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Legal English

考试分数占70 上课回答问占10 Presentation 占20


填空 主观题 名词解释

占20 判断 占80 简答题

选择 翻译


第一章 总体介绍

重点 前五个

关键词 法系 英美法特点 两个主义 遵循先例 三推一

1.【legal family 】

The doctrine of legal families seeks to establish common groups, identifying similar legal practices, activities and subject matter and thereby classifying the entirety of global legal transactions and activities into "families" according to particular criteria. The traditional and almost exclusive focus on the continental European and Anglo-American systems.


Main characteristic

① In the way of thinking and mode of operation of law, the common law system is the use of inductive methods. 归纳法

② in the legal form, the case law plays an important role.判例法很重要

③In the classification of the law, common law there is not strictly department law In the classification of the law, common law there is not strictly department law 普通法无严格分类 ④In education law area, common law in the United States is mainly located in vocational education.职业教育

⑤In the legal profession, judges of the Federal Court of Justice are generally from lawyers. 从律师做到法官


后文也有此处提到The Doctrine of Stare ; The doctrine of stare decisis; Stare Decisis; the principle of stare decisis; the Precedent Principle.


The theory of constitution of crime in civil law system.


Criminal facts Illegality accountability Declare guilty



Step I Jury 陪审团可以独立做出被告人有罪或无罪的裁断,只有做出有罪裁断时,法官才适用刑法。

Step 2 discretion 自由裁量权法官通过习惯法否定制定法

Step 3 right of appeal 上诉权国家从上诉内容和上诉人权上进行严格的限制,为了维护法官


7.【Dictation 听写】

There are many different legal systems in the world. In fact, every ___legal system has its own characteristics. However, the degree of difference varies, with some systems bearing more ______to others. As a result, the world can __ ____ __ several legal families. Without doubt, the ___ __ __ __and __ __ ___Legal System are the most important legal families in the world. The former is also called the English Legal System or _ _____Legal System, while the latter is also called __ ___ __ ___or the __ __ __ __or __Legal System.

是否应该引入陪审制度Whether China's jury system should be adopted


I think the introduction of jury system can let citizens in legal practice, jury system can improve citizen for the judicial understanding.


We all know that the judge has a lot of pressure right now, the jury can make decision of judge transparent and justice, the jury contribute to share the pressure of the judge.


The jury system can avoid the judicial corruption, and ensure judicial integrity.

第二章 英国发展史

重点:注重客观题 判断题 御前会议;末日审判书;贤人会议;骑士制度

主观题 巡回法院的目的;令状制度Writ ;衡平法出现的原因

Origin and Historical Development of Anglo-American Law

The Origins and historical development of English Law

The Origins of Common Law

The Origins of Equity (equity law)

(1) The Anglo-Saxons(5CD-1066)

Custom God-judging / Consanguinity Revenge -----SALIKE

leges barbarorum (barbarian) 野蛮法典

Witan/ Witenagemote 贤人

一 The Shaping of common law 普通法的形成

(2) Norman conquest knight service 骑士制度

feudal system established 封建制度的确立 Domesday Book 末日审判书

(3) Centralization of Justice 司法的中央集权制

Two steps …

1 审判机构:“御前会议”(Curia Regis) from witan

“御前会议”成员:(国王King + 官僚clerks +直接受封者 tenants-in-chief or barons)

必要时“御前扩大会议”: (大领主lords +地方代表/骑士 knights + burgess (‘b??d??s])下议员 --〉议会parliament


15世纪初-国王的审判就发展成为三大法院和一个委员会的司法体制。 由御前会议分为: 财政部法院 / 民事诉讼法院 / 王座法院 ----〉普通法法院

普通法 = 通行于全王国的法律(the law common to the realm) 由御前会议发展为国王咨议委员会 将普通习惯统一成普通法

Unify common custom into common law

*巡回法院—从中央下派往各地 贯彻中央司法理念 implement the Central Judicial idea

2. 审判制度—令状制度 writ

A: The enforcement of a claim presupposed the existence of a special form of action, a writ, with the result that the original common law represented a system of ‘action’ similar to that of classical Roman law.

某项诉讼请求的强制执行是以法院令状这种特殊诉讼形式的存在为前提的,而这就使最初的普通法表现为由类似于 古罗马法的“诉讼行为”所构成的体系。

B: If a writ existed (in 1227) a claim could be enforced;


C: there was no recourse for a claim without a writ, the claim did not exist.

没有法院令状为前提的诉讼请求,就没有追索权,因而该 诉讼请求也就不存在。

D: This system became inflexible when the "Provisions of Oxford" (1258) prohibited the creation of new writs, except for the flexibility which the "writ upon the case" allowed and which later led to the development of contract and tort law.

这一制度在(1258年)“牛津条例”禁止新令状 产生以后变得固定下来;这种“个案令状”使该制度变得较为灵活了,而且导致了后来合同法和侵权法的发展。


1. The narrow limits of the forms of action and the limited recourse they provided led to the

development of equity law and equity case law.


更好:对于诉的形式的严格限制及由此产生的对追索 权的限制导致了衡平法和衡平判例法的发展

二 The Shaping of Equity 衡平法的形成

1. Equity 公正fairness 公平impartiality 正义justice

2. How…took shape?

3. 衡平法的特点(what…features with?)

2.如何形成的:Central Process:14世纪,在一般法院机构【地方法院和普通法院(esp.民诉法院)】+


Equity was first granted by the King, and later by his Chancellor as "keeper of the King's Conscience", to afford relief in hardship cases.


3.衡平法的特点(What …features with?)


直接申请—bill / petition

衡平法上的起诉令状 bill of complaint(不是Writ )

2、大法官法院的判决—decree (v. decision / judgment)

decree 命令被告本人一定的作为(to do)和不作为(not to do)



普通法法官 — 裁判员的立场

大法 — 洞察被告内心世界 / 确认其良心状况 / 斥责 / 净化良心

① All in all

relief in the form of specific performance


②the injunction 禁令(临时或最终的采取或不采取某种行为的命令)

③the development of so called maxims of equity law 形成所谓的衡平法座右铭

④Equitable relief regularly will lie only when the common law relief is inadequate.



For instance, specific performance for the purchase of real property will be granted because common law damages are deemed to be inadequate since they cannot compensate the buyer in view of the uniqueness attributed to real property.


【Questions 】1 when did the English Common law system become inflexible?

2 what are the special characteristics of equity law?

enforcement 强制执行;claim 请求;action 诉讼行为; writ 法院令状recourse 追索权 Exchequer 国库 Bill 法案 Petition 请愿 Presuppose 预先 假设

Itinerant: Who moves from place to place as demanded by employment. 巡回法官



The Origins and historical development of the US Law/The Shaping of US Law 美国法的形成【Question】1 how many constitutions in USA?

2 what are sources of American Law?

1. The history of United States

The United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation.既年轻又古老的国家

It is a new nation compared with many other countries: it is constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new States 不断有新的人口成分和新州的加入美国由50个州和1个直辖特区—首都所在地华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(District of Columbia)组成,州议员和州长都由普选产生。州以下设县或市(镇、村),共有3042个县。联邦领地包括波多黎各自由联邦和北马里亚纳;海外领地包括关岛(Guam)、塞班岛(Saipan)、美属萨摩亚群岛、美属维尔京群岛等。

It is the oldest of the "new" nations — the first one to be made out of an Old World colony.


The oldest Written constitution 成文宪法

Continuous federal system 持续的邦联体制

Practice of self-government 民族自治实践



?Preamble(前言):We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union,

establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The reports of the United States Supreme Court fill 350 volumes 联邦最高法院判例汇编

The reports of some States are almost equally voluminous. 州法院判例汇编

?For events such as those that are lost in the legendary past of Italy or France or England are

part of the printed record of the United States


?The reader who wants to trace the history of law in America is confronted with over 5,000

stout volumes of legal cases.


?No one document, no handful of documents, can properly be said to reveal the character of

a people or of their government.


?When hundreds and thousands of documents strike a consistent note over more than a

hundred years, we have a right to say that is the keynote.


2 美国法律概念和内容(Definition and Content of American Law)

(1)contain state law and federal law.

(2)51个州的法律各自的法域(jurisdictions); 州法律(State Law)各自不同


E.g.:最有特点的是:路易斯安那州法律(Louisiana) 曾经是西班牙和法国的领土、有许多大陆法的特点

State Law (reading and answer questions)

The 51 American states are separate sovereigns with their own constitutions and retain plenary power to make laws covering anything not preempted by the federal Constitution or federal statutes.

Nearly all states started with the same British common law base, although Louisiana law has always been strongly influenced by the French Civil Code, but the passage of time has resulted in enormous diversity in the laws of the states.

Over time, state courts expanded the old common law rules in different directions (through their traditional power to make law under stare decisis), and state legislatures passed various statutes expanding or overriding such judge-made rules. 遵循先例原则

plenary完全的, 充分的; Preempt先占principle of stare decisis = "stand by the decision"

Origin and development

?Colonial period (1607-1776)


Law and Liberties of Massachusetts

?Development period (1776-1861)

Declaration of Independence 1776 独立宣言

Article of Confederation 1777 联邦条例

Northwest Ordinance 1787 西北条例

西北条例(Northwest Ordinance (1787))自18世纪末“西进运动”大规模兴起之际,美国政府和国会就有关西部政治体制、政权组织形式等问题制定了一系列法令和条例。其中最重要的是1787年的《西北条例》,它正式规定了西部由领地到州转变的法律程序和条件,为美国西部各州加入合众国奠定了法律基础。条例强调西部“将永远是美利坚合众国联邦的一个部分”,领地或州的政体必须是“共和制”,在西部领地内“不得有奴隶或强迫劳动”,必须保证领地居民的民权和自由。1787年《西北条例》具有重要意义,是西部地方政权组织形式的纲领性文件。1787年《西北条例》体现了美国人民追求民主和自由、独立和平等的理念,其核心精神被融入1787年宪法中,成为指导整个国家政治生活的至高无上的原则。1787年《西北条例》和1787年联邦宪法的重要意义在于它给予西部同东部平等的政治地位,在西部实行民主共和政体。

?After the Civil War(1861---1900)

1878 American Bar Association(ABA)美国律师协会法律注释汇编

1923 American Law Institute (ALI): Restatement of the Law 美国法律协会:or法律重述

1926 ALI under United States House of Representatives:United States Code 美国法典

?Modern times (1900-present)

Anti-trust law---- (Sherman Act) (Federal Trade Commission Act) (Clayton Antitrust Act)


Labor right ----Smith-Connally Act 1943(aim to stop strike) sc Anti-Strike Act 反罢工法Antiracism -----Civil Rights Act 反种族主义—民权法案

Martin Luther, I have a dream…

4 美国法律的特点

1.Sources of the American Law (read and answer questions)

In the United States, the law is derived from four sources. These four sources are constitutional law, administrative law, statutes, and the common law (which includes case law).

The most important source of law is the United States Constitution, and everything falls under, and is subordinate to, it. No law may contradict the United States Constitution. For example, if Congress passes a statute that conflicts with the constitution, the Supreme Court may find that law unconstitutional, and strike it down.

The Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional.

2.联邦法律(Federal Law)

Although the United States and most Commonwealth countries are heirs to the common law legal tradition of English law, American law tends to be unique in many ways.

This is because the American legal system was severed from the British system by the Revolution, and afterwards, it evolved independently from the British Commonwealth legal systems.




联邦宪法(Constitution of the United States)

1787 宪法本文和以后逐次附加的27条修正案(Amendments)(1992年第27条)

联邦制定法(Federal Statutes)

联邦普通法(The American Common Law )










the principle of stare decisis (Persuasive precedent )legislation judicial interpretations Declaration of Independence strike Confederation anti-trust law Self-reliance




the American Court system (judges/jury system/police system/prosecution system/Discuss) !!诉辩交易;检察院:公安系统判断题;署管理?? ;大部分:几套法院系统为什么各自独立;美国联邦系统如何排列,审计?关系,多少个?;陪审制度:大小陪审团各自任务,重点在小陪审团:形式审查

●The American Court system


●Jury system

●Police system

●Prosecution system


【Question】 1. How many court systems in the U.S?

2. How are state court judges usually selected?

【New words】

District Courts州地方法院 Prestige威望Probate Court 遗嘱检验法庭

Juvenile Court青少年法庭 on the bench 担任法官期间justice of the peace 治安官Court of Domestic Relations家庭关系法院 Small Claims Court 小额索赔法院Magistrate地方法官Tenure任期popular vote普选Federalism联邦制度

an ad hoc basis 以特定(个案)为基础litigant诉讼人

writ of Certiorari诉讼文件移送命令调案复审令

Three-tiered mode l Trail Court, Circuit Court

Appellate Court , Court of Appeals

Supreme Court

Special courts The Court of Federal Claims (联邦索赔法院)

The Customs Court (海关法院)

Justice Chief justice judge Circuit judge

Associate justice Associate judge

By seniority of service依照本法院服务资历 gross misconduct严重的过错行为

plead 辩护、以..为理由 capital punishment死刑 discretionary 自由裁量权career judiciary职业法官Senate 参议院senator 参议员

The American Bar Association’s code of Judicial Conduct美国律师协会的司法行为标准

PART 1 :Courts

简要介绍Brief introduction

(1)Fifty-three separate court systems in the U.S. 51 states

53个独立的法院系统District of Columbia

Federal court system

(2) not superior to;优于、比…优越coordinate system 并列的

The federal courts are not superior to the state courts; they are an independent, coordinate system authorized by the US. Constitution …


(3)Federalism 联邦制度

The presence of two parallel court system often raises questions concerning the relationship of the state and federal systems, presenting important issues of federalism.


The American court system

The federal court system

One for The district of Columbia

94 US District Court

13 US Court Of Appeal One for Each of The 51 state

1 The Unite State Supreme Court

1.1 The American state court system

Trial court初审法院Courts of Appeals上诉费用State Supreme Courts州最高法院






Two-tiered system 两级审判制Nebraska 内布拉斯加

Three-tiered system 三级审判制

Plead his



1.2The American federal Court system

Trial court(初审法院)(94)or the U.S. District Court (94) 美国地区法院


Intermediate appellate courts(13)

? 11 appellate courts(or circuit courts ? 美国上诉法院(美国巡回法院)

? 1 the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit) (CAFC; Fed. Cir.)


? 1 哥伦比亚特区上诉法院

The U.S. Supreme Court ? 美国最高法院

Various specialized tribunals特别法院

US Bankruptcy Court,

US Armed Forces Court of Appeals, US Court of International Trade, US Tax Court,

US Claims Court 联邦破产法院




1.3The U.S Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court, compose of nine justices, sits as the final and controlling voice over all these systems.


1.Is only the Supreme Court created by the Constitution?

2. Dose the decision of the Supreme Court can be appealed to specific federal district court? 【Translation】

Since 1988, ___by the Supreme Court in civil cases is_____; virtually all civil appeals as of right to the highest court______.


Answer:Review; discretionary; have been abolished

PART 2 :Judges

?Judges are drawn from the practicing bar, less frequently from government service or the teaching profession.


?Fewer than 1/20 - federal ,state, county, municipal court judge


?Be required to be admitted to practice but do not practice while on the bench. 被要求具有执业律师资格,但在担任法官期间不得开业。

?The outstanding young law graduates who act for a year or two as law clerks to the most distinguished judges of the federal and state courts have only the reward of the experience to take with them into practice and not the promise of a judicial career.


State court —judge election

?State court judges are usually elected, commonly by popular vote, but occasionally by the legislature.


?The public lacks interest in and information on the candidates for judicial office


?The outcome is controlled by leaders of political parties.


The substitution of a system advocated by the ABA

?The governor appoints judges from a list submitted by a special nominating board 由地方长官从特别提名委员会提交的名单中任命法官。

?The judge then periodically stands unopposed for reelection by popular vote on the basis of his or her record.

而法官要定期参加没有竞争对手的续任公众选举,选举的依据是其工作成绩。nominate (任命);oppose(反对);reelection(再选)

In a small group of states

?Judges are appointed by the governor and subject to legislative confirmation.



?Judges commonly serve for a term of years rather than for life.


Courts (general) 4/6/8 years

Appellate courts 6/8/10 years

?Return to office for sitting judges whose service has been satisfactory.


?In a few state and federal courts, the judges sit for life.


? A judge may be removed from office only for gross misconduct 重大失误法官可能被免职only by formal proceedings 正规程序

What is benefit for the judges? salaries are good; The bench has been able to attract

Prestige is high; many of the country’s ablest legal minds

PART 3 :Jury system

Jury summons 陪审团征召jury selection 陪审团挑选 jury Consultants 陪审团顾问 judge 法官 Client 当事人 Objection 反对 sustained (抗议有效)overrule (抗议无效) prejudicial 蓄意误导 In session 庭审中

大陪审团(grand Jury小陪审团(petty Jury

The grand jury is a body of from 13 to 24 persons that brings indictments against individuals suspected of having violated the law.

suspending jury, mistrial 6-12 persons

NO judges, lawyers, doctors, firemen, preachers

Indictment 诉讼,起诉




PART 4 :Police system

There is no entire police system in USA: Federal ----state----city (village)

1. Federal system:

1.1 united states department of justice


Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

U.S .Marshals Service

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive agents (ATF)

1.2 United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

U.S. Coast Guard,(USCG)


(6 more) etc.

2.State system

2.1State police officers(州警察)

Highway (emergency)

2.2Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs(县治安官)

Police officers

2.3Police Officers(城市警察)

New York police station

PART 5 :Prosecution system

1 United States Attorney (federal prosecutors)

(1) united states department of justice

Attorney General(司法部长,总检察长)

(2) 94 United States Attorneys' offices--- Executive Office for United States Attorneys

2. State's attorney (51)

3. District Attorney (DA)

4. Plea bargaining (诉辩交易)

The process whereby a criminal defendant and prosecutor

Each a mutually satisfactory disposition of a criminal case, Subject to court approval.

The vast majority of criminal cases in the United States are settled by plea bargaining rather than by a jury trial.


1. How many court systems in the U.S?

2. How are state court judges usually selected? Popular vote/ appointment (two ways 【Exercises】

What is your opinion about Jury? Dose it should be adopted in China?


收稿日期:2004-01-29  作者简介:范 栩(1972-),女(汉族),江苏宜兴人,华南农业大学外国语学院讲师,主要研究方向为语言学. 大学英语教师话语分析 范 栩 (华南农业大学外国语学院,广州510642) 摘 要:教师话语是大学英语课堂的重要交际媒介,它既是目的语的来源,也是管理课堂的手段,教师话语成功运用与否,直接关系到教学效果的好坏。通过对大学英语教师话语类型、特征和功能的描写,结合可理解输入和互动输入理论,对大学英语教师话语和课堂互动进行评述,得出结论:教师应转变传统角色,应更关注教师话语的质量而不是数量,课堂上应以提高学习者的语言水平和培养学习者意义协商的能力为主,以便学习者从外部环境获取更多的优化语言输入。 关键词:教师话语;可理解输入;互动假设 中图分类号:H319;G 642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-0202(2004)02-0151-06 一、引言 20世纪50年代以来,外语课堂一直是语言教学研究的重要课题,因为课堂过程直接影响学习者学习语言的效果,研究课堂过程有助于了解促进学生掌握语言的条件,认识具有积极作用的课堂行为,有利于提高教学效果。本文主要从描写大学英语课堂教师话语出发,探讨这种重要的课堂交际媒介在作为可理解输入和引导学生进行交互活动方面的特点、功能和局限性。 二、第二语言课堂 对于受到语言水平和环境的限制,无法从外界获得可理解输入的成年二语习得者,课堂是获取可理解输入的最佳场合[1]。对于多数中国学生而言,课堂是他们的主要语言学习场所,课堂教学效果对他们学习效果有较大的影响。研究课堂教学,展示二语习得过程中出现的问题,有利于教师识别促进和阻碍语言学习的课堂现象。 课堂是由教师、教材和学生组成的,教师通过语言(话语,文字)、非语言(图示,实物)和副语言(paralanguage )(语气转换,表情,手势等)就教学内容设问、提供事实材料和个人观点,就维护课堂秩序做出指示。 教师话语是课堂教学的重要组成部分,它既是可理解的输入(comprehensible input ),也是目的语(target language )的信息源。无论采用何种教学方法,如何组织课堂活动,教学内容是什么,教师话语的运用贯穿了整个教学过程。我们有理由认为,如果教师话语运用得当,二语教学可以获得更好的效果。 三、教师话语 教师话语(teacher talk )是指课堂上教师对以非本族语为目的语的学生的讲课用语[2]。也称为教师式语言,教学用语,指教师在教学过程中有时采用的一种语言。为达到与学生交际的目的,教华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2004年第2期(第3卷) JOURNAL OF SOUTH CHINA AGRICULT URAL UNIVERSITY (SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION ) No.22004(Vol.3)


初中英语教师课堂话语分析 摘要:作者针对农村地区初中英语教师对英语课堂话语知识比较匮乏的现状,通过对英语教师课堂话语的概念和功能的文献浏览,提出英语教师课堂话语的注意点:有效性、激励性、机智性和启发性。 关键词:英语课堂;话语知识;注意点;农村中学 在笔者所在的农村偏远地区中学,学生接触英语较晚(许多学生在初一之前未学习英语),基础较为薄弱;硬件设施不到位(多媒体教室、专业化语音室的匮乏);软件也不太令人满意(许多英语教师并非专业科班出身,而是经过培训之后改教英语学科,专业理论基础匮乏)。这些因素导致农村地区中学的学生英语学习水平普遍滞后,成绩远落后于城市中学学生,学习兴趣不高,两极分化现象非常严重。除了上述因素之外,笔者认为还有一个原因不可忽视,即许多初中英语教师对于课堂话语未引起足够的重视,在这方面“率性而为”,想怎么讲就怎么讲,想讲什么就讲什么,想在什么时候讲就在什么时候讲。课前没有深入思考、课中没有及时调整、课后没有认真反思,就会出现教师讲得“天马行空”,学生听得“云天雾罩”的现象,这样的课堂教学效果可想而知。 一、英语教师课堂话语的概念及功能 教师用于管理英语课堂与讲解英语课堂教学内容所用的话语称之为英语课堂话语。一般情况下,教师使用的主要话语应该是英语,但不排斥母语(程晓堂,2009)。课堂话语是英语教师实施教学的主要手段和媒介。英语教师课堂话语有如下功能,大致可以分为两类:一类与管理、组织教学活动相关,例如介绍教学目标、给予活动指令、维持课堂纪律等;另一类与教学内容相关,如导入新课、讲解语言点、提供语言输入等。 上述理论显示,英语教师的课堂话语在课堂教学中占有很重要的地位,为有效地组织课堂教学和引导学生积极思维并真正主动参与到课堂教学的整个过程中,英语教师有必要在自己的课堂话语的“质”与“量”上下足工夫,找到两者的平衡点,笔者结合教学实践总结出英语教师课堂话语的几个注意点。 二、英语教师课堂话语的有效性 笔者认为在学生刚接触英语的阶段,教师的课堂话语作为语言输入更加凸显出其重要性。教师的课堂话语应该紧密围绕教学主题展开,切忌跑题,而且课堂的教学时间十分宝贵,教师的课堂话语应该注重简练、扼要,不可拖拖拉拉。有些地方点到即可;有些地方适度展开,切勿发挥;有些地方当“惜墨如金”,无需多说的地方坚决少说,无需说的地方坚决不说。 笔者曾经听过本组一位英语教师的阅读课,该课选自《牛津初中英语》八年级上Unit 4 The story of Xi Wang。全文讲述一只大熊猫的故事(包括熊猫的体重、饮食、保护及自然习性等)。该教师设计导入环节如下。 T:在多媒体屏幕上打出一幅图画并提问:“Can you guess what animals are they?” S:Pandas. T:Are they beautiful?Do you like them? S:Yes,I have seen them in a zoo. T:Good,in which zoo did you see them?And what other animals did see there? S:… 该教师的课堂话语已经偏离了文章的主线,教师问学生在动物园还看见了别的什么动物,与本文主题“pandas”无关。如果继续讨论下去,就会离题万里。 三、英语教师课堂话语的激励性


目录 第一讲合同与其他债 (2) 案例1:合同之债与其他债-不当得利 (2) 第二讲意思表示和许诺的作出 (4) 案例2:诺言的存在-确定性 (4) 案例3:诺言的存在-担保与见解 (6) 第三讲合同的订立 (9) 案例4:合同的订立 (9) 第二节要约 (14) 案例5:要约与要约邀请 (14) 案例6:谁是要约的主人 (17) 案例7:要约的可撤销与不得自食其言 (22) 第四讲合同的效力 (26) 第一节对价 (26) 案例8:对价-原有的义务 (26) 案例9:过去的对价 (28) 案例10:效力-合法性1 (32) 案例11:效力-合法性2 (35) 案例11:效力-合法性-分解合同 (38) 第三节可撤销的合同 (39) 案例12:效力-欺诈 (39) 案例13:效力-胁迫 (47) 案例14:效力-不正当影响 (50) 案例15:效力-缔约能力 (54) 案例16:效力-共同错误 (58) 案例17:效力-未成年人的撤销权 (61) 第五讲合同的内容 (66) 案例18:合同的解释 (66) Presentation要求: 1、每个人预计上台讲解时间为15-30分钟,根据案例的长短和人员的个数略有差别。请合 理安排时间。 2、内容包括案例分析和回答讨论题。案例分析的格式老师在课堂上已经讲过,按照书后面 的案例分析格式,中英文均可,只要有利于表达就好;回答讨论题也是中英文均可。 3、讲解的辅助工具是PPT,案例分析需要,回答问题同样需要。字体不能太小,以免同学 看不见。 4、仔细阅读案例,并重点研究老师划了颜色的文字,老师会不定时的针对案例的具体情形 提问。 5、除了自己负责的案例,其他同学讲解的案例也要提前预习。老师也会提问其他同学,这 样有利于大家知识的积累和系统化。


Legal English 考试分数占70 上课回答问占10 Presentation 占20 客观题 填空 主观题 名词解释 占20 判断 占80 简答题 选择 翻译 论述题 第一章 总体介绍 重点 前五个 关键词 法系 英美法特点 两个主义 遵循先例 三推一 1.【legal family 】 The doctrine of legal families seeks to establish common groups, identifying similar legal practices, activities and subject matter and thereby classifying the entirety of global legal transactions and activities into "families" according to particular criteria. The traditional and almost exclusive focus on the continental European and Anglo-American systems. 法系的信条是争取建立共同的团体,识别相似的法律实践,活动和主题从而将整个全球法律事务和活动分为“家庭”根据特定的标准。传统的和几乎独有的法律都集中在欧洲大陆和英美系统。 Main characteristic ① In the way of thinking and mode of operation of law, the common law system is the use of inductive methods. 归纳法 ② in the legal form, the case law plays an important role.判例法很重要 ③In the classification of the law, common law there is not strictly department law In the classification of the law, common law there is not strictly department law 普通法无严格分类 ④In education law area, common law in the United States is mainly located in vocational education.职业教育 ⑤In the legal profession, judges of the Federal Court of Justice are generally from lawyers. 从律师做到法官 4.【遵循先例原则】


一、引言 近年来,外语课堂成为语言教学研究的重要课题,因为课堂是学生语言习得的重要场所,课堂教学成果的好坏直接影响到学生语言学习的效果。以学生为中心,加强师生课堂互动的教学方式是现在外语教学提倡的主流。在此方面也有很多人提供了很多研究。但是中国参差不齐的教育现状使得这一教学方式的完全实现有很大难度,大多数的高校仍然处于从传统教学方法向以学生为中心的方法过渡时期。 二、教师话语 教师话语(teacher talk )也称为教师式语言、教学用语,是指教师在教学过程中采用的一种语言。教师话语是课堂教学的重要组成部分,它既是可理解输入(comprehensible input ),也是目的语(target lan-guage )的信息源。在教学过程中教师为达到与学生交际的目的,往往把语言简化,使它带有许多外国话的特征或其他简化语言的特征。在教学中无论采用何种教学方法,如何组织课堂活动,教学内容是什么,教师话语的运用都会贯穿整个教学过程。教师话语是学习者运用这种可理解的简化代码从外部环境获得语言信息的媒介。因此它在课堂教学中具有两种功能:第一,作为简化后的目的语,向学习者提供“可理解输入”。第二,作为一种管理、组织和指导课堂活动的媒介,使学习者更好地利用课堂。 三、研究设计 (一)研究问题 本研究试图通过对高校大学外语教师话语进行分析,揭示其从传统教学方式向以学生为中心的教学方式过渡的特点。因为在大学外语课堂中母语也在使用,因此本文对教师话语的分析也把母语包括在内。本文将着重分析教师话语在以下几个方面的特点:1.话语量,2.提问方式,3.语言调整特点,4.反馈方式。 (二)研究方法 收稿日期:2008-04-24 作者简介:张喜丰,(1979-),男,吉林建筑工程学院,助教,长春130021吉林华桥外国语学院硕士在读。 吴微,(),女,吉林建筑工程学院外国语学院,研究方向:应用语言学 张喜丰吴微 [摘要]本文采用自然调查的方法,对大学英语教师话语量、提问方式、语言调整特点和反馈方式进行分析,研究结果表明大学英语教学基本处于从以教师为主导向以学生为中心的过渡阶段。这就需要大学英语教师注重教师话语的质,适当降低话语的量。从而实现以学生为中心的教学方式,提高英语学习的质量。 [关键词]教师话语;可理解输入 [中图分类号]H319.3[文献标识码]A [文章编号](2008)01-0041- 04 1977-


广西艺术学院大学英语精读(预备级)期末考试复习资料 Part Ⅰvocabulary and structure (20%) 预备级page116-118,page239-240单项选择题其中20题。 Page116-118 1.I don't think it wise for Judy to lose weight by substituting fruit for meals. A)with B)for C)as D)by 解析:我不认为朱迪用水果来取代米饭是明智的。substituting for 该短语的意思是取代2.I've been spending a good deal of time searching on the internet for the best mobile phone I could buy. A)a good deal of B)a large number of C)a plenty of D)a little 解析:我花了大量的时间在网上寻找我可以买的最好的手机。 a good deal of 意思为大量的,很多的。后接不可数名词。 a large number of 意思为大量的,许多的,后接可数名词。 a plenty of 无此表达正确应为plenty of 意思为大量的;许多的,后接可数名词和不可数名词。 a little 意思为少量的;些许的;稍微的;后接不可数名词。 3.what she meant by the smile was that she was sorry. A)How B)Whatever C)However D)What 解析:她的微笑代表她的歉意。 How 意思为如何;多少;多么;如何 Whatever 意思为不管怎样无论如何 However 意思为无论如何不管怎样可是然而 what 意思为什么多么多少 在这题中考察的是“what was that”主谓宾完整结构的句子。 4.I spent the whole night putting together the toy car. and it was supposed to be easy! A)came up B)turned out to be C)was supposed to be D)got by 解析:我花了一晚上把玩具车模型拼在一起,本来应该是很容易的。 came up 意思为走上来发生出现 turned out to be 意思为结果是原来是 was supposed to be 意思为应该被期望 go by 通过认可 5.The weather today was rotten. Our picnic was ruined. A) annoyed B)unreasonable C)unlucky D) rotten 解析:今天的天气糟透了,我们的野餐被毁了。 annoyed意思为烦恼的烦闷的 unreasonable 意思为不合理的多度的不切实际的 unlucky 意思为不幸运的倒霉的 rotten 意思为极坏的腐烂的 6.all through the years when i worked as a janitor's assistant, I held on to the dream of becoming a teacher. A)on to B)out C)on D)up 解析:尽管一直以来我都在做门卫助理,可我从没放弃过当老师的梦想 hold on to 意思为坚持(hold on to the dream坚持梦想)


目录 第一讲合同与其他债 (1) 案例1:合同之债与其他债-不当得利 (1) 第二讲意思表示和许诺的作出 (3) 案例2:诺言的存在-确定性 (3) 案例3:诺言的存在-担保与见解 (5) 第三讲合同的订立 (8) 案例4:合同的订立 (8) 第二节要约 (12) 案例5:要约与要约邀请 (12) 案例6:谁是要约的主人 (16) 案例7:要约的可撤销与不得自食其言 (20) 第四讲合同的效力 (23) 第一节对价 (23) 案例8:对价-原有的义务 (24) 案例9:过去的对价 (25) 案例10:效力-合法性 (28) 案例11:效力-合法性-分解合同 (31) 第三节可撤销的合同 (32) 案例12:效力-欺诈 (32) 案例13:效力-胁迫 (39) 案例14:效力-不正当影响 (42) 案例15:效力-缔约能力 (45) 案例16:效力-共同错误 (48) 案例17:效力-未成年人的撤销权 (51) 第五讲合同的内容 (56) 案例18:合同的解释 (56) Presentation要求: 1、每个人预计上台讲解时间为15-30分钟,根据案例的长短和人员的个数略有差别。请 合理安排时间。 2、内容包括案例分析和回答讨论题。案例分析的格式老师在课堂上已经讲过,按照书后面 的案例分析格式,中英文均可,只要有利于表达就好;回答讨论题也是中英文均可。 3、讲解的辅助工具是PPT,案例分析需要,回答问题同样需要。字体不能太小,以免同学 看不见。 4、仔细阅读案例,并重点研究老师划了颜色的文字,老师会不定时的针对案例的具体情形 提问。 5、除了自己负责的案例,其他同学讲解的案例也要提前预习。老师也会提问其他同学,这 样有利于大家知识的积累和系统化。 第一讲合同与其他债


英语教师课堂话语研究 教师话语是课堂研究的重要方面,本文采用优质课课堂录像与语料,从师生话语量、课堂提问类型、师生交互方式及反馈形式等方面研究了优秀初中英语教师话语的特征。通过对数据的转写和课堂观察,笔者发现:优秀教师以学生为中心,给学生提供更多的使用目标语进行双向交际和意义协商的机会,参考性问题高于展示性问题。交互时,理解核实,确认核实并重,兼顾教育与交际功能。积极反馈高于消极反馈,并增加重复加点评和重复加表扬使用次数,这种课堂话语可以为初中英语教师提供借鉴价值。 研究背景 教师话语,是指教师用于组织课堂教学、进行课堂交际、讲解知识、表达思想情感时所用的语言,具体包括提问、讲解、组织教学、反馈等形式。教师用教师话语来组织教学,同时也为学生输入目标语。因此,研究中学英语教师话语能够有效规范和完善教师课堂用语,促进外语教学。国内外很多学者对外语课堂教师话语、课堂互动等做了系统的实证研究。 近年来,我国很多学者也开展了课堂话语的研究。2002年,周星、周韵通过课堂录音和问卷调查的方法,研究了4位大学英语教师课堂话语的特征;2007年,胡青球对5位优秀英语教师的课堂话语互动特征进行了分析,发现优秀教师能创造机会鼓励学生语言输出;2005年与2006年,刘学慧分析研究了实习教师的课堂话语特征。但对于

优秀初中英语教师的话语特征分析还较少,因此,本文重点研究优秀初中英语教师的话语特征,主要回答以下问题:①优秀初中英语教师和学生课堂话语的比例如何?②优秀初中英语教师的课堂提问类型有哪些?哪种提问更有利于学生语言输出?③优秀初中英语教师的课堂交互调整方式如何?哪种方式更有利于学生语言习得?④优秀初中英语教师的反馈方式如何?哪种方式更有利于学生语言学习? 研究对象与方法 本文以江苏省2013年优质课评比活动中,4位初中英语教师的课堂语料为研究对象。他们从事初中英语教学5年以上,教学效果优秀,深受师生好评,并多次在各级各类竞赛中获奖。此外,在2013年优质课比赛中,均代表各自的地级市到省里参赛并获得一等奖。根据课堂录像和转写语料,本文对师生话语比、教师提问、教师交互调整方式、教师反馈进行了分析,语料的定量分析数据展现了优秀初中英语教师的话语特征。 数据收集与结果分析 教师和学生话语比笔者根据课堂教学视频与文本,对4节优质课上教师话语和学生话语所占时间以及在每节课所占的比例进行了统计。其中,学生话语包含小组讨论和总结汇报,其他活动指看视频等不需要发言的活动。结果如表一所示:教师话语量平均占39%,学生话语平均占50%,可见优秀英语教师已经开始注意以学生为中心,在他们的英语课堂中,学生的话语量略超过教师的话语量。究其原因,一方面是因为优秀教师引导语较简洁,注重多给学生机会;另一方面,他


Unit 3 The Present I. Background information 1. Traditional Birthday Celebration in Western Countries In the West, it is customary to hold a party in celebration of a person’s birthday. The guests will come to the party with birthday presents and say “Happy Birthday” to the birthday person. The guests then watch him or her open the presents and he or she thanks them for the presents they have brought. At the party drinks and food are served. Toward the end of the dinner the lights in the room are turned off, and someone comes in from another room with a cake on which are lighted candles, one for each year. At the sight of the cake the guests begin singing “Happy Birthday to You” and the birthday person makes a wish before he or she blows out the candles on the cake. It is said that the wish will come true if all the candles go out in one puff. After that, the cake is cut in slices usually by the birthday person, one piece for each guest. When the party comes to an end, the guests wish the birthday person “Happy Birthday” again and leave. 2. Important birthdays in the West At 21, the age of majority (now lowered to 18 in many countries), one becomes an adult. Usually the family has a big party for the new adult and a major present—an expensive watch or a car—is given him or her. The present, of course, various from family to family. Any birthday past 70 is celebrated in a special way by family members just because the birthday person is getting old and may die before another birthday comes round. That is why the author of The Present says “eighty was a special birthday”. And then, 100—the centennial birthday—is generally regarded as an unusual occasion because few people reach it. The centenarian may even receive a telegram or a letter of congratulations from prominent political figures, such as the Prime Minister and the Queen if the anniversary is celebrated in Britain. Again the family may hold a party attended by relatives and surviving friends as well. Among other things the centenarian takes delight in counting great grandchildren and grandchildren at the party. Ⅱ.New Words 1.rare: adj. not happen / see often; (of a substance, esp. atmosphere)thin, not dense Example: Environments were able to preserve the rare turtle before it reached. Natural resources are rare in this region.


法律英语误译分析 一、法律术语的特征分析 (一)经常使用常用词汇的不常用的含义 由于法律术语的专业性很强,在我们翻译法律文件时,也许见到平常经常看到的一些词汇,然而在法律文件中,它却有自己独特的含义。例如:action是我们常见的一个词汇,它的意思是行动,然而在法律上它指的是alawsuit(eithercivilorcriminal);alien这个常用词汇在法律上的含义是totransferpropertytoanother;bill的法律含义是adraftlaw;就连我们最常见的color一词在法律中的含义也发生了改变,它的意思是apparentlegalright(e.g.undercoloroflaw),象这样的例子还有很多很多。 (二)经常使用古英语和中世纪英语词汇,甚至还有很多外来语词汇 例如:Aforementioned,Alack,Hereinafter,Howbeit,Nowise,Verily,Withal等等这些词汇均来源于古英语和中世纪英语,还有例如abinitio(意思是fromthebeginning),adhoc(意思是forthispurpose),alibi(意思是elsewhere),caveat(意思是awarning)等等这些词汇都是拉丁语单词和短语,但是这些词汇却出现在英文法律文件之中。还有例如:cypres(意思是asnearaspossible),delict(意思是wrong,offense),demur(意思是nottoagree)等等,这些词汇均来自法律法语的词汇。这些词汇在现代日常英语中很少看到他们的影子,但是它们却大量的被保留在法律语言之中。

大学英语精读Where do we go from here课文翻译课后习题问题详解

Where do we go from here ? 我们向何处去?马丁.路德.金 1.为了回答“我们向何处去”这一问题,我们现在必须明确我们的现状。当初拟定宪法时,一个不可思议的公式规定黑人在纳税和选举权方面只是一个完整人的60%。如今又一个匪夷所思的公式似乎规定黑人只盂交纳一个人应交税的50%,只享受一个人应享受的选举权利的50%。对于生活中的好事,黑人大约只享有白人所享受的一半;而生活中的不愉快,黑人却要承受白人所面对的两倍。因此,所有黑人中有一半人住着低标准的住房。并且黑人的收入只是白人的一半。每当审视生活中的负面经历时,黑人总是占双倍的份额。黑人无业者是白人的两倍。黑人婴儿的死亡率是白人的两倍,从黑人所占的总人口比率上看,在越南死亡的黑人是白人的两倍。 2.其他领域也有同样惊人的数字。在小学,黑人比白人落后一至三年,并且他们的被白人隔离的学校的学生人均所得到的补贴比白人的学校少得多。20个上大学的学生中,只有一个是黑人。在职的黑人中75%的人从事低收入、单凋乏味的非技术性工作。 3.这就是我们的现状。我们的出路在哪里?首先,我们必须维护自己的尊严和价值。我们必须与仍压迫我们的制度抗争,从而树立崇高的不可诋毁的价值观。我们再不能因为是自已黑人而感到羞耻。几百年来灌输黑人是卑微的、无足轻重的,因此要唤起他们做人的尊严绝非易事。 4.甚至语义学似乎也合谋把黑色的说成足丑陋的、卑劣的。罗杰特分类词典中与黑色相关的词有120个,其中至少60个微词匿影藏形,例如。污渍、煤烟、狰狞的、魔鬼和恶臭的。而与白色相关的词约有134个,它们却毫无例外都褒嘉洋溢,诸如纯洁、洁净、贞洁和纯真此类词等。白色的(善意的)谎言总比黑色的(恶意的)谎言要好。家中最为人所不齿的人是“黑羊”,即败家子。奥西.戴维斯曾建议或许应重造英语语言,从而教师将不再迫不得已因教黑人孩子60种方式蔑视自己而使他们继续怀有不应有的自卑感,因教白人孩子134种方式宠爱自己而使他们继续怀有不应有的优越感。 5.忽视黑人对美国生活的贡献从而剥夺其做人的权利的行径,早如美国诞生之时最早的史书所记,近如每日晨报所载,已有近200年之久。为了挫败这种文化封杀,黑人必须奋起申明自己高贵的人格。任何忽略这一要点的为黑人争取自由的运动都将行色匆匆,行将就木。只要心灵被奴役.肉体就永远不会得到解放。心理上的自由,即强烈的自尊感,是战胜肉体受奴役的漫漫长夜最强有力的武器。林肯的《斛放宣言》和约翰逊的《人权法案》都不能完全带来这种自由。黑人惟有发自内心并用坚定的人格的笔墨签下解放自己的宣言才会得到解放。黑人必须竭尽全力以自尊自重的精神大胆抛弃自我否定的枷锁,对自己、对世界说,“我非等闲之辈。我是人。我是一个有尊严、有声誉的人。我有丰富而非凡的历史。耶是一段多么痛苦的受剥削的经历。是的,我从祖先那里继承了我的奴隶身份,但我并不为此感到耻辱。”是的,我们必须站起身来说。“我是黑人,我因黑而美。”黑人需要这种自我肯定,而白人对黑人所犯下的罪行使得这种自我肯定更显必要。 6.另一个主要的挑战是在经济和政治上如何增强我们的实力。毋庸置疑,黑人极其需要这种合法的权力。其实黑人所面临的一个严峻的问题就是权力匮乏。从南方的老种植园到北方较新的居留地,黑人一直被迫过着一种无声无息且无权无势的生活。由于被剥夺了决定自己生活和命运的权利,他们只能对这个白人权力机构做出的专断的、有时是匪夷所思的决定听之任之。那些种植园和居留地是由掌权的人开辟的,既可限制那些无权的人又可使他们的无权状况延续下去。因此,改变居留地的问题就是权力的问题---要求改变的权力和致力于维持社会现状的权力这两种力量之间的冲突。对权力的恰当的定义即权力指实现目的的能力。它意指能引发社会、政治、经济变化所需的力量。沃尔特.罗依德曾为权力下过定义。他说,“权力就是像汽车工人联合会这样的工会能使像通用汽车公司这样的世界上最强大的


法律英语案例分析 Petunia wants to buy a new washing-machine, notices the following promotional campaign in the window of a shop called Washwell, One Smarklook iron free of charge to any customer purchasing a Quichwash washing-machine priced at 250 pounds or more Petunia therefore decided to buy a washing-machine under the promotion, but when she pays for it, the shop assistant explains that the last Smartlook iron has been given away that morning and there are no more available at present. On the way out of the shop, Petunia sees a poster which states A free watch will be given to anyone spending more than 50 pounds in our store today. Petunia retures to the cashier to claim her watch, but is told that she should have asked before she bought the washing-machine. Advise Petunia

法律英语——Law of Torts

一.介绍 侵权法概念 侵权法是一个很难表述的概念,这个词语在平日交流中不常使用。虽然它描述了一项法律中的重要分类,这个概念也已经否定了很多试图阐明出有用定义的尝试。令人困惑的是任何一种广泛到能包含所有侵权行为的定义都太过于笼统而几乎没有意义。 所有侵权法中有一项常见的元素是一方会由于另一方实施的行为或不作为所产生的后果而受到损失或伤害。除此以外,加速普遍化变成了不可能的任务。事实上所有无限的多样的人类活动——比如说骑车,从事生意,谈话,写作,拥有并且使用真的或者个人财产,性行为——都有可能成为一种侵权行为的赔偿责任来源。这种行为的多样性抵抗住了大面积的普遍性,这也是侵权行为的赔偿责任所赖以存在的基础。 如果对侵权的定义是必要的,它就会具有以下的性质:民事违法行为,一方的行为会对另一方造成人身财产伤害,或者是认识到另一方的利益想违背法律强制规定的责任。 明显地,侵权法是一块认识到并赔偿对受害人从身体,尊严和隐私的伤害到所拥有的财产和生意上的利益损失的法律领域。侵权是一种民事违法行为——是遭受损失方(或者是共同起诉的多方)控告罪犯(侵权行为人)来使损害得到补偿或者是寻求一种禁令阻止伤害和民事违法行为的继续。受害方必须证明侵权行为人犯罪。侵权中的义务被强制当作法律遵行。 侵权法发作用,目的与正当理由 侵权法有三个主要作用和目标:(1)补偿受害方因为另一方的行为而蒙受的损失与伤害。(2)置入应赔偿人的所应补偿的金额。(3)防止未来的损失和伤害。 1.补偿 侵权行为中受害的一方所遭受的伤害和损失我们应该称之为“损害”。侵权法是基于所有损失,无论是有形的还是无形的都能够用金钱衡量的基础上的。最基本的侵权赔偿是要求侵权行为人来支付受害者一笔“有补偿的破坏”。 2.公正 (1)公平 从根本上,公正是当今对公平的社会标准的应用的结果。 (2)现实原因 因果关系,众所周知,是必要条件。侵权责任仅仅是指行为人的行为是一个为被害人带来损失和伤害的实质的事实。 (3)过失 过失一般是构成侵权的一个必要因素,只是一个人对他人造成损害是不够的,伦理上,很难证明侵权,除非行为人的行为是某种程度上有过失的。显然,如果一个人故意地伤害他人,或者知道(应当知道)他的行为造成了实质的伤害事实,责任便必然产生。但是,过失同样包括那些无意的和不可预见的过失的行为,以及普通人理应预见到的可能造成对他人极大风险的伤害的行为。 (4)无过失责任 有一些情形是,行为人的行为是他人受害的原因,所有的过失需求都满足,但是由于公序良俗,不存在侵权责任。 (5)原告过失与同意 当受害人同意存在风险或者他本身对其伤害有过错时,受害人的侵权赔偿金额可能会被减少甚至驳回。如果损失是在当事人真实同意或明知有风险的情况下发生的,拒绝任何赔偿可视为合理的。


我们知道话语在教师组织课堂教学和学生的语言习得过程中又起着至关重要的作用, 而我们也清楚的意识到课堂是学生学习语言知识和综合运用语言的主要场所, 教师教学的每一个环节都是通过课堂话语的运用来实现教学目的的, 所以教师课堂话语有利于我们教师更好地了解课堂教学的实际情况,提高课堂教学效果,更有利于提高我们教师的专业素养 . 下面就此谈谈我对教师课堂话语的粗浅认识。 课堂话语使用不当,不利于培养学生文化意识和交际意识 教师课堂话语使用不当指的是语言的得体性错误, 也称为语用失误, 主要表现为说话方式不妥,或者不符合特定语言与文化社区的表达习惯。 师生之间的称谓不当 A1. 师生称谓不当 : 学生对教师称谓不当 T1: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good afternoon, teacher. T2: Hello, everyone. Ss: Hello, Lily. T3: Good morning, children. Ss: Good morning, Mrs. Liu ( 教师自己姓刘,但其丈夫不姓刘 作为教师的我应该引导学生以“ Miss/Mz./Mr.XXX ” 来称呼自己, 而不是 “ teacher ” 或直呼其英文名字。 A2. 师生称谓不当 : 教师对学生称谓不当 T1: Which sentence? You. T2: Next one, you please.

T3: What else? You please. 在初中英语课堂中,某些教师用“ You ” 来称呼学生,并往往因距离学生比较远, 且教师手势指向并不清晰, 常会导致两名学生一同站起来回答问题的尴尬。如果教师称呼学生的名字, 大多数学生往往会因教师记住自己的名字而内心感到高兴, 从而提高对英语学习的兴趣。用“ You please ” 这种方式称呼学生,不符合英美国家初中教师的语言习惯, 也不利于缩小师生之间的心理距离。 著名教育学家苏霍姆林斯基指出:“教育的艺术首先包括谈话的艺术。”这充分说明教育艺术很大程度上取决于教师的教学话语。灵活使用英语课堂话语是外语课堂教学的一个重要组成部分, 是培养学生直接用英语思维的一种有效手段。作为一名中学英语教师, 应十分重视正确使用课堂用语,充分发挥它在英语教学中的积极作用,提高英语课堂教学效果。


Lesson One: Legal System 法律制度 英属殖民地时期(the Period of the English Colonies)和美利坚合众国时期(the Period of the United States)。公诉制度(public prosecution) 美国属于普通法系(Common Law Legal System) 分散制(decentralization)为原则;以判例法(case law)为主体。 "零散的无系统"(fragmental no system)。成文法(written law)或制定法(statutory law), 遵从前例"(stare decisis Part One The United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation. It is a new nation compared with many other countries, and it is new, too, in the sense that it is constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new States. But in other senses it is old. It is the oldest of the "new" nations--the first one to be made out of an Old World colony. It has the oldest written constitution, the oldest continuous federal system, and the oldest practice of self government of any nation. 美国既是一个非常新的国家也是一个非常老的国家。与许多别的国家相比它是一个新的国家。同时,它还因新人口成分和新州的加入而持续更新,在此意义上,它也是新国家。但是在其它的意义上它是老国家。它是最老的“新”国家——第一个由旧大陆殖民地脱胎而出的国家。它拥有最古老的成文宪法、最古老的持续的联邦体制以及最古老的民族自治实践。 One of the most interesting features of America s youth is that the whole of its history belongs in the period since the invention of the printing press. The whole of its history is, therefore, recorded: indeed, it is safe to say that no other major nation has so comprehensive a record of its history as has the United States, for events such as those that are lost in the legendary past of Italy or France or England are part of the printed record of the United States. And the American record is not only comprehensive; it is immense. It embraces not only the record of the colonial era and of the Nation since 1776, but of the present fifty States as well, and the intricate network of relationships between States and Nation. Thus, to take a very elementary example, the reports of the United States Supreme Court fill some 350 volumes, and the reports of some States are almost equally voluminous: the reader who wants to trace the history of law in America is confronted with over 5,000 stout volumes of legal cases. 美国的年轻(性)有一个很有意思的特点就是它的历史肇始于印刷机发明之后。因此它的整个历史都得以记录下来:确实可以很有把握地说,任何其它国家都没有像美国这样全面的历史记录,因为像在意大利、法国或者英国过去的传说中湮没的那样的事件在美国都成了有文字记载的历史之一部分。而且其记录不仅全面,还非常浩繁。不仅包括这个国家自1776年以来的殖民时期的记录,还有当前五十个州以及各州和联邦(nation)之间错综复杂的关系网络的历史记录。因此,据一个非常简单的例子,美国最高法院判例汇编有大约350卷,而一些州的判例汇编也几乎有同样多的卷数:想研究美国法律史的读者要面对的是超过5000巨卷的司法案例。 No one document, no handful of documents, can properly be said to reveal the character of a people or of their government. But when hundreds and thousands of documents strike a consistent note, over more than a hundred years, we have a right to say that is the keynote. When hundreds and thousands of documents address themselves in the same ways, to the same overarching problems, we have a right to read from them certain conclusions which we can call national characteristics. 我们不能说一个文件或几个文件就能揭示出一国人民或其政府的特性。但如果横跨一百多年的千百万个文件敲出始终如一的音调,我们就有理由说这就是其主调。当千百万个文件都以同样的方式去解决同样的中心问题,我们就有理由从中得出可以被称为国民特定的确定结论。 Part Two The American legal system, like the English, is methodologically mainly a case law system. Most fields of private law still consist primarily of case law and the extensive and steadily growing statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law. Knowledge of the case law method as well as of the technique of working with case law therefore is of central importance for an understanding of American law and legal methodology. 同英国一样,美国法律制度从方法论上来说主要是一种判例法制度。许多私法领域仍然主要是由判例法构成,广泛而不断增长的制定法一直受制于有约束力的(解释制定法的)判例法。因此,判例法方法的知识以及使用判例法的技巧对于理解美国法律和法律方法是极其重要的。 The Common Law is historically the common general law -- with supremacy over local law--which was decreed by the itinerant judges of the English royal court. The enforcement of a claim presupposed the existence of a special form of action, a writ, with the result that the original common law represented a system of "actions" similar to that of classical Roman law. If a writ existed (in 1227) a claim could be enforced; there was no recourse for a claim without a writ, the claim did not exist. This system became inflexible when the "Provisions of Oxford" (1258) prohibited the creation of new writs, except for the flexibility which the "writ upon the case" allowed and which later led to the development of contract and tort law. 从历史的角度来看,普通法就是由英国皇家法院的巡回法官的判决所得出的普通的一般法——优于地方法。采纳或执行某项诉讼请求是以存在法院令状这种特殊形式的诉为前提的,而这就使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古罗马法的“诉”所构成的体系。如果存在令状(于1227年),诉讼请求就可以被采纳或执行;没有法院令状(为前提)的诉讼请求就没有追索权,因而该诉讼请求也不存在。“牛津条例”(1285年)禁止创设除了“个案令状”之外的新令状,这种“个案令状”使该制度变得较为灵活了,而且导致了后来合同和侵权法的发展。 The narrow limits of the forms of action and the limited recourse they provided led to the development of equity law and equity case law. "Equity", in its general meaning of doing "equity", deciding ex aequo et bono, was first granted by the King, and later by his Chancellor as "keeper of the King's conscience", to afford relief in hardship cases. In the fifteenth century, however, equity law and equity case law developed into an independent legal system and judiciary (Court of Chancery) which competed with the ordinary common law courts. Its rules and maxims became fixed and, to a degree, inflexible as in any legal system. Special characteristics of equity law include: relief in the form of specific performance (in contrast to the common law award of compensatory damages), the injunction (a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act), the development of so called maxims of equity law which permeated the entire legal system and in many cases explain the origin of modern legal

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