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五块圣诞小饼干,躺在门边盘子里,喀啦啦,一块被吃掉了,剩下四块小饼干。?? 四块圣诞小饼干,睁着眼睛向我看,嘎吱歧,—块被吃掉了,剩下三块小饼干。?? 三块圣诞小饼干,足够你我来分享,啊哈?哈,一块被吃掉了,剩下两块小饼干。?? 两块圣诞小饼干,正在晒太阳,嘻嘻嘻,一块被吃掉了,剩下一块小饼干。??






















圣诞节英文歌曲:The Christmas Song圣诞之歌

《The Christmas Song》英文歌词 圣诞之歌 Chestnuts roasting on an open fire 一个开放的火上烤栗子 Jack Frost nipping at your nose 杰克弗罗斯特咬在你的鼻子 Yuletide carols being sung by a choir 合唱团唱的圣诞节期间的颂歌 And folks dressed up like Eskimos 和乡亲打扮得像爱斯基摩人 Everybody knows a turkey and some 大家都知道,一只火鸡和一些 Mistletoe can help to make the season bright 槲寄生可以帮助使本赛季亮

And tiny tots with their eyes all a glow 微小的小孩用自己的眼睛焕发 Will find it hard to sleep tonight 会觉得很难今晚睡觉 They know that Santa’s on his way 他们知道,圣诞老人途中 Hes loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh 他他的雪橇上装载了大量的玩具和好吃的东西And every mothers child is gonna spy to see if 每一个母亲和儿童是要去谍看,如果 Reindeer really know how to fly 驯鹿真的知道怎么飞 And so, Im offering this 所以,我提供这个

Simple phrase to kids from 孩子们简单的短语 One to ninety-two (whoa oh) 一到92(哇哦) Although its been said many times, many ways 虽然已经说了很多次,很多方面 Merry Christmas to you 祝你圣诞快乐 They know that Santa is on his way (on his way) 他们知道,圣诞老人在他的途中(途中) with lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh (lots of toys and goodies) 玩具和好吃的东西,他的雪橇上有很多(大量的玩具和好吃的东西)And every mothers child is gonna spy to see if 每一个母亲和儿童是要去谍看,如果


五十首儿歌大全 1 经典儿歌 《数鸭子》 (念)门前大桥下,游过一群鸭,快来快来数一数,二四六七八。 (唱)门前大桥下,游过一群鸭,快来快来数一数,二四六七八。嘎嘎嘎嘎真呀真多呀,数不清到底多少鸭,数不清到底多少鸭。赶鸭 老爷爷,胡子白花花,唱呀唱着家乡戏,还会说笑话,小孩小孩快快 上学校,别考个鸭蛋抱回家。 (念)门前大桥下,游过一群鸭。 《找朋友》 找呀找呀找朋友,找到一个好朋友敬个礼呀,握握手呀,你是我 的好朋友,再见! 《一闪一闪亮晶晶》 一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星。高高挂在天空中,好象宝石 放光明。一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星。当那太阳落下山,大地 披上黑色夜影。天上升起小星星,光辉照耀到天明。一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星。 《小燕子》 小燕子穿花衣,年年春天到这里,我问燕子为啥来,燕子说这里 的春天最美丽。小燕子告诉你,今年这里更美丽,我们盖起了大工厂,装上了新机器,欢迎你长期住在这里。 《我有一只小毛驴》

我有一只小毛驴,我从来也不骑,有一天我心血来潮骑它去赶集,我手里拿着小皮鞭,我心里真得意,不小心我哗啦啦,我摔了一身泥。 2 宝宝日常习惯培养三字歌 《起床歌》 小宝宝,起得早,睁开眼,眯眯笑,咿呀呀,学说话,伸伸手, 要人抱。 《穿衣歌》 小胳膊,穿袖子,穿上衣,扣扣子,小脚丫,穿裤子,穿上袜子,穿鞋子。 《小镜子》 小镜子,圆又圆,看宝宝,露笑脸,闭上眼,做个梦,变月亮, 挂上天。 《叮铃铃》 叮铃铃,叮铃铃,一会远,一会近,小宝宝,耳朵灵,听铃声, 找到铃。 《看画报》 小娃娃,看画报,睁大眼,仔细瞧;布娃娃,哈哈笑,伸出手,要 你抱。 《逛公园》 逛公园,宝宝笑,东看看,西瞧瞧;花儿香,鸟儿叫,小草绿,小 树摇。 《光脚丫》


It’s A Small World It’s a small world after all, It’s a small world after all, It’s a small world after all, It’s a small, small world. There’s a world of laughter, a world of tears. There’s so mush that we share and it’s time we’re aware. It’s a small world after all. Jingle bells Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh. O’er the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail ring, making the spirits. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Hey! Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh! Little Perter Rabbit Little peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose. Little peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose. Little peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose. And he flicked it’til it flew away. Little Sunny Water Little sunny water sleeping in a corner. Wake up, Wake up, Wash your face and make a bumble shake. Oh, shake it to the right and shake it to the left.


歌曲:pretty boy I lie awake at night 晚上我躺在床上没有一点睡意 See things in black and white 世界对我来说只有黑与白 I've only got you inside my mind 你的形象无时无刻不在我脑中闪动 You know you have made me blind 我的眼里只有你 I lie awake and pray 我清醒地躺在床上祈祷 that you would look my way 祈祷你会看见我 I have all this songing in my heart 我的心中充满渴望 I knew it right from the start 一开始我就知道 Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you 我的漂亮男孩我爱你 Like I never ever loved no one before you 在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人

Pretty pretty boy of mine 我的漂亮男孩 Just tell me you love me too 告诉我你也爱我 Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you 我的漂亮男孩我需要你 Oh my pretty pretty boy I do 我的漂亮男孩,是真的 Let me inside make me stay right beside you 让我进来让我留在你身旁 I used to write your name 我曾写下你的名字 And put it in a frame 并把它框起来 And sometimes I think I hear you call Right from my bedroom wall 有时我觉得我在我房间里听到了你的 呼唤 You stay a little while 你待了一会儿


56首经典儿歌歌词大全 1、做早操 早上空气真叫好,我们都来做早操。 伸伸臂,弯弯腰,踢踢腿,蹦蹦跳,天天锻炼身体好。 2、饭前要洗手 小脸盆,水清请,小朋友们笑盈盈,小手儿,伸出来, 洗一洗,白又净,吃饭前,先洗手,讲卫生,不得病。 3、小手绢 小手绢,四方方,天天带在我身上。 又擦鼻涕又擦汗,干干净净真好看。 4、搬鸡蛋 小老鼠,搬鸡蛋,鸡蛋太大怎么办?一只老鼠地上躺, 紧紧抱住大鸡蛋。一只老鼠拉尾巴,拉呀拉呀拉回家。 5、大骆驼 骆驼骆驼志气大,风吹日晒都不怕。 走沙漠,运盐巴,再苦再累不讲话。 6、螳螂 螳螂哥,螳螂哥,肚儿大,吃得多。飞飞能把粉蝶捕, 跳跳能把蝗虫捉。两把大刀舞起来,一只害虫不放过 7、大蜻蜓 大蜻蜓,绿眼睛,一对眼睛亮晶晶, 飞一飞,停一停,飞来飞去捉蚊蝇。 8、小鸭子 小鸭子,一身黄,扁扁嘴巴红脚掌。 嘎嘎嘎嘎高声唱,一摇一摆下池塘。 9、拍手歌 你拍一,我拍一,天天早起练身体。 你拍二,我拍二,天天都要带手绢。 你拍三,我拍三,洗澡以后换衬衫。 你拍四,我拍四,消灭苍蝇和蚊子。 你拍五,我拍五,有痰不要随地吐。 你拍六,我拍六,瓜皮果核不乱丢。 你拍七,我拍七,吃饭细嚼别着急。 你拍八,我拍八,勤剪指甲常刷牙。 你拍九,我拍九,吃饭以前要洗手。

你拍十,我拍十,脏的东西不要吃。 10 、小螃蟹 小螃蟹,真骄傲,横着身子到处跑, 吓跑鱼,撞倒虾,一点也不懂礼貌 11 、庆六一 儿童节,是六一,小朋友们真欢喜。 又唱歌来又跳舞,高高兴兴庆六一。 12、花猫照镜子 小花猫,喵喵叫,不洗脸,把镜照, 左边照,右边照,埋怨镜子脏,气得胡子翘。 13、蚂蚁搬虫虫 小蚂蚁,搬虫虫,一个搬,搬不动,两个搬,掀条缝, 三个搬,动一动,四个五个六七个,大家一起搬进洞。 14、小青蛙 小青蛙,呱呱呱,水里游,岸上爬, 吃害虫,保庄稼,人人都要保护它。 15、花儿好看我不摘 公园里,花儿开,红的红,白的白, 花儿好看我不摘,人人都说我真乖。 16 、红绿灯 大马路,宽又宽,警察叔叔站中间, 红灯亮,停一停,绿灯亮,往前行。 17 、七个果果 一二三四五六七,七六五四三二一。 七个阿姨来摘果,七个篮子手中提。七个果子摆七样。 苹果、桃儿、石榴、柿子、李子、栗子、梨。 18、睡午觉 枕头放放平,花被盖盖好。 小枕头,小花被,跟我一起睡午觉,看谁先睡着。 19 、吃荸荠 荸荠有皮,皮上有泥。洗掉荸荠皮上的泥,削去荸荠外面的皮,荸荠没了皮和泥,干干净净吃荸荠。 20 、小云骑牛去打油 小云骑牛去打油,遇着小友踢皮球,皮球飞来吓了牛,摔下小云撒了油。 21 、盆和瓶 车上有个盆,盆里有个瓶,乒乒乒,乓乓乓,不知是瓶碰盆,还是盆碰瓶。

幼儿经典英语儿歌:Six Little Ducks

幼儿经典英语儿歌:Six Little Ducks six little ducks that I once knew; fat ones,fair ones,thin ones too. But the one little duck with the feather on his back, He led the others with a quack,quack,quack. quack,quack,quack--quack,quack,quack. He led the others with a quack,quack,quack. Down to the meadow they would go, wibble,wobble,wibble,wobble, Ho hum ho. And the one little duck with the feather on his back, He led the others with a quack,quack,quack. quack,quack,quack--quack,quack,quack. He led the others with a quack,quack,quack. Home from the meadow they would go, wibble,wobble,wibble,wobble, To and fro. And the one little duck

with the feather on his back, He led the others with a quack,quack,quack. quack,quack,quack - quack,quack,quack. He led the others with a quack,quack,quack. 六只小鸭子 我以前知道六只小鸭子, 胖的,瘦的,还有漂亮的, 但是在他的背上插根羽毛的这只小鸭子, 他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子!嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫!他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子!我以前知道六只小鸭子, 胖的,瘦的,还有漂亮的, 但是在他的背上插根羽毛的这只小鸭子, 他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子!嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫!他嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫,嘎嘎叫地带领着其他的小鸭子!


As Time Goes By Dooley Wilson You must remember this a kiss is just a kiss a sigh is just a sigh The fundamental things apply as time goes by And when two lovers woo they still say "I love you" On that you can rely no matter what the future brings as time goes by Moonlight and love songs never out of date hearts full of passion jealousy and hate Woman needs man and man must have his mate that no one can deny It's still the same old story a fight for love and glory a case of do or die The world will always welcome lovers as time goes by Casablanca Bertie Higgins I fell in love with you watching Casablanca Back row of the drive-in show in the flickering light Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars became champagne and caviar Making love on a long hot summer’s night I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca Holding hands neath the paddle fans in Rick’s candle lit cafe Hiding in the shadows from the spies Moroccan moonlight in your eyes Making magic at the movies in my old Chevrolet


有关圣诞节的儿歌大汇总 圣诞到了,最开心的还是小朋友。小朋友们不仅有礼物还有好听的儿歌呢。 真挚来临 Adeste Fideles 寄给你的祝福 A Gift For All 宁静之夜 In Notte Placida 圣诞老人进城啰 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 银铃轻响 Jingle Bell jingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh jingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh dashing through the snow on a one-horse open sleigh, over the fields we go, laughing all the way; bellson bob-tail ring, making spirits bright,

what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. jingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ri(版权声明:本文转载自学子网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d16701075.html,),版权归原作者所有。)de in a one-horse open sleigh jingle bells,jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh 小城伯利恒 Little Town Of Bethlehem 平安夜 Stille Nacht 星光洒落 Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle 我亲爱的尼古拉 Dear Santa Claus 愿你平安 We Wish You A Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas; We wish you a Merry Christmas; We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good tidings we bring to you and your kin; Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wish you a Merry Christmas;


英语经典儿歌 1.ABCsong 2.Do- Re- Mi 3.Ten little Indians 4.Head and shoulders knees and toes 5.Apple round 6.Old Macdonal 7.Jingle bell 8.Happy New Year 9.Are you sleeping? 10.D ay of the Week 11.Eight Little Baby Ducks 12. If you are happy 13.Edelweiss(雪绒花) 14.Twinkle, twinkle, little star 15.Two Little Blackbirds 16.We Wish You A Merry Christmas 17.Mary Had a Little Lamb 18. London Bridge is Falling Down 19.Colours 20. I can sing a rainbow

部分歌词 1. ABC Song (字母歌) come together, come to me while I sing the ABC. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RS and TUVW and XYZ. Now you ve heard my ABC. Tell me what you think of me. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N L P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. now y ou ve heard our ABC. Let us hear your ABC. All together sing with me. Let us try our ABC. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. now you ve heard our ANC. Let us hear your ABC. Do-Re-Mi(哆-来-咪) Doe a deer a female deer. Ray a drop of golden sun. me a name I call mys elf, Far a long long way to run. Sew a needle pulling thread. La a note tha t follow sew. Tea a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to d oe, oh oh oh, Doe ray me far sew la tea doe. Sew, doe. Day of the Week(星期之歌) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. (Rep eating 3 times.) Are You Sleeping?(你睡了吗) Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Brother John, brother John. Morn


【关于古典圣诞节英文歌曲】圣诞节英文歌曲儿童版 现在,老家楼道的灯一定在点着;现在,住处楼道的灯一定在点着;而我,却没有在那些个应该在的地方。--UUMOB 1.ave maria(圣母颂celine dion franz schubert) celine dion重新诠释schubert经典圣诗. 2.ave maria(圣母颂charlotte charles francois gounod) 天籁美声charlotte重新诠释gounod 完美结合平均率之版本 3. gloria in excelsis deo(荣耀归于神伴奏版) 全地颂赞新生王降生 4. god rest ye merry gentlemen 愿上帝赐给世人喜乐,古典圣诞名曲 5. joy to the world(伴奏版) 耶稣降生,普世欢腾,圣诞必备名曲 6. mary’s boy child(伴奏版) 小耶稣安祥的躺在圣母怀里,多么伟大的夜里 7. we three kings of orient are 东方三博士只愿见救主一面,带有近东风格的圣诞名曲 8. what child is this 古典疗伤系圣诞名曲《绿袖子》 9. silent night(elvis presley) 说到平安夜,怎么能漏了这首让人心安宁的不朽名曲呢? 10. o holy night(celine dion) celine dion重新诠释荡气回肠圣诞经典圣诗 11. o holy night(leann rimes) leann rimes重新诠释荡气回肠圣诞经典圣诗 12. halleluja 连皇帝都要为之肃立的名曲! 感谢您的阅读!


因很多家长向麦麦粥铺反映,想要儿歌50首大全的歌词。我们也花了大量的时间和精力,通过手打不断把歌词完善到趋于完整。希望可以让妈妈们和孩子一起在听的同时,更增加一份教学的乐趣。 您的五分好评是我们进步的最大动力,谢谢。 精心整理,真心希望对孩子的培养能有一丝帮助。【儿歌串烧50首】第1首:《家庭称呼》歌词 爸爸爸爸daddy daddy daddy daddy 妈妈妈妈mami mami mami mami 哥哥弟弟brother brother brother 姐姐妹妹sister sister sister 爷爷爷爷grandpa grandpa grandpa 奶奶奶奶grandma grandma grandma 伯伯叔叔和舅舅 英文全都叫uncle uncle uncle uncle 姑姑婶婶和阿姨 英文全都叫auntie auntie auntie auntie 爸爸爸爸daddy daddy daddy daddy 妈妈妈妈mami mami mami mami 哥哥弟弟brother brother brother 姐姐妹妹sister sister sister 爷爷爷爷grandpa grandpa grandpa 奶奶奶奶grandma grandma grandma 伯伯叔叔和舅舅 英文全都叫uncle uncle uncle uncle 姑姑婶婶和阿姨 英文全都叫auntie auntie auntie auntie

爸爸爸爸daddy daddy daddy daddy 妈妈妈妈mami mami mami mami 哥哥弟弟brother brother brother 姐姐妹妹sister sister sister 爷爷爷爷grandpa grandpa grandpa 奶奶奶奶grandma grandma grandma 伯伯叔叔和舅舅 英文全都叫uncle uncle uncle uncle 姑姑婶婶和阿姨 英文全都叫auntie auntie auntie auntie 【儿歌串烧50首】第2首:《家族歌》歌词 爸爸的爸爸叫什么?爸爸的爸爸叫爷爷; 爸爸的妈妈叫什么?爸爸的妈妈叫奶奶; 爸爸的哥哥叫什么?爸爸的哥哥叫伯伯; 爸爸的弟弟叫什么?爸爸的弟弟叫叔叔; 爸爸的姐妹叫什么?爸爸的姐妹叫姑姑。 妈妈的爸爸叫什么?妈妈的爸爸叫外公; 妈妈的妈妈叫什么?妈妈的妈妈叫外婆; 妈妈的兄弟叫什么?妈妈的兄弟叫舅舅; 妈妈的姐妹叫什么?妈妈的姐妹叫阿姨。 【儿歌串烧50首】第3首:《小鸭子》歌词 我们村里养了一群小鸭子 我天天早晨赶着它们到池塘里 小鸭子见了我就嘎嘎嘎地叫 再见吧小鸭子我要上学了 再见吧小鸭子我要上学了 我们村里养了一群小鸭子 我放学回来赶着它们到棚里去 小鸭子见了我就嘎嘎嘎地叫


英文儿童歌曲《apple tree》歌词: Apple round,apple red. Apple juicy apple sweet. Apple apple I love you, Apple sweet I love to eat. Apple round,apple red. Apple juicy apple sweet. Apple apple I love you, Apple sweet I love to eat. If You are Happy儿歌歌词: If you happy and you know it,clap your hands. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. If you happy and you know it,stamp your feet. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. If you happy and you know it,nod your heads. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. If you happy and you know it,Hipo-Ya Yat. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. If you happy and you know it,To a part. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. 《多来咪-Do Re Mi》的英文歌词. Let's start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A B C When you sing you begin with Ro-re-mi Do-re-mi Do-re-mi The first three notes just happen to be


1..Hello song 歌词(Lyrics) Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too. Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too 2.. Finger Family 歌词Lyrics Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Mammy finger, Mammy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? 3..《ABC song》歌词 A B C D , E F G H I J K , L M N O P Q R S , T U V W X Y Z Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me 4.. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 歌词 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When there's nothing he shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除英语儿歌歌词圣诞节 篇一:英语经典儿歌20首及歌词 英语经典儿歌 1.Abcsong 2.Do-Re-mi 3.TenlittleIndians 4.headandshoulderskneesandtoes 5.Appleround 6.oldmacdonal 7.Jinglebell 8.happynewYear 9.Areyousleeping? 10.Dayoftheweek 11.eightLittlebabyDucks 12.Ifyouarehappy 13.edelweiss(雪绒花) 14.Twinkle,twinkle,littlestar

15.TwoLittleblackbirds 16.wewishYouAmerrychristmas 17.maryhadaLittleLamb 18.LondonbridgeisFallingDown 19.colours 20.Icansingarainbow 部分歌词 1.Abcsong(字母歌) cometogether,cometomewhileIsingtheAbc.AbcDeFghIJKLm nopQRsandTuVwandxYZ.nowyouveheardmyAbc.Tellmewhatyo uthinkofme.AbcDeFghIJKLmnLpQRsandTuVwandxYZ.nowyouv eheardourAbc.LetushearyourAbc.Alltogethersingwithme .LetustryourAbc.AbcDeFghIJKLmnopQRsandTuVwandxYZ.no wyouveheardourAnc.LetushearyourAbc. Do-Re-mi(哆-来-咪) Doeadeerafemaledeer.Rayadropofgoldensun.meanameIcal lmyself,Faralonglongwaytorun.sewaneedlepullingthrea https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d16701075.html,anotethatfollowsew.Teaadrinkwithjamandbread.Tha twillbringusbacktodoe,ohohoh,Doeraymefarsewlateadoe .sew,doe.


1、十二月歌 正月十五吃圆子,二月惊蜇喂蚕子,三月清明下种子,四月芒种栽秧子,五月端阳包粽子,六月天热扇扇子,七月十五春谷子,八月十五赶鸭子,九月重阳扬谷子,十月初一穿袄子,冬月天寒打蝗子,腊月除夕煮饺子。 2、十二月花歌 正月梅花香又香, 二月兰花盆里装, 三月桃花红十里, 四月蔷薇靠短墙, 五月石榴红似火, 六月荷花满池塘, 七月栀子头上戴, 八月桂花满枝黄, 九月菊花初开放, 十月芙蓉正上妆, 十一月水仙供上案, 十二月腊梅雪里香。 3、二十四节气歌 立春雨水暖洋洋, 惊蛰春分农家忙, 清明谷雨浸稻种, 立夏逢满插稻秧, 芒种夏至打耙草, 小暑大暑热难当, 立秋处暑割早稻, 白露秋分场上忙, 寒露霜降种麦子, 立冬小雪人不忙, 大雪冬至天寒冷, 小寒大寒忙年粮。 4、白白鹅 白白鹅,花花鹅, 排长队,到小河。 摇摇头,摆摆尾, 拍拍翅膀游过河。 5、爆米花 爆米花,爆米花, 逗得娃娃笑哈哈, 一颗玉米一朵花, 噼噼啪,噼噼啪, 一朵一朵到我家, 大家来看爆米花。 6、比尾巴 什么尾巴长? 什么尾巴短? 什么尾巴好像一把伞?猴子的尾巴长, 兔子的尾巴短。 松鼠的尾巴好像一把伞。什么尾巴弯? 什么尾巴扁? 什么尾巴最好看? 公鸡的尾巴弯。 鸭子的尾巴扁。 孔雀的尾巴最好看。

7、阿宝的耳朵 阿宝不爱洗耳朵, 泥土积了半寸厚。 每天在外走啊走, 种子飞进耳朵沟。 春天到,太阳照, 耳朵里面长出草。 小牛见了咪咪笑, 追着阿宝吃青草 8、凑十歌 一加九,十只小蝌蚪, 二加八,十只花老鸭, 三加七,十只老母鸡, 四加六,十只顽皮猴, 五加五,十只大老虎。 9、大小多少记得牢 一个大,一个小, 一只老虎一只猫。 一个多,一个少, 一群大雁一只鸟。 数一数,瞧一瞧, 大小多少记得牢。 10、大鱼和小鱼 大鱼不来小鱼来, 小鱼不来虾蟹来, 虾蟹来了小鱼来, 小鱼来了大鱼来。 11、登山 三月三,小三去登山; 上山又下山,下山又上山;登了三次山,跑了三里三;出了一身汗,湿了三件衫;小三山上大声喊: “离天只有三尺三。”12、滴答滴答 滴答,滴答,下雨啦! 春天的小草发芽啦, 春天的小溪哗啦啦, 春天的小树绿头发, 春天的小人要长大! 13、小花鹿栽树 小花鹿, 栽树忙, 栽在自己头顶上。 不浇水, 不施肥, 一片叶子都不长。 14、翻跟头 小妞妞,围兜兜, 兜兜里头装豆豆, 吃了豆豆翻跟头, 左边翻个六,漏了九颗豆。右边翻个九,漏了六颗豆。问你翻了几个大跟头, 漏了几颗小豆豆? 15、和尚挑水 一个和尚挑水喝, 挑得快来挑得多; 两个和尚抬水喝, 你嫌沉来他嫌多; 三个和尚没水喝, 坐在那里直念佛; 九天九夜缸没水, 等着下雨好口渴。


50首简单好听又好记的儿歌1、小燕子 小燕子,穿花衣,年年春天来这里; 我问燕子你为啥来,燕子说:“这里的春天最美丽” 小燕子,告诉你,今年这里更美丽。 2、小伞花 下雨拉!冒泡拉!小伞花儿都开拉。 赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,我采一朵笑哈哈! 3、春天 春风吹,暖洋洋。草儿绿,花儿香。 - 柳树穿上绿衣裳,小蜜蜂,采蜜忙。 4、宝宝鸟 天上小鸟吱吱叫,托儿所的宝宝哈哈笑。 小朋友们做游戏,我们是快乐的宝宝鸟。 5、春天到 春天到,春天到。美丽的花儿开放了。 蝴蝶翩翩在舞蹈。小鸟喳喳在欢笑。 小小青蛙上下跳。春天春天真正好。 5、春天到 春天到,春天到。地上长出小绿草。 . 花儿香,鸟儿叫。春天春天多美好。 6、树的变化 一棵树儿高又大,树上鸟儿叫喳喳。 春天大树发新芽,夏天大树开红花。 秋天北风呼啦啦,冬天鸟儿就搬家。 7、春天

春天天气真好,花儿都开了。杨柳树枝对着我们弯弯腰。 蝴蝶姑娘飞来了,蜜蜂嗡嗡叫。小白兔一蹦一跳又一跳。 8、一日常规儿歌 早早起,不迟到,爸爸妈妈再见了。进园来,讲礼貌,看见老师说声早。 — 爱清洁,讲卫生,果皮纸屑不乱抛。排好队,做早操,步伐整齐队列好。 吃早餐,心情好,高高兴兴吃得饱。学习时,要专心,积极发言动脑筋。 活动后,不打闹,团结友爱兴致高。洗好手,吃午饭,不挑菜来不剩饭。 大小便,要洗手,不让细菌进入口。午饭后,睡午觉,安安静静睡得好。 9、入园常规儿歌 ①太阳出来咪咪笑,小朋友们上学校。见了老师问声好!见了同伴把手招。讲文明、懂礼貌,我们都是好宝宝。 ②小鸟自己飞,小猫自己跑,XX是个好孩子,不让妈妈抱。爸爸妈妈去上班,我上幼儿园,也不哭,也不闹,叫声老师好。 10、吃早饭 ①小调羹手中拿,一口饭一口菜,吃饭时不喧哗,垃圾扔进小碗里,自己的饭菜都吃光,桌面地面都干净。 ②小宝宝吃早餐,椅子小手都放好。吃早餐,身体好。一口一口吃个饱。 ; 11、洗手 ①小脸盆,水清请,小朋友们笑盈盈,小手儿,伸出来,洗一洗,白又净,吃饭前,先洗手,讲卫生,不得病。 ②小小手讲卫生,洗一洗,白又净,饭前便后都要洗,天天做到不生病。 12、吃饭 吃饭时,坐端正,右手拿调羹,左手扶着碗。细细嚼,慢慢咽,不剩饭,不挑菜,自己吃饭真能干。 13、进餐后 小手绢,四方方,拿起它,擦嘴巴。一二三,左右擦,嘴巴乐得笑哈哈。



01Edelweiss 雪绒花 Edelweiss,Edelweiss,雪绒花,雪绒花, Every morning you greet me.每天清晨你问候我. Small and white,clean and bright,小巧洁白,清纯亮丽. You look happy to meet me.看见我,你多高兴. Blossom of snow,盛开的雪花, may you bloom and grow,愿你开放生长. Bloom and grow forever.永远开放生长. Edelweiss,Edelweiss,雪绒花,雪绒花, Bless my hometown forever.永远保佑我的故乡. 03Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 小星星 Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! Up above the world so high.远在天上高高挂. Like a diamond in the sky.闪闪发光大钻石, Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! 04 Hello 哈罗 Hello,hello.哈罗,哈罗. Hello, how are you?哈罗,你好吗? I'm fine,I'm fine.我很好,我很好.

I hope that you are,too. 我希望你也很好. 06 Hey Diddle Diddle 摇啊摇 Hey diddle,diddle,摇啊摇,摇啊摇, The cat and the fiddle,小提琴和小猫, The cow jumped over the moon,母牛跳过了月亮; The little dog laughed小狗见了哈哈笑, to see such sport,做做运动真美妙, And the dish ran away with the spoon.汤勺跟着盘子跑. 07 Mozart's Lullaby 摇篮曲 Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝. so peaceful the birds and the sheep.小鸟和羊群多么安静, Quiet are meadow and trees,牧场和树林静悄悄, even the buzz of the bees.蜜蜂也不再嗡嗡叫. The silvery moon beams so bright.银色的月光多么皎洁, Down through the window give light.通过窗子送来光亮. O'er you the moon beams will creep.噢,月光将会慢慢移动. Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝. Good night,good night.晚安,晚安. 08Six little Ducks 六只小鸭子 Six little ducks that I once knew,从前我认识六只小鸭子,

经典英语歌曲 歌词

经典英语歌曲 目录 我会永远爱你/I will always love you 【保镖】 感觉真好/What a Feeling 【闪电舞/Flash Dance】 奔放的旋律/Unchained Melody 【人鬼情未了】 化装舞会/This Masquerade 【情人】 你可曾见过雨/Have You Ever Seen The Rain 【费城故事】 此情永不移/nothing gonna change my love for you 【廊桥遗梦】当男人爱上女人/when a man loves a woman 【当男人爱上女人】 改变世界/Change the world 【不一样的本能/Phenomenon】 昨日/Yesterday 孤独的意义/Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 伟大的爱/The Greatest Love Of All 此情永不移/nothing gonna change my love for you 【廊桥遗梦】爱情故事/Love Story 【爱情故事】 雪绒花/EDELWEISS 【音乐之声】 毕业生【毕业生】 一无所有/Nothing to lose 【女人香】 那可能是你/IT MIGHT BE YOU 【杜丝先生】 一切为你/EVERYTHING I DO【罗宾汉】 阿根廷别为我哭泣/DON’T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA【贝隆夫人】慢速 情不自禁/CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE【偷窥】慢速

勇于面对/AGAINST ALL ODDS【危情】 永远赞美/VIVA FOREVER【完美的世界】 漂亮女人/PRETTY WOMAN【风月俏佳人】 真爱/FALLING INTO YOU【本能】#### 面对面/FACE TO FACE【蝙蝠侠再战江湖】#### 明天不会死/Tomorrow Never Dies 【007之明日帝国】带走我的呼吸/TAKE MY BREATH AWAY【壮志凌云】 我会永远爱你/I will always love you 【保镖】 if I should stay I would only be in your way so I'll go, but I know I'll think of you every step of the way and I will always love you I will always love you you, my darling you, you bitter sweet memories that is all I'm taking with me so goodbye, please don't cry we both know I'm not what you need and I will always love you I will always love you accompaniment I hope life treats you kind and I hope you have all you dreamed off and I wish to you joy and happiness but above all this I wish to you love and I will always love you I will always love you

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