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Introduction of Beauty and the Beast .

Beauty and the Beast is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon from a screenplay written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos. A co-production between Walt Disney Pictures and Mandeville Films, the film is a live-action and computer animation remake of Disney's 1991 animated film of the same name, itself an adaptation of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont's eighteenth-century fairy tale. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Emma Watson and Dan Stevens as the titular characters with Luke Evans, Kevin Kline, Josh Gad, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Audra McDonald, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ian McKellen and Emma

Thompson in supporting roles.

Set in Bourbon-era France, a young woman, Belle, is imprisoned in an enchanted castle by the fearsome Beast, a prince cursed by a sorceress as penance for his callousness. She is also pursued by Gaston, a narcissistic hunter who wants her hand in marriage, leading to a confrontation with the Beast.

Principal photography began at Shepperton Studios in Surrey, England on May 18, 2015, and ended on August 21. Beauty and the Beast premiered on February 23, 2017, at Spencer House in London and was released in North America on March 17, 2017, in the standard, Disney Digital 3-D, RealD 3D, IMAX and IMAX 3D formats along with Dolby Cinema.The film received generally positive reviews from critics and has grossed $693 million worldwide on a $160 million production budget, making it the highest-grossing film of 2017.


Somewhere in Rococo-era France, an enchantress disguised as a beggar arrives at a debutante ball and offers an enchanted rose to a prince in exchange for shelter from a storm, but he refuses. For his arrogance, the enchantress transforms him into a beast to match his inhumane character and the servants into inanimate objects, and erases the castle from the villagers' memories. She gives the Beast a magic mirror that shows faraway events. To break the spell, the prince must learn to love

another and earn her love in return before the rose's last petal falls.

Years later during the 1780s, in the village of Villeneuve, a young woman, Belle, lives with her father Maurice, an artist and tinkerer. Gaston, a celebrated former soldier, seeks her hand in marriage, but she is repulsed by his arrogance and narcissism. On a trip to the market to sell music boxes, Maurice and his horse Philippe lose their way in the forest and are attacked by wolves. They seek refuge at the castle, only for Maurice to be imprisoned by the Beast as penance for taking a rose from the garden. When she realizes her father is missing, Belle ventures into the forest in search for him, and finds him in the castle. The Beast confronts her and accepts her offer to take her father's place.

Belle meets and befriends the servants in the castle. She eventually wanders into the forbidden west wing and finds the rose. The Beast, enraged, frightens Belle into fleeing into the woods. He rescues her from a pack of wolves but is injured during the fight. Belle assists him to the castle and nurses him back to health. A friendship develops, and the servants tell her she may be the one who can break the curse. The Beast develops feelings for Belle and allows her access to his library. However, Belle remains uncertain of her feelings due to her imprisonment. The Beast shows Belle a gift the enchantress gave him, a book that could take people wherever they wanted. Belle takes both to a small house in Paris, where she used to live with her parents as an infant. They see it is

abandoned and old, and the Beast discovers that Belle's mother died of a plague after finding a plague doctor mask.

Meanwhile, Maurice returns to Villeneuve but is unable to convince the others to rescue Belle. Gaston agrees to help Maurice rescue Belle, but when he reveals his true intention to marry Belle, Maurice refuses. In response, Gaston leaves him in the forest to die. Maurice is rescued by a hermit, Agathe, and openly accuses Gaston of his crime, but Gaston convinces the townsfolk to send Maurice to the local asylum. After sharing a romantic dance with the Beast, Belle discovers her father's predicament using the magic mirror. The Beast allows her to leave to save Maurice, giving her the mirror to look back on him with. At Villeneuve, Belle proves Maurice's sanity by revealing the Beast in the mirror. Realizing that Belle loves the Beast, Gaston has her thrown into asylum with her father and rallies the villagers to follow him to the castle to slay the Beast. Maurice and Belle escape from confinement and Belle follows.

During the ensuing fight, Gaston abandons his companion LeFou, who sides with the servants to fend off the villagers. Gaston attacks the Beast in his tower, who is initially too depressed to fight back, but regains his will upon seeing Belle return. He corners Gaston but spares his life before reuniting with Belle. However, Gaston fatally shoots the Beast in the back before falling off the tower to his death. The Beast dies as the

last rose petal falls and Belle professes her love to him. Agathe reveals herself as the enchantress and undoes the curse, restoring the Beast's life and human form. The servants' forms and the villagers' memories are also restored, with few of the villagers recognizing some of the servants as their loved ones. The prince and Belle host a ball for the kingdom, where they dance happily.


《美女与野兽》童话剧剧本 演员表 背景音乐:电闪雷鸣,风雨交加。 旁白:很久以前,在一座金碧辉煌的城堡里住着一位骄纵、自私的王子。一个寒冷的冬夜,城堡里来了一位乞丐老婆婆,她献给王子一枝红玫瑰,请求王子让她避避风寒。 第一场:王子变野兽 王子:你这又丑又怪的老太婆,赶紧滚吧! 乞丐老婆婆:请不要以貌取人,内在美才是真正的美,求求你让我住一晚吧。 王子:做梦! 旁白:王子还是不肯让她留下。这时,乞丐老婆婆忽然变了,变成一位美丽无比的女巫! (女巫变身,手拿魔法棒,念咒语。)为了惩罚王子,她实施魔法将王子变成了丑陋的野兽,又将他的仆人们变成了各种各样的器皿。女巫狂笑!王子尖叫! 旁白:从此,王子就把自己关在城堡里,只能通过一面魔镜看到外面的世界。女巫把玫瑰花留给了他。这朵玫瑰花只能盛开到他21岁生日。如果他在玫瑰凋谢前学会爱别人,同时也能得到对方的爱,魔法就能破除;否则,他永远不能恢复人形!(野兽拿着魔镜,对着玫瑰黯然伤神。) 时间一年一年地过去了… 第二场:美女贝儿 旁白:在城堡附近的村子里,有位美丽、善良的少女,名叫贝儿。爸爸莫维斯是一位辛勤却不得志的发明家以外,贝儿最喜欢的就是读书,村里人都认为贝儿是镇上最美丽的女儿,她气质高雅,谈吐得体。 (贝儿坐在椅子上认真地看书,动作优雅) 旁白:同村有位强壮的年轻猎人,名叫加斯顿,他深深地被美丽的贝儿所吸引。 一天下午,加斯顿遇见了贝儿。 (加斯顿抢过贝儿的书,胡乱地翻了翻,往旁边一丢) 加斯顿:看什么破书啊,应该好好关心我,我早就跟村里的人说我要娶你。 贝儿:你胡说什么呀!

(贝儿生气地甩手走了,下场) (莫维斯拿着发明出场,研究发明) 贝儿回到家,发现爸爸正在激动地摆弄着他新发明的机器。明天他就要带着这台新机器参加发明展览会了。 莫维斯说:“如果我赢得大奖,我们就再也不愁吃穿了!”他把机器装上马车,然后驾着马儿费立上路了。 贝儿大喊:“祝您好运,爸爸!” 第三场:邂逅野兽 旁白:夜里,莫维斯和费立在黑漆漆的森林里迷路了。 莫维斯(沮丧地)说:“我们天亮前赶不到展览会了。” 背景音乐:狼嚎声。 莫维斯瑟瑟发抖:哦,野狼!救命啊! 旁白:费立受惊慌乱地跑回村子。莫维斯拼命逃脱了狼群的追击,来到一座阴森森的城堡面前。在这座令人毛骨悚然的古堡里,莫维斯惊讶地发现每件器皿都会说话! 温文尔雅的蜡烛台卢米亚说:“你能活着到这里真令人难以相信!” 胆小的闹钟葛士华说:“嘘!安静点!别把主人吵醒了!” 卢米亚对莫维斯说:“过来休息一下吧!”莫维斯精疲力尽地倒在沙发上。 茶煲太太说:“你要喝茶吗?” 小茶杯阿齐赶紧凑过来。“不行,主人会发现的!”(葛士华大叫。) 茶煲太太说:“嘿!你才应该小声点!” (然后,她倒了一杯热气腾腾的好茶给莫维斯。) (莫维斯刚端起茶杯,突然,餐厅的门被撞开了,一只可怕的野兽出现在莫维斯面前。他张开血盆大口,露出尖尖的牙齿,怒吼着向莫维斯冲了过来。) 莫维斯吓得屁滚尿流。 野兽吼着:“你在这里干什么?”“来人,把他给我关起来!” 第四场:勇敢救父 旁白:此时,在村子里,加斯顿正缠着贝儿答应嫁给他。 加斯顿:你就嫁给我吧,贝儿! 贝儿:别说了,我是不会答应的,请你离开! 加斯顿走后不久,费立飞奔到贝儿的屋前。贝儿吃惊地问:“怎么回事?爸爸呢?” 费立:冲着莫维斯出事的地方长嘶。(贝儿做吃惊状)


美女与野兽英文读后感 洛城二中 王立芹

美女与野兽英文读后感 During the summer holiday, I read a fairy story named "beauty and the beast" and I was deeply touched. The story is once upon a time there was a prince, he isn’t kind and he is lack of compassion. He can't treat each passing old man, also with sticks hustle them. One day, a mage to before him and said: "you are a people person! I didn't want to turn you into a beast. There are five roses, are you five years of life. For five years, you must learn to good, especially have love." One day, a jeweler lost his way, come to the alace, he plucked a beautiful rose to going to his daughter. See the beast, in anger say: "This is my life, and I will kill you, unless you put your daughter to me." So, beauty came to the beast side, care for her and love her beast, to her warm, let her like staying in their homes as well. The days passed and the beauty want to see his father, The beast told her to hurry back. Beauty home, forget time, magic mirror remind beauty to back as soon as possible to beast side. When the beauty went back to beast, roses last petal beltwas raised-in.The beast went back to the handsome prince. The story makes me understand that the person should have a heart and should care about others.


《美女与野兽》XX观后感 导语:新版美女和野兽看星星看月亮聊罗密欧与朱丽叶;谷克多版野兽以死相逼、后又献上自己的全部宝藏;老版迪士尼最有趣,野兽干脆承认自己不认字,只是家里书多而已,美女爱他是因为温柔、对小动物好。以下是品才网小编整理的《美女与野兽》XX观后感,欢迎阅读参考! 《美女与野兽》XX观后感一共刷了六个版本的《美女与野兽》,突然意识到,即使也换成艾玛石来演,这仍是一个无论怎样拍都不会好的剧本。下面逐一说明理由。 《美女与野兽》虽然是经典之作,但始终有个因童话题材限制而不成立之处,即从不涉及性吸引的部分。我特意查了在线词典中对爱情的解释:爱情通常是情与欲的对照,爱情由情爱和性爱两个部分组成,情爱是爱情的灵魂,性爱是爱情的能量。 然而从没有任何一个版本对其有过明确的描述。仅仅在1946年让·谷克多导演的版本,美女见到野兽后晕厥,野兽将美女抱回房间,换上华服,其中隐晦的省略掉可能是性的部分。XX年文森特·卡索和蕾雅·赛杜的法国版也是在野兽还是人的时候才有一丢丢亲热的戏。 更多的处理方式是,将之描述为两个边缘的、不合群的、被世人所不能理解的人之间的共鸣。新版美女和野兽看星星

看月亮聊罗密欧与朱丽叶;谷克多版野兽以死相逼、后又献上自己的全部宝藏;老版迪士尼最有趣,野兽干脆承认自己不认字,只是家里书多而已,美女爱他是因为温柔、对小动物好。好吧,你可能就是我妈口中适合结婚的老实人。 《美女与野兽》有个非常好的前提的设定,即,学会爱人且让对方爱上他。这几乎是其它提倡一见钟情的童话故事中所没有的。但让人很失望的是,影片里丝毫没有学习的过程。仆人献计送玫瑰送宝石,这是讨好并不是爱。让他重新打扮说话小声,这是有礼貌也不是爱。剧情转折的关键是野兽为了让美女回家救父还给她自由,称之为舍弃了自己性命的最大的爱,然而这本来就不是真正的囚禁。 反而美女才是学着去爱的。适应对方的习惯端着盘子喝汤,做出巨大牺牲放弃颜值跟野兽在一起。女生总是容易用情。 野兽人设的矛盾性也是重大问题。由于不敢表现杀戮,不可以黑化,不能体现野兽的残暴,野兽除了稍微吼几声吓唬人吓唬狼之外,从来没有兽性大发过。只是假凶。即使有几个版本中有死去的鹿或者沾了血的爪子,也从来没有正面的猎杀过程。但我们可以看到开篇介绍中,王子并不是一个完美的形象,他刻薄、冷漠、自大、自私,因此才受到诅咒。没有了被驯化的过程,美女的作用只是把他的外貌改变,那又怎么做到学会爱人呢。


美女与野兽英文概括 【篇一:美女与野兽英文概括】 one day news came that a ship hadarrived which would make the merchant wealthy again. 有一天传来了这样的消息:一艘船来了,这可能使商人重新富起来。 the merchant set off to the city, andjust before he left he said, tell me, daughters, what gifts wouldyou like me to bring back for you? 告诉我,女儿们,你们希望我带给商人打算进城,出发前他问道:“  你什么礼物?” the two older girls asked for fineclothes and jewels, but beauty wanted nothing . realizing this madeher sisters look greedy, she thought it best to ask for something.bring me a rose, father, she said, just a beautiful redrose. 两位姐姐索要衣服和首饰,但是美女什么也不想要。但是想到这样 做可能会使姐姐们显得很贪婪,她想她最好要点什么。“给我一枝玫瑰花,父亲,”她说道,“我只想要一枝玫瑰花。” when the merchant reached the city hefound disaster had struck once more and the ships cargo wasruined. 商人来到城市里,他发现灾难又一次降临,船上的货物被毁了。 he took the road homewondering how to break the news to his children. he was so deep inthought that he lost his way. 他走在回家的路上,心想如何把这个消息带给孩子们,他苦苦思索, 以致于迷路了。 worse still, it started to snow, andhe feared he would never reach home alive. 更糟糕的是,天下起雪来,他担心他不能活着回家了。 just as he despaired he noticedlights ahead, and riding towards them he saw a finecastle. 正当他失望泄气的时候,他注意到前方有灯光,当他骑马前往时, 他发现了一座富丽堂皇的宫殿。 the gates stood open and flares werealight in the courtyard. 大门敞开着,院子里的炉火燃烧着。 in the stables a stall empty with hayin the manger and clean bedding on the floor ready for hishorse.


Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2018, 8(7), 984-988 Published Online July 2018 in Hans. https://www.doczj.com/doc/208160636.html,/journal/ap https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/208160636.html,/10.12677/ap.2018.87118 The Psychological Analysis of the Beast Character in Beauty and the Beast Jiaojiao Li, Yan Li Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin Received: Jun. 29th, 2018; accepted: Jul. 16th, 2018; published: Jul. 23rd, 2018 Abstract Fairy tale is a metaphor for the evolution of mind. Beauty and the Beast portrays a beast suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, who finds true love and recovers from a beast to a prince. The essay discusses the origin and behaviors of his narcissistic personality disorder based on the archetype theory of Cael Gustav Jung in the tale. Finally, the author analyses the healing process hidden in the tale through the description of how beast breaks the control of the shadow, finds his inner anima and regains the ability of love. Keywords Narcissistic Personality Disorder, The Persona, The Shadow, Anima 《美女与野兽》中野兽人物形象的心理分析 李娇娇,李燕 天津外国语大学,天津 收稿日期:2018年6月29日;录用日期:2018年7月16日;发布日期:2018年7月23日 摘要 童话故事是人类心灵进化的展示,《美女与野兽》讲述了患有自恋人格障碍的野兽,通过找到真爱的过程,打破野兽的面具,回到了王子的本来面目。本文运用荣格的原型理论分析了野兽的自恋人格障碍在童话中的具体表现,并阐述了野兽自恋人格障碍的起源。以及野兽如何打破阴影的控制,找到内心的阿尼玛,重新获得爱的能力,展示出了童话中隐藏着的自恋人格障碍治愈的过程。


小学五年级习作读后感教案设计 教学目标: 1、激发学生写读后感的兴趣。 2、帮助学生初步掌握写读后感的写法。 3、进一步培养学生“读好书”“好读书”的习惯。 导写重点: 1、写读后感是如何选择感受点。 2、如何在读后感中体现出自己独特的个性。 导写过程: 一、交流激趣,初识读后感。 1、同学们,你最近读过什么书,你有些什么收获呢?谁来把自己的读书感受说一说? 我想问问大家,你们当时有没有把这些读书的收获和感受及时地记录下来呢?如果你们能把刚才所说的感受并联系你的实际形成文字,记录下来就成了读后感了!这节课我们就一起来学习怎样写读后感。 师:请同学生齐读课题。 师:那么什么是读后感呢? 小结:像这样在读过一篇文章或一本书籍之后,把自己获得的感受、体会以及受到的道德教育、启迪说出来或写下来,就是读后感。 二、范文引路,了解写法。

明确写读后感的几个环节 1、下面请大家根据老师提出的要求来看看课本上的这篇读后感是怎么写 的? 课件出示问题: 1、这篇读后感中哪些段落是课文的内容? 2、哪些段落是作者的感受?这部分内容在文中写的怎样? 师:不错,写读后感,“感”应该作为重点详细来写。那么,作者的这些感受是因何产生的呢? 生:是因为读了《圆明园的毁灭》这篇课文。 师:也就是说,要写读书感受和收获,要先?? 生:要先读文章,读懂原文。 师小结:是啊!读是感的基础,感是读的结果。 2、那么,作者又是怎样安排这篇读后感的写作顺序呢?请大家思考一下各段写了什么?和你的小组同学说一说 3、根据学生的回答相机板书:是的,第一段点名所读的篇目,抒发作者的感情,点击课件。这是写读后感的第一个环节,这个环节我们把它就做点。板书:点第二段简要写出“读”的内容或直接引用原文重点语句,很快引出感的观


如对你有帮助,请购买下载打赏,谢谢! 从前 Once upon a time 在一个遥远地方 in a faraway land 一个年轻的王子住在美丽的城堡里 a young prince lived in a shining castle. 虽然他拥有了一切他想要的东西Although he had everything his heart desired 但这个王子却被宠坏了 the prince was spoiled, 非常自私暴躁, selfish and unkind. 在冬天的一个夜晚 But then, one winter's night 城堡前来了一个乞讨的老太婆 an old beggar woman came to the castle 想要用她一朵玫瑰花 and offered him a single rose 去跟这个王子换得一个能棲身的地方 in return for shelter from the bitter cold. 王子不屑于衣衫褴褛妇人的玫瑰Repulsed by her haggard appearance the prince sneered at the gift 并且残忍地把她赶走 and turned the old woman away 这个老太婆警告王子不要只看外表 but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty 内在才是最美丽的根本 is found within 王子不理会,凶狠地赶她离开 and when he dismissed her again 突然这个丑陋的老太婆 the old woman's ugliness melted away 变成了一个非常美丽的女人 to reveal a beautiful enchantress. 王子赶忙向她道歉 The prince tried to apologize, 但是已经太迟了 but it was too late 因为她发现王子没有一点爱心 for she had seen that there was no love in his heart 为了惩罚他 and as punishment, 她把王子变成了野兽 she transformed him into a hideous beast 并且对整个城堡 and placed a powerful spell on the castle 以及里面的人发下了咒语 and all who lived there. 巨大而恐怖的野兽羞于他的外表Ashamed of his monstrous form 而终日把自己锁在城堡里 the Beast concealed himself inside his castle 只有一个魔镜 with a magic mirror 可以看见外界的情形 as his only window to the outside world. 那女人留下的玫瑰 The rose she had offered 变成有魔咒的花 was truly an enchanted rose 将在王子21岁时绽放 which would bloom until his 21st year. 如果在最后一片花瓣掉落之前 If he could learn to love another 王子能够学会了爱人而且也有人爱他 and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell 那所有的咒语就会解除 then the spell would be broken. 否则… If not, 他终身都会是一头野兽了 he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. 时间一天天的过去了 As the years passed, 他陷入了失望与绝望之中 he fell into despair and lost all hope 因为有谁会去爱上一只野兽呢 for who could ever learn to love a beast? 小城镇,是个安静的村 Little town,it's a quiet village 每一天都和以前一样 Ev'ry day like the one before 小城中都是小人物 Little town full of little people 醒来就说 waking up to say 你好…(法语) Bon jour! 你好… Bon jour! 你看那面包师父叫卖着 There goes the baker With his tray like always 一成不变的面包卷 The same old bread and rolls to sell 每个早晨都是一样 Every morning just the same 自从我们到这偏僻的小镇 Since the morning that we came To this poor provincial town...


剧中人物:Aside旁白 Beauty’s fathure 美女父亲 Beauty’s brother 美女哥哥 Beaury美女 Beast 野兽 Playboy花花公子 Beauty’s sister 旁 白:Hello,, I will tell you a very very beautify love let me introd uce the members of this story familyof the beauty,beast,playboyand t he leading role of our ,our beautyful story is begining. 第一幕:出场人物:美女全家 旁白:One day,beauty’sfather learn that all hia ships had been lost in a storm. He was penniless and would have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods. 美女父亲(依依不舍的):I’m sorry,but all my ships had been lost in a storm, We have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the dear children,I must go to find another job . 美女:Everything will be alright,daddy. 美女哥哥(很担心的):where will you go,father?Don't leave us! We don't have any servants and the house is so small. 美女姐姐:What can wo do?We can’t live well without you,my dear father! 父亲:I must go to a far away place,to talk a big I do it well,then I will make very much money. And we can move back home.


快乐周三教案-《美女与野兽》赏析课 教学目标:1、通过对英美原声影视作品《美女与野兽》的赏析,初步培养学生主动了解并关注英语国家文化以及东西文化之间的差异;2、训练学生在观看英美原声影视作品的过程中所形成的听力技能;3、初步 掌握一些英语语言中的俚语,加深对英语的理解;4、扩展学生知识面,拓宽学生国际视野,提升学 生文化修养。 教学重点:培养学生有意识地去关注英语国家文化以及东西文化之间的差异。 课前准备:1、多媒体放映设备;2、在《美女与野兽》DVD中截取几段视频图像;3、从网络下载有关“巴洛克”建筑风格的典型图片;4、准备《美女与野兽》主题歌《Beauty and The Beast》。 教学时间:二课时 教学过程: 一、音乐导入从歌曲《Beauty and The Beast》引入影片《美女与野兽》。 二、概括剧情 上个课时,学生已经观看了《美女与野兽》这部影视作品后,设置了一项作业,即概括出该剧的大意。本课时,让个别学生发表自己的观点,看他们是否掌握该剧的剧情。 用多媒体课件展示故事梗概:故事讲述在村外的森林里,住着一位被魔咒化为野兽的王子。村子里美丽的姑娘贝尔与父亲相依为命,一天父亲在森林里迷路,误入城堡被怪兽囚禁,贝尔为救父亲,自愿留在城堡内。经过一段时间的相处,贝尔发现怪兽其实心地善良,不知不觉就爱上了它。此时村夫恶汉盖斯通欲娶贝尔,便带村民围杀野兽,在奋战中,盖斯通坠楼身亡,最后怪兽也被解除魔咒,变成英俊的王子。 三、该片背景介绍 (一)该片简单情况介绍:《美女与野兽》的故事来自格林童话。《美女与野兽》(Beauty and The Beast)是第一部获奥斯卡奖提名最佳故事片的动画长片,并获第49届金球奖最佳影片(歌舞/喜剧类)奖。本片的制作预算高达8000万美元,由500多位动画师制作。 (二)该片所获得的荣誉: 《美女与野兽》于1994年4月18日在百老汇的宫殿剧场(Palace Theatre)公演。服装设计师 Ann Hold-Ward 获得了1994年度,“最佳服装设计”托尼奖(Tony Award)。影史上至今唯一被提名奧斯卡最佳影片的动画。迪士尼第一部与流行音乐結合的动画片。迪士尼第一部之后改编为音乐剧的动画片。 奧斯卡:最佳原著配乐奖、最佳歌曲《Beauty and the Beast》、最佳影片提名、最佳音乐提名、最佳歌曲提名《Belle》《Be Our Guest》。 金球奖:最佳动画片---音乐喜剧、最佳电影原著音乐–动画类、最佳电影歌曲《Beauty and the Beast》—动画类、葛莱美:最佳电视动画编曲、最佳電視動歌曲《Beauty and the Beast》。 洛杉机联合影评奖:最佳动画片 四、人物形象介绍 1、Belle:人物特性:梦想历险、有主见(甚至有点固执)、爱看书。 人物介绍:贝儿最喜欢看书了,因为在书里面,她可以借着自己的想象力飞到远处,体会浪漫,她甚至会为了自己喜欢的书看上一遍又一遍。而在那个她出生的法国小村长里,美丽的贝儿却被看作另类。她曾经认为野兽是残酷的,并俘虏了她的爸爸,而为了解救她的父亲,她自己做为替代品,被“囚禁”起来,但是后来她才发现,野兽的内心是温柔善良的,而贝儿最后爱上了野兽,并为整个城堡带来了无限欢乐。 小常识:Belle在法语里就是“美女”的意思。中国有个鞋品牌百丽(Belle)就是用的这个单词。 2、Beast:野兽原本是一个冷酷的王子,被变成了这副样子,在遇到贝儿后变得善良,最后变回了王子。 3、Gaston:加斯顿是一个残酷,愚昧,高傲自大的人。他只会打猎,一心想娶贝儿为妻,不过贝儿并不喜欢他。 五、经典情节赏析 开头片段:Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But then, one. winter’s night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and, offered him a single rose in return for shelter from


美女与野兽英文读后感 篇一:《美女与野兽》读后感 《美女与野兽》读后感 今天,我读了《美女与野兽》这篇童话,很受感动。 故事讲的是从前有一位王子,他既不善良又缺乏同情心。他不能善待每一个过路的老人,还用棍棒驱赶他们。一天,一个魔法师跳到他面前,说:“你是个没人心的人!我要把你变成一只野兽。这有五朵玫瑰花,是你五年的生命,五年中,你必须学会善良,尤其要有爱心。” 一天,一位珠宝商迷了路,来到宫殿,他摘了一朵漂亮的玫瑰花打算送给他的女儿。野兽看见了,生气地说:“这是我一年的生命,我要杀死你,除非你把你的女儿带给我。”于是,美女来到了野兽身边,野兽关心她,爱护她,给她温暖,让她像呆在自己的家里一样。 日子一天天过去,美女很想去看父亲,野兽告诉她要快点回来。美女回到家中,忘了时间,魔镜提醒美女要尽快回到野兽身边。当美女回到野兽身边时,第五朵玫瑰花最后一片花瓣还没落下,野兽又变回了英俊的王子。 这个故事让我懂得人要有善心,要关爱别人。 篇二:《美女与野兽》读后感 安平县一小二年级2班王林阔 今天,我读了《美女与野兽》这篇童话,很受感动。

故事讲的是从前有一位王子,他既不善良又缺乏同情心。他不能善待每一个过路的老人,还用棍棒驱赶他们。一天,一个魔法师跳到他面前,说:“你是个没人心的人!我要把你变成一只野兽。这有五朵玫瑰花,是你五年的生命,五年中,你必须学会善良,尤其要有爱心。” 一天,一位珠宝商迷了路,来到宫殿,他摘了一朵漂亮的玫瑰花打算送给他的女儿。野兽看见了,生气地说:“这是我一年的生命,我要杀死你,除非你把你的女儿带给我。”于是,美女来到了野兽身边,野兽关心她,爱护她,给她温暖,让她像呆在自己的家里一样。 日子一天天过去,美女很想去看父亲,野兽告诉她要快点回来。美女回到家中,忘了时间,魔镜提醒美女要尽快回到野兽身边。当美女回到野兽身边时,第五朵玫瑰花最后一片花瓣还没落下,野兽又变回了英俊的王子。 这个故事让我懂得人要有善心,要关爱别人。 篇三:《美女与野兽》读后感 [《美女与野兽》读后感]《美女与野兽》读后感正文: 《美女与野兽》读后感 安平县一小二年级2班王林阔 今天,我读了《美女与野兽》这篇童话,很受感动,《美女与野兽》读后感。 故事讲的是从前有一位王子,他既不善良又缺乏同情心。他不能善待


美女与野兽观后感 本文是关于观后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 美女与野兽观后感(一) 迪斯尼动画片《美女与野兽》改编于法国古老神话,剧情叙述一位外表英俊的王子但性格暴躁,以自我为中心,从不懂得慈悲与宽容,后来被女巫施了魔法,变为野兽,他的城堡里的一切也被施了魔咒,唯有王子学会如何爱人,一切才能变回原貌,后来美女贝儿为救父亲而答应被野兽囚禁,在一群魔堡仆役穿针引线下,贝儿与野兽从针锋相对到相知相守,经历一番波折终于解开魔法的桎梏。 影片中惊险、生动有趣的场面,俏皮又个性化的人物对话,真实又鲜明独特的人物形象……都给观众留下了深刻的印象,下面谈谈我的感受。 影片的叙事主题超越了经典童话中以英俊的王子与美丽的公主邂逅相爱的传统爱情故事,而是美女拒绝高大俊俏的求婚者,爱上了外表凶恶的野兽。高大英俊的内心邪恶,被贝儿拒绝后却以强迫的方式想将贝儿占为己有,而外表凶恶的野兽其实内心善良,因为孤独、寂寞才让贝儿留在城堡中,不但丝毫没有伤害她,还奉她为上宾,让仆人伺候她。因为两人心中共有的善良化解了彼此的芥蒂,两颗心最终得以靠近,最后解除了巫婆的咒语,还王子和城堡的一切为原来的样子。这样的叙事主题不但带给了观众一种新的欣赏角度,而且有力的传达了一个很好的思想主题——美丽心灵拥有的巨大力量。

另外,《美女与野兽》并不是仅仅表达了爱情战胜魔咒的主题,我所理解的更多是体现了爱的力量,懂得如何爱人,不仅爱情的爱,还有亲情的爱,友情的爱……主人公贝儿不仅外表美丽,她还是一个热情、好学、善良、有爱心、懂得尊重别人的可爱女孩,她为了救父亲而答应被野兽囚禁在魔堡内,体现她的孝心和勇敢,正是她的这些美好的品质,令了王子懂得了如何爱人,解救了王子和城堡了的一切。外表凶狠丑陋的野兽想要变回英俊的王子,必须学会如何爱人,懂得慈悲与宽容,这就是一个王子重拾美好心灵的过程。这不就是告诉我们外表美并不是最重要的,心灵美更为可贵。城堡中的仆役虽然平时总是受暴躁的野兽责备,但他们仍然留在野兽的身边,一心一意帮助野兽和贝儿建立起感情,最终得以解开魔咒,这些都体现他们美好的品质。我们的孩子应该从小就学习如何爱人,学会以宽容和慈悲的心对待他人,避免形成傲慢、自私的性格,所以影片的主题思想是非常符合孩子的成长需要的。 优美的旋律、动听的歌声。这是很多迪斯尼动画片的特点,也是我最为欣赏的表现手法之一。片中很多对白的内容都是以歌唱的形式配上动听的音乐来表现的,人物用歌唱代替单纯的对话来表达当时的想法、感受。独唱、二重唱、大合唱等多种形式,传神的表达了人物的思想感情,从而使影片更具吸引力和感染力。 夸张、拟人、对比的表现手法。城堡中的仆役被施了魔咒后,变成了通人性的物品,茶杯、蜡烛、台灯、扫帚等物件都像活生生的人,它们有喜怒哀乐、会说话和走动,各管其职,各就其能。这样一些奇


Introduction of Beauty and the Beast . Beauty and the Beast is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon from a screenplay written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos. A co-production between Walt Disney Pictures and Mandeville Films, the film is a live-action and computer animation remake of Disney's 1991 animated film of the same name, itself an adaptation of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont's eighteenth-century fairy tale. The film features an ensemble cast that includes Emma Watson and Dan Stevens as the titular characters with Luke Evans, Kevin Kline, Josh Gad, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Audra McDonald, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ian McKellen and Emma

Thompson in supporting roles. Set in Bourbon-era France, a young woman, Belle, is imprisoned in an enchanted castle by the fearsome Beast, a prince cursed by a sorceress as penance for his callousness. She is also pursued by Gaston, a narcissistic hunter who wants her hand in marriage, leading to a confrontation with the Beast. Principal photography began at Shepperton Studios in Surrey, England on May 18, 2015, and ended on August 21. Beauty and the Beast premiered on February 23, 2017, at Spencer House in London and was released in North America on March 17, 2017, in the standard, Disney Digital 3-D, RealD 3D, IMAX and IMAX 3D formats along with Dolby Cinema.The film received generally positive reviews from critics and has grossed $693 million worldwide on a $160 million production budget, making it the highest-grossing film of 2017. Plot: Somewhere in Rococo-era France, an enchantress disguised as a beggar arrives at a debutante ball and offers an enchanted rose to a prince in exchange for shelter from a storm, but he refuses. For his arrogance, the enchantress transforms him into a beast to match his inhumane character and the servants into inanimate objects, and erases the castle from the villagers' memories. She gives the Beast a magic mirror that shows faraway events. To break the spell, the prince must learn to love

beauty and the beast 美女与野兽英文改编剧本

Drama of beauty and the beast Actors:Narrator&Witch(W):zeng mianmian Merchant(M):Jiang Yanyan his three daughters(D1、D2、Belle) :D1 Li Xiaoxia D2 Limeifen Taylor:Huangyangxingfeng Beast(B):Huangyijuan Narrator:Once upon a time, there was a wealthy merchant lived in a mansion with his three daughters. The eldest named LadyGaga, the middle named Avril, the youngest called Taylor ,all of whom were very beautiful, especially Taylor, she was lovely and pure. Now there comes the story-beauty and the beast. M:(sad and worry about his daughters)Oh,my my dear,come here, uh...I have something serious to tell you. (D1,D2 sit in chairs, only care about their looking) T:(worried, comforted M)What happened? Dad? M: Honey, here is the thing, I..I played the stock market, but……unfortunately, I lost a lot money, and I go broke…… (D1、2jump from chairs nervously when they hear their father broke) D1:(frightened )Oh, Dad, tell me, you are just kidding! D2:(dizzy) Ohhhhhh, I almost faint....


影评写作主题的表达 主题一:现实与理想之间的二元对立与冲突,追寻与妥协?这类影片的主题往往是:社会总是一方面呼唤着理想, 一方面又从来不肯放弃阻碍理想的努力, 正是因为有了这重重障碍, 坚守理想才更显得弥足珍贵。影片往往将视角集中在社会中的平民以及小人物身上,他们一方面生存环境、生存条件艰辛, 社会地位卑微; 一方面又都怀着与其生存环境格格不入的、高远的理想。 ?影片举例: ?1 、李樯编剧作品《孔雀》、《立春》、《姨妈的后现代生活》、《致我们终将逝去的青春》中现实与理想的二元对立与冲突,理想在惨淡的现实背景下显得暗淡无光,且现实感越来越强烈。 ?2、第五代前期导演张艺谋作品中的女性,在理想失落后选择逃亡(疯掉或死亡),第五代后期导演顾长卫作品中的女性,在理想失落后选择接受现实生活,接受现实中的不完美。 ?3、个案:《少年派的奇幻漂流》分支主题。 主题二:爱情主题 ?爱情是人类最基本的情感形式,也是人类一切文学艺术表现的永恒主题。在这样一个感情越来越粗糙、爱情严重匮乏的时代,至纯至美的爱情在急速功利化、世俗化的社会里已经消失殆尽,作为一种替代性的方式,电影却满足了人们找寻理想爱情的渴望。 ?1 对纯美爱情的憧憬,映射当下浮躁扭曲的爱情观:如《山楂树之恋》、《我的父亲母亲》 ?2 将爱情放置在某一空间环境中,如死亡、战争、海峡两岸、灾难等,

体现爱情的弥足珍贵。如《八月照相馆》、《云水谣》、《泰坦尼克号》 ?3 将爱情架构在怀旧、残酷青春等基调上,以爱情为载体,传达对逝去时光以及青春的怀念,如《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》、《致我们终将逝去的青春》、《阳光灿烂的日子》 ?4 力图展现爱情的某种超越性,通过展现爱情神话来证明爱情的伟大和所具有的神奇魅力。如《泰坦尼克号》对阶级秩序的超越,《胭脂扣》对身份的超越,《梁山伯与祝英台》等对生死的超越,《我的父亲母亲》、《归来》对政治环境的超越,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《雷雨》对家族恩怨情仇的超越。 ?5、用人与异类的情感,折射当代人的爱情观,如《白蛇传》、《绿巨人》、《美女与野兽》 ?6 借助非常态的爱情,折射家庭伦理关系、社会异化下人与人之间扭曲的爱情观。如《北京爱上西雅图》;出走与回归,对婚姻和家庭都有一种反叛和挑战,但不可过分,否则就有不道德之嫌;回归,则是在经历了反叛的风险之后,再次对婚姻家庭的认可与皈依。如《一声叹息》、《手机》。既不安分于传统的婚姻,或者说既不满足于家庭生活的平淡,又禁不住外界的诱惑,不敢或不想承担叛逆的责任与后果,徘徊于恐惧与诱惑之间,忍受着灵与肉的痛苦与煎熬。这或许正是当下过渡时期中国文化人的一个小小的写照。 ? 主题三:亲情类 ?1 通过塑造具有弹性和张力的父亲形象,展现含蓄的父子(女)关系,一般是父辈得到理解、子女从中成长的命题。如《海洋天堂》、《当幸福来敲门》、《我和爸爸》、《和你在一起》、《我们天上见》,李安《饮食男女》、薛晓路 ?2 通过母女或类似的情感,展现母性光辉和女性的细腻感性情感,如

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