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2019-2020年高一上学期期末统考数学试题 含答案

2019-2020年高一上学期期末统考数学试题 含答案
2019-2020年高一上学期期末统考数学试题 含答案

2019-2020年高一上学期期末统考数学试题 含答案




1. 答卷前,请考生务必将自己的学校、姓名、考试号等信息填写在答卷规定的地方. 2.试题答案均写在答题卷相应位置,答在其它地方无效.

一、填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分,请将答案填写在答题卷相应的位置上) 1.4tan



= ▲ . 2.计算:2lg 2lg 25+= ▲ .

3.若幂函数()f x x α=的图象过点(4,2),则(9)f = ▲ . 4.已知角α的终边经过点(2,)(0)P m m >

,且cos α=

,则m = ▲ . 5.在用二分法求方程3210x x --=的一个近似解时,现在已经将一根确定在区间(1,2)内,则下一步可断定该根所在的区间为 ▲ .

6.某扇形的圆心角为2弧度,周长为4 cm ,则该扇形面积为 ▲ cm 2. 7.若3a b +=,则代数式339a b ab ++的值为 ▲ .

8.已知0.6log 5a =,45

2b =,sin1c =,将,,a b c 按从小到大的顺序用不等号“<”连接为 ▲ .

9.将正弦曲线sin y x =上所有的点向右平移2



3倍(纵坐标不变),则所得到的图象的函数解析式y = ▲ .

10.已知函数()f x 为偶函数,且(2)()f x f x +=-,当(0,1)x ∈时,1()()2x f x =,则7


f =

▲ .


()ax x f x x

++=在[2,)+∞上是单调增函数,则实数a 的取值范围为 ▲ .

12.如图所示,在平行四边形ABCD 中,4AB =,3AD =,E 是边CD 的中点,1




,若4A E B F ?=-,则E






sin BAD ∠= ▲ .


x x f x x x -?≥=?-

(cos sin )032f θλθ+-+>恒

成立,整数λ的最小值为 ▲ .


()ln()f x a x =-(a R ∈).若关于x 的方程ln[(4)25]()0a x a f x -+--=的解

集中恰好有一个元素,则实数a 的取值范围为 ▲ .



已知全集U R =,集合{|27}A x x =≤<,3{|0log 2}B x x =<<,{|1}C x a x a =<<+. (1)求A

B ,()

U C A B ;

(2)如果A C =?,求实数a 的取值范围.


已知:θ为第一象限角,(sin(),1)a θπ=-,1(sin(),)22

b πθ=--.

(1)若//a b ,求

sin 3cos sin cos θθ



(2)若||1a b +=,求sin cos θθ+的值.


某工厂生产甲、乙两种产品所得利润分别为P 和Q (万元),它们与投入资金m (万



(1)设对乙产品投入资金x 万元,求总利润y (万元)关于x 的函数关系式及其定义域; (2)如何分配使用资金,才能使所得总利润最大?最大利润为多少?


已知函数)(0)4y x π






(2)函数的图象上有如图所示的,,A B C 三点,且满足AB BC ⊥. ①求ω的值;

②求函数在[0,2]x ∈上的最大值,并求此时x 的值.




x x e f x e -=+(e 为自然对数的底数,2,71828

e =).

(1)证明:函数()f x 为奇函数;

(2)判断并证明函数()f x 的单调性,再根据结论确定23

(1)()4f m m f -++-与0的大小关


(3)是否存在实数k ,使得函数()f x 在定义域[,]a b 上的值域为[,]a b ke ke .若存在,求出实

数k 的取值范围;若不存在,请说明理由.




f x ax x b

=-+(a,b R






a b






f x x



f x在区间[0,2]上存在零点,求实数b的取值范围.


高 一 数 学 参 考 答 案 2017.1

1 2.

2 3.

3 4.1 5.3

(,2)2 6. 1 7.27

8. a c b << 9.2sin(3)3πy x =- 10 11.1


+∞ 12.4 13.1 14.(1,2]{3,4}

15.解:(1)由30log 2x <<,得19x << ∴{|19}B x x =<<, ∴(1,9)A

B =, ............4分

(,2)[7,)U C A =-∞+∞,()

(1,2)[7,9)U C A B =; ............8分

(2)A C =? ∴12a +≤或7a ≥,解得:1a ≤或7a ≥. ............14分

16.解:(1)(sin(),1)(sin ,1)a θπθ=-=-,1

(cos ,)2

b θ=-

//a b ∴1

cos sin 02θθ-=, 化简得:tan 2θ=(不求也可以), ...........4分

sin 3cos tan 3

5sin cos tan 1

θθθθθθ++==-- ...........7分

(2)||1a b += ∴21(sin cos )14θθ-++=,则1

sin cos 8

θθ= ............11分


(sin cos )12sin cos 4


θ为第一象限角 sin 0,cos 0θθ∴>>,则sin cos θθ+=

............14分 17.解:(1)对乙产品投入资金x 万元,则对甲产品投入资金(150x -)万元;


(150)657619133y P Q x x =+=-+++-+, ............5分


25150x x ≤-≤??


,解得:25125x ≤≤,∴其定义域为[25,125]; ............7分

(2)令t 则[5,5]

t ∈,则原函数化为关于t 的函数:21


h t t t =-++,

t ∈ .............10分 所以当6t =,即36x =时,max max ()(6)203y h t h ===(万元)



元. .............14分 18.解:(1)3sin()44

y x ππ






k x k k Z π







+∈,解得:3818,k x k k Z -+≤≤+∈

∴函数的单调增区间为[38,18]()k k k Z -++∈; .............4分



x k k Z π



=∈ 14,x k k Z ∴=-+∈ ∴函数的对称中心为

(14,0)()k k Z -+∈.............8分

(2)①由图知:点B 是函数图象的最高点,设0(B x ,函数最小正周期为T ,则

003(,0),(,0)44T T A x C x -

+ 3(,3),(3





AB BC ∴==

, ............10分 AB BC ⊥ 233016AB BC T ∴?=

-=,解得:4T = 242

ππω∴==. ............12分

[0,2]x ∈ 5[,]2


x π




∈ s i n (),1]

24x ππ∴+∈

∴函数在[0,2] ............14分 此时




x k k Z π







x k k Z =

+∈; [0,2]x ∈ 1


x ∴=

............16分 19.解:(1)函数()f x 定义域为R , .............1分

对于任意的x R ∈,都有11()()11x x x x

e e

f x f x e e -----===-++,

所以函数()f x 为奇函数. .............4分 (2)在R 上任取12,x x ,且12x x <, 1212121212112()()()11(1)(1)

x x x x x x x x e e e e f x f x e e e e ----=-=++++

12x x < 120x x e e ∴<<12120,10,10x x x x e e e e ∴-<+>+>

12()()0f x f x ∴-<,即12()()f x f x < ()f x ∴为R 上的增函数 .............7分


1()244m m m -+=-+≥




f m m f ∴-+≥


(1)()(1)()()()04444f m m f f m m f f f ∴-++-=-+-≥-=. ............10分


()f x 为R 上的增函数且函数()f x 在定义域[,]a b 上的值域[,]a b ke ke

∴0k >且()()a b

f a ke f b ke

?=?=? 1

1x x x e ke e -∴=+在R 上有两个不等实根; .............12分 令,(0,)x t e t =∈+∞且单调增,问题即为方程2(1)10kt k t +-+=在(0,)+∞上有两个不等实根, 设2()(1)1h t kt k t =+-+,则2(1)4010(0)10

k k k k h ?-->?




,解得:03k <<-. .............16分 20.解:(1)当15


a b =-=-

时,2()|2|15f x x x =+-,所以方程即为:|2(22)|150x x +-= 解得:23x =或25x =-(舍),所以2log 3x =; .............3分 (2)当0b =时,若不等式||2x a x x -≤在[0,2]x ∈上恒成立;

当0x =时,不等式恒成立,则a R ∈; .............5分 当02x <≤时,则||2a x -≤在(0,2]上恒成立,即22x a -≤-≤在(0,2]上恒成立, 因为y x a =-在(0,2]上单调增,max 2y a =-,min y a >-,则222a a -≤??-≥-?

,解得:02a ≤≤;

则实数a 的取值范围为[0,2]; .............8分 (3)函数()f x 在[0,2]上存在零点,即方程||2x a x b -=-在[0,2]上有解; 设22()

()()x ax x a h x x ax x a ?-≥=?-+

当0a ≤时,则2(),[0,2]h x x ax x =-∈,且()h x 在[0,2]上单调增,所以min ()(0)0h x h ==,max ()(2)42h x h a ==-,则当0242b a ≤-≤-时,原方程有解,则20a b -≤≤;............10分

当0a >时,22()()()

x ax x a h x x ax x a ?-≥=?-+

a 上单调减,在[,)

a +∞上单调增; ① 当



≥,即4a ≥时,max min ()(2)24,()(0)0h x h a h x h ==-==,则当0224b a ≤-≤-时,原方程有解,则20a b -≤≤;

② 当22a a <≤,即24a ≤<时,2max min ()(),()(0)024a a h x h h x h ====,则当2


a b ≤-≤时,



a b -≤≤;





max min



a a

h x h h a h x h















h x=,则当






















h x a


b a



a b
















-......................................16 分


高一数学期中考试试题 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 一.填空题(本题满分44分,每小题4分) 1.化简2sin2cos21-的结果是 。 2. 如果,0sin tan <αα且,1cos sin 0<+<αα那么α的终边在第 象限。 3.若{}360 30,k k Z αα= =?+∈o o ,则其中在720720-o o :之间的角有 。 4. 若()1tan -=β+α,且3tan =α,则=βtan 。 5. 设02 π αβ<<< ,则 ()1 2 αβ-的取值范围是 。 6.已知,2 12tan =θ则()()()=? ?? ???+??? ? ?π-θθ-πθ-ππ-θ12sin 2cos sin cos 。 7. 已知1sin sin 2 =+αα,则2 4 cos cos α+= 。 8.在ABC ?中,若4 2 22c b a S -+=?,则C ∠的大小是 。 9.已知y x y x sin cos ,2 1 cos sin 则= 的取值范围是 . 10.在ABC ?中,2cos sin 2=+B A ,3cos 2sin = +A B ,则∠C 的大小应为 。 11.函数()x f y =的图像与直线b x a x ==,及x 轴所围成图形的面积称为函数()x f 在[]b a ,上的面积,已 知函数nx y sin =在?? ????n π,0上的面积为( ) 2 n N n * ∈。则函数x y 3sin =在?? ? ???32,0π上的面积为 ,函数()13sin +-=πx y 在??? ? ? ?34,3ππ上的面积为 . 二、选择题(本题满分12分,每小题3分) 12. 函数()sin()4 f x x π =- 的图像的一条对称轴和一个对称中心是 ( ) .A 4 x π = ,,04π?? ??? .B 2x π = , ,04π?? - ??? .C 4x π =- , ,04π?? ??? .D 2x π=- ,04 π??- ?? ? 13.若5 4 2cos ,532sin =θ=θ,则角θ的终边在 ( ) .A 第I 象限 .B 第II 象限


2017-2018学年度第一学期第三次质量检测 高一英语试卷 满分:150分时间:120分钟 注意事项: 1.答题前请在答题卡上填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A There is an old English saying. It tells us that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever. This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours’ sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work well and they may not be healthy. The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body. Our blood moves to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better. ( )1. If we want to be healthy, we must________. A. eat more B. sleep more C. play more D. go to bed early and get up early ( )2. Children of young age should have ______ hours’ sle ep every day. A. ten B. nine C. eleven D. twelve ( )3. If children don’t have enough sleep, they will not________. A. work well B. be clever and healthy C. eat well D. A and B ( ) 4.The body also needs________. A. sports B. running C. exercise D. playing B In Canada you can find dogs,cats,horses,etc.in almost every family.These are their pets.People love these pets and have them as their good friends.Before they keep them in their houses,they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射)so that they won’t carry disease.They have special animal food stores,though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store.Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food.When you visit people’s houses,they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them.You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal.They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada.They have a law against killing wild animals.If you killed an animal,you would be punished.If an animal happened to get run over by a car,people would be very sad about it. People in Canada have many reasons to like animals.One of them might be:Their family ties are not as close as ours.When children grow up,they leave their parents and start their own life.Then the old will feel lonely.But pets can solve this problem.They can be good friends and never leave them alone. 5.The passage mainly talks about _______. A. how to keep disease from pets B. pets in Canada C. how to take good care of pets D. life of the old in Canada 6.In Canada,children leave their parents when they grow up because _______。 A. they don’t love their parents any more B. they can only find jobs far from their parents C. their parents’ houses are too small D. they wouldn’t depend on their parents any more 7.Which of the following is TRUE? A. People buy animal food only at the animal food stores. B.Pets eat better than people. C. Almost every family has a birdcage in his house. D.Any bird can come to the bird feeders to eat. C Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food.They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the desert in time.Why is more and more land becoming desert?Scientists think that people make deserts.People are doing bad things to the earth. Some places on the earth don’t get much rain.But they still don’t become deserts.This is because


数学试卷 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 一、单选题(每小题5分,共60分) 1.已知集合{}2,3,4,6A =,{}1,2,3,4,5B =,则A ∩B=( ) A .{}1,2,3,4 B .{}1,2,3 C .{}2,3 D .{}2,3,4 2.计算12 94??= ? ?? ( ) A . 32 B . 8116 C . 98 D . 23 3.函数 y = ) A .[1,]-+∞ B .[]1,0- C .()1,-+∞ D .()1,0- 4.一个球的表面积是16π,那么这个球的体积为( ) A . 163 π B . 323 π C . 643 π D . 256 3 π 5.函数3 ()21x f x x =--的零点所在的区间为( ) A .()1,2 B .()2,3 C .()3,4 D .() 4,5 6.下列函数中,是偶函数的是( ) A .3y x = B .||=2x y C .lg y x =- D .x x y e e -=-

7.函数()2 3x f x a -=+恒过定点P ( ) A .()0,1 B .()2,1 C .()2,3 D .()2,4 8.已知圆柱的高等于1,侧面积等于4π,则这个圆柱的体积等于( ) A .4π B .3π C .2π D .π 9.设20.9 20.9,2,log 0.9a b c ===,则( ) A .b a c >> B .b c a >> C .a b c >> D .a c b >> 10.某几何体的三视图如图所示(单位:cm ) ,则该几何体的表面积(单位:cm 2)是( ) A .16 B .32 C .44 D .64 11.() ( ) 2 ln 32f x x x =-+的递增区间是( ) A .(),1-∞ B .31,2?? ??? C .3,2??+∞ ??? D .()2,+∞ 12.已知(3)4,1 ()log ,1a a x a x f x x x --


高一下学期期中考试数学试卷 试卷说明:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,满分150分,考试时间为120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(必修模块5) 满分100分 一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1. 在△ABC 中,若∠A =60°,∠B =45°,23=a ,则=b ( ) A. 23 B. 3 C. 32 D. 34 2. 已知公比为2的等比数列}{n a 的各项都是正数,且16113=a a ,则=5a ( ) A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8 3. 不等式1 21+-x x 0≤的解集为( ) A. ??? ??-1,21 B. ?? ????-1,21 C. ),1[21,+∞??? ??-∞-Y D. ),1[21,+∞??? ? ?-∞-Y 4. 不等式0)12)(2(2>--+x x x 的解集为( ) A. )4,2()3,(---∞Y B. ),4()2,3(+∞--Y C. ),3()2,4(+∞--Y D. )3,2()4,(---∞Y 5. 已知b a b a ,,0,0>>的等比中项是1,且b a n a b m 1,1+=+=,则n m +的最小值是( ) A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 6. 已知等差数列}{n a 的前n 项和为n S ,15,555==S a ,则数列}1{ 1 +n n a a 的前100项和为( ) A. 100 101 B. 10099 C. 101 99 D. 101100 7. 在△ABC 中,若C c B b A a sin sin sin <+,则△ABC 的形状是( ) A. 锐角三角形 B. 直角三角形 C. 钝角三角形 D. 正三角形 8. 若数列}{n a 满足121,211+- ==+n n a a a ,则2013a =( ) A. 31 B. 2 C. 2 1- D. -3 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。 9. 在△ABC 中,若B C A b a 2,3,1=+==,则C sin =__________。 10. 等比数列}{n a 中,40,204321=+=+a a a a ,则65a a +等于__________。 11. 等差数列}{n a 的前n 项和n S 满足31105=S S ,则20 5S S =__________。


2017-2018学年高一英语第二学期期末试卷 本试卷共10页,三大题, 满分150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生首先检查答题卡是否整洁无缺损,监考教师分发的考生信息条形码是否正确;之后务必用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔在答题卡指定位置填写自己的学校、姓名和考生号,同时,将监考教师发放的条形码正向准确粘贴在答题卡的贴条形码 区,请保持条形码整洁、不污损。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。不按要求填涂的, 答案无效。 3.非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上,请注意每题答题空间,预先合理安排;如需改动,先划掉原来 的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案 无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 第I卷 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. John as well as the other children who _______ no parents _______ good care of

in the village. A. have; is being taken B. have; has taken C. has; is taken D. has; have been taken 2. The number of deaths will be reduced greatly if people _______ to eat more fruit and vitamins. A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuade D. are persuaded 3. A talk on Chinese history _______ in the school hall next week. A.is given B. has been given C. will be given D. gives 4. — Elisabeth had a birthday party yesterday. Did you go to her party? — No. I ___________. Did you have a good time? A. was not invited B. have not been invited C. hadn’t been invited D. didn’t invite 5. We haven’t heard from Peter for a long time. What __________ to him? A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened 6. — Lily is a happy girl, but today she seems in a bad mood. — Something ____________ to her. A. must happen B. should have happened C. could have happened D. must have happened 7. — ___________ you finish your essay in time? — I am afraid ____________. A. Can; can’t B. May; not C. Must; needn’t D. Can; not 8. Doctor Wang _____ at seven o’clock for the conference, but she didn’t turn up.


2018-2019学年上学期高一期末考试试卷 数学 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目 要求的. 1.[2018·五省联考]已知全集U =R ,则下列能正确表示集合{}0,1,2M =和{} 220N x x x +==关系的韦恩(Venn )图是( ) A . B . C . D . 2.[2018·三明期中]已知函数()lg ,011,0x x f x x x >?=?+≤?,则()()1f f -=( ) A .2- B .0 C .1 D .1- 3.[2018·重庆八中]下列函数中,既是偶函数,又在(),0-∞内单调递增的为( ) A .22y x x =+ B .2x y = C .22x x y -=- D .12 log 1y x =- 4.[2018·大庆实验中学]已知函数()3 2x f x a x =--的一个零点在区间()1,3内,则实数a 的取值 范围是( ) A .51,2? ?- ?? ? B .5,72?? ??? C .()1,7- D .()1,-+∞

5.[2018·金山中学]某三棱锥的三视图如图所示,则该三棱锥的各个面中,最大的面积是( ) A . B . 2 C .1 D 6.[2018·黄山八校联考]若m ,n 是两条不同的直线,α,β是两个不同的平面,则下列命题正确的是( ) A .若αβ⊥,m β⊥,则//m α B .若//m α,n m ⊥,则n α⊥ C .若//m α,//n α,m β?,n β?,则//αβ D .若//m β,m α?,n α β=,则//m n 7.[2018·宿州期中]已知直线1:30l mx y -+=与211:22 l y x =-+垂直,则m =( ) A .12- B .12 C .2- D .2 8.[2018·合肥九中]直线l 过点()0,2,被圆22:4690C x y x y +--+=截得的弦长为线l 的方程是( ) A .4 23 y x = + B .1 23y x =-+ C .2y = D .4 23 y x =+或2y =


密 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 高一上学期15计1班数学考试试卷 一.单选题(每题2分,共40分) 1.设集合M={1,2,3,4},集合N={1,3},则M Y N 的真子集个数是( ) A 、16 B 、15 C 、7 D 、8 2.2a =a 是a>0 ( ) A .充分必要条件 B. 充分且不必要条件 C.必要且不充分条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 3.下列各命题正确的( ) A 、}0{?φ B 、}0{=φ C 、}0{∈φ D 、}0{0? 4.设集合M={x ︱x ≤2},a=3,则( ) A. a ?M B. a ∈M C. {a} ∈M D.{a}=M 5.设集合M={}1,0,5- N={}0则( ) A.M ∈N B.N ?M C.N 为空集 D.M ?N 6.已知集合M={(x ,y )2=+y x },N={(x, y) 4=-y x },那么M I N=( ) A. {(3,-1)} B. {3,-1} C. 3,-1 D. {(-1, 3)} 7. 设函数f(x)=k x +b(k ≠0),若f(1)=1,f(-1)=5,则f(2)=( ) A.1 B.2 C.-1 D.-2 8.函数y=2x -+6x+8的单调增区间是( ) A. (-∞, 3] B. [3, +∞) C.(-∞,-3] D.[-3, +∞) 9.已知关于x 的不等式2x - ax+ a>0的解集为实数集,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .(0,2) B.[2,+∞) C.(0,4) D.(- ∞,0)∪(4,+∞) 10.下列函数中,在(0,+∞)是减函数的是( ) A. y=-x 1 B. y=x C. y=-2x D. y =2x 11.不等式 5 1 -x >2的解集是( ) A.(11,+∞) B.(-∞,-9) C.(9, 11) D.(-∞,-9)∪(11,+∞) 12.下列各函数中,表示同一函数的是( ) A. y=x 与x x y 2= B. x x y =与y=1


高一上学期期中数学卷 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共60.0分) 1. 设集合A ={1,2,4},B ={x |x 2-4x +m =0}.若A ∩B ={1},则B =( ) A. {1,?3} B. {1,0} C. {1,3} D. {1,5} 2. 设函数f (x )={x 2+1,x ≤1 2 x ,x >1,则f (f (3))=( ) A. 1 5 B. 3 C. 2 3 D. 13 9 3. 如果幂函数y =(m 2-3m +3)x m 2 ?m?2的图象不过原点,则m 取值是( ) A. ?1≤m ≤2 B. m =1或m =2 C. m =2 D. m =1 4. 设a =0.80.7,b =0.80.9,c =1.20.8,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系是( ) A. a >b >c B. b >c >a C. c >a >b D. c >b >a 5. 用二分法求函数f (x )=ln x -2 x 的零点时,初始的区间大致可选在( ) A. (1,2) B. (2,3) C. (3,4) D. (e,+∞) 6. 函数f (x )=√2?2x +1 log 3 x 的定义域为( ) A. {x|x <1} B. {x|01} 7. 已知函数f (x )=a x -2,g (x )=log a |x |(其中a >0且a ≠1),若f (4)g (4)<0, 则f (x ),g (x )在同一坐标系内的大致图象是( ) A. B. C. D. 8. 方程|log a x |=(1 a )x 有两个不同的实数根,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A. (1,+∞) B. (1,10) C. (0,1) D. (10,+∞) 9. 设奇函数f (x )在(0,+∞)上为单调递减函数,且f (2)=0,则不等式 3f(?x)?2f(x) 5x ≤0 的解集为( ) A. (?∞,?2]∪(0,2] B. [?2,0]∪[2,+∞) C. (?∞,?2]∪[2,+∞) D. [?2,0)∪(0,2] 10. 已知f (x )={(a ?3)x +4a,x ≥0a x ,x<0 ,对任意x 1≠x 2都有 f(x 1)?f(x 2)x 1?x 2 <0成立,则a 的取 值是( ) A. (0,3) B. (1,3] C. (0,1 4] D. (?∞,3) 11. 定义域为D 的函数f (x )同时满足条件①常数a ,b 满足a <b ,区间[a ,b ]?D ,② 使f (x )在[a ,b ]上的值域为[ka ,kb ](k ∈N +),那么我们把f (x )叫做[a ,b ]上的


2017—2018学年度第一学期期末考试 高一英语试题 第一部分听力 第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates. B. Colleagues.(同事) C.Teacher and student. 2. What do we know about the man? A. He is going to take exercise. B. He is going to have meetings. C. He is going to clean his shirts. 3. How will the speaker get a ticket to the concert? A. The man will go to buy the ticket. B. The woman will get the ticket. C. The man will have someone buy the ticket. 4.What will the man do? A. Turn in his paper. B.Pay the telephone bill. C.Help the woman. 5. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Watch the game tomorrow. B. Do the work tonight. C. Enjoy the game tonight. 第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What had the woman to do first? A. Give her name. B.Do a test. C.Get new books. 7. Where did the woman give her name? A. At the reception. B.At the secretary's. C.In the test room. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Guide and tourist. B. Teacher and student. C. Saleswoman and customer. 9. What does the man care most about? A. The type. B. The brand. C. The quality. 10. How many brands are mentioned? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 听第8段材料,回答第11至14题。 11. Who will pay the bill? A. The man. B. The woman. C. The woman's husband. 12. What does the man order for dessert? A.Ice cream. B.Salad. C.None. 13. What food has a light taste? A. Beijing food. B. Shanghai food. C. Hunan food. 14. What does the man think about Chinese food? A. Very delicious. B. Very spicy. C. Oily. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15. Why does the woman hate spring in this city? A. It is seldom sunny. B. It seldom rains. C. It is very hot. 16. What does the woman think of climbing mountains? A. Challenging. B. Interesting. C. Tiring. 17. What does the man prefer to do during his summer holiday? ' A. Active activities. . . B. Lying on the beach. C. Staying at home. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18. Who will give an introduction to the school? A. John Smith. B. The headmaster. C. The Washington major. 19. What are the Chinese students doing in the USA? A. Studying. B. Visiting. C. Performing. 20. What will the Chinese students do on Tuesday evening? A. Visit the lab building and the library. B. Visit the Statue of Liberty. C. Have a party. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(每小题2分,共30分)从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项. A Monday 8—10a. m. TECHNOLOGY Information Technology (IT)—Using the Internet In this lesson, students learn how to surf the internet safely and effectively. There will also be information about using different search engines. Finally, this lesson teaches students about the best websites to use to continue their education online. 10—12a. m ARTS 10:00a. m. DRAMA Students learn the play that the teacher gave before class. During this lesson,


高一年级期末考试 数学试题 一、选择题:(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.5sin 3 π的值是( ) A. 12 B. 12- C. 2 D. 2- 2.已知4sin 5 α=- ,并且α是第三象限角,那么tan α的值是( ) A. 43 B. 43- C. 34 D. 34- 3.若角α终边上有一点(,),0P a a a -≠,则sin α的值是( ) A. 2 B. 2- C. 2± D.具体由a 的值确定 4.若sin cos 0θθ?>,则θ是( ) A. 第一、二象限角 B. 第一、三象限角 C. 第一、四象限角 D. 第二、四象限角 5.sin14cos16sin76cos74???+???的值是( ) A. B. 12 C. D. 12 - 6.在ABC ?中,已知8,60,75a B C ==?=?,则b 的值是( ) A. B. C. D. 323 7.M 为AB uuu r 上任意一点,则AM DM DB -+u u u u r u u u u r u u u r 等于( ) A.AB uuu r B.AC uuu r C.AD u u u r D.BC uuu r 8.已知向量(1,2),(2,3)a b ==r r ,且实数x 与y 满足等式(3,4)xa yb +=r r ,则,x y 的值分别为 ( ) A.1,2x y =-= B.1,2x y ==- C.2,1x y =-= D.2,1x y ==- 9.若向量(1,),(,4)a x b x =-=-r r 共线且方向相同,则x 的值为( )



2 2017-2018学年度第一学期期末考试 高一数学试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共4页,满分120分.考试限定用时100分钟.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、考籍号分别填写在试卷和答题纸规定的位置. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共48分) 参考公式: 1.锥体的体积公式1,,.3V Sh S h =其中是锥体的底面积是锥体的高 2.球的表面积公式2 4S R π=,球的体积公式 3 43 R V π= , 其中R 为球的半径. 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共 48分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知全集{0,1,2,3},{1,3}U A ==,则集合U C A = ( ) A .{}0 B .{}1,2 C .{}0,2 D .{}0,1,2 2.空间中,垂直于同一直线的两条直线 ( ) A .平行 B .相交 C .异面 D .以上

3 均有可能 3.已知幂函数()αx x f =的图象经过点? ????2,2 2,则()4f 的 值等于 ( ) A .16 B.1 16 C .2 D.12 4. 函数()1lg(2) f x x x = -+的定义域为 ( ) A.(-2,1) B.[-2,1] C.()+∞-,2 D. (]1,2- 5.动点P 在直线x+y-4=0上,O 为原点,则|OP|的最小值为 ( ) A . 10 B .22 C . 6 D .2 6.设m 、n 是两条不同的直线,α、β是两个不同的平面,则下列命题中正确的是 ( ) A .若m ∥n ,m ∥α,则n ∥α B .若α⊥β,m ∥α,则m ⊥β C .若α⊥β,m ⊥β,则m ∥α D .若m ⊥n ,m ⊥α, n ⊥β,则α⊥β


高一数学上学期期中考试试卷 一. 选择题(本大题共11小题,每小题4分,共44分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把正确的选项填在答题卡上。) 1. 设{}{}{} S M N ===1231213,,,,,,,那么()C M C N S S ()等于( ) A. ? B. {}13, C. {}1 D. {}23, 2. 不等式()()x x --<120的解集为( ) A. {} x x x ||<>12或 B. {}x x |-<<21 C. {} x x x |<->21或 D. {}x x |12<< 3. 函数y x x =≤2 0()的反函数为( ) A. y x x =≥()0 B. y x x =-≥()0 C. y x x = -≤()0 D. y x x =--≤()0 4. 下列函数中哪个与函数y x =是同一个函数( ) A. y x =()2 B. y x x =2 C. y x =33 D. y x = 2 5. 不等式11 2 1- 04或 B. {}x x x |<->40或 C. {}x x |04<< D. {}x x |-<<40 6. 命题“线段垂直平分线上的点到线段两端的距离相等”与它的逆命题、否命题、逆否命题中,真命题有( ) A. 4个 B. 3个 C. 2个 D. 1个 7. “p 或q 是假命题”是“非p 为真命题”的( ) A. 充分而不必要条件 B. 必要而不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 8. 反证法证明命题“如果a ,b ∈N ab ,可被5整除,那么a ,b 至少有一个能被5整除”应假设的内容是( ) A. a b ,都能被整除5 B. a b ,有一个不能被5整除 C. a 不能被5整除


河南郑州市2017-2018高一英语下学期期末试题(附答案) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is Mr. White? A. A salesman. B. A professor. C. A repairman. 2. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Take Bus 105. B. Ask another person. C. Walk to the railway station. 3. What is the man’s attitude towards the plan? A. He is against it. B. He doesn’t care. C. He thinks it is reasonable. 4. What is the man’s problem? A. He can’t see the sign clearly. B. He has no ticket for the movie. C. He’s parked in the wrong place. 5. In which year is the man in college now? A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where does the woman want to go? A. The post office. B. The cinema. C. A park. 7. Who can help the woman? A. The man with a bird. B. The man with a beard. C. The man with a bottle of beer. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Why is Jessie still at home? A. She takes the day off. B. She has enough time to go to work. C. She is waiting for the man to go out together. 9. What does Jessie think of taking the subway? A. Convenient and cheap. B. Crowded and expensive. C. Convenient but expensive. 10. What do we know about Jessie? A. She used to have breakfast in her office. B. Her office is far away from the subway station. C.

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