当前位置:文档之家› 新概念英语复习




1. I dreamed a sweet dream last night.

2. I never dreamed of such things.


1.I am afraid of him.

2.I went to collage at the age of 18.

3.I went to collage when I was 18.

4.You are quiet behind the age.?

5.the Stone Age

6.His face was winkled with age.?



9.Taiwan Strait

10.the Channel=the English channel

11.Which channel did you watch last night?

12.Throw-threw-thrown V.

13.Throw sb. Sth.=throw sth. To sb.

14.挂号信registered mail

15.海邮mail by sea


17.平邮ordinary mail

18.快件express mail

19.There is not any tea in the pot,

20.=there is no tea in the pot.

21.=there is none in the pot ,

22.none和no 的区别

23.no one nobody none 的区别

24.1.nobody,no one 是不定代词,指人,不能与of搭配,此时用none of

25.None of them is/are my students.

26.None of the dishes taste(s) delicious.

27.Who is in the room?

-Nobody. –No one .

28.What’s in the room ?


V oyage航海(大船)


Journey强调的是旅途的时间,路程。A 65-minute-journey by plane.


Travel around the world


29.decide to do sth.

30.post office=letters



1.Accuse of 控告,指责

2.accuse sb.of sth.因某事指控某人

3.He is accused of murder.他被控告为杀人。

4.She accused him of telling lies about her.她指责他诽谤她。


1.approve of 赞成、同意、批准

2.I don’t approve of your smoking.我不赞成你从这里吸烟。

3.I would like to skate with you if your parents approve如果你父母赞成的话,我想和你去滑


4.agree sb. About sth.同意某人做某事


1. Assure of 保证、确保

2. Assure sb. Of sth. Assure sb that 从句

3. This win assures us of a place in the final game .这场确保我们在决赛中占有一席之地。

4. I can assure you that the pocket will arrive next week.


1. Beware of 谨防、注意、当心。

2. Beware of the dog.

3. travelers should be beware of the thieves.旅游者要当心扒手。Thief=pickpocket


1. boast of/about 夸耀,夸口

2. boast +that+从句

3. She was always boast about her grades.她总是以她的成绩来夸口。

4. He boasted that he could do better than everyone else.他夸耀自己能比任何人做得都好。六、

1. complain of/about 抱怨、诉苦、提意见

2. complain that 从句

3. My dad complained about the food.我爸爸抱怨这顿饭。

4. She complained that her son’s bedroom was very dirty.她抱怨儿子的房间太脏。


1. Consist of由……组成

2. be made of 物理性变化

Be made from 化学性变化

Be made up of=consist of 由OOXX组成的

3. Air consists of nitrogen oxygen and a small amount of other gaser.



1. Convince of/about 确信、信服

2. Convince sb. Of sth.使得某人承认、

3. Convince sb. That

4. This convinced me of his honesty.这使得我相信他是诚实的。

5. He convinced me that the plan would succeed.他说服了我这个计划一定能获胜


1. Cure sb. Of sth. 治愈某人

2. The mother cured her child of his bad habit.妈妈治愈了她儿子的坏毛病。

3. If you take this medicine three times a day,it should cure your cold.


4.It is easy to cure this disease now.现在这种病是非常好治愈的。


1. Despair of 放弃。。。。。。的希望

2. Drive sb. To despair…….使得某人陷入绝望。

3. in despair在绝望之中

4. I despair of ever seeing my daughter again.我再也见不到我的女儿,我非常失望。

5. His action drove her to despair.他的行为使她陷入绝望。

6. “what must we do?”She asked in despair.

7. Don’t despair, everything will be fine.不要绝望,任何事情都会好转的。


1.dream of/about 做梦梦见渴望梦想

2.I dreamed about you last night.昨晚我梦见了你。

3.The boy dreams of becoming a pilot.小男孩梦想成为一名飞行员。

4.I dreamed a dream last night.昨晚我做了一个梦。

5.He dreamed that he was at sea.

6.at the sea在海边at sea 在航海

7.I saw my father in a dream. 我在梦中看见了我爸爸。


1.expect of/from 期待寄予

2.Expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事

3.be expecting怀孕

4.expect +that+ 从句

5.We expect much of him.我们对他希望不要太高

6.I expect better of you.你比我期待的还要好。

7.The teacher expected his students to do their duty.老师希望他的学生们完成他们的职责。

8.I expect that he will pass the examination.我期待这他能通过考试。


1.hear of/ about sb. 听说谁的事情

2.hear from sb.收到谁谁的来信,等到某人的消息。

3.I have heard a lot of you.关于你,我听到了许多消息。

4.She has heard him a lot,but she didn’t seen him yet.她听说了他很多消息,但一直没有见


5.I haven’t heard from he lately,

=I haven’t received a letter from him lately.



1.rid oneself of 摆脱。。。解脱。。。除去。。。

2.get/be ride of

3.We must rid ourselves of bad habit.我们必须摆脱身上的坏习惯

4.I am rid of bad cold now.我现在摆脱感冒困扰了。

5.Open the door to get rid of the smell.开窗户除味!



1.smell of 闻到、、、,散发出。。。的味道

2.The dish smell of garlic.= The smell of garlic was coming from the dish,


4.These flowers smell sweet这些花散发着芳香。

5.what a smell!多臭啊!

6.He smelled of the milk to see if it was fresh.他闻闻奶是否是新鲜的。


1.Suspect sb. of怀疑、猜疑

2.suspect that 从句

3.The shop assistant suspected him of stealing.

= The shop assistant suspected that he was a thief.



Think of/about 想念,想起,思考,考虑

1.I often thought of my old friends.

2.I was just thinking of you.

3.think back 回忆回想

think over 仔细想

think through彻底想

think up 想出

4.I like to think back all the fun we had together.我喜欢回忆所有我们度过的快乐时光。

5.Think it over,you don’t have to decide now.再仔细考虑一下,你不必现在做决定。

6.They obviously hadn’t thought the plan thought他们没有考虑整体计划。

7.Can’t we think up an excuse for not going?难道我们就不能找到一个理由不去?


1.tire of

2.be/get tired of 讨厌。。。。

3.He never tires of talking about his daughter.他从不厌烦和他的女儿谈话。

4.I am tired of eggs.我讨厌鸡蛋。


1.Warn sb. of/about sth.警告提醒

2.warn sb. not to do sth./against doing sth.警告某人不要。。。。。。

3.我警告你提防他。I warned you about him.

4.我提醒这些男孩不要跑到街上去玩。I warned the boys not to play on the road.

=I warned the boys against playing on the road.



Borrow sth. From……从。。。那里借来

1.TOM找LIL Y,我,银行接了4000$。Tom borrowed $4000from Lily/me/the bank.


1.defend……from/against 防御、保护、使……免于

2.我们应该学会如何保护自己We should learn how to defend ourselves.

3.我们下定决心使国家免于敌人的侵入We decide to defend our country against enemies.

4.decide to= make up our mind to=were determined to=make a big decision to=下定决心


1. Demand sth. Of /from sb.要求

2. Demand to do sth./n./从句

3. Mum demanded an apology from her son,妈妈要求儿子向他道歉。

4. PS:hope to do sth. =wish to do sth./+从句期望某人做某事、


1.differ from……。。。区别。。。


3.differ with 和。。。。。。不同differ about 在。。。。。方向

4.She differed from me about what to do on vacation.他给我区别了假期要做什么、


1. Dismiss from 被免职。被解雇。



1. draw 画画拉牵从。。。里抽出打成平局

2. She is drawing a picture at the moment.他她正在画画。

3.I draw a chair to the table.我拉了一把椅子到桌那。

4. This play drew a lot of people.这场剧目吸引了很多人。

5. They drew a game.他们打成了平局。

6. Draw from……从。。。。。。得到,从。。。取出汲取

7. She draw a lot of knowledge from books.她从书里汲取很多知识。


1.Emerge from. 从。。。里露出来从。。。出现

2.The sun emerged from behind the clouds.太阳从云层后露出。


1.Escape from 从。。。逃掉露出。。。(液体或气体)

2.The prisoner escaped from the prison.囚犯越狱了!

3.tube软管牙膏rubber强盗thief 小偷


1.excuse for /from允许

2.Can I be excused from football practice.能允许我参加足球比赛吗

3.practice doing sth. 坚持练习做某事

4.She was excused from classes for two weeks.他被允许脱离课堂两周。


1.Hider from 阻止、阻碍

2.I was hindered from getting here earlier.


1.Prevent from 阻止防止制止

2.We were prevented by heavy smoke from seeing anything.我们被烟雾阻挡以至于看不到任


3. A lot of trees prevent the earth from raining away种树能防止水土流失。


1.prohibit from 禁止不准(较严厉)

2.The law prohibits stores from selling fireworks.法律不允许商店出售烟火。


1.protect from……保护。。。使之免受伤害

2.Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sunlight.戴太阳镜使你的眼睛免收伤害


1.receive from 收到。。。

2.He received a lot of support from the public.他从公众之间收到了很多支持。


1.separate from 把……分开隔开、、、

2. A fence separates the cows from the pigs.

3.England is separated from France by the Channel.英吉利海峡隔开了英国和法国。


1.Suffer from 受苦受难。蒙受

2.She was suffering from a headache.她正在蒙受头痛。

In 欲知后事如何请听下回分解


青少版新概念英语1a教案详解版 UNIT 1 Meet the family! Ⅰ.教学内容 句型与结构词 My name is… Is this your/my pen Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Whose is this pen % It is / I t’s my/your pen. Ⅱ. 教学目标 1)学会用英语进行日常的打招呼; 2)学会用英语简单的自我介绍; 3)学会用英语介绍自己的家人和朋友; 4)学会用英语数1-10; 5)学会两个前元音/I/和/i:/。 Ⅲ. 教学重点 … 陈述句(Statements)

一般疑问句(Simple Question) 特殊疑问句(Wh-question) LESSON 1(1课时) Warm-up Teacher: Hello! Everyone, my name is Karen(教师英文名), Nice to meet you. & What’s your name (逐一询问学生姓名) Hello! ***(学生姓名)

Write the students ’ English names on the whiteboard. Let ’s count how many students are there in the classroom (One, two, three, four, and five…) Listening and Understanding 听力理解 1) 介绍故事 Today we meet the Jenkins family. 2) 理解情景 Please open your books and turn to page 2. Let ’s look at the pictures together. 3) 听力目标 Please close your books and listen to the tape to find the answer … 4) & 5) 播放录音或朗读对话 No stop 6) 回答问题 Ask the question again, (让一个学生回答,其他学生举手表示同意与否Is he/she right or wrong) 7) 精读 Let’s listen to the tape again and read the sentence one by one.(让程度较好的学生给出解释) 8) 再次播放录音或朗读对话 No stop 9) 重复跟读 Let ’s repeat the text sentence by sentence. 10) 大声朗读 Let ’s read the text together loudly. Notes on the Text 课文注释 1) ] 2) Hello!—How do you do —Hi!—Nice to meet you! (3) My name is William Jenkins. 4) This is my family . 5) This is Karen. Karen is my wife . How do you do 6) This is Lucy. Lucy ’s my daughter . Hello! 7) This is my son, Robert. Hi!


第一节.单项填空,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共计15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 21.---Would you mind if I turned on the TV and watched CCTV news? ---___________. As a m atter of fact, I also like watching CCTV news. A. No, you can’t B. Yes, I do C. No, go ahead D. OK, no problem 22.She talked ______ she saw the accident. But in fact she only heard of it from others. A. so that B. as though C. even though D. once 23.The traffic in our county is very busy, for some main streets _______. A.have been rebuilt B.rebuilt C.are being rebuilt D.are rebuilding 24.Nobody knows what happened _____ her _____ the morning of May 1. A. for; in B . with; on C. to; on D. to; in 25.---I missed the first part of the film.It was really a pity. ---You ______home half an hour earlier. A.should go B.must have gone C.should leave D.should have left 26. The (H1N1) flu ________quickly in Lixin last month. A. spread B. spreads C. traveled D. travels 27. With so much homework _____, Tom has to stay at home. A. to do B. to be done C. done D. doing 28.---- Your daughter looks shy. ----After all, it is the first time that she ____ a speech to the public. A.had made B. has made C. is making D. makes 29.---- I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday. ---- Oh, how nice! Do you know when she ____? A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. left


新概念英语经典题_附答案 昨日习题: You have so much time. So you ________ worry. A mustn't B needn't C can't 答案:B解析:mustn't 表示绝对禁止needn't表示没必要can't 表示不能。根据句意可知:“你有如此多的时间,所以没必要担心." 所以应该选B. 今日习题:翻译:1. 我今天早上8:00 吃的早饭—————————————— 2. 我已经吃过早饭了。____________________ 今日习题:There _____ a dog and two cats in the gardon . A is B are C am D be 答案:A解析:本题考查There be句型,很多同学会误选B,而There be 句型有一个特殊的规定:“就近原则”,be动词后面是a dog 单数,所以选A is . 昨日习题:用a, an 填空.____ book _________apple _______ hour 答案:a an an 解析:填a 还是an . 是由后面单词的首个因素(音标)决定,而不是首个字母。最容易出错的是hour这个单词。它的音标是['a??],从读音上可判断首个音标是一个元音音标,所以填an . mine .__________________

答案解析:首先特殊疑问句一般是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句。第一题划线部分做的是The book 的定语,对定语的提问应该用which , 这里是which book. 再加一般疑问句,之前我们第一次练习题里面就有讲到一般疑问句,那四步骤。这里不再说。重点知道一变二(mine变yours).第二题:我的书在桌子上,这里on the desk ,强调位置又做表语. 所以只能用where . 今日习题:(用所给词的适当形式填空)。I _________ (do my homework) now. 答案: am doing my homework解析:有时间是now,可以判断是现在进行时,而现在进行时态的结构是:be+doing ,因为主语是I,所以be 动词只能用am。最后答案是am doing my homework 今日习题:用many /much填空、 I have ______ books. I have _______ money. 答案:many ,much解析:many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词. book是可数的,但是money在英语里面是不可数的。 今日习题:用in front of / in the front of 填空。 The driver is ____________ the bus.(司机在车的内部) There is a tree _______________ the house.(树在房子的外部) 答案:in the front of / in front of 解析:in the front of 是在。。。。内部的前面。in front of 是在。。。。。外部的前面。 今日习题:You get 90 points, I get 60 points . You get ______ mistakes than I get. A. less B fewer C more D many 答案:B解析:Little 比较级是less. few比较级是fewer. little ,less 是修饰不可数名词,few fewer是修饰可数名词。你得了90分,我得了60分。所以你的错误比我的要少,又因为mistakes (错误复数)是可数的,所以选B.今日习题:I ______________ in two weeks .


新概念英语综合测试题 班级:姓名: 听力部分 1.听音,选出你所听到的单词。10 1. ( ) A. wash B. wait C. shave D. sleep 2. ( ) A. June B. July C. September D. December 3. ( ) A. south B. north C. east D. west 4. ( ) A. season B. set C. summer D. snow 5. ( ) A. climate B. country C. chicken D. steak 6. ( ) A. mince B. meat C. sweet D. butter 7. ( ) A. bean B. pear C. pea D. peach 8. ( ) A. tomato B. potato C. pleasant D. spring 9. ( ) A. Spain B. Sweden C. Holland D. England 10( ) A. beer B. banana C. blackboard D. butter 2.为你所听到的单词选择正确的汉语意思。10 1. ( ) A. 甜的 B. 新鲜的 C. 上等的 D. 成熟的 2. ( ) A. 香蕉 B. 果酱 C. 苹果 D. 果酒 3. ( ) A. 饼干 B. 蛋糕 C. 水壶 D. 茶壶 4. ( ) A. 举起 B. 喜欢 C. 想 D. 展出 5. ( ) A. 后面 B. 找到 C. 沸腾 D. 当然 6. ( ) A. 面包 B. 咖啡 C. 肥皂 D. 烟丝 7. ( ) A. 前面 B. 后面 C. 左边 D. 右边 8. ( ) A. 花瓶 B. 茶壶 C. 盘子 D. 瓷器 9. ( ) A. 努力的 B. 工作 C. 书架 D. 锤子 10. ( ) A. 建筑物 B. 公园 C. 山谷 D. 村庄 3. 为你所听到的问题选择正确的答案。10 1. ( ) A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, she is. 2. ( ) A. I’m a keyboard operator. B. She’s my teacher. 3. ( ) A. I’m fine. B. She’s OK. 4. ( ) A. I’m blue. B. It’s blue.


新概念英语第一册1-12课习题New Concept English 专项训练 ? (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1.???? radio?????????? 2. knife???????? 3. glass??????? 4. shelf? 5. boss???????? 6. dress??????? 7. housewife???????? ?? 9. leaf?????????? 10. church??????? 11. mouth???? 12. family 13. tie??????? 14. tomato???????? 15. piano?????? 16. baby 17. tooth???? 18. country??????? 19. key??????? 20 potato? 21. match??????? 22. box???? 23. hour???? 24. hero???? 25. Greman 二用冠词a, an, the 或 some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用 / 代替. 1.???? Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well. 2.???? He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink, is there _____ left? 3.???? It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies.


新概念英语青少版 1a ---- 在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上, 《新概念英语青少版》拥有更多不同的特质 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Meet the family! (认识下我的家人 William: Hello. My name is William Jenkins. This is my family. This is Karen. Karen is my wife. (你好,我的名字叫威廉 . 詹金斯,这是我的家人,这是凯伦,是我的妻子。 Karen: How do you do? (你好 William:This is Lucy. Lucy’s my daughter. (这是露西,露西是我的女儿。 Lucy :Hello! (你好 William: This is my son, Robert. (这是我的儿子,罗伯特。 Robert: Hi! (嗨。

William:And this is Paul. Paul’s my nephew. (这是保罗,保罗是我的侄子。 Paul: Hello! Nice to meet you! (你好,很高兴见到你。 Rhyme 英语童谣: One, two, this is my shoe One, two, this is my shoe Three, four, that is the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, open the gate. Nine, ten, say this again. Unit 2 What is it? (那是什么? Robert: Hey, this is good! Look, Lucy! What is this? (嘿,这个真不错,看,露西,这是什么? Lucy: It's a wheel. (是车轮。 Robert : No, it isn't! Look! It's green! It's a hat! (不是,看,它是绿色的额,是个帽 子。 Lucy: OK. It's a green hat. (嗯,诗歌绿色的帽子。 Robert: Now look! What's this? (再看,这是什么? Lucy: It's a flower. It's a red flower. (是花,红色的花。 Robert: No, it isn't. It's a red umbrella.


填入be的正确形式(am, is, are) 1.This__a red tie. 2.Those___yellow hats. 3.What nationality__your mother? 4.What colour___her blouses? 5.Whose books__these? 6.Her sister__a student. 7.They___tourists. 8.We___French. 9.Jim and I___English. 10.Your father___a policeman. 11.___your mother a housewife? 12.___your dog fat? 13.___you’re a boy?14.his father and mother German? 15.The girls___tired. 16.What___the matter,children? 17.There___an ice cream man. 18.These dresses___ince. 19.I___a tall woman. 20.___I old? 21.It___a red car pet. 22.___your brothers short? 23.The cases___brown. 24.Sophie′s watch___yellow. 25.We___Chinese. 26.Mr.Blake__our teacher. 同意句转换,不能换的打X 1.Put on your coat. 2.Take it off,please. 3.Turn off the cooker. 4.Send the flower to my wife. 5.Show this vase to my mother. 6.Give it to her,please. 7.Take your father this tie. 8.Take them off,please.


新概念英语青少版内容简介 《新概念英语青少版》是“新概念英语”教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专家路易·亚历山大、朱莉娅·亚历山大和罗伊·金斯伯里专为中国8-14岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别的学生用书和练习册分为A、B两个分册。 《新概念英语青少版》在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,更加强调语法大纲的渐进性,讲授新的语法结构之前,都会不断地循环复习前面学过的语法知识。此外,教材针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。课文以一个英国家庭以及他们的朋友的故事为主线,语言精练幽默。精心设计的听力、口语、阅读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力,使他们能够逐步充满自信地运用英语进行交流! 完整的知识和技能体系帮助学生系统地学习英语语法、词汇、语音,全面提升他们的听、说、读、写能力。教材内容涵盖了我国“英语课程标准”对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了他们实际交际运用的需要;教学内容参照语法大纲循序渐进地编排,由浅入深、注重新旧知识的结合,重点内容的复现率高,帮助学生能力螺旋式上升;所有课文都基于一个英语家庭和他们朋友间发生的日常故事,语言材料真实、地道、精炼、幽默,向学生介绍当代英国文化的同时,帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养他们的跨文化交际意识;内容详备的教师用书,为教师提供完整的教学方案,帮助教师快速掌握授课方法,节省备课时间和精力。每单元均配有丰富的练习活动,便于教师创造性地运用教材,灵活掌控教学进度;大量生动、幽默的彩色插图,时尚、清新的版式设计,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力;所有音像产品均由BBC 专业人士录音,发音地道纯正,生动传情。本书相当于国家英语课程标准1级要求,适合小学3、4年级学生。 新概念英语青少版丛书特色 在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,《新概念英语青少版》拥有更多不同的特质: 首先,整套教材充分展现了时代特点,产品包括了图书、MP3、DVD各种媒体形式,便于学习;内容上针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料,强调故事性,具有浓厚的生活气息,引导青少年树立积极健康的品格。再通过精心设计的听力、阅读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力,最终能够充满自信地运用英语进行交流。


新概念英语第一册练习题(一) Lesson 1 Excuse me! 请大家将你的答案写在后面吧 Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! A About you Copy this dialogue. Add your own name at the end. 抄写这段对话,. 在结尾处加上你的名字。Sue: Excuse me. ______ John: Yes ______ Sue: What's your name ______ John: Pardon ______ Sue: What's your name ______ John: My name is John. ______ Sue: What's your name ______ You: My name is...... ______ B Vocabulary: Write the correct words in the questions.. 用正确的词完成以下问句。 book car coat dress house√. pen pencil shirt wathc 1 Is this your h______ 6 Is this your c______ 2 Is this your w______ 7 Is this your c______ 3 Is this your sh ______ 8 Is this your d______ 4 Is this your b______ 9 Is this your p______ 5 Is this your p______ 10 Is this your s ______ C Numbers: Write the numbers in figures.. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。 three 3 ten______ one______ four______ six______ five______ eight_________ seven______ two______ nine______ 新概念英语第一册练习题(二) Lesson 2 Is this your.... 这是你的....吗? A Structure Write questions with the words.用所给的词写出问句。 Handbag Is this your handbag? 1 book ______ 2 car ______ 3 coat ______ 4 dress ______ 5 house ______ 6 pen ______ 7 pencil ______ 8 shirt ______ 9 skirt ______ 10 watch ______


新概念1-72课阶段练习题 一. 选择题 1. They ________in the garden. A. walk C. are walking D. is walking 2. There is ________milk in the cup. B. any C. a 3. There______some news for you. 4. Can you see a book on the table?___________ A. Yes, I can . , I can. C. Yes, I am. D. No, I can not. 5. He likes music. I like music, ____. B. too D. neither 6. Would you like ________ coffee? 7. Please give a book_ __me. 8. She can __ ____English well. D. is speaking 9. He enjoys _________basketball. play playing 10. Tom often goes to school ____7 o’clock _____ the

morning. , on , in ,at , in 二、介词填空 1. There is a window _____ the wall. 2. There are some birds ____the tree. 3. They arrived ____Huizhou ____6:30____a cold winter day. 4. My brother doesn’t like watching TV ____ noon. 5. We usually go to school ____ bike. 6. They are playing ____ the park. 7. There are some oranges ____the tree. 8. There is a picture ____ the wall. 三.时刻表达 1. 5:40 ___________ 2. 7:54 ________ 3. 6:30 ______ _____ 4. 5:08 _____ _____ 5. 5:55 ______ _____ 6. 1:20 _______________ 7. 3: 15 ______________ 8. 11:00 _______________ 9. 2: 45 _______________ 10. 9:47 ____________ 四.按要求写出下列形式 1. I _____ (宾格) 2. watch _____ (复数) 3. go _____ (动词单三) 4. swim _____ (现在分


精心整理新概念英语青少版1A课文全集 Lesson1Meetthefamily J:J Hello,myname’sWilliamJenkins.Thisismyfamily. ThisisKaren.Karenismywife. K:Howdoyoudo? R;Hi! No,itisn’t.Look,it’sgreen!It’sahat! OK,it’sagreenhat. Nowlook.What’sthis? It’saf lower.It’saredf lower. No,itisn’t.it’saredumbrella.

OK,what’sthat? It’sgr ey. Isitabird? Yes!it’sagreybird. No,it’sak ey! That Andwho’sthatgirlontheredbicycle? That’sLucyJenkins. She’sRobert’ssister. Lookatthatyoungman. Whoishe?

Whichyoungman? Theyoungmaninthatoldcar. Oh,that’sPaul. PaulisLucy’scousin. So,PaulisRobert’scousin,too. R No,heisn’thungry. Ishethirsty? Yes,he’sverythirsty. PoorRobert.Iamsorry. Whataboutthedoctor?

Thedoctor’sverybusy. Yes,butRobertisill. Perhapsnotveryill. Butyouareright. Bettersafethansorry. C Karen,thisisClaire. Claire’sournewneighbor. Hello,Claire.Nicetomeetyou. Comeandmeetthefamily. ThisisWilliam,myhusband.ThisisLucyandthisRobert.


学霸英语新概念第三册语法详解和总结(带习题和答案) 第一章英语从句 Subordination 英语从句主要有定语从句,状语从句和名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句) 一.定语从句 定语从句:由关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which; 关系副词when, where, why 引导。 (下面十个句子请读5遍并脱口译出!) 1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week. 2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend. 3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in. 5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. 7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time. 8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war. 9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English. 10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy. 只能用that和who引导的定语从句 A.all, nothing, anything, a few, one做先行词指物时 B.先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,后面常跟that而不是which. C.先行词前有the only, the first, the last, the next, the very等词修饰时,引导词只能用that。 D.当先行词是anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody时,后面要用who或whom; ●All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的并非都是金子。 as 引导定语从句 as 引导的定语从句有两种形式: A.引导限制性语从句。 在此类定语从句中,as常与主语中作为其先行词的such, the same或as联用构成,“such... as”,“the same... as”和“as ...as”句型,可代替先行词。 例如:We hope to get such a tool as he is using. 我们希望得到他正在用的那种工具。 B.as 引导非限制性定语从句时,作用与which相同,as作为关系代词代替整个主句。 (这是语法考试的一个考点。) [注意区别]: as 引导的从句用于句首、句中或句后,而which引导的定语从句不能放在句首。 例如:As is reported, a foreign delegation will visit the city. 据报道,一个外国代表团将访问这个城市。 二.状语从句 超级作文联接词及词组,全部拿下! ①原因:because, since, now that(既然)as, for, this reason.... ②结果:so that, so, therefore, consequently, so as to, as a result .... ③时间:after, before, when, while, as, until, as soon as, since, by the time, once, lately, presently, shortly after, currently, at present, nowadays ... ④条件:if, only if., once, unless, in the event (that), in case (that), provided that, on the condition that, etc.


新概念英语课后练习题 New Concept English 专项训练 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和级 一写出复数 1. radio 2. knife 3. glass 4. shelf 5. boss 6. dress 7. housewife 8.postman 9. leaf 10. church 11. mouth 12. family 13. tie 14. tomato 15. piano 16. baby 17. tooth 18. country 19. key 20 potato 21. match 22. box 23. hour 24. hero 25. Greman 二用冠词a, an, the 或 some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用 / 代替. 1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well. 2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink, is there _____ left? 3. It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies. 4. Will you have ______ mo re tea? There’s plenty in the pot.


Lesson one Excuse me 一:教学重点、难点 教学重点: 1.Excuse me 的语言功能项目使用 2.一般疑问句的变化规则 教学难点: be动词的使用规则 二:教具准备: 手提包一个、单词卡片、人称代词的单词卡片、铅笔、书包、尺子、钢笔等图片三:教学时间:( 90 )分钟 四:教学目标: 从知识、能力、非智力因素三方面定位教学目标 *使学生理解并能灵活运用句型 Is this your handbag? *使学生进一步复习和巩固所学过的单词 school ball book bag eraser ruler *引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流,培养学生的英语口头表达能力和运用英语的能力(口语表达设计) 1. How old are you ? A. I’m fine 2. What’s the weather like? B. I’m thirteen 3. How are you ? C. How do you do? 4. How do you do? D. It’s fine. Excuse me,What time is it? 劳驾,请问几点了? 在口语中,Excuse me的使用场合,常用于要走开、插话、问路或表示异议等场合,I’m sorry表示自己有过失,用于道歉. e.g.(1)Excuse me,just a minute.对不起,请等一下. (2)Excuse me for interrupting you.请原谅,打扰你(们)了. (3)Excuse me,but can I go out for a minute?对不起,我能出去一下吗? (4)I’m sorry,I’m late. 对不起,我迟到了. *使学生通过参与活动,学会与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,从而体验成功,培养学生的观察能力。(课堂活动设计) ①呈现活动:实物或图片式。利用实物手提包呈现新的语言项目直接在学生大脑里建立完整的联系,不必在用母语去作过多的讲解。 ②表演式。同样的内容实际交谈比听录音更容易理解。这是因为在实际交谈中,讲话者的身体语言帮助了我们对口头语言的理解。因此,教师要以一个表演者的身份去“演戏”,要让自己的表演(包括语言、表情、动作)去感染学生,同时还要让他们入“戏”,去表演、去说话。


《剑桥少儿英语》与《新概念英语青少版》的区别 一、特点 《剑桥少儿英语》针对非英语母语国家6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的考试。分为剑桥少儿英语一级、剑桥少儿英语二级、剑桥少儿英语三级,考试包括听、说、读写三部分。从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力。通过贴近生活的易学、易懂、易掌握的对话、练习、歌曲、游戏进行英语教学。 《新概念英语青少版》属于“新概念英语”教学体系,为中国9-15岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE)整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别含A、B两个分册。五年完成整个教学计划。教材内容涵盖了最新《英语课程标准》对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了在实际交际中运用的需要。 另:《剑桥少儿英语》和《新概念英语青少版》都有入门级教材,针对学龄低5-8岁,没有英语学习经历的儿童。 二、适合年龄 《剑桥少儿英语》是以“剑桥少儿英语考试大纲”为依据编写的一套少儿英语教材,重视通过游戏性的教学活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣。适合培养儿童英语兴趣,发展语言能力。更多是作为一门兴趣课来学习。

《剑桥少儿英语》有其测试系统。剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试4-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一套测试系统。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters),一级(Starters),二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers),(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。) 《新概念英语青少版》也提倡寓教于乐,强调练习方式的多样性与灵性,但更以坚实的系统性学习为宗旨,对学生进行系统的知识和技能培养,循序渐进、扎扎实实地掌握语言。 《新概念英语青少版》适合9岁-15岁青少年以及英语初学者,具体参照如下表:量适用年级英语水平参照: 级别词汇量适用年级英语水平参照 《新概念英语青少版》(1A、1B)约600个生词和50个短 语 小学3、4年级学 生 相当于国家英语课程标准1级要 求 《新概念英语青少版》(2A、2B)新增700个生词和60 个短语 小学5、6年级学 生 相当于国家英语课程标准2级要 求 《新概念英语青少版》(3A、3B)新增750个生词和60 个短语 初中1、2年级学 生 相当于国家英语课程标准5级要 求 《新概念英语青少版》(4A、4B)约1500个生词和所有 高考语法 初中1、2年级学 生 相当于雅思4.5分 《新概念英语青少版》(5A、5B)新增750个生词和60 个短语 初中2、3年级学 生 相当于雅思4.5分或高中英语水 平


新概念英语一测试题库(测试一) 一、单词辩音选出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 ()1、A .pen B .pencil C.dress D.excuse ( ) 2、A your B. you C.yes D .very ( ) 3、A .handbag B .bag C .thank D.pardon ( ) 4、A.skirt B. sir C.house D.is ( ) 5. A .book B.school C. good D.goodbye 二、.语法和词汇(A)(B)(C)(D)中选出正确答案 ()1.————,what time is it ? ( A) Pardon (b) Excuse me (C)Thank you (D) Please ( )2._________,is this your coat ? (A) Sorry (B) Excuse me (C) Pardon (D) Please ( )3. Is this your handbag ? _______________ (A) No, it is (B) Y es, it isn`t (C) Y es , it is (D)No, this is ( )4.Thank you very much .____________ (A)Please (B)Y es (C)Thank you (D)Not at all ( )5.______________my ticket . (A)Here are (B)Here (C)Here is (D)Is here ( )6. What number ?____________ (A)Number (B)Five number (C) Number Five (D)Five Number ( ) 7. Is this your coat ? No, it isn’t ___________? Y es , it is (A)Is this it (B)Is it this (C)It is this (D)This is it ( )8.___________? Y es ,it is . (A)Is your suit (B)Is it your coat (C)Is this you suit (D)Is suit ( )9.My handbag , please . ___________your handbag (A) Heres (B)Here’s (C)Heres’(D)Here’s is ( )10. __________? Y es , she is my daughter . (A)Is it your daughter (B)Is this your daughter (C)Is your daughter (D)Is it this your daughter 三.翻译句子 甲;这是你的手表么?————————————————————— 乙;对不起,请再说一遍———————————————————— 甲;这是你的手表么?————————————————————— 乙;是的,是我的——————————————————————— 甲;非常感谢你——————————————————————— 四.完成句子 1.A;Excuse me ! B; _________________ 2.A; Here is your coat .B; __________________ 3.A; This is not my umbrella .B;__________________ 4.A; ____________________B; No, it isn’t my coat. 5.A;Is this it ? B; Yes ,it is .___________________________ 五.将下列句子改成否定句子和一般疑问句 1.T his is my bicycle . 2.T his is my shoe . 3.T his is my shirt . 4.T hat is my bag . 5.I t is my house

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