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聘书英文版示例 欢迎来到,下面是小编给大家整理收集的关于聘书英文版示例,希望对大家有帮助。 聘书英文版示例【一】 Employer/Company Details: Date: ______________________ Applicant's Details: Dear Mr. Jones We have pleasure in confirming your appointment as _______________________ subject to the terms and conditions of your Contract of Employment as well as the Company's Policies and Procedures. We urge you to familiarize yourself with all the relevant documents and to keep these in a safe place for future reference. Any changes will be communicated to you in writing. Please indicate your acceptance of this appointment and the terms thereof by signing below and by returning this letter to us by close of business on ________________________20____. We look forward to a mutually rewarding association with you. Yours faithfully ____________________________ Name and Title of Employer


BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE BUSINESS PLAN [My Company] 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 10000 123-4567 [Your Name] [DATE]

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary (1) Management (2) [Company] History (5) [Product/Service] Description (7) Objectives (9) Competitors (10) Competitive Advantages (11) Innovation (13) Pricing (14) Specific Markets (15) Growth Strategy (16) Market Size and Share (17) Targeting New Markets (18) Location (19) Manufacturing Plan (20) Research & Development (21) Historical Financial Data (22) Proforma Financial Data (23) Proforma Balance Sheet (26) Cost Control (27) Effects of Loan or Investment (28) Attachments (29)

Executive Summary [My Company] was formed as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions: [Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service]. The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets. [I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months. Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months. [I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study. The basic components of this plan are: 1. Competitive pricing 2. Expand the markets 3. Increased advertising 4. Lower our unit costs, 5. Thereby achieving higher profits. 1. Sign contracts 2. Increased advertising 3. Increase office staff To this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation]. Financial Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales $1,000,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 Net Income $25,000 $250,000 $375,000 Earnings per .01 .12 .14 share


Private and Confidential Date: xxx 日期: Name: xxx 姓名: We are pleased to offer you a position of xxx with XXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the“Company”), subject to the conditions of Company ’s Labor Contract; the specific duties of the position is included in attached job description. The job description is an integral part of this offer, and has the same legal effect. 我们很高兴聘请您担任XXXXXXXXXXX有限公司(以下简称“公司”)xxx 一职,聘用条件以公司劳动合同为准,工作职责详见岗位描述,该岗位描述是本聘书的有效组成部分,具有同等的法律效力。 This offer of employment is contingent upon the following conditions: 本聘书基于以下条件有效: You must terminate any previous employment relationship and be under no other employment obligation; 您必须终止和以前雇主的任何雇用关系以及其他雇用责任; All the information you provided must be true and accurate; 您提供的所有信息必须真实准确; You must pass a pre-employment medical check prior to commencing work; 您到岗前必须通过入职体检; Successful passing a background check and reference verification by Company within reasonable time; 您必须在适当时间内通过背景调查以及推荐人核实调查;


Bakery business plan Introduction We want to open a bakery likes 85 degrees C in the Songjiang University Town around our school. First, we will introduce 85 degrees C.It is Taiwan-style catering company, mainly engaged in supplying coffee and dessert. Its name means that "coffee tastes best at the temperature of 85 degree centigrade " , and it’s set up on the basic of five-star chef and banquet’s specified top-level coffee .This shop is a new form of creative, it makes shop more bright with elegant lamplight , and suits with brand image, so that it can bring the consumer different feeling in the bright open space, at the same time the consumer can enjoy the sense of beauty and temptation from the delicious dessert, which will makes your sight、smelling and tasting feel brand new. 85 degrees C is created in 2004, and at present, 85 degrees C has became a chain of enterprise, and has more than 340 stores in Taiwan, annual operating income is more than RMB 1.5 billion, has exceed more than 200 Starbucks in Taiwan area. Over the years, it is becoming more and more popular among consumers, especially among the young. There are a large number of students in the Songjiang University Town, it can meet the demands of the students’ need. So if we open a store like 85 degrees C, it will have a big market.


岗位聘任书范本 【篇一:岗位聘任书范本(共11篇)】 篇一:岗位聘任书管理制度-范本 岗位聘任书管理制度 1 总则 1.1 为规范公司岗位聘用管理工作,明确企业与职工双方的责任与 权利,特制定本管理制度。 1.2 岗位聘用书管理遵循平等自愿,协商一致的原则,依法保护当 事人(企业和受聘者)双方的权利。 1.3 凡与本公司签订劳动合同的职工,上岗前必须签订岗位聘用书。 1.4 岗位聘用书作为劳动合同的附件,一经签订与劳动合同具有同 等法律效力。受聘职工按照岗位聘用书的有关条款履行职责,享受 岗位相应待遇;企业方按照岗位管理的规定或要求对职工进行定期 考核,实行动态管理。任何一方不履行岗位聘用书的约定或违反条 款内容,必须承担相应的法律责任。 2 职责 2.1 人力资源部: 2.1.1负责公司岗位聘用管理制度、岗位聘用书的起草、修订工作; 2.1.2负责组织职工岗位聘用书的签订及动态考评管理工作; 2.1.3负责岗位聘用书的变更、解除、终止等日常管理工作; 2.1.4负责公司职工岗位聘用书的保管。 2.2 党委工作部: 2.2.1负责中层管理人员岗位聘用书的签订; 2.2.2负责中层管理人员履行岗位职责的监督、考评工作。 2.3 各部门: 2.3.1负责与本部门受聘职工签订岗位聘用书; 2.3.2负责对受聘职工履行岗位职责的监督、考评工作。 3 管理要求 3.1 岗位聘用书以书面形式订立,其基本内容是: 3.1.1 聘用岗位名称; 3.1.2 聘任期限; 3.1.3 劳动报酬 3.1.4 工作内容; 3.1.5 劳动纪律;

3.1.6 合同的变更、解除、终止; 3.1.7 违约责任; 3.1.8 劳动争议处理。 3.2 岗位聘用书的签订程序: 3.2.1 由企业拟定聘用书文本; 3.2.2 当事人双方就聘用书条款进行协商,确立聘用书内容; 3.2.3 在工会组织监督下,当事人双方在聘用书文本上签字(盖章)。其中: (1)中层管理岗位受聘职工与总经理(党委书记)签订聘用书;工 会主席监督签字。 (2)其他职工均与部门主任签订聘用书。华电公司职工与华电公司 总经理签订聘用书。分工会主席监督签字。 3.2.4 岗位聘用书一式三份。签订后,一份由本人保管,一份所在 部门留存(中层管理岗位交党委工作部),一份报人力资源部保管。 3.3 岗位聘用书的变更、解除、终止。 3.3.1 岗位聘用书自签订之日起,双方均不得随意更改、解除、终止。 3.3.2 有下列情形之一者,企业方可以解除岗位聘用书。 ——在试用期、试岗期内,经考核受聘职工不符合岗位任职条件者;——受聘职工违反或不履行聘用书内容,情节严重者; ——受聘职工被解除劳动合同者; ——受聘职工脱产学习、培训、借调6个月及以上者(上级单位借 调除外);——因岗位撤销、合并等原因造成所聘用岗位不存在时。 3.3.3 有下列情形之一者,企业方不得解除岗位聘用书。 ——患职业病尚未治愈者; ——工伤患者在规定的治疗和休养期间; ——非因工负伤或患病在规定的医疗期间; ——女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期间。 3.3.4 有下列情形之一者,受聘职工可以提出解除岗位聘用书。——在试用期、试岗期内; ——受聘职工申请内部退养、离岗休养等脱离岗位者; ——企业方未按岗位聘用书的约定支付劳动报酬、保险福利待遇或 者提供劳动保护和劳动条件时; ——受聘职工要求解除劳动合同时; ——受聘职工有其他正当理由,经企业方同意的。 3.3.5 有下列情形之一者,岗位聘用书终止:


商业计划书英文范文 篇一:商业计划书提纲写作(中英文) Business Plan Outline - 23 Point Checklist For Success Dave Lavinsky, Contributor If you’re looking for funding for a new or existing business, you need a business plan. Your business plan gives lenders and investors the information they need to determine whether or not they should consider your company. Your business plan outline is the first step in organizing your thoughts. And, when you follow the outline below, you ensure your business plan is in the format that prompts investors and lenders to take action. In the business plan outline below, you will see the ten (10) sections common to business plans, and the twenty-three (23) sub-sections you must complete. Section I – Executive Summary 1 – Executive Summary The Executive Summary is the most important part


英文聘任书格式 篇一:英语聘书模板原创 Letter of Appointment Dear This Letter of Appointment is hereby granted to you for your appointment as a xxpany due to your outstanding performance in the interview and your talent . Please xxe to our xxpany next Monday on time. Have a good weekend! From Future Investment20XX.11.23 篇二:聘任书格式 聘书格式及范文 聘书聘书是指用来请某些有特种专长的人才来完成某项工作的书信。 1.聘书的概念聘书是聘请书的简称。它是用于聘请某些有专业特长或名望权威的人完成某项任务或担 任某种职务时的书信文体书。聘书在应用写作中起着重要的作用 2.聘书的写作聘书一般已按照书信格式印制好,中心内容由发文者填写即可。完整的聘书的格式一般由以下几部分构成。 标题聘书往往在正中写上“聘书”或“聘请书”字样,

有的聘书也可以不写标题。已印制好 的聘书标题常用烫金或大写的“聘书”或“聘请书”字样组成。 称谓聘请书上被聘者的姓名称呼可以在开头顶格写,然后再加冒号;也可以在正文中写明受 聘人的姓名称呼。常见的印制好的聘书则大都在第一行空两格写“兹聘请××??”。 正文聘书的正文一般要求包括以下一些内容:首先,交待聘请的原因和请去所干的工作,或所要去担任的职务。其次,写明聘任期限。如“聘期两年”、“聘期自200*年2月20日至200*年2月20日”。再次,聘任待遇。聘任待遇可直接写在聘书之上,也可另附详尽的聘约或公函写明具体的待遇,这要视情况而定。另外,正文还要写上对被聘者的希望。这一点一般可以写在聘书上,但也可以不写,而 通过其它的途径使受聘人切实明白自己的职责。 结尾聘书的结尾一般写上表示敬意和祝颂的结束用语。如“此致——敬礼”、“此聘”等。 落款落款要署上发文单位名称或单位领导的姓名、职务,并署上发文日期,同时要加盖公章。聘书写作的注意事项聘书要郑重严肃,对有关招聘的内容要交待清楚。同时聘书的书写要整洁、大方、美观。聘书一般要短小精悍,不


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 聘书英文版示例 Employer/Company Details: Date: ______________________ Applicant's Details: Dear Mr. Jones We have pleasure in confirming your appointment as _______________________ subject to the terms and conditions of your Contract of Employment as well as the Company's Policies and Procedures. We urge you to familiarize yourself with all the relevant documents and to keep these in a safe place for future reference. Any changes will be communicated to you in writing. Please indicate your acceptance of this appointment and the terms thereof by signing below and by returning this letter to us by close of business on ________________________20____. We look forward to a mutually rewarding association with you. Yours faithfully ____________________________ Name and Title of Employer 1 / 4


Table of Contents 1.The Route from Concept to Company (2) 1.1.Success factors (2) 1.2.Stages of development (3) 2.The Business Idea (6) 2.1.Developing a business idea (6) 2.2.Elements of a promising business idea (7) 2.3.Protecting your business idea (10) 2.4.Presenting your idea to investors (11) 3.The Business Plan (13) 3.1.Advantages of a business plan (13) 3.2.Characteristics of a successful business plan (13) 3.3.The investor’s point of view (15) 3.4.Tips on preparing a professional business plan (17) 4.Structure and Key Elements of a Business Plan (19) 4.1.Executive summary (19) 4.2.Product or service (21) 4.3.Management team (22) 4.4.Market and competition (24) 4.5.Marketing and sales (27) 4.6.Business system and organization (32) 4.7.Implementation schedule (36) 4.8.Opportunities and risks (38) 4.9.Financial planning and financing (38)


( 聘书) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-060297 英文版聘请书模板English template of engagement letter

条据书信| Article Letter 聘书 英文版聘请书模板 Employer/Company Details: Date: ____ Applicant's Details: Dear Mr. Jones We have pleasure in confirming your appointment as _____ subject to the terms and conditions of your Contract of Employment as well as the Company's Policies and Procedures. We urge you to familiarize yourself with all the relevant documents and to keep these in a safe place for future reference. Any changes will be communicated to you in writing. Please indicate your acceptance of this appointment and the terms thereof by signing below and by returning this letter to us by close of business on ____20____. We look forward to a mutually rewarding association with you. Yours faithfully ______ Name and Title of Employer 第2页


商业计划书模板英 文版 1

BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE BUSINESS PLAN [My Company] 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 10000 123-4567 [Your Name] [DATE]

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Management ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。[Company] History ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。[Product/Service] Description ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Objectives ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Competitors ......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Competitive Advantages ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Innovation ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Pricing ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Specific Markets ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Growth Strategy .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Market Size and Share ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Targeting New Markets ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Location .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Manufacturing Plan ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Research & Development ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Historical Financial Data .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Proforma Financial Data ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Proforma Balance Sheet ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Cost Control ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Effects of Loan or Investment ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。Attachments ........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。



目录 一、市场现状分析 (一)英语培训市场背景 (3) (二)少儿英语培训行业现状 (4) (三)与品牌培训机构的比较分析。 (4) (四)顾客市场目标分析 (5) (五)竞争品牌订价策略的比较分析 (6) 二、培训中心介绍 (一)师资准备 (6) (二)宣传手段 (6) (三)培训特色 (7) (四)“教”后服务 (7) 三、市场可行性分析 (一)市场发展趋势 (9) (二)经费预算 (9) (三)不可控因素分析 (10) 四、市场竞争力分析 (一)市场定位 (11) (二)分析优势 (12) 五、调整方案 (一)网络营销 (14) (二)一对一私人外教 (14) 一、市场现状分析

(一)英语培训市场背景 中国是一个尊重知识,崇尚教育的古老民族,为了孩子的未来,父母们可以说决不吝啬。实际上,教育投资已然成为中国家庭一项最主要的支出。根据调查,中国人的教育开支目前已占到所有消费开支的15%左右,仅次于食品消费。也有经济学家指出,中国95%以上的行业和产品已基本满足了供求平衡或供大于求,唯独教育远远未满足需求,仍是卖方市场,英语教育尤其如此。有关调查显示,近些年来,中国的培训市场发展迅速,作为其中重头的“英语培训”更是得到了快速发展,各培训机构如雨后春笋般纷纷出现。当前国内英语培训市场的市场总值已接近200亿元,全国的英语培训机构总数量不下5万家,虽然已出现局部竞争过热现象,但英语培训市场在未来一段时间内仍将保持高速增长。外语培训市场“钱景”诱人,外语培训行业这块肥沃的市场也成了众多品牌教育机构的必争之地。目前,随着培训市场消费者的逐渐理性,培训行业也全面进入了“竞争时代”,比较著名的外语培训机构有新东方、新动力、亚美欧、环球雅思、新航道、博顿、昂立、巨人、李阳疯狂英语、世纪博文。 (二)少儿英语培训行业现状 一项关于城市家庭的随机抽样调查显示,几乎每个家庭都希望自己的孩子从小就开始进行英语方面的培训。从家长的认识和市场的认识,大家都觉得没有英语对孩子来说没有一个好的未来;从家长来说,需求也是非常旺盛的,希望孩子有好的英语,好的未来。这说明少儿


聘书英文模板 当前各家企业都在忙着应届毕业生的招聘工作,我特意为大家整理了关于聘书英文模板范文的相关材料,希望对您的工作和生活有帮助。 聘书英文模板【一】 Employer/Company Details: Date: ______________________ Applicant's Details: Dear Mr. Jones We have pleasure in confirming your appointment as _______________________ subject to the terms and conditions of your Contract of Employment as well as the Company's Policies and Procedures. We urge you to familiarize yourself with all the relevant documents and to keep these in a safe place for future reference. Any changes will be communicated to you in writing. Please indicate your acceptance of this appointment and the terms thereof by signing below and by returning this letter to us by close of business on ________________________20____. We look forward to a mutually rewarding association with you. Yours faithfully ____________________________


Business plan for the pet market Miracle Nov-22-2009

E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Pets sold on the market today is very large, an increasing number of younger age groups like to keep as pets and to their partners. They not only satisfied with a simple feeding, but also regard them as their parents. Because they have this mentality, the other relevant market came into being and pets - pet grooming, health care and so on. At present, there are already many such institutions abroad; many domestic first-line has also been developed cities, a similar organization, but due to technical reasons, and other aspects of a single national comparison of many of these institutions In developed city markets,there exists a lackage of all-package organization for all kind of pet services.In second line cities,some service organizations for only one kind of pet still have a large market share,but we need a more effective solution to develop market there.For the consideration,our program is to design the market in Nanning,through the program,we can find a more effective way to learn how the pet service market works and how to explore potential business opportunity.

Offer Letter 入职确认函中英文模板

Offer Letter Dear Mr. (XX先生): Following our interview discussions, we are offering the position of Area Sales Manager 根据我们在面试时的协定,现在我们聘请您为:地区销售经理 We outline below the term and conditions, which will apply upon your acceptance of the appointment. 有关职位具体描述如下,将会在您正式接受 职位:地区销售经理 2.Commencement Date: MAR.30 2006 开始日期:2006年3月30日 3.Responsibilities: Your specific responsibilities have been discussed with you, and are summarized in the position description which will be provided to upon commencement. 职责:(参照〈职位描述说明〉) 4.Reporting: You will report directly to National Sales Manager. 汇报:您将直接向全国销售经理汇报。 5.Salary: RMB 13500/month(Gross salary pre-tax)per month paid on a 13-month basis per year after confirmation. A review of your salary will take place in MAY each year. 薪金: 您将每年获得13个月的基本薪金,每月的薪金为税前13500元。 每年5月我们将对您的薪酬水平进行回顾和调整。 6.Annual Leave: You will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the company policy. 年假:根据公司规定,您将会享有公司的年假。 7.Social Insurance and Housing Fund: You will be entitled to social insurance benefits in accordance with Chinese Labour Law. 社会保险:根据中国的相关劳动法规,公司将为您办理国家规定的社会保险福利。 8.Medical Scheme: You will be enrolled in our company medical scheme classified as staff. 医疗计划:根据公司的制度,您将享受公司的医疗报销福利。


Contents Project Profiles (2) 1) Company and Project Introduction (2) 2) Market Opportunities and Analysis (2) Marketing Research (3) 1) Site survey (3) 2) Target Customer (3) 3) Consumer Preferences (3) 4) Competitors (3) Marketing Strategy (4) 1)Business Planning (4) 2)Food Specialties (4) 3)Promotion Plan (4) 4)Advertising Strategy (4) Financial Planning (5) 1) Investment Budget (5) 2) Profit Budget (5) 3) Survival Analysis and Expansion Plans (5) Risk Management (6) 1) Announcements (6) 2) Shop Fire Risk (6) 3) Market Risk (6)

Project Profiles 1)Company and Project Introduction Company name: Hot Girls Company type: partnership Company tenet: enthusiasm, dedication and quality ? Company business: Main business: spicy hot pot Engaged in business: fresh juice, carbonated drinks and beer Project introduction: Spicy hot pot is a kind of local flavor snack which originated in Sichuan province and has a long history.Its main characteristic is its spicy taste and is deeply loved by many consumers. As for its history ,we all know that the climate of Sichuan province is humid , the boaters and trackers working for decades build the hearth ,put some wild vegetables and other food around them. Also,they add some peppers or chilies and cook them . It can not only satisfy their hunger but also fend off the cold . Then the cooking method was followed ,and it develop into today's spicy hot pot that we can often see in the streets.With the development of the times, people tend to pursue something new and special in aspect of eating .As a result, it offers the conditions for the development and expansion of spicy hot pot and opens up a broader market for it. 2)Market Opportunities and Analysis ①Although spicy hot pot is not so attractive ,it is still the characteristic flavor snack with a long history. Spicy hot pot with its distinctive characteristics and the mature market environment ,which can carry out diversified development.In addition ,there are many customers who want to try the spicy hot pot ,and business model is diverse. ②Spicy hot pot has low investments, low risks but the high profit, and it is basically not affected by the season and region.It doesn’t has low and peak seasons ,besides ,it is popular all over the country. ③Spicy hot pot has lower cost in the rent, personnel, management and processing ,so it is quite suitable for the investors who don’t have much money .Because of this,spicy hot pot is more competitive in the market. What’s more, once the business backs on track,it can bring you continuous and a lot of profits.

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