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go.The rabbis of old put it this way “A man comes to the world with his fist clenched,but when he dies,his hand is

open.”I’ve learned a lot from my classmates and friends,we have overcomed many difficulties.They have always been optimistic and humorous.When my feet hurt,they all cared about me and some of

them offered to help me up and down stairs.We play together,we learn together and we grow up together.It’s the help between our classmates that tells me how to love my life.However mean life is ,meet it and live it.It’s the school motto that tells me to improve myself,seek truth and develop


I love my school because of all this,besides,there is something

more than I can say.

To end my speech ,let’s all give our best wishes to thefurther development of our campus! Thank you. 《我爱我校英语演讲稿》

小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother我爱我的妈妈

小学生英语演讲稿:my dear mother我爱我的妈妈 hello!my name isz engliyan.look!it’s a picture of myself.don’t you think i’m very confident(自信的)? ok!let me get down to business(言归正传).today i want to say something about my dear mother. my mother is a beautiful woman.her hair is very long.her eyes are not big and not small.she usually wears a white sweater and apair of black trousers. my mother likes noodles and vegetables.she likes fish,too. my mother is a worker.she often wins praises for(因……赢得称赞)her hardwork. this is my dear mother.i love her very much. 党员年终工作总结范文 回顾一年来的经历,有收获也有不足。思想上有了一定的进步,学习上也比较刻苦努力,现将我一年来的思想、工作和学习等方面的情况作一个总结性的汇报。 一、自觉加强理论学习,组织纪律性强 加强理论学习,首先是从思想上重视。理论源于实践,又高于实践。在过去的一年中,我主动加强对政治理论知识的学习,主要包括继续深入领会“三个代表”重要思想并配合支部的组织生活计划,切实地提高了自己的思想认识,同时注重加强对外界时政的了解,通过学习,提高了自己的政治敏锐性和鉴别能力,坚定了立场,坚定了信念,在大是大非问题面前,能够始终保持清醒的头脑。 今年我顺利转正,成为一名中共正式党员,这给了我无限的信心的同时也有更多的压力。时刻提醒着我注意,什么是一个党员该做的,什么是不该做的,更促进了我的进步。首先,我深刻而清楚地认识到自己的缺点和不足,并在生活中循序渐进地改善,一个人改正错误和缺点的过程我想不会再一朝一夕。所以我做好了充分的心理准备。尤其,在组织生活会上,同志们再次提出了我的不足之处,这使我感到自己还有很多路要走还有很多是要学,当然自己的努力是少不了的。


自我介绍英语演讲稿 篇一:自我介绍英语演讲稿 自我介绍英语演讲稿 Dear teachers,good morning!It's a good chance for me to be here to practice my English. I hope I can make a good perfomance today . First of all ,you all know well my name . My name is Li Yuan. I'm from Ningbo Wanli International School. If you want to konw my age ,maybe you will be disappointed , because It's a secret for a lady .And maybe you have already know it .Then let me introduce my family. I have a strict father and a kid mother .In their eyes I am the most beautiful princess in the world . What a pity that I have no brothers or sisters . But fortunately , I have many friendly classmates and they are also my best friends . They always help me a lot .Of course I am ready to help others ,too. Maybe I'm not the best one here ,but I will try my best to do everything. I hope you can you can rember me . I am just an ordinary girl.That's all . Thank you ! 亲爱的老师,早上好!这是一个很好的机会,我到这里来练习我的英语水平。我希望我能成为一名优秀的性能今天。


名校优秀毕业生英文演讲稿 faculty, family, friends, and fellow graduates, good evening. i am honored to address you tonight. on behalf of the graduating masters and doctoral students of washington university's school of engineering and applied science, i would like to thank all the parents, spouses, families, and friends who encouraged and supported us as we worked towards our graduate degrees. i would especially like to thank my own family, eight members of which are in the audience today. i would also like to thank all of the department secretaries and other engineering school staff members who always seemed to be there when confused graduate students needed help. and finally i would like to thank the washington university faculty members who served as our instructors, mentors, and friends. as i think back on the seven-and-a-half years i spent at washington university, my mind is filled with memories, happy, sad, frustrating, and even humorous.


英语演讲稿,中国传统文化 篇一:中国传统文化英语演讲 Hello everyone,today I want to say something about Chinese traditional culture . Our Chinese nation, with its industriousness and wisdom, has created a long and over-lasting history and a rich and colorful a Chinese,we are supposed to understand the traditional culture and realize its importance. First,what’s the Traditional Chinese Culture .Traditional Chinese Culture includes material and moral products of ancient Chinese people. The moral products involve Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Buddhism and social system. Material ones include historic and cultural relics, ancient architectures matter how broad Chinese culture is, the core of it is the moral. can get an answer to another should we learn Chinese traditional culture,or we can say what’s the value of Chinese traditional the core of Chinese traditional culture is the moral, it can help us solve three major problems we are facing nowadays:problems


我爱我校的演讲稿 我不是诗人,不能用漂亮的诗句讴歌我们美丽的校园;我不是学者,不能用深邃的思想思考我校的价值;我更不是歌手,不能用动听的歌喉赞美我们的学校。下面是小编为大家整理的我爱我校的演讲稿范文,欢迎阅读。 我爱我校的演讲稿范文1 尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、老师、亲爱的同学们: 下午好! 在这个秋高气爽的季节里,在这个充满紧张而又激动的时刻,能与大家在这里相遇,我倍感荣幸,谢谢大家给了我这样一个机会,我演讲的题目是:我爱我校! 风轻轻,天蓝蓝,漫步在这坏境优美的校园内,我的内心是多么的舒畅,多么的自豪啊!职教中心,在这里我要真诚的说声谢谢你,是你给了我无限的希望,是你把我从痛苦的深渊拯救到人间天堂,回想中考结束的那段黑色日子,确实让我伤心绝望,上一高的理想与我无缘,路漫漫其修远已,而我的路却在何方?回校复读,不!那样在同学面前太没面字,退学打工,也不行,年龄太小有无一技之长,怎么办?怎么办?彷徨与困惑,失意与孤寂,时时刻刻纠结这我,难道我的一生就这样碌碌无为的度过?不!我不甘心!这不是我的性格。一日,我看见招生广告中“职教中心”这个名字

在我眼前一亮,对!就选择它!我下定决心带着憧憬、带着希望、带着崭新的梦想来到这里。开学典礼时间校长的一番话更坚定了我的信心:职教中心是孕育人的摇篮,是造就精英的基地,职教中心能帮助你们就业,职教中心能给你们提供更宽更宽的舞台!这番话让我激动不已,我似乎看到幸运之神在向我招手。于是,教室里有了我朗朗的读书声,操场上有了我运动的身影,朋友间有了我爽朗的笑声。我像一只活泼、快乐的小鸟,我的生活充满阳光,我的身体内充满活力,我的身上散发着青春朝气! 难忘去年元旦晚会上我做节目主持人的风光,当时我身穿舞台装,手拿话筒,站在那偌大的舞台上时,我简直不敢相信这是真的,真好像站在梦中的舞台天堂,当同学们表演的节目越来越精彩时,当台下观众的掌声越来越响,一浪高过一浪时,我自己问自己,那个能说话得体,热情高涨的主持人真的是我吗?我会成长的那样优秀吗?当元旦晚会结束后,我还沉浸在快乐之中,好久没有回过神来,那幸福的感觉在我浑身流淌,我只想说谢谢职教中心的老师们对我的精心培养,谢谢职教中心的领导们,管理有方!谢谢职教中心的同学们给了我那么多的关爱!谢谢职教中心让我健康成长! 时光如梭,一年的学习,一年的生活,职教中心让我看


英语演讲稿 【英语演讲稿】FUTURE NOWWhat future?Everytime sky,Iask myself.It’s realy hardquestion answerit.The universe boundless,wedon’t know where wefrom whereshall we go.I stand https://www.doczj.com/doc/236778754.html,st Sunday,there meteors.Iwent belconytowait coming.Abovemy shoulder,it blue,withsparkling stars.Suddenly,a shooting star appeared.I hurried herhappiness,staring it.Iwanted hadalready died out.I realised ,future now,aroundus. When fortune-tellerlook yourpalm,she’ll tell you how your future wayyou place your hope on.But realistic.Thefuture peoplearound you.What you should do doeverything well,don’t care much about results.Bekind peoplearound you,and love them.Although love,thelife rose,youshould sdick yourbelief.When time passes,you’ll find everything you do worthwhile.Years wayyou can stop time from elasping.How time flies!Just like spring,thesunshine summer,themoon winter.Maybeone morning you’ll never wake up,you’ll never see sunset;you’llnever see your sweatheart her,you’llnever hear pathamong trees,you’llnever swim mountains.Time gold.Everyminute precious.Weshould make best use it.Don’twaste even one minute.Spend time working,inlaughing,in playing games loving.Each ushas kiteflying sky,andwe also have stringeach. Children’s kite childhood,thestring grown.Lovers’ kite love,thestring dailylife. calleddream,the string myhands windwhich makes kites fly free,butwe still have power controlthem letthem fly higher higher.Thestring myhands,future myhands. Future fortune-teller,clenchyour fists! 微笑是一种亲切 Good afternoon, ladies gentlemen!Today sharemy personal experience Englishteacher. remember,five years ago, when teacher’sdesk firsttime, maybe because tooyoung, maybe because tooinexperienced, myclass paid me,didn’t behave themselves feltashamed savemy face, justcriticized studentsseriously whenever talked evenmoved thoughtsooner wouldlisten me.Yes, couldcontrol classnow, atmospherebecame strange. tooquiet. breathlesssilence urged me August2003, NewCourse English.Until myfrozen eyes studentsflinch, mystiff face trodout children’shearts. How stimulatemy class showmy warmth, so canenjoy deepthought. kindnesscalled smile. mostbeautiful language canmake distance distance.“Just awake smilingface!”I said nextday, when smilingface, when smile,when friendlyway, studentswere just shocked! couldfind morehappiness eyes!Gradually, gotused myteaching. classbecame lovelyone. said“Thankyou listening,boys followingdays, workingeven harder. preparemy lessons carefully. useFlash, pictures, riddles, interestingstories makegreat efforts learnmore. neverforget one thing: smile, give them givethem strength, letthem feel happy, makethem confident. childrendo enjoy Englishlesson now, when tellme


大学生优秀英语演讲稿带翻译 英语演讲是学校重视英语实际应用常会举行的活动,这也是课堂教学的一种延伸,可以让学生们学到更多的知识。下面是小雅WTT为大家整理了大学生优秀英语演讲稿带翻译3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 大学生优秀英语演讲稿带翻译篇1 In our daily lives, we have many choices to make, such as what to eat for supper,what clothes to wear, or what to do on weekends. At certain times in our lives, we need to make even more critical choices, such as which school to attend, what job to take or who to choose as husband or wife. Yes, life is a matter of choice. Seemimgly, it means a choice of tangible things. But in essence, it means choosing a way of life. Life is to be lived, savored, and enjoyed, not to be wasted or plained about. Hardly can we forget the time when our society faced the grave threat from the life-and-death disease--SARS. Yet, even during those dreadful times, some afflicted people remained optimistic. Instead of wearing neutral white masks, some people turned to colouful ones, and


中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇 英语演讲,是指以英语为载体,针对某个话题发表自己的意见和看法,以此来影响、感染听众,达到一种宣传目的的交际活动。小编为大家整理了中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 中国茶文化英语演讲稿篇1 The practice of drinking and serving tea has been part of China's cultural identity for centuries. China used to be the world's sole provider of tea. Today, tea is the world's most widely consumed beverage after water, and famous Chinese teas are still highly prized. Tea experts estimate that top-quality Longjing will sell for 40,000 to 50,000 yuan per 500 grams this year, about 25 percent higher than last year. The price of common Longjing will be around 4,000 yuan per 500 grams this year. Though quality tea is highly pursued at home, it seems that it has not secured a strong position in the global market. Li Shiwei is the board chairman of Tianfu Group, a flagship tea enterprise based in Fujian Province, a major production region of oolong tea in China. He says a major problem for today's private tea enterprises is that they do not have enough money to operate on a large scale, let alone undertake promotions overseas.


我爱我校演讲稿600字 【我爱我校演讲稿600字一】 大家好!我是xx班的xx,我代表我班为大家演讲的题目是:《xx初级中学,我爱你》! 同学们,相信你们一定很喜欢自己的校园吧!当然,我也不例外。因为校园是我们学习的宝地,是我们成才的摇篮。这儿有芬芳馥郁的花草树木,这儿有相伴晨昏的书声歌声;这儿有默默无闻甘于奉献的老师,他们“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”;这儿有朝气蓬勃勤奋学习的同学,他们“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”。 我们的校园——xx初级中学,座落在巍峨的铁顶山下,运输繁忙的襄渝铁路和汉渝公路从她的左侧穿行而过,三溪河的碧水像一条玉带在她的面前蜿蜒远去,四周是肥沃的农田和青翠的山林,传递着浓郁的乡土气息。好一派恬静宜人的田园风光!在这样的环境中学习,怎能不叫人心旷神怡!怎能不叫人专心致志!! 走近校园,教学楼顶上“xx中学”四个鲜红的大字便映入你的眼帘,洁白的外墙瓷砖在阳光照射下熠熠生辉;高高的旗杆上,鲜艳的五星红旗在迎风飘扬;宽阔的操场上,锻炼身体的同学们个个龙腾虎跃;四周的大小花台里,绿树成阴,花香扑鼻;尤其是教学楼前那两棵苍翠的塔柏,像两个忠诚的卫士,日夜守护着我们的校园;又像两支刚劲的毛笔,书写着我校辉煌的历史。听!上课的钟声响了,喧闹的校园一下子归复于平静,只有老师那抑扬顿挫的讲授和同学心领神会的问答;每当清晨第一缕阳光破窗而入的时侯,教室里早已是琅琅书声。 看!教学楼里,每一间教室都窗明几净,同学们在老师的引导下正聚精会神的学习。教研室里,空堂的老师正在全神贯注地备课或者批改作业;顶楼上还有设备先进的多媒体教室和微机室,以方便我们接受现代信息技术教育,跟上时代前进的步伐。我爱我的校园,我爱校园里清幽的环境,我爱校园里意气风发的同学,我更爱校园里辛勤工作的老师。是他们无私地为我们开启心灵的窗户,带领我们在知识的海洋里遨游。 “明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。”——是语文老师指导我们吟诵诗词美文;x+y=z,(a+b)(a-b)=a平方-b平方——是数学老师引领我们探索数学王国的奥秘;iloveyou,mymotherland;iloveyou,myschool——是英语老师教会我们向外国朋友表达自己的心声;政治课让我们明辨是非,树立了正确的人生观;历史课使我们知道了祖国的悠久历史和灿烂文明;地理课让我们了解了祖国的地大物博和各地的风土人情……啊,老师,您是辛勤的园丁,培育我们茁壮成长!啊,校园,你是我们力量的源泉,我们将在你这里获得知识的动力,展翅高飞! 也许,在外人看来,我们的校园并不美丽,甚至,还有些简陋,显得土里土气,算不上“大雅之堂”。 是的,我们的校园地处偏僻的乡村,她没有繁华富丽的外表,没有齐全完备的设施,没有城里名校的规模,甚至没有强大的师资队伍。然而,正是这样一所“其貌不洋”的初级中学,建校年来,却为上一级学校培养输送了大量德才兼备的高才生,为xx人民培养了一大批合格的建设者!她以自己独特的魅力,吸引着来自四面八方的莘莘学子!


XX英语演讲稿 演讲稿一:敢于放弃 a poet leads me to a branch road: on one side, there are lots of sweet apples, lovely and charming; on the other, there is a patch of thorn, what hides behind the success of struggling against the thorn is a splendid palace. i deeply know that if i choose the apples, i will give up a precious opportunity of becoming a queen; while if i choose to challenge, i have to say farewell to the apples. which one should i choose? just like the branch road, we have to make a lot of choices during our lifetime. it is usually considered that we are choosing what to gain, to own, but in my opinion, we are just choosing to give up. choosing to be a teacher means giving up the life as rich as a business man; choosing to be a top student means giving up much leisure time in front of the tv. sure, it’s a torture, but we must judge carefully what is more important, then give up the others. don’t think of them any more, just focus all your spirit


关于中国文化的英语演讲稿 my view of culture globalization as is known to all, kung fu panda 2 was shown recently and soon became a hot topic in china. surprisingly, this american film shows bright chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of culture globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of chinese culture. others, however, incline to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. as for me, i tend to take an open attitude towards culture globalization. we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn form other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries. finally, it is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of culture globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national culture tradition. [关于中国文化的英语演讲稿]相关文章:


学校,是指教育者有计划、有组织地对受教育者进行系统的教育活动的组织机构。名称起源于民国。学校教育是由专职人员和专门机构承担的有目的、有系统、有组织的,有计划的以影响受教育学校教育者的身心发展为直接目标并最终使受教育者的身心发展达到预定目的的社会活动。为大家整理了我爱我校英语3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 我爱我校英语演讲稿篇1 Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen, I’m Wang from ClassGrade.It’s my pleasure to stand here today to talk about my school—Dalian No.9 Middle school. Two years ago,when I first stepped into No.9 Middle school,I immediately fell in love with it. It is a beautiful school.The buildings are new and the walls are covered with wild roses that dazzle theeyes in the bee-humming air. I’ve thought of it often.How the grass turns green in the springtime,and how the mocking birds flutter their tails and sing,how the moon shines down on the building,how the Cuckoo Waltz rings out the precious short-lived hours,how the teenagers in bright summer dresses promenade the grassy lawn.


展现自己的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿面对自己 Confronting Myself There was a little story in Gibran’s works. A fox was appreciating his figure in the morning sun and he said, “I will have a camel as my lunch today.” After he spent the whole forenoon finding a camel, he looked at his figure again right under the midday sun, and said, “A rat will be enough.” We see, at dawn, the sun irresponsibly made the fox’s form longer. So he wrongly considered himself king of beasts, who is mighty and omnipotent. While the midday sun made him disappreciate his capabilities with his shrinking shadow. Modified by Master Gibran, the fox has a lot in common with people in our life, who don’t get a thorough recognition when confronting themselves. They either be conceited or belittle themselves. The ancient told us it is valuable to know oneself, which tells the importance to be aware of our shortages. We should neither overestimate nor underestimate ourselves. Most can realize it but never make it. People want more privilege; more success; more wealth. Almost everyone


大学生英语优秀演讲稿精选篇 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— 英语演讲应该简洁扼要,直截了当。除非特别需要,一般不要采用中文中的那种迂回曲折的表达形式。下面是小编为大家整理了大学生英语优秀演讲稿3篇,希望能够帮到你。 大学生英语优秀演讲稿篇1Good afternoon everybody! It's my honor to speak here and I am very glad to share my topic with all of you. Today I'd like to talk about “my dream”. I do not just have one dream, in fact, I have three. They are: a healthy life, a happy family and to travel my great country. I have always admired the long healthy life my grandparents have. They are older than 80 years of age and they are still alive and kicking! How do they do that!? My grandparents plant vegetables and grow rice themselves; even in their old age they still make food for themselves! I guess that is why they can remain healthy. More importantly they remain humble and never ask for too much from life. Perhaps that makes them common, but they live a happy life. My grandmother once told me this:” I do not want to live long, only long enough for some grand children to be running around in my house”. I want to live a long, healthy and happy life just as they have.


《中国文化》英语演讲稿_演讲稿my view of culture globalization as is known to all, kung fu panda 2 was shown recently and soon became a hot topic in china. surprisingly, this american film shows bright chinese images such as kungfu and panda. this is a good example of culture globalization. but there are two entirely different attitudes towards it. some people think it demonstrates the increasing influence of chinese culture. others, however, incline to take the opposite point of view and regard it as an invasion of native culture resources. as for me, i tend to take an open attitude towards culture globalization. we can promote our own culture and meanwhile learn form other cultures, which is beneficial to all countries. finally, it is important to note that each culture has its own characteristics. with the evolving trend of culture globalization, we should be responsible for the development and spread of our national culture tradition. 众所周知,功夫熊猫2所示最近,很快成为中国的热门话题。令人惊讶的是,这家美国电影显示了明亮的中国影像例如功夫和熊猫。这是文化的全球化的一个很好的例子。但有两个完全不同的对待它的态度。有些人认为它表明了中国文化的的影响越来越大。然而,其他人倾向于采取了相反的观点,并把它作为本土文


go.The rabbis of old put it this way “A man comes to the world with his fist clenched,but when he dies,his hand is open.”I’ve learned a lot from my classmates and friends,we have overcomed many difficulties.They have always been optimistic and humorous.When my feet hurt,they all cared about me and some of them offered to help me up and down stairs.We play together,we learn together and we grow up together.It’s the help between our classmates that tells me how to love my life.However mean life is ,meet it and live it.It’s the school motto that tells me to improve myself,seek truth and develop innovations. I love my school because of all this,besides,there is something

more than I can say. To end my speech ,let’s all give our best wishes to thefurther development of our campus! Thank you. 《我爱我校英语演讲稿》


关于公司英语演讲稿 篇一:与公司共成长英语演讲稿3-5分钟 Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! It’s my honored to stand here to give you a short speech. Life is a process of growing up. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hoped I can work in a great company in future, then, as you know, I came here. I wondered what the future holds for me. When I came to this company, I told to myself: this is where my future starts. Then I learned to become a man, an integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong. I have loyal faith to the saying “Never go out there to see what happens, but go out there to make something happen”. When we are working, we are not sewing, we are stylist; never forget what we should lay out to people is our thought, not craft. I’d like to put my personality with my interest and ability into my work. During this process

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