当前位置:文档之家› 赖世雄美语入门学习笔记




1、greets .

2、so so 马马虎虎


1、he has no courtesy . 他没有礼貌

Courtesy costs nothing .礼多人不怪。


Price is very high . 价格高。Eggs are selling at low price .鸡蛋售价低。

错误的:the price of the car is expensive . 正确:the car is expensive. inexpensive.

Anything 用于否定和疑问句。Something 用于肯定句。

形容词修饰anything something nothing ,形容词放后面,不可前置

I have something good for you . Do you have anything important to tell me ? There is nothing nice/good to eat in that restaurant . =there isn?t anything nice to eat in that restaurant.

Slender .苗条的


Expensive more expensive Important more important Beautiful more beautiful


辅音结尾的单音节形容词,双写辅音加er hotter fatter

I?ll take it = I?ll buy it. 我要买了

Do you have change for a hundred . (change 前没有a , change 不可数) How much change do you need . how many changes do you need . (错误的)

How much change do you have ?= how much do you have in change ?

I have ten dollars in change/cash .

Here is the money . here are the books . here you go .拿去吧Brush .毛笔

Inexpensive (便宜质量不错) cheap (便宜,质量差) the quality is worse .品质差

Miss没结婚Ms. 不知道结婚没有Mrs.['misiz]太太

How much does +单数名词cost? How much does this shirt cost ?

do +复数物品cost? How much do these pencils cost ?

= how much is + 单数物品?how much is that shirt?

are +复数物品?how much are these pencils ?

how many +复数


Hostess 女服务员

I?d like to book(reserve) a table for seven. 订桌子(门票通常用reserve)

Do you have a table for two ? =do you have a table for two people.


May I have the menu .我能看菜单么。

Second- hand smoke 二手烟

May I take your order now? 我可以接受你的点菜了吗?

Yes ,please .I?ll have the steak. 我要牛排

Well- done ,please . 全熟的。

aisle [ail] s不发音。走廊过道

can I have a window/aisle seat ? 窗边座位/靠走道的座位

follow me (in ) this way = this way . in this way . in 通常省略。

Sir . ma?am .女士。对女士尊称

Pork rice .猪肉饭

Well-done / medium / medium rare / rare/ raw

全熟/ 六七分熟/四五分熟/三分熟/生的

How would you like your coffee?

Cream and no sugar ,please . 加奶精不要糖

Would you want me to carry your bags? 要我提袋子么?

Check please.=bill please. 算账

How about going on a picnic tomorrow ? 明天去野餐如何。











HAVE A LOOK AT .....看看。。。。

CLOTHING 衣服(不可数)。he bought much clothing .

英语中上衣与裤子是分开的,具体的衣服和裤子是可数的。夹克jacket 裤子可数blouse 女衫 a blouse , two blouses

裤子要和a pair of 连用,裤子有两条筒。a pair of trousers/pants/slacks/shorts . two pairs of pants . pants 裤子/美式(本身带S)

slacks 休闲裤shorts 短裤

clothes 衣服(恒用复数形式)

dress vt. Vi. N. 穿衣、连衣裙,女装dresses 女装

some,a lot of , many 都用于修饰复数,但many后面要接复数名词(不是名词复数形式)。he has many clothes. he has some/a lot of/much clothing.

cloth 布(不可数)一块布a piece of cloth. some cloth . a lot of cloth. 一些布,很多布


Mother dressed the baby carefully.

The baby was dressed carefully.


He is dressed in white.他穿一身白衣服。

put on表示穿衣服的动作,是短暂时性动词。如:

I got up and put on a red coat.


He often wears a black coat.

i always wipe the floor with an old piece of cloth. 向来用旧布擦地板。

An good piece of news. Old 和good 在piece 前

你穿几号/多大?( 衣服/鞋子)?What size (jacket/shoes)do you wear ?

(不用what number )

What size socks do you wear ? 你穿几号袜?(短袜socks)

Wear 穿、戴

穿洋装wear white dresses .

戴帽子Helen wears a hat every day .

系皮带wear a red belt .

戴太阳镜he is wearing a sunglasses because it?s a sunny day .两个镜片Sorry , to have cut in .打断

S small 小号M medium 中号L large 大号XL extra large 加大

One size fits all 均码,都可以穿的

Lesson 16 At the Shoe Store 在鞋店

Do you have these shoes in size 8? (数字前用In。my size 前可省略In)

I?m sorry ,but they are too small .Do you have a bigger pair . 大点的but 做连接词,不翻译成但是,语气词。

Here , try these on .试下。

Wow!they are just right. 刚好

Excuse me . can you show me some high-heeled shoes ? 高跟鞋

Sure. This way ,please.

These are too high. Do you have lower ones? 矮一点的鞋。

How about these?

They don’t fit. Do you have small ones ? 不合适

I?m afraid we don?t have your size.

What a shame .

Sneakers 运动鞋(胶底)flats 平底鞋(鞋有两支所以加s)

Tennis shoes 网球鞋socks 短袜

Where were we last time ? 我们上次上到哪里了? Where are we ?

Do you have a bigger pair? A pair of blue jeans 一条蓝色牛仔裤

A pair of scissors ['siz?z] 一把剪刀

my feet hurt .wow (gee) too bad . wow 用在好方面gee都可以用

ear-rings 耳环(finger)ring 戒指nose ring 鼻环

tongue ring 舌环belly ring 肚环

these are too high. Do you have lower ones? Ones 用来代替前面的shoes. 这样的用法要好一些。如果是one ,则代替前面的单数名词。

Jack wants a new bike ,but he doesn?t have enough money to buy a new bike . 这种用法不是很好,地道的是:to buy one .

These mangos are delicious , especially the red mangos.改为ones.

They don?t fit. They don?t fit me . fit后可以单独用也可以跟人。

Do these socks fit? 袜子合适不?

to stay fit ,you?d have to excise.要健康,就要运动

I?m afraid (that) we don?t have your size.


I?ones should I try on ? 裤子有两个裤管,代表裤子始终用Ones。


Lesson 17 At The bookstore

Excuse me, do you have A Tale Of Two Cities? They must be present in Italics 斜体字italics [i't?liks]

Who is the author ? 作者作家writer a famous writer

Sorry ,We?re sold out right now .Please come back next week.

Ok . thanks .

Be sold out .售完 sold out 另一个含义是出卖

Do you have a good English-Chinese dictionary ? 英汉字典

Sure. How about this one .

Is this the latest edition ? 最新版本

Yes. we have both the paperback and the hardcover .平装本/精装本What?s the difference?

The hardcover is more expensive.

Oh! I see. I?ll have paperback please.

especially text book教科书poor starving student .

pride and prejudice is my favorite novel . 傲慢与偏见

do you know the author of Pride and Prejudice ?

Charles Dickens. 狄更斯

we are sold out of sth. We are sold out.

用法A:we are sold out of sth

We are sold out of this book. Sold out 当形容词

We are sold out of shoes in your size. 你穿的号码我们卖完了。

用法B: we have sold out of sth

We have sold out of milk . have 是现在分词助动词,整句是现在完成时态。我们已经卖完牛奶了

喜欢玩乐的人party animal

They will go to States. 美国

They will get married next month. 下个月结婚

查词典consult the dictionary consult 请教consult teacher 请教老师

不能说look up dictionary



比较级:more + 原级

最高级:most +原级

Expensive \ more expensive \ the most expensive

Beautiful \ more beautiful \ the most beautiful


比较级:原级+ er

最高级:原级+ est

Small \smaller \smallest

Low \lower \lowest




Hot \hotter\hottest

D. 以e结尾的单音节形容词,或le 结尾的双音节形容词






比较级:y 改为i + er

最高级:y 改为i + est

Pretty \ prettier \ prettiest

Easy \ easier \ easiest


Good better best

Bad worse worst

The difference between A and B is …..

作者是谁?Who is the author ? writer 作家

English-English dictionary 英英字典

Chinese-English dictionary 汉英字典

English-Chinese dictionary 英汉字典

Lovely = good looking 漂亮的cute 可爱的what a cute baby !多可爱I like both jazz and rock’n’roll .=rock and roll

Please consult the dictionary for the meaning of this word.

Refer to the dictionary .参考词典

Look up the word in the dictionary .

Both he and I are students.

I?ll take it . 我买了。

Lesson 18 Taking a Taxi 搭出租车

Where to , ma?am? Where to =where are you going ? The train station , please.

(arrives)here we are, ma?am. 我们到了。

How much do I owe you.

It?s 135 Yuan on the meter. 里程表上

Here?s 150 Yuan, keep the change .


Take a bus . take a plane. Plain n.平原。朴素 full stop .句号


(take me ) To the airport ,please.

The international or domestic one ?[d??mestik]

The international airport.

Got it!

Could you speed up ,please. I don?t want to miss my flight.

What time?s your flight?

10:45 pm.

Don?t worry . I?ll get you there in time .

搭乘交通工具,动词用take。此时该交通工具前要前置不定冠词a/an或定冠词the Take the / a taxi let?s take a taxi to the restaurant .

Take the / a bus

Take the / a train

Take the / an airplane

Take the / a ship /boat

By +交通工具,也表示搭乘,但交通工具前不放任何冠词。

By bus\ by plane \ by train \ by ship

Let?s go to the restaurant by bus.

步行,则用on foot. The only way to get to the village is on foot.

Mass Rapid Transit 大规模快运系统= MRT take MRT

Got it = I have got it . speed up 加速flight 航班

Here you are /go . 在这儿/拿去吧

There you are /there it is . 原来在这儿

There you go again .你又来了(这一套)

Owe +人+钱I remember you still owe me US$10.

I owe you one .我欠你个人情。[英] [?u]

Do you want me to take you to the international airport or domestic airport?

= to the international or domestic one ?

These apples are good , but I prefer the green ones.

I prefer movies to TV . prefer …. T o …..喜欢。。。胜过。。。。

Just follow this map you and you won’t get lost . Got it ?

Get lost 滚(有骂人的意思)消失

Speed up 加速slow down 慢下来

I’m in a hurry ./ in a rush .我赶时间hurry up ,Step on it .快点,加速点。

I’m not in a hurry . 我不赶时间you are driving too fast .

if you miss the bus ,you will be late.

He is very picky .很挑食。Pumpkin 南瓜。she is my pumpkin.爱人Pumpkinhead 傻瓜

I’ll get you there in time . 及时on time .按时

In time +for 名词In time +to 动词原形

Am I in time for dinner ? 我及时赶上吃晚餐么?

Y ou are just in time to help us paint the wall.

I’m sure we will finish the project on time .按时完成工程

The States美国(口语)

lesson 19 Booking a Room

Excuse me . Do you have a single room?

Sorry . We are fully booked. The only room available at the moment is a twin room.双人房

Ok. I’ll take it.

May I have your name?

I’m John Li.

How many days do you want to stay ?

Five days.

Please be all ears. 好好注意听

Excuse me .My name is Jack Wu . I’d like to book a room.

It’s US $100 for a single ,and US $150 for a double .

I’ll take a single for 3 days.

Ok. Just come to the front desk at the lobby.大厅(公共场合入口处)

Ok . I’ll arrive tomorrow.

See you then.


Fully . 完全地;充分的twin :双胞胎的,成对的

twin brother 双胞胎兄弟(哥或弟)

The twins look exactly the same .双胞胎长得一样。

Twin room 两个小的单人床/ double room两张大床或一张双人床. 都叫双人床Arrive . 到达建筑物用at ,大的地方用In。

T ommy usually arrives at schoo l at 7:00 am.

At school .代表念书去at the school 代表在学校

I go to school .去上学I go to the school 到学校去.

See you then .到时见

Business suit .西装suite [swi?t] I am going to book a suite at the hotel .套房The food is sweet.[ swi?t]

I’ll book two seats for tonight’s concert.

预定reserve , make a reservation for

I’ll make a reservation for a suite at the hotel.

Suite 套房(有客厅卧室浴室)deluxe suite [di?l?ks] 豪华套房

Presidential suite 总统套房small potatoes小人物,不重要的事

we are fully booked.订满了

英语中少数形容词修饰名词要后置,available 就是之一。

The only doctor available in the hospital does not have much experience.

Stay 和live : stay 是短期居住,live 是长期居住

I am staying at that hotel.

I have lived in T aipei for three years.

This weekend I’m going to stay (over) at a friend’s house.

dorm 宿舍音节划分:dor?mi?tory dormitory 集体寝室

I live in the dorm with my friends. 我和朋友住宿舍。Apartment 公寓

I’m all set . I’m all ears. 我准备好了。

I’m still single . can I be friends with you .我可不可以和你交朋友。

I’m married . what are the charges?

Tutor : n.家庭教师。V.当家庭教师

Rate : 价格费用/ 速度速率rates;收费

What are your rates for tutoring at student’s home ? 你到学生家做家教的费用怎么算At the rate of :以…….的速率

The chicken lays eggs at the rate of one day . 这鸡一天下一个蛋lay 下蛋Lies :说谎/躺下

I am a chicken . he is a chicken . 胆小鬼I am chicken .

I enjoy chicken .我喜欢鸡肉。/肌肉前不加a

US $ 100 =100 US (dollars)

See you then = see you at that time .

see you later .俏皮话的时候说=Alligator .[英] [??l??ge?t?]短吻鳄;短吻鳄皮革;鳄口式工具appointment 和医生的约会

LESSON 20 Checking into a Hotel

1 dialog A

Good morning , I’m Mr. Wu . I have a reservation for a suite.

Oh, yes , Mr. Wu. Please fill out this form .

Here you are .

Will you pay by cash or charge. 付现金还是刷卡?

Do you take traveler’s checks? 收旅行支票么?

Certainly .

2、dialog B

Excuse me . l’d like to check in please. My name is Jack Wu .

One moment, please. Oh ,yes . Y es you have a reservation for a single room , right? That’s right.

My I have a look at your passport? Look at her ,she is gorgeous.看看她,太美Here you go .

Ok , you’re booked in room 609. Do you have any luggage ?

Y es . These two suitcases.

No problem . The bellboy will take them and show you your room .

Two pieces of luggage. How many pieces of luggage do you have? Baggage .


Check into a hotel.办理住宿手续pay by cash 现金支付

Check in/out 登记/退房

Here you go / here you are 在这/拿去吧

Be booked in room +数字预定…..房间

Show + 人+ to +地方I will show you to your table .将某人带到某处

Check into = check in

If you check out after 12 noon, you?ll have to pay for another day .


I have a reservation for a suite. 我订了间套房。

I have a reservation for a table for two .两人的餐桌。

Fill out / fill in 美式/英式用法

Before job interview , you have to fill out this application form.申请表

Will you pay by cash or charge? Charge = credit card 信用卡

It?s very easy to overspend when you have a credit card. 有信用卡就会多花钱。

Where were we last time ? 我们上次到哪儿了?

Charge +sb+钱+for something .

The tutor charges his students US$1 an hour for English lesson.

Do you take travel?s check? Take = accept

Do you have time to see me now ?

Can you help me (to ) fix my bike ?

Can you help me (to)write love letter ? 情书

One moment /minute just a moment/minute 稍后


1、句中有be动词,以be 动词形成反问。

John is nice , isn?t he ?

Tom and Mary are n?t students ,are they?


You will come , won?t you ?

She can?t speak English ,can she ?

3、肯定句中有一般动词,按照主语人称及动词时态以don?t 或doesn?t 形成反问。

4、否定句中因已有do 或does ,反问仍然用do 或does.

Helen loves flowers , doesn’t she ?=right.

You don?t like me ,do you?

5、let?s 开头的句子,反问部分用shall we .

let?s go to the movies tonight , shall we ?


Close the door ,will you ?

Bag袋子handbag手提袋box箱子 suitcase手提箱


lesson 21 changing money

I would like to cash these travel?s checks, please?

How much do you have?

Five hundred US dollars.

Do you have any identification? ID(身份证明)

Will my passport do ?

That?ll be fine. (发音类似that all be fine)


What?s the exchange rate for US dollars , please .汇率

Which currency do you want to change your money into? 货币(汇率用) Hong Kong dollars , please.

It?s 7.89 Hong Kong dollars to 1 US dollar. (seven point eight nine)

Can you change US $100 ?

How do you want your money ?

Seven hundreds, eight tens and the rest in change , please .


89.7(eighty nine point seven)


Exchange + 物+ with + 人和某人交换某物

Would you like to exchange gifts with me ?


Change money = exchange money

Change A into B = exchange A for B

I want to change HK $30 000 into US dollars. (thirty thousand Hong Kong dollars into US dollars )

Cash n.现金v.兑换现金(不可数) rubber check 空头支票

This check will bounce some day .this is not good check , it?s rubber check. 支票会跳票

How much cash /change do you have ? how much do you have in cash ?

I have 20 dollars in cash .我有20元现金。

ID card = identity card 身份证identification不可数an /two ID card

Will my passport do ? 我的护照可以么?

What would you like to drink ? 你要喝什么

Just water will do .水就可以了。

Can you lend me some money?

Will 100 dollars do ? 可以借我些钱么?100元可以么。

That’ll be fine.=that’ll be ok. =that’ll do . 那就可以了。

Let?s meet at 8 in the morning . will it be too early for you ?

Go to bed late . I went to bed late .我睡得晚。Go to the bed 有区别

I sleep late every morning. 我起床很晚。

s the exchange rate between Hong Kong dollars and US dollars?

How much foreign currency/money do you have ?外币

18.18 小数点后的数字要一个一个读出。Eighteen point one eight.

0.235 zero point two three five.

Only two students are absent , and the rest are all present today .


Absent [??bs?nt]adj.缺席的,不在场的present adj.现在的;目前的;

Ditch v. 摆脱丢弃he never ditches class .逃课don?t ditch your lover.

How much do you have in cash/change?多少现金/零钱

I have ten dollars in cash/change. 现金/零钱

I need some money .Fifty dollars will do .

Tom always carries his identity card wit him . 身份证随身携带。

Can you cash these traveler?s check for me?

Sure, I need your ID though.

Ok. here is my ID card.

That all do . which currency do you want your money in ?

In US dollars . Can I have the money in hundreds?


Usage 活用解析

表示某项计划行得通或某件东西可以用,就说:"That'll do." 比如说,去朋友家玩,天气突然变冷,朋友拿件衣服借给你,只要能御寒就可以说:"That'll do."这句话还有几个相近的用法,例如:

“随便什么都好”的英文是:"Any will do."

“两个之中随便哪一个都好”的英文是:"Either will do."

*钉铁钉的时候,一时找不到榔头,弟弟找了一块石头来,你也只好说:"That'll do."

*到百货公司想找一条裙子搭配身上的衬衫,如果看到一条挺合适的,可以告诉店员说:"That'll do."

*星期六中午下班后赶去看棒球赛,可惜前排的票都卖完了,只剩下后排的票了,如果你真的很想看,只得说:"That'll do."

表示某项计划行得通或某件东西可以用,就说:"That'll do."“随便什么都好”的英文是:"Any will do."

“两个之中随便哪一个都好”的英文是:"Either will do."

Lesson 22 Booking an Airline Ticket

Hi !My name is John Lin, I?d like to book a flight to Rome ,please.

Do you wish to fly first class ,business or economy ? 头等、商务、经济舱Economy.

Date of departure ?

July 4th.

Ok . you are booked on flight number CX 167. it departs at 11:15 AM.

Yes . I?d like to reserve a round trip ticket to Pairs, please.

on fight number 007.

it departs at 5:30 PM .Please call back on Friday to reconfirm.

Ok .

Your confirmation code number is XE3849. 确认代码

Thank you .

007的读法:o o 7(字母o) ,double o 7, zero zero 7 , double zero 7

3849的读法:three eight four nine ; thirty eight forty nine .

What can I do for you ? = can I be of any help ? = can/may I help you ? One-way ticket. 单程票

Class等级 economy class 、business class 、first class

Departure n. depart v.

Reconfirm v.再确认confirmation code number 确认代码


Wish to + 动词= hope to + 动词

I wish to study abroad. 去国外念书

I hope to study abroad

Date of birth.出生日期(包括年月日)

Date of birthday .(年月,不含年)

You look old for your age.你看上比年龄老。

You look young for your age. 你看上去比年龄小。

Children grow like weeds . 孩子像草一样疯长。

My birthday is (on)December 25th. 月份后的日期用第25日


*It departs at 11:15 am.

The train departs on schedule every morning.按时,按时间表

Mr. Wang will depart for Hong Kong tomorrow. 动身去香港

坐飞机用to . Flight +to . Mr. Wang will flight to Hong Kong tomorrow.


1、确切时间前用at :

At ten o?clock ; at noon 正午,中午12点; at midnight 午夜

半夜12点;at night 晚上八九点后;

Jimmy usually arrives at school at 6:30 am.

John goes to bed at midnight every day .

2、*如果表示年、月、季节、上、下午、晚上时候;前面介词用in .

In 2000 /2000年;in the morning

In the afternoon /在下午;

Mr. Wang works best in the morning .早上工作效率最好。


On July 4 / 7月4日

On Christmas Day .即12月25日/在圣诞节期间. at Christmas 圣诞节前后

On Sunday

My birthday is on February 29. 2月29日。


You can’t drive in there ;it?s a one-way street .


I will buy a one-way ticket to New York, because I don?t intend to return . Intend to = plan to 打算、计划

Which class would you like to fly ? and when do you want to leave ?

I’ve booked you …….给你订了…..

Please book me on the next flight to Canada.

*The secretary books Mr. Li in



Book … in .预定进来

Whenever I see him I am very happy/glad. 每次看到他我都很高兴。

Please call back on Friday to reconfirm.

To be safe ,I always reconfirm my flight three days before the flight .


Mr. Wang will depart/leave for Hong Kong tomorrow.

Set out/ Set off for= : he will set out for Hong Kong .

Mr. Li works best in the afternoon. /at night ./ in the evening .

My birthday is on February 29./Christmas Day .

At Christmas / on Christmas Day

How much is it for a round-trip/one-way ticket to Los Angeles ?

I don?t wish to see you here when I return . 回来时候,我不想见到你

Your date of birth is January 30,1970 . thirtieth


(January thirtieth , 1970)

The train departs on time , so you must not be late .火车准时,别迟到。School begins on September 1 every year. (on September first )有个1号


Can you book me in at

Jack?s birthday is on June 6.

Do I have to reconfirm my return flight when I arrive in Tokyo ?


Lesson 23 At the Airport I

强调建筑物,用at ,at station ,里外都可以。At airport 比较大的区域

In the bank , in the post office

This is the arrival lounge . 入境大厅

I know. Where is departure lounge .出境大厅

Come. Follow me.

There ! The check-in counters are over there .

Don?t we have to go pay the airport tax first ?

No . We pay it after we check in .







Good morning .May I have your passport ,please .

Here you are .

Smoking or non-smoking ?

Non-smoking .

Aisle or window seat ? 要走道还是靠窗的座位?

Window seat, please .

Do you have any luggage to check in ? check in 在这里是托运意思

Yes . This is my carry-on luggage and I?ll check in these two suitcases. Aisle s 不发音,silent s / I o/. /ail/ be silent ,everybody . 安静些,大伙。Carry on luggage .随身携带行李。

One box two boxes; one suitcase , two suitcases .

Luggage 是统称的行李,是不可数的。Two pieces of luggage .两个行李。How many pieces of luggage do you have ?

Check in counter 办理登机手续的柜台

Take a seat ,please . (客气的用法) sit down

Is this seat taken ?这个座位有人么?

Carry on 随身携带的

Teacher’s lounge教师休息室

The fans are waiting for the arrival of the movie star.

Arrival n. arrive . v. 到达

Arrive at + 地方(建筑物如邮局,车站)arrive at the hotel .

Arrive in + 地方(大地方如城市,国家)arrive in New York .

航站大厦air terminal . lounge 是大厅或休息室的意思

旅馆或饭店内的大厅用lobby .是比较豪华的。

The bus terminal .公车总站

Bathroom 家里的厕所,有浴缸的, toilet 马桶。

公共场合里的厕所用restroom ,车站的厕所

where is the bathroom/toilet ?厕所在哪里?(bathroom有浴缸,家里的厕所)There!the check-in counters are over there .

Who is the man standing over there ?

The thing we are looking for is right over here .

I?ll be right here waiting for you .

Right 可以用来强调介词短语,over在不可以。

There is a beautiful fountain right in the middle of the park .



= don?………


但go 和come ,以原形出现时候,可以省略后面的连接词and,直接加另一个动词。They sing ,dance happily day after day . 错的

They sing and dance happily day after day .对的。

Please go and buy me newspaper .

=Please go buy me newspaper.

When you have time , come and visit me .

=when you have time come visit me .

Do me a favor .帮个忙


Pay 的用法

Pay +钱+for….付钱买

Pay sb +钱+for …. 为…..

I will not pay one hundred dollars for the toy .

She pays me a lot of money for doing this work .

North bound 北方

The airport tax 机场税

First , first of all 首先放句首

What can I do to better/improve my English ?如何提高我的英文

Peter?s singing is always out of tune .彼得的唱歌总是走调。

What can I do to better my singing ?

We pay after we check in .先办完登机手续后再付。

May I have your attention please ? the plane will take off in five minutes . 各位注意,飞机将于五分钟后起飞。

Smoking or non-smoking ?

=would you like to sit in the smoking section or non-smoking section? Ladies and gentlemen ,this is a non-smoking flight. Please do not smoke during the flight .Thanks for your cooperation .

Aisle or window seat ?

Do you have any luggage to check in ?=baggage 集合名词,不可数

A piece of luggage/baggage ; two pieces of luggage/baggage

A lot of luggage /baggage


Handbag 手提袋suitcase 行李箱是可数普通名词,可以说 a handbag, two handbag , a suitcase , two suitcases ;

A dollar ; a cent; 总称Money时候变成不可数集合名词;

Trash , garbage , rubbish , 均为集合名词

News 消息不可数a piece of news.

Information资讯 a piece of information/ furniture家具

This is arrival /departure lounge . 入境/出境大厅。

Jack usually arrives at the school at seven o?clock. 建筑物用at

Rose will arrive in Taipei tomorrow . 城市用In

Don?t we have to go pay the airport tax first ? go 后面的and 省略

My friend and I will go see a movie tonight.

My little finger hurts.

Please go pick up the clothes at the Laundromat .自动洗衣店

Lesson 24 At the Airport II

Please fill out this tags and attach them to your suitcases .Then put them on the scale.

Ok .

I?m afraid your luggage is overweight . You will have to pay an excess baggage charge.

How much will that be ?

Let me see ----US $10.

That …s not too bad.

Tag .n 标签vt.加标签

Attach ….to

We attach labels to things before we file them away...


Scale n. 秤,磅秤

Excess . n.超过,多余。Adj. 超重的,额外的。

Underweight 过轻的

Here are your tickets .The baggage claim stubs are attached to them . Thank you.

And here is your boarding pass. You board at gate 12.

Ok .Is that all?

No .Please wait here till your luggage goes through the X-ray machine. Ok.

Have a nice flight. 飞行愉快。

Baggage claim stub .领取行李的存根

Stub .n .树桩,烟蒂、存根,票根。vt. 使(脚趾)碰到某物;捻灭(香烟,雪茄等);连根拔出

Claim :vt . 领取、宣称,n.根据权利提出要求;要求权,所有权。

Board vt. 上飞机火车board a train, ship, or aircraft

Boarding pass 登机证

Where do/can I claim my baggage ? 我到哪里领取行李?

Baggage/luggage claim. 行李领取

Attach A to B : he attaches the string to his kite .绳子系在风筝上。

Fill out =fill in 填写

Toddler n.蹒跚行走的人;幼童装;学步的幼儿

He is attached to his mom . 很粘妈妈

I am afraid (that) +主语+动词

人+be +overweight . you are overweight ;you should go on a diet. Go on a diet .节食

You will have to pay an excess baggage charge . 行李超重费

Have to 不得不

Must 必须,非做不可。

You have to do this work whether you like it or not .不管喜不喜欢都要做。How much will that be ?那要多少钱

That will be 50 dollars in all ./altogether共50元

Let me see----US $10.破折号表示停顿,在思考、计算。

Apologize to me .向我道歉

All work no play makes Jack a dull boy .只工作不游戏生活完全没趣。

That?s too bad . what a pity . what a shame .太可惜了。

Shame on you .真丢脸

Have pity on me .同情我吧

Here is + 单数名词here is a little gift for you .

Here are + 复数名词here are the cookies I like .

Board . you board at gate 12.

Flight 251 for Singapore is now boarding at gate 10 .

Passengers should board the train now .

Please buy me a paper , a bottle of beer and a pack of cigarettes .

一份报纸一瓶啤酒,一盒烟 a can of beer 一罐啤酒

Is that all ?就这样么

Rebellious 叛逆的


H [et?] 美式英语[K.K.] 英式英语/Jones/ Vowels [i]长元音/i:/ 发音时,上下唇微开,上下齿分开,舌尖稍微抵住下齿,嘴角尽量往两旁移动,像微笑的样子。类似汉字“衣”的发音,但舌位高些,声音拉长些。 [?]短元音/i/ 发音时上下唇及上下齿比发[i]时微开,双唇扁平,嘴角肌肉比发[i]时略为放松。发出的声音类似部队里喊数“一、二、三、四”中的“一”。 注:两个音节以上的词,词尾有[?]时,均要念成[i]。 音节必须含有元音及辅音。一个单词若含有一个元音便算是一个音节,若含有两个元音便算是两个音节,以此类推。两个音节以上的单词就有重音符号[' ],标于重音音节前。重音音节发音类似汉语第一声,没有重音则像第三声。四个音节以上的词以及一些三音节复合词,多有第二重音符号[?],念起来很像汉语的轻音(忽略这个符号的读法也可)。 [e]双元音(=[?]+[?])/ei/ 发音类似汉语拼音“ei” [?]短元音/e/ 发此音时,嘴巴要比发[?]微开。上下唇和上下齿再张一些,舌头平放,舌尖轻轻抵住下齿,脸部肌肉放松,振动声带。类似“耶”或“也”的尾音。ea [?]短元音 发此音时,嘴形要比发的音时更开。上下唇和上下齿张开,使下巴尽量往下拉,此时嘴角肌肉亦会绷紧。舌头平放,舌尖仍抵住下齿,振动声带。嘴型像婴儿咧开嘴笑,声音类似绵羊叫。an [ɑ]长元音 类似汉字“啊”的发音,嘴全张,比发“啊”张开的幅度更大。上下唇及上下齿全张,舌头自然平放,舌尖不接触下齿,也不要卷起或翘起,振动声带。

卷舌,类似“阿尔”的发音,有时读的比较快听起来像“or”的发音。[?]长元音 上下唇及上下齿张开,舌头自然垂放,类似汉字“喔”的汉语发音。[?r]双元音 先发[?]后卷舌。 注:有的字典会将词语中的“our”的音标标为[or],如course、four、pour等,实际在美语中[?r]才是常见发音。 一般字典列出的音标实际念成 four [for] [f?r] course [kors] [k?rs] mourn [morn] [m?rn] pour [por] [p?r] [??]双元音 听起来像将两个汉字“喔”及“衣”连在一起的发音。这个音标多出现在有“oi”或“oy”等字母的英文单词中。 注:[??]与辅音[l]连读,[l]出现在元音之后,念成类似汉字“欧”,但是舌尖要翘起,抵住上齿龈。[??l]的发音有点像汉语“喔依欧”,念快时像“喔有”。 [o]双元音(=[?]+[u]) 发音类似汉语拼音的“ou”。上下唇及上下齿张开,嘴形成(o)状,舌头自然平放,舌尖微微上扬不触及下齿,振动声带即成。 [u]长元音 先将嘴形做成像发汉语拼音“u”的发音状。发“u”或“乌”时,双唇是往外凸出来的,形成的小孔较小较圆。而发[u]音时,嘴唇略扁且微微噘起,两唇形成的气孔亦呈扁平状。 [U]短元音 发音时先将嘴形做成发“e”或“饿”的发音状,再压扁一些,嘴唇要噘起,形成的气孔比发[u]时大一些,声带的肌肉略为紧张。


Lesson 122 I quit smoking Lesson one hundred twenty-two. “Hi, Susan! Do you have a light? No. I quit smoking long ago. That’s good! Congratulations! Why don’t you quit as well. It’s really difficult. Come on; where there’s a will, there’s a way. ” 1:22 Sue=Susan lighter Do you have a lighter? 你有打火机吗? I don’t have a lighter with me. Long ago 好久以前 I don’t like Peter. He is very bossy. 咄咄逼人, 跋扈 He’s my boss, but he’s very friendly. I enjoy working with him. But David is bossy. His friends don’t like to work with him. He quit working for David. He quit gambling two years ago. Gamble赌博 He quit working for this company three years ago. 6:28 You must quit smoking. Smoking is detrimental to your health. Detrimental有害的;不利的Smoking is very bad. Smoking is harmful to your health. You should quit smoking. David! Stop smoking. OK. I’ll quit (smoking) someday. 8:33 Father allows me to go to the movies with you tonight. That’s good/great. Good/Great/Cool! We have cool weather today. 不可数 What do you think of this movie? Cool/Great! 10:10 Thanks you’re welcome. Please give my best regards to your father/parents. Please give my best regards to Mr. Li. = Please remember me to Mr. Li. Ok. I will. 13:00 Congratulations on your success! Congratulate +somebody+on He congratulated me on passing the examination. 15:12 As well=also 副词也Why don’t you also quit? Why don’t you quit smoking as well? She can sing. She can dance as well. As well=too She can sing. She can dance, too. As well 前面不加逗号。 As well只能用于肯定句中。Why don’t 虽有don’t 但与why连用也是表示肯定。17:14 Why don’t you do it?你何不做这件事啊?(我希望你做这件事)Do it,please. You should quit as well. = You should quit, too. Quitting smoking is really difficult. There are many people there. There is a man here/(in the room). Where there is a will是一个从句,用来修饰主句。Where连词,代表地方在……的地方Where did you see him?20:26 Where I live, there is a department store. Where=in the place where=in the place in which In the place where I live, there is a department store. In the place in which I live, there is a department store. Where there is a will=in the place where there is a will 20:59 Help with后面加名词I‘ll help you with your work. I’ll help with your work. 24:00 I’ll help him. I won’t help John. I have a lot of homework to do. The work was done by Peter. The letter was written by John. 26:03


wql2004-12-04 16:41 我急需 cmczbms2004-12-06 12:09 Lesson 01 greetings A Don't forget to say greetings to uncle Wang.#见到王伯伯的时候不要忘了向他问好。 I hope you have a good morning. Who are you? #你是谁? Where are you? #你在哪儿? How are you? #你好吗?回答用,I'm fine. I'm a boy. You are a boy. He is a boy. This bed is bad. #这个床很坏。注意bed和bad的发音区别。 I see you there. #我看见你在那里。 See you. = Good bye. = Bye. = See you later. B hi和hey的区别。 How's it going? Great. = Wonderful. = Cool. How are you doing? =How're you doing? = How are you?#回答用not bad。take care#保重。take care of yourself. You too Have a good time. #过你愉快。 Thanks. You too.#谢谢,你也一样。 cmczbms2004-12-06 12:12 Lesson 1 Greetings 打招呼

Dialog A A: Good m orning, May. How are you? B: Hi, Tom. I’m fine. And you? A: Not bad. Thanks. B: Good. See you. A: Bye. B A: Hi, May. How’s it going? B: Great. And how are you doing? A: Not bad. B: Ok. See you later. A: Take care. B: You too. A 甲:早啊,小梅。你好吗? 乙:嗨,汤姆。我很好,你呢? 甲:还不错,谢了。 乙:很好,再见。 甲:再见。 B 甲:嗨,小梅。近来如何? 乙:很好。那你呢? 甲:还不错。 乙:好吧,再见。 甲:保重。 乙:你也是。 Substitution 1 Good morning, May. Good afternoon, May. Good evening, May. 早安,小梅。 午安,小梅。 晚安,小梅。 2 How are you? How are you doing? 你好吗? 3 I’m fine. I’m OK. 我很好/还好。


Lesson 1 Self Introduction The lesson is very good. Lesson one lesson two “My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two old brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.” Part one 第一部分reading 阅读My bicycle my home What’s your name, please? Open the door, please. My name is Peter. Call me, please. Call me when you have time. Give me a call when you have time. 8:18 I am ten years old. He is one year old. I am twenty years of age. I am twenty. How old are you? I am a Chinese. 名词中国人I am Chinese. 形容词中国人的 American 美国人(名词)He is an American. He is American. 美国人的(形容词) This is a book. I come from Guangdong. He comes from Sichuan. I am from Beijing. Where are you from? Where do you come from? I am from Beijing. I come from Beijing. 18:56 There is a book on the desk. 有……. There is a cat in the room. People 两个人以上才能用一个人用one person Two persons 两个人= two people Three people four people I have a book. He has a book. 主语有思想,有生命 25:09 Substitutions Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You “HI! My name is Mike. Hi! I’m Nancy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? I’m from Shanghai. And you? I’m from Chicago. ” 1:31 Hi! I am Mike. I’m Mike. HI! There. 嗨!你好。 I see a man there. Hello! I am John/Peter/Mary. Hello! I’m Peter. Hello! I’m Mary. How do you do! 你好!How do you do! 正式场合用 How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. 比较熟时用 He is nice. This man is nice. 6:16 (It is) Nice to meet you. (I’m) Pleased to meet you. (I’m) Glad to meet/see you. Pleased 感到高兴的 I am a student. He is a student, too. He can sing. I can (sing), too. 12:24 Where do you come from? And you? = and where are you from? And那么 I come from Chicago. Hi! My name is David. Hi! I’m Mary. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 16:44 KK. system 美式音标 What do your friends call you? My friends call me Jonny. How old are you? I am twenty-eight years old. I am twenty-eight years of age. Are you Chinese? Yes, I am Chinese. How many people are there in your family? There are six people in my family. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Where are you from? I am from Beijing. There’s a man/boy/woman there. There are five Chinese there.


1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day p.1. English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary(/ important) for us to learn it. It(/learning English) can be rewarding or just(/only) a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about(/on) learning English. First, don't be afraid to make(/of making) mistakes. You will learn (something)from them(the mistakes that you make). Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Well, Rome does not refer to the city of Rome only, it refers to the Roman empire, that is the great country that Rome built more than 2000 years ago. It was a great empire and of course you can not build anything good or great in just a short time . the Roman Empire [??m?pa?r] 罗马帝国 Empire--this word is spelled e-m-p-i-r-e. Now, I have this question: in what situation will you use this expression "Rome wasn't built in a day "? Please give us an example. Well, let's say that your friend wants to learn how to do something, like typing or swimming, and at first, your friend feels a little discouraged, because it is not easy to learn a new skill, but you tell him: Hey, come on. Rome wasn't built in a day. We want to encourage our friends with this saying. Your friend is learning how to type. He is a little bit discouraged. We can encourage our friends with this saying. 谚语 We say that English is an international language, because English is spoken around the world. Of course, there are more speakers of Mandarin than of English, but English is spoken by more people in more countries than Mandarin is, so, when you travel or do business or study overseas, you can always find English speakers, and English TV programs and English newspapers. In other words, English is a universal/ an international language, that is why we should learn it. Mandarin 普通话,国语Bruce speaks beautiful Mandarin.[?m?nd?r?n] foul language 下流话 Your stay here is just(or only) a waste of time. rewarding a.有(获)益的;值得做的,划算的. Teaching is a very rewarding profession.教书是一种很有价值的职业. Exercise is very rewarding for our health. It pays(/is rewarding) to exercise It is up to you. 随你吧 Well, if Peter asks me: do you want to go to a restaurant first or see a movie first tonight? I might say: it's up to you. Do we go to the movies first or shall we go to a restaurant first? It's up to you .but I know the true answer. He enjoys eating more than anything, let's go to the restaurant first . In our studio[?studio?], we have got a small studio over here and we have only two people here, that's Bruce and me, but Bruce is much too big, we have little room left here. by fits and starts adv.间歇地,断断续续地,一阵一阵地 If you learn English by fits and starts, you’ll get no where. My brother studied accounting by fits and starts, so he failed. If you give me a tip, I’ll give some tips on how to learn English.


Lesson 108 Slow down Lesson one hundred and eight You`re driving too fast. Slow down. 1:10 “Slow down, Carl. I can`t keep up with you. You walk as slowly as a snail. How do you keep so fit? I work out as often as I can.” All right. This is a short dialogue between Rosa and Carl. They are walking and evidently Cral walks a little bit faster. 2:23 Keep up with…进度一样的,并驾齐驱的 You should study hard, or you`ll not keep up with me. Or 否则 Catch up with…迎头赶上(暗示已经落后了) You `re lagging behind. You should study harder to catch up with me. You `re falling behind. You should study harder to catch up with me. Lag 落后lag behind You `re lagging behind. You should study (even) harder to catch up with me. 5:39 Slowly 副词修饰walk He works very hard. he`s working there. He `s walking there. He`s walking in the park. You walk as slowly as a snail. As…as 第一个as 副词一样地,第二个as 连词和…She`s very beautiful. He studies very hard. She is beautiful. She is as beautiful as Mary. He studies hard. He studies as hard as John (does). 9:25 Keep = Remain=stay fit 健康的 If you want to stay fit, you should exercise every day. Stay fit=Stay healthy He is healthy. He will stay fit If he does exercise. He will stay fit If he exercises every day. 12:00 Work out exercise运动 work out尤指原地的运动。如举重,打太极,体操,舞蹈等增进体能的运动 Exercise运动比较广,指慢跑,健身操都可以。 you should exercise every day. you should work out every day. Jog 慢跑I jog every day. 13:00 As often as 尽可能As…as I can尽可能怎么样第一个as 一样地第二个as和 You must study hard. You must study as hard as you can. You must study as hard as possible. You should run fast. You should run as fast as you can. As possible Careful you must be careful. You must be as careful as you can. You must be as careful as possible. 16:30 练习 Get along with+宾语 He gets along with us well. He gets along with Peter very well. To get along with the boy 是真正的主语To get along with the boy is very difficult. A good teacher must be patient. 20:00 To work with him is easy. He is easy to work with. He is hard to work with. 22:01 They were walking along the street. The road is long. Long 可作动词I long to see him. I`m longing to see him. I`m eager to see him. 25:07


Lesson 83 A Nice Person This man is nice. I like to be with him. “Shelly doesn’t like people who are unreliable. She especially doesn’t like people who tell lies. On the other hand, she likes people who are humorous and honest. She really likes people that are easygoing and sincere. However, Regardless of whom she likes or dislikes, she is nice to everyone.”1:44 They are unreliable. You are reliable,but he is unreliable. 化简为Shelly doesn’t like unreliable people。5:40 A lie, two lies I love music and I especially love jazz. 7:50 On the other hand, she likes humorous and honest people . This man is houmorous. This man is honest. He never tells lies. She really likes people who are easygoing and sincere. She really likes easygoing and sincere people. 11:22 He is patient with us. A good teacher should be patient with his students. 16:04 Vicious凶恶的,凶猛的;残忍的 She attends school everyday. 20:50 I graduated from that university. 22:19 ;分号可以连接2个句子。


赖世雄中级美语教程41-50课笔记(彩色word版)41. Getting a Tan p.271 Both my brother and I are outgoing people. He as well as I likes being in the sun. It goes without saying, therefore, that we spend a lot of our free time at the beach. We go there to relax as well as to keep fit. To be frank, though, he no less than I enjoys looking at the beautiful "scenery" around the beach. However, if you are anything(强调) like us, we have a piece of advice for you. Don't forget to rub a good amount of sunscreen lotion all over your body. Not only does it protect you from getting skin cancer, but it also helps to keep you nicely tanned(过分做a.). Both my brother and I forgot to do that and now we look like Afro-Americans rather than Chinese. ☆tan tanned/ tanned mongolian 人种 v.晒太阳I like to tan at the beach in summer. n.黄褐色I like to have a tan in summer. The girl lay in the sun to tan her body. 那女孩躺在阳光下将她的身体晒成古铜色. ☆outgoing a.坐不住的,爱外出的easy-going 随和的 ☆What do you do relax on weekends? ☆He as well as I is a student. no less than = as well as以及,都 ☆keep fit 保持健康体魄= remain fit Jogging is a good way to keep fit. ☆to be frank = frankly John hurt Sally’s feelings by being too frank. ☆a lot of scenery 永远不可数scene 风景(可数)breathtaking 扣人心弦的 ☆an advice 错应为:a piece of advice, some advice, a lot of advice advice 不可数 take one’s advice 接受建议 ☆apply=rub 涂,敷,抹suntan lotion = sunscreen lotion Apply medicine to his wound. 在他伤口上涂药。 ☆Never is he quite. = He is never quite. 倒装 ☆Afro-Americans 美国黑人/非裔美国人 42. Roast Beef p.282 My brother, Luke, goes to see his girlfriend, Daisy. D: What on earth happened to you? 你到底/究竟怎么了? L: Oh, I just had a lazy day at the beach. D: My goodness! You're really burnt. Are you alright? L: Well, yes, but I feel like I've been roasted. D: In that case, let's eat in rather than go out for dinner. L: Up to you. D: What would you like to eat? L: Uh… D: How about your favorite: roast beef?


赖世雄初级美语入门 赖世雄初级美语入门篇》听课笔记,持续更新中~(原创)这是《赖世雄初级美 语 入门篇》听课笔记,需要的请下载~~~wql 2004-12-04 16:41我急需cmczbms 2004-12-06 12:09Lesson 01greetingsADont forget to say greetings to uncle Wang.见到 王伯伯的时候不要忘了向他问好。I hope you have a good morning.Who are you 你是 谁Where are you 你在哪儿,How are you 你好吗,回答用,Im fine.Im a boy. You are a boy. He is a boy.This bed is bad. 这个床很坏。注意 bed 和 bad 的发 音区别。I see you there. 我看见你在那里。See you. Good bye. Bye. See you later.Bhi 和 hey 的区别。Hows it goingGreat. Wonderful. Cool.How are you doing Howre you doing How are you回答用 notbad。take care保重。take care of yourself.You tooHave a good time. 过你愉快。Thanks. You too.谢谢,你也一样。cmczbms 2004-12-06 12:12Lesson 1Greetings打招呼DialogAA: Good morning May. How are youB: Hi Tom. I’m fine. And youA: Not bad. Thanks.B: Good. Se e you.A: Bye.BA: Hi May. How’s it goingB: Great. And how are you doingA: Not bad.B: Ok. See you later.A: Take care.B: You too.A甲:早


Lesson 91 computers “Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life. In fact, they are almost everywhere. In many countries ,more and more companies are replacing people with computers. Telephone companies are no exception. When making a long-distance call on a pay for in America. You will no longer talk to an operator. Instead, a computer will answer. It will tell you what to do. No wonder people say that computers are taking over the world.”2:00 Computer可数名词,养成习惯前面没有冠词就用复数,表示整体的概念,所有的计算机。同样用单数前面放定冠词the +computer 也可表示整体的概念。 The Computer is becoming a part of our everyday life. 一部分 Jogging has become a part of my everyday life. I jog every morning. 我每天早上慢跑4:05 Everyday 形容词,后放名词。That`s my everyday life. Every day 副词,通常放句尾。He goes to school every day. In fact=as a matter of fact He is not nice. In fact, he`s very bad. He is not nice. As a matter of fact, he`s very bad. 5:58 Replace A with B 用B取代A John is lazy. He`s not competent for his job. 胜任 The boss is planning to replace him with David. 8:15 Competent 有能力的,胜任的he is competent for his job. he is not competent for his job. Cut out be cut out for he is cut out for the job. 他胜任这个工作 I like john. John works very hard. he is cut out for the job. He`s competent for his job. 10:01 Are no exception 不例外exception 例外 Everybody should do it. Peter is no exception. Everyone should go out. You are no exception. You are an exception. You don't`t have to go out. You may stay here. You are an exception. 11:40 When making a long-distance call on a pay phone in America, =When you make a long-distance call on a pay phone in America, you will no longer talk to an operator. When引导的状语从句,如果从句主语和主句相同的话,状语从句的主语第一步去掉,然后动词变现在分词。如果动词是be动词时,being可省略。 When I am free, I will help you. When free, I will help you. 17:54 While 强调某一段时间动作正在进行。 While I was writing a letter, I was singing. While writing a letter, I was singing. If ,once ,though,when,unless Though I am tired, I `ll help you. Though tired, i`ll help you. He is no longer here. 21:56 He is not nice.instead, he is bad. No wonder…难怪…做词用,放在句首 He studies hard. No wonder his teacher likes him. 24:14 Though poor, they were happy.=Though they are poor, they were happy. Unless sick, he always comes to work.=Unless he is sick, he always comes to work. While in school, you must study hard.=while you are in school,you must study hard.

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