,so the researchers are more interested.

C The antibiotics for multi-drug resistant bacteria are highly priced and there will be a big market for the drug industry.

D The antibiotics has been found more powerful for the treatment of the multi-drug resistant bacteria.

2.Which of the following is true of the article published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases?

A The issue of AMR led the scientists to be alert to the new human gene.

B A new drug will be soon available for any multi-drug resistant bacteria.

C A new strain has been found to be highly resistant to almost all antibiotics.

D AMR aroused the awareness of the scientists to the infections caused by the antibiotics.

3. Who of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage to take cautious and proper action about the AMR?

A Those who use antibiotics.

B Those who sell antibiotics.

C Those who produce antibiotics.

D Those who study in universities.

4.All the following recommendations to the governments from WHO is true EXCEPT

A education to the users of antibiotics.

B control on the use of antibiotics in health facilities.

C introduction of new regulations on the sale of antibiotics.

D limit on the hospitals to store more antibiotic drugs than they Can use.

5.What can you infer from the passage?

A WHO can only recommend the governments to control and prevent the transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms.

B Even with the new strains against the existing antibiotics,the transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms is still under control.

C Without the support from WHO,no country can be safe in the war against the transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms.

D WHO will spare no effort in antimicrobial resistance in 2010 and will set a special day for it in 2011.



2.C 文中第二段说明,杂志中提到发现了一种几乎对所有抗生素都具有抵抗性的新的细菌,这一发现引起了世人对AMR,尤其是对耐药菌感染的关注。因此,答案为C。

3.D 文中提到应对AMR特别关注的人群包括:消费者,医院管理人员,病人,政府,药品生产企业以及一些国际机构,文中没有提到大学机构。因此,答案为D。

4.D WHO提出的建议包括:对AMR进行监管,合理使用抗生素,教育公众及医务人员要正确使用抗生素,立法限制非处方购买抗生素以及对感染采用预防和控制措施,没有提到限制医院储备抗生素。因此,答案为D。

5.B 虽然目前还没有发现更有效的新抗生素,但文中提到在许多国家对耐药性微生物的控制取得了很大成功,而且目前的预防手段仍然能够有效减少耐药微生物的传播。因此,答案为B



Food Safety and Foodborne Illness

Food safety is an increasingly important public health issue. Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to improve food safety. These efforts are in response (1) an increasing number of food safety problems and (2) consumer concerns.

Foodbome illnesses are (3 )as diseases,usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food. Every person is (4 risk of foodborne illness.

Foodborne diseases are a widespread and growing public health problem,both in developed (5 )developing countries. The global (6 )of foodbome disease is difficult to estimate,but it has been reported that in 2005 (7 )8 million people died from diarrhoeal diseases1.A great (8 )of these cases can be attributed to contamination of food and drinking water. (9 ),diarrhoea is a major cause of malnutrition in infants and young children.2

In industrialized countries,the percentage of the population suffering from foodbome diseases each year has been reported to be (10 )30%.In the United States of America(USA),for example,around 76 million cases of foodbome diseases,(11 )325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths. are estimated to occur each year.

While less well documented,developing countries bear the brunt of the problem due to the presence of a wide (12 )of foodborne diseases,including those caused by parasites.3 The high (13 )of diarrhoeal diseases in many developing countries suggests major underlying food safety problems.

In partnership (14 )other stakeholders,WHO is developing policies that will further promote the safety of food.These policies cover the entire food chain from production to consumption and will (15 )different types of expertise.4


intensify vt.使增强,使加剧 stakeholder n.(某组织、工程、体系等的)参与人,参与方

toxic adj.有毒的;因中毒引起的

ingestion n.摄取 consumption n.消费,消耗

attribute vt.归因于…… expertise n.专门知识或技能

brunt n.首当其冲


1.diarrhoeal diseases:腹泻疾病

2.A great proportion of these cases can be attributed to contamination of food and drinking water.

Additionally,diarrhoea is a major cause of malnutrition in infants and young children.

相当多的这种病例可以归因于食物以及饮用水污染所导致,而且腹泻是幼儿和儿童营养不良的一大主因。A great proportion of表示“占相当比例的”,additionally此处表示递进关系,“另外,而且"。be attributed to:动词短语,表示“把……归因于……”。

3.While less well documented,developing countries bear the brunt of the problem due to the presence of a wide range of foodborne diseases,including those caused by parasites.虽然文献资料还不多,但发展中国家是各种食源性疾病,包括由寄生虫引发的疾病等首当其冲的受害者。bear the brunt of,词组,表示“首当其冲”。

4.In partnership with other stakeholders.WHO is developing policies that will further promote the safety of food.These policies cover the entire food chain from production to consumption and will make use of different types of expertise.与其他机构一起,WHO在不断制定能进一步提高食品安全的政策,这些政策涵盖了从生产到消费整个食品链,并将充分利用各种专业知识。In partnership with 表示“和……一起”,make use of表示“利用,使用”。


1.A to B against C with D towards

2.A raising B arising C rising D rosen

3.A declared B defined C derived D demanded

4.A with B within C at D in

5.A or B with C of D and

6.A incident B incidence C accident D instance

7.A lonely B alone C alonely D lone

8.A size B position C proportion D amount

9.A Nevertheless B However C Whatever D Additionally

10.A up to B down to C up towards D down towards

11.A resulting from B resulting in C resulted from D resulted in

12.A range B distance C order D arrangement

13.A prevailing B spreading C prevalent D prevalence

14.A of B for C from D with

15.A make use of B take use of C make use D take use


1.A in response to是一介词短语,为固定搭配,表示“对……作出反应",因此答案为A。

2.C 此空所在句子表示:上述这些努力主要是对越来越多的食品安全问题以及消费者越来越多的担忧作出的反应。A项是及物动词,表示“提高……",此处不合适,B项不用来作定语,D项是过去分词形式,此处也不合适,因此答案为C。

3.B be defined as为一固定搭配,表示“……被定义为……",其他是那个选项都不合题意,因此答案为B。

4.C at risk of为一固定介词短语,表示“有……危险的”。另外三个介词选项都不能与risk相搭配,因此答案为C。

5.D both developed and developing countries表示“发达国家和发展中国家都……",与both能搭配的应该是and,因此答案为D。

6.B incident是“事件",incidence是“发生率”,accident是“意外事件,事故",instance是“实例,例证"。此处的意思是食源性疾病在全球的发生率,因此答案为B。

7.B lonely是形容词,表示“孤单的",lone也是形容词,表示“孤寂的,单独的”,alone作形容词时,表示“单独的,独自的”,其内涵与lonely相近,但也有副词的意思,表示“仅仅,只是”,只有该意符合本句要求,C项不存在,因此答案为B。

8.C proportion表示“比例",size表示“大小",position表示“位置,地点”,amount表示“数量”,修饰不可数名词。


10.A 10 up to 30%表示从10%到30%,从低到高的数量关系,B项down to则表示从高到低,不符合题意。

11.B result from表示“起因于",没有被动形式,result in表示“造成”,也没有被动形式,因此答案为B。

12.A a wide range of foodborne diseases表示各种各样的食源性疾病。

13.D prevailing形容词,表示“盛行的",prevalent也是形容词,表示“流行的”,spreading为spread的分词形式,表示“伸展,扩张,延伸"等,prevalence名词,表示“发病,流行”。此处需填入一个名词,因此选D。




Pandemic H1N1 1 2009

The most active areas of pandemic influenza transmission currently are in central and eastern Europe. Focal increases in rates during recent weeks were reported in at least two eastern European countries. A high intensity of respiratory diseases activity (1) concurrent circulation of pandemic influenza still (2) parts of southern and eastern Europe, (3) in Greece, Poland,and Ukraine.

In Western Europe,influenza (4 )remains active and widespread, but overall disease activity has peaked. All influenza viruses in Western Europe were pandemic H1N1 2009, however, very small (5 )of seasonal influenza viruses,covering less than l% of all influenza viruses (6 ),were reported in Russia. (7),limited available data indicate that active, high intensity transmission is occurring in Northern African countries (8 )the Mediterranean coast.

In Central Asia,limited data (9) that influenza virus circulation remains active, but transmission may have recently peaked in some places. In West Asia,Israel,Iran,and Iraq also appear (10 )their peak period of transmission within the past month,though (11 )areas continue to have some active transmission and levels of respiratory disease activity have not yet returned to baseline levels. In East Asia,influenza transmission remains active but appears to be (12)

overall. (13) increases in ILI2 were reported in Mongolia after weeks of declining activity following a large peak of activity over one month ago.

In North America,influenza transmission (14) widespread but has declined quickly in all countries. In the tropical regions of Central and South America and the Caribbean,influenza transmission remains geographically widespread but overall disease activity has been declining or remains unchanged in most parts,(15) focal increases in respiratory disease activity in a few countries.


pandemic adj 在广大地区流行的(疾病) peak v达到顶点

seasonal adj季节的

transmission n.传播 occur vt.发生

currently adv. 时下地,当今地 Mediterranean adj. 地中海的,地中海附近(各国的)

focal adj.焦点的,与焦点有关的

intensity n. 强度 Israel n.以色列

concurrent adj 同时存在的,同时发生的 Iran n.伊朗

Iraq n.伊拉克

circulation n.流传,流通 Mongolia n.蒙古国

Greece n.希腊 Caribbean n.加勒比海

Poland n. 波兰 geographically adv. 地理的

Ukraine n.乌克兰



2.ILI:Influenza-like illness,流感样病例。它的定义是:体温>=38℃,伴有咳嗽或咽喉疼痛等症状的急性呼吸道感染患者。


1.A of B with C for D in

2.A remains of B keeps C exists in D develops

3.A particularly B usually C exactly D completely

4.A transport B transmission C development D occurrence

5.A amounts B counts C calculations D numbers

6.A to find B finding C finds D found

7.A However B Nevertheless C But D In addition

8.A along B on C at D around

9.A advise B propose C suggest D recommend

10.A to pass B passing C to have passed D passed

11.A both B all C none D neither

12.A declining B reducing C below D under

13.A Little B Big C Slight D Great

l 4.A reduces B remains C increases D prevents

15.A apart from B beside C besides D except for


1.B with表示伴随,突出主语中心词intensity,“强度"。


3.A particularly “尤其是,特别是",用来指“同类中特别突出的一个”,usually“通常是”,exactly,“准确地,确切地"。根据上下文此处应该是特别指出南欧及东欧的几个具体国家,因此A为答案。

4.B 本文第一句话就点出了influenza transmission,这说明这两个词是一个词串,根据该文的上下文以及transmission的多次出现,B项为最佳选择。

5.D 虽然amounts和numbers都表示数量,但与amounts搭配的词通常是不可数名词,与可数名词搭配的应是number(s),文中的搭配词是viruses,所以答案为D。另外,count作名词指的是an act of counting,“计算",calculation也是指an act of caculating,即“计算的动作或行为"。


7.D 此处前后句是递进关系。A,B以及C都是表示转折,D项表示递进。

8.A along the Mediterranean coast是指地中海沿岸地区。

9.C 此处suggest是“说明”的意思,另外三个选项均只有“建议”的意思。

10.C appear表示“似乎”,后边动词应跟不定式形式,因此处表示“似乎流感高峰已经过去",因此要用不定式的完成式。

11.A此处指的是Central Asia和West Asia两个地区,因此用both。

12.A appear to be declining,表示似乎在下降,reduce是及物动词,后边需要有宾语,另外below 和under都是介词,不适合此处的要求。

13.C 根据上下文,此处应该是指小幅增加,而不是大量增加,而little只能修饰不可数名词,所以答案就是C了。


15.D except for表示“若不是……,除了……以外”


2015年职称英语理工类C级考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项 1. The weather last summer was awful. A. bad B. fair C. dry D. hot 参考答案:A 2. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. guilt C. obligation D. punishment 参考答案:D 3. My piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher. A. definitely B. generally C. certainly D. greatly 参考答案:D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.

A. revolutionary B. long-term C. short-term D. systematic 参考答案:A 5. It frustrates me that I‘m not able to put any of my ideas into practice. A. discourages B. shows C. surprises D. frightens 参考答案:A 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A. limit B. fear C. power D. fool 参考答案:B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. gather B. clear C. share D. spare

2015年全国职称英语考试 理工类新增文章汇总 考试重点内容 word版 全网独一份

2015年全国职称英语考试理工类新增文章汇总 word版全网独一份 注:押题皇后王霞老师授意,新增文章仍然是考试热门文章,务必掌 握。 2015年职称英语教材理工类的变动比较小,一共只有5篇新增文章。2015年职称英语教材理工类新增的5篇文章,分布在阅读理解和补全短文:阅读理解理工C和理工B各新增一篇文章;补全短文理工A、B和C各新增一篇文章。完形填空理工类整体都没有新增文章。

理工C阅读理解新增文章 第九篇An Essential Scientific Process All life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, the plants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take in the nutrients the plants have made and stored. But that’s not all. Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by the plant, but a plant usually produces more oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygen is necessary for animals and other organisms to live. The process of changing light into food and oxygen is called photosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water and carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbon dioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbon dioxide travels to chloroplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants. This is where photosynthesis takes place. Chloroplasts contain the chlorophylls that give plants their green color. The chlorophylls are the molecules that trap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and a simple sugar called glucose. Carbon dioxide and oxygen move into and out of the stomata. Water vapor also moves out of the stomata. More than 90 percent of water a plant takes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, the stomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaves for photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomata of most plants close. Water loss stops. If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food or other organic matter on the earth. Most organisms would disappear. The earth’s atmosphere would no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet. 词汇: nutrient n.营养物 organism n.生物体,有机体 carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳 chloroplast n.叶绿体 molecule n.分子 vapor n.水蒸气 oxygen n.氧气 photosynthesis n.光合作用 chlorophyll n.叶绿素 glucose n.葡萄糖 cease v.停止 注释: 1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。 练习: 1.In the first paragraph,the word “excess” means Aheavy. Bextra. Cgreen. Dliquid.


2015年职称英语理工类B级考试真题 第一部分:词汇选项 1.The organization was bold enough to face the press. A.pleased B.powerful C.brave D.sensible 参考答案:C 2.I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A.accept B.control C.observe D.regulate 参考答案:A 3.I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A.limit B.fear C.power D.fool 参考答案:B 4.Most people find rejection hard to accept. A.excuse B.client C.destiny D.refusal 参考答案:D 5.She's extremely competent and industrious. A.hardworking B.honest C.objective D.independent 参考答案:A 6.The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. A.hide B.handle C.disclose D.establish 参考答案:C 7.He tried to assemble his thoughts. A.clear B.share C.gather D.spare 参考答案:C

8.The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A.message B.punishment C.guilt D.obligation 参考答案:B 9.Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions. A.flexible B.terrible C.reasonable D.serious 参考答案:B 10.These products are inferior to those we brought last year. A.poorer than B.narrower than https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e7742492.html,rger than D.richer than 参考答案:A 11.The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly. A.improved B.changed C.worsened D.developed 参考答案:C 12.There was a simultaneous trial taking place in the next building. A.coexisting B.fair C.full D.pubic 参考答案:A 13.They're petitioning for better facilities for the disabled on public transport. A.requesting B.planning C.preparing D.looking 参考答案:A 14.He said some harsh words about his brother. A.unkind B.proper C.normal D.unclear 参考答案:A 15.We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A.amount


2014职称英语《理工B》真题及答案(代码22) 第一部分:词汇选项 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. The majority of people around here are decent. A. real B. honest C. normal D. wealthy 答案:D 2. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid. A. hidden B. traditional C. inflexible D. official 答案:C 3. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. A. furnish B. copy C. publish D. summarize 答案:A 4. Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down. A. excitement B. disappointment C. anger D. calm 答案:B 5. Several windows had been smashed. A. cleaned

C. fixed D. broken 答案:D 6. The worst agonies of the war were now beginning. A. pains B. parts C. aspects D. results 答案:A 7. London quickly became a flourishing port. A. major B. large C. successful D. commercial 答案:C 8. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. A. homework B. justice C. model D. act 答案:D 9. He led a very moral life. A. human B. intelligent C. natural D. honourable 答案:D 好学教育2015年职称英语考试过关课程课件汇总:https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e7742492.html,/RhFad1W 10. His stomach felt hollow with fear.


正保远程教育旗下品牌网站美国纽交所上市公司(NYSE:DL) 职业培训教育网职业人的网上家园https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e7742492.html, 职称英语考试辅导《综合类》第三部分讲义5 概括大意与完成句子 4.问句不是主题句,需参考问答来确定主题 例1:So who decides which names are used each year? The World Meteorological Organization uses six lists in rotation, so each list is reused every six years.(2006) A.Reason for naming hurricane B.Warming of an approaching hurricane C.Deadly women D.History of naming hurricanes https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e7742492.html,anization responsible for naming hurricanes F.Ways to track hurricanes [答疑编号505916030701] 【答案】E 例2:That leads to another question.Why does anyone wear a tie? Ties serve no purpose.They do not cover any part of your body and keep you warm.They always seem to get covered in food stains.Perhaps that is the purpose of the tie.It lets everyone know what you just ate.(2007) A.Origin of the tie B.British ties https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e7742492.html,elessness of the tie D.Old-fashioned ties E.Role of the tie F.Signs of a tieless era 老师手写内容: reason n. 原因 use n. 使用 purpose n. 目的,用途 useless adj. 无用的 useful adj. 有用的 uselessness n. 无用,无效 usefulness n. 有用,有效 no purpose 没有目的 [答疑编号505916030702] 【答案】C 例3:Is there a future for ties? The signs are not promising.Many political leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, now go without ties. A.Origin of the tie B.British ties https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e7742492.html,elessness of the tie D.Old-fashioned ties E.Role of the tie


职称英语新增文章一 职称英语文章一 1. On the night of August 17, 1959, at about 20 minutes before midnight, the ground in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park began shaking violently. At the time there was a rumbling sound, something like a huge truck would make. Both the heaving of the ground and the noise were very frightening but lasted not quite 45 seconds. 1、1959年8月17日的晚上,大约午夜前20分钟,黄石国家公园附近大地开始猛烈 摇动。同时,大地发出如同重型卡车发出的轰响。大地的升降和啸叫都令人非常害怕,但 是一切不超过45秒。 2. What was even more frightening was the sound of huge boulders which began rolling down the steep mountain. In one part of the upper reaches of the Madison River, a whole mountain began shifting, then came crashing down to fill the deep valley and dam the great river with millions of tons rock and trees. 2、更令人害怕的是巨石开始从陡峭的山上滚下来的声音。在麦迪生河上游的一条支 流处,一整座山开始移动,之后,它崩塌下来填满深深的山谷,上百万吨岩石和大树如坝 般阻挡住大河。 3. A dozen or more campers along the river were buried deep beneath the great landslide. Others were able to climb to safety, some of them badly hurt, but were trapped by the slide. Finally these people were saved, many of them by helicopter. 3、十几个,或许更多沿河的露营者被深埋在大滑坡下。幸存的野营者开始爬向较安 全的地方,其中一些人伤得很重,仍然不时陷入滑坡。最后这些人都获救了,其中多人得 救于直升飞机。 4. This earthquake near Yellowstone Park was just one of nearly a million that happen every year all over the world. And as bad as this quake was, many have been worse. Earthquake experts say that the Yellowstone quake of 1959 was about as bad as the one which hit San Francisco in 1906.But the San Francisco quake caused more damage because it struck in a place where there were so many people living. In San Francisco 700 person lost their lives. An earthquake in Japan in 1923 took 160,000 lives. In china in 1920 an earthquake took 200,000 lives. It is easy to understand why earthquake are so feared.


职称英语理工类B级阅读理解真题及答案(第三篇) 第4部分:阅读理解(第31——45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个选项。 第三篇 Can You Hear This? When something creates a sound wave in a room or anauditorium, listeners hear the sound wave directly from the source. They alsohear the reflections as the sound bounces off thewalls. floor, and ceiling. These are called the reflected wave or reverberant(反射)sound, which can be heard evenafter the sound is no longer coming from the source. The reverberation time of an auditorium isdetermined by the volume or interior size of the auditorium. It is alsodetermined by how well or how poorly the walls, ceiling, floor, and contents ofthe room (including the people) absorb sound. There is no ideal reverberation time,because each use of an auditorium calls for different reverberation. Speechneeds to be understood clearly; therefore rooms used for talking must have ashort reverberation time. The full-sound performance of music such ad Wagneroperas or Mahler symphonies should have a long reverberation time. The light,rapid musical passages of Bach or Mozart need a reverberation time somewherebetween. Acoustic problems often are caused by poorauditorium design. Smooth, curved reflecting surfaces create large reflections.Parallel (平行的)wallsreflect sound back and forth, creating a rapid, repetitive pulsing https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e7742492.html,rge pillars (柱)and comerscan cause acoustic shadows as the sound waves try to pass around the object.Some of these


职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题(1)2 第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文。短文后列出了7个句子。请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息。请在答题卡上把A涂黑:如果该句提供的是错误信息。请在答题卡上把B涂黑:如果该句的信息文章中没有提及。请在答题卡上把C涂黑。 The Smog(烟雾) For over a month. Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country Suffered its worst drought for 50 years . Smoke form the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia.Singapore and Thailand When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars.it soon became poisonous (有毒的)。Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed f喘息)and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately. The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰)covered everything.In some areas,water was hosed(用胶管浇)from high—rise city buildings to tIY and break up the smog.


2014年职称英语(理工类)考试辅导课程讲义 目录 第一部分了解职称英语 (3) 一、概述 (3) 二、评价目标 (3) 三、考试内容与试卷结构 (5) 四、命题原则 (6) 五、答题及计分方法 (7) 第二部分答题技巧 (8) 一、词汇选项 (8) 二、阅读判断 (10) 三、概况大意与完成句子 (10) 四、阅读理解 (12) 五、补全短文 (13) 六、完形填空 (13) 第三部分 2013年新增文章 (15) 2013年职称英语理工类新增文章篇目(ABC类) (15) 阅读理解新增文章 (17) 第十一篇 (17) 第十九篇 (19) +第四十八篇 (22) 完形填空新增文章 (25) 第三篇 (25) 第八篇 (28) +第十三篇 (31) 第四部分 2013年真题 (36) 2013年职业英语(理工类)A级考试真题 (37)

2013年职业英语(理工类)B级考试真题 (55) 2013年职业英语(理工类)C级考试真题 (70)

第一部分 了解职称英语 一、概述 总述:全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由人事部组织实施的一项国家级外语考试。 专业类别 注:三类考试的共同点和不同点:每个级别的试卷内容,除综合类外,普通英语和专业英语题目各占50%。对于类别的区分意义不大,原则上考生报综合、理工、卫生的任何一类都是可以的,考生可结合自身情况及单位规定进行报考。在正式考试中,50%的题都是一样的。 等级 总分:100分 考试时间:120分钟 注:参加考试的考生允许带一本普通的英语字典进入考场。建议参加C 级和B 级考试的考生可以使用《牛津英汉双解词典(中级)》,参加A 级考试的考生适用《牛津英汉双解词典(高级)》,还可以同时考虑准备一本《牛津英语同义词词典》。 二、评价目标 总目标:


2020年职称英语新增文章:教材理工类第六篇 第六篇 The Apgar Test The baby was bom at 3:36 p. m. At 3:37,she scored 4 out of 10 on her first test. At 3:41,she scored 8 out of 10. The doctor was glad. Another baby, bom at 8:24 p. m.,scored 3 out of 10 on his first test He scored 4 out of 10 on his second test. He took another test at 8:34 and scored 5. 1 He called for help1. These newborn babies took a test called the Apgar test. This test helps doctors diagnose problems. 2 Most babies take two tests. The first is at 1 minute after birth, and the second is at 5 minutes after birth. If a baby’s score at 5 minutes is less than 6,the baby takes another test at 10 minutes after birth. The Apgar t est is not an intelligence test. It’s a test that shows a baby’s health right after it is bom. The Apgar test measures things such as a baby’s color, heart rate, and breathing. The test has five parts, and the score for each part can be 0,1,or 2. 3


2012年职称英语理工类 新增文章 阅读理解(6篇) 第六篇Making Light of1 Sleep 第十九篇Graphene's Superstrength1 *第三+八篇"Life Form Found" on Saturn's Titan *第四十篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety +第四+五篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety +第四十六篇Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers" 注: 1、+表示A级文章;*表示B即文章;其他为C级文章 2、阅读理解 3、2012年词汇部分与2011年教材相比未作任何变化 阅读理解 第六篇Making Light of1 Sleep All we have a clock located inside our brains. Similar to your bedside alarm clock,your internal clock2 runs on a 24-hour cycle. This cycle,called a circadian rhythm,helps control when you wake,when you eat and when you sleep. Somewhere around puberty,something happens in the timing of the biological clock. The clock pushes forward,so adolescents and teenagers are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to. When your mother tells you it's time for bed,your body may be pushing you to stay up3 for several hours more. And the light coming from your computer screen or TV could be pushing you to stay up even later. This shift4 is natural for teenagers. But staying up very late and sleeping late can get your body's clock out of sync with the cycle of light and dark5. It can also make it hard to get out of bed in the morning and may bring other problems,too. Teenagers are put in a kind of a gray cloud6when they don't get enough sleep,says Mary Carskadon,a sleep researcher at Brown University in Providence,RI7 .It affects their mood and their ability to think and learn. But just like your alarm clock,your internal clock can be reset. In fact,it automatically resets itself every day. How? By using the light it gets through your eyes. Scientists have known for a long time that the light of day and the dark of night play important roles in setting our internal clocks. For years,researchers thought that the signals that synchronize the body's clock8were handled through the same pathways that we use to see. But recent discoveries show that the human eye has two separate light-sensing


2015职称英语理工类A真题及答案(完整版) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A. control B. observe C. regulate D. accept 2. She showed a natural aptitude for the work. A. sense B. talent C. flavor D. taste 3. Most people find rejection hard to accept. A. excuse B. client C. refusal D. destiny 4. The organization was bold enough to face the press. A. pleased B. powerful C. brave D. sensible 5. They were locked in mortal combat. A. deadly B. open C. actual D. active 6. We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A. amount B. supply C. tempt D. sum 7. The procedures were perceived as complex and less transparent. A. clear B. necessary C. special D. correct 8. The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. A. Service B. danger C. disorder D. threat 9. He believes that Europe must change or it will perish. A. survive B. last C. die D. move


2010年职称英语等级考试用书(理工类) 新增文章参考译文 第四部分阅读理解 第三篇 公民科学家 理解大自然对气候变化有怎样的反应需要监视世界各个角落的关键生命周期事件——花开、叶子的出现、第一只青蛙叫出春天的到来。但是生态学家不可能去到世界的各个角落,所以他们向非科学家求助,这些非科学家有时也被称作公民科学家。 气象科学家不可能足迹遍及天下。因为在世界上有如此多的地方,没有足够的科学家来观察它们。所以他们请求你来帮助观察全世界气候变化的迹象。公民科学家运动鼓励普通人根据自己的兴趣来观察某一个特定的方面——鸟儿、树木、花开等等——并把他们的观察结果发送到一个巨大的数据库来供专业科学家研究。这有助于数量有限的科学家得到如果只靠他们自己根本收集不到的巨大数据。就像公民记者帮助报道传统新闻报道方式所忽略的小型社区的相关信息一样,公民科学家也对他们所居住的环境很熟悉。所需要的就是每天或每周留出几分钟来搜集数据并发送过来。 一群科学家和教育家在去年发起了一个叫做纽约国家物候学的组织。“物候学”就是科学家们所说的在自然中研究每个事件的时间。 其中一个小组的首要尝试就是依靠科学家和非科学家来收集关于每年植物开花和长叶子的数据。这一项目叫做花季追踪计划,它收集遍布美国的各种各样的植物生长周期的数据。参与这一项目的人们——这一计划对所有人开放——把他们的观察记录在花季追踪计划网站上。 “人们不需要是植物学家——他们仅仅需要环视四周看看周围有什么。”Jennifer

Schwartz说,她是这项计划的教育顾问。“通过收集数据,我们就能够估算出气候变化对植物和生物群落会有怎样的影响。” 第六篇 北极冰山融化 地球的北极和南极都以冰冷闻名。但是,去年北冰洋上的冰含量跌到了历史最低点。 正常情况下,每年冬天在北极附近的北冰洋开始结冰,并在夏天缩减。但是多年以来,在夏天结束时冰的含量在下降。 自从1979年以来,每l0年在夏季末的冰覆盖量都下降11.4%。在1981到2000年之间,北极冰的厚度下降了22%——变成了l.13米这么薄。 去年,北极的冰雪覆盖达到了最薄的程度。在2007年夏天快结束的时候,冰层已经缩减到只覆盖四百二十万平方公里。这比那年的平均覆盖面积少38%,比两年前最低记录少23%。这个持续的趋势令科学家们万分担忧。 冰雪融化有许多原因,话雅图华盛顿大学的海洋学家张金伦说,有许多原因导致了冰层融化。极不寻常的强风去年刮过大西洋,风把大西洋中部的冰散去,留下大面积的薄冰和没有冰覆盖的海面。 科学家们还怀疑在大西洋上空有比过去越来越少的云层。晴朗的天空使更多的阳光照射大西洋。升高的温度使水和空气都变温暖。在去年大西洋的部分海域,表面温度比平均温度高3.5摄氏度,比历史最高点还高l.5摄氏度。 由于空气和水都变暖,冰从上面和下面都开始融化。在波弗特海的部分海域,阿拉斯加的北部和加拿大的西部,夏天开始时冰的厚度为3.3米,但到了季末仅仅为50厘米。 新的测量表明,情况远远比科学家们仅仅从表面上看到的要严重得多,新罕布什尔州汉


2019年职称英语考试理工类:补全短文 One of the most important developments in newspaper organization during the first part of the twentieth century ______(1)_______, which are known as wire services. Wire-service companies employed reporters, who covered stories all over the world. Their news reports were sent to papers throughout the country by telegraph. The papers paid an annual fee for this service. Wire services continue _______(2)________. Today the major wire services are the Associated Press (AP) and United Press International (UPI)。 You will frequently find AP or UPI at the beginning of a news story. Newspaper chains and mergers began to appear in the early 1900s. A chain consists of two or more newspapers _______(3)______. A merger involves combining two or more papers into one. During the nineteenth century many cities had more than one competitive independent paper. Today in most cities there are only one or two newspapers, and _______(4)______. Often newspapers in several cities belong to one chain. Papers have combined ________(5)_______. Chains and mergers have cut down production costs and brought the advantages of big-business methods to the newspaper industry. A. to play an important role in newspaper operations B. was the growth of telegraph services C. and they usually enjoy great prestige D. they are usually operated by a single owner E. in order to survive under the pressure of rising costs

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